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Movie Part 2: Gathering Allies

*Still Twilight's POV*

I spoke "Even with seven ponies, a half sphinx, five jackals, three cats, a hedgehog and an echidna.... We're too small of an army to take back Canterlot."

Fizzlepop spoke "Uh… Guys? That water’s moving."

I spoke "Uh, we're not at Mount Aris yet...."

But then we saw a moving puddle of water, before it formed into an arm and hand.

Danyelle's Lugia pops out of its ball before firing an Aeroblast at the thing.

The stand dodged, but it got injured.

Then Koichi and a female ocelot Mobian with long beautiful black hair showed up.

Koichi spoke "It must be a long-distance stand! You have to find the user!"

Danyelle asks "But is that thing friend or foe?"

I spoke "I think it's foe..."

Koichi spoke "And from what Mr. Jotaro told me, the user of this stand relies on sound and vibrations on the ground to pinpoint his victim’s location!"

I spoke "Korra told me about someone named Toph one time. She's blind though so she relies on vibrations to pinpoint allies and enemies."

I shift to my kyubi form before picking the others up with my tails and setting them on my back.

I spoke "Good thing I'm light on my paws in this form."

The stand tried to attack us, but we dodged it, only to come at us again.

I shot fire from my mouth at Geb, turning it to steam.

But then we heard a roar of pain inside the town.

Danyelle's ears perk up, hearing the roar.

Bella spoke "That must have been N'Doul.... I heard about him from Jotaro."

Danyelle spoke "He must be in a lot of pain right now. I’ll find him."

I spoke "We go together Dany, the other folks might cage you."

Danyelle spoke "Okay."

The two of us flew off to find N’Doul.

*Rainbow Dash’s POV*

Well, we’ll have to find a way to get to Mount Aris fast.

Sonic asks "Wait, what’s an outlet doing here?"

We saw where Sonic was pointing at and saw some weird thing on the wall.

Fluttershy spoke "Uh, I don't think it was a wise idea for Twilight and Danyelle to split off from the group...."

Fizzlepop spoke "Agreed."

Sonic gently touched the outlet, only to be immediately electrocuted and blasted back to us, before we saw that the outlet was suddenly gone.

N'Doul was sent careening into a wall with a tail slap from Twirama.

Danyelle growls "Out with it, why did you you try to attack us?"

N’Doul spoke "It's because I was following his orders."

Fizzlepop spoke "You don't have to be this way, I used to work for the Storm King but I turned my back on him when I met Finn. And if it wasn't for Mystic Wish, my horn wouldn't have been fixed."

N’Doul suddenly gasped as his blind eyes opened.

Yuki, Rarity and Bella heal N'Doul's injuries.

N’Doul spoke "I see. Alright, I will assist you."

But then N’Doul showed his walking stick.

N’Doul spoke "This staff of mine is what allowed me to find you all through sound and vibration."

Twirama spoke "Guess that includes...."

A bolt of magic hits Twirama in the side.

Twirama reverted back into her normal form.

Fizzlepop spoke "THIS WAY!!!"

Thanks to her sphinx strength, Rarity carries N'Doul on her back as she fled with the Mobian and Pony Guard while Fizzlepop lead them to a safe place.

N’Doul spoke "You don’t understand. There are others here as well."

But then metallic objects started flying straight towards Sonic.

Danyelle shot fire from her mouth at the metal objects, saving Sonic.

Carrying Twilight on her back, Twiliterasu spoke "Bark bark! {It's not that sir! Glitter Drops is working for the Storm King! He's got three of the alicorns already! If he catches me, he'll use my powers for evil!}"

N’Doul spoke "He told me of that plan. But I’m saying that there are other stand users here as well. And it seems that Sonic’s body has been turned into a magnet."

Danyelle spoke "Not counting the Pony and Mobian Guard though... Twilight has a kyubi form, Twiliterasu's the strongest alicorn we know which is why she bolted from Canterlot when we did. Fizzlepop fled because she betrayed the Storm King. I can't access my Danyterasu form since I had to leave my game system with one of my Diamond Dogs..."

But then everything started getting colder as we saw ice and frost coming in.

Twiliterasu growls "Bark bark? {Who goes there?}"

Sonic spoke "Good thing Miia and Zecora didn't tag along.... They hate cold weather...."

N'Doul spoke "That would be the hot-head for an ice stand-user, Ghiaccio."

Meanwhile on the roof of the building, there was a male Abyssinian in an ice shell, who had red glasses, white shirt, and ice-blue fur and hair, who was Ghiaccio.

Ghiaccio yowls "Everyone knows the capital of Prance, but English speakers pronounce it 'Maris', while most say 'Mari' the way it's supposed to be. But somehow, 'Veneighce' has replaced the real 'Veneighzia' as the global standard. Like those stories, 'The Merchant of Veneighce' and 'Death in Veneighce.' WHY?! CALL THE DAMN BOOK 'DEATH IN VENEIGHZIA!' IT'S NOT THAT HARD! *Punching his ice shell* ARE WE NOT GOOD ENOUGH?! LEARN A LITTLE ITALIAN ACCIDENTI, AND CALL THE THING WHAT IT'S SUPPOSED TO BE!!! WHAT KIND OF BULLSHIT IS THIS THING GOING ON ABOUT?!"

Danyelle groans "As if one icebrain was bad enough.... Two is worse...."

A sudden Celestial Dragon Roar hits Ghiaccio, sending him flying.

Flying out of a warp ring, Lucy growls "For once, I agree with Danyelle...."

But then Ghiaccio was covered in ice, before it turned into armor with ice skates in the feet, as he then started speed-skating right towards us, before Lucy spotted a hooded female Abyssinian near the building we were in.

Capper yowls loud, stopping the two Abyssinians in their tracks.

Capper spoke "Ghiaccio! Mariah! Leave the ponies, hedgehog, cats, jackals, echidna and dragon alone! They might have a deadly illness that could kill you if you touch them! Plus that winged cat has strange powers!"

Mariah laughs "Hahaha. Don't you know that I'm already keeping my distance, kitty cat?"

Ghiaccio spoke "Tch! Even if that were true, that illness would've frozen up ice-cold before getting into my body!"

Capper spoke "Stand or not, it's a dangerous sickness that can hurt!"

Danyelle hisses "SLIME SUMMON!!!"

Several slimes trample the two.

Danyelle spoke "Next time, don't diss someone with French ancestry."

But then all of the slimes on Ghiaccio froze solid before shattering. "Maledetto teppista! It's Italian! And that was an idiotic move!" Ghiaccio shouted before he dashed straight towards Danyelle. "The realm of ice is the realm of stasis! You won't beat me!"

Danyelle shot white fire from her mouth at Ghiaccio, burning him badly.

Danyelle spoke "Idiot! Fire melts ice! It's common knowledge that anyone with one or more Pokemon knows!"

But then suddenly, the flames themselves froze. "Heh! Fire may melt ice, but even fire freezes at sub-zero temperature!"


A voice calls out "Reverb Act 3: 3 FREEZE! S H I T!"

But then Ghiaccio found himself face down on the ground as his armor melted and before water.

Danyelle spoke "We have a common enemy though... DIO..."

Mariah froze, as she remembered failing him. "You know Lord DIO?"

Danyelle spoke "Jotaro told me about him... Twilight and I are recruiting as many allies as we can find to help stop him and the Storm King."

Rarity spoke "He's a major threat to everyone though... No matter the species."

Lucy asks "Will you help us stop him?"

Mariah was hesitant, before we heard another voice. “DIO? Last I heard, Lord DIO was killed by Jotaro. Besides, it’s all about being number two for me.”

We then saw a western earth pony reveal himself.

Danyelle spoke "Well, he's back...."

Capper was out talking to the other folks of Kludgetown, spreading the word that Diavolo was a major threat to them.

Wave spoke "No… That wasn’t DIO…"

We saw Wave show up from Sumarda’s Dimension.

Danyelle asks "What happened to you Wave?"

Wave spoke "I almost got killed by Bruno’s killer and former boss. His stand is Emperor Crimson, and his name is Diavolo. Bruno told me all about him."

Twilight spoke "If he kills Celestia and Luna then all of Equestria will suffer!"

Danyelle spoke "Like hell that's going to happen!"

Capper soon returns.

Capper spoke "I managed to convince the other Kludgetowners to help you out. Now, you should find Celaeno and her crew. If you can get them on your side, then convincing Queen Novo should be easy."

Hol spoke "The name’s Hol Horse. And my stand is the Emperor."

Suddenly, a gun appeared in Hol Horse’s hoof.

Danyelle spoke "I'm Alpha-Queen Danyelle Hikari, co-leader of the Mobian Guard. Nice to meet you."

Hol Horse spoke "Pleased to meet ya. But I should warn you, even though my stand looks like it’s long-ranged, it’s more suited for close combat."

“Wait, what about the ocelot Mobian?” I pointed out.

Fizzlepop spoke "We better run since Glitter Drops is nearby!"

The other Kludgetowners hold off the Storm King's army while Fizzlepop and the others escape onto Celaeno's airship.

Danyelle spoke "We made it!"

Ghiaccio spoke "Just so you know, one of my associates is on this ship."

Rarity spoke "We should be careful though..."

A dragon spoke "Hey there."

We turned around and saw a dragon with gray-blue spines and red scales.

Celaeno calls out "What did you find Formaggio?"

Formaggio spoke "Just some stowaways and a friend of mine."

Ghiaccio spoke "Formaggio."

Capper spoke "We're not stowaways, we're building a rebel army to stop the Storm King as well as Diavolo."

Formaggio asks "Oh? So you’re after the boss’ head, huh?"

Twilight spoke "Yes, he's too dangerous since he crashed the Friendship Festival I had planned."

Danyelle opened a warp ring before helping a recently freed Giorno climb out.

Danyelle spoke "Good to see you moving about again Giorno."

Formaggio asks "The new guy?"

Twilight spoke "Yeah and I smell gas.... Wait, that's just Iggy...."

Danyelle spoke "We need all the help we can get!"

I spoke "You birds have a choice to make. You could let some cloven-hoofed Storm King tell you how to live your lives, or... you could be awesome again!"

Danyelle spoke "Dang it Skittles, now's not the time to be singing!"

I spoke "Right..."

Twilight spoke "But Rainbow has a point though, we can't let the Storm King control them any longer!"

But then the ship started to fall towards Mount Aris.

Twilight and Twiliterasu put up a large barrier bubble to save everyone on board.

*After the crash landing,*

Celeano asks "What just happened?"

Danyelle spoke "We got shot down, that's what happened..."

A familiar voice spoke "Dammit. That hurt like hell."

We saw Iggy crawl out of the crash site.

Celaeno asks "Who's the mutt?"

Danyelle spoke "I don't think you should have said that...."

Iggy sent a glare that made Celaeno and her crew freeze for a few seconds.

Giorno spoke "Cool it Ig, she didn't know!"

Iggy just scoffed as he came back to us.

Danyelle asks "Is it just me or is this place totally abandoned?"

Twiliterasu was sniffing the air.

Twiliterasu spoke "Woof... {Scent is stale but the hippogriffs used to live here... They must have transformed to escape the Storm King...}"

Danyelle asks "Where you going Pinkie?"

Pinkie spoke "I’m hearing something."

Koichi asks "Yukako?"

Yukako spoke "I’m hearing something too."

Danyelle spoke "I hear it too!"

Danyelle darts off towards the sound with the others following her.

We followed the voice and saw something before it dove into the water.

Twiliterasu dove in after the creature but then had to resurface.

Twiliterasu spoke "Bark bark {She's gone!}"

Danyelle spoke "Come on! We gotta follow her!"

Twilight spoke "But none of us can breathe underwater..."

*Some time later*

A feminine voice asks "How do I know I can trust you?"

Holding onto Twilight for support, Danyelle spoke "The Storm King invaded Equestria and not counting Capper, Celaeno and the pirate crew... We're too small of an army to take back our home."

“Wait, why doesn’t Ghiaccio have a bubble on his head?” I noticed.

Ghiaccio spoke "Because thanks to my stand, White Ice, I don’t need a breathing bubble to breath underwater."

Danyelle spoke "I can't swim though..."

The seapony spoke "The Storm King?! I’m so glad I found you guys! I’m totally taking you to my mom."

Twilight swam after the seapony with the others following.

Danyelle spoke "You must be Skystar correct? I'm Alpha-Queen Danyelle."

Skystar gasps Whoa! How did you know my name?! Are you psychic?!"

Danyelle spoke "Funny, a friend of mine in a different world said that one time. But no, I'm not psychic."

Fizzlepop spoke "I told her..."

Danyelle spoke "Before your mom decides to have the guards attack, Fizzlepop's a reformed pony. And it won't sit well with Finn though."

Fizzlepop spoke "I turned my back on the Storm King though. Plus my horn was fixed by genie magic, something that the Storm King could never do."

Danyelle spoke "Many call me the Nekomata of Redemption since I help former baddies adapt to being good."

Skystar spoke "Wow! That sounds so awesome!"

But as we kept going, I saw a strange hook on a fishing line, but I just shrugged it off.

Noticing that Skystar had spotted the hook, Sonic spoke "Uh miss, I wouldn't touch that if I were you."

Skystar spoke "Oh, okay."

Skystar turned away, but then the fishhook and line moved on its own before the hook went completely into Skystar’s tail without leaving a single wound.

Danyelle growls "Something isn't right...."

Formaggio spoke "You’re right about that. And I wouldn’t even bother attacking the line if I were you. Try to hit Fisher Man’s line, and you’ll hurt the one on the hook."

Danyelle spoke "But if we attack the one that has the stand.... it might free Skystar!"

Ben spoke "That might be so but we don't know who controls it...."

Fizzlepop swims over to the fishing line before touching it with a hoof.

Nothing happened. But then the line and hook suddenly vanished entirely, freeing Skystar.

Fizzlepop spoke "We should get going."

Danyelle spoke "Okay."

And we kept going.

*Unknown POV*

N-No way… Something’s wrong… It can’t be… Oh god! No! Not him!

*Danyelle’s POV*

We arrived in Seaquestria after that strange encounter.

Novo was relaxing on her throne when she saw the newcomers.

Novo spoke in an angry tone. "Princess Skystar! I told you time and again NOT to bring surface dwellers here! Especially one that caused us to go into hiding in the FIRST place!"

“Wait! Queen Novo, we can explain.” I responded.

Fizzlepop was hiding behind her husband since the hippogriffs turned seaponies were untrusting of her.

Ben shouts "ENOUGH!! We have bigger problems than a bad past between Fizzlepop and all of you. Diavolo is on the loose and I fear he has teamed up with the Storm King to take over Equestria! Plus Fizzlepop was the one that saved Skystar from getting captured by a bad person!"

Various seaponies murmur among themselves.

Sky Beak asks "Is what you said true?"

I spoke "My husband never lies, I trust his judgement."

Ocean Flow spoke "There's got to be a way we can avoid them!"

I spoke in an alpha manner "No matter how far you swim away, Diavolo will find you. He's already killed one stallion already..."

Rainbow asks "Are you just going to keep hiding down here forever or will you stand and fight?"

I spoke "You can let a pair of scary jerks keep you in hiding..."

Celaeno spoke "Or you can be awesome again!"

Rainbow Dash spoke "Come on guys! We can do this!"

Skystar asks "What do you think mom?"

Ocean Flow spoke "Sister, I'm sick of hiding down here."

Novo spoke "I'm sorry but we...."

I cut Novo off with a snarl.

Skystar asks "Please mom?"

Novo spoke "Fine... I'd rather not have an angry fuzzball at me..."

I spoke "Let's go!"

Twilight swam up to the surface while I held onto her as the others followed, Sonic was holding onto Twiliterasu.

But then we noticed hippogriff footprints left on the beach.

Novo and the other seaponies had retaken their hippogriff forms.

I spoke "I don't think these belong to anygriff here..."

Ghiaccio scoffs "Tch! Must’ve been Prosciutto’s little brother."

Formaggio spoke "Yeah, maybe Pesci got scared and ran off after putting Fisher Man away."

My eyes shimmer.

I spoke "He's hiding in that bush over there."

Ghiaccio looked in said bush. “Tch! Must’ve looked in the past, because there’s only a letter here!”

My ears twitch before I shot fire from my mouth at Pesci who was trying to escape by flying away, clipping his wing.

Lucy pins Pesci down after I had knocked him out of the sky.

I growl "How dare you attack a royal?"

Pesci spoke "Come on! I was only doing my job! And I only stopped because I sensed that something was wrong with big bro!"

Fizzlepop spoke "You could team up with us. Princess Twilight and Alpha-Queen Danyelle are gathering allies to stop Diavolo and the Storm King."

Pesci asks "Wait… is that guy the boss?"

I spoke "Yes, his stand already killed a pony though."

Pesci spoke "I’m in! If it means taking down the boss, I’ll go straight for his heart without hesitation!"

Formaggio asks "Whoa, Pesci? What happened to the mammone?"

Pesci spoke "My days of being called mammone have already ended, Formaggio."

Twilight spoke "Now I see why Danyelle's the Nekomata of Redemption, she's able to give bad guys a better choice in life. It started with Gilda though."

Sumarda appeared and whispered to me, “Mammone means Mama’s boy.”

I spoke "Don't jumpscare me Sumarda!"

Sumarda spoke "I was just translating."

Sumarda then disappeared back to her dimension.

I spoke "Sorry about that folks, let's head back to Kludgetown to rally the folks there and then head to Canterlot."

Fizzlepop spoke "Wait a minute… I just realized something… Glitter Drops had a sword, but her eyes were glowing purple."

I spoke "That can't be good...."

Koichi spoke "Wait… I think Mr. Jotaro told me about this before."

Wave asks "Oh?"

Koichi spoke "He told me that he and his friends fought a stand in Egypt that didn’t have a stand user. That stand was a sword and known as Anubis. He takes over the mind of anyone who grabs the hilt of him or unsheathe him."

Yakko then suddenly showed up. “Goodnight everybody!”


Ben spoke "Sit, girl!"

I was soon face down in the sand.

I groan "Seriously Ben, couldn't you have waited until we were away from the sand?"

I was spitting sand out of my mouth.

Ben spoke "Sorry, but we couldn’t have you losing your temper again."

I spoke "I hate having sand in my mouth..."

All of a sudden... Twilight, Twiliterasu and I had gotten caged.

I scream "BEN!!!!"

Ben shouts "Danyelle!"

Both alicorns try to break free but couldn't.

Twilight spoke "I can't take my other form...."

I spoke "Ben, you have to rally the Kludgetowners...."

To be concluded