> Lost Shadows > by FenrirOdinson > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Found in the Everfree > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Deep in Everfree forest, a stallion lay injured on the forest floor. A curious wolf pup that had strayed from its pack had spotted him. Its youthful innocence and inexperience made it unwary of this unknow creature. Walking forward it began to sniff at the figure, poking and prodding it with its nose. Some smells it recognized, blood being the most obvious one but there were smells it couldn’t recognize. Nevertheless, despite how young it was it knew two things, the thing it had found was not only alive but was a pony. Its coat was a dark grey with a pitch black main and horn. The pup remembered the yellow pony with pink hair and wings. It remembered how kind it was, and it helped the pups’ mother when she was injured by a group of tree wolves. The pony even fed and played with it while the mother was healing. Hearing the hurt pony groan as it began to stir, the pup began to lick the ponies face, yipping and whining as did. Opening his and seeing the small pup he smiled. “Hey little one, you wouldn’t happen to be able to get help, would you?”, he said jokingly. Slowly rolling onto his back, he groaned again this time in pain. Although the wolf pup didn’t understand what the pony said completely, it still got the gist of what the pony wanted. It quickly ran off to find its pack, calling out for them as it went. A small chuckle escaped him as he saw the pup leave. As his smile died, he began to take stock of his situation. His armor was severally damaged, deep wounds covered his body and to top it off he was in an unknown place that seemed to be teaming with hostile intent all around him. Gathering what strength he had left. “I need to get out of here. Come on Shadow. You’ve been injured worse than this. So, move your ass, damn it!” he said as he tried to move, pain shot through him forcing him to lay still. “Well shit. Guess I’m not going anywhere. I can’t even use magic I’m so weak.” The only good things were that he still had his sword and the mud from the forest floor acted a kind of poultice staunching the blood from his wounds an preventing him from loosing any more. Holding the curved, single edged blade to his chest he laid where he was for what seemed like hours. It was hard to tell time in this forest. He couldn't even tell if it was night or day, much less even see the sun or moon. All he could do was lay there and rest, hoping nothing came to finish him off. He was alerted of something coming from the rustling of foliage. Thinking some predator had come to eat him he wasn’t prepared for what he heard next. “Oh my, are you ok?” came a small soft voice. Next thing he saw was a yellow Pegasus with a pink main kneel next to him checking his injuries. “Oh dear, these injuries are horrible." She said while holding back tears. Suddenly he heard a familiar cry as the wolf pup came running up to him, whining the entire way. Giving it a small smile, he said,” Good job little one. You did well.” The pup nuzzled his cheek before giving him a happy bark. Looking back at the mare who was still fussing over him, he couldn’t help but be amused at the way she was acting. “So, what do you think miss? Am I going to make it?” he asked jokingly. The sound of his voice caused her to jump slightly. “I-I um don’t know. I-I’m not actually a doctor. But I do know first aid.” The mare said in a small quiet voice. Immediately, Shadow knew that, while extremely kindhearted, this young lady was incredibly shy. Speaking in soft gentle tone he began to introduce himself. “My name is Shadow Knight. What’s yours?” Glancing at him she replied in a voice barely audible, “I’m Fluttershy.” “Fluttershy huh? A cute name for a cute mare.” Said Shadow. He wasn’t trying to flatter her. He was merely making an honest observation and opinion. Nevertheless, she blushed furiously. Not used to others giving her such compliments. “U-Umm, how about I take you back to my place? Its close by and I can treat your injuries there more efficiently.” she asked. “Sounds like a plan to me but I don’t see how you’re going to be able to take me to your house.” Shadow noted. He wasn’t implying she was physically weak but to carry him while he was still in his armor, mangled as was, an earth pony soldier would have a hard time doing it. “Don’t worry. Harry can carry you easily. Harry, can you come here and help me. We need to get him back home.” The statement only served to confuse him and before he could ask, a grizzly bear plodded over them. Shocked would be only way to describe what he was feeling. Who was this girl that could easily ask a freaking bear to help her?! Although Harry was as gentle as he could be, the stretching of sore, bruised muscles and skin caused Shadow to grit his teeth and loudly groan in pain. Some of his wounds had partially reopened and began to bleed again. "Are you alright? Just hold on! We'll be at my home soon and then I'll be able to take of you. Ok?" Fluttershy said almost panicking. "I'll be alright. But I could really use some sleep. Just do what you need to until you can get me to a doctor. For now, though I think I'll get some rest." He replied sleepily. For him, it had been an extremely long, tiring, and downright painful day. Before exhaustion sent to sleep, he could only think about was finding Chrysalis and his little sister Cadenza. > More Questions than Answers > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Upon returning to their home, Fluttershy had asked all her animals to give her room to work as laid out a fresh clean sheet in the middle of the living room and asked Harry to lay the badly Shadow on top while went to get the first aid kit. To both Fluttershys’ and Harry surprise, the young wolf pup had followed them all the way back to her house, clearly intent on staying with his new, but injured, friend. The pup was the last thing on Fluttershy’s mind, however. She was more concerned about Shadow. The only times she ad seen such horrible injuries was from when two animals had been fighting. Usually to the death. Could something similar of happened to him? Shaking her head, she decided to put that out of her mind for now, as helping her new guest needed to be her top priority. On her way back to the living room, Fluttershy pulled out her phone and called her friend and doctor Nurse Red Heart. “Hey, Fluttershy. How are you?” Red Heart asked. “I’m alright, but I found an injured stallion in the Everfree Forest about a half-hour ago. I brought him back to my place and am about to give him first aid. Could you send some help? I’m afraid I’m not qualified to handle this level of injurie.” She replied “How bad are the injuries?” Red Heart asked in a tone of voice that Fluttershy knew to be her “work mode” voice. “Bad. If he were one of my animal friends, I would expect the worst and- “ “We’ll be right there” said Red Heart, cutting Fluttershy off. She knew her kind friend would treat any injurie to the best of her ability, as she absolutely hated when others, pony or animal, died right in front of her and would cry for days afterwards. It was in her nature. But if she would expect the worst for this unknown stallion, then his condition had to be bad. Hearing Nurse Red Heart hang up the phone on her end, she began to clean and bandage the deep cuts and gashes on Shadows body. All the while, the wolf pup and her animals watched, wanting to help but not knowing how. Due to how far the hospital was from her home, a good thirty minutes had passed since Fluttershy had called Nurse Red Heart, when two EMTs hurriedly entered her home along with Nurse red Heart. She had cleaned and bandaged most of his injuries along with stopping the bleeding but there was a lot she couldn’t do. The three trained pros quickly got to work, checking vitals and such. Seeing the state he was in Red Heart knew he needed to get to hospital as quickly as possible. “You did well Futters. We’ll take it from here.” She said, turning to the EMTs. “We need to get him back to the hospital as soon as possible. Hurry and load him in the ambulance.” The EMTs nodded as Red Heart turned back to Fluttershy and asked” Do you want to come with him?” Nodding, she quickly followed the EMTs outside only to see the wolf pup try to get into the back of the ambulance. It really seemed dead set on staying by Shadows side. Gently picking it up she said, “let’s go together.” Smiling down at the small wolf in her arms before climbing in the back of the ambulance. On the way to the hospital, Fluttershy called Twilight and the rest of her friends to let them know what happened and to ask them to meet her there, to which they all agreed. Thoughts running through her head the entire time. Who exactly was he? Where did he come from? How did he get so injured? And how did he end up in the middle of the Everfree forest? So many questions but no answers to be found. The only one who had the laid in front of her, completely unconscious. When they arrived at the hospital, both doctors and surgeons alike rushed Shadow inside to begin treatment. When the pup made to follow, Fluttershy stopped him and said to let them work. It was reluctant to do so but listened. It was only few minuets later that Twilight and the gang showed up. “Fluttershy!” cried Twilight. “You ok sugarcube?” asked Applejack. “I’m ok girls. Really. I’m more concerned for Shadow.” She said. “Who?” they all said confused. “He’s the one I found in the forest thanks to this puppy.” She replied, gesturing at the young wolf. “Ok, but what is it doing here instead of it being with its family?” Spike Asked. “He refused to leave Shadows side. It’s almost like it see’s Shadow as his owner and friend.” That only confused them even more. “So, what are you going to do now Darling?” Rarity inquired. “I’ll stay here until he’s out of surgery. I don’t think I would be able stop worrying if I don’t” she answered. Just then Nurse Red Heart came up and let them know that Shadow was undergoing treatment and that if it hadn’t been for Fluttershy and her first aid treatment, he most likely wouldn’t have made it due to blood loss. His injuries however were more concerning to her and the doctors. She explained that they seemed to have been made by both blades and magic alike, but said that, although it would take some time, she and the doctors believed he would make a full recovery. Relieved from what she was hearing, Fluttershy asked how long until he was out of surgery. “It shouldn’t be more than a couple of hours. In the meantime, I think someone should inform the Princesses about all this.” “Really? How come? Oh! What kind of party should I throw for his? Should I a do a ‘Welcome to Ponyville’ or a ‘Congratulations on your recovery’? Oh! Maybe I’ll do a…” Ranted Pinkie before being stopped Rainbow Dash. “Pinkie Pie. You know I love your parties but right now isn’t the time!” she said before turning the nurse and asking, “Why do we need to let the Princesses know? He’s not an escaped criminal, is he?” “No, he isn’t a criminal. The thing is, is that he is wearing armor from the Crystal Empire and its design is from over a thousand years ago before it vanished.” A little known fact about Nurse Red Heart was that besides being a career nurse, she was also an avid historian. Shock raced through their minds as they processed what they where just told. “A thousand years ago?! How is that possible?!” yelled Twilight. “Could it be a time spell? Like the one I used before I became Twilights student? But, you know, in reverse? He could have been sent to our time from the past.” Suggested Starlight. “Its possible. But we should ask him when we’re able to.” Said Twilight. “For now, though, we should let Princess Celestia know. Along with Cadance. She’ll want to know about this too.” With that, Twilight began to call her sister-in-law, while Spike called his mother, Celestia, to let them know of the situation and all that they knew of the stranger that Fluttershy had saved in the forest. > Reunion and Answers. Part 1 (edited) > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- “Shadow! You need to go! Now!” yelled Star Runner. “No! I’m not leaving you or my men behind!” he responded while cutting down an enemy soldier. “Either we are all get out of here alive or none of us do. I swore to fight and die alongside you and the others for the Crystal Empire!” he continued knowing full well that they would not survive this fight. Grabbing Shadow by the shoulder, Star Runner spun him around and struck him in the stomach knocking the wind from him before dragging him to middle of what remained of their squad. “Buy me some time. I’m opening a portal to get him out of here!” he shouted what remained of their team. All of them responded with an affirmative before doubling their efforts. “Don’t you dare Star.” Shadow wheezed. “I’m sorry friend. But you are still needed in this world.” Using his magic, Star runner began to open a portal. “I’m sending you to about the same we sent your sister. Be sure to find and look after her like you promised their majesties.” Just then an enemy soldier broke through the defending ranks, stabbing Star Runner in the back of the chest. Blood sprang forth from the front spraying Shadow. Quickly turning, slashing his own sword at the attacker, he felled him in a single blow, but the damage was done as more enemies broke through. Using what strength, he had left, Star use his magic to throw his captain and friend through the time portal as it closed. “Forgive me.” That was the last thing Shadow heard before he saw his best friend die as the portal closed behind him, hitting the ground hard enough to knock him unconscious. ~~x~~ With a start Shadow woke up in a dimly lit, unknown room, staring at a white tiled ceiling. Still reeling from his memory turned nightmare, his heart pounded in his chest. Slowing his breathing he began to relax but he was still on guard. Doing his best to look around at his surrounding, much to the protest from his aching muscles, he saw to his left a strange machine that produced a soft beeping and the machine seemed to be connected to him somehow. As he looked to his right, he was amazed to the young mare that saved him from the forest, sleeping in a chair with a blanket over her but seemed to have fallen, so it only covered her legs. ‘She couldn’t have stayed to watch over me, could she?’ he thought. Smiling, he sighed. Calling upon his magic his horn lit up in a dark glowing aura. The shadows around Fluttershys chair grew pitch black before tendril like hands rose and grabbed the edges of the blanket, covering her back up properly and tucking the corners of the blanket behind her so it wouldn’t fall again. As his horn stopped glowing, the tendril like hands began to vanish without a trace. “That’s quite the interesting type of magic you have.” Said of soft calm voice. Looking at the speaker, he saw an alicorn, who he hadn’t notice before that moment. Her coat was a dark blue that was nearly black in the dim light. Her hair flowed in a non-existing breeze displaying a shifting assortment of constellations. But it was her eyes that caught his attention the most. A bright blue that seemed to pierce and see right through him. He recognized her almost immediately. Swallowing the best, he could with his dry throat. He began to speak,” Hello, Princess Luna. It is a pleasure to see you. If its not too much trouble, could you get me some water?” Surprised that this stranger knew her she stood and walked towards him. Reaching his side, she used her magic to sit him up a little as gently as she could, so he could drink properly, she poured a glass of water before holding it to his lips so could drink its contents. After draining the glass of water, he thanked Luna as she gently laid him back down. “You probably have a lot of questions for me. Don’t you?” he asked, staring at the ceiling again. “Yes, we do. But they can wait till morning. I’m more concerned about the dream you were having.” Said Luna. “I have seen war and death before, but nothing like that.” she continued, shaking her head. “That was the last thing I had experienced before I lost consciousness. I would rather not talk about it right now as it is still fresh for me. Perhaps we can do so later. Once I have had the time process it properly.” Shadow stated. “But perhaps you can answer a couple of questions for me. Such as, where exactly am I?” A tone of curiosity entering his voice, he looked into Lunas eyes. With a soft smile,” You are currently in Ponyville Hospital. Where they have been treating your injuries.” Luna answered “So, a place of healing huh? Alright then, my next question is, how long has it been since I feel unconscious, and injuries first treated?” “Just over a week.” came an answer from the door. “And I must say. You were the most injured patient I have ever treated.” Doing his best to look he saw a stallion in a long white coat standing in the doorway. “I’m glad to see you finally awake. Its proof that we did our job properly after all.” He continued as he walked into the room. “I am Doctor Stitch. I was the one who sowed your wounds back together.” “Then it seems I owe you my life doctor. How long do you think I will be stuck in this bed?” Shadow asked. He wasn’t a big fan of feeling trapped or such. Seeing the doctor smiling and listened as Doctor Stitch told him that while bad, his injuries had healed enough to leave the next day, so long as he had someone to look after him. This made Shadow concerned as he didn’t really know anyone or how far he had been thrown into the future. Steeling himself had to ask,” How long has it been since Sombras original attack on the Crystal Empire?” The moment he asked, he look Luna in the eyes, and he could tell she saw how important it was that she tell him. “It’s been over a thousand years since then, and currently, Sombra is nowhere to be found. The Empire is being ruled over by the Princess of Love, Cadance.” Luna told him. So many questions raced through his mind as Shadow tried to process what he was told. ‘A thousand years?! Cadance?! But what about my sister? What happened to her?! And What about Chrysalis?’ He wondered. Before he could ask anything. Luna stopped him, lighting her horn as she spoke,” Relax. You will have your answers. But you need to calm yourself. Try and get some more rest, and we will see you in the morning.” Before he could argue, he began to feel incredibly tired. Unable to resist, Shadow once again fell into sleeps warm embrace. > Reunion and Answers. Part 2 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Light from the morning sun poured in from the window filling the room. Whispers could be heard next to him as he began waking up from his magic induced sleep. A groan was heard from him as he opened his eyes while he turned his head toward the voices. As his vision cleared, he saw a group of ponies huddled together, looking at him as he staired at them. “Good morning, Shadow.” Fluttershy spoke as she began walking to his side carrying the small wolf pup in her arms, who looked thrilled to see him awake. A prismatic haired mare looked like she wanted to stop her but was stopped by Luna, merely giving her a gentle smile. “Good morning to you Miss Fluttershy. And to you as well little one. I’m quite surprised to see you here instead of with your family. Um, if its alright to ask can you help me sit up. Looking at everypony like this rather uncomfortable.” Shadow said with a small laugh. Smiling, Fluttershy picked up a remote and pressed a button to adjust the hospital bed, so he was sitting upright. A shocked expression could be seen on his face as the bed was being adjusted, which elicited stifled giggles from the small group of ponies that Shadow could only assume were friends of both Fluttershy and Luna. Shaking his head he said,” Technology has come a long way from my time period. I have a lot of catching up to do. But that can wait for now. Princess Celestia, it is good to see you. Please forgive for not being able show you proper respect as I’m barely able to move right now. And I hope the rest of you can do the same. Princess Luna, I understand why you did what you did to me last night. But please refrain from doing it again in the future. Unless its an emergency like last night. Now then how I start us off with introductions shall I? My name is Shadow Knight. Guardian of the Crystal Empire and adopted son of Princess Aurora and Night Gazer. Rulers of the Crystal Empire. At least, they were a thousand years ago. Which happens to be where I’m from.” Now it was their turn to have shocked expression on their faces, save for Celestia and Luna. They only smiled, with Luna giving a small chuckle. “There is nothing to forgive.” Celestia spoke as she walked forward. “Your main concern should be to recover.” “I can imagine. May I ask who the rest our compony is?” Shadow said smiling at the rest of his guests. Immediately, the prismatic mare spoke up introducing herself,” Names Rainbow Dash! Fastest Flyer in Equesteria!” she boasted proudly. “Y’all needs to settle down Rainbow. He’s in the hospital for ponies’ sake. My names Applejack. Nice to meet cha.” Said a mare with orange fur, with a long blond main, wearing a Stetson hat. Shadow noticed she spoke in a southern accent and that she had rather defined muscles through out her body. ‘She must work in heavy labor, probably on a farm or something.’ He reasoned. Suddenly a pink pony with a poofy mane and tail ran forward so quickly he could have sworn she teleported. She was also so close her face was less than an inch from is own, but the real problem was that she had placed her hands his sore and damaged shoulders. “Hi! I’m Pinkie Pie! Its nice to meet you! Let’s be friends, ok?! Do you parties? Oh, what kind of cake do you like? Do you prefer vanilla of choc- “ “Pinkie, darling, please give the poor stallion some space. The way you are all over him, you'll aggravate his injuries.” Interrupted a mare with pure white fur and a royal purple mane, as she pulled Pinkie Pie off him, “Please forgive her. She can be a little enthusiastic about meeting new ponies. My name is Rarity. And I must insist that you allow me to make you some new clothes as your old set is in complete taters.” “Thank you miss Rarity but I’m afraid I don’t have anything to pay you with.” “Don’t be silly, darling. I insist you allow me to do this for you. After all you can’t go around with out anything to wear now, can you?” Asked Rarity as she suppressed a proud smile for hitting him with this bit of logic. Sighing deeply, Shadow couldn’t help but to admit defeat as he said,” Very well, but I have every intention of paying you back as soon as I can. Deal?” “Of course, Darling. I’ll go and get some of my tools once we are done here so I can get your measurements.” Looking to an unusual pair, a lilac alicorn and a young purple and green dragon stepped forward. “Hello, my name is Twilight Sparkle, Princess of Friendship, and this is my best friend and number one assistant Spike.” “Hi there.” Said spike. “I didn’t thing there would be other alicorns besides Celestia and Luna. Also, it is strange to see a dragon so young be so far away from his own kind. I take it you were raised by ponies, right?” Shadow asked. “Yep. Twilight hatched me and Celestia raised me like her own son. She even legally adopted me, but we keep it a secret. There are a lot of ponies who are far to prejudice against other species to accept me as her son.” Said Spike ending with a sad note in his voice. “Well, that’s their problem. Don’t let them influence your decisions in life, and in the end, you will prove them wrong. The dragons I met were wise, courageous, warriors who not only followed the knights code but passed it along to other species. If the dragons of this time aren’t like that, then they have certainly fallen along way. I'm more than willing to not only teach you the code but also train you, if want Spike.” Shadow offered solemnly. “But we can discus it later as there are others that have yet to be introduced.” On that note, Shadow turned to a mare with light purple fur and mane with a sky-blue colored streak running through her main. With an encouraging smile from him the mare began to introduce herself. “I’m Starlight Glimmer. I have to ask. Is the spell that was used to send you here to our time made by Starswirl the Bearded?” Smiling sadly as he gave his response,” Yes and no. The spell was not only created by Starswirl, but also by my colthood friend Star Runner. Who was not only my second in command but also a powerful magic user, and magical genius.” Tears began to run down his face as he spoke as the memory turned nightmare came back to him, making him unable to continue as he broke down crying. At this point Luna spoke up and related to them all that she had seen in his nightmare. Tears began to trail down their faces as well. Fluttershy crying the most even as she wrapped her arms around him in a hug trying to comfort him as he sobbed. After a few minutes, everyone began to regain their composure. “Sorry about that. As I said, he was my friend ever since we were both orphaned colts. Hell, he and I may as well of been brothers, we were so close. The two of us had been through so much together and I thought we would die in battle alongside each other as well. But instead, he along with the rest of our platoon and friends, sacrificed their lives to save mine while sending me here to this era.” A bitter note entered Shadows voice as he spoke, telling everypony present that he wished they hadn’t. “I know how you feel.”, said the only other male in the room, “I’ve lost friends and comrades alike. All we can do is live to the best of our ability for them.” Stepping forward the stallion introduced himself,” I’m Twilights older brother, Shining Armor, co-ruler, and captain of the royal guard of the Crystal Empire. This is my wife Princess…” “CADENZA?!” Shadow shouted, taking everypony aback. “You are Mi Amore Cadenza, aren’t you?” he asked disbelievingly. “Um, yes, it is. However, I prefer to go by Cadance. How do you know name exactly? Have we met before?”, she asked. Steeling himself, Shadow slowly began to talk. “You could say that. When we first met, you were only a newborn filly. I’m your brother Cadenza.” Time seemed to stop for every creature as the two staired at one another. Unable to process what he had just said. > Reveling an Unknown Past (Edited) > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The silence was deafening. One could easily hear a pin hit the ground it was so quiet. The silence went on for several minutes before Cadance broke it. “Can you repeat that? I don’t think we heard you correctly. Did you just say that you’re my older brother?” she asked disbelievingly. “Yes, I did. Although to be more accurate I’m your adopted older brother. I’m surprised you don’t know this. When you were sent through time, like I was, there was supposed to be a letter to Lady Celestia explaining everything, from our parents.” Shadow looked to Celestia, hoping for an explanation to Cadances ignorance about her heritage. “Im sorry to say but when I found her in my bedchambers as I went to go to bed. The only thing the note said was her name and a request to see that she was well looked after, safe, and happy. That’s all it said I’m afraid.” Celestia said taken aback as the rest by the revelation that Cadance had an older brother. Turning back to Cadence, he was compelled to ask,” How old are you exactly? The last time I saw you was just before I went to fight Sombras’ forces and you were only six months old! Also did Mister Armor say that you were his wife?” “I’m 28 and yes, he and I have been married for 3 years now and we have a foal together. Her name is Flurry Heart.” “Damn it. Star Runner overshot the year he was trying to send me to, as well as sending me to the wrong place.” Sighed Shadow. “I’m not surprised really, considering the situation we were in. Along with the pressure he was under, I should be grateful he didn’t accidently miss by an extra 500 years or something. Looks like I’m no longer the older sibling too, as I’m only 23. Well at least I found you already and to top it off I have a brother in-law and a niece. Oh well, now I just need to find her, and I can try to get my life in order here in this era.” He ranted. At this point Twilight spoke up, “Who else do you need to find? Maybe we can help you since you’re not going to be able to go very far in your condition.” Looking at his bandaged body, Shadow couldn’t help but agree. It would take awhile for him to fully recover and regain his strength, but his pride wouldn’t allow anyone else to tell her that he was alive and well here in this era. He decided to at least tell them who he wanted to find as he saw no harm in it. Oh, how wrong he was. “I doubt you have ever heard of her. Her name is Chrysalis, she is the Queen of the Changeling Nation and my fiancé.” The moment he finished, Shining Armor erected a shield spell around all of them, separating him from the group, while everyone else but Fluttershy, Cadance, Celestia and Luna looked ready to fight him. Shocked by this reaction, Shadow couldn’t help but be concerned. “What? Did I say something wrong? What happened to warrant this reaction from all of you?” he asked defensively. “Everpony calm down!” Shouted Cadance. “He doesn’t know what happened and we can see that he in no condition to hurt any of us. So how about we all clam down and talk.” “Cadence! He just said that he was engaged to her, and you still think we can trust him?! Don’t you remember what she did to everypony?!” Shouted Shinning. “OF COURSE, I REMEMBER! BUT IM NOT GOING TO BRAND HIM AS A CRIMINAL JUST BECAUSE OF THAT! HE CAME FROM OVER A THOUSAND YEARS AGO, SHINNING! HOW CAN HE KNOW EVERYTHING SHE HAS DONE BETWEEN THEN AND NOW?! HUH?! TELL ME!” Cadance roared angrily. They were all stunned by her anger, and they quickly realized she was right. He couldn’t know what they’ve been put through because of Chrysalis. Shame quickly set in at the realization of what they were ready to do. They were ready to fight what they believed to be a hospitalized and defenseless pony, all because he said Chrysalis was his fiancé. Little did they know he ready to fight if he had to. Just because he could not move his limbs did not mean he was defenseless. He had already started to use his magic. The shadows beneath them had become darker and black tendrils began to rise slightly, ready to restrain them when Cadance interfered. Turning to Shadow, Cadance asked,” you said that Chrysalis was, or rather is your fiancé. I take that to mean that the two of you were together a thousand years ago?” “That is correct.” He said, Although he was grateful that she was standing up for him, he continued to stare at them intently watching at their bodies for any movement that might indicate that one of them was going to attack him. Although they had relaxed their bodies and looked ashamed of themselves, it could very well be a ploy to get him to lower his guard. “I was only eighteen when we first met. I was exploring the bad lands at the time and over the space of two years, we got to know each other and fell in love. I was twenty-two when asked her to marry me.” Twilight was the unfortunate soul that caused him to react. She had only stepped toward him a little when tendrils wrapped themselves around all of them, locking their limbs in place, and preventing them from moving so fast none of them could react. The tendrils had even wrapped themselves around the horns of Shinning Armor, Twilight, Rarity, and Starlight, all of whom quickly found they were unable to use their own magic due to Shinning Armors shield spell to disappear. Even Celestia and Luna had been captured and restrained by him, even though they had shown no aggression towards him, he wasn’t going to take a chance of them staying out of the fight should one ensue. Only Fluttershy, Cadence and the wolf pup were left alone. Fear quickly set into the captured ponies as they realized they were now completely at his mercy. “I don’t know what she did to warrant your hatred but if you want to fight, then so be it. My body maybe injured and unable to move on its own but I can till fight using my shadow magic.” He told them as black tendrils wrapped around him, moving his body on his behalf as he stood up from the bed and took a defensive stance. “If this is how ponies treat others just for being associated with those they don’t like or hate, then pony society has fallen to a disgraceful level. A level I want nothing to do with.” He continued. His words cut them as deeply as Cadances words had. Feelings of shame had returned to them. How could they defend themselves. They were ready to attack him just because he was in love with Chrysalis. To make matters worse, he even admitted his ignorance of her crimes! It was at this moment that Fluttershy spoke up,” Um, excuse me, but could you let my friends go now? I don’t think they are going to try and hurt you anymore.” Glancing at her, he saw her concern for her friends but was still hesitant to let them go. But in the end relented when he saw the honest guilt filling their faces. As he returned to his previous position on the bed, the tendrils wrapped around everyone receded back into the shadows, knowing full well he had to apologize to Celestia and Luna for restraining them along with the others. “I’m sorry I used my Shadow Restraint spell on the two of you along with the others, but I couldn’t take the chance that you wouldn't join them and attack me too.” Shadow apologized. “We understand. And we are as shocked and disappointed at their actions as you were. I personally thought they were better than that.” Admonished Luna. Celestia could only stare at him in disbelief. “So, it is you. You acted as if you knew my sister and I. But now I know why. I couldn’t recognize you before. So, Aurora and Gazer adopted you huh? To think the young orphan colt that stood up and defeated three corrupt soldiers by himself would be here, laying before me.” she said, shaking her head. “I’m glad you finally recognized me, Princess. I was beginning to worry you had completely forgotten about me.” Shadow replied. “Now. Can somepony tell me what exactly Chrissy did to you all?” For the next few hours, they filled him in on everything Chrysalis had done to them. From the royal wedding of Cadance and Shinning Armor. To her attempted coup by replacing everyone. Ending with her being in hiding, with no idea where she was now and how Thorax leading his race as allies of Equestria. They left nothing out. Hoping that he would understand their reaction. “I understand why you reacted the way all of you did now. But I can assure you that she wasn’t like that a thousand years ago. If I were to guess as to why she became the way she is now, I would say that I am partly to blame. But the part of Equestria that borders the bad lands probably has even more to do with it than me, I’m afraid.” he said. Before they could ask what exactly he meant, he continued,” The towns near the boarder of the bad lands at the time had a terrible tradition when it came to Changelings. They would hunt changelings down for sport and it only stop for a time after I got involved. I won’t go into details but suffice to say my methods were extreme but warranted. After the Crystal Empire and I disappeared they most likely started the tradition up again. Ponies don’t change very easily after all, do they? Well, between loosing me and the towns starting to hunt her creatures down again, which most likely continued until recently, when the Changeling Nation officially became an ally of Equestria. It’s not surprising, really, that she would close her heart off and become the way she is. I just hope all of you can eventually forgive her.” As he told them about the past. All they could feel was horror and disgust from the actions of the towns that bordered the bad lands. Celestia even made a mental note to go and ask Thorax about the subject when they were done here. “Why?” Spike asked in a choked voice. “Why would those ponies do such a thing? Did the changelings wrong them in some way?” “If only it were that simple Spike. They were different from ponies and at the time little to nothing was known about them. An unfortunate truth about most creatures is that we tend to fear things that we don’t understand, what we don’t understand we hate and what we hate we tend to destroy. It’s a terrible cycle that very few don’t get trapped in and instead study and learn about the unknown, sharing what they find to either end or prevent the cycle from happening. But for those in the border towns, they didn’t care. Changelings weren’t ponies and that was enough for them to excuse their actions.” Shadow replied sadly. Looking at the clock hanging above the door, Applejack noticed it was getting late. They had all been there most of the day and for her at least, there was a lot to think and reflect on. Deciding to speak up she said,” It’s getting pretty y’all. Maybe we should pick this up in the morning?” “Good idea Applejake. There’s a lot of things to think about and we could all use a break.” Starlight chimed. Sounds of assent came from everyone as they agreed and began to walk out. Only Cadance remained by his side. “I hope we can get to know one another and become as close as actual siblings. But I must ask. Did Chrysalis know about me?”, she said. “I’m sure we will in time. As for whether she knew about you. I would have to say yes and no. She knew I was going to have baby sibling at the time, but I was never able to tell her if you were a boy or girl or even your name for that matter. Soon after you were born Sombra attacked us, and all my time was devoted to protecting our home.” “I see. I suppose that makes what she did to me a little better. If she had known who I was to you and still put me and my family through what she did. Well, I don’t think I could ever really support you being with her. Even if I am the Alicorn of Love. Well get some rest Shadow and we’ll see you in the morning, alright?” “Alright. Have a good night sis.” Still unaccustomed to having a sibling. Cadance paused before she left the room, closing the door behind her, leaving Shadow to reflect on everything they told him. There was a lot for him to do in the coming days, from taking care of his injuries to recovering his strength, along with learning about everything he missed in the past thousand years, he certainly had his hands full. But knew all he could do for now was to take it one step at a time. Drifting off to sleep the last thing on his mind was the time he spent with Chrysalis and how they were happy together. Dreams of the past came once again, leading him to peaceful night’s sleep. > A dream of the past > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Shadow was sitting alone in his office looking over mission reports when a knock rang out from the door. “Enter!” he shouted to ensure that whoever was on the other side would be able hear him, all the while never looking up from the page he was studying. Upon his permission the door opened to reveal a Pegasus mare and a Unicorn stallion, both dressed in a military uniform. The Pegasus, Storm Lance, had dark blue fur with a red and blue mane that had a streak of purple running down the center of her main. Her cutie mark was a storm cloud with a yellow lance in the shape of a lightning bolt coming from it. She had a build that many females would be jealous of and could have easily made her a successful model. The Unicorn, Dawn Breaker, had white fur with a yellow and orange main. Although a Unicorn he had a strong muscular build that came from years of physical training and hard work. His magic was nothing to sneer at as he had been forced to master it from a young age by his parents, whom he had cut ties with. His cutie mark was in the form of a rising sun with a sword piercing it from above. Both had been sought out and recruited by Shadow personally for his team of over fifteen different ponies from both the Empire and Equestria. Although most of what he and his team did was a secret, each of and every one of them were regarded as national heroes by the Empire but feared greatly by their enemies. They were a team that did what no one else dared to do by pulling off the impossible in nearly every mission. However, everything they had accomplished would not have been possible if not for their unbreakable bond and trust. At first, his team was regarded as a band of misfits and rejects. Those who dropped out of the military or preferred to work alone, and yet Shadow had not only brought all of them together but had made them a family to one another. Storm Lance and Dawn Breaker would be what one would call an ‘unlikely duo’. At first their personalities clashed horribly, always fighting and bickering with each other during training. But when on their first mission together the two of them worked seamlessly as a perfect team. Just over five years had passed since they had first joined the team when, to everyone’s shock and delight, the two of them had eloped. Now, one year later, the two of them stood before their leader with serious expressions on their faces. “Ah, Storm. Dawn. What can I do for the two of you?” Shadow asked. “Sir. Storm and I have been talking and we would like to hand in our resignations.” said Dawn Breaker. Shocked by this turn of events, Shadow took a moment to respond before saying,” I see, and what brought this on. If I may ask.” This time it was Storm that spoke up. “We recently found out that I’m pregnant. By three months, to be exact.” A light blush and smile graced her face as she said this. “The two of us talked at length about it and have decided that this is the best course of action for our family.” Dawn said, wrapping his arm protectively around his wife and their unborn child. “I see. Well… Allow me to congratulate both of you. Have you told any of the others?” Shadow asked. When they responded in the negative, he stood up and told them to follow him saying that they need to do so before anything else. He led them to the team’s common room. It was where the team hung out and prepared before a mission and relaxed afterwards. As he expected the rest of the team was there playing and enjoying some of their down time with each other. Clearing his throat, he called out,” Listen up! Stormy and Dawn have some news they would like to share with all of us.” Everyponies eyes were on the pair as they related their news to the rest of the team. Cheers and congratulations were shouted when the two said they had a child on the way and were currently three months pregnant. However, the moment they said that they had decided to leave, the room had gone silent. “I know its hard to accept but this is a choice they’ve made for the good of their family. We all know how dangerous this work is and we’ve lost team mates before in the line of duty. But I’m proud that the two of them have made this decision. They are putting their child before themselves, which is exactly what I would expect everyone of us too, including myself.” Shadow said, breaking the silence, before turning his attention to the soon to be parents. “I’m sad to see the two of you go but I am proud of both of you. I just hope you’ll be ready for almost twenty, doting surrogate aunts and uncles to visit you every so often, because I can tell you right now that I have no intention of not being a part of your kid’s life if I can help it.” He continued, smiling at the two, laughing at the end. Sounds of agreement rang forth from the room as the rest of the team started coming forward to congratulate the two and saying that they would visit as much as possible, even though they would miss them. Using the opportunity to sneak away to his parents, telling them the news, he asked if they could hold a party in a couple of hours for the pair to see them off on their new life’s adventure. When his parents approved and said that they would begin preparations immediately and to bring everypony to the main hall in a few hours. Quickly heading back, he told the rest of the team that his parents asked for their help with something,as he pulled Storm and Dawn back into his office to help the pair fill out the discharge paperwork to get it out of the way as it would take a few hours to complete and file so it would become official and for it be one less thing for them to worry about. When they were done, he then told them that he had a surprise upstairs in the main hall. As they entered the main hall a loud shout of congratulations rang out startling the couple. Looking around they saw a large party had quicky been assembled for them. A wide assortment of food and drink laid out dozens of tables with a large pile of gifts as a center piece. The two smiled as tears formed in their eyes. The party went on late into the night with laughter and memories shared all around. When asked where they were going to live, they said that they were moving to Equestria and into Dawns old family home that was being looked after by Celestia herself. Everypony was confused at this until Dawn revealed that his parents used to be nobles before he exposed their crimes and were stripped of their titles but that everything that his family owned was officially given to him as thanks by Celestia. When he decided to leave and make a name for himself, as well as undo some of the damage his family had caused, Celestia promised to look after things in his absence. The two left the next morning not knowing that that would be the last time they would see their old home along with their surrogate family. *** When the dream ended, Shadow was back in the hospital as the rays of the sun flooded the room waking him from his slumber. He quickly found that he could now move his arms and hands slightly but knew full recovery was still a long way off. Looking out the window, a smile crept along his face as memories of last night’s dream came flooding back. As he remembered how Storm Lance and Dawn Breaker looked, another pony popped into his head. One that strongly resembled the two. ‘Rainbow Dashes appearance is a perfect union between the two. I wonder, is it possible she could be their descendant?’ he asked himself as a knock came from the door and Nurse Red Heart came in followed by everypony that he had met the day before. > Ch. 8 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Cadence and Fluttershy were the first to enter the room and greet him. The young wolf was still being carried but seemed eager to get to him by the way it was struggling in Fluttershys arms. “How about you set him down on the bed Miss Fluttershy.” Shadow suggested with a small chuckle at the pups’ antics. Following his suggestion, Fluttershy placed the pup on the bed. The moment she let it go, the pup started to nuzzle Shadows hand and arm. Lifting his fingers slightly, Shadow began to scratch the pup’s cheek, surprising everypony by doing so. “You can move a bit on your own now?” Cadence asked rhetorically. “Yes, but only my fingers so far.” Shadow replied.” I’m more curious about this wolf pup. The fact it’s so attached to me is far from normal, from what I understand.” Looking to Fluttershy for an explanation that never really came. “You’re right. It is strange for a wolf pup to become so attached to any creature outside of its pack. I can’t explain it.” She said. After a few seconds of thinking, a thought accrued to him,” Maybe he’s a familiar. It’s a bit of a stretch, but it’s the explanation I can think of.” “A familiar? What’s that?” Spike asked. Looking up at the rest of the room, the only expression Shadow saw on their faces was confusion. “A familiar is an animal with latent but powerful magical abilities. Normally, those abilities stay mostly dormant, only giving them a higher degree of intelligence than others of their kind. They become highly attached to their master when they meet them. When this happens a kind of contract can be formed between them allowing the familiar to awaken their magical abilities. Their abilities mostly depend on who their master is and their abilities. Sometimes their appearance will change to somewhat match their master. Familiars are extremely rare to the point they’re more myth than fact as most of them never meet their master, so they essentially live as any wild animal would. The only reason I know all this is because of the records I read in the Crystal Empire.” Shadow explained. “Do you really think that this young wolf is a familiar?” asked Luna, amazed as the rest that such creatures existed. “There are a couple of ways to find out. One is for me to transfer some of my magic to him, forming a contract with him. However, if I’m wrong, it would only end up hurting him. The second, and safest way is to scan him with magic for magical power. While every living creature in world has some magic in them, familiars have far more than normal.” He explained, “Twilight would you be so kind as to scan him for said magical power?” “Of course,” she replied before igniting her horn and sending out an almost transparent beam of magic to evaluate the small pup. The moment the beam touched the wolf he began to glow brightly with his own magical power. “Well, there you have it. The pups a familiar.” Looking at the young wolf Shadow asked,” So what do you say? Want to form a contract with me?” The pups’ eyes seemed to sparkle, as it let out excited barks. Taking that as a sign of agreement Shadow began to transfer some of his magic to it. The moment he did the wolfs fur began to change from brown and white to a dark grey, just like Shadows. The shadow beneath it became darker, rising up slightly for a few seconds before returning to normal. What happened next surprised all of them, including Shadow, as the young pup began to speak. “Master! I’m so happy you made a contract with me! I hope we can stay together from now on. I like staying with the kind pony and she treats me very well, but I want to stay with you, master.” Shadows jaw had dropped. “This is unexpected. I never read anything about familiars being able to speak like we can. Clearly there is far more to learn about familiars than we first thought.” commented Shadow. “For now, however how about we give you a name, shall we?” Pausing for a few moments to think of a name, he remembered the name of a certain race creatures that supposedly lived in the frozen mountains beyond the Crystal Empire. The ice wolves, more commonly known as the Fenrir. He had always liked the name and it seemed to fit the young pup. Nodding his head he looked to the pup, “How does Fenrir sound?” he asked. “Fenrir! My name is Fenrir! Thank you master!” the newly named familiar yelled, jumping with joy. “Ok. Ok. Calm down.” Shadow said, laughing at the pups’ antics. “Now that we know what to call you we can focus on helping you learn to control your magic, but before that I will need to get my strength back and find a place for us to stay too.” “About that,” Twilight spoke up, stepping forward as she did so,” We were talking and we decided that it would be best for you, and now Fenrir as well, to stay with me and Spike at my castle while you recover. It’s not far from the hospital, so you won’t need to travel far for rehabilitation. Also. Candence will be staying there as well, in order to watch over you.” Turning his head toward Twilight, he gave her a calculating look that made fidget. “I’m not entirely sure if I can trust you or your friends given how most of you reacted toward my relationship with Chrysalis. However, my sister and Ms. Fluttershy seem to care and trust you greatly, so I am willing to take a chance and be in your care.” While some flinched at his words while others hung their heads in renewed shame, it was Shining Armor that stepped up and spoke up for them. “Shadow, I speak for everypony when I say that we are truly sorry for how we reacted towards you when you told us about your relationship with Chrysalis. We shouldn’t have reacted the way we did. However, you need to understand that our experience with her has only been negative. To us she is an enemy that tried to conquer Equestria and the Crystal Empire on more than one occasion.” “I understand that. However, it has never been a practice of either Equestria nor the Empire to punish ponies for mere association. Or has that changed in the past thousand years?” Shadow replied, turning his head to look at Celestia and Luna, who only shook their heads at his question. Nodding at their silent answer he looked back at Shining Armor,” You see her as your enemy, fine. But that does not mean that I’m your enemy too just because of my relationship with her. Furthermore, I have explained as to why she might of done what she did.” “Which we are currently trying to corroborate with Thorax as we speak. Celestia stepped in, seeing the shame and guilt in Shining and the others’ faces.” He hasn’t responded to our message yet, however. In the meantime, we will focus on your recovery. Also, you don’t have to worry about any hospital bill. Luna and I are personally paying for your medical treatments.” Turning to Twilight and the rest of her friends, she suggested that they leave for the day while she, Luna, and Candice, talked to both Shadow and the doctors about what the plans for him were. > Chapter 9 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lost Shadows Chapter 9 It had been six months since Shadow had been released from the hospital and had regained most of his strength. During the six months many things had happened, the least of which was finding out that Rainbow Dash was indeed a descendant of his old teammates Dawn Breaker and Storm Lance. What shocked him was that there was another descendant named Sunset Shimmer, a unicorn that was now living in a parallel world. Twilight and her friends did their best to earn his trust and indeed they had. He found that they were all amazing individuals. He had become quite close to Spike in particular coming to see him as a little brother just as the main six had. The problem was that he had seen how Spike acted around Rarity. It frustrated him that Rarity either ignored his signs of affection or was completely oblivious to them. In either case he made sure to ask others about it, finding out that Spike has had a crush on Rarity since he and Twilight first arrived in Ponyville nearly four years ago. Twilight and some of her friends had talked to Spike about his feelings but hadn’t really gotten any where with him, instead deciding to just be there for him when reality hit him. Deciding enough was enough, Shadow sat the young dragon down to have a talk with him. *** Spike had just returned home from 9helping Rarity out at her boutique and entered the map room, taking note that Shadow was sitting at the map reading a history book. Looking up from his seat, he said,” Hey Spike. Can I talk to you for a bit?” “Uh, sure. What’s up?” Spike replied before walking over and sitting next to the stallion he considered as a older brother. “Spike. I want to talk to you about Rarity, more specifically your feelings for her.” Spike was shocked by this and asked how he knew. Shadow responded that it was obvious to nearly everyone who paid attention but that wasn’t what he wanted to talk to him about. “Spike, I think you should try and tell Rarity how feel about her. I know it’s scary but it’s better to know where you stand with her than not.” “But what if she rejects me?” Spike asked, genuinely scared at the prospect from the mare of dreams. “Then you’ll know where you stand with her. Yes, it will hurt. However, once the pain passes you’ll be able to start looking for somepony who does love you as you love them. Trust me Spike, there are plenty of mares who would leap at the chance to be with a guy like you.” Shadow smiled at the young dragon. He had seen plenty of females look at Spike with the same longing he had for Rarity, and like her, he never noticed it. He only hoped that Rarity would let him down gently. *** It had taken Spike a few days to work up the courage to confess his feelings only to return home deject. When he told Shadow and Twilight what happened both were furious with Rarity and wanted to go confront her but agreed Spike needed them more. It took a couple of days, but he started to feel better, it especially helped when several girls started asking him out. Smolder was the first to ask him out only two days after his rejection. It was a particular surprise when Starlight asked him out. Shadow became worried how Twilight would handle her student and number one assistant dating each other but to his surprise she was actually happy for them along with all the other girls in Spikes herd. Of course, Shadow had some trouble with his recovery as he had pushed himself too hard too soon which resulted in Fluttershy getting angry at him. It was the first time he had seen her “stare” and it truly frightened him. He could fight Manticores, Dragons, and even Sombra’s army without hesitation or fear, but the moment Fluttershy got angry at him for pushing himself too hard in his recovery, he felt like a small child. She had made him promise not to do it again, to which he agreed since he didn’t want to make her even more angry or upset at him. During his recovery, Cadance stayed in Twilights castle with him so they could know more about each other. She was particularly interested in their parents. Shadow of course told her everything he knew. From what they were like to their favorite foods. The time they spent together was great for both and helped them become actual brother and sister. The hardest part of adjusting to the new era he was in was the technological advancements, but Twilight, Cadance, and the rest were more than happy to help him. A few days after his release form the hospital, he had the opportunity to meet Thorax, the new ruler of the Changeling Nation. During the meeting between himself, Celestia, and Thorax, the Changeling king confirmed what Shadow had told Celestia about the dark history between Equestria and the Changeling nation. During the meeting it was decided that this dark truth was to be revealed to the rest of the nation in the name of full disclosure and that the towns who had taken part in such horrendous acts would be held responsible for recent and future acts of the disturbing tradition of hunting Changelings. Shadow knew that many would be upset for this line of action, but it needed to be done to uphold the peace between Equestria and the Changeling nation. During his recovery, he once pushed himself too hard and made Fluttershy upset with him. It’s was the first time he had experienced her patented “Stare" as everyone called it. It had made him feel like a young foul again who had upset his mother. He never thought anyone could make him feel that way, but here she was. A shy and timid mare made him feel like a child who was in trouble for rule breaking. Current day. Shadow was doing his rehabilitation exercises when Cadance knocked on his door, holding a young Alicorn filly. “Shadow. There’s someone I want you to meet.” Moving closer, Cadance gently hands him the small filly as it giggles and coos. Looking down at the little filly, Shadow can’t help but smile, “She so cute, Cadenz, I’m mean, Cadance. Sorry, I’m still getting used to calling you by your preferred name.” he said while giving Cadance and abashed grin. Looking back down at his niece cradled in his arms, he playfully tickles her belly, causing the filly to laugh and grab his hand. “what’s her name?” Shadow asked. Smiling, Cadance responded, “Flurry Heart.” Lifting Flurry up, he rubbed his nose to hers and she giggled and place her small hands on his muzzle. “Mom and dad would have loved to meet her, Cadance.” A tear began to form in his eye, threatening to fall when he felt Cadance give him a comforting hug. “I wish I had gotten to k ow them for myself, Shadow.” Said Cadance. “but I still have you and your memories of them. And that’s enough for me.” Silence washed over them as the y took comfort in their newly formed sibling bond. The silence was broken when Flurry Heart started to whine from hunger. “Looks like she wants her momma right now* said Shadow as he handed Flurry back to Cadance. “The doctors said I’m able to leave Ponyville now, but that I need to keep up with my exercises for my rehabilitation. If it's alright, I would like to go to the Crystal Empire and see how much has changed.” Surprised, Cadanc looked at him as Flurry fussed in her arms. “Are you sure your ready, Shadow? It’s a long trip from here back to the empire.” Shadow, nodded as her looked into Cadances eyes. “I’m sure, Cadance. And to be honest, I’m getting a bit of cabin fever being stuck in this castle day in and day out.” Pausing for a brief moment, Cadance nodded. “I’ll make the arrangements so we can all go, Shadow.” With that, Cadance turned and left the room with her daughter in her arms to make the arrangements after feeding the young filly. Looking out the window, Shadow couldn’t help but feel excitement and apprehension about his return to The Crystal Empire. His home.