• Published 10th Sep 2022
  • 91 Views, 3 Comments

A Story From A Dream - FiMFigment

Could you find forgiveness in your heart for somepony's betrayal? The Baron may not be able to, even if he had a heart.

  • ...

Chapter 3: Some More Story

Author's Note:

Ok, so this continues on from the 2nd chapter. Meaning that we can forever ignore that chapter 2B existed.....yaaay.

Also, sorry about failing miserably at updating the story. Life happened, midterms happened, a vacation even happened. So yeah. Sorry if this sucks.

Flora really liked the view! Miles and miles of rural land, all part of the grand principality of Equestria, the biggest and supposedly most prosperous nation in the entire world. Lead by the almighty alicorn princess Twilight Sparkle. It was really quite picturesque, maybe she should practice drawing again...it had been quite a long time. It helped her cope when she thought she had killed the Baron.

She of course doesn't blindly trust him to suddenly forgive her and be completely nice to her...but she needs this. She needs to be closer to him, to hopefully get back his trust. It...it still hurts sometimes.

Even though she has every right to her power.

Agh! Why couldn't he just let it go back then?! Great now she is depressing herself again.

"Lets see," she attempts soothing herself, "Soon I will be able to see Canterlot, capital city of Equestria!"

Oh, she will do so many things when she arrives there! She can look at the local flora, buy clothes, buy ingredients, she may be able to see Princess Twilight Herself! She will have to visit the guard's station, see all the things Rising Flour used to describe to her. She would be able to relive his stories...without the danger......without him.

Dang it! She was doing it again!

While being busy being sorry for herself she heard something from the kitchen area of the railcar. It sounded like somepony said "What the-" then there was a moment of silence.

...Maybe she misheard?

"Now, you will tell me exactly why somecreature like you is still in going around in disguise!"

Dang it.

She rushed into the kitchen area, to see the Baron was a damn Wolf again and was holding the muzzle of Ms. Cube shut. The terror in her face was evident, the confusion even more so.

Flora began using a telekinesis spell to tear the baron away from Kandis.

"Didn't we agree to keep incidents down to a minimum?!" she spat, "What do you think you are doing? Scaring poor Kandis Cube like that for no reason! We could be in trouble deeper than our pockets soon enough!"

He turns back and retaliates that: "She is not a pony! I have many reasons to believe she is a changeling!"

"So?" Bella almost laughed, "They have been part of pony society for over a decade! They are not only good creatures, they also helped keep the world from ending!"

She couldn't believe the Baron's stupidity! How could he not know of such a drastic change to society? Had he really been in such little contact with others in the past years?

"You are correct," he admitted, "they are a part of society now, but there are strict regulations prohibiting any changeling from feeding on the emotions off of a bystander without their knowledge and from shapeshifting unless they are on a spy mission. Neither of which are the case in this instance."

Oh, she hated that grin on his muzzle. He always put it on when he won a game of chess.

She loved the memories that brought.....she also hated the memories those memories brought.

"She can probably explain this to us hers-"


The baron followed her sight to Ms. Cube. Or rather, to the absence of Ms. Cube.

"Dang it," she overheard him mutter, "this does not bode well at all."

I was fuming a little bit, to be completely honest.

We went back to our seats.

Without refreshments.

And we had lost a potentially dangerous individual. I may no longer be able to guard the potion from the world, though I consider my job to be more in line with protecting the world from that curse, but I am still able to guard the citizenry from creatures that do not mean well. And the fact that this changeling was breaking multiple laws, followed by disappearing completely, without two very perceptive individuals realizing she had left, can only lead me to the assumption that she does not plan good.

AND part of the reason why I lost the changeling is the same individual who made me lose my heart!

(Please, forgive her.)

No, I will not forgive her until I can see that she had earned to carry my forgiveness!

By the looks of it she is at least somewhat ashamed that her interfering with her teacher has once again lead to another accident. And you don't just do that! She always had attitude toward authority or general conformity. But it is always a nice challenge to put up with the out-of-the-ordinary. It's the reason I went into magic...despite my genetics.

This trip was such a grand idea!

When the train creaked to a stop, they made sure that they had all of their baggage and made their way out to the platform.

After a little bit of searching, Bella found a little office near the exit of the station that had some information for visitors. She may have planed out some of the things she was going to do an experience here, but she liked the option of being over-prepared.....iiiiin the event that somebody wrecks part of her plan. So she talked to the clerk and picked up a brochure for the royal gardens, some places to eat, nice lookout points.....and maybe a few brochures on places that sold anything she may want.

She saw that the Baron was at least somewhat annoyed that she was taking her time, so she decides that she would try to get him to take a brochure as well.

"Y'know. You should enjoy this trip too. You always liked magical stuffs. Maybe pick up a pamphlet for a Museum? Or the royal archives? I heard they had a visitor center and that they offer guided tours!"

He raised an eyebrow at that and simply replied with an, "Okay."

Bella didn't like that response.

"You should really try enjoying yourself!" She pleaded, "I don't want to feel too much like I dragged you here! Can't you at least pretend you are enjoying being anywhere BUT your forr-"

"Ok! I will try enjoying myself. I implore you to stay out of my -or for that matter, YOUR- history while we are in such a big city. If you shall keep these subjects to yourself, I will try to savor our little jaunt."

The clerk was just trying his best to smile respectfully and ignore whatever was transpiring in front of him.

As a last add-on, the Baron took a map (how thoughtful) and the two were off.

"Ok, so hotel check-in was successful on my side, how about yours?" she asked.

"Likewise, what shall we do first?"

"Well, I was expecting that we would be done much later," she admitted, "So how about we go to the royal gardens?"

He seemed to perk up at that. (Didn't he always dislike looking at plants? I think he alway went on and on about them not being of any sort of importance to him.) Oh well, ponies change. She has changed so much over the past few decades. Heh, she would like to see the pony that can call 40 years 'a few' decades.

She made for the exit of the building, expecting the Baron to follow her, but as soon as she reached the door and glanced back, she realized he wasn't. Instead, he was looking around suspiciously. (He really can be a paranoid old stallion.)

"Come on!" she called for him.

"But I beli-"

"No," she spat, a bit more aggressively than she wanted, "the royal gardens close to the public in a few hours!"

He shook his head, but followed her, asking, "I thought you wanted to go there in a few days. Why rush there now and only experience so little?"

"Well, we are going again this weekend, that's when the tours are," she explained, then she followed up with building excitement, "I may even be able to get us cards for a private tour!"

She could see his heart (or well, you know) melting at her expression.

She bat him on the shoulder, "Stop that. I am not a little filly anymore. I should be seen as intelligent, not....naïve and unread........Anyways. We are just taking a quick look around there, ok?"

That stupid smile, "Ok, I would have never seen you as anything but an equal at this age, but I also wouldn't have seen you as a murderer. But if we have to visit the royal gardens twice, then I would also like to visit a destination of my choice twice as well."

That absolutely stupid grin. He always wore it when he was right.


So they finally left the hotel on their way to the royal gardens, alone?

I....am not a big fan of flowers.

I dislike the smell.

I don't appreciate their colours.

And I think my mind may associate them with a less that fortunate event.

Speaking of that event.

"Wow," she muttered in awe, "there must be thousands of species here! No, tens of thousands! All playing together beautifully and harmoniously...

Come on, you have to agree with me here! Isn't this amazing?"

"It is quite impressive," I admitted, which was true. This looks like it took years of effort, which it probably did. But that isn't what makes me happy to be here. It was the fact that my student was happy, that she wanted me to feel this excitement. Could I even do that still? Did I have the ability to be...in awe? I know I can feel happy, I am happy for my pupil. I know I can feel anger, I have felt it for so long. I still feel it, every now and then, when I am not careful or ponder for too long. Am I angry at her though? Was it really her fault? It was. (But she means you well. Don't take this from her, she needs it.) True enough. I may really have been the only one to lose a heart back then, she only broke hers. But I am responsible for her, maybe rebuilding hers could give me back mine?

That's crazy and not how anatomy works.

Still, she is younger than I am, anything is worth a try, "Could you tell me about those ones over there? The ones that seem to keep changing colours?"

She looked at them. After a few moments of perplexed hesitation, she explained, "Those are known as Alchemist's Lead Orchids, I don't actually know what their proper name is, but that is the most common one. It is, of course, nonsensical as they are neither related to orchids nor do they even look like orchids. It is thought that this was simply a translation mistake from some language nobody knows anymore. As for why they are alchemist's lead is because they tend to absorb magic and will physically change. Their transformation depends on the type of magic they are feeding off of, I believe they turn blue and more orchid like near pegasi. There are older writings that claim they become poisonous near darker magics, and that they can heal any injury when near a magic user of their homeland. Though this uncertainty makes them unpopular in medicine, we don't know who exactly has roots in their homeland -or where that homeland is- and we don't want to give someone a flower that suddenly becomes poison because someone is having a really bad day."

"Wow....that was actually quite interesting to learn," I admitted.

"What? Did you not expect it to be?"

"I was hoping to learn something new, and I did, plus it made you happy. So I am happy either way."

"Gee thanks."

"You are welcome!" I exclaimed, with the smile that she has 'always loved so much.'

There they were.

The spirit and the filly.

We should get rid of them, before we begin.

'We must inform the princess.'

It was already evening by now.

The two were enjoying some of the cuisine of the city. Actually, they were enjoying some foreign cuisine. But she could not remember which species it was. Griffons? Hippogriffs? Hippocampi? Eh, either way, it was delicious! She had a salad that had some roasted vegetables inside. She should try that at home when they return. And the Baron had.......


Hold on...

She can do this....

Ugh. No she can't!

(So this is how he sustained himself......Yum.)

And she hated the fact that he just suddenly had fangs like some monster out of a children's book.


"Your expression is picture-worthy," he jested.

"And your dinner is grave-worthy."

"Come on," he stated, "It's really just chicken. It felt no pain, it will never feel it again. And the salad it comes with is astoundingly good. Better than anything I could make."

"Why couldn't you just....get the salad without any chicken?" she asked.

She is surprised she has any appetite for the salad left.


So they ate.


When they were finishing up, he asked her, "I know it is quite late at this point, but could I use my favor now and we visit the archives at this time?"

"I doubt that they would let visitors in at this time," she replied.

"Don't worry about that, just follow me," and he payed and quickly left.

(Even now he still carries that many bits around with him? Dear Celestia, how much money does he have?!)

I am happy to be at the archives.

Areas like these are where I spent a good decade of my life, back when I was younger and did my studies.

There is a secretary by the entryway, and two guards stand around her desk and in front of the visor that separates the....frankly ancient pony from us.

Lora leans in to whisper into my ear, "She looks older than you are."

She was right, but it still earned her a smack on the back of the head.

The older pony looks up from her work and pointedly asks, "How may I help you today?"

I replied, "I would like to visit the archives, just to orient myself a bit."

The guards and the mare looked like they had seen me do a somersault.

"Do you have approval by the princess or one of the royal houses to visit the archives? If not then I will have to ask you to leave and return during visitor hours."

From my leg bag, I produced a small silken tissue with a little symbol on it. Hopefully they still know what it means.

When the four saw it, I was met with confusion by Lora and the guards, but not by the secretary.

The shellshocked mare asked, "H- Wh- I didn't even-," before finally settling and saying, to the surprise of the other ponies present, "Welcome to the royal archives, I hope you enjoy your stay."

"Thank you," I replied and walked in.


"What?" Bella asked.

"Hm?" was my only reply.

"HOW did you do that? What is that tissue?"

"That isn't a tissue, it is an embroidery of a society I joined quite a few hears back. You don't become a baron without joining prestigious and secret societies."

"You don't become a baron at all, you are born one."

I simply stated, "Incorrect, you can become one as well."

"Well," I corrected, "You would be a baroness in that case."

She didn't respond to that anymore.

Goodness, so many ancient books! On everything, from magic to math, enemies to families. It really is a shame our little... what is basically a providence has none that are even close to so complete.

I should figure out where magical items are, then potions, maybe magical creatures.....oh and if I am already here I may as well research that flower.

Actually, "Did you want to quickly go and find the section on flora, flora?"


"Bella Flora?"


Huh, maybe she already went to search for it.

Then I will start to fi-



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