• Published 23rd Sep 2012
  • 11,302 Views, 110 Comments

Legend of Spyro: Friendship is Magic - FaizGuy

This is a blend of the Legend of Spyro Series with My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic.

  • ...

Griffon the Brush Off

Fluttershy adjusted her small red reading glasses as she picked up a book. It was a pleasant night in her own opinion. She had just finished feeding the nocturnal animals of her home. She was very happy for a nice bat couple, having helped with the birth of their triplet babies, all boys. She snuggled into her covers a bit more as she turned on her lamp. She didn’t really have much of an electric bill since she had installed a few power packs into her home with Twilight’s help. She just needed to send electricity through them to charge them up and they would provide her a total of seventy-two hours of electricity, 12 hours on each power pack.

She turned a page in her book, intent on finding out just what was going to happen to Daring Do. Just as she began to read the new page, her body tensed a little. There were normally small sounds in the air around her home. Now…Now there was just silence…absolute silence. She knew that animals would normally go silent only when one thing happened…There was a big threat near the area. The roof of her bedroom broke apart as something lunged at her through it, roaring. Fluttershy’s scream reached all the way across Ponyville.

“Oh my goodness! Oh my goodness!” Fluttershy quickly repeated over and over as she shot out of her room with the blur chasing her, “G-Go away, please!”

The blur dodged the tiny net of electricity Fluttershy sent…only to dodge a laser fire. The blur flew off just as Drobot and Rainbow Dash flew over.

“Fluttershy!” Rainbow called as she landed and held the pink-haired Mare close, “Are you okay? That thing didn’t hurt you, did it?”

“I…I’m scared…” Fluttershy whimpered as Drobot looked around, his optic now a vivid shade of green.

=Infrared Detection: Failure= Drobot informed =Unknown assailant unable to ascertain=

“Huh?” Rainbow blinked as Spyro landed with Twilight on his back.

“He said whatever that thing that made Fluttershy scream is long gone,” Spyro replied as Twilight’s magic covered Fluttershy for a few seconds.

“She doesn’t have any injuries aside from…” Twilight trailed off, not sure how to bring up what she saw.

“…We know about those,” Rainbow scowled at the Unicorn before Spyro hiccupped another scroll.

“Now?” Twilight pondered as she quickly opened the letter, “Sparx, wake up and shine some light.”

“Fine, fine,” Sparx yawned as he floated out of Twilight’s hair to shine his light on the scroll.

“‘My Faithful Student, As you know, the Griffon Kingdom’s Ambassador is visiting. He has requested to not stay in Canterlot. His reason for doing so is because of a dislike of living in ‘fancy areas.’ Therefore, I would like you to take in him, his mate, his niece, and his mate’s foster son during their stay for negotiations with the Griffon Kingdom. Signed, Princess Celestia,’” Twilight muttered as she read, “Eep. As if tonight wasn’t annoying enough.” She quickly pulled out a blank scroll and a quill pen, “‘Dear Princess Celestia, I will be happy to allow the Griffon Ambassador and his family to stay here during the negotiations. However, right now we have a situation on Fluttershy being assaulted by something. We know that it’s not an animal since they all seem to love her as a mother. Currently, I can prove this for a large group of the more-menacing of animals is near us, looking at Fluttershy in concern.’” She paused to take the developed photo Sparx had taken of said animals nearby, one of which being the Manticore Fluttershy had removed the thorn from its paw for, “‘Is there a possible way for extra security to be added? Your Faithful Student, Twilight Sparkle.’”

Spyro was given the scroll and instantly sent it to the princess. Rainbow scowled at the Unicorn.

“Why’d you tell her that?!” Rainbow demanded.

“Because I don’t think just us will be enough to make sure nothing happens to Fluttershy,” Twilight replied, “But for now, Rainbow, we’ll all stay with Fluttershy in case of another attack.”

“That explains th’ scream we heard at Sweet Apple Acres,” Applejack frowned as the Mane Six sat in the library with Spyro, Sparx, Boomer, and Drobot, Rainbow sitting directly beside Fluttershy, a wing around the trembling pale gold-coated Pegasus.

Angel hopped in with a bowl of fruit salad. Strangely, there were no pears in the salad. The reason for that was that Fluttershy hated pears. She tried one, did not like it, and avoided any and all pears from then on. He put it on Fluttershy’s lap before hitting Rainbow with a thrown carrot.

“Hey!” Rainbow snapped as the rabbit hopped back into the kitchen…where a tomato flew out of it and hit Applejack.

“How many times do Ah have t’ say ‘sorry’ fer th’ incident?!” Applejack demanded, shaking a fist at the kitchen while Fluttershy gave a tiny giggle.

“He’s trying to help me calm down from last night,” Fluttershy assured as she looked down at the salad, “I still don’t understand what it was that attacked me or why, though…”

“We know it could fly since it dodged Drobot’s laser,” Rainbow pointed out, “Seemed fast, too.”

“Well, whatever it was, we’ll need to guard Fluttershy at all times,” Twilight informed before using her magic to pull in a marker-board with all their headshots on it, “Today, she’ll stay with me and Spyro. Tomorrow, she’ll have Rarity and Drobot around her. The next day will have Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie while the next will have Boomer and Applejack. We’ll continue cycling this until the threat either leaves for good or we catch it.”

“Uh, Twilight? You’re forgetting about the ambassador showing up today?” Sparx asked, causing Twilight to pale.

“Oh buck me! I forgot!” Twilight screamed before she began to zip around with her magic going nuts in organizing and cleaning, “Spyro, get off your plot and help clean up the place!”

Spyro rolled his eyes. He knew her all too well about this OCD she had. He asked Shining Armor once about it and had it confirmed. Afterwards, he spent the rest of that day with Sparx, rolling on the floor and laughing. It was then the door to the library was knocked on and Twilight zipped over and opened in once her hair was right.

“Excuse me, Lassie, but do you know a Ms. Twilight Sparkle?” a Scottish voice pondered.

“Yes, my name is Twilight Sparkle and…” Twilight informed before freezing up.

Before her were two figures, one a griffon and the other more of an eagle. The griffon wore a formal black top and pants with her feathers and fur being shades of black. On her wrists and ankles were silver ornaments while her head had a silver helmet. The eagle had no wings. He wore a blue and black kilt with strange blue and light-blue armor on his torso, lower arms, and lower legs. He had a strange pack-like item on his back, a tube going out of a part of it and into a strange silver and blue blaster attached to his left arm. On its torso was a blue jewel with a carving resembling the wind etched into it.

“Me name is Jet-Vak, I’m the Griffon Kingdom’s ambassador,” the eagle informed in the Scottish accent as he wrapped an arm around the griffon’s waist, “And this is me soon-to-be wife, Sonic Boom.”

“A pleasure to meet you, Ms. Sparkle,” Sonic Boom informed, “Princess Celestia and Princess Candace both spoke fondly of you while Princess Luna spoke of how grateful she is to you and your friends.”

“Oh! Well, it was nothing,” Twilight replied before looking around, “Um…Is it just you two for now?”

“Oh no, no, no. Me niece is searchin’ fer a friend of hers. A ‘Rainbow Dash’ as I recall her saying,” Jet-Vak replied.

“As for my foster son…Sunburn, please come down from there,” Sonic Boom ordered as she turned to a house’s roof nearby.

“Okay, Mom!”

A fireball zipped down before going into the library, dispersing to reveal a surprising sight. He appeared to be avian at first glance, but the cobalt underbelly and gold ‘Spyrohawk’ were the signs of a dragon. The fire-themed feathers on his body were, when examined closely, actually scales with a feather-like appearance. He had talons for hands and feet much like Sonic Boom and Jet-Vak did. The ‘feather-scales’ around his blazing eyes were a rich cobalt. His tail was covered in burning scarlet feathers. He wore a black jacket over a white shirt and black baggy pants.

“This is my adopted son, Sunburn,” Sonic Boom introduced.

“Heya! Nice to see ya!” Sunburn smirked, “I’m ready to Roast ‘N’ Toast any newcomers today in pranks!”

“You’re a dragon!” Spyro gawked.

“Huh? Is it really that noticeable?” Sunburn asked.

“Only the underbelly and your ‘mohawk,’” Sparx replied.

“Told you it was a good idea,” Sonic Boom whispered to Jet-Vak.

“Aye,” Jet-Vak chuckled as Twilight motioned for Sonic Boom to come over to her and Fluttershy.

“Yes?” Sonic Boom asked.

“How did you end up with Sunburn? I mean, how does he look part Griffon and part Dragon?” Twilight asked.

“Well, a phoenix that lived near the village I was raised in found his egg. She brought it to me and gave it some of her immortal flames. When the egg hatched, Sunburn was born as part dragon and part phoenix,” Sonic Boom explained, “He is the only hybrid my village ever knew, but it makes him a desirable target for the Dark Armies.”

“What?! Why?” Fluttershy pondered before the three watched Sunburn was engulfed in fire before it dispersed and reappeared nearby, dispersing to reveal Sunburn in it, “Oh my…”

“He’s able to teleport anywhere without even trying,” Sonic Boom explained.

Rainbow sighed as she rested on a cloud. She had left after making sure that Fluttershy was safe enough. She was about to close her eyes when…

“Rainbow Dash!” her eyes snapped wide open as she looked down to see Pinkie Pie looking around and then up at her.

Rainbow screamed before zipping off, destroying the cloud she was on. Pinkie Pie merely smiled as she bounced after her, motioning to someone nearby. Rainbow Dash zipped through three clouds, leaving holes in them, before hiding behind Applejack’s barn. She glanced back where she had flown to see no Pinkie Pie.

“Phew. That was close,” Rainbow sighed in relief as she turned…


Rainbow’s hair and mane went nuts as she was startled by Pinkie Pie and Sunburn had been behind her. She zipped into the air after that.


Rainbow Dash rocketed off, going so fast she had the trees bending a bit. As the trees settled, Pinkie Pie began to bounce off after her as Sunburn followed her with a confused look. Rainbow panted as she gazed out through the branches of the library/Twilight, Spyro, and Sparx’s home in Ponyville. She sighed in relief once she felt that Pinkie Pie and Sunburn were missing.

“Hi again.”

Rainbow’s hair and tail drooped along with her face, not even bothering to look down to know she was on Pinkie Pie’s head while Sunburn was just giving another confused, if not excited, look. Jet-Vak yelped as he sent his cup of tea into the air as Rainbow’s scream erupted around the library. Fluttershy peeked out from under the couch after a few moments while Jet-Vak was on the ground with hot tea on his head. Outside, Rainbow Dash flew over multiple hills with Pinkie Pie and Sunburn following once more, this time with both bouncing after her.

Unaware to them, Rainbow Dash had hidden behind a cloud. Once she was sure they were gone, she quietly sky-tip-toed over to a lake and landed near it. Pinkie Pie and Sunburn poked out of the water in scuba gear.

“Pfeh,” Pinkie Pie spat her breather out, “As much as I like doing this chase scene in all the other stories revolving around Season One, I need a favor, Rainbow Dash.”

“Waaa--oh, forget it…” Rainbow sighed as she floated down from her aerial attempt to flee.

“I enjoyed that,” Sunburn chuckled as he shook his scales/feathers dry.

“I totally promise it'll be totally fun. Especially since we’ve got a new buddy to do it with. We almost never have a fellow prankster set up for this episode!” Pinkie Pie beamed.

“Okay…” Rainbow sighed as she rolled her eyes.

“Over to the right. No no, a little to the left. Oh wait, back to the right. Now a little leftish while staying rightly. Stop. Hmm. Maybe a few inches to the south. Now a couple centimeters north. …Okay. One more smidgimeter to the…”

“Pinkie Pie!” Rainbow shouted as she and Sunburn held a cloud over Town Hall.

“Uh, I mean, perfect. Now wait for my signal, you two,” Pinkie Pie advised before she zipped behind a bush nearby.

“Okay, so we’re sleeping in the basement…why?” Sparx complained as he flew out behind Spyro, who was carrying a few dozen blank scrolls.

"Because it's the right thing to do for now. They're guests, Sparx."

"Yeah. So make them sleep in the basement," Sparx frowned at his friend's response.

Pinkie Pie pointed and nodded. Rainbow Dash kicked the cloud and thunder and lightning went off. Spyro yelped as he tossed the scrolls into the air. It was quiet for a few moments before he hiccupped, releasing a bit of magic flames.

“Oh Rainbow Dash, Sunburn, we startled Spyro into getting the hiccups!” Pinkie Pie began to laugh as the other two began to snicker.

“Good one, Pinkie-hiccup!-Pie. Hiccup! You're always pulling a fast one-hiccup!-on me,” Spyro chuckled as he picked up a scroll, only to hiccup and send it away.

“Oh no, you're not hurt are you?” Pinkie Pie asked.

“Our fault entirely if it did,” Sunburn informed.

“Ne-hiccup!-eh, don't be-hiccup!-silly. Dragons are-hiccup!-fire-proof,” Spyro assured.

“Not all of us are dragons, though, buddy,” Sparx advised before ducking another magic flame hiccup.

“Oh, okay, good,” Pinkie Pie sighed in relief before the three pranksters began to laugh.

“I wish the same thing-hiccup!-were true with scrolls,” Spyro sighed.

In Canterlot, Ignitus opened a door. In his mouth were currently two plates with entire cakes on them. He nearly dropped them at seeing Celestia, scrolls hitting her from above. He calmly put them on a table nearby.

“…Hiccups?” Ignitus asked.

“I believe so,” Celestia replied as she saw the scrolls were all blank.

“…Should I be concerned about this?”

“It happens every so often. I recall this one time he did and ended up sending me a little orange book Twilight had,” Celestia giggled, “Oh, she was so adorable when she was embarrassed about that!”

“Is she even home?” Rainbow pondered.

“I don't know,” Pinkie Pie replied.

“I hope so,” Sunburn smirked as he rang the doorbell to Carousel Boutique and ran behind a few bushes with the two Mares, “This is gonna be gold.”

“There she is,” Rainbow whispered as Rarity opened the door.

“Yes? Is anypony there?” Rarity pondered before looking down and gasped in delight, seeing a bouquet of Chrysanthemums, “Oh, how beautiful!”

She sniffed the flowers a little. Suddenly, her nose began to burn a bit. She proceeded to let out a series of sneezes, keeping a tissue over her nose via magic. It was then she heard laughter and saw Pinkie Pie, Rainbow Dash, and Sunburn were laughing. She gave an amused smile in her sneezes when she saw that Sunburn was holding sneezing powder. He paused to dab a little on Pinkie Pie’s nose as they began to run off.

“Aaa-choo!” Pinkie Pie was propelled off by her own sneeze, slightly startling Rarity.

“…Now I was a wee laddie, just out of the RGAF (Royal Griffon Air Force), I began to read through the old fables of yore,” Jet-Vak explained to his fiancé, Spyro, Sparx, and the two Mares, “And what I found in there has been a goal in my life to prove; the Giants!”

“G-Giants?” Fluttershy squeaked as Twilight scribbled it down on a scroll.

“Aye, lassie. Oh, they’re real and they’re spectacular,” Jet-Vak assured, “And they’re huge!”

“Really? You heard the Giants are huge?” Sparx asked as Spyro was drinking a cup of water to stop his hiccups.


“Check it out, this is my ‘Sarcastic Face,’” Sparx informed before making a funny face and earning a few laughs.

“Laugh all you want, but I heard that they can literally throw boulders the size of houses! Can you imagine? Wake up, throw a boulder! Have a plate of Haggis, throw a boulder! How fantastic!”

“I’ve seen a few in a library I went to once,” Sonic Boom added, “They say that the Giants could punch holes in the ground the size of caverns!”

“I don’t really find that logical,” Twilight noted, “I mean, if you can show me a flying pig, then I’ll believe that.”

“Um…Well…” Fluttershy noted, “I heard something about them from my father and Mr. Wildfeather…”

‘Mah brother?’ Jet-Vak pondered as he glanced at the Pegasus.

“They told me that G-Giants could literally pull islands with relative ease,” Fluttershy noted before Twilight gasped.

“What’s wrong?” Jet-Vak asked before seeing the blank scroll Twilight had, “That’s strange. I know that you were writing about this, lassie.”

“It’s them again,” Sparx snickered before looking out the window at the snickering trio, Pinkie Pie holding a bottle of disappearing ink.

“I think we made a mistake in bringing him along, dear,” Jet-Vak sweatdropped as the three ran off from Twilight trying to hit them with a few magic shots.

Applejack hummed a small tune as she walked towards the barn. She stopped while gasping once she entered the barn. The apples had all been painted!

“Land sakes!” Applejack exclaimed before hearing three laughs.

She turned to see Pinkie Pie, Rainbow Dash, and Sunburn. All three were laughing up a storm. Applejack narrowed her eyes when she saw Pinkie Pie had a paint tray while the other two had paint brushes. The three ducked a boulder thrown at them. They dashed off when Applejack threw another at them. The Mare grumbled as she stomped over to where they had been. She raised a brow when she saw one of the brushes had been hit with the paint when they had fled. She picked it up before dropping it into the water. She blushed in embarrassment when she saw the paint easily come off…the blush growing even more when she put one of the apples into the barrel of water only for the paint to come off.

Pinkie Pie bounced up and down in excitement, a squeezing device in her hands. It was connected to a small Equine-made turtle-squirter nearby. Fluttershy cautiously approached the lake to feed the ducks and geese there, Spyro following her.

“Is someone over there? Who're we gonna squirt? Who're we gonna squirt?” Pinkie Pie asked in excitement as Sunburn looked over the bushes they were hiding behind with a pair of binoculars.

“Uh…A Pegasus. Big-whoa!-That sweater does not hide those big hooters. Pale-gold coat, pink hair and tail. Oh, hey, it’s that purple dragon too,” Sunburn noted before Rainbow Dash swiped them.

Rainbow Dash chuckled, “Fluttershy and Spyro.”

WHAT?!” Pinkie Pie gasped as she dropped the trigger, “Nononononono, we can't prank Fluttershy. I mean, she's so sensitive. It'll hurt her feelings, even our most harmless prank. Plus, she’s still afraid of the attacker. What if she thinks that this is part of that attacker’s plans?!”

Rainbow Dash’s eyes widened at that, “Yeah, you're right about that. Tch. Plus, we can’t prank Spyro or else she’ll think that was meant for her.”

“Well now, this means we need something else. We need another victim who's made of tougher stuff,” Sunburn noted.

“So, who's it gonna be?” Rainbow Dash pondered before her two pranking partners began to snicker and giggle and chuckle.

“Oh, I've got someone in mind. The toughest around,” Pinkie Pie giggled, a hand over her mouth.

“Oh, awesome. Who? Who? Do I know them?” Rainbow asked.

“Oh, yes,” Sunburn paused to snort back a laugh, “You're very close.”

Rainbow Dash raised a brow. It was then she looked into the water and saw her reflection. She was sporting a pair of black eyes. Sunburn and Pinkie Pie fell over, laughing, as Sunburn took out a charcoal stick.

“Good one, you two,” Rainbow Dash chuckled.

Jet-Vak yawned before taking a drink of his coffee. He decided to spend the first half of the night as Fluttershy’s guard. Currently, the Pegasus was sound asleep in a bed across from Twilight’s in the Unicorn’s room.

“Shift change,” Jet-Vak looked to the left to see Spyro walking over.

“Sorry, laddie, but I think I can handle another few hours,” Jet-Vak replied.

“You sure?” Spyro asked.

“This is nothing,” Jet-Vak replied, “One time, I spent three days wide awake for a bodyguard job back home. ‘Course, I still had my wings back then.”

“What happened to them?” Spyro asked.

“Well, it was the night I met me lovely mate,” Jet-Vak explained, “A fire had broken out in an apartment complex. Sunburn was over at a friend’s house. I was helping with evacuating the place when I hear her cry out. A broken beam had caught her and crushed her wings.”

“But she…” Spyro began.

“That’s because I gave her me wings,” Jet-Vak replied, “I’m no Griffon, I’m a Sky Baron. When we reach a certain age, we’re given magic wings as a sign of maturity. I gave her my wings to have hers heal. ‘Course, it took a lot out of me and she ended up flying us out. We hit it off while we were recovering and started dating a bit after that. Few years later, we’re mates and I’m now a pappy.”

“So what about that thing on your back? Is that your replacement wings?” Spyro asked.

“Aye. It was Master Eon who gave me my jetpack and Air Blaster,” Jet-Vak explained.

“Master Eon?”

“A good friend of mine. Remind me to introduce you to him one day, laddie,” Jet-Vak chuckled before he and Spyro tensed, “You felt that, laddie?”

“Yeah. It’s too quiet,” Spyro replied before lightly opening the door to Twilight’s room.

“Nothin’ seems to be out of place,” Jet-Vak noted as he narrowed his eyes while they entered the room, “But you can never be too careful.”

A creaking sound went off. The two barely dodged a falling bookcase, waking up the two girls. The figure from the night before rushed at Fluttershy, a glint barely visible. Fluttershy froze up.

“Daddy! Uncle Gerard!! Stoooooooop!!!”

Fluttershy’s head was filled with intense pain as she remembered the last time she ever saw her father and her father’s closest friend alive. Just as the figure was upon her, a blast of wind slammed into the figure.

“Now see here, ya wee brat,” Jet-Vak growled, “No one, and I mean no one, is going to be hurting a friend of mine before me very eyes. Time for you to deal with a little Hawk and Awe! Eagle-Air Battle Gear!”

His armor glowed before more formed on his arms, legs, and torso. His jetpack turned sleeker with wing-like attachments on the sides as a vivid-green visor covered his eyes. His blaster reshaped, the front becoming wider as blade-like fans formed around the front with rocket-like items appearing inside of it.

“Time for you to deal with the Feathers of Fury,” Vet-Vak scowled before firing an eagle-shaped mass of high-pressured air at the figure.

The figure barely dodged as the tree now sported an eagle-shaped hole. The figure ran and jumped through a window, the cloak the figure wore tearing apart in places to reveal a few feathers and a talon/hand.

“A Griffon…!” Jet-Vak gasped as the figure shot off through the skies.


The two males in the room turned to see Twilight was trying to shake Fluttershy awake. The Pegasus had fallen onto her side with her eyes clouded over, tears on their brims.

“Rise and shine Rainbow Dash!” Pinkie Pie called as she blew a party favor, “It's a brand new day and we got a lot of pranking to…” she paused as a Griffon with an Eagle theme to her poked her head out from the cloud Pinkie Pie was blowing at, “Ooh.”

The Griffon landed before her. She seemed to be around Rainbow’s age and had an athletic build. She had a high B-Cup under a black tee and a black sleeveless vest. Over her legs were a pair of jeans with the knees torn off. Rainbow Dash landed beside her with a grin.

“Mornin', Pinks. Gilda, this is my gal pal, Pinkie Pie,” Rainbow introduced.

“Hey. What's up?” the griffon greeted.

“Pinkie, this is my griffon friend, Gilda. She’s visiting Ponyville with her uncle and his wife and their kid. We met Jet-Vak, Sonic Boom, and Sunburn yesterday, remember?”

“Oh yeah! Wait, I forgot. What's a griffon?” Pinkie Pie asked.

“She's half-eagle, half-lion…” Rainbow began to explain.

“And all awesome,” Gilda finished before making a swiping gesture and a playful roar, “Raa. Heh-haa. Yeah, that's right.”

“Gilda's my best friend from my days at Junior Speedster flight camp. Hey, remember the chant?” Rainbow asked the Griffon.

“Sha, they made us recite it every morning, I'll never get that lame thing out of my head,” Gilda rolled her eyes.

“Sooo…” Rainbow gave her a hopeful look.

“Ugh. Only for you, Dash,” Gilda gave the cyan Pegasus a soft smile.
[Rainbow Dash and Gilda]
Junior Speedsters are our lives,
Sky-bound soars and daring dives
Junior Speedsters, it's our quest,
To some day be the very best!

Pinkie Pie began to laugh as she applauded, “Oh that was awesome, and it gave me a great idea for a prank. Gilda, you game?”

“Huh. Well, I groove on a good prank as much as the next griffon. But Dash, you promised me we'd get a flying session in this morning.”

“Yeah, uh, well, Pinkie Pie, you don't mind, do you?” Rainbow turned to the pink Earth Pony, “Gilda just got here. We'll catch up with you later. I promise.”

“Oh. Um, well sure, no problem. Have fun you guys, I'll, uh, just catch up with you…” Pinkie Pie began to say before they flew off, “…later.”

She blew her party hooter sadly. Even the noise it gave off reflected on its owner. She glanced over to the side to see Volteer landing, panting.

“Volteer? What are you doing here?” Pinkie Pie pondered.

“Spyro…message…assault last night…Hospital,” Volteer said between gulps of air.

“Hospital?” Pinkie Pie repeated before gasping, “Fluttershy?”

“She’s slipped into a miniature coma of sorts,” Nurse Redheart explained as she informed the group outside a room where Fluttershy was resting in a bed, “I was able to do a scan of her psyche. It…She’s experienced Post Traumatic Stress Disorder and it caused her to experience an attack on her systems. I’m not sure how long she’ll be in her coma.”

“Thank you,” Twilight nodded before glancing over at Volteer, who just stared at Fluttershy thought the observation window, “Volteer?”

“…Who did this?” Volteer asked, eerily calm, “Who caused this?”

“It was a Griffon,” Sonic Boom replied, “My mate told me he saw the feathers and talons of a Griffon. We checked my mate’s niece, but one thing I know about her is that she’s a heavy sleeper and had gone to bed before any of us did. Jet-Vak checked on her once before going up to guard Fluttershy and once more after the attack. Both times she was sound asleep.”

“I swear that when I find the one who hurt her, my fangs will rip their wings off, my claws shall rend their legs to ribbons, the nails of my wings will strike their back,” Volteer trembled as the lights in the area they were in began to go nuts, “I swear upon my ancestral blood that the Griffon that did this to an innocent soul as Fluttershy shall be killed by my very breath! Because now there is no force on this planet that can stop me!”

It was then Volteer released a roar. The lights shattered as the energy racing through them overloaded. The Electric Dragon Elder walked off as Twilight began to lower the magic barrier she had made for the others.

“This is terrible,” Twilight gulped.

“What do you mean?” Sparx asked.

“When a dragon swears upon their ancestral blood to do something, they will enter a complete state of fulfilling that task no matter what the cost,” Twilight explained, “It was something I read in the books back at the Dragon Temple, a quote Celestia had written in one. ‘To anger a Dragon blessed with Electric Breath is to anger a thousand lightning storms condensed to the size of a marble. Volteer showed this when he was angered by a single Ape for killing a friend of his. The entire area was obliterated by that force. It took the combined might of the other Dragon Elders in order to subdue him.’”

Pinkie Pie gulped. She and the other Elements of Harmony had seen the strength Ignitus had the first time they were at the Dragon Temple and he was weak then. If Volteer had been recovering just like the others…

“We need to tell Mom about this and fast,” Spyro stated as Sparx was already scribbling down a letter nearby, sweating like crazy.

“…I’m starting to think we’d better keep Gilda indoors until this settles down,” Jet-Vak gulped.

“Agreed,” Sonic Boom nodded.

“How does she have PTSD? Was it because of what I’ve been hearing about Princess Celestia’s prized student and her friends going out to help some of the outside nations?” Sunburn whispered.

“That was us,” Pinkie Pie replied, her hair starting to lose bits of its puffiness, “But it wasn’t just that. I think she’s had it for years now, but it never really surfaced until last night.”

“I…I see…” Sunburn nodded.

“She was the lassie, wasn’t she?” the group looked at Jet-Vak, “She was the lassie who had nearly died in the Cloudsdale Civil War, wasn’t she?”

“…I’m not sure how to respond to it. I never even heard about the Civil War,” Twilight admitted.

“I have. When I was at Sweet Apple Acres once, I caught Applejack sleeping under an apple tree,” Sparx explained, “Turns out that she sleep-talks and that if you say the right words, you can get her to say anything.”

“What did you learn?” Jet-Vak asked.

“Well, when I mentioned Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash, she mumbled something about Fluttershy’s dad and his friend along with something about a double suicide and ‘one rich Mare.’”

“…Then it is her,” Jet-Vak sighed as he took out a wallet and pulled a single picture out, “That Griffon from the double suicide was me brother.” Everyone looked at him in surprise, “We had different mothers with me mother being a Sky Baron like our father while me younger brother’s mother was a Griffon. We got along great just like any brothers would. Didn’t much care ‘bout being different species. Then we met Silent Storm in Flight School and hit it off with him, though me brother had the better bond of friendship with him, he was the Best Man at his wedding while me brother and I were co-Best Mans at his since we introduced him to his wife, the ancestors bless her soul. Me brother had sent Gilda to stay with me when the Civil War began. It wasn’t until a year after the war ended that I got the letter from the morgue about their deaths.”

He showed them the photo he had taken out. The picture was on Jet-Vak and two others, a Griffon and a Pegasus. Jet-Vak was missing his weapons and armor, having an impressive pair of wings instead. The Griffon seemed to be more of a masculine version of Gilda with jade eyes. The Pegasus had Fluttershy’s coat, but his hair and tail were pale ash-emerald in color. Jet-Vak had his arms on their shoulders while the griffon held a baby Griffon in his arms while the Pegasus had a baby Pegasus in his.

“That’s Fluttershy as a baby,” Twilight realized.

“Aye. Took me a bit to see that resemblance,” Jet-Vak noted, “Both sent me letters during the war. Fluttershy was supposed to be taken to her aunt in Canterlot, but it seems that she ended up finding a way back to Cloudsdale.”

Gilda and Rainbow Dash laughed as they flew around, performing various tricks. They soon landed on one of the nearby clouds.

“Whoa, that was sweet. Just like old times,” Gilda chuckled.

“Yeah, only faster. So now what?” Rainbow pondered.

“Hey there.”

“Huh?” the two turned to see Pinkie Pie on Sunburn’s back as he landed on the cloud.

“It's later. And I caught up,” Pinkie Pie greeted.

“Hey,” Sunburn waved.

“Ugh, twip, what are you doing here?”

“I came with Pinkie Pie,” Sunburn replied.

“Pinkie Pie, you are so random,” Rainbow Dash chuckled.

“Rainbow Dash, there’s something I…” Pinkie Pie began.

“Hey Dash, think you got enough gas left to beat me to that cloud?” Gilda interrupted as she pointed at a cloud at a higher area.

“A race? You are so on!” Rainbow replied.

“One, two, three, go!” Gilda declared before they zipped off.

“Hey!” Sunburn shouted.

“After that Pegasus, Sunny!” Pinkie Pie ordered.

“Aye-aye!” Sunburn saluted before flying after them just as they had finished their race.

“I win,” Rainbow smirked.

“As if. I won, dude,” Gilda replied.

“No way.”

“Yes way.”

“Oh, come on, I was way ahead of you.”

“Uh, I don't think so.”

“Oh Geez, dream on.”

“Remember back in camp? I…”

“There is no way you beat me,” Rainbow giggled.

“Whatever,” Gilda gave a sly smile.

“Wow guys, that was really close, but I think Rainbow Dash beat you by a teeny weeny itty bitty hair, or a teeny weeny itty bitty feather,” Pinkie Pie informed as Sunburn landed once more.

“Hah, see? Good thing Pinkie Pie's here to keep you honest, G,” Rainbow smirked as Gilda frowned for a moment.

“Anyways, Rainbow Dash, we have a little problem with…” Pinkie Pie began.

“Dash, last one to that cloud up there is a gnarly phoenix egg. Go!” Gilda shouted before Rainbow Dash raced off to a cloud in the distance before Gilda glared at the two, “I think the high altitude is making you dizzy, Earth Twerp. Take her down, Twip.”

“But we need to…” Sunburn began before Gilda grabbed his beak.

“Shut it, Twip. Don't you two know how to take ‘get lost’ for an answer? Dash doesn't need to hang with dweebs like you now that I'm around. You're dorkin' up the skies, Stinkie Pie, Sunburnt, so make like bees and BUZZ OFF!”

“But, Cousin, Fluttershy is…”

“No one!” Gilda snapped, “I don’t give a flying fig on what you want, Twip. So make like a tree and leave!”

With that, she zipped off after Rainbow Dash. The pink pony and the dragon/phoenix looked at each other and sighed. They had tried to be subtle, but drastic times call for drastic measures.

“Oh yeah. I won that time,” Rainbow Dash smirked as Gilda landed on the cloud.

“Yeah, yeah. I’ll beat you…” Gilda began before a megaphone’s feedback went off.

=Attention! Attention, Rainbow Dash! You are required to head to Ponyville General at once= Pinkie Pie called into a megaphone.

=Cousin Gilda, you need to go back to the library, too. A dragon is on the warpath for any Griffons in Ponyville right now= Sunburn added into his own megaphone.

=Please, Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy’s in a coma!=

“What?” Rainbow gasped softly as the color of her coat, hair, and tail seemed to start going dull.

“Yeah right,” Gilda snorted as she turned back to see a rainbow streak going across the sky to Ponyville General, “Tch. Those damn spazzoids…”

“Fluttershy!” Rainbow cried out as she flew into the hospital before Ignitus placed a claw over her lips as Terrador and Cyril stopped her by grasping her tail.

“Hush,” Rarity silenced her before pointing at the observation window, “Nurse Redheart is refusing to let anypony do into her room today.”

“Ah knew Ah should’ve talked her into goin’ t’ see one of them psycho-therapist ponies,” Applejack sighed.

“That guy told you about it?!” Rainbow growled, “Of all the…! Ugh! I’m not going to insult the dead. I’m not going to insult the dead…” Rainbow Dash let electricity cover her left fist before slamming it into a wall and made multiple cracks form on the surface, “Buck it to high Tartarus! I swear that I’m going to electrocute the jerk who did this to her!”

“You’ve been beaten to it by Volteer. He plans on killing the one who’s been attacking her,” Twilight admitted, making Applejack, Rarity, and Rainbow freeze up.

“Volteer is here?” Rarity asked.

“And he done said he was gonna do what now?” Applejack blinked.

“You all know how he was close to Fluttershy, almost as if she were a daughter he never had,” Twilight explained, “Right now, Volteer wanting to go as far as completely killing the one out to get Fluttershy is proof that he is acting like a mad father.”

“It’s because one of those eggs that had been destroyed was Volteer’s,” Ignitus informed.

“He took it the worst out of us all when it came to what happened that night. He actually went off on his own and we had to work together to stop his rampage on the Apes,” Ignitus explained.

“Wait. But what Princess Celestia had written down…”

“Was something I asked her to do,” Ignitus informed before sighing, “I didn’t want others to use that night as a way to get at Volteer, but it seems that he caused it to himself.”

“When he finds out who exactly is doing all this, Ponyville will be completely destroyed in his killing of the attempted murderer,” Cyril shuddered.

“What?!” the girls-minus Rainbow-, Spyro, and Sparx exclaimed.

“…” Rainbow just blocked the discussion out as she placed a hand on the glass, looking at the sleeping Pegasus.

A little girl sniffled as she sat before two graves, her face covered by her pale rose hair. A Pegasus woman with a gentle cyan-coat and a magenta hair and tail walked over to her. Beside her, a cyan-coated girl with a rainbow hair and tail stood, trying not to look depressed about the graveyard.

“Your father was a good Stallion, Fluttershy,” the adult gently spoke, “As was his friend. To leave you with all the money they had along with your father’s home…You must have been something special to them both.”

“…But why?” Fluttershy sniffled.

“You’re just the kind of Pony everypony likes,” the other girl noted.

“R-Rainbow Dash…” Fluttershy blushed a bit.

“Come now. You’ll live with us, okay?” the woman smiled gently.

Fluttershy and the adult began to leave, letting Rainbow look at the two graves.

“Why did you have to do this to her, Mr. Storm, Mr. Winter?” Rainbow asked the two graves, “She’s really hurt by you two going away. You should’ve stayed alive to be there for her.” She only got silence, “I swear…I swear that I’ll make sure she won’t feel this way again. That something like this won’t happen to her!”

‘I failed…’ Rainbow thought as a tear slid down her cheek, not noticing the others had left.

“So Pinkie Pie, are you sure that this friend of Rainbow Dash is really so mean?” Twilight asked as they walked along a street.

“Um, yeah. She keeps stealing Rainbow Dash away, she interrupted me and Sunny, and she told us to buzz off. She even interrupted us in trying to tell Rainbow Dash that Fluttershy was in the hospital. We had to use a megaphone for it!”

“Why did you even have one?!” Twilight frowned.

“For megaphone emergencies. Anyways, I've never met a griffon this mean. Well, actually, I've never met a griffon at all, but I bet if I had, she wouldn't have been as mean and grumpy as Gilda,” Pinkie Pie replied.

“…You know what I think, Pinkie Pie.”


“Well, I think…you're jealous,” Twilight informed.


“Well, yes. Jealous. Listen Pinkie, I don't want to upset you, but just because Rainbow Dash has another friend doesn't make Gilda a grump. I mean, perhaps it's you, Pinkie, who needs to improve her attitude,” Twilight advised.

“Improve my attitude?!” Pinkie Pie exclaimed, “But I…D…B…It's Gilda that…D…Are you seri…” Pinkie let out a scream of frustration as she stomped off, “Just forget it, Twilight!”

Twilight Sparkle sighed. She already had enough trouble with Fluttershy being in the hospital because of an assassination attempt and having to deal with Volteer most likely planning on how to not only kill the assassin, but also end up destroying Ponyville with it. She began to frown as she thought that maybe she had over done it since she didn’t really know Gilda all that well despite her staying at the Library.

“Maybe Twilight is right. Maybe Gilda isn't a big meanie grumpy mean-meanie-pants,” Pinkie Pie sighed, “Maybe I'm just a big jealous judgmental jealous-jealousy-pants.”

Pinkie Pie sat down at a table near the market street. She looked out at the various businesses, going about their day. It was then she caught sight of Gilda near Granny Smith’s apple cart. She sneaked behind it and extended her tail under the cart. Granny Smith looked down and screamed.

“Aaah! A rattler, a rattler! Run for the hills!” Granny Smith jumped into the air and began to run off as fast as she could…going at a snail’s pace, literally, “Everybody forsake yourselves!”

“Aw, poor Granny Smith, she didn't know it was a joke. How mean,” Pinkie Pie scowled before shaking her head, “No, no, I can't misjudge her. It was kind of a funny prank, I guess…” she froze in her speech when she saw Gilda’s tail grab one of the apples and let ear eat it in one bit, “I did misjudge her. She's not only a meanie mean-pants, she's also a thief. Nonononono, she might give it back. It's just a joke. But then again, she did eat it in one bite…and she’s chewing it…yep, she swallowed it. Oh, yeah, she’s a meanie pants. She's a grump, and a thief, and a bully. The meanest kind of mean meanie-pants there is. This calls for extreme measures, Pinkie Pie style.”

“Hey, Pinkie!” Sunburn called as he flew down, “Uh, you know where Gilda is? Pops is kinda miffed with her not being back at the library.”

“She’s right there. She just scared Granny Smith and stole one of the apples from her cart!” Pinkie Pie replied.

“…She used her tail as a snake-imitation?”

“She did that before?”

“Me, a few times,” Sunburn admitted before looking the walking-away Gilda over once, “…She’s missing some feathers.”


“We’ve lived together for so long that I’ve gotten to know her appearance surprisingly well,” Sunburn replied, “It looks like she got hit by something and caused her to lose a few feathers.”

“…You don’t think…” Pinkie Pie began.

Rainbow Dash’s chest raised and lowered as she sat in a chair directly across from the observation window for Fluttershy’s room. The Pegasus has fallen asleep an hour ago, not once leaving the structure for worry of her friend. A window in Fluttershy’s room had opened up and the assassin entered. The Griffon pulled out a small knife-like sword and began to approach the bed. The Griffon was about to strike when a light was turned on.

“Don’t move,” Rainbow Dash ordered, a sphere of electricity in her left hand aimed directly at the Griffon’s back, “Now slowly lower the hood and back away from Fluttershy.”

“…” the Griffon spun around and slammed a fist into her gut, causing Rainbow Dash to collapse to her knees and dispel her electricity, before turning back to strike down the comatose Pegasus.

“Roast ‘N’ Toast!”

The Griffon’s eyes widened as the Griffon was slammed with a fireball. The fireball dispersed, revealing Sunburn. The cloak of the Griffon erupted into flames upon contact with Sunburn’s attack.

“Well now, seems that you want to cause a national incident…” Sunburn noted as he crossed his arms with a frown as the figure pulled the cloak off, “…Gilda.”

“Stay the hell out of this, Twip,” Gilda growled, “I’m getting my revenge right here, right now.”

“What did she ever do to you?” Sunburn demanded.

She killed my dad!” Gilda snapped, “Gerard Winter was my father and because of this bitch, he killed himself!”

“So I guess the warning I gave you all those years ago fell on deaf ears, lassie,” Gilda backflipped over the pressurized eagle-shaped air shot and blocked the punch Jet-Vak sent at her, “I’m disappointed, really I am.”

“To hell with you and your damn warnings!” Gilda snapped before slamming her forehead into his, dazing the Sky Baron before she slammed him into the window, knocking him through it.

“Pops!” Sunburn gasped before jumping back from the slash Gilda sent at him as she charged at Fluttershy.

“Now die!” Gilda screeched before her hand was hit by a laser shot as Fluttershy began to stand up, her form blurring as she changed into Drobot.

=Disguise shutting down= Drobot informed as Boomer jumped out of the closet with sticks of dynamite at the ready.

“What?!” Gilda gasped before she was slammed into a wall by a pair of magic shots with her hands being ‘soaked’ into the wall.

“Smart thinkin’, Drobot,” Applejack noted as Jet-Vak flew back into the room, she, Twilight, and Rarity appearing from thin air.

=Thank you= Drobot nodded as he pulled a curtain away to reveal Fluttershy in the other bed.

“H-How did you…?”

=We knew that she would be attacked tonight= Drobot informed =Therefore, we planned for this. Though, it was actually Pinkie Pie that did this=

“What?” Gilda scowled.

“Yep! Surprise!” Pinkie Pie beamed as she poked her head out from under the bed Drobot had been occupying, “I began to figure it out from what Mr. Jet-Vak said about the culprit and then when Sunburn noticed you were missing feathers. It took a bit of convincing for Twilight to do this, though, since she thought I was just being jealous of you.”

“Rainbow, you feelin’ alright from th’ hit?” Applejack asked as she helped up the Pegasus.

“Y…You’ve been trying to kill Fluttershy?” Rainbow Dash asked, betrayal evident in her tone.

“You wouldn’t understand. Your family fled from Cloudsdale during the Civil War, just like how me and that bitch got sent away for it. But she…she just had to go back there and get in the way of their fighting. She is the reason my dad died!” Gilda snapped, “I swore that I’d kill her no matter what!”

With a screech, she managed to rip her arms out of the wall and rushed at Fluttershy in their shock. Her talons were nearly upon her before she was slammed by a lightning bolt that destroyed the wall outside, revealing Volteer.

“All of you stay back, now,” Volteer growled, a dark tone in his voice, as he flew into the room.

“Oh no…” Twilight gasped quietly.

“How dare you? I will not allow you to kill her,” Volteer growled, sparks appearing in his mouth.

“Ah! Volteer, no!” Twilight yelped, “You’re in a hospital!”

“Die!” Volteer roared as he rushed at Gilda, grabbing her by the neck and slamming her onto the floor.


Volteer froze in his attempt to blast Gilda with a blast of electricity. The others looked over at Fluttershy as she was crying in her sleep.

“Daddy…Uncle Gerard…” Fluttershy sniffled, “Don’t fight…you’re best…friends…”

Volteer slowly closed her mouth. He kept the griffon in his grasp before slamming her into a wall nearby.

“If you dare come near her again, nothing will keep me from killing you. Understand?” Volteer growled as Gilda nodded frantically, “Good…But to make sure you know this; this will be your reminder.”

Before anyone could move, Gilda’s eyes widened. Volteer chewed slowly before swallowing. Gilda looked down at what had been her left arm. Before she could even scream, Volteer had released her, spun, and slammed her into the distance with his tail. He walked over and gently patted Fluttershy’s head.

“It is okay, Fluttershy. Do not cry for them nor cry for doing what you thought was right,” Volteer soothed, “Though your birth-father and his friend are gone from this world, they will always remain in your memories and your heart. Never forget that.”

Pinkie Pie hummed as she finished setting up the streamers. Fluttershy was being let out of the hospital after four days of being in a coma. The entire time, Rainbow Dash and Volteer had stayed near her. The Dragon Elders and Twilight had been spending that time trying to figure out just how Fluttershy in a coma was able to snap him out of his rage.

“Hey Pinkie,” the pink pony turned to see Twilight walk in, “Sorry I accused you of misjudging Gilda. Looks likes I'm the one who misjudged you.”

“It's okay Twilight, even you can't be a super smart smarty smart-pants all the time,” Pinkie Pie assured as she hugged the Unicorn, “Now come on, Twilight, there's still a whole lotta party to finish preparing for and I could sure use some help!”

“Ok, but is it okay if I write my letter to Princess Celestia first?” Twilight asked.

“Sure!” Pinkie replied as she pulled out a blank scroll, a quill pen, her bottle of disappearing ink, and a normal bottle of ink.

“How did you…?” Twilight raised a brow.

“Just in case of emergencies,” Pinkie Pie replied before taking a cupcake out of her shirt and ate it.

“…Okaaay…” Twilight used her magic to take the items and went to work, “‘Dearest Princess Celestia, Today I learned that it's hard to accept when somepony you like wants to spend time with somepony who's not so nice. Though it's impossible to control who your friends hang out with, it is possible to control your own behavior. Just continue to be a good friend. In the end, the difference between a false friend and the one who is true will surely come to light. Your faithful student, Twilight Sparkle,’” Twilight wrote.

“That’s perfect, Twilight,” Pinkie Pie nodded.

“I swear upon my blood that Gilda’s actions were her own, your majesty,” Jet-Vak assured.

“I know. When hatred takes root, it is difficult for it to be overcome. For some, they never let it go and let it grow within themselves,” Celestia replied, “Her actions were her own, not that of the Griffon Kingdom.”

“…Thank you, Princess Celestia,” Jet-Vak bowed.

“However, I do have something to ask from you,” Celestia noted before looking over at Sunburn, “You were given a ticket from Pinkie Pie, were you not?”

“Hm? Oh, yes,” Sunburn replied as he pulled a gold ticket out, “She asked me to go with her to this party.”

Celestia and Sonic Boom looked at each other with knowing looks. It was then a scroll appeared in the princess’ lap.

“Oh, it seems Twilight sent me a letter on the subject,” Celestia noted before raising a brow at the bottle of ink that came with it, “Though why she also brought me this disappearing ink, I do not understand.”

“Perhaps it’s a way to confirm that you are who you are,” Jet-Vak noted as he realized what that bottle was.

“Perhaps. ‘Dear Twilight Sparkle, My most faithful student…’” Celestia began to write only to have the words vanish, “Oh, huh, wrong ink.”

“…Pinkie Pie is the best Pony I have ever met,” Sunburn began to laugh.

“King Gaul, we found this girl on the shore,” an Ape informed as he and two others brought in a soaked Gilda, clutching what remained of her shoulder.

A figure stood up from his throne. His fur was a deep shade of purple, almost pitch black in coloring. He wore a tunic of purple and silver with armor in the same colors on his left shoulder, lower arms, legs, and feet. On his hips was a pair of broadswords dyed a deep violet. The Ape’s face had a glowing gem-made eye and a horned helmet made of the same purple and silver materials his armor was. He walked over and looked her over. When he brought Gilda’s face to his, his gem eye glowed. The glow faded as he began to chuckle.

“Master Malefor will be pleased with this one,” Gaul informed, “Fit her for Automail and that special stuff that Master Malefor gave us.” He looked at Gilda once more, “Don’t you worry none, Gilda Winter. We will help you become stronger, strong enough to kill Fluttershy, Rainbow Dash, all of those who have wronged you.”

“Are you sure you’re fine?” Cyril asked once more.

“Yes, yes, I am quite perfectly fine,” Volteer replied in his normal speedy voice, “How glorious this party is! It’s stupendous, wonderful, exciting, mirth-filled…”

“Shut up and eat,” Terrador grumbled, shoving a slice of cake into Volteer’s mouth.

“Do you really have to do this?” Fluttershy asked, her entire face in a heavy blush.

“No, but I want to,” Rainbow replied, currently having Fluttershy in her lap.

“Two weeks,” Boomer held up five Bits.

=Before the Grand Galloping Gala= Drobot informed as he put six Bits into the hat with Boomer’s five Bits.

“Fluttershy admits to it first,” Spyro stated as he put ten Bits into the hat.

“Eeyup,” Applejack agreed, putting ten Bits into the hat as well, “Ah’m stickin’ with that bet, too, Spyro.”

“…Twenty bits on Fluttershy admitting to it by kissing her just before an event known by Ponies everywhere, such as the Best Young Flyers Competition in Cloudsdale,” Ignitus bet.

"You're on!" Boomer declared.

Author's Note:

Did anyone else think I'd do something like this? Even I surprise myself.