• Published 16th Sep 2022
  • 605 Views, 18 Comments

Lost Shadows - FenrirOdinson

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More Questions than Answers

Upon returning to their home, Fluttershy had asked all her animals to give her room to work as laid out a fresh clean sheet in the middle of the living room and asked Harry to lay the badly Shadow on top while went to get the first aid kit. To both Fluttershys’ and Harry surprise, the young wolf pup had followed them all the way back to her house, clearly intent on staying with his new, but injured, friend.

The pup was the last thing on Fluttershy’s mind, however. She was more concerned about Shadow. The only times she ad seen such horrible injuries was from when two animals had been fighting. Usually to the death. Could something similar of happened to him? Shaking her head, she decided to put that out of her mind for now, as helping her new guest needed to be her top priority. On her way back to the living room, Fluttershy pulled out her phone and called her friend and doctor Nurse Red Heart.

“Hey, Fluttershy. How are you?” Red Heart asked.

“I’m alright, but I found an injured stallion in the Everfree Forest about a half-hour ago. I brought him back to my place and am about to give him first aid. Could you send some help? I’m afraid I’m not qualified to handle this level of injurie.” She replied

“How bad are the injuries?” Red Heart asked in a tone of voice that Fluttershy knew to be her “work mode” voice.

“Bad. If he were one of my animal friends, I would expect the worst and- “

“We’ll be right there” said Red Heart, cutting Fluttershy off. She knew her kind friend would treat any injurie to the best of her ability, as she absolutely hated when others, pony or animal, died right in front of her and would cry for days afterwards. It was in her nature. But if she would expect the worst for this unknown stallion, then his condition had to be bad.

Hearing Nurse Red Heart hang up the phone on her end, she began to clean and bandage the deep cuts and gashes on Shadows body. All the while, the wolf pup and her animals watched, wanting to help but not knowing how.

Due to how far the hospital was from her home, a good thirty minutes had passed since Fluttershy had called Nurse Red Heart, when two EMTs hurriedly entered her home along with Nurse red Heart. She had cleaned and bandaged most of his injuries along with stopping the bleeding but there was a lot she couldn’t do. The three trained pros quickly got to work, checking vitals and such. Seeing the state he was in Red Heart knew he needed to get to hospital as quickly as possible.

“You did well Futters. We’ll take it from here.” She said, turning to the EMTs. “We need to get him back to the hospital as soon as possible. Hurry and load him in the ambulance.” The EMTs nodded as Red Heart turned back to Fluttershy and asked” Do you want to come with him?”

Nodding, she quickly followed the EMTs outside only to see the wolf pup try to get into the back of the ambulance. It really seemed dead set on staying by Shadows side. Gently picking it up she said, “let’s go together.” Smiling down at the small wolf in her arms before climbing in the back of the ambulance.

On the way to the hospital, Fluttershy called Twilight and the rest of her friends to let them know what happened and to ask them to meet her there, to which they all agreed. Thoughts running through her head the entire time. Who exactly was he? Where did he come from? How did he get so injured? And how did he end up in the middle of the Everfree forest? So many questions but no answers to be found. The only one who had the laid in front of her, completely unconscious.

When they arrived at the hospital, both doctors and surgeons alike rushed Shadow inside to begin treatment. When the pup made to follow, Fluttershy stopped him and said to let them work. It was reluctant to do so but listened. It was only few minuets later that Twilight and the gang showed up.

“Fluttershy!” cried Twilight.

“You ok sugarcube?” asked Applejack.

“I’m ok girls. Really. I’m more concerned for Shadow.” She said.

“Who?” they all said confused.

“He’s the one I found in the forest thanks to this puppy.” She replied, gesturing at the young wolf.

“Ok, but what is it doing here instead of it being with its family?” Spike Asked.

“He refused to leave Shadows side. It’s almost like it see’s Shadow as his owner and friend.”

That only confused them even more. “So, what are you going to do now Darling?” Rarity inquired.

“I’ll stay here until he’s out of surgery. I don’t think I would be able stop worrying if I don’t” she answered.

Just then Nurse Red Heart came up and let them know that Shadow was undergoing treatment and that if it hadn’t been for Fluttershy and her first aid treatment, he most likely wouldn’t have made it due to blood loss. His injuries however were more concerning to her and the doctors. She explained that they seemed to have been made by both blades and magic alike, but said that, although it would take some time, she and the doctors believed he would make a full recovery.

Relieved from what she was hearing, Fluttershy asked how long until he was out of surgery. “It shouldn’t be more than a couple of hours. In the meantime, I think someone should inform the Princesses about all this.”

“Really? How come? Oh! What kind of party should I throw for his? Should I a do a ‘Welcome to Ponyville’ or a ‘Congratulations on your recovery’? Oh! Maybe I’ll do a…” Ranted Pinkie before being stopped Rainbow Dash.

“Pinkie Pie. You know I love your parties but right now isn’t the time!” she said before turning the nurse and asking, “Why do we need to let the Princesses know? He’s not an escaped criminal, is he?”

“No, he isn’t a criminal. The thing is, is that he is wearing armor from the Crystal Empire and its design is from over a thousand years ago before it vanished.” A little known fact about Nurse Red Heart was that besides being a career nurse, she was also an avid historian.

Shock raced through their minds as they processed what they where just told. “A thousand years ago?! How is that possible?!” yelled Twilight.

“Could it be a time spell? Like the one I used before I became Twilights student? But, you know, in reverse? He could have been sent to our time from the past.” Suggested Starlight.

“Its possible. But we should ask him when we’re able to.” Said Twilight. “For now, though, we should let Princess Celestia know. Along with Cadance. She’ll want to know about this too.”

With that, Twilight began to call her sister-in-law, while Spike called his mother, Celestia, to let them know of the situation and all that they knew of the stranger that Fluttershy had saved in the forest.

Author's Note:

The plot thickens. Strap in if you want answers because it going to be wiled ride.