• Published 23rd Sep 2012
  • 11,309 Views, 110 Comments

Legend of Spyro: Friendship is Magic - FaizGuy

This is a blend of the Legend of Spyro Series with My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic.

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The Beginning

The Legend of Spyro: FiM

A retelling of The Legend of Spyro: A New Beginning, only replacing Spike’s life with Spyro. The Ponies are also Anthro. Hints of FlutterDash in it. Also, you can thank Tyraka628 for the descriptions on Spyro and Ignitus.


In the Year of the Dragon, in a world beyond the realms, I, like all the others, awaited the birth of the dragon of whom the prophecies foretold. But the Dark Master heard the prophecies as well. I should have hidden the eggs long before, but I…I thought we were ready, I thought they were safe...oh... how I was wrong.

“Save them! The Dark Armies have come!”

“May the Ancestors look after you. May they look after us all.”

Eventually, the egg came to rest in a distant land, known by we as Canterlot, where their leader-a princess known as Celestia-and a group of ponies gathered 'round, wondering what magnificent creature could possibly live inside. They didn't have to wonder for long. For, you see, the young dragon within was hatched by a young Unicorn filly by the name ‘Twilight Sparkle.’ What emerged from the egg frightened the young unicorn at first, but finally amazed and astounded her.

It was a purple dragon, who was taken in and raised as one of her kind’s own. She was granted to give him a name. After consideration, she decided upon the name of ‘Spyro.’ Celestia, knowledgeable about we dragons, asked for a young Dragonfly to be his guide…his brother, of sorts. One family allowed their youngest, having been born that same day, be given. He was given the name ‘Sparx,’ for his body glowed as bright as sparks, even when he was born.

The trio, taken in by Celestia as their personal teacher, grew up together in the castle. Twilight’s blood brother, Shining Armor, and the sitter tasked to keep watch upon them, Mi Amore Candenza, came to see the two not of Ponykind as siblings as well. In fact, Twilight, Spyro, and Sparx were like siblings. And a more oddly-matched, yet compatible trio of siblings the world has never seen.

As the years went by, Twilight was tasked to be sent to a place outside Canterlot, a small village known as ‘Ponyville,’ taking along Spyro and Sparx. Their task was simple; go over the list of various tasks assigned to the town for their 1000th Summer Sun Celebration since Celestia’s reign began.

“…So I’m thinking ‘You gotta be kidding me. There is no way you can do that.’ Well, I was proven wrong and your brother walked away ten Bits richer,” a golden dragonfly with a white underbelly, blue eyes, and white hands finished telling as the trio stepped off the chariot.

“Thank you, sirs,” one of the passengers informed the two muscular white Pegasi in golden armor.

“It was nothing, Spyro,” one noted with a chuckle.

“Good luck reigning in your sister’s ideas while you’re here,” the other laughed.

“Oh, hush up,” the other passenger blushed heavily.

“They got you pegged, Twilight,” the dragonfly laughed.

“Oh, hush up, Sparx.”

Spyro’s body was like that of a mix between a cat and a dinosaur, walking upright on all fours with his long tail held out for balance. His hind-legs were like that of a therapod dinosaur, with the ankle joint and three toed feet, while his forelegs were more like humanoid arms, with three fingered, one thumbed hands on each arm; the fingers and toes ended in long. white, curved claws. His large bat wings had a wingspan almost as long as his nose-to-tail was, and had fiery-orange leathery membrane. Though they were not good for flying for some reason. Only gliding was the most he could use them for.

His long, serpentine tail made up a fourth of his body length, and ended in an unusual, yellow arrow-tip, which was razor sharp and had two sharp spikes at each side of the base, making it even more lethal yet strangely made many remind them of a heart much to his chagrin and Sparx's mirth; his neck was a third the length of his tail. His head and jaws were those of a typical dragon: dinosaur-like with flaring nostrils, webbed reptilian ears, and a medium snout and jaws with sharp, knife-like teeth. Yet unlike them, only a few of the teeth in his mouth were incisors while the rest were more flat and meant for grinding.

He had two long, yellow, crooked horns jutting out the back of his head forming Zs, and a spiky gold reptilian frill with orange webbing running through the middle of his head, beginning at his forehead ending halfway down the neck; the frill began a trail of yellow dorsal spines with orange webbing running down his back to his tail arrow. It had been dubbed the 'Spyro-Hawk' by many of the guards since it resembled a mohawk. His somewhat-large, snake-like eyes were a bright violet. His entire body had smooth scaly skin that was like a snake's, except for his back, which was rough and bumpy like a crocodile's, and was a sharp royal-purple in color with darker purple markings and stripes running down his spine and a golden underbelly.

Twilight, her full name being Twilight Sparkle, was an equine. Her coat was that of pale, light-grayish lavender, much of it hidden away by her plaid skirt and white button shirt under a black sleeveless vest. Her moderate sapphire blue hair ended just at the middle of her back, a streak of moderate violet and a streak of brilliant rose in it. Her tail was the same as it gently swayed behind her. She tugged on her white stockings that hugged her legs before she began to walk away with Spyro and Sparx following her.

“Look on the bright side, Twilight. The Princess arranged for you to stay in a library. Doesn't that make you happy?” Spyro pondered.

“It doesn’t for me. It means we have to help her arrange those blasted things as always!” Sparx groaned.

“Yes, yes it does. You know why? Because I'm right! I'll check on the preparations as fast as I can, then get to the library to find some proof of Nightmare Moon's return.”

“Then…when will you make friends, like the Aunt Sunshine said?” Sparx asked, stopping her by flying in front of her face.

“She said to check on preparations. I am her student, and I'll do my royal duty, but the fate of Equestria does not rest on me making friends.”

“I’ll wager you all the money you’ve saved,” Sparx bet.

“And you?” Twilight raised a brow.

“I’ll do anything you ask without complain for a whole month,” Sparx replied.

“Deal. Now let’s get started,” Twilight informed as she held up a scroll and a quill-pen.

“Hey, let’s don’t and say we did,” Sparx suggested as Spyro rolled his eyes.
Throughout the day, the trio met five other ponies. The honest farmer, Applejack Smith-Apple; the Loyal Flyer, Rainbow Dash; the Generous tailor, Rarity (Sparx had to be dragged away by Twilight’s Magic from her); the Kind, yet shy, Pegasi animal caretaker, Fluttershy (who had become simply ecstatic at seeing Sparx and followed the trio as he told her all about his [exaggerated] life in Canterlot); and the Laughing party-planning baker, Pinkie Pie. Spyro enjoyed spending time with Fluttershy, though he did note she was a bit frightened of him. The day after was the Summer Sun Celebration, yet it would not be one of joy…

“Dude, that was the best party in my whole life!” Sparx grinned as he turned to a rather well-endowed pink-coated Pony in a baby-blue shirt and a yellow skirt with straps that went over her shoulders, “You, Pinkie Pie, are one awesome party pony!”

“Thanks, Sparx!” the Pony giggled, bouncing in place in excitement, “Oh, I can’t wait to see Princess Celestia raise the sun! Isn't this exciting? Are you excited, 'cause I'm excited, I've never been so excited- well, except for the time that I saw you walking into town and I went…” she gasped dramatically, “But I mean really, who can top that?”

“You, apparently,” Sparx chuckled before fanfare went off as they looked up at a balcony where the mayor of the town stood.

“Fillies and gentlecolts, as mayor of Ponyville, it is my great pleasure to announce the beginning of the Summer Sun Celebration!” she declared, earning cheers from everyone, “In just a few moments, our town will witness the magic of the sunrise, and celebrate this, the longest day of the year! And now, it is my great honor to introduce to you the ruler of our land, the very pony who gives us the sun and the moon each and every day, the good, the wise, the bringer of harmony to all of Equestria....“

“Ready?” a shy, pale grayish-gold Pegasi with knee-length pale rose hair and tail asked a group of birds, the Pegasus wearing a yellow sweater that was stretched by the rather ample bust she had and a long pale rose skirt.

“…Princess Celestia!” the mayor finished before the curtains opened, revealing…no one.

“Huh?” a Unicorn with a moderate indigo mane, and on the shadowed side, a gradient of dark mulberry to moderate mulberry, with a light gray coat covered by a rather fashionable shirt and skirt that ended at her knees pondered before walking to the back.

“This can't be good,” Sparx gulped.

“Remain calm, everypony, there must be a reasonable explanation!” the mayor informed.

“Ooh, ooh, I love guessing games! Is she hiding?” Pinkie Pie pondered.

“I don’t think she’s hiding. Unless it involves cake,” Sparx tapped his chin in thought.

“She's gone!” the Unicorn gasped, poking her head out.

“Ooh, she's good,” Pinkie Pie noted.

“You think she overate on cake again?” Sparx whispered, earning a bop from Spyro’s tail.

Spyro’s body tensed up. His senses were going crazy as storm clouds formed above them while inside the structure. A dark, sinister cackle erupted from them as a star-colored swirling vortex spun around the balcony.

“Oh no…Nightmare Moon!” Twilight gasped.

“Guess I was wrong, then,” Sparx shrugged.

The vortex coalesced into a single figure. Her Pegasi wings, clad in armor darker that the night sky, twitched as her polished horn shined in the small bits of light in the building. Her long, luxurious hair and tail seemed to flow upon their own power. Her coat was even a hint shade lighter than her armor, just barely being able to contrast from it. The armor coated her lower legs, feet, lower arms, hands, and rather large chest and hips, her lower figure hidden by a black dress-like battle dress. Her horn emerged from the helmet on her head, her reptilian eyes showing triumph in their dark gaze.

“…” Sparx gave a wolf whistle before Spyro and Twilight’s tails whapped him on the back of him, “What? You try not to wolf whistle at someone sexy like that, even if you’re a different species.”

“Oh, my beloved subjects. It's been so long since I've seen your precious, little sun-loving faces,” the figure noted in an icy tone.

“What did you do with our Princess?!” A cyan-coated Pegasi in a sapphire-blue tracksuit with hoodie and rainbow-colored hair demanded before an orange-coated Pony managed to grab her tail to stop her from flying at Nightmare Moon.

“Whoa there, Nelly…” the Pony grunted, her Stetson nearly knocked off her hip-length golden-blond hair with a ruby pearl in it as her DD-cups jiggled in her plaid shirt tied together below her bust.

“Why, am I not royal enough for you? Don't you know who I am?” the figure asked.

“Ooh, ooh, more guessing games! Um, Hokey Smokes! How about…Queen Meanie! No! Black Snooty, Black Sno…” Pinkie Pie began before Sparx covered her mouth.

“Uh, Pinks? I don’t think that’s a good idea,” Sparx advised.

“Smart choice for once,” Spyro chuckled.

“Whatever, fatty,” Sparx rolled his eyes.

“Does my crown no longer count now that I have been imprisoned for a thousand years? Did you not recall the legend? Did you not see the signs?” Nightmare Moon asked the frightened Ponies there.

“I did. And I know who you are. You're the Mare in the Moon – Nightmare Moon!” Twilight declared, causing gasps to erupt in the audience.

“Well well well, somepony who remembers me. Then you also know why I'm he…” Nightmare Moon began before her eyes widened in shock, “The Purple Dragon!”

“Huh? What’s a Dragon?” Spyro pondered in confusion.

“Ohh…Oh, now I see. You don’t know who you are, do you, Purple Dragon?” Nightmare Moon gave a small laugh, “Remember this day, little ponies, for it was your last. From this moment forth, the night will last forever!”

“What’s she talking about? What’s a Dragon?” Spyro pondered.

“Seize her! Only she knows where the Princess is!” the Mayor ordered as a group of white Pegasi in gold armor flew at her, swords ready in their hands.

“Stand back, you foals!” Nightmare Moon ordered before lightning shot out of her left hand and sent the guards everywhere before she escaped in a swirl of magic colored akin to her hair and tail.

“Come back here!” the cyan Pegasus growled before she flew out a window, yet there was no trace of her, “Nighttime? Forever?” she looked down to see Spyro and Twilight racing off, Sparx holding onto Spyro’s horns for dear life, “Where're they going?”

“Keep looking, you two,” Twilight ordered as she began to look at the titles of various books, “Elements, elements…”

“Nothing up here!” Sparx called before flying over to Spyro, who seemed more distracted than focused, “Something up, Bro?”

“She called me a Purple Dragon,” Spyro noted, looking at his reflection in the mirror, “I’m just a Kirin…aren’t I?”

“You’re still going over this? That’s a bit dumb,” Sparx snorted.

“Ugh! How can we stop Nightmare Moon without the Elements of Harmony?!” Twilight cried out in exasperation before turning to end up face to face with the angry cyan Pegasus.

“And just what are the Elements of Harmony? And how did you know about Nightmare Moon, huh? Are you a spy? Whoa!” the Pegasus yelped as the orange Pony pulled her away by her tail.

“Simmer down, Sally. She ain't no spy,” the Pony argued.

“Sally? I thought you said your name was ‘Rainbow Dash,’” Sparx frowned as he flew before the cyan Pegasus’ face.

“Not the time for that,” she growled.

“But she sure knows what's going on. Don't you, Twilight?” the orange Pony asked as the well-dressed Unicorn, Pinkie Pie, and the shy Pegasus came in.

“Well, Applejack, I read all about the prediction of Nightmare Moon. Some mysterious objects called the ‘Elements of Harmony’ are the only things that can stop her, but I don't know what they are, where to find them, I don't even know what they do!”

“We could have Spyro sit on her,” Sparx suggested, “He’s chunky enough.”

Spyro glared at him.

“‘The Elements of Harmony: A Reference Guide,’” Pinkie Pie read nearby before Twilight dashed over and pulled the book out.

“How did you find that?!”

“It was under ‘E~!’” Pinkie Pie skipped as she sang.

“…” Sparx fell onto the table, laughing up a storm, “You…You never checked ‘E?!’ Oh, Twilight, you’re too rich!”

“Shut up, Sparx,” Twilight sighed in annoyance as she came upon a page in the book, “Oh. ‘There are six Elements of Harmony, but only five are known: Kindness, Laughter, Generosity, Honesty and Loyalty. The sixth is a complete mystery. It is said, the last known location of the five elements was in the ancient castle of the royal pony sisters. It is located in what is now…’”

“The Everfree Forest!” the six girls exclaimed in unison, standing before a vast woods.

“Reminds me of the swamp we go to visit my folks,” Sparx recalled, “My nice, safe swamp where Mom is. Yes, where Mommy can hide me from this…”

“Whee! Let's go!” Pinkie Pie began to move in when Twilight stopped her by running ahead of them.

“Not so fast. Look, I appreciate the offer, but I'd really rather do this on my own,” Twilight informed.

“No way, Sis,” Spyro argued, “We’re not going to let you get hurt.”

“Ah agree wit’ th’ feller. No can do, sugarcube. We sure ain't lettin' any friend o’ ours go into that creepy place alone. We're stickin' t’ you like caramel on a candy apple.”

“I could go for one,” Sparx held up a hand while rubbing his stomach.

“Especially if there's candy apples in there,” the two got looks.

“What? Those things are good,” Sparx argued as Spyro and Twilight shook their heads with sighs.

“Oh, I know, right? Especially with candy covering the caramel…” Pinkie Pie licked her lips in delight.

“Come on, let’s get going,” Spyro ran in, “Sparx, stay here.”

“So that's it, huh? Leaving Sparx behind at the old homestead? Not a care in the world, don’t look back,” Sparx fumed.

“This is too dangerous for you, Sparx. Besides, I'm not leaving you behind. I'm just leaving you where you belong.”

“Well I thought I belonged with you, 'coz I'm always with you. But I guess I was wrong, huh?” Sparx fumed before turning and started to fly away, “I'm sure I'm wrong on a lot of things. You know what? You're right, I'm wrong.”

“Don’t worry about Sparx. You know how he is,” Twilight assured, placing a hand on Spyro’s shoulder.

“Yeah…I…” Spyro sighed, “I guess so.”

“So, none of you have been in here before?” Twilight asked.

“Ugh, Heavens no! Just look at it - it's dreadful,” the white Unicorn declared in disgust.

“And it ain't natural, don’t be fergettin’ that, Rarity. Folk say it don't work the same as Equestria,” Applejack snorted.

“What's that supposed to mean?”

“Nopony knows. You know why?” Rainbow Dash explained as a strange energy resembling Nightmare Moon’s hair and tail slid into the ground beneath the girls and dragon without their notice.

“Rainbow, quit it,” Applejack frowned.

“'cause every pony who's ever come in, has never…come…Out!” Rainbow declared.

It was at the moment, the ground below them gave in, sending the four grounded girls tumbling down the hill towards a cliff. Rainbow Dash and the pale-rose-haired Pegasus managed to fly up and avoided falling.

“Fluttershy! Quick!” Rainbow ordered before she zipped down and grabbed Pinkie Pie.

“Oh my goodness, oh my goodness,” the other Pegasus whimpered as she caught Rarity.

“Hold on! I'm a-comin'!” Applejack called as she grabbed Twilight’s hands as the Unicorn was falling over the cliff.

“Applejack! What do I do?” Twilight whimpered, refusing to look down.

Applejack gulped before noticing something, “Let go.”

“Are you crazy?!”

“No I ain't. I promise you'll be safe.”

“That's not true!”

“Now listen here. What I'm sayin' to you is the honest truth. Let go, and you'll be safe.”

Twilight just gazed into Applejack’s eyes. Slowly, the Unicorn nodded. The two let go and Twilight fell right onto Spyro’s back.

“You okay, Sis?” Spyro asked as he glided down.

“Oh, thank goodness that you can glide even though you can’t fly, Spyro…” Twilight gave a relieved sigh before Spyro picked up Applejack and flew down to the others, where they heard Rarity give a startle cry.

“Sorry girls. I'm not used to holding anything more than a bunny or two,” Fluttershy apologized.

“At least she fell only a foot,” Applejack noted.

“Oh so very true,” Sparx nodded, getting everyone’s attention.

“Sparx?” Spyro pondered.

“Spyro, so, ah, me and this big guy, Big Macintosh, were chatting and this whole belonging thing, you know, came up, and he helped me come to the conclusion that best friends belong together…” Sparx awkwardly spoke, trying not to look at Spyro, “Even if one of them is purple and does have some weight issues.”

“‘Weight issues,’ huh? At least I've never been turned into a lantern,” Spyro joked, earning a giggle from Twilight.

“Oh please! Lantern shmantern. Let's see what's out there,” Sparx informed as he flew ahead, lighting their path…until a large lion-like creature with raven wings and a scorpion tail landed before them, “Manticore!-!-!”

“Wait,” Fluttershy spoke gently before walking up to the beast as it growled at her, “Shhh... It's okay.”

“Is she…?” Sparx gawked before the Manticore showed a star-colored thorn in its left paw, “A thorn?”

“Oh, you poor, poor little baby,” Fluttershy cooed.

“Little?” Rainbow repeated in a whisper of disbelief, watching Fluttershy in awe.

“Uh, Rainbow, your wings are…” Sparx snickered before a blushing Rainbow quickly tried to force her wings from popping out.

“Now this might hurt for just a second,” Fluttershy comforted before taking the thorn and pulled it out as fast as she could, causing the Manticore to pick her up and roar.

“Fluttershy!” the seven gasped before the Manticore began to lick her face while purring.

“Aw you're just a little ol' baby kitty, aren't you? Yes you are, yes you are,” Fluttershy cooed as she gently patted its head.

“How did you know about the thorn?” Twilight gawked as the Manticore left.

“I didn't. Sometimes we all just need to be shown a little kindness,” Fluttershy noted.

“Eugh. My eyes need a rest from all this icky muck,” Rainbow shuddered in disgust as they trudged through a more murky part of the forest before the area grew dark, “Well, I didn't mean that literally.”

“That ancient ruin could be right in front of our faces and we wouldn't even know it,” Twilight growled.

“Ladies, ladies, ladies. Allow me,” Sparx smirked before lighting himself up, illuminating everything, revealing monstrous faces all around them, “Ahhhhhh!-!-!”

The girls and Spyro all screamed, Twilight hugging Spyro for dear life in fear. Suddenly, the screams were broken by a laugh. They looked over to see Pinkie Pie laughing at one of the faces while making faces at it.

“Pinkie, what are you doing?! Run!” Twilight called out.

“Breathe, Sparx old boy... go to your happy place,” Sparx whispered to himself.

“Oh girls, Spiral-Wyral, Sparky-Warky, don't you see?” Pinkie Pie giggled, "Why..."

When I was a little filly and the sun was going down…

“Tell me that she's not…” Sparx began.

The darkness and the shadows, they would always make me frown

“She is,” Spyro facepalmed, realizing that Pinkie Pie was indeed singing.

I'd hide under my pillow
From what I thought I saw
But Granny Pie said that wasn't the way
To deal with fears at all

“Then what is?” Rainbow asked.

“Run away, screaming?” Sparx suggested.

She said: "Pinkie, you gotta stand up tall
Learn to face your fears
You'll see that they can't hurt you
Just laugh to make them disappear."
Ha! Ha! Ha!

With those three words, the face vanished in a puff of smoke, revealing just a tree. The Ponies gasped as Sparx and Spyro gawked.

Soooo, giggle at the ghostly
Guffaw at the grossly
Crack up at the creepy
Whoop it up with the weepy
Chortle at the kooky
Snortle at the spooky
And tell that big dumb scary face to take a hike and leave you alone and if he thinks he can scare you then he's got another thing coming and the very idea of such a thing just makes you wanna... hahahaha...heh...

With the final face gone, everyone just couldn’t help but continue their laughter. Twilight fell over beside the pink pony and her two ‘brothers.’ Eventually, Pinkie Pie lead the group along with her bouncing, Sparx on her head, as they all laughed. Their laughter stopped when they came upon a fierce river.

“How are we gonna cross this?” Pinkie pondered.

“Well, let’s see…Spyro here, even though he’s chunky, can carry two of you over on a little glide while the two Pegasi can…” Sparx began before they heard a distant cry.

“What a world, what a world,” a voice sobbed.

The group walked along a path and saw a violet sea serpent with a luxurious hair style and mustache. He was sobbing and flailing about in the river, causing the harsh currents.

“Excuse me, sir. Why are you crying?” Twilight pondered, earning the attention of the sea serpent and was about to reply when he saw Spyro.

“The Purple Dragon of Legend!” the sea serpent gasped before bowing, “Oh my goodness! I simply look horrible before such a famous beast of yore.”

“Huh? There it goes again,” Sparx sighed, “What the heck is a dragon?”

“Sir, what are you talking about? You look cool,” Spyro pointed out.

“This tacky little cloud of purple smoke just whisked past me and tore half of my beloved moose-tache clean off, and now I look simply horrid!”

“It’s mustache,” Sparx corrected.

“That’s what I said,” the sea serpent informed, causing Sparx to facepalm.

“Oh, give me a break,” Rainbow muttered.

“That’s what all th’ fuss is ‘bout?”

“Why, of course it is. How can you be so insensitive? Oh, just look at him. Such lovely luminescent scales,” Rarity informed.

“I know.”

“And your expertly coiffed mane.”

“Oh, I know, I know.”

“Your fabulous manicure,” Rarity continued as the sea serpent gasped in delight.

“It's so true!”

“…” Sparx looked over at Rainbow, “Gay…”

Spyro swatted Saprx on the head.

“All ruined without your beautiful mustache.”

“It's true, I'm hideous!”

“I simply cannot let such a crime against fabulosity go uncorrected,” Rarity narrowed her eyes, “Spyro, please do come here.”

“Uh, yes?” Spyro pondered before Rarity held her tail to Spyro’s tail and cut it off with the spade-part of it before using her magic to attach the severed follicles to the sea serpent, forming a curly mustache.

“Oh-hohohoho! My mustache. How wonderful!” the sea serpent exclaimed in delight, looking at his reflection in the calm waters.

“You look smashing.”

“Oh, Rarity, your beautiful tail…” Twilight began.

“Oh. It's fine, my dear. Short tails are in this season. Besides, it'll grow back,” Rarity comforted.

“So would the mustache,” Rainbow whispered, earning a nod from Sparx.

“We can cross now. Let's go. Ah!” Twilight yelped before the sea serpent formed a bridge for them from his body.

“Allow me,” the sea serpent offered.

“Thank you, sir,” Spyro nodded as he got off last.

“Oh, it was nothing for such a fabulous Pony and the Purple Dragon of Legend. I’m sure Ignitus will be delighted to see you. He lives near this tacky little abandoned castle, you know,” the sea serpent smiled before swimming off.

“…Ignitus?” Spyro repeated.
Which brings us to the moment that Spyro's journey really began. When he and I finally met… again… for the very first time… ahhh, it's a long story.

“Are we there yet?” Sparx asked.

“No, Sparx,” Twilight sighed.

“Are we there yet?” Rainbow asked.

“Now y’all be quiet. We ain’t there yet,” Applejack frowned before a figure walked in their path.

“Ah! Wh…Who are you?!” Twilight gulped.

Before them was another resembling Spyro, but he was much older and larger than Spyro, standing 18 feet in height on all fours and almost fifty feet in length. His scales were smooth and a deep reddish-orange in color, with dark red flame markings decorating his body. He only had two horns, which were Z-shaped, facing backwards and upwards, and a flame-shaped frill ran down his head to his neck, as well as flame-shaped frills framing his head, limbs, and tail, the last ending in a fire-shaped tailblade. His underbelly and wing membrane were golden in color, and his eyes were a fiery golden in color with slit pupils.

“And I thought you were a big one. Goodness,” Sparx noted as a shivering Fluttershy ran behind Rainbow.

“You're…you're alive?” the dragon gasped, looking directly at Spyro before shaking his head in sadness and regret, “But it's too late… too late…”

“Too late for what? Who are you? Do you know me? Where do I come from?” Spyro pondered, “What are you? ...What are we? …What am I?!?”

“You mean you don't know?” the larger one of Spyro’s kind pondered in shock and surprise.

“Does it sound like he knows?” Sparx frowned.

“He looks like a giant red version of Spyro,” Rainbow whispered.

“You're a dragon. When you were just an egg, it was my job to protect you…” the dragon looked down at the ground in regret, “…It was my job to protect all of you.”

“Spyro, you can talk to this guy later. We need to take care of Nightmare Moon, first.”

“Luna? Well…” the dragon looked up, “That explains why the moon is still out at noon.” He turned from them, “Come. I will take you to the old castle.”

“Who are you?” Twilight pondered.

“Ignitus,” the dragon replied as they walked ahead, the eight behind him keeping up with his larger steps.

“There are others?” Spyro asked.

“Others?” Ignitus pondered.

“Spyro, this…” Twilight sighed with a shake of her head.

“There were,” the eight looked at Ignitus, “There were four of us, Guardians that is, and we had one job: ensure that all the eggs were hatched. It was the Year of the Dragon, after all, and our very survival depended on those eggs…”

“Your survival?” Rarity repeated.

“But the Temple and Grotto are now gone…overrun by…” Ignitus sighed.

“Temple? What Temple? Can you take me? Can I see it? Where I came from, I mean?” Spyro asked.

“We’re here. The old castle of the Sisters,” Ignitus informed, stopping before a fallen bridge before flying over it, “Hurry over.”

“Why didn’t he fly over there with us?” Sparx complained.

“Leave this to me,” Rainbow patted her moderate-sized chest in pride.

She spread her wings out before shooting down and grabbed the broken rope on the other end of the fallen bridge. She flew up over to the other side to see Ignitus was missing. She shrugged, didn’t really care much for the guy. She was about to tie up the bridge when a mist formed.

“Who's there?”
“I ain't scared of you! Show yourself!”
“We've been eagerly awaiting the arrival of the best flyer in Equestria.”
“Why, you, of course.”
“Really?! I mean... Oh yeah, me. Hey, uh, you wouldn't mind telling the Wonderbolts that, would ya? 'cause I've been trying to get into that group for like, ever.”
“No, Rainbow Dash. We want you to join us, The Shadowbolts!”
Three Pegasus Mares emerged from the mist. All three wore black versions of Rarity’s outfit with scarlet lightning bolts on their hips. The leader of them had a shadowed-version of Rainbow’s mane and goggles over her eyes.

“We're the greatest aerial team in the Everfree Forest, and soon we will be the greatest in all Equestria, but first, we need a captain. The most magnificent…” she began.




“…Bravest flyer in all the land.”

“Yes,” Rainbow chuckled, rubbing a knuckle on her jacket and looking at it, “It's all true.”

“We need…” the leader whispered into Rainbow’s ear one single word, “…You.”

“Woohoo! Sign me up. Just let me tie this bridge real quick and then we have a deal,” Rainbow informed before the leader stopped her.

“No! It's them or us.”

“Rainbow, what's taking so long?” Twilight pondered before seeing the Shadowbolts, “Oh no. Rainbow! Don't listen to them.”

“Ignitus!” Spyro cried out, “Ignitus, she’s in trouble!”

The leader narrowed her eyes across the bridge before the mist grew thicker, somehow drowning out their voices.

“Well?” the leader asked.

“…You…” the leader smirked at that, “…Thank you! For the offer, I mean, but I'm afraid I have to say no.”

The leader gawked.

“Excellent choice,” the three Shadowbolts looked up and paled at seeing Ignitus standing over them, “And good-bye.”

With that, Ignitus stomped on the three. The energy from the cliff slithered out between his claws and flew off to the castle. He removed it, revealing nothing there.

“Those were an…”

“An illusion crafted by her,” Ignitus informed as the girls crossed the bridge with Spyro and Sparx, “You did well, Rainbow Dash. Such Loyalty.”

“I’d never leave my friends hangin’,” Rainbow nodded, glancing over at Fluttershy, ‘Especially not after what happened all those years ago…’
Spyro, Sparx, and I awaited the six girls outside the castle. I grew worried when all but Twilight Sparkle exited the castle before her scream was heard. Spyro was the first to run in, seeing Luna take the young Unicorn away. I quickly took them to the main chambers, knowing that Luna would most likely be there.

“Hurry, young ones,” Ignitus ordered as the five girls, Spyro, and Sparx ran into the chamber ahead of him.

“Don't worry Twilight, we're here,” Pinkie Pie called.

“Don't worry, we'll be there!” Applejack called as they entered the room to see Nightmare Moon standing amongst broken shards of stone.

“You think you can destroy The Elements of Harmony just like that? Well, you're wrong, because the spirits of The Elements of Harmony are right here,” Twilight informed, waving her hand to the girls of the group.

“What?” Nightmare Moon gasped as the shards began to glow and flew over to Twilight.

“Applejack, who reassured me when I was in doubt, represents the spirit of…Honesty!” six shard surrounded Applejack, “Fluttershy, who tamed the manticore with her compassion, represents the spirit of…Kindness!” six more surrounded Fluttershy, “Pinkie Pie, who banished fear by giggling in the face of danger, represents the spirit of…Laughter!” six more surrounded the laughing pink Pony, “Rarity, who calmed a sorrowful serpent with a meaningful gift represents the spirit of…Generosity!” six more floated around Rarity, “And Rainbow Dash, who could not abandon her friends for her own heart's desire represents the spirit of…Loyalty!”

“Now this is new,” Sparx noted, seeing six of the remaining twelve shards float around the cyan Pegasus.

“She’s starting to get it,” Ignitus chuckled gently, earning a look from Spyro.

“What do you mean?” Spyro asked quietly.

“The spirits of these five ponies got us through every challenge you threw at us,” Twilight continued.

“You still don't have the sixth Element! The spark didn't work!” Nightmare Moon argued.

“Now that is where you’re wrong,” Ignitus informed.

“Ignitus!” Nightmare Moon gasped, “You’ve gotten old.”

“Of course I have. Still, you are wrong. The ‘spark’ was not one of Unicorn’s magic, but a different ‘spark.’”

“He’s right!” Twilight turned to the five mares with a kind smile on her face, “I felt it the very moment I realized how happy I was to hear you, to see you, how much I cared about you. The spark ignited inside me when I realized that you all are…my friends!”

“You see, Luna, when the Elements of Harmony are ignited by the ‘spark’ that resides in the heart of us all, it creates the sixth Element: the Element of…” Ignitus informed as the remaining six shards spun around Twilight, “…Magic.”

With that, the shards transformed into six items, attaching to the necks of Applejack, Fluttershy, Pinkie Pie, Rarity, and Rainbow Dash while the last attached to Twilight’s head. A burst of rainbow light shot up and arched right at Nightmare Moon. Ignitus used his wing to shield the dragonfly and purple dragon from the light.

“No! Nooo!” Nightmare Moon screamed as the light slammed into her, filling the area with its glow.

Twilight groaned as Ignitus placed a wet cloth on her head.

“Easy now, Twilight Sparkle. That was a lot of magic you used,” Ignitus informed gently.

“Ugh, my head,” Rainbow mumbled as she got up slowly.

“Everypony okay?” Applejack asked.

“I’m fine,” Fluttershy informed softly nearby.

“Oh, thank goodness!” Rarity gasped, her tail having fully regrown.

“Why Rarity, it's so lovely,” Fluttershy awed.

“I know! I'll never part with it again,” Rarity giggled, hugging it.

“Personally, you look good however you look in my opinion,” Sparx informed.

“No. Your necklace. It looks just like your cutie mark,” Fluttershy corrected pointing at the gold necklace on Rarity’s neck that depicted a diamond that resembled one of three on her left hand.

“What? Ooh. So does yours,” Rarity noted, seeing a same necklace on Fluttershy yet the diamond was replaced with a butterfly.

“Look at mine! Look at mine!” Pinkie Pie bounced around, hers having a single balloon jewel on it.

“I see it,” Ignitus chuckled, “Balloons do indeed fit in with laughter.”

“Aw yeah,” Rainbow smirked, looking her her jewel that depicted a ruby thunderbolt.

“Gee, Twilight! Ah thought you were just spoutin' a lot of hooey, but Ah reckon we really do represent the elements of friendship,” Applejack, wearing one that depicted an apple, noted to Twilight, who wore a gold tiara with a magenta star on it.

“Indeed you do,” a voice noted.

Everyone turned to the direction the sun was rising to see a being with the same figure as Nightmare Moon, yet wore a Greek toga in the colors of the sun, the top being stretched by her large H-Cups. Over the toga was a set of armor seemingly crafted to blend into the sun’s light within any room. Upon her head was a gold tiara, just above her horn, while her hair was long and ever-flowing within an invisible wind, the three shades of it resembling a sunrise.

“Princess Celestia!” Twilight gasped before they all bowed except for Ignitus.

“Twilight Sparkle, my faithful student. I knew you could do it,” Celestia noted.

“Yeah, well, she had some major help from me,” Sparx smirked, putting a thumb on his chest, as Spyro rolled his eyes.

“But…You told me it was all an old pony’s tale,” Twilight frowned.

“I told you that you needed to make some friends, nothing more. I saw the signs of Nightmare Moon's return and I knew it was you who had the magic inside to defeat her, but you could not unleash it until you let true friendship into your heart. Now if only another will as well,” Celestia noted before turning towards where Nightmare Moon once stood, “Princess Luna!”

There, recovering from the magic fired from the Elements, was a younger version of Nightmare Moon-possibly her late teens at best-, the cloth of her outfit having been replaced with a night sky-themed toga and slightly less armor and no helmet. Her mane, once akin to Celestia’s, had been solidified into a moderate azure. The teenager gasped as she looked up at the older Alticorn, who knelt down to the somewhat sitting teen.

“It has been a thousand years since I have seen you like this. Time to put our differences behind us. We were meant to rule together, little sister,” Celestia spoke gently.

“Sister?” the other Mares pondered.

“Whoa. Never saw that coming,” Sparx pointed out.

“You knew all this time, didn’t you?” Spyro asked, looking up at Ignitus.

“Indeed I have,” Ignitus chuckled, "Why do you think I kept calling her 'Luna' and not 'Nightmare Moon?'"

“Will you accept my friendship?” Celestia asked.

“…” Luna sniffled before hugging her, “I'm so sorry! I missed you so much, big sister!”

“I've missed you, too,” Celestia whispered gently, nuzzling her chin into her sister’s hair, as she shed a tear of joy.

“Celestia, Luna. It has been nearly a century since I last saw you both together,” Ignitus chuckled as he approached.

“Ignitus?” Luna blinked, “...You got really old.”

Sparx began to laugh at that. Ignitus facepalmed.

“I forgot you were always rather blunt when it came to pointing things out. Such as when Volteer ended up with that mole.”

“P-Please don’t that up…” Luna blushed.

“Oh, but it was enjoyable,” Celestia giggled, “Now what did you say?”

“I may be old, but I remember it clearly. ‘That’s some mole,’” Ignitus chuckled before using his tail to block the path of the others, “Now calm down, you eight. Celestia, I believe we have much to talk about.”

“Indeed,” Celestia nodded.

“I can’t believe we’re in here while the whole town’s getting their groove on,” Sparx complained, sitting on Spyro’s head.

“It is not surprising. Pinkie Pie’s parties are heard of even in Canterlot,” Celestia giggled as Luna, sitting between her and a shrunken Ignitus via a shrinking spell used by Celestia, nibbled on a slice of cake Pinkie gave her.

“Though this is not why we’re here,” Ignitus informed, “The Elements have appeared once more.”

“Along with a Purple Dragon,” Celestia nodded, “I was hoping this day did not come.”

“Day? What do you mean?” Spyro pondered.

“Princess, did you know Spyro was a dragon?” Twilight pondered.

“Yes. I apologize for the lie I made involving him being a Kirin, but measures needed to be taken in order for darker forces to not appear,” Celestia informed.

“Darker forces?” Fluttershy gulped, hiding behind Rainbow.

“Does it involve that temple? Ignitus, can you take me there? The temple?” Spyro pondered.

“No, no. Who knows what forces occupy the Temple now. What state it's in…” Ignitus sighed as he walked over to a window, gazing out at the sky, “You don't understand. After they came for you…”

“They? Who is they? And why did they come for me?” Spyro asked.

“Because the prophecies spoke of a Purple Dragon, a dragon born only once every ten generations,” Celestia informed, “My sister and I were there for the last Purple Dragon’s birth.”

“They came for you, Spyro,” Ignitus informed.

“You? Does that mean him?” Sparx asked as he pointed at Spyro.

“Wait, this guy?” Rainbow pointed at Spyro.

“Spyro some special once in a purple thing?” Sparx asked before laughing, “Ha ha, I think you might have mixed that one up. Wooo, that’s a little…bit of a stretch. I've heard some, ah, doozies in my day, but that takes the cake.”

“Spyro is it?” Ignitus raised a brow.

“I named him,” Twilight pointed out, “I wanted to call him ‘Spike,’ but for some reason…I just didn’t see it fit with him.”

“Ah. Well, Spyro, I assure you that I'm telling you the truth,” Ignitus informed, “The Dark Armies attacked, intent on destroying the eggs and killing the rest of us.”

“They nearly succeeded if not for the evidence of you and Ignitus, Spyro,” Celestia informed.

“They laid siege to the other islands,” Ignitus informed, “We were at war.”

The six mares, Luna, Spyro, and Sparx gave gasps. Ignitus gazed out upon the skies, his mind wandering and changing the images his eyes saw with those that he once witness. Battles against darkness…battles against things no child nor anyone should bear witness or experience.

“For many years we fought all over the islands. Brutal clashes with the armies of the Dark Master, who was intent on preventing the prophecies from coming true,” Ignitus explained.

“My faithful student, you recall the six months I was gone?” Celestia asked, “It was so I could aid them in their noble cause. The other three Guardians, Ignitus, and I led their small but valiant forces into battle after battle against our ruthless, mercenary foe.”

“Then, when we were beginning to turn the tide…” Ignitus narrowed his eyes as he still gazed out the window, “…Cynder came.”

“Cynder?” Spyro repeated.

“Yes, Cynder,” Celestia nodded.

“Cynder was…is…monstrous, horrific, ferocious, a black dragon that fills the skies with terror, an unstoppable force of nature…”

“Ah, yeah, you had me at ‘ferocious.’ Listen, sounds like that thing that was chasing the three of us in that dream you had last week, Spyro,” Sparx noted.

“Yes, she still searches for me…and years ago, I watched as Cynder plucked the other Guardians from the fields of battle, like so many ripe grapes from a vine.”

“Without them, our cause is lost. Only I and Ignitus managed to escape. Ignitus hid within the Everfree Forest.”

“Not that it matters. Cynder now rules all in our old home…and I sit here wondering what might have been. What else I might have done,” Ignitus whispered, regret within his tone.

“Wow... sounds... fun. I wanna hang out with this guy,” Sparx noted.

“Yeah, why have you given up?” Rainbow Dash pondered.

“I just find out that I'm this special dragon, and you tell me all is lost? That I have no home or family left? I've been told way too much to give up now,” Spyro frowned, “I wanna see where I come from.”

“Me too! Me too!” Pinkie Pie bounced up and down, “We all wanna go see where Spyro-Wyro came from!”

“It’s true. I’ve always wanted to learn where you came from, Spyro,” Twilight noted.

“Hold up, savior boy, were you not listening to this guy? He’s talking about flying dragons, and war, and horrible…This is bad stuff, alright? I don’t know if we’re hearing the same thing…” Sparx noted.

“It sounds scary…” Fluttershy whispered.

“Yes, Spyro, it's not as simple as that. It's true, the prophecies spoke of a purple dragon destined to put his stamp on this age, but the prophecies didn't foretell the devastation that surrounds us now,” Ignitus agreed.

“The Prophecy also foretold that six users of the Elements of Harmony would give aid,” Celestia noted.

“Maybe you're right, but I'm willing to try. I want to take the first step,” Spyro informed.

“And I’ll be with him all the way,” Twilight agreed.

“Same here,” Rainbow Dash nodded, “Sounds sorta cool.”

“Ah ain’t leavin’ you t’ yerselves,” Applejack frowned, “We all jest became friends.”

“It would do some good to show that Cynder what for,” Rarity noted, “But what would I wear for the trip?”

“I…well, if it’s okay with you, Spyro…that is, if it’s fine. I’d…I would like to go, too,” Fluttershy shyly twidled her fingers.

“And we can have lots of fun, too!” Pinkie Pie cheered.

“You're all actually going to go along with this lunatic?” Sparx demanded in shock.

“Very well, then. We'll go. Spyro, you deserve to see your beginning before it all ends,” Ignitus sighed.

“Am I the only one sane here? He’s telling us we’re doomed alright? That’s when I go, ‘Ah, maybe we should go back to Canterlot with the flowers and the fun stuff,’” Sparx gulped.

“We will live early tomorrow, upon the rising of dawn,” Ignitus informed.

“You are welcome to stay in Canterlot tonight. I am sure Luna would love to catch up with you,” Celestia noted with a giggle, causing Luna’s eye to twitch.

“I would be honored, old friend,” Ignitus nodded.


“I can’t believe this!” Spyro exclaimed as he jumped about in excitement, “We get to see my birthplace!”

“Settle down, Spyro,” Twilight giggled as Spyro jumped onto the bed with her, the Unicorn wearing a formal blue sleeping gown, “He wants us to get up early, remember?”

“Yeah, yeah, yeah!” Spyro nodded, “Ohh…I’m too excited to get to sleep!”

“Keep it down!” Sparx argued as he threw a tiny pillow from his drawer with a few pillows and a tiny blanket for him, “I’m trying to get to sleep over here!”

“Sorry, Sparx,” Twilight apologized.

“Next time I’m woken up, I’m sleeping on the couch,” Sparx snorted before the door to the library was knocked on, “Darn it! I’m going to the basement!”

Twilight and Spyro walked downstairs. Twilight’s horn and eyes glowed as she waved a hand at the main entrance to the library. The door opened and the girls walked in.

“Let me guess; you all couldn’t fall asleep?” Twilight asked, earning nods from them all, before sighing, “Let me set the tea…”

“Man, I can’t wait to see where I was born!” Spyro grinned.

“You have t’ remember, Spyro; that there place may not be like what y’er thinkin’ o’,” Applejack reminded him.

“I know. But still, I want to see it. I want to see where my egg was cared for before it ended up in Canterlot,” Spyro spoke as he gazed outside at Luna’s Moon, “I just…I mean, all my life, I thought I was a Kirin, but Ignitus…”

“You really feel that y’all need t’ go there,” Applejack noted, gently sitting beside the dragon on the couch.

“And just think of what we’ll get to see and learn about Spyro’s culture and race,” Twilight noted as she walked out, using her Magic to levitate cups of tea to the girls before sitting on the other side of Spyro on the couch, giving the dragon a cup of tea as well.

“Thanks, Twilight,” Spyro nodded before taking a large gulp of it, emptying it in that single drink.

“Hey, Spyro?”


“Elephant Tranquilizer was mixed into your tea.”

“…Again?” Spyro whined before collapsing on the couch, his tongue out and letting out small snores, semi-noticeable but not irritatingly sleep-preventing.

“He’s had a few problems sleeping when excited or worried,” Twilight explained to the shocked girls, minus a nodding Pinkie Pie.

“Mr. Cake refuses to let me go to bed without chaining myself to it,” Pinkie Pie explained, “He says I bop him on the face with a rolled-up newspaper while sleepwalking. Crazy, am I right?”

“…” Twilight looked at the others.

“It’s jest Pinkie bein’ Pinkie,” Applejack noted before whispering quietly to Twilight, “Jest don’t let her hair go straight. Trust me; ya wouldn’t like it when her hair’s gone straight.”

Twilight gulped. She quickly nodded while using her magic to levitate a blanket down the stairs and covered Spyro with it.

“So how long have you known this purple guy?” Rainbow asked.

“For thirteen years now, I was only five when we first met,” Twilight explained, “I was the one who caused his egg to hatch when I needed to pass an exam. My magic ended up going haywire when I heard this explosion and saw a rainbow shockwave for a bit before Celestia stopped my runaway magic and undid the spells that happened.”

“Ouch,” Rainbow flinched, “Sorry about that.”

“Why are you sorry?” Twilight pondered.

“I…kinda caused that,” Rainbow admitted, “I was racing this dumb Colt that was messing with Fluttershy here. Ended up using a Sonic Rainboom.”

“A Sonic Rainboom? You mean the Sonic Rainboom? The one that has only been done in myths?” Twilight asked.

“I proved it! But my mom bribed them to wipe it from record,” Rainbow growled.

“What?! Now that’s just insane!” Pinkie Pie exclaimed.

“Ouch. If’n Pinkie says somethin’s crazy, y’all jest know it is,” Applejack flinched.

“I’m not kidding. I still have the only records of it hidden,” Rainbow informed, “I can get it faster than I can clear Ponyville’s skies of clouds.”

“No, no, no!” Twilight yelped quickly, not wanting to have another impossibility episode on herself, “I believe you.”

This is just the start of it all