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Fusion Confusion!

*Lillian’s POV*

Danyelle told me that Chameleo and some of the others were coming over to our universe to help us with something.

Tails and Amy had both gone missing around the same time but a pale pink hedgefox was running around.

The fusion spoke "This is so amazing!"

The pink hedgefox was wearing strange earrings, which made me suspicious.

Inari asks "Tails?"

Thorax asks "Amy?"

the fusion spoke "Right here, you two!"

Both freak out.

Danyelle groans "Smells like Chaos Control was involved...."

The fusion spoke "We found these strange earrings after we fused and put them on, because I have a strange feeling about them."

Danyelle spoke "I don't think so "Tammy", because we don't have things like that in this realm..."

Tammy asks "But if not, where did they come from?"

Danyelle spoke "Cuss if I know."

But then a portal opened, revealing Chameleo, Raptor, Soulfire, Makoto, Viper, RD, the other Fluttershy and a green changeling whose horn and shell on his head and back look like their made of rocks.

Danyelle spoke "Hey guys."

Chameleo spoke "Hey, Danyelle. Lillian."

Chameleo saw the hedgefox.

Chameleo asks "I’m guessing that’s Tammy, the fusion of Tails and Amy?"

Danyelle spoke "Eyup."

Blizzardstar was talking with Rarity.

Blizzardstar asks "Say Rares, what are your thoughts about having another child?"

Rarity nuzzled Blizzardstar with half-lidded eyes. “Why don’t we go to a certain hotel and find out?”

Blizzardstar purrs "Sure."

The two lifemates head off to the Chuddle Hotel.

Meanwhile with the two, Blizzardstar and Rarity arrived with the unicorn in her midform before Vetur showed up. “Hey, you two! I’m looking after the place until my daughter’s back to normal after what mother did.”

Blizzardstar spoke "I'm not gonna ask."

Suddenly, Blizzardstar was sitting down on hir rear since her peak female phase had just started.

Vetur asks "Well, should I lead you to your room?"

Rarity spoke "yes please and I'll have a necklace with the gender swap spell since I'm naturally four legged."

Vetur spoke "Okay, but if you want a necklace with a Chakat transformation spell, or add that spell into the necklace that you’ll have so that you can have hands, just let me know."

Rarity spoke "Just the gender swap is fine, my lifemate's in peak female phase and I intend to help hir stifle it before shi jumps some other male."

“Alright. But remember, my door’s always open.” Vetur said as opened the door to Rarity and Blizzardstar’s room, which looked like the one Zoey and Dren have been in alone. “Oh, and your food summoner is already in your room, just in case you two get hungry.”

Blizzardstar spoke "Thank you."

Vetur gave Rarity the magic necklace with the gender-bender spell infused with it. “See you two later.”

The two head off to the room for privacy.

Rarity spoke "Well, here goes."

Rarity put on the necklace and activated its spell, becoming a male version of herself, before both Rarity and Blizzardstar’s stomach growled.

Blizzardstar spoke "Maybe we could call this version of you "Elusive" then."

Elusive spoke "I… Actually like that."

Blizzardstar and Elusive kissed each other on the lips, started passionately making out as they felt each other’s bodies while feeling their stomachs’ hunger grow, before they parted lips, with only a string of saliva connecting them.

Elusive chuckles "Oh my… I feel like I can eat a factory filled with ice cream."

Blizzardstar spoke "Same here."

Elusive reached into the Food Summoner, bringing out a hundred bowls filled with ice cream.

Elusive asks "Shall we indulge?"

Blizzardstar purrs "Yes, we shall."

The two lifemates started eating immediately, not even caring about the weight they were gaining while growing bigger, before they stared lustfully into each other’s eyes, half lidded while they looked like they weigh a thousand pounds.

Elusive asks "Why not share all of this, Snow-Star?"

Blizzardstar spoke "Let’s eat together, Rare-Gem."

The two of them then started feeding each other ice cream, before sharing the delicious sweets with each other mouth-to-mouth.

Later, when all of the ice cream was eaten, Elusive and Blizzardstar were now both weighing one million pounds

Blizzardstar belches.

Blizzardstar spoke "excuse me."

Elusive belched as well. “It’s alright, Snow-Star. But this is quite the surprise. Here we are, in this hotel in Sumarda’s Dimension, eaten a hundred bowls of ice cream, fattened up like pigs at one million pounds, and yet, neither of us are complaining.”

Blizzardstar spoke "Yeah… And I have a feeling that what I’m feeling for you like this is a side-effect from being in Sumarda’s dimension. And I somehow think that you’re so beautiful when you’re fat like this."

Elusive spoke "Oh my, I somehow find you very beautiful yourself when you're obese at that much pounds."

Blizzardstar spoke "Rarity…"

Elusive spoke "Blizzardstar…"

The two fatties kissed each other on the lips, before passionately making out with lewd wet smacks and fierce tongue-wrestling as they felt and grabbed each other’s whole bodies.

Blizzardstar spoke "This heat's driving me nuts....."

Elusive spoke "The same’s being said for me…"

Blizzardstar spoke "And I have a feeling that doing it here in Sumarda’s dimension while both of us are like this will drive make us go absolutely insane for each other..."

Elusive spoke "Not to mention that we’ll get bigger and fatter as well, becoming complete fatties drowned in lust, hunger, bliss, love, pleasure, and food..."

As if responding to their desire for each other like that. The Food Summoner summoned thousands of more meals for them to eat while they have fun.

Elusive and Blizzardstar both spoke "I love you so much… Let’s do this senselessly!"

*Meanwhile, back with me, Danyelle, Chameleo and the others*

Chameleo asks "So how did Tammy end up like this?"

Sonic spoke "My guess would be accidental Chaos Control..."

Chameleo spoke "Huh. Funny thing is that my Tails and Amy fused into Tammy by Potara Fusion, but it looks like that Chaos Control Fusion and Potara Fusion are similar in a few ways."

Feathers was on Rainbow's back.

Danyelle spoke "Not to mention.... I pulled of the Kamehameha once...."

Chameleo asks "Yeah, got that from me didn’t ya? Even though me and some of the others from my universe learned that?"

Danyelle spoke "I saw you pull it off when you and Twilight fought that evil Sonic...."

Chameleo spoke "Even though one of my main attacks or techniques is the Rasengan."

Danyelle spoke "Chaos Control was the first thing I picked up on though."

Chameleo spoke "Shadow Clone Jutsu was the first technique I got."

Raptor spoke "Hey, big bro!"

Chameleo asks "Yeah?"

Soulfire spoke "Me and Raptor were thinking of showing them that technique Goku and Vegeta used."

Chameleo asks "Who am I to refuse?"

Sonic spoke "Shadow and I know about fusion though since we use it to form Shadic."

A yowl was heard since Gatomon had gone into labor.

Chameleo gasps "What in the world was that?!"

Danyelle spoke "That was one of the few Digimon that live in Ponyville."

Pibby had galloped past while carrying a few towels with her magic.

Pibby ran right past Chameleo, making him spin until he comically fell down, feeling dizzy.

“Heehee! That does look funny.” I admitted as some of the others giggled at what happened to Chameleo just now.

Danyelle spoke "Eyup...."

Raptor spoke "Anyway, me and Soulfire are about to show you a fusion technique we learned from Goku and Piccolo."

Soulfire spoke "And pay close attention."

Danyelle had crossfused with her brother.

MegaDanyelle spoke "If it's anything like CrossFusion..."

Soulfire spoke "It’s more complicated than that."

Raptor spoke "Yeah, there are two ways it could go if that fusion is done wrongly."

Raptor and Soulfire got into position. “Fuuuuuuuusion! Ha!” The two shouted as they did a strange dance for a second or three before connecting their pointer fingers/claws perfectly, causing them to be enveloped by a vortex. But when that vortex faded, there was a fusion of a Garchomp and Lucario in their place, wearing white pants, a sash, and a vest with orange padding around the shoulders and neck.

MegaDanyelle spoke "Both Crossfusion and the fusion dance require trust though."

Raptorfire spoke "That may be so, but Vegeta didn’t want to do that because it the dance looked ‘ridiculous.’ And I am neither Raptor or Soulfire, I am Raptorfire!"

MegaDanyelle's eyes shimmer suddenly.

MegaDanyelle spoke "I saw something!"

Moeka ran past Raptorfire, causing him to spin around and become dizzy.

Moeka spoke "CAN'T CATCH ME ZANE!!!"

Zane spoke "I’LL CATCH YOU MOEKA!!!!"

Raptorfire shook his head, snapping himself out of it. “What was that?”

MegaDanyelle spoke "Zane and Moeka...."

The Benny Hill theme was heard as Moeka ran from Zane as she tried to find a hiding spot from the half blind cat.

Pinkie spoke "Ooh! I wanna try the fusion dance with Limestone!"

Limestone asks "Wha-?! Pinkie! You sure that’s a good idea?"

Pinkie exclaims "Indeed!"

Aphmau spoke "I don't think that's a wise idea Pinkie, I can tell that Limestone is expecting a half Changeling foal."

Moeka taunts Zane as she ran from him.

Applejack spoke "Ah’ll try it with ya, Pinkie."

Pinkie exclaims "Yippee!"

A portal opened up as a perma-fused mix of Daring Do and Spitfire had tumbled out.

The mare spoke "That's the last time I trust Violet Rain with a giant slingshot...."

Raptorfire asks "Another universe?"

Daring Fire spoke "Yeah, I'm Daring Fire. Perma-fusion of Daring Do and Spitfire. That troublesome Violet Rain pranked me...."

Next think we know, Raptorfire and RD fainted, before the fusion went back to an unconscious Raptor and an awake Soulfire. “That’s new.”

Rainbow had also fainted.

Soulfire spoke "They’ll be back up in a minute."

Roll spoke "Usually the Riptorn insult annoys Raptor...."

Raptor immediately woke up. “WHAT?!”

Roll asks "You wouldn't hit a pregnant female right?"

Raptor spoke "No."

Roll spoke "Then I'm sorry for calling you Riptorn, it was the only way I could think of to wake you up."

Raptor spoke "Just don’t say that again."

Roll spoke "I think I heard that dumbass hyena call you that...."

No sooner than Roll told Raptor that, a skyscraper-sized bolt of lightning struck Ein!

Moeka spoke "holy cuss, guess Ein picked the wrong Pokémon to piss off...."

Raptor spoke "Especially the one who has Zapdos and Zygarde sealed in him."

Kim groans "But he never learns....."

Soulfire spoke "Too true."

Pinkie spoke "Here we go!"

Applejack spoke "Alright!"

Pinkie and Applejack spoke "Fuuuuuusion! Ha!"

The two mares connected their front hooves, but Soulfire and Raptor notice that the alignment wasn’t right before Pinkie and Applejack fused. When the smoke cleared, there was a fusion of Pinkie and Applejack, wearing the same vest that Raptorfire was wearing. But something was wrong, instead of being fit, somehow, the fusion was all chubby.

Raptor spoke "Great…"

Soulfire spoke "The connection wasn’t perfectly aligned."

Applepie asks "What happened?!"

Raptor spoke "You did the fusion wrong."

Soulfire spoke "And now you’ll have to wait an hour to try again."

Korra spoke "Not only that, their bending powers are opposite to each other... Earth and Air are opposites."

Raptor asks "Meaning?"

Korra spoke "Long story short, some benders just can't get along."

Soulfire spoke "We don’t know that for certain, because I sense that opposites can work together, like Yin and Yang."

Mystic pops up suddenly.

Mystic spoke "Hey guys!"

“Mystic!” I said with excitement.

Mystic giggles "There's my favorite funny bird!"

Twilight spoke "Long time no see Mystic."

A letter soon arrived from Gilda.

Rainbow asks "huh?"

RD asks "What is it, other me?"

Rainbow spoke "It's from Gilda..... Grace has gone missing!"

Twilight spoke "This is bad.... I better send word out to the Zone Cops, they might be able to help. Spike!"

Spike asks "Yeah?"

Twilight spoke "A Griffonstone royal has gone missing and I need a letter sent to Zelestia right away. Tell her that I'm planning to check Rimuru's world for the child."
