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Fast and the Furriest

*Zoey's POV*

Dren was running away from an angry Ein since he had pranked the hyena with TNT.

I groan "Did you have to do that Dren?"

Dren laughs "He was asking for it!"

Anzu spoke "You crazy."

“Yes, your daddy is crazy, Anzu.” I agreed with my baby girl. But the thought of Anzu getting a sibling still lurked in my mind.

Dren chuckles "You thinking what I'm thinking kitten?"

I purred in agreement. “Yes… Let’s go to Sumarda’s hotel…”

Dren purred as well as he hugged me before the two of us started kissing each other. “You read my mind.”

“But who would help look after Anzu?” I asked.

Dren spoke "We could ask Danyelle to look after her."

But then we heard something that Sumarda shouted. “The Speed Challenge is going to start soon!”

I was clinging to a cloud with my wings stiff as wood.

I groan "Dang it Sumarda! You scared the cuss out of me!"

Sumarda appeared. “Sorry about that, I just thought everyone should know.”

I spoke "Cats are more jumpy than other Mobian species... Consider yourself lucky I didn't roast you."

Sumarda asks "Okay. Wanna hear who’s participating?"

I spoke "Sure."

Sumarda spoke "Rainbow Dash, Sonic, Phantom, Raptor, RD, and the Sonic from Raptor’s universe, but we’re calling that Sonic 'Maurice'."

Danyelle spoke "I'm competing too!"

Sumarda spoke "Um… You sure? You said you wanted to settle it with RD in a battle without me getting involved."

Danyelle spoke "I didn't say which Rainbow though."

Sumarda spoke "By RD, I meant the Rainbow Dash from Raptor’s universe."

Danyelle giggles "Oh that one, I call her Rainbow Crash though... Just to rile her up."

Sumarda spoke "And Raptor has a nickname as bad as that."

Danyelle spoke "Do tell!"

Sumarda spoke "Summer told me that it was Riptorn."

Danyelle snickers "That'll be funny to use to rile him up during the race."

Sumarda spoke "He got that name the same moment Rainbow Dash got the name Rainbow Crash by losing his temper after he crashed into a flag, ripping and tearing it up."

Danyelle was soon howling with laughter.

Sumarda asks "Haha! Yeah, that’s hilarious. But are you still sure about this?"

Danyelle spoke "I want payback for the fur dye prank he pulled two months ago. It was NOT easy getting that pink out of my fur..."

Sumarda spoke "Okay. But I tried to warn you."

Sumarda teleports us to an infinite space again.

Sumarda spoke "But Zoey and Dren can watch this from my hotel if they want to."

Danyelle spoke "Daria's looking after Anzu for them."

Dren and I looked at each other and nodded as I said for both of us. “Okay.”

Dren spoke "We’re in."

Sumarda smiled happily as she snapped her fingers, causing us to found ourselves in our reserved room in Sumarda’s hotel.

I pounce on Dren before tickling him.

Dren laughs "Hey!"

“Tickle tickle tickle!” I cooed before noticing something. “Hey, Dren?”

Calming down, Dren asks "Yeah?"

“Is it me, or is this room ginormous with a gigantic flat-screen TV?” I asked as we looked around, seeing that the room and the couch was humongous.

Dren spoke "Maybe it's for Kurama-sized guests or something."

“But why are we in it?” I wondered before we heard the door knock.

A voice spoke "Room Service!"

I opened the door with my magic.

I spoke "Hello."

We saw a anthro Pegasus mare wearing a wild biker outfit.

Helia spoke "Hey, Zoey! How’s it? Name’s Helia, I run this place. And welcome to the Chuddle Hotel, the place where we help couples care for each other, have fun with each other and love each other."

I spoke via telepathy with Dren "{She almost looks like Spitfire... If Spitfire had blue eyes and a honey brown mane.}"

Dren spoke "{Yeah.}"

Helia spoke "Anyway, you can see that you have a dining table, a ginormous couch and an extra extra extra-large bed. And the TV automatically turns on whenever a version of The Challenge is gonna start. I just came here to drop off something. Behold, the Food Summoner!"

Helia showed us a summoning device that looks like it can get bigger or smaller.

I spoke "I know it's you Sumarda, a cat's nose never lies."

Helia spoke "Heh, I knew you’d figure it out."

I giggle "You could have easily passed for Spitfire's cousin or sister."

Helia spoke "Thank you, Zoey. She has been a normal visitor to my dimension."

I spoke "I'm surprised the brat and his monkey aren't here... Those two have a sugar problem..."

Helia spoke "Well, those two are in those own room like this one."

Dren asks "But what’s the deal with that gizmo?"

A loud crash followed by a screeching Corina was heard.

Corina screeches "GET BACK HERE YOU LITTLE SHITS!!!!"

Helia asks "What the?"

I groan "Kiki and Tarb are on a sugar high... No matter how many times I incinerate her candy, she always has more on hand..."

Helia spoke "Well, time to make those candies unable to make them go on sugar high, and *Snaps fingers, making Kiki’s candy unable to make her and Tarb go on sugar high, and summoning two giant bottles of grape juice* calm those two down."

But not even draconequus magic can fix Kiki's sugar addiction since the monkey girl always had fresh candy on hand.

I spoke "She's as bad as Pinkie is when it comes to sugar...."

Helia: Maybe I should’ve led Kiki and Tarb to the maximum privacy suite, the most secure, impenetrable and hidden room in the hotel.

We followed Helia/Sumarda, only to see something frightening, Kiki, Tarb, Corina and Jet were all obese giants, weighing at least one million pounds before Helia made the former two chug on the grape juice, calming them down as they gain a few thousands more pounds.

But the two monkeys had burned off all the extra weight by running around.

Dren spoke "That won't stop them... Plus you used the wrong kind of juice...."

Helia: Oh boy… I didn’t wanna do this, but there’s no other choice.

Helia snapped her fingers as all of the extra weight came back to the two monkeys, but it was different, they found themselves panting and harder to move until they fell onto their butts on the ground, becoming completely immobile due to all of that weight.

I wingslap Helia on the head.

I growl "Unless you WANT me to call the Nine Tailed Terror, you will let the two run around without the extra weight!"

“I did say I didn’t wanna do that, but I didn’t have a choice with all of them going crazy. But now that they’ve calmed down.” Helia said as she snapped her fingers, reverting Kiki and Tarb back to normal, who were now calm.

I spoke "Kiki's always on a sugar high but there's not much I or the others can do about it. And as a warning, do not talk about her mother..."

Helia spoke "I see. Then I’ll help lead them to the maximum privacy suite, if that’s okay."

The two had ran off to the pool to play.

I spoke "I think it'd be wise to have grapefruit juice on hand just in case something like that happens again."

Helia spoke "Agreed. Anyway, you can head back to your rooms now, I hear the first half of the Speed Challenge is starting soon. And in case you get hungry, you can use the food summoner to get yourself some food."

Corina spoke "I’d take her word for it, Zoey."

Jet spoke "Yeah! The food’s real good!"

To my surprise, Bridget and Renee were at the hotel too with Sardon and Gadget.

Bridget spoke "Hey Zoey."

“Did you four just get here?” I asked.

Renee spoke "Yeah."

Helia spoke "Wow! All of the Tokyo Five and their special people are here! This calls for the room of multi-couples!"

Helia showed us a room that was as five times as big as the one we were in earlier while Corina and Jet went back to normal.

I gasp "Holy cuss!"

Bridget spoke "Good thing sugar has the opposite effect on Danyelle though. Who knows how much damage she could cause if it made her hyper."

Helia spoke "I honestly don’t wanna think about it. But I’ll inform Kiki and Tarb of the room change so the ten of you can have tons of fun."

I spoke "I told them via telepathy but they rather have their own room."

Helia asks "Are you sure? I mean, I love bringing friends and family together, but you really wanna go through with this?"

I spoke "They'll join soon."

Helia asks "Oh, so you’ll all come into this room soon?"

I spoke "Yeah."

Helia asks "Okay. But I’m guessing you’ll all be stay for a few days, maybe a week? And that all ten of you will check out as a team?"

“Yes.” Me, Corina, Bridget and Renee answered in unison as our loved ones nodded in agreement.

I spoke "Unless a friendship mission came up."

Helia: And that’s fair. So all of you enjoy your stay.

All of us went back to our rooms as me and Dren closed our room doors before starting to feel hungry.

I giggle "No offense to Renee, Gadget, Li and Sakura but I'm as hungry as a wolf."

Dren spoke "Same here, and I’m sure they didn’t take any offense."

But then the TV turned on, introducing the Speed Challenge.

Dren asks "Looks like it’s starting, wanna use that food summoner thingy to get some food?"

I purr "In a bit."

I rubbed my head against Dren’s neck as we both purred lovingly, before we started watching the beginning of the first half.

Sumarda asks "Alright, are all of the contestants ready?"

Danyelle spoke "Ready as I'll ever be!"

Surprisingly enough, Rainbow was absent since she had her newborn daughter to look after.

Sonic and Phantom spoke "Ready!"

But then Lightning Dust in her midform showed up in Rainbow Dash’s place as she immediately caught up with the others as all seven of them looked like they were a thousand pounds of weight each.

I giggle "Guess somepony learned not to piss Twilight off."

Dren chuckles "Hehehe! Yeah!"

The eating contest went on for an hour and there were two hours left, before me and Dren’s stomachs started growling.

Snapping my fingers, a large bowl of strawberries had appeared.

“Wow! This food summoner really works.” I awed as Dren picked up a strawberry.

Dren asks "How about you have the first one?"

I picked up another strawberry as I added, “How about both of us have the first one?”

Dren spoke "Perfect."

The two of us simultaneously put a strawberry in each other’s mouths, savoring the taste before chewing and swallowing it, not having a care in the world if the food we summon and eat have any effects.

I spoke "Actually, I got these from home though."

Dren asks "Well, why don’t we get some food from the food summoner when we run out of strawberries?"

“Alright. As long as we get to have some real fun.” I purred with a loving tiger growl.

Dren chuckles "Horny kitty."

“Crazy tiger.” I retorted as we continued eating the strawberries and fed each other some, but after 30 minutes, with the first half of the Speed Challenge on TV having an hour and a half left, we had eaten all of the strawberries.

Dren asks "Still feeling hungry. Are you?"

“Yeah, I’m not satisfied.” I agreed as we grabbed some food from the Food Summoner and ate them, neither of us caring one single bit of the weight we were gaining.

A triple ringed Fireboom was seen on the TV.

“Huh? The race didn’t even start yet.” I noticed as I ate some cake.

“Yeah, I wonder why that happened.” Dren agreed as he ate some spaghetti, before the two of us stared lovingly at each other as I fed Dren some cake and Dren fed me some spaghetti, while the two of us grew bigger and fatter, and neither of us could care less about it.

Renee spoke "Danyelle got impatient...."

We turned around to see Renee and Gadget, the two of them looking like a million pounds of weight and fat, as me and Dren felt just as fat as them. “Time to head to the multi-room?” I asked.

Renee spoke "Yeah."

The four of us got up and brought our food summoner, going into the multi room Helia showed all of us before heading out, with the four of us seeing Bridget, Sardon, Corina, Jet, Kiki and Tarb just as big and fat as we are.

Corina spoke "I feel weird..."

A yelp was heard from Clarity.

Twily was wandering around when she bumped into somepony.

Twily spoke "Sorry."

We all looked at the TV of what’s going on.

Danyelle was flying at full speed through the sky.

But then me, my team and our loved ones’ stomachs growled in absolute hunger. “Anyone hungry?”

Renee spoke "I could go for a pizza."

Bridget, Corina and Kiki spoke "Us too."

“Pizza, coming up!” I declared as I got lots of pizza pies from the food summoner, much to mine and everyone else’s delight.

I was drooling at the sight of fish.

"Let’s dig in!” The ten of us declared as we started eating, none of us caring about what would happen by eating from the food summoner.


Danyelle laughs "What's the matter Riptorn? Can't keep up with the fastest Mobian of the skies?"

Danyelle was about a million pounds, ahead of the other competitors, who were each about 2 billion pounds, as Raptor was angered by that.

Raptor growls "Don’t call me that!"

Raptor started going faster, followed by everyone else, catching up to Danyelle, who was smaller than them.

Danyelle pulls off a double fireboom, launching herself ahead.

Danyelle laughs "Don't blame me! Blame Sumarda!"

That seemed to have pushed Raptor over the edge. "That does it! Rollout!" Raptor shouted as he pulled off a double drakoom after rolling like a giant boulder, running right into Danyelle as she became stuck on him.

Danyelle spoke "CHAOS BLAST!!!!"

The attack had knocked Raptor off before Danyelle kept flying.

Raptor went faster and caught up as they were close to the finish line.

Danyelle spoke "CHAOS BOOST!!!!"

Danyelle zoomed ahead, crossing the finish line at the same time as Sonic, Phantom and Maurice.

Raptor crossed the finish line as Danyelle and the others did, followed by RD and Lightning Dust, before Danyelle gained more weight, weighing around 2 billion pounds like the rest of the competitors weigh right now.

Danyelle's left eye twitches in annoyance since being overweight was her trigger.

Danyelle shouts "SUMARDA!!!!"

Sumarda appeared. "Don't tell me you forgot about the rules for the racing half of the Speed Challenge. It was said that the winner of the race will get more points, and by that, points are pounds."

Danyelle growls "But being overweight is my trigger! You oughta know that from the time I wrestled Limestone!"

Sumarda spoke "I remember. Well fortunately, that was the third race. So it's time to rally the points."

The contestants found themselves on scales, counting up their weight.

Sonic asks "Who won?"

Sumarda spoke "Well, thanks to the win of the final race, the winner is Danyelle, with Lightning Dust and Raptor tied for second, and RD and the Sonics tied for third."

The scoreboard showed Danyelle having two billion and a million points/pounds, Lightning Dust and Raptor having two million and a thousand points/pounds and the other contestants having two billion and a hundred pounds.

Lightning Dust spoke "technically, second place goes to Rainbow if she had actually competed."

Venus shows up before barking in a panic.

"True." Sumarda said as the competitors were restored back to normal.

Danyelle asks "Venus? What's wrong girl?"

Venus barks in a panicky tone, indicating that a threat from Blaze's dimension had attacked Ponyville.

Danyelle spoke "Oh no... Don't tell me it's Eggman Nega."

I growl "More than likely..."

Soon enough, a klaxon had gone off.

Danyelle's ears pin back since she hated loud noise. Even Renee, Gadget, Dren and I had our ears flattened.

Kiki spoke "oh no... It's a CODE RED!!!"

But then Eggman showed up next to Danyelle while the ten of us watching were about 5 quintillion pounds after eating all of that food.

Eggman spoke "Let me handle this."

Danyelle growls "He's technically Blaze's problem."

*Back in Ponyville*

Lance had bitten Nega on the arm since the male had Applebloom by the neck.

Nega scoffs "What do you think you're doing, young man?"

Lance growls "Let go of my girlfriend right now!!!"

Nega laughs "Really now? Then try to catch her."

Nega threw Applebloom away, much to Lance's shock.

After ripping skin off Nega's arm, the hedgecat zooms off after Applebloom.

Catching Applebloom in his arms, Lance asks "You okay Applebloom?"

Applebloom grabbed Lance's neck before kissing him, giving Lance his answer while Nega hissed in pain from that attack.

Lance whistles loud, calling over the rest of the Crusaders.

Myuri snarls "Mess with one Crusader, you mess with the whole group!"

Flora snarls at Nega.

Nega spoke "I’ll admit, boy, that really hurt."

Lance hisses "Don't make me call my parents OR the NINE TAILED TERROR!!!"

Nega laughs "Parents? Nine-Tailed Terror? Now you got me intrigued. Go on. Call them."

Holo howls loud, scaring Eggman Nega.

Nega spoke "I’ll admit, that is quite unnerving."

A blast of magic hits Nega.

Pibby growls "Back the hell off or ELSE!!!"

Twirama was towering over the Crusaders, scaring Eggman Nega so much that he ran away screaming like a little girl.

But then Nega disappeared, revealed to be an illusion.

Nega spoke "If you are that powerful to be incredibly intimidating, then I have no choice but to surrender."

Lance spoke "As prince of the Sol dimension, I hereby BANISH YOU to the No Zone!"

Nega spoke "Ah, I see. You’re Blaze’s child."

Twirama roars loud, scaring Eggman Nega.

Twirama spoke "BEAT IT LOSER!!!!"

Nega spoke "Fine. I’m leaving. But I know that my counterpart has joined you. So think about it."

Nega went into a portal, leading into the No-Zone.

Twirama spoke "Tch, he's worse than you Eggman..."

Eggman spoke "Well he is more composed than me."

Twirama spoke "But more annoying.... I don't know how Blaze puts up with his attitude."

Eggman spoke "You’ll have to ask her yourself."

Twirama spoke "Fair enough but I find him annoying."

Meanwhile, back with me and the others, we were relieved as of how that turned out.

I spoke "It seems the race is over."

Dren spoke "Yeah, which means the Speed Challenge ended."

Kiki exclaims "Wow! All ten of us here, together!"

Tarb spoke "Yeah! This vacation’s gonna be tons of fun!"

I laugh "Last one to the pool is a rotten egg!"

I flew off fast with the others chasing after me.

When we all got to the pool in our swimsuits, we all shouted, “Cannonball!” But when we collided with the GINORMOUS POOL the was more than big enough for the ten of us being ginormous and weighing about 5 quintillion pounds each, that simultaneous splash we caused was probably as big as Jupiter.

Several chakats had gotten swept away by the tidal wave.

Firestripe yowls "NOT COOL!!!!"

But then the said Chakats were back to where they were swept away, completely dry as the pool was instantly refilled.

Helia exclaims "Wow, guys! That was incredible!"

Quickstep was coughing up water.

Helia spoke "Oh, right."

Helia snapped her fingers, helping all of the Chakats at the hotel get the water out of their lungs.

Quickstep groans "It could have lead to a war between chakats and Mobians if a chakat had died..."
