• Published 23rd Sep 2012
  • 11,310 Views, 110 Comments

Legend of Spyro: Friendship is Magic - FaizGuy

This is a blend of the Legend of Spyro Series with My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic.

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Cyder's Lair and Convexity

An excerpt from Princess Mi Amore Cadenza’s Private Diary (swiped by Sparx the Dragonfly in secret):

Dear Diary,

Dragons! I can’t believe it! *squee* It’s actual living, breathing Dragons! If it weren’t such a somber mood here, I would be doing a ‘Twilight Sparkle’ and bounce around them, cheering ‘yes’ over and over for a full hour or when either I, Shiny, or Aunt Celestia say something (or, as you recall, Sparx calls her fat again by mistake ;3).
Aunt Celestia told me all about the subspecies of Dragons. They’re known as Fear, Acid, Wind, and Darkness. In conjunction, Fear is the subspecies of Fire, Acid and Electricity, Wind is with Earth, and Darkness goes with Ice. Not sure how it works because I kinda fell asleep thinking about wearing something nice for my day off with Shining Armor <3. *sigh dreamily* was concerned with Aunt Luna’s return.
Anyways, Fear Dragons use their breath to create illusions of intense nightmares to distract their foes before striking them in their panicked state. They’re normally slim, thin, and sleek in appearance and blend well with the night sky.
Acid Dragons have saliva that is actually a powerful acid. Ew. The stuff can easily melt through diamonds! I swear if my friend Diamond Ring heard that, she’d faint dramatically because she loves diamonds. Anyways, the Acid Dragons normally wear a silver collar that makes their saliva normal until they want to use their acid spray. I don’t know why they have to use silver, but Aunt Celestia just gave me a shrug when I asked.
Wind Dragons are the second-fastest of the dragons next to the Electric Dragons. They have powerful lungs that let them utilize the wind in various ways. Their able to hear the sound of a pin dropping in one thousand football stadiums when last recorded. That, and they’re the champions in breath-holding at 5 hours, 46 minutes, and 21 seconds. They resemble Fear Dragons in shape, but their scales have miniscule holes in them.
Now Darkness Dragons…Diary, I’ll be frank with you; I am buckin’ glad they’re not around here. They are able to travel through shadows and breath a smoke that turns into the stickiest tar you’ll ever know. Also, Darkness Dragons can go into dreams and manipulate the minds of others to obey them via sleepwalking. It makes me wonder if one was responsible for Cloudsdale’s problem fourteen years ago with the sleepwalking children…
Oh, they’re back! But where are Aunt Celestia and Mr. Ignitus? Oh dear, Spyro looks like he’s about to cry. I’d better go check up on him.


“It's my fault…I-I failed Ignitus and Mom when they needed me most,” Spyro trembled as he was hugged by Candace, “It's just that the sight of Cynder so close, just…just…”

“…Made your heart stop?” Pinkie Pie offered.

“Put ice in your veins?” Rainbow Dash asked.

“Scared the crud out of you? Cause that’s what she did t’ me,” Boomer informed as he walked in, all cleaned up.

=Don’t say things like that, Dumpster Breath=

“Bolt Muncher,” Boomer snorted.

“Yeah, something like that,” Spyro replied, ignoring the cyborg dragon and the explosion-loving troll.

“All warriors feel fear at one time or another, Spyro. There is no shame in that,” Terrador informed.

“Yeah. Just like when we got that letter you sent by accident,” Shining Armor informed as he put a hand on the dragon’s shoulder, “You and Twily had us all scared for you.”

“Yes, it's a proven scientific fact that the quotient between adrenaline and trepidation…”

“Volteer, please, I believe our good friends here were trying to make a point,” Cyril interrupted the yellow dragon.

“Thank you, Cyril,” Terrador chuckled before he looked at Spyro once more, “What I was going to say is that all warriors feel fear, Spyro, but only the most valiant among us can face that fear…and master it. From what I saw of you on Munitions Forge, you are one such warrior.”

=Indeed= Drobot agreed as he moved slowly away from Twilight as she was trying to learn as much as she could about his implants.

“Young dragon, now is the time to complete your training…now is the time to face your fear,” Terrador informed as he turned to the Dragon Dojo, “Come. You as well, Farmer and Captain of the Guards.”

“Am I the only one still petrified?” Sparx asked, a Pegasus Guard shrugging nearby.

“So your brother is the Captain of Celestia’s Guard?” Rarity whispered to Twilight.

“Yes,” Twilight replied, having a funny feeling of knowing what Rarity was thinking, “And you cannot date him. Candace would rip you apart.”

“The Princess?” Rarity blinked as she glanced over at Candace, looking at a few of the books Celestia had left in the Dojo with Luna and the only other Unicorn of Celestia’s Guard.

“Trust me on this, Rarity, a mad Candace is a dangerous Candace,” Twilight whispered, “You remember the papers all talking about how the Hoofington Orphanage was demolished and all the caretakers except for one being turned into plants? That’s because she saw what they were doing to the little Ponies there.”

“Oh my…!” Rarity gasped quietly.

“I’d have done the same thing in her place,” Twilight nodded as she walked over to the reflection pool, “I’m going to try and find where they are. I’ve been learning from Ignitus about how to do this.”

“It’s good to see you again, Shining,” Spyro greeted.

“Likewise, little ‘Bro,’” Shining Armor chuckled.

“So how are ya knowin’ one another?” Applejack asked.

“Well, I grew up with Twilight at Mom and Aunt Luna’s castle. It was through Twilight that I met Shining Armor and we basically hit off after a few visits from him,” Spyro shrugged.

“And the fact that we both chased Sparx through the place after his prank on the both of us,” Shining Armor pointed out.

“Heh-heh-heh. I still have those pictures, Shining Clucker and Spyrooster,” Sparx laughed.

“Shut up, Sparx,” both deadpanned as Applejack snickered before the statue in the Dojo lowered itself once more.

“The power to harness the soil, the wind, the world itself. It is now within your grasps,” Terrador informed, “Let’s begin.”

“It’s going to be the same with the others, isn’t it?” Sparx asked as earth-themed dummies appeared, “You summoning dummies and Spyro takes them out?”

“Something like that, but unlike theirs, they can only be destroyed by a strike to the head after being trapped in their element,” Terrador smirked, “You must focus upon the ground beneath your feet. Keep your eyes closed for the first time, Spyro, since that will make things easier for you. As for our two bipedal friends here…Celestia created a way for you to move the land through body movements and concentration. The key to it is utilizing neutral jing.”

“Jing, sir?” Shining Armor raised a brow.

“Jing involves waiting and listening for the right moment to strike and, when that moment comes, acting decisively. You must endure the enemy’s assault until the right opportunity to counterattack reveals itself, then strike with unyielding force,” Terrador informed as, while he spoke the last part, he crushed a rock he had been holding, “While her style was originally rigid and collectively learned, she soon evolved it to let her keep mobile and only root herself when it was time to strike. Even then, she only did that long enough to actually launch and direct the attack.”

“Kinda sounds like this style of hers wants t’ keep both an offense and defense,” Applejack noted.

“Exactly,” Terrador nodded, “It has a distinct balance between offensive and defensive capabilities, though her use of Ice involved a more refined version by channeling defense into offense.”

“So this technique you’re teaching us uses a balance of strength and defense to overwhelm opponents,” Shining pointed out.

“Correct,” Terrador nodded before opening to shelves and tossed them a pair of scrolls, “Celestia wrote these up. Also, I skimmed through them and noticed one thing; if you lack determination, the land will not respond to your will.”

“I got one!” Spyro beamed nearby.

“Good. Now get the others!” Terrador barked, “And remember to always be gracious in victory!”

“Why do I get the feeling that you were the guy that made the drills the Royal Guard has to go through?” Shining Armor asked.

“Ha! She owes me fifty Bits!” Terrador bragged, causing Shining to facepalm and Applejack to give a soft chuckle.

“Well, let’s git t’ workin’ on these here moves!” Applejack declared as she opened her scroll to see a drawing on an Equine that was going through motions, “No words, jest pictures. Ah’m likin’ this scroll.”

“Eh, there might be hope for you yet, young Dragon,” Terrador noted an hour later as Spyro stumbled over, panting.

“My throat hurts…” Spyro rasped out.

“Of course it does. Why do you think my voice is this deep?” Terrador smirked in a joke, earning just a look from the purple dragon, “Now then, are you near Fury Level?”

“I…I don’t think so…” Spyro replied.

“Good,” Terrador smirked before more of his Dummies appeared, “These don’t have the ‘bury them’ part. Just go pummel them until you can unleash your Fury, but only use Earth Breath attacks. And remember, the breath isn’t just land, but also wind.”

Spyro sighed as he went back into the fray. As another two hours passed, the three training were progressing along well. Spyro was able to release a tornado made of green winds and crumbling ground that sucked up the dummies while Applejack and Shining Armor were able to bend the land into various attacks. Terrador noticed the trembling Spyro was giving off before motioning to the two Ponies there. Applejack realized what was happening and quickly made a wall of the ground just as more dummies surrounded the Purple Dragon.

“Looks like Ignitus may have been right about you, Spyro,” Terrador smirked.

“Fury of Kytheron’s Wrath of Nature!” Spyro roared.

The room began to rumble as Spyro floated into the air. Bits of the land broke apart and spun around the room. With a roar, Spyro unleashed a massive meteor storm of boulders twice his size from the materials that floated in the air, destroying the remaining dummies and Applejack’s earth wall.

“Good job. Now…the final confrontation awaits,” Terrador informed as the dragon statue rose up once more.

“Whoo-whee! Sure was overkill, Spyro,” Applejack noted.

“S-Sorry…” Spyro panted as they entered the main room of the place.

“You've done well, Spyro, Applejack, Shining Armor,” Terrador informed.

Cyril quickly said, “Yes, yes, pat on the back, good going, all that other rubbish, but we've got to get moving here.”

“Cyril is terribly obnoxious but in this case he happens to be right, Terrador,” Volteer pointed out, earning a glare from Cyril, “Ignitus and Celestia are the final piece to Cynder's puzzle. If that last crystal is powered, the portal will open and we'll all be done for!”

“I know, I know,” Terrador frowned.

“What do you mean?” Shining Armor asked.

“When the Dark Master was originally sealed, it was due to the combined efforts of both Dragons, Celestia, and the Elements of Harmony,” Terrador explained, “Luna would have been included had the Dark Master not have turned her into Nightmare Moon almost months before.”

Volteer and Cyril’s tails whapped into Terrador’s head. He growled quietly at them until they pointed at Luna, currently in a corner with a blue space around her.

“…Oops,” Terrador sweatdropped before shaking his head, “Anyways, when I was on Munitions Forge, I overheard the Conductor say that Cynder's final preparations would take place at her lair, where she lives in solitude among the clouds and the towers. I am certain that's where she's taken Ignitus and Celestia.”

“We have to go…come on,” Spyro turned and began to run off.

“I'd give anything to go with you, young warriors, but that crystal sapped the last of my will,” Terrador replied sadly, “I fear my fighting days are over.”

“Every generation must pass the torch to the next, Terrador. Our time is done,” Volteer pointed out.

“Yes, it is Spyro and his friends’ time to shine,” Cyril informed, “Now go to it, young ones!”

“Yes sir!” Spyro saluted.

“Wow, you guys make even me wanna face Cynder,” Sparx chuckled before realizing what he just said, “Did I say that out loud?”

“Eeyup,” one of the Pegasus Guards replied.

=Please await a minute. What are the coordinates to her lair?= Drobot asked.

“…I do not know,” Terrador replied.

“I’ve got them!” Twilight replied as she ran into the room, holding up a piece of paper.

“Splendid, Twilight Sparkle!” Cyril cheered, “It seems Ignitus was correct in teaching you how to use that little trick of his!”

“We better get going,” Twilight said.

“Wait,” the group turned to see Luna walk over, holding…

“The Elements of Harmony?” Rainbow Dash blinked in confusion.

“We shall all be accompanying thee,” Luna informed as she motioned to the Guard and Candace, “The enemy hath stolen Our Sister from Us. We demand war upon these impudent foals!”

“Luna, I would advise against sending both yourself and this new Alicorn we have met,” Volteer advised, “If you and her were to be captured, than it would cause even more dangers.”

“Cynder's Lair is where hope goes to die,” Terrador informed, “A dark, foreboding place in which Cynder broods and skulks and plans her next assault. You must make your way to her fortress, where I'm sure Ignitus and Celestia are being held.”

“We’ll save them no matter what,” Shining Armor nodded.

=Indeed= Drobot agreed.

“You got that right! Wait. That guy’s my landlord. Still, he’s a nice guy…” Boomer shrugged, “What the hay? I’m in it for the BOOM!”

The group quickly left. A few seconds later, Twilight ran back in.

“Almost forgot?” Candace asked with a bit of mirth in her tone.

“Almost forgot,” Twilight replied.

“Sunshine, sunshine, ladybugs awake! Clap your hands and do a little shake!” the two recited/sang as they did a small little set of skips around each other and did a small handshake.

“Good luck,” Candace hugged Twilight close.

“I will, Candace. After all, my brothers will be there,” Twilight assured before she left.

"...What was that about?" Cyril slowly looked at the youngest of the three Alicorns of Canterlot.

"It's a little greeting we made, just me and Twilight," Candace replied with a giggle.

“Next time I say that I want to face Cynder, why don’t you go ahead and punch me in the mouth?” Sparx gulped as he and Fluttershy hid behind Spyro and Rainbow Dash from the massive pitch-black and crystal-covered tower/fortress.

“No problem,” Spyro shrugged.

“Do you have any plans, Shiny?” Twilight asked as she looked at her brother.

“We’ll split up into teams of three. We’ll have one guard on each team,” Shining Armor explained before Pinkie Pie began to scratch her elbow when she froze up.

“Cynder’s coming!” Pinkie Pie screamed as she pushed everyone behind a bush made of gems just before Cynder flew by.

“How did you know that?” the Unicorn Guard asked.

“When my left elbow is itchy, it means ‘Big Meanie is about to fly by,’” Pinkie Pie replied.

“Don’t ask, but it saved us more than once when we freed Terrador,” Sparx advised the Royal Guard members.

“…Okay…” Shining Armor blinked before recovering and looked at a Pegasus Guard and Earth Pony Guard, “Swift Wind, Ground Buster, you’re with me. Twily, Fluttershy, you’re with Pinkie Pie. Applejack, you get Rainbow Dash and Break Strike.”

“Sir,” the Unicorn Guard saluted.

“Rarity, go with Darkest Storms and Land Striker,” Shining Armor ordered.

“With pleasure,” Rarity giggled.

“Okay, I’m starting to see where this is going,” Twilight noted, “You’re making sure we’re all part of a team made of Earth, Sky, and Magic.”

“Right,” Shining Armor nodded before turning to the two dragons, Dragonfly, and Troll.

“We’re a single team,” Spyro nodded.

“Okay. We split up and meet in the fortress,” Shining Armor ordered, “Take out any and all enemies that appear.”

“Right,” everyone but the gulping Fluttershy agreed.

“Terrador made it sound like this place was uninhabited!” Sparx sighed as he spotted a swarm of Apes.

“Now what fun would that be?” Boomer smirked.

“Come on, we've got to take them out!” Spyro ordered.

=Engaging demise of simian warriors= Drobot growled.

“Why is it my fault?” Swift Wind whined as the Apes began to strike at the barrier Shining Armor made.

“Because you kicked the pebble,” Ground Buster muttered.

“Be quiet you two,” Shining Armor ordered before stomping the ground and made a swinging motion with his arms, causing the ground below the group of Apes around his barrier to be impaled by spikes of the land, “Now get your jaws back up. We’ve got work to do.”

“Pinkie Pie, stop laughing!” Twilight scolded as she sent another fireball at an ape.

“But it’s so funny!” Pinkie Pie laughed, “Their jaws dropped to the ground!”

“C-Can we hurry?” Fluttershy whimpered as she paralyzed another Ape that tried to get them, “This…This is giving me bad memories again…”

“I simply abhor these sick beasts,” Rarity growled as she froze a Dreadwing as her two Guards were impaling Apes nearby with their swords.

“You said it,” Darkest Storms growled as he flew over a Dreadwing that tried to eat him before stabbing it through the neck and severed it.

“Hey, Storms, we up for a platter from Joe’s once all of this is said and done?” Land Striker asked.

“You know it,” Darkest Storms replied before grabbing a cloud and kicked it, zapping more Apes that tried to jump Rarity.

“Thank you,” Rarity informed.

“Thank you for that,” Break Strike informed as Applejack pulled him up to a higher level.

“No problem, pardner,” Applejack tilted her hat in recognition.

“Come on!” Rainbow Dash snapped, “The sooner we get to Fluttershy, the better!”

“What’s got yer thong in a bunch?” Applejack asked.

“It’s because of the Griffon/Pegasi Civil War in Cloudsdale, isn’t it?” Break Striker asked, making Rainbow Dash freeze up, “There were many causalities on both sides, but I recognize the name of that shy Mare in your friends. She was in the hospital for six months and probably has the scars from…”

SHUT UP!” Rainbow snapped, “You don’t know anything about that damn year!”

“What are y’all talkin’ ‘bout?” Applejack frowned.

“Nothing you need to know, got it?” Rainbow Dash growled as she flew ahead of them.

“…Many Pegasi Foals were left without parents. Did you recall how there was no weather for almost several months almost fifteen years back?”

“Yeah. Had t’ ration water supplies,” Applejack recalled, “Almost lost a good amount of th’ trees on th’ farm.”

“That’s because the Griffons of Cloudsdale created a civil war over weather control since they were citizens there, but unable to work in a vital job,” Break Striker explained as they followed after the Pegasus, “Many a good life was lost until Celestia was able to stop it. She had been gone for a bit during that time, most likely here helping the Dragons. I went over a few reports on you girls before I came here with the others and learned that Fluttershy’s name was on the list of near-fatally injured. She had been brought to a hospital with a sword stabbed through her stomach and her back covered in deep claw strikes. She had jumped between her father and a Griffon that was his best friend, trying to stop them. Two months after she had been put in the hospital, we found the bodies of the two, both hanging together in the Griffon’s basement. Both had a suicide note on them along with their wills. Your friend is probably the richest Mare in Equestria with all the money she has from the life insurance the two had taken out a year after the little girl had been born and the cash they left in their wills to her, but the scars of it have probably left your friend in her current state of being incredibly shy.”

“…Ah…Ah see…” Applejack trembled, ‘Did…Did Rainbow Dash see her like that…? Is that why she wants ta git t’ her?’

“Everyone okay?” Spyro asked as they regrouped before two massive black doors.

“They didn’t hurt you, did they?” Rainbow asked Fluttershy, looking her over.

“N-n-no. Tw-Twilight and Pinkie P-Pie were able to k-keep them away…” Fluttershy replied with a heavy blush.

=All outer threats neutralized= Drobot informed =Proceed to interior?=

“Allow us to ‘knock,’” Boomer smirked as he and Pinkie pulled out a large pile of dynamite and quickly stacked it onto the door before everyone ran behind the crystals in the area.

“Fire in the hole!” Pinkie Pie shouted as Rarity and Twilight sent a fireball at the dynamite, lighting them and destroying the door.

“Whoo!” Pinkie and Boomer cheered while Drobot rolled his only real eye before his robotic eye lit up.

=Anomaly detected= Drobot informed before the crystals that had made the door trembled before fusing into a Golem-like being.

“A crystal Golem?” Twilight pondered.

=Oronewo, sub-class of Golem. Larger and sturdier due to their crystal structure= Drobot informed as he analyzed the behemoth before them =Weakness, intense sonic vibrations=

“We need sound and a lot of it,” Twilight translated to the confused others, “Either that or something to vibrate its form enough to shatter it.”

“On it!” Applejack and Shining Armor replied.

The two stood together and slowly entered their stances. Both counted to three in unison as they went through a series of stances, ending with a ‘thrust’ motion. The Oronewo trembled before exploding into shards. Soon, more began to appear.

“Go!” Boomer ordered, “I’ll hold ‘em back!”

“Boomer,” Twilight spoke.

“Heh. This is the way I want to do it. You guys hurry and free the big guy and the boss lady,” the Troll ordered with a big grin, “As for me…It’s time to BRING THE BOOM!-!-!

As the Ponies, dragonfly, and Purple Dragon ran into the structure, the sounds of Boomer giving off joyous laughter and explosions filled the air. The group pressed on to battle off more Apes that appeared around every-other corner. They were able to avoid a few traps thanks to Pinkie Pie. They turned a corner and ran into a large ape.

“Aaaaaaaaahhhhhhhh!” Sparx screamed before Break Striker killed the Ape with a spear through its heart, “I can’t talk…heart…breaking up…”

“Come on. Ignitus and Mom are waiting,” Spyro informed as they entered a large chamber with an elevator in the center, getting on it to go up.

As the group reached the top of the tower, Twilight and Spyro gasped. The others turned in their direction to see Ignitus and Celestia. The two were chained to to a tower across from them with their energy going into a single crystal.

“Princess/Ignitus!” the Unicron and Purple Dragon cried out.

“Spyro…?” Sparx gulped.

“What?” the purple dragon asked.

“I don't like this…It feels like she's baiting us,” Sparx advised.

“Seems you’re getting smarter,” Shining Armor noted.

“All of you…” Celestia grunted.

“…Destroy the crystal…” Ignitus managed to get out.

Quickly…” both pleaded.

“Let's get them out of here before Cynder gets back!” Spyro ordered.

“Men, the crystal,” Shining Armor ordered.

The five Royal Guard members nodded. They rushed the stone only for a blur to landed before them, striking them with a green liquid. The five cried out just before their bodies instantly melted.

“Acid!” Shining gasped as Fluttershy lost her lunch.

“If only life were that easy, little ones,” Cynder sneered.

“S-s-s-s-s-s-so…” Sparx began.

“B-b-b-b-b-big…” Fluttershy finished.

“Time you all learned how complicated life can be,” Cynder growled.

“Run, Spyro, all of you…save yourselves!” Ignitus pleaded.

“Not this time. This time I fight!” Spyro replied.

=I concur. You will not take another life!= Drobot snarled at Cynder, his yellow optic glowing red in anger.

“Ah. The little pipsqueak that tried to fight me at Boyzitbig when I first took over the Manweersmalls,” Cynder smirked, “Ha ha ha ha ha…Bring it!”

“Um…Spyro…everyone?” Sparx gulped as Shining Armor pulled out a pair of swords.

“Twily, you and the other bearers of the Elements of Harmony go free Princess Celestia and Ignitus. Try to see if the Elements can restore their strength,” Shining Armor ordered, “Spyro, Drobot, and I have it covered here.”

Twilight nodded. The six quickly ran towards the two captured. Cynder attempted to stop them before barely avoiding a laser. Drobot roared before rushing at her, firing another laser from his optic. Cynder flew out of the way and fired a blast of acid at him. Drobot was almost hit when a barrier summoned by Shining Armor stopped it. He dropped the barrier and used magic to send his swords at Cynder. The dark dragon roared before releasing a tornado made of wind from her mouth. She stopped as lightning coursed through her. She turned to see Spyro snarling at her from in the air. Spyro unleashed a barrage of icicles the size of a bed at her. Cynder flew around the icicles and slammed into Spyro with her tail, sending the purple dragon through a wall of the fortress. She flew in with Drobot following, Shining Armor on his back. With the others, they tried to destroy the crystal only for a barrier to stop their attacks.

“Consarn it!” Applejack growled.

“What if we try to use the Elements?” Rainbow Dash asked.

“We’ll try it,” Twilight replied, “But I hope that it doesn’t hurt them.”

“They…won’t,” Celestia replied, “But please…just leave us…”

“No way!” Rainbow Dash argued, “We’re not leaving you two behind. Not after what we’ve gone through getting here!” she glanced over at the pile of acid/melted Equines, “Especially not after we lost some good lives.”

Another wall erupted nearby and Cynder was sent out of it by four dragons made of fire, electricity, earth, and ice. She had a few burns and one of her horns had been cut off. Dirt, ice, burns, and sparks of electricity littered her body. She quickly landed near the ponies and batted them away from the crystal as Spyro, Drobot, and Shining Armor flew towards them, the Unicorn on the Purple Dragon’s back. Spyro landed and collapsed onto his side as Shining Armor tumbled off him, all three sporting various injuries and fresh wounds. Cynder began to laugh as the crystal let a bit of its energy hit her, healing her wounds.

“It is so sad it must end this way. Now…Where was I?” Cynder pondered before grabbing the crystal, causing the two captured by her to drop onto the floor before the others, and then flew off through the glass ceiling of the tower they were on.

“Does she ever use doors?” Sparx asked as a cigar-smoking Boomer came up on the elevator, carrying an Ape Pelt with a chandelier made of the crystal-themed Golems.

“There was something in her eyes, Ignitus…” Spyro informed as the others were helping the two up, “…Something familiar.”

=I concur. My first encounter with her also had me sense that connection=

“There should be, Spyro. You, your fellow Dragon here, and Cynder share more than you know,” Celestia explained.

“It's time I told you the truth…all of it,” Ignitus explained, “You see, after I took your egg to the Silver River, I returned to the Grotto to find utter chaos. The other Guardians had been overrun, and all the other eggs had been smashed by the Dark Master's forces…all except five…”

“Five?” Pinkie Pie repeated.

“When I had last visited the Grotto, the eggs had just been laid. Something compelled me to put a spell on a few of the eggs to prevent them from being destroyed,” Celestia informed, “I should have told the others sooner about this…or put it on all the eggs had I known this would have happened. But I was only able to put it on four eggs.”

“You see, the Dark Master was torn. He wanted to destroy all the eggs to prevent the birth of the purple dragon…but he also needed a dragon,” Ignitus explained.

“Why would he need a dragon?” Spyro asked.

“Because, Spyro, only one born in the Year of the Dragon could open the portal that served as the Dark Master's prison,” Celestia replied.


“I'm afraid so,” Ignitus replied.

“But if we come from the same place, why is she so, so…?” Spyro couldn’t think of a word.

“Evil? Monstrous? Big? …Sexy?”

“Sparx!” Twilight and Shining Armor exclaimed.

“Oops, did I just say that?”

“Because, Spyro, after the night of the raid, she was corrupted by the Dark Master's poisonous powers…twisted by his evil lore,” Ignitus replied.

“She, like Luna when she had become Nightmare Moon, had become the Dark Master's monster,” Celestia informed.

“But why? What does this Dark Master want?” Twilight pondered.

“He wants to be freed from the portal of Convexity,” Ignitus replied, “To wreak havoc across the realms.”

“And if Cynder gets there, he just might succeed,” Celestia informed before looking down in sadness as a portal erupted in the distance, “I'm afraid we might be too late.”

“No, I refuse to give up... I'm going to stop Cynder and the Dark Master,” Spyro argued.

“Wait you, you heard the Dragon, Spyro. He said, too late. We’ll get him next time,” Sparx assured, “Come on, champ, you did a great job and let’s…let’s take five.”

“No! I'm ready…now!” Spyro argued.

“Okay, okay, Spyro, you're right,” Ignitus replied, “At the very least, you have to try. If the Dark Master escapes, a shadow will fall over the land, and who knows what will happen then.”

“I’m sorry, my little ponies, but if you wish to go with them, then it is not possible. Only a complete Dragon and dragonflies can go into Convexity,” Celestia informed.

“Spyro…” the Purple Dragon turned to see Twilight walk up with her friends from Ponyville, “Take them.”

“Hm?” Spyro pondered before the girls held out their Elements of Harmony, “What are you girls…?”

“Spyro, only dragons and dragonflies can go into Convexity, right?” Rainbow asked.

“Then we want you to have these,” Rarity offered.

“We want you to know that we’ll be with you,” Fluttershy informed.

“That you’re our friend an’ that we’ll be there for ya in spirit,” Applejack nodded.

“That’s so right! You make sure to come back from there and we can have a ‘We-Just-Saved-The-World-From-The-Dark-Master-and-redeemed-Cynder-with-the-Elements-of-Harmony-like-we-did-for-Luna’ Party back in Ponyville!” Pinkie Pie beamed happily.

“…” Twilight knelt down on her good leg and placed a hand on Spyro’s shoulder, “Spyro, my little brother…We can’t go with you, but we will go with you.”

“…” Spyro nodded.

One by one, the girls placed their Elements around Spyro. The six gold items began to glow before floating around him. Honesty and Loyalty connected to his tail and back, causing pristine gold armor to encase them, amplifying the sharpness and swiftness of them. Generosity and Laughter encased his legs in the armor next, extending his claws even further with white blades coating them. Kindness formed armor upon his torso and neck while Magic transformed into a regal, dragonic helmet that extended his horns out with white blades. The emblems of the six Elements lined the back of his wings and the jewels that were on them circled his torso armor. It shifted until he had assumed a bipedal shape, His height remaining the same but also modified to let him have longer arms and legs. Spyro looked at his new form in a broken piece of glass before turning to the girls with a small smile.

“Thank you, girls,” Spyro spoke as they hugged him.

‘A blessing from the girls and the Elements,’ Ignitus thought as he looked at Spyro’s armor and then at the dragon himself, “Spyro, Convexity acts as an airlock between our world and the Dark Realms beyond. You must stop Cynder before she inserts the final crystal and activates the portal, freeing the Dark Master.”

“I will,” Spyro nodded as Sparx held onto his left horn as he flew into the vortex.

“May the Ancestors look after you!” Ignitus called.

“May they look after us all,” Celestia spoke solemnly before they left to return to the Dragon Temple.

Spyro and Sparx exited the portal and landed on a large floating rock. As the two looked around, they saw a strange creature that seemed to be a fusion of whale and jellyfish that floated by them.

“Now…I've seen everything,” Sparx gulped.

“Yeah, if we don't hurry, I have a feeling you're going to see a whole lot more. Come on,” Spyro ordered as he flew over to a larger rock with a strange shrine in the center.

Before the shrine was Cynder, holding the last crystal. The crystal glowed before splitting into two. They floated around the shrine and past three identical crystals that had been put into slots.


“It is too late. My Master returns,” Cynder sneered as she faced the two, “Hmmmm…Persistent little fella, aren't you? This is where it really ends.”

“Bring it!” Spyro snapped.

“No mercy this time,” Cynder growled.

“I can't watch this,” Sparx gulped before pulling out a video camera and began to record the fight, “At least, not in person.”

Cynder rushed at Spyro, only for a gold blur to knock her away from the shrine. Cynder avoided the gold blur before sending a wave of acid at it. The blur, Spyro, turned and fired a wave of gold flames at the acid, evaporating it. Before Cynder could move, a barrage of gold ice-made spheres slammed into her, sending her back onto the floating rock. She swung her tail and Spyro caught it in his clawed hands. He spun her around before slamming her into the ‘ground,’ breaking it up a bit. At the shrine, the two gems connected to two final slots. The shrine rumbled before six more slots were revealed.

“What?!” Cynder gasped as she managed to look at the shrine in the middle of their fight, “This can’t be! Six hidden slots?!”

“Those look like…!” Spyro whispered in shock, looking at his armor, ‘Alright, Mom!’

“Ha-ha! Celestia pulled a fast one!” Spark cheered.

“Why you…!” Cynder released a terrifying screech before she flew into the air.

“S…Sparx…” Spyro groaned, purple spark-like flames starting to come from his lips, “I…I feel…”

Cynder released a powerful blast of red and black acid-like magma from her mouth. Spyro responded by unleashing a beam-like blast of the strange energy from his mouth, dispersing the magma shot and slammed it into Cynder.

“A new Breath?” Sparx pondered as a sphere of energy formed before Spyro’s lips.

“Now…It is time to awaken the True Dragon within you.”

With the reminder of Ignitus’ words flowing through Spyro’s head, the six jewels on his armor erupted in power. His eyes snapped open, revealing they were a bright white and glowed. The sphere erupted into the purple energy but mixed in the colors of the Elements into it.

“Fury of Faust’s Convex Harmonic Assault!” Spyro roared.

Multiple dragons of all the colors of the sphere erupted from it. Cynder screamed as the multiple dragons slammed and went through her. Eventually, all the dragons shot into her and unleashed a blast of light. It faded and Cynder collapsed to the ground, her body glowing. She began to shrink down until she was the size of Spyro, assuming a bipedal form akin to Spyro’s. Her features, once menacing and fearsome, had become more akin to a blend of Applejack’s hardened appearance mixed with Rarity’s regal look. Spyro’s eyes widened in surprise at her appearance.

“She is just like me and Drobot.”

“Dude, we've got to get out of here…now!” Sparx barked as the pillar of energy began to suck them towards it.

“I can't leave her behind…I've got to save her,” Spyro informed as he saw Cynder’s unconscious form slide closer to the pillar.

“What? Save the beast that's been trying to kill us?”

“That wasn't her fault…she was being used by the Dark Master!” Spyro snapped.

He shot off and flew into the pillar of energy just as Cynder was pulled into it. Moments later, Spyro erupted out of it, struggling with the suction. He began to fly even harder, unaware of a cone of air forming before him. With one mighty cry, the jewel erupted in energy before he shot out in an explosion of color, Sparx and Cynder on his back.

Now we can go!”

“I'm right behind you buddy!” Sparx screamed, holding on for dear life.

As the three traversed through the portal, the armor Spyro wore began to retract itself back into the original tiara and necklaces. Upon exiting the portal, the three landed on the balcony of the Dragon Temple, Spyro and Sparx passing out from the intensity of traversing through the portal twice.

“Mommy? Fluff my pillow?” Sparx groaned as he began to wake up from crashing due to overeating during the large party Pinkie set up for not only rescuing the world but also welcoming the dragons and Boomer to Ponyville and Equestria.

“Feeling better, Spyro?” Ignitus pondered as he walked over to Spyro, the dragon now wearing a black shirt and blue jeans.

“Not really, Ignitus. That battle drained every last bit of my strength. I’m kinda stuck with just using the Scroll Flame that Mom taught me,” Spyro admitted as he looked at himself in a mirror, “Plus, there’s also this new form my body’s taken.”

“Yes, it will take some time for your powers to return. But they will in time, young dragon. They will in time,” Ignitus informed, “As for the transformation, I believe it was because of the Elements of Harmony blessing you with their power to save Cynder.”

“As much as I am hoping we can do a bit more research into this, I believe that we’ll need to take care of something first,” Celestia noted, motioning to the shy black/purple dragoness-wearing a purple tee and hip-hugging jeans that Rarity had fashioned for her-nearby, keeping away from the others and staying near Spyro at the same time.

“Indeed,” Ignitus nodded before looking at Cynder and Drobot, “Cynder, Drobot, ever since I failed the night of the raid, I've dreamed of this day.”

“It wasn't just you, Ignitus. We all failed,” Volteer argued.

“Be that as it may…we're together again now…thanks to Spyro and the Elements of Harmony,” Ignitus informed before turning to the seven, “Well done, young dragon, little ponies.”

“Thanks, Ignitus, but we still don't know what's happened to the Dark Master…” Twilight noted.

“No matter, Twilight Sparkle. There will be time to talk of the Dark Master later,” Terrador assured, “Now it's time to be grateful for your success. And to enjoy the delicious feast of sweets.”

“'Their success?' What about me?” Sparx demanded as Terrador munched on a platter of cupcakes colored to resemble his scales, “Just because a bunch of weird stuff doesn't come flying out of my mouth, got a pair of horns, or a good fighter, doesn't mean that I didn't help, ya know!”

“You were a big help, Sparx,” Spyro chuckled.

“No doubt about it,” Twilight giggled.

“But just for the record…a lot of weird stuff does come out of that little mouth of yours,” Rainbow smirked.

“And what the heck is that supposed to mean? You know, I don't need this. I could have stayed with the Llama people, whatever, where I was appreciated, but no,” Sparx shook his head, “No. I decided to help the poor helpless dragons rid the world of evil. What a mistake that was because I get no thanks, no respect, no love, no credit…”

“My goodness…and I thought Volteer talked a lot,” Ignitus exclaimed, causing the Lightning Dragon Master to look away sheepishly with a blush, pausing from his slice of Volteer-colored cake that Pinkie Pie had baked.

“I left home too, you know. I’m a little guy. Yeah, that’s right. Maybe you haven’t noticed, but things are a lot bigger to me than they are to you. And did I back away? Nah, nah, nah. Why? Because I've got moxy, I'm a tough cookie, I've got class…I've got fro…” he paused in his rant to cough, “I got a little frog in my throat…As I was saying, on Tall Plains they knew a good thing when they saw it. They recognized the value of a quality dragonfly like me…but here I get nothing... not even a ‘Thanks, hey, how are ya doing, good, let me buy you a drink.’”

“I’m really going to love this assignment you’ve given me, Princess Celestia,” Twilight giggled as she and Celestia watched Sparx rant.

“True. But I also have a secondary task for both you and your new friends; find the other three Dragons I was able to save with that spell,” Celestia ordered, earning a nod from Twilight in return.

“I should go back to the swamp…Mom’ll make it all good…” Sparx sniffled, “Mommy always does.”

Nearby, Spyro just look out in the distance with Cynder. Luna walked over to the two.

“Dost thou see anything, young one?” Luna asked.

“No, but I've got a bad feeling,” Spyro admitted.

“Me too,” Cynder agreed.

Luna nodded, “But still, Spyro, what thou has told Us about the slots, it seems that without the Elements of Harmony there, the Dark Master hasn’t been freed.” She put a wing on Cynder’s form, “As for thee, We wish to do something for thee. Since Our sister took in Spyro, We wish to take thou in as Our Daughter.”

“Y…You would?” Cynder blinked in surprise.

“Yes,” Luna nodded, “We know that pain of being enslaved by the Dark Master feels. It is…dark, dreadful…there is just so much to it that We are unable to list them all. We wish to be there for thee.”

“I…I would like that,” Cynder nodded.
To all the tribes outside of Equestria affected by the Dark Armies,

It is with great pride in informing you all that the Dark Master’s head mistress, Cynder, has been defeated by thanks of the legendary Purple Dragon, Spyro, and the Elements of Harmony. For those of you who fear the Dark Armies will still befall a cruel fate upon you, Equestria wishes to extend a branch to you all and invite you to stay in our land until the Dark Armies have been defeated completely.

With warm regards,
Princesses Celestia and Luna
Rulers of Equestria
Allies of the Dragons