• Published 23rd Sep 2012
  • 11,310 Views, 110 Comments

Legend of Spyro: Friendship is Magic - FaizGuy

This is a blend of the Legend of Spyro Series with My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic.

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Munitions Forge

Dear Princess Celestia,

Cyril seems to act just like Rarity in terms of upbringing. They even get along quite well and have even began to start drawing up plans for fashion clothes! Now we have three Dragon Elders to learn from. And these hidden bookshelves are filled with all kinds of information for us! I feel like I’m going to cry from seeing all these books. The natural wildlife here has also seemed to have quieted down. I’m starting to think that Cynder is attempting to perform something on the Dragon Temple. If it’s possible, may we give refuge to the Dra-

Celestia paled as she saw the letter had dried blood on it. She quickly turned to her sister and two others.

The first was an Alicorn just like Luna and Celestia. Her coat was a gentle, soft magenta with her mane in the colors of soft lavender, rosemary, and pink. She was just as lovely as the other two Alicorns. She had a modest C-Cup, a trim waist, and modest hips that went into long, shapely legs. She wore a toga, much like her fellow Alicorns, but had remodeled it into a bit of an outdoors outfit. Her Cutie Mark was that of a heart with gold and wings.

Beside her was the last member of the group, a Stallion Unicorn. His coat was a bit white in coloring with a blue mane and tail. He wore a red and gold military leader uniform with white pants and black boots. His face was etched in worry.

“…Shining Armor, summon the elite members of the Solar and Lunar Guards,” Celestia ordered, trembling in a blend of anger, intense worry, and pure fear, “Luna, Candace, get our armor. We go to battle for our comrades the Dragons! We must rescue and evacuate everypony there immediately!”

“Heh-heh. Sorry, Twily,” Spyro apologized to the annoyed Unicorn, her hand currently bleeding a bit from having been cut during her surprise of Spyro’s little ‘prank’ of him and Rainbow Dash roaring loudly behind her as she was writing…and then Rainbow Dash pranking Spyro with a pepper shaker and sending the incomplete, and now bloodstained, letter.

“My bad, too,” Rainbow sheepishly rubbed the back her her head.

“Yes, yes, Volteer, I see that months of tortured captivity has done nothing to slow that electric tongue of yours from incessantly wagging,” Cyril sighed in annoyance, keeping his ears covered.

“It's just that it's all so exciting, exhilarating, enchanting, enthralling…” Volteer blabbered on.

“All right, no more thesaurus for you, pal. Ya hear me, Twilight. No more dictionaries!” Sparx scolded the Unicorn.

“All of you please be quiet,” Ignitus sighed in annoyance, “It is certainly encouraging that Spyro and his friends have been able to free two of you to allow this reunion, but haven't we forgotten someone?”

“Yes, yes, of course… Terrador,” Cyril spat in disgust, “That uncouth barbarian. You do recall he ruined my latest work of art, don’t you?”

“You mean the fiend who ruined such a portrait was none other than this ‘Terrador’ fellow you speak of?” Rarity gasped, recalling seeing a destroyed self-portrait of Cyril a few days ago in the temple.

“Precisely. Now how do we proceed?” Ignitus pondered.

“I believe I can help, Ignitus,” Cyril offered as he turned to Spyro, Pinkie Pie, and Rarity “Well, young chap, since you learned a few things about ice on Tall Plains, I suggest we adjourn to the Training Room so that I can teach you some more along with the pink Mare and the elegant Madame Rarity. The legacy of the great Ice dragons of yore…my ancestors, who come from the best of the best of this somewhat bedraggled lineage…” Cyril informed as the statue lowered once more, “…is long and storied. With my help, rescuing Terrador should be a certainty.”

“Your pomposity, arrogance, and pretentiousness is odious to the extreme,” Volteer noted.

“Twilight!” Sparx barked.

“Shall we?” Cyril smirked as they entered the Dojo, “Certainly Fire and Electricity are nice sidelights. But now, younglings, you will the secrets of Ice, a power worthy of only the elite.” Cyril continued as he whacked his tail on the floor eloquently, creating ice-themed dummies, “Now then, go on and do what you did with Ignitus and…Volteer…on these dummies, but with Ice. I must explain to these two young Mares on how to call upon Ice.”

“Yes, Cyril,” Spyro nodded.

Cyril nodded before turning to Rarity and the bouncing Pinkie Pie, “Now then, I chose to train you two because I could feel a strong kindred spark within you both.”

“A spark? But that’s fire!” Pinkie Pie argued, “Unless it was a spark made from a snowflake. Then that would make sense. But how would ice make a spark? That’s heat!”

“…” Cyril glanced at Rarity.

“My dear friend Pinkie Pie is, well, Pinkie Pie. It takes a bit of time to understand her,” Rarity assured.

‘Great Bahamut, what have I gotten myself into now?’ Cyril thought with a sweatdrop, “Very well…Now then, to learn ice, you must feel it within you…”

And so the lessons of Ice began. It took a bit, but Rarity was able to start calling out ice from her magic as Spyro was finishing off the dummies Cyril had made. Pinkie Pie…

“Whooo! An explosion made of ice!” Boomer cheered as Pinkie Pie stood on an explosion…made of ice.

“…Good heavens, she is a fast learner…” Cyril blinked in disbelief as Spyro walked over, “Beginner’s luck, I suppose. Now, Spyro, Madam Rarity, Pinkie Pie, I want you to focus on forming shards from the ice. These shards will then be used on the well-sculpted mannequins I created with the aid of Celestia for her training.”

The three nodded. The moment five of the fifteen dummies were made, they were instantly impaled with hundreds of ice shards each…from Pinkie Pie.

“Yay! I win!” Pinkie Pie cheered as Cyril’s jaw dropped to the floor.

As Cyril tended to a sudden migraine that had formed, the three continued their training. As always, Spyro began to tremble as his new Fury began to appear. Ignitus quickly made a barrier of flames as the Ponies and troll dashed behind the dragons.

“Ice in the hole!” Pinkie Pie and Boomer screamed.

“Fury of Perisher’s Unending Blizzard!” Spyro roared.

The area felt colder…and it was only increasing. Snowflakes began to fall, even outside the flame barrier that was made. The barrier began to fluctuate before the entire thing-and most of the ground almost reaching to the dragons-was frozen over. What happened next was a flurry of snowstorms compacted into a miniscule single snowstorm, the echoes of dragons on the warpath erupting from the winds. As the storm died down, the ice completely vanished, leaving a nearly collapsing Spyro in the center of the room.

“Well, you three have mastered the element of Ice, something only which few can boast,” Cyril smirked as he picked up the Purple Dragon to let the statue rise up once more.

“So what exactly are you saying, Ignitus?” Cyril pondered as they stood before the reflection pool.

“Yes, your hypothesis is an intriguing one but it is perplexing to the extreme.”

“Huh?” Pinkie Pie blinked in confusion at Volteer.

“He says he doesn't know what Ignitus is talking about,” Twilight sighed.

“Dude, I never know what he’s saying,” Sparx informed.

“What I'm saying is that Cynder is harnessing the Guardians' power to unlock a portal that must never be opened,” Ignitus informed.

“Why, what's behind this portal?” Spyro pondered.

“That doesn't concern you right now. What does concern you, Pinkie Pie, Rarity, and Boomer is getting to Munitions Forge and freeing Terrador before she can create another crystal from his powers.”

“Me?! Alright! Bring on the BOOM!”

“And before the volcano blows its…” Volteer began before Ignitus clamped his mouth shut with a claw.

“A v-v-v-volcano…?” Fluttershy squeaked out in fear.

“That's enough, Volteer, there's plenty of time... plenty of time,” Ignitus informed.

“‘Plenty of time?’ What we need more time to have horrible things happen to us?!” Sparx demanded as Fluttershy’s trembles only grew worse.

“It seems I’ll have to take precautions there,” Rarity noted.

“Munitions Forge is an island dominated by Boyzitbig, an unstable volcano that makes life on the surface very dicey. The locals, who live underground, have been forced to mine the metals that Cynder uses to forge her army's weapons,” Ignitus informed.

“What are the locals called?” Spyro asked.

“They're called Manweersmalls,” Boomer chuckled with a grin, “And they love Explosions!”

“Yay!” Pinkie Pie cheered.

“Right. Do I need to write that down?” Sparx asked before seeing Twilight was doing just that.

“Rumor has it that Cynder is holding Terrador somewhere in the mines. We know she's using him to power the last of the crystals she needs to open the portal,” Ignitus informed, “Free him before she gets the chance.”

“Why didn't we just stay in Tall Plains? Oh, I’m a big deal there.”

“Quit complaining, Sparx. Maybe there's a tribe on Munitions Forge you can save too,” Spyro rolled his eyes.

“Yeah, but there's always something special about the first tribe you save. Ya know?” Pinkie Pie shrugged.

“But how are we going to get there? I can’t carry two Mares and a Troll,” Spyro noted.

“You can barely carry yourself,” Sparx pointed out, earning a dirty look from the dragon.

“Like this,” Pinkie Pie replied to Spyro's question before grabbing the edge of existence and pulling it.

Spyro blinked and his nostrils were filled with the smell of lava, magma, soot, and burning fur. His ears rang with rumbles, small explosions, and a whooping Pinkie Pie and Boomer. He gazed about the darkness-and-scarlet-filled skies, the scarlet appearing from the magma flows and the darkness from the continual smoke filling the skies. In the distance was a massive volcano, going straight through the clouds of ash and soot. How they got there...he had no clue what just happened, but they were there.

“Boy is it big!” Sparx gawked.

“Hey! I get its name now!” Pinkie Pie beamed with a giggle.

“Boy, it’s big! But no time for sightseeing, Sparx, Boomer, Pinkie Pie,” Spyro informed.

“Aww…!” the childish duo whined.

“Time to get serious, let's go,” Spyro rolled his eyes as he took lead.

“Ohhh…not again…” Sparx sighed as he shook his head in sadness.

“Twitch-a-twitch-a! Twitch-a-twitch-a!” Pinkie Pie exclaimed as her tail began to twitch while Rarity paled significantly.

“Oh dear,” Rarity looked up before pulling Boomer away with her Magic from being hit by a burning rock sent from one of the mini-volcanoes near them.

“What was that?” Sparx asked.

“My Pinkie Sense,” Pinkie Pie replied happily.

“…The what?” Sparx blinked.

“When something happens with my body, then that means something will happen. When my tail’s twitchy, it means ‘something is gonna fall,’” Pinkie Pie explained.

“…And if your tummy rumbles?” Sparx asked as Pinkie Pie's tummy did just that.

“Then it means that ‘Pinkie Pie’s hungry,’” Pinkie Pie giggled before she pulled a cupcake out and ate it.

“Riiiight…” Sparx rolled his eyes before they delved deeper into the area on a broken mine track…only for their path ahead to be blocked by a wall of flames casted by an orange Ape nearby.

“Hey! That meanie blocked our path!” Pinkie Pie frowned as more orange-furred Apes began to surround them.

“Hey, I’ve got an idea. Let’s play ‘BOOM!’” Boomer smirked as he whipped out more sticks of dynamite.

“Ooh! How do we play?” Pinkie Pie asked as she pulled some out as well.

“Most monkeys blown up by dynamite wins!” Boomer replied.

“Alright!” Pinkie Pie smirked before the five began to go against the Apes…mainly the other four since Sparx was ‘motivating’ them all.

“Such brutes!” Rarity frowned as she looked at the frozen Apes she had made…their prisons in the shapes of suits and dresses, “At least you can go out in regal appearance.”

Soon, they had managed to take down the large Ape that had blocked their path with flames. Spyro attempted to open the door, but it was stuck. Boomer cleared his throat.

“Allow me,” Boomer smirked before throwing a keg of gunpower that had been lit at the door, “Fire in the hole!”

Rarity barely made a shield of ice in time to not be caught in the explosion. She glared at the laughing duo of explosive experts before they delved deeper. Soon, they came upon a possum/mole-like being with a long white mustache. He wore a dirty, coal-and-ash-covered red vest, a red cane, and a soldier’s helmet with a candle on the top. And, most interesting, he was only going up to Rarity’s knees in terms of height.

“Man…is he small!” Spyro blinked in surprise.

“What's that? Who's there?” the native demanded.

“It's…it's me, Spyro…”

“…And the former god of Tall Plains, Sparx,” Sparx sighed.

“Hiya! I’m Pinkie Pie!”

“I’m BOOMER!-!-!-!

“You lot don't carry the stench of Cynder's beasts, just the smell of burnt fur and explosives, so you must be friends.”

“We are,” Spyro assured.

“And who are you?” Sparx asked.

“I am Mole-Yair, leader of the Manweersmalls,” he replied, “But I'm not much of a leader anymore. Those of my people who aren't mining for Cynder are holed up in the caves, scared out of their little wits, waiting for Boyzitbig to blow…” the area rumbled once more, “Which shouldn't be long. If you would help me free them, perhaps there's something I could do for you?”

“…Will I get to blow up Apes?” Boomer asked.


“I’m in!”

“Seconded!” Pinkie Pie beamed before gasping, “Oh sweet Celestia! Once this is all over, I need to make a ‘We got the Manweersmalls’ Land back’ Party for them!”

“I don't know. We're here to rescue a big friend of ours,” Spyro noted.

“Is he a mighty dragon?” Mole-Yair asked.

“Yes…why?” Rarity pondered.

“Because I know where he's being kept…” Mole-Yair replied, “He’s in the mines near a large labor camp, where my own brother, Exhumor, toils away. We can help each other.”

“A splendid idea. It should make things much easier for us all,” Rarity nodded.

“Well… which way do we go? What should we do next?” Spyro pondered.

“Oh, it's simple enough, but we've got to hurry. Boyzitbig is getting more unstable by the minute,” Mole-Yair advised as another rumble went off, “We must clear these caves before we can help your friend.”

“You're asking him for directions?” Sparx pondered as he noticed the black sunglasses Mole-Yair wore, “Wow, talk about the blind leading the blind.”

“Forget him, Mole-Yair…We're in,” Spyro stated.

“Excellent! Now then, my people are chained by Fire Crystals, so you must use something cold to set them free,” Mole-Yair explained.

“On it,” Spyro nodded before putting Mole-Yair on his back.

“Onwards!” Mole-Yair declared.

The group went off. As they came across the members of the Manweersmalls, digging into the walls. Pinkie Pie, Rarity, and Spyro went to work, quickly freezing the stones they were chained to before letting Boomer use small explosives the blow the rocks up. Ape guards began to charge at them, only to meet Boomer’s way of life from the troll himself. Soon, they were all freed and Mole-Yair was jumping around the travelers happily.

“Ha ha! You did it, you did it! A thousand thanks!” Mole-Yair cheered before kissing them all on the cheeks, “Mwah, mwah, mwah!”

“It was nothing,” Spyro sheepishly replied as Rarity began to quickly reapply her make-up.

“No problem, pal,” Sparx shrugged as Pinkie Pie giggled happily.

“Well…You all did your part, now I'll do mine,” Mole-Yair informed before pulling out a map, “Your friend is being kept in the center of the volcano, past the labor camp where my brother, Exhumor, is working. Find him and let him know we're friends, and he'll tell you how to proceed.”

“How will we know Exhumor?” Boomer asked.

“Yeah, all you Man-are-we-smalls look the same to me,” Sparx noted.

“Oh, don’t be a silly-filly, Sparky-Warky,” Pinkie Pie giggled, “They were all different to me.”

“Of course they would,” Sparx deadpanned.

“Oh, you'll know him. Trust me. He's the most cantankerous hard-nosed Manweersmall around,” Mole-Yair informed, “Whatever you do, don't get on his bad side.”

“I see. Thank you for helping us, then,” Rarity curtsied.

“But of course, my dear Unicorn,” Mole-Yair chuckled.

“How’d you know she was a Unicorn?”

“We may be blind, but we’ve met Celestia a few times. We know Unicorns because of a faint hum their horns give off when they use Magic,” Mole-Yair replied, “Pegasi have the flapping-flaps on wings that have the faint sound of hooves walking along a rocky road. And Earth Ponies by that same sound when they walk but without the wings.” He looked over at the bouncing Pinkie Pie, “Pinkie Pie, though…we are unsure of.”

“I’m an Earth Pony,” Pinkie Pie replied between bounces.

“…I understand…” Mole-Yair sweatdropped.

After parting from Mole-Yair, they group continued on. During which, Pinkie Pie discovered that itchy tongue plus twitchy tail results in ‘Enemies Are About to Appear.’ It was through that new Pinkie Sense that the group was able to avoid some of the Dark Armies there. Soon, they had entered a large chamber with an old stone bell structure before them. Spyro and Sparx walked up to the old bell, seeing that it was still intact.

“I bet you can't ring that bell,” Sparx stated.

“Why would I want to?” Spyro pondered.

“Even I agree with that, it’s so…revolting,” Rarity stated with a shudder.

“Meh. Looks brand new in my opinion,” Boomer shrugged.

“Oh, you’re scared, Spyro,” Sparx taunted.

“I'm not scared,” Spyro frowned.

“Oh, the big special dragon is scared of the mean old bell…” Sparx began to baby talk him, causing Pinkie Pie and Boomer to start laughing, “Oh I didn't know, I'm sorry, oh no, I'm sorry baby, why don't I get your pillow all laid out…”

Spyro frowned as Boomer and Pinkie Pie fell over in their laughter. Spyro stomped up to the rope and began ringing the bell just as Pinkie Pie’s tail began to twitch. The structure rumbled before the bell landed on the dragon. Everyone screamed in fear for the Purple Dragon.

“SPYRO!” the four cried out.

“Can you hear me? Are you okay, buddy?!” Sparx pleaded as he flew around the bell, “Hey listen, forget about those cracks I made about your fatness and your being purple and stupid and fat, all right?” Sparx began to cry at that point, “Just get outta there! Please, Spyro, don't be dead!”

“Uh oh…I feel a Combo coming on!” Pinkie Pie’s tail twitched, her eyes fluttered, her knees felt like they were pinching themselves, and her tail twitched once more, “Something’s going to explode in a way we wouldn’t think of.”

The bell rumbled. Everyone stepped back from it as it gave another rumble. Suddenly, the bell exploded as Spyro sneezed. He shook his head before sneezing once more, firing a small storm of tiny stones from his mouth. Rarity ducked

“Did you say something?” Spyro asked.

Me? No. No, I was talking out loud, thinking of my day, I gotta do…” Sparx nonchalantly replied.

“Oh, just thought I heard something before I blasted my way out,” Spyro informed.

“Oh, that’s funny. Yeah, no, must be hearing things.”

“That’s not what I heard, darling,” Rarity informed, “Now could you please be a gentlecolt and please tell your brother the truth.”

“Oh! Um…Well…” Sparx blushed as he tried to avoid the pleading look in Rarity’s eyes.

“It’s okay, Rarity. There was a crack in there and I heard everything,” Spyro assured.

“Very well, I suppose,” Rarity noted, “Still, you have a new breath. One that seems to be strong enough to handle this bell.”

“It felt like the land just wanted to move away from it or even follow it,” Spyro noted, “I think it’s an Earth Breath or something.”

“Oh man…I wonder what kind of BOOM you can do with this one!” Boomer grinned in excitement.

“I heard an explosion over here!”

“Well, I think we’re about to find out,” Spyro replied as they were surrounded by Apes and a Dreadwing.

“Ooh! Hey, mister, hey! Hey! Hey mister Ape!” Pinkie Pie waved to the Ape riding the Dreadwing.

“What?!” the Ape snarled.

“You ever get the Cold Shoulder before?” Pinkie Pie asked.

“What?” the Ape blinked before Rarity shot some Ice Magic at him, freezing the Ape and Dreadwing.

It was that signal for all heck to break loose. Within a matter of minutes-mainly due to explosives from a pair of happy-trigger bombers-, the Apes had been decimated. As they continued into the tunnels, the ground exploded before them with a claw the size of Boomer. Another followed it before a giant scorpion twice Spyro’s size emerged. The scorpion was forged of the very volcanic area they were in, cracks on its body revealing its innards being that of burning magma.

“I read about these with Twilight back at the abode we’ve been staying at,” Rarity whispered, “This is a Buffalo Beetle. It’s said that they were created by the Manweersmalls centuries ago to be guards of their mines, only for them to backfire and become horrible brutes. They respond to attacks on them. So if we quietly and carefully sneak past it, we should be…”

“Hiya!” Pinkie Pie beamed, sitting on the Buffalo Beetle.

“Of course,” Rarity slumped with dignity.

“Don’t you worry, my lady of beauty, for I shall protect you!” Sparx declared before turning to Spyro, “Sic.”

Spyro frowned at him. With Pinkie, she was giggling while bouncing around on the Buffalo Beetle. The monster slowly raised its stinger, the tip dripping with a bit of sickly-green magma. It sent it down and stabbed itself in the head, causing it to fall apart.

“Now that looks like it hurts,” Pinkie Pie noted, standing beside a bewildered Spyro.

“How did you…When did…How?!” Spyro exclaimed/demanded.

“Darling, it’s best you do not try to figure her out,” Rarity advised.

Spyro and Sparx slowly looked at each other. The group went on until they entered a room with multiple tracks. On one track was a large train-like vehicle. The front was carved to resemble a menacing face with glowing red ‘eyes’ and ‘fang-filled mouth’ and completely obsidian in metal coloring. On it was a slim Ape wearing a red scarf and a conductor’s hat. He also sported an accordion. The song he was singing was anything but good.

Sometimes, late at night,
You can hear the whistle wail
With a spooky, screechy sound
Like a wheel gone off the rail;
And up in the smoky clouds,
You can almost recognize
The ghost of a crazy engineer
With fiery cinder eyes;
I say, Whoo-whoo!
Can't you hear the haunted train?
Waitin' on a haunted train
Crash that engine,
You know, only sticks and stones
And old conductors' bones remain...

As he finished his song, a trolley approached with a cart attached to it. On it were a pair of Apes and a third cart filled with jewels.

“Come on, you worthless waste of flesh…let's go,” the Conductor snapped, “We've got to hop on Steam and get back to that flea-bitten dragon. The crystal should be almost ready…and the volcano is right on the brink.”

“Yes, sir, Conductor, sir!” both Apes replied before they attached the gem-filled cart to ‘Steam’ and got on it before the Conductor drove off down the track.

“Come on, Sparx, we've got to catch them!” Spyro ordered as he ran over to the small trolley-like vehicle with a cart in the back, “I’ll drive.”

“Shotgun!” Boomer declared.

“You don't know how to drive this thing,” Sparx noted.

“How hard can it be? It's on rails,” Pinkie Pie pointed out.

“…Famous last words…” Sparx muttered with a sigh.

With that, the small cart went off down the tracks. Soon, they began to come across the train that was carrying a load of Spirit Gems. Rarity’s eyes widened significantly. If she were not a proper Mare, she would have been drooling a river. Pinkie Pie and Boomer smirked as they held up some bags of dynamite and a boombox in Pinkie Pie’s case. Inside the train, three Apes-including the conductor-were watching the sights ahead before one Ape heard ‘Ride of the Valkyries.’ He poked his head out and his body fell over, the Ape’s head blown off. The other two looked at each other before the other Ape looked out the other window and poked his head back in, revealing just his skull set on fire.

“Them again,” the Ape gagged before collapsing in death.

“Hoot! Not again!” the Conductor snarled as he began to increase speed.

“After him! I demand that we ascertain those gems!” Rarity declared, earning looks from everyone but the agreeing Sparx, “I mean…After the Apes and stop any plans they have with those gems?”

Spyro nodded. He increased the speed on their vehicle and the chase was on.

“Oh, I get it now!” Twilight beamed, “So by removing this from the equation, that will give us the true answer!”

“Splendid work, Twilight Sparkle. You certainly are the prized student to our dear friend Celestia!” Volteer beamed before a flash of light occurred in the center of their home.

“Intruders?! I’m on it!” Rainbow shouted as she flew in, about to use her lightning-coated wings when a barrier of magic stopped her, “Huh?!”

“Shiny!” Twilight exclaimed as she ran over and hugged the stallion.

“Twily! Are you okay? Where’s the danger?” the white-coated stallion asked as he looked around.

“D…?! Rainbow Dash…!” Twilight growled as the Pegasus laughed sheepishly.

“Celestia, it is good to see you again,” Ignitus greeted, “And I see you brought along your sister and…” he then noticed Candace, “May I ask who you are?”

“My niece, Princess Candace,” Celestia replied.

“We told thee, sister, that thou were overreacting,” Luna pointed out.

“Um…Well…” Celestia coughed a little with a blush on her face.

“I’m really sorry you did this, Princess,” Twilight apologized, “I had just cut myself and then Spyro sneezed and then…!”

“It’s okay, Twilight Sparkle,” Celestia assured before glancing around with her guards at ready, “I do not see Spyro, Sparx, Pinkie Pie, or Rarity.”

“They are out at Munitions Forge, rescuing Terrador,” Ignitus replied before his eyes widened at what was in his reflection pool, "Oh dear..."

“Heh. End of the line,” the Conductor smirked as he went down a different path.

“What’s he talking about?” Boomer pondered, “Ugh…I hate Apes!”

“Um…I believe that that is why he said that,” Rarity pointed ahead at a broken section of track that went outside.

“Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!” everyone screamed as they hugged each other and closed their eyes…only to keep screaming while their vehicle had stopped.

“…” Sparx slowly opened an eye, “Hey…We stopped.”

“Huh?” Pinkie Pie looked up to see the exit of the tunnel above them, “How did that happen?”

“I don’t know. Hope it wasn’t an Ape who did that just to kill us,” Boomer growled.
=Actually. That was me=

The group slowly turned to their left to see a surprising sight. It was another Dragon…but drastically different. While the Dragons the group knew-or were in Spyro’s case-were all quadrupeds, the Dragon before them stood on its hind legs, the left leg entirely mechanical and steam-punk in nature along with the right hand. His scales were in the color of lava, their coloring brightened by the lava river nearby. He was easily around nine feet in height with the lower half of his tail entirely mechanical. His lone horn was completely metal and shaped like a blade. Bits of the metal wings were actually still dragon-made. The upper-left side of his face was entirely mechanical with a yellow optic. All the metal on him was made of brilliant metallic cobalt and lined with soft gold. Over his torso was a black miner’s vest that contracted his white underbelly.

“Y…You’re a Dragon?” Spyro blinked.

=Dragon…= the figure chuckled, a robotic edge to his otherwise soft voice =Haven’t been one since I was hatched. Name’s Drobot, adopted son of Exhumor=

“Drobot? Oh! ‘Dragon Robot!’” Pinkie Pie began to giggly.

=My scanner indicated that you have a large quantity of sugar running through your systems, almost constantly fueled by the energy around you= Drobot noted as he gazed at Pinkie and then Rarity =And despite how your coat appears, you are not marshmallow=

“Excuse me?!” Rarity gasped in offense.

“Were you the one who saved us?” Spyro asked.
=Your hypothesis is correct, Purple Dragon. My spying excursions upon Cynder have allowed me to hypothesize that a Purple Dragon is the key factor in liberating the Manweersmalls=

“Huh?” Sparx, Boomer, and Pinkie Pie blinked.

“He means that he was waiting for me to show up to help the Manweersmalls,” Spyro explained, “But why? I mean, you’re a dragon as well.”

=Do you not see my disfigurement? I attempted to and was literally torn to shreds by that dragoness= Drobot snarled =I was just fortunate that the Manweersmalls that found me were able to reconstruct my being into the form you bear witness to at this moment=

“Oh, so that’s why you’re not chubby like my bro here,” Sparx noted, earning an annoyed look from Spyro.

=I see no advancement of average dragon mass=

“It’s because I didn’t know how to fly for the first ten years of my life,” Spyro frowned.

=I was unable to ascertain that ability as well= Drobot nodded in sympathy.

“Ugh. This guy is giving me a headache! Can I blow him up?” Boomer pleaded.
=What did you say, Garden Gnome?=

“Did you just call me a ‘Garden Gnome,’ Metal Head?!” Boomer demanded.
=Metal Head?! Why you little impudent nasal obstacle colored brute!=

“Hold on, you two. You can resume your arguments later. Right now, we need to save the remaining Manweersmalls,” Spyro frowned.
=…Very well=

“Oh, fine. But I’m blowing you up later, Rust Breath!” Boomer snapped before ducking a laser shot from Drobot’s optic, “Never mind.”

“…That was awesome,” Sparx awed.

=I have been unable to ascertain the ability to perform combustion of the carbon dioxide within my former form, so the ones that upgraded my form developed a condensed stream of heat to be more of a threat against the Apes=

“What?” Pinkie Pie blinked.

“Drobot said that when he was given his implants, he was given a laser eye,” Spyro informed.

“Oh! Wow! That is so cool! I bet you could easily light up thousands of candles that that!” Pinkie Pie then gasped loudly, “We should totally have you come to Sugarcube Corner and be a baker!”
=…I am unable to comprehend what you have just said due to the velocity of your vocal chords=

“Then let us continue on,” Rarity offered.

The group went off, now aided by Drobot. More Dreadwings appeared in the sky before their riders were shot off by Drobot’s laser eye while Pinkie Pie and Rarity used their Ice Magic to freeze the Dreadwings’ wings. Soon, they were going along a series of tracks and into a tunnel. There, Spyro barely dodged the shovel swings of a blue-furred Manweersmall.

“Wait, wait, wait! We're on your side!” Spyro yelped as he dodged the mole’s swings.

“More likely spies for the Conductor…or that flying beast Cynder!” the mole snapped.

=Father, cease your actions= Drobot informed as he caught the shovel.

“Monsieur Mole-Yair sent us,” Rarity informed.

“My brother is alive? Wait…Robert, is that you?!” the Mole gasped.

“He sure is, pal, he’s all safe and sound. But I gotta say, he's the friendly one in the family,” Sparx noted.

=It is me, Father. Cynder was…an unwinnable encounter= Drobot replied =Other Manweersmalls were able to save my life with cybernetic implants they had been making since I was found=

“Robert…Oh my little son…I’m so, so sorry for what has happened to you,” Exhumor sniffled at his adopted son before turning to the others, “I'm sorry, I'm sorry. In these dark times, one can't take chances. So Mole-Yair is alive. Wonderful news. But why did he send you here?”

“Well, he said you might be able to tell us where our friend, Terrador, is,” Spyro replied.

“If he's a big dragon, I certainly can. The majority of the Manweersmalls are kept here in this camp, forced to live above ground and mine for Cynder…” Exhumor informed.

=There are rumors that your friend is being kept somewhere inside in the darkest pits of the volcano= Drobot informed as Exhumor sighed sadly.

“All of us are doomed…”

“Not if we have anything to say about it,” Pinkie Pie informed.

“What do you mean?” Exhumor asked.

“Yeah, what do you mean?” Sparx asked, not liking where this was going.

“She means we're going to free the Manweersmalls, venture to the darkest pits of Boyzitbig, and find Terrador,” Rarity explained.

“Then it’s off to karaoke!” Sparx declared, earning a head hit from Spyro’s tail, “Ah! Jerk!”

=Scans complete. Five cages in total= Drobot informed as he looked out into the detainment camp below them =Suggestion: Spread out and individually take out the cages=

“Good plan, Drobot,” Spyro nodded, “Pinkie Pie, Boomer, time to play ‘Boom!’ again.”

“Oh yeah!” both high-fived each other in glee.

“Alright…Let’s do it!” Spyro declared as he flew down and released a wave of Ice Breath on the Apes below.

=Targets acquired. Course of Action: Terminate= Drobot growled as his robotic hand shifted into a small sword that sparked with electricity.

He let out a roar before charging into a group of Apes, slashing and zapping them. Nearby, a present landed before some Apes near a cage. One smiled since it was his birthday and walked over to it. He opened it up and his present was Pinkie Pie freezing him and then bucking him to pieces…after shoving a cake down his throat. She proceeded to freeze the others and blew them-and the front of the cage-up, freeing the Manweersmalls there.

Rarity froze the Apes near her and proceeded to freeze the lock on the door. She used her normal magic to lift up a dropped spear nearby and used it to strike the lock, shattering it. Drobot ripped the hinges off his door while Boomer was going to town on the Apes and the cage he was near.

Spyro trembled as sparks came off him. With a roar, Spyro unleashed his Electric Breath’s Fury, creating the storm clouds as before but unleashing serpent-like dragons made of the electrical energy out and incinerating the Apes and the left side of the last cage. Nearby, Mole-Yair and Exhumor emerged from the ground.

“Well, I see you two crazy kids found each other,” Sparx noted as they regrouped.

“Yes, at last…” Mole-Yair turned to the group, “…thanks to all of you.”

“We're just disappointed you didn't leave any fun for us,” Exhumor chuckled.

=Maybe next time, Father= Drobot informed.

“So now, which way to Terrador?” Spyro asked.

“That way…” Exhumor replied as the nearby entrance to Boyzitbig opened, “But be careful. The Conductor and his maniacal locomotive will surely be close by.”

“When you say be careful, does that mean try not to die? I’m trying to do that anyway,” Sparx informed.

“As am I,” Rarity added, “I am just thankful nothing bad has happened to my hair yet.”

“Come, Exhumor, we must get all the Manweersmalls underground…where they belong,” Mole-Yair informed before another rumble occurred.

“Yes, it won't be long now,” Exhumor noted before turning to Drobot, “Robert, please…go with them.”

“Son, you have been with us for over a decade now and I am proud to be your father. But right now…You have a duty to fulfill; helping your new friends. Please, as a final request from your father for this day; go with them.”

=I…I accept this assignment you have given unto me, Father= Drobot replied before the two hugged =I will miss you, Papa=

“And I will miss you, my little boulder,” Exhumor sniffled before he and Mole-Yair left.

“Is that…Terrador?” Spyro pondered, gazing out at a green and orange Dragon with his scales seeming to be harder than diamonds and shaped to resemble battle armor that was trapped in a sphere of glowing purple energy with two electric streams going into a crystal below it.

“Big dragon being held prisoner in the center of an explosive volcano? I’m guessing that’s Terrador,” Sparx noted.

“Careful…it's never this easy,” Pinkie Pie warned.

“After the last two times, you're not going to get an argument from me,” Sparx noted before Pinkie Pie sneezed after her tail twitched.

“Something big is heading for us,” Pinkie Pie advised before the train with the Conductor drove into sight.

“Oh, here we go again!” Sparx groaned.

“You're a little late, fellas. The crystal's already charged and the volcano's ready to blow…” the Conductor smirked, “But before it does, me and Steam here are gonna take great pleasure in running you down!”

=Warning. Subzero temperatures are detected= Drobot informed.

“Oh no…” Rarity gasped as she saw Spyro trembling.

“He’s going into another Fury!” Pinkie Pie screamed.

“Abandon plan!” Boomer screamed as he dragged Drobot behind the container Terrador was in.

“Fury of Perisher’s Unending Blizzard!” Spyro roared.

It was then a massive dragon of winter erupted from Spyro’s body. The winter dragon roared before slamming into the train and Conductor, freezing them both to their very cores. Spyro cautiously walked over and put a paw on the train. Both it and rider shattered into snowflakes that instantly melted. Nearby, Drobot used his laser eye to destroy Terrador’s container, letting the dragon out.

“The purple dragon…lives,” Terrador gasped.

“He's got a name you know,” Pinkie Pie informed, “Just like my name is Pinkie Pie! Oh! That reminds me! I need to make a ‘Pleased to meet you’ Party for you with the other Dragon Elders later!”

“Yes, my name is Spyro…and you must be Terrador.”

“Yes, yes I am, and I must say I never thought I'd live to meet you, Spyro…or that you’ve made friends with Ponies,” Terrador chuckled before seeing Rairty, “Wait…Your coat-coloring…You must be Rarity. I heard about you from Molestia.”

Molestia?!” the two Mares exclaimed as Sparx fell over with Boomer, both wheezing in laughter until the place rumbled once more.

"You deal an Alicorn that goes into a three-day-long heat once every one hundred years and see if you don't end up calling her something like that!" Terrador snorted before shuddering.

“I beg your pardon, Terrador. But I would rather discuss your rather…interesting… nickname for our princess at a later time,” Rarity frowned.

“You said it! Look, I’d love to sit here and hug everybody and chit chat, but how ‘bout we leave before the volcano blows us up?” Sparx asked.

“You're both right,” Terrador nodded as he began to stretch his wings, “I've got to tell the others what Cynder is up to.”

“Let’s go. I’m right behind you. Actually, I’m right in front of you,” Sparx nodded.

It was then a pool of lava before them erupted, unleashing a figure easily the size of Ignitus. It landed and the lava fell off, revealing a near-pitch black dragoness. Drobot’s optic picked up that it was actually a near-dark shade of lavender. Her underbelly was a vivid shade of blood-shot red with a silver, decorated, spiked collar on her neck. Her cranium was lines with eight horns. On the tips of the middle of her wings were two massive curved blades while her tail ended in silver armor forged into a trident.

=Cynder…= Drobot snarled.

“Run!” Terrador snapped.

“Look, when the guy says run, I think he knows something!” Sparx added.

Cynder roared before swooping down and grabbing the crystal that had been used to fortify Terrador’s cage. Terrador roared before he began to fly after her, only to be slammed into the ground easily by a strike of her tail.

“Terrador!” Rarity gasped.

“Go, Spyro! Fly like you've never flown before! I'll go back to the Temple for help!” Terrador ordered.

“Incoming bad girl!” Pinkie Pie and Boomer screamed in fear.

=Flight Mode: Engaged= Drobot growled as a jetpack emerged from his back while his metal wings extended fully.

“Shotgun!” Boomer shouted as he got on Spyro’s back with Pinkie Pie while Rarity sat on Drobot’s back.

Spyro and Drobot quickly took off with Cynder chasing after them. Both dragons began to do their best to dodge the fireballs of red and black flames sent by her.

“Spyro, slow down! I got a plan!” Boomer shouted.

“I hope so,” Spyro replied as he slowed a bit.

“Ka-BOOOOOOOOOOOOM!!!!” Boomer roared as he threw his and Pinkie Pie’s entire load of dynamite along with a vial of nitroglycerine he was holding onto at the dragoness.

Cynder screeched as the explosives went off. Outside, a small part of Boyzitbig exploded from Drobot’s laser eye. The two dragons flew out with a frenzied, slightly injured Cynder giving chase just as Boyzitbig erupted. She nearly got Spyro’s tail had two blurs not slammed into her. Spyro and Drobot stopped and gasped.

“Mom! Ignitus!” Spyro cried out in shock.

“You will not strike my son!” Celestia cried out as she fired a beam of magic at Cynder in unison with Ignitus’ meteor-like fireball.

Cynder roared before recovering and unleashing a vortex of wind from her wings that slammed into Ignitus. Celestia charged up another blast only to be struck by a red and black energy version of Cynder’s head, causing her to tremble a bit for some reason. It let Cynder have an opening to slam into the two and go down into the dark clouds. Spyro was about to chase when Terrador stopped him.

“We've got to find them…help Ignitus and Mom!” Spyro pleaded.

“They're gone, Spyro. There's nothing we can do!” Sparx groaned.

“I don't care…Ignitus and Mom wouldn't leave me…” Spyro argued.

“Spyro, he’s right.”

I’m right? Oh my god, that’s a first,” Sparx noted, earning a ‘shush’ from Pinkie Pie.

“Yes. You'll never find them in this mess, and you're not ready to face Cynder yet,” Terrador informed, “The time to fight will come…but it is not now.”

“But Mom…”

“Is our Princess of the Sun. I’m sure she can handle this wicked she-beast,” Rarity snorted.

“You’re just mad because of her that your mane’s now sooty,” Pinkie Pie noted.

“Of course I am! She deserves the chopping block for it!” Rarity declared as she hugged her ruined hairstyle.

“I guess you're right. Let's go,” Spyro gulped as he looked down again, ‘Mom…Ignitus…Please don’t die.’
From the desk of Shining Armor, Captain of the Guard:

On Sunday, July 8, 1001 EC (Equestria Calendar), her Royal Highness Princess Celestia received via dragon fire from her ‘adopted’ son, Spyro Infernal Kirin of Equestria, an incomplete message from her Royal Highness Princes Celestia’s Prized Student Number 90, Twilight Sacredheart Sparkle, with dried blood that was confirmed to be a match with said student’s blood samples from the Canterlot Medical Wards.
At 0900 hours following the message, the Royal Guard will be deployed with all three Princesses; Princess Celestia, Princess Luna, and Princess Mi Amore Cadenza. Only six members, one of which being myself, will be accompanying them to the Dragon Temple located approximately 18 hours eastern from the border of Equestria.
Information provided by Princess Celestia informs the Royal Guard that you do not anger a Dragon correlated to the Earth Element. For when angered, they will stop at nothing to enact revenge. Earth Dragons are the slowest of the four primary elemental Dragons-being that of Fire, Electricity, Ice, and Earth-, with the shortest wingspan. However, they make up for this with their ability to ‘move’ the land and winds to their command. By closing their eyes and lightly moving on the ground, they unleash a ‘seismic sense’ that allows them to ‘see’ any being within a twenty-five meter radius of their position.
Furthermore, Earth Dragon scales-once shed-can only be used once to forge powerful armor. All members of the Royal Equestrian Guard bear armor forged from shed scales of one ‘Terrador,’ the only Earth Dragon Celestia has been recorded to know. The primary diet of an Earth Dragon is-surprisingly-apples with a lightly roasted fish sprinkled with dirt that has touched an apple tree as a side.

Author's Note:

I do not own Drobot. I do own his appearance in this.