• Published 29th Oct 2022
  • 641 Views, 16 Comments

Bloodlust - Scarlett_Lilac

Sunset gets bitten by a mysterious bat she's never seen in the human world before, and it seems to have some side affects on her.

  • ...

Chapter 3

Sunset grabbed Twilight's shirt and pulled her towards herself. Closing the distance between them and finally kissing her, to Twilight's surprise and delight.

Both of them had craved for this moment to happen for ages now. Hoping just to hold each other as close as possible.

Finally Sunset pulled away, much to both their dismay and just stared deep into Twilight's eyes, Twilight also staring into Sunset's red eyes. Cherishing the moment they just shared.

Twilight could tell something was off, she felt as if she was in a sort of danger. Her eyes drifted from Sunset's crimson eyes, to her pointed ears and then to her long, sharp teeth. She knew she was in danger, but she didn't care, she just wanted more of Sunset.

Twilight crashed forward into Sunset, shocking Sunset slightly, before her shock turned into a devilish grin. Twilight once again locked the two into a deep kiss.

The pair kept their lips together, only parting last second for air. Sunset kept her grin nearly as sharp as her teeth. She leaned her head down beginning to kiss and suck on Twilight's neck. No doubt leaving a difficult to hide hickey Twilight would have to deal with tomorrow.

To her own surprise Twilight let out a quiet moan. Barely audible but she could obviously tell Sunset heard it from her devious chuckle.

Suddenly Twilight let out a shriek before cutting herself off by holding her hand over her mouth. She had a stinging pain in her neck. Sunset had bitten her.

"Sunset what the fuck?" She barely made out through her shock that Sunset would do that. She knew she was bleeding, and could feel Sunset drinking it. Letting her question linger in the air.

Finally Sunset raised her head up back to look at Twilight, "Aww I'm sorry Twi, I didn't realise how hungry I was. Not hungry for any food. Just for you... for your blood."

"Sunset w-what are you?" Twilight asked, frightened, scared this wasn't her Sunset.

"I don't know what I am anymore Twi. But I know what I want. You. I just want you Twilight. My Twilight."

Sunset slowly opened her eyes, blinking away the sleepiness. She sat up just to see she was laying on her couch. With... Twilight right beside her? "Oh God, what'd I do last night?" She asked herself as Twilight quietly snored.

Sunset glanced at Twilight's neck, she'd left a hickey on her neck and, a bite mark? Why would she bite Twilight enough to draw blood?

Sunset was deeply confused, she had no idea what happened, why she didn't know what happened and what to do. She was lost in this situation.

She worried that she had made a big mistake last night that she couldn't remember. Especially considering Twilight's shirt was noticeably messed up and nearly fully unbuttoned, apart from the 2 buttons at the bottom barely holding the shirt together.

Sunset got up quietly, in fear of waking Twilight, she headed to her kitchen where she'd usually make some sort of breakfast, she layed out everything needed for bacon and eggs. Once she did Sunset just kind of awkwardly stared at them before realising her absence of hunger.

She decided instead to make some for Twilight once she woke up.

Twilight awoke to the sound of a plate hitting the table, a small noise but Twilight was usually a light enough sleeper.

She wiped her eyes as she took her glasses from the coffee table infront of the couch. Twilight looked around confused, this wasn't her house? Her face immediately went red as she noticed her very untidy shirt and crooked skirt, suggesting a particular action took place last night.

Memories came back to her that she both enjoyed and deeply hated remembering.

Twilight lost herself in space for a moment after finally coming back to hearing Susnet call for her.

"Twi, I made some breakfast if you'd like it."

Twilight looked at Sunset in confusion, how could she be so calm after what happened last night. She got up without saying a word, fixing her outfit while doing so.

Coming over to the table she looked at the meal, eggs and bacon were some of her favourites for breakfast. "Thank you Sunset, but umm, how can you be so calm after umm... last night."

"Huh? I don't really remember what happened last night, at all. Oh God do you mean we did what I think we did?" Sunset asked as Twilight nodded embarrassed.

"Oh Twi I'm really sorry, I hope I didn't make you do anything you didn't want too." Sunset said with clear shame in her voice.

"No, no. I didn't not want anything, I uh... kind of enjoyed it." Twilight again went beet red at her own words. "But what happened last night, you had such large canine teeth and were drinking my blood."

Sunset appeared shocked as she had no idea what Twilight was talking about. "Is that the mark on your neck? I swear ever since I got bitten by that damned bat I've been all weird and have a strange blood craving and a lack of appetite."

"You got bit by a bat? And have a blood craving? It's almost like you're some sort of vampire." Twilight joked.

"Heh yeah, good one Twi. But Vampires don't actually exist. Right?"


Author's Note:

A little bit of a spicy chapter in the beginning. But what do you think Twilight do faced with this impossible reality?

Comments ( 3 )

nice work

"What would Twilight do faced with this impossible reality?"

Well, I'm guessing SCIENCE!🤣

Added to read list. Interesting story. :twilightsmile:

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