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Into the world of Tensura

*Rimuru's POV*

With the number of other-world allies I've been getting and the fact that a war was close to breaking out, I decided to tell Rigurd and the others of my plan.

“This is bad.” I dreaded as I feared of the worst possible outcome.

Gobta spoke "But we have powerful allies though!"

“I know. But we’ll need more help!” I pointed out.

Shuna spoke "That blue cat's got a lot of connections though, same with her older adopted brother. Since we have them on our side, their allies can help too."

“True. But this threat may be more dangerous than we thought.” I responded.

Shion spoke "That may be so but you forget, that blue cat has a goddess on her side."

“Yes, I know.” I agreed.

Rigurd spoke "Know what I heard? There's been rumor that the blue cat's got crazy strong powers. I heard from Gabiru that she's able to pull off something called Crossfusion...."

“Crossfusion?” I asked in wonder.

Rigurd spoke "Yeah, I think it's because her actual brother is made of data or something..."

But then a portal opened, revealing Rainbow Dash, Applejack, Buttercream, Shigechi, Pinkie and Cheese.

Even Danyelle and the rest of the Mobian Guard showed up.

Twiliterasu was with the group as well.

Danyelle spoke "Hi Rimuru."

“Hi guys. Is something wrong?” I asked.

Yuki spoke "We decided to help you guys out in any way possible because that thing is a threat to everyone."

But then Narancia and Rouge showed up as well, with the former being an anthro bat pony in this world.

Knuckles was speechless since he had seen what had happened to Rouge.

Tails spoke "Long time no see Rouge."

Twiliterasu spoke "Bark woof bark {Exactly since this thing is very dangerous.}"

Rouge spoke "It’s good to see you all too."

Sonic spoke "You might not recognize Danyelle though since the last time you saw her, she had been human."

Rouge spoke "Dany became a Mobian? That’s new. And I was shocked hear that Nara was killed and reborn as a pony."

Danyelle giggles "Not just any normal Mobian though.... I'm an alpha class Mobian hence why I'm bigger than Sonic. Plus I also have a Mobini form that is often seen when I'm not on Mobius."

Rouge spoke "Hehehe… Oh my. Guess you’re a BIG girl now."

Danyelle spoke "It's rude to ask a girl her height or age, you know."

Sonic spoke "Anyways..... We should figure out a plan to stop the Entity for good."

A portal opens up as Celestia stepped out in a midform.

Celestia spoke "Hello everyone."

Danyelle stammers "P-Princess Celestia?"

Celestia spoke "Danyelle, there is no need for you to call me princess since we are both royalty."

Danyelle spoke "Sorry, I was just surprised."

Pyre soon followed Celestia.

Pyre chuckles "Hot mama!"

Celestia looked behind her and saw Pyre as an anthro handsome and fit alicorn stallion.

Celestia exclaims "HELLOOOOOO NURSE!!!"

Danyelle giggles "Get a room you two."

Celestia and Pyre didn't hear that though.

Celestia giggles "Maybe we should take a vacation at that Chuddle Hotel, Pyre."

Pyre chuckles "Heehee. Oh, I definitely agree, Celly."

A giggling Celestia drags Pyre off somewhere.

Danyelle spoke "Sorry about that Rimuru, Celestia can be a handful at times..."

"Like that cake obsession isn't enough?" I pointed out.

Danyelle spoke "Afraid so..."

Then Vetur appeared. "And I have a feeling that those two sunny-bunnies will stuff themselves full with cake in the Chuddle Hotel. Just saying on a gut feeling."

Danyelle spoke "I don't think they headed there though..."

Vetur spoke “But then where? Because I thought that would happen if Celestia and Pyre take a vacation at the Chuddle Hotel.”

Danyelle spoke "Some things I dare not say."

Vetur spoke "I won’t go into it then."

Buttercream gasps "Wow! I can’t believe I’m in another world!"

Shigechi exclaims "Whoa! It’s a whole lot bigger than I heard!"

Danyelle spoke "Behave yourselves."

Rainbow Dash spoke "Josuke told me that your greed gets the best of you sometimes, Shigechi, so try to share."

Shigechi spoke "Okay."

Danyelle spoke "We don't want a repeat of the Spike incident."

Applejack spoke "Or Harvest added into that since it’s Shigechi’s stand."

Pinkie asks "But doesn’t Harvest only collect what others have thrown away?"

Danyelle spoke "Girls! We're getting off topic here!"

I spoke "As I was saying, we don't know what the entity is after so we should prepare for the biggest fight of our lives."

Danyelle asks "But what about the children?"

Twiliterasu spoke "Woof! {No world is safe with that thing on the loose though!}"

Vetur spoke "Like before though, they can hide in Sumarda’s dimension."

Danyelle spoke "I'm afraid Twiliterasu has a point Vetur, no world or dimension is safe with that Entity on the loose."

Vetur spoke "I forgot that the Entity has its own world, and can pull anyone into it with strange fog."

Twiliterasu spoke "Bark bark... {If I can get into that world... Then maybe...}"

Vetur spoke "And the survivors sent into it are considered powerless."

Danyelle spoke "WHAT???? Then that means.... Twiliterasu would be as weak as a normal alicorn if she went there!"

Vetur spoke "But your abilities become your perks and can be shared with others to help."

Danyelle spoke "Only a select few can use Crossfusion though..."

Vetur spoke "And last I checked, it’s still possible in that realm."

Twiliterasu spoke "Bark bark {Which is why only I will be fighting the Entity.}"

Vetur spoke "If so, we’ll be keeping the unredeemable killers it recruited and other bad guys it hired busy."

Sonic spoke "Good call, I'll put the word out to the other Smashers. They can help us."

“But I have a feeling that there’s another reason you’re here.” I noticed as I saw parts of the visitors’ bodies glowing.

Danyelle asks "Have you been having any problems lately?"

I spoke "Maybe Treyni might know."

Buttercream and Shigechi ask "Who?"

Rigurd spoke "She's a dryad and also one of the caretakers of the forest."

Shigechi exclaims "Oh!"

Buttercream asks "Wow! Wait… Aren’t Timberwolves a kind of Dryad?"

Twiliterasu spoke "Woof {That's more Holo's job since she made the whole Everfree forest her territory.}"

Buttercream spoke "Oh."

Twiliterasu growls suddenly.

Shigechi asks "Huh? What is it?"

Danyelle growls "I sense darkness approaching...."

We turned around and saw something completely horrifying, even to me. It was a mutated feral beast that used to be human, wielding a pickaxe as his weapon.

Danyelle snarls "What in the multiverse is that?!?"

Buttercream tried to hold it in, but failed as she threw up.

Rainbow spoke "Wait a minute, that’s gotta be that Blight killer Joey told me about! As far as we know, that guy over there has completely lost his mind."

Twiliterasu growls "Snarl! {With about 10 million in this area alone, it's impossible to evacuate everymonster!}"

But then the Blight brought out a syringe with some kind of amber serum and injected it into himself, before roaring and charging straight towards us.

Twiliterasu blocked with a fire shield.

Twiliterasu growls "Bark snarl bark growl! {Don't you DARE lay a hand on them!}"

Using her magic, Twiliterasu attacks the Blight with her divine weapons to force him back.

But then he charged forward again.

Shigechi spoke "Harvest! Attack!"

Harvest charged forward and swarmed the Blight, with one of them stinging him with a needle from the hole on its forehead.

Danyelle transformed into Danyterasu before kicking the Blight with a foreleg, sending him flying far.

But then a black and amber portal opened, swallowing the Blight.

Danyterasu spoke "That's one down!"

Danyterasu sensed around the whole area, and didn’t find any other enemies.

Danyterasu spoke "I don't sense any others..."

Danyterasu used her aura senses to detect any hostiles but found none.

Danyterasu spoke "I guess that was the only one."

Sonic spoke "This world should be safer now."

Sonic soon spots a Lucario.

Sonic spoke "Wait, I know that Lucario!"

Lucario spoke "It’s been a while, Sonic."

Sonic spoke "I'm surprised to see you here!"

Danyterasu spoke "Hello Lucario."

Lucario spoke "Danyelle, it’s quite a surprise to see you."

Danyterasu spoke "Well, me and some of the others are on a friendship mission."

Sonic spoke "As well, Master Hand chose her and Princess Twilight as the newest Smashers since we don't have an Equestrian representative or another Mobian representative."

I was flabbergasted at what was said.

But then I saw some kind of letter floating down.

Danyterasu spoke "Huh, seems we got a new contender..."

The letter somehow landed on me.

Twiliterasu spoke "Woof {It seems Master Hand chose his first slime fighter.}"

Holding an envelop in her hand, Haru came running through a warp ring.

Haru spoke "I was picked as well!"

The brown and white she-cat was jumping about in excitement.

“Huh?” I asked in confusion.

Sonic spoke "It's best that I explain it before someone loses her temper...."

*One explanation later*

I spoke "I see..."

Danyterasu spoke "Due to the amount of folks already taking part, Master Hand doesn't choose new fighters often. But since Sonic's the only known Mobian representative, he picked me since I'm really good at fighting as you saw not long ago."

But then Jotaro suddenly showed up through a warp ring, with his envelope glowing.

Sonic asks "You got picked too?"

Jotaro spoke "For a fighter this time. Oh, good grief."

Haru spoke "As did I, Fighter class."

Little did Sonic or Lucario know, a familiar face was about to return.
