• Published 26th Jul 2022
  • 2,747 Views, 106 Comments

Equestria Ninja Girls: Samurai Showdown - Danyram1308

The Rainbooms and Ninjas enter a new dimension to stop Kraang Subprime who has made an alliance with otherworldly monsters who seek to destroy the humans of their dimension.

  • ...

I've Got a Spell on Bats Part 1

Meanwhile, in another place.

In an abandoned building shots were heard, the screams of those who were among the shooting could be heard up to 5 blocks from the place.

"There he is! Don't let him escape!" shouted some while shooting, but no one could evade the shots of their attacker.
The subject annihilated everyone in the place, except for one who was crawling hoping to escape, however, his attacker grabbed him by the shirt and smashed him against the wall. In said wall was a large window through which the little moonlight entered, that light revealed the attacker who was none other than Jason Tood, now known as Red Hood.

"I'm going to ask you one more time, where is he?" He asked. "I told Black Mask what would happen if he broke our agreement, where is he?"

"You want information? Look for a newspaper." The man told him.

"Wrong answer." Jason pointed his M6S Magnum at his head.

"Go ahead, Red Hood." A voice caught Red Hood's attention. "Do what you couldn't do with him."

"Who's there?" Red Hood let go of the subject and stood at attention.

"Oh I'm just awareness." The voice continued to speak. "We haven't spoken in a long time, not since you were tortured by him." The voice sounded closer. "That was for how long...a year?"

Red Hood fired his gun towards where the voice was, casings could be heard falling on the floor. After a few moments Jaison stopped as he heard footsteps approaching him. The light was barely coming through the windows of the building, but it was enough to reveal that the voice was coming not from a man but from Negatron.

"What are you?" Red Hood asked.

"I've been watching you, Red Hood." The Nighlok held out his hand showing the bullets Jaison had fired. "I know of the mess you've made of keeping the streets of Gotham free of crime, of how it offers protection to criminals from the big bat, of course with certain conditions." Negatron continued to advance. "And all to get Bats attention, you even came close to destroying your creator to prove your motives, though I have a hard time understanding who your creator was, Batman..." Negatron paused before continuing, "or the Joker."

If anyone could see through Red Hood's mask, they could see Jason Tood's eyes snap open.

Suddenly Red Hood felt a charge build up in his body that sent him flying through the window of the building, the guy fell from the fifth floor and ended up landing on a car. Red Hood's helmet rolled off on the ground, Negatron jumped off the building and picked up the helmet and stared at it for a moment.

"I think I have the answer to my question." Negatron said before throwing the helmet down and leaving the scene.

Somewhere in downtown Gotham City, Catwoman was leaving the rooftop of a jewelry store with a backpack on her shoulders. She exited the place and ended up in an alley.

"Oh look." A voice caught her attention. "I found a cute kitty."

"Who's there?" She faced the voice.

"I think you're already losing your touch, I mean, that dressmaker made you look like a fool when she made you steal an empty purse, and let's not talk about the bat, even if you did get a chance with him, it wouldn't last, you'd change for him but he wouldn't change anything about himself for you." Negatron said into the shadows.

Selina went flying and crashed into the wall, her backpack falling to the side.

"Mmmm, I wonder what's in this." Negatron said as he grabbed the backpack and pulled out a 14K gold necklace.

"That's mine." Catwoman tried to get up.

"Well, you know what they say, thief stealing from thief..." Negatron sneered. "Let's do one thing, let's say it's nobody's." He said as he tossed the necklace down a drain.

"You..." Was all Selina said before she passed out.

Meanwhile elsewhere, Batgirl and Huntress were approaching an amusement park.

"Are you sure this is it?" Huntress asked.

"I certainly am, every lead I followed over the last few days led right to this place." Barbara replied.

"Of all the places she could have picked, she had to pick this place had to be it." Huntress grumbled. "Somehow I'm not surprised."

Suddenly a carousel lit up and the other kiosks in the park lit up.

"Oh girls..." A voice chirped. "Come out to play."

One of the horses on the carousel fired a missile, the girls got out of the way in time before the missile hit them.

"I hate it when she does that." Huntress thought aloud. "Show yourself Harley Quinn."

"Why do that?" Harley asked. "We're just getting started."

Immediately some guys in hoodies and clown masks appeared.

"Oh come on Harley, send us a real challenge." Batgirl said before she and Huntress confronted Harley's henchmen.

Meanwhile in the distance, Harley Quinn watched along with her hyenas Bud and Lou as Batgirl and Huntress tried to survive in the amusement park trap. She couldn't help but laugh at how the girls were barely and barely dodging the traps.

"I can't believe they keep falling into the trap." She scoffed.

She was about to enter the scene when a voice caught her attention.

"Well, well, if it isn't the laughing girl." Negatron said as he appeared in front of Harley.

"And who are you?" She asked.

"I'm nobody, I'll just say that unlike that Riddler guy I speak truth and not riddles, so people see who I am."

Harley frowned. "That doesn't tell me anything."

"Anyway, I finally meet the psychiatrist who ended up crazy for a crazy man."

"Hey, don't talk about my relationship with my pudding like that."

"Oh come on, he doesn't care about you, you're just a tool for him to take advantage of." Negatron said. "If they gave him a choice of who to save between Batman and you, it's obvious he'd pick Batman since he's so much more fun than you."

Just as Negatron expected, his powers took effect on Harley, sending her flying several feet away. Bud and Lou soon cornered Negatron to attack, but the Nighlok stepped forward and turning around, and shot beams from the eyes on his back at the two hyenas.

"Ha, too easy." Negatron boasted.

"Hey, stop right there." The Nighlok turned around to see Batgirl and Huntress behind him.

"Oh, but what do we have here?" He said with an expression of mock surprise.

"Who are you and where is Harley?" Batgirl asked.

"Oh, she's fine, she just couldn't handle me telling her a couple of truths." Negatron said. "As for me, you'll soon find out." he term before escaping through a crack.

"Did you see that?" Huntress asked in surprise.

"Yeah, it's like nothing we've ever seen before." Batgirl said.

"Do you think we should alert the others?"

"Let's just tell them to let us know if they see anything like that."

That same night on the streets of Gotham, the duo of Nightwing and Robin were patrolling the city on the former's motorcycle.

"Hey, do you have any updates?" Robin asked.

"Nothing yet." Dick replied.

"What do we know about this guy?"

"He's not human and uses his words as weapons literally."

"That doesn't sound threatening."

The hero duo suddenly saw a man fly out of a restaurant window, Dick stopped his bike to see a crowd fleeing the restaurant.

"You play the piano horribly." They heard someone say.

"What were you saying?" Grayson asked Tim.

The hero duo rode inside the place to meet Negatron.

"Look who's arrived, the other two Gotham Knights." The Nighlok said before looking at Robin, "Tell me, are you Batman's blood son?"

Tim looked at Negatron in confusion. "I think you're confusing me with someone else."

"I noticed."

"What are you up to insulting people?" Dick asked.

"That's just the beginning of things." The Nighlok said.

"Well, we're already here and it would be a shame to let you go on without getting some action." Robin said before connecting a flying kick to Negatron. The Nighlok rejoined and attacked the vigilantes, Robin pulled out his staff and Nightwing his Electro Sticks, due to his large size Negatron couldn't move as fast, unlike the Gotham Knights who were more agile and had gymnast skills, they took advantage of that and took the upper hand in the fight. Robin hit Negatron with the tip of his staff, and Nightwing attacked with his sticks delivering blows to the head and body.

"Too easy." Robin said.

"You wish, Timmy." Negatron said. "If you were a real detective you'd know this is far from over, and you're supposed to be the intellectual and most detective-like of all the Robins? Pure nonsense."

"Wait, what?" Robin was confused at the Nighlok's words. However the monster wait for that for his powers to kick in and Robin slammed into the nearest wall.

"Robin!!!" Dick went to check on his friend. "What did you do?" He shouted in the distance to the Nighlok.

"I could tell you, but you know what they say, seeing is believing." Negatron ran to stand in front of Nightwing. "You two stand the best chance of taking Batman's place by the time he's gone, though I think you'd have that mantle not because of your merits, but because you're a lapdog."

Dick's eyes widened at what Negatron had called him, that was more than enough for the Nighlok's powers to kick in once more, sending Nightwing crashing down next to his partner.

"Ha, I guess he wasn't kidding when he said the first boy wonder was easy to take down." Negatron said.

"Riddle me this..." said The Riddler to himself in his hiding place, in an impetuous tone. "No, that didn't sound good." He braced himself to say it again.

"You talk too much..." Nygma opened his mouth, however it was someone else who spoke.

"Who's there?" Riddler asked.

"For someone pretty smart you look scared, I mean, the other best detective in the world, please." Negatron was still sneering in the shadows. "For someone who calls himself 'The Riddler' you end up telling riddles that even the dumbest idiot is capable of solving."

Nygma grabbed his staff and ran over to where Negatron's voice could be heard, only to knock over some crates.

"Even with all you've done you're still the same foolish, insecure third rate villain you were when you started." Negatron kept talking as Nygma kept hunting him down.

"Your lack of imagination is pitiful, the times you've made yourself stand out for because you've resorted to using some 'jokes'." The Nighlok kept pushing Riddler's buttons. "A one gimmick hack, you're the laughing stock of Gotham, with ego so easy to break."

"SHUT UP!" Riddler was still unable to hit his target.

"Now you're thinking of attacking your enemy? You usually tend to take refuge in your riddles because that's what you used to do when your father beat you."

"WHO ARE YOU?" Nygma shouted.

"Riddle me this, who is green, presumptuous and about to walk through that wall?"

Riddler paused, he knew the answer to that riddle, and as a result Negatron's powers sent him flying at a great speed that sent him through a wall.

"Like I said, ego so easy to break." He said.

By the time Negatron got out of the place, he was surprised by a smoke bomb. Next thing he knew, a shuriken hit him, or rather, a Batarang.

Once the Nighlok came out of his shock, he could see who he was waiting for.

"I thought getting your attention would be more difficult." Negatron said as he stood up. "I guess my plan worked after all."

"I had more important matters to attend to, but I came to see what was causing the disturbance." Replied Gotham's famous protector. "You picked the wrong place to attack."

"I know very well why I'm here, but you can't see that yet. And don't want to treat me like any criminal or otherworldly thing you've ever seen because I'm not."

"The only thing you have in common with the monsters in this city is your big ego and a big mouth." Batman said as he pumped his fists. "And I'm used to dealing with big mouthed egomaniacs."

"Well, I'll have the pleasure of taking down the famous Silent Guardian, The Watchful Protector, The Batman." Negatron said before shooting bolts of lightning from the eyes on his back.

Batman jumped to dodge the rays, immediately the Dark Knight threw bombs towards the Nighlok, but Negatron moved before the bombs detonated. The two engaged in hand-to-hand combat, Negatron was the one attacking and Batman just blocked and dodged the Nighlok's blows. Batman saw an opportunity and connected a kick to Negatron and pulling out his grappling hook caught the Nighlok and gave him another parry, sending him into an alley.

"It's over, monster." Batman said.

"Tell me Batman," Negatron began. "How many dead eyes can you look into before you die inside?"

"What did you say?" Bruce asked.

"How many can die in your arms, how many people can you let die because frankly you don't have the guts to die yourself?" Negatron continued to press. "How can you be the hero of this city when you allow guys like the Joker to keep killing?" the Nighlok stood up. "Frankly you're not the hero Gotham deserves or needs."

The two stared at each other for a moment, no one made a move.

"I guess all that doesn't weigh on you, and if I'm right, then it doesn't weigh on you so much that you sent one of your boy wonders to do a man's job."

That last caught Batman off guard, if those words had come from the Joker, Riddler or someone else then he wouldn't have been so surprised, but that had come from someone he barely knew. And that caused Negatron's powers to kick in, sending the bat crashing into a dumpster.

"I think I hit the nail on the head."

"How do you know that?" Bruce asked.

"I know a lot of things, Bruce. And whoever sent me here wants you alive." However, Negatron was repelled by a pair of exploding Batarangs.

Bruce turned and saw Barbara, Dick, Tim and Huntress; all of whom were reunited with Batman.

"Are you all right?" Robin asked.

"Yeah, I am."

"Get out of here, wimps." Negatron said. "I'm here for Batman, not you guys."

"If you want Batman you'll have to go through us." Dick said.

"Doing what Batman expects, eh?" Negatron asked. "Then so be it."

Kraangs and Moogers came out everywhere.

"Kraang, now we know why you're here." Robin deduced.

"Attack" Negatron ordered his troops. The Kraangs and Moogers attacked the Batfamily, the bats defending themselves as best they could. Robin tried to attack with his staff but a Hybrid Mooger caught him with its tentacles. Once disarmed, the monsters attacked the boy wonder but he fought back with his bare fists. Batgirl and Huntress fought their way as best they could and Nightwing used his sticks to repel the Kraang, Batman fought off a handful of enemies but was surprised by Negatron who had more to say.

"You keep a lot of secrets but you can't stand it when others keep things from you, if you ask me that sounds pretty hypocritical." The monster said. "Aside from hypocritical you are very suspicious, not to mention paranoid." Negatron wanted to lash out but Bruce blocked him. "You'd rather prepare to face your allies than face the real problem."

"What do you mean?" Batman asked.

"Oh come on, I know you've long been making contingency plans for when those Metahumans, if they do, lose control long before that alien handed you that green stone, but just because you're the only one in your group with efficient plans doesn't mean you're right about everything." Negatron continued. "While you're wasting time planning what you think is supposed to happen, guys like the Joker are killing people in their wake, and when you go to stop them you're not able to nip the problem in the bud."

Bruce continued to defend himself. "If I did I'd be no better than them." He replied.

"Then don't wait for 'S' to do what you can't do."

"What are you talking about?"

"You thought the Justice Lords world was the only one where heroes become villains, unlike that world, it only took breaking one for him to become a tyrant, destroying what he loved most."

Batman pondered this, wondered who he could be and what would have happened to make him go to that extreme.
Negatron charged at Batman, the two struggled a bit.

"Does all this surprise you? After a long time of facing the Joker you should know what he is capable of, taking the white knights and bringing them down to his level, your level." Negatron shoved Bruce before continuing. "Like I said, I know a lot of things, like the fact that you don't fight for justice, you make this your therapy for your childhood traumas." Negatron's powers again took effect on Bruce and Batman went flying. "I guess that red turtle and cowgirl weren't wrong about you after all."

"Time to shut your mouth." Huntress threatened as she moved in to attack Negatron.

"Talk about people with a Batman complex." Negatron ran right at her. "And you Huntress, you're a bitter sourpuss who hates everyone and everything, a disgusting person just like your mobster of a father!"

Huntress also turned out to be a victim of Negatron and shot out as if a rocket had hit her. Negatron then turned to some Kraang and Moogers.

"Bring in Batman." He ordered.

As expected, Bruce put up a resistance and confronted the soldiers, but it didn't last long until a Moogers spewed some sort of gas from his mouth. Batman slowly lost consciousness and collapsed. Some Kraang chained him up and dragged him away.

Okay, let's go." Negatron opened a portal and the villains began to enter through the portal.

"I don't think so." Nightwing started running toward the portal. Robin, Batgirl and Huntress followed suit, but Dick, Tim and Barbara made it through the portal, and Huntress was left behind.

" Damn it!" She hit the ground.

Meanwhile with the Gotham Knights, they ended up landing on a rooftop of a building.

"Where are we?" Barbara asked.

"An alternate dimension?" Tim said.

"It's possible, we have to find Bruce." Dick said.

"Do you have an idea where he would be?" Tim asked.

"He could be anywhere in this city." Barbara said.

"It's like looking for a needle in a haystack." Nightwing commented.

"We have to start investigating, let's take advantage of the fact that it's still night in this world to get something." Robin said.

Slowly Bruce regained consciousness, his vision was blurry, but his instincts told him he was no longer in Gotham.

"Where am I?" He asked.

"Wait a second, is this Batman?" said a voice Batman didn't recognize, and when he turned he saw it was another monster.

"I was hoping you sounded a little more hoarse."

"In that case you have the wrong Batman."

"Not at all, Negatron captured the right Batman." Kraang Subprime said as he appeared.

"I should have known you'd be behind this, Subprime." Batman said. "So that's what his name is? Negatron."

"Enough talk, let's see who's behind the mask." The other Nighlok said but when he wanted to remove Bruce's mask he was surprised by an electric shock.

"Did you really think I would just go into battle with a mask without any insurance?" Bruce said, the Nighlok just growled.

"Gentlemen, calm down please." Serrator's voice came through the shadows, but Bruce couldn't detail him, only what was his eyes glowing yellow and his smirk.

"Who are you?" Batman asked.

"All in good time, Batman." Serrator said. "For now we'll focus on you, the turtles and the Rainbooms."

"Don't be too sure about that, my people should already be looking for me."

"I'm counting on that, and they'll have their hands full when you're confronted." Serrator turned to look at the Nighlok, ready to take orders. "Madimot, proceed."

"As you wish." The Nighlok said before firing a blue beam at Bruce.

As promised, the Rainbooms, turtles and Blade began their Symbols Power training.
Each of the boys were practicing on an easel using the new brushes provided by Daisuke, the rangers and the mentor were there guiding them.

The turtles, having a father from Japan, were already familiar with kanji writing, so they were having no problems. Blade on the other hand having studied martial arts for a long time also provided him with learning other cultures, so he was not having so many problems.

The Rainbooms on the other hand were having trouble making the strokes of the symbols, Rainbow Dash was still having trouble following the order of the strokes, and the others were having no trouble with getting the strokes right.

"What do you think?" Twilight asked Jayden.

"This stroke isn't right, that's why it's not working for you." He pointed to Twilight's kanji. "Try again."

Applejack finished her kanji 種 and the symbol turned into seeds.

"Very good AJ." Emily congratulated her.

"Thanks Em." AJ thanked.

Rarity was hesitant but she was able to finish the kanji 糸 and the symbol turned into a coil of yarn.

"I did it." She celebrated.

Pinkie was able to finish the kanji 球 which materialized into balloons.

"Yes, I was able to do it."

Mia guided Fluttershy to make the kanji 花, said kanji turned into a flower.

"You see? It's very easy." Mia assured.

"I see it." Fluttershy agreed.

"Now you try it."

Starlight and Sunset were having difficulties getting the strokes right, more so for the former who had not yet fully mastered the human way of writing. "I'm not making any progress." She complained.

"Be patient, you'll get there." Kevin assured, then turned to look at Rainbow Dash. "At least someone listens to directions."

"Hey, if I wanted a joke I'd ask out loud, this brush doesn't work." Rainbow said.

"Then how come the others do get their brushes to work?"

"Maybe because mine is defective."

Kevin took Rainbow's brush and used it to create the symbol 刀 to summon a spin sword.

"The brush isn't the problem." Kevin said and Rainbow just grunted.

"I think we better take a break." Mia suggested.

"I'm of the same opinion." Ji said. "Get some rest, believe it or not everyone did well."

"We just have to try harder, and the sooner we master the symbols power we can start the creation of the Harmony Disc." Twilight said.

"And you will, you just have to put in the effort but also have patience for it." Emily said.

"Although it would be nice if we could study those power discs more, just to find a way to contain the power of Symbols Power and Equestrian Magic."

"Maybe I could show you some discs I have, among them some discs that contain just Symbols Power." Jayden said. "I'll go get them from my room."

"You don't mind if I come with you, do you?" Raph asked.

"No, come on." Jayden replied and the two walked into the house.

"I think I'll walk you guys out." AJ said just to make sure everything was okay.

The three arrived at Jayden's room, they saw that the place had a single bed, a desk, a few pieces of furniture, a bookcase and a picture with a fire symbol on it.

Raph and AJ noticed that on the desk was a picture of Jayden from when he was about 7 years old at least, he was wearing a white Kimono and blue hakama, next to him was a brown haired man wearing the same outfit as Jayden, only the difference was that he was wearing a navy blue Kimono; and there was also a blonde girl about 10 years old dressed the same as Jayden.

Applejack took the picture and looked at it closely.

"Is that your father?" she asked him.

"Yes, that's him." Jayden replied.

"Who is she?" Raph asked about the girl in the picture.

"That's Lauren...my sister."

"Your sister?" Raph asked. "You have a sister?"

Jayden nodded.

"And she's a samurai too?" Applejack asked.

"Yes, she is." Jayden replied taking the picture. "We spent most of our lives apart, my father didn't want that but felt it was necessary so she could master the power of the seal."

"Wait, you don't have the power of the seal?" Raph asked.

"No, it was always her, I had to take her place as leader of the samurai rangers until she was ready."

"Do the rangers know about this?" Applejack asked.

"Not at first, I had to keep the secret hidden so the Nighloks wouldn't get suspicious, I didn't want to keep it from them but my father's plan had to stay on course, but that wasn't the worst part."

"The worst part was that the rangers insisted on protecting you because they thought you were the only one capable of sealing Xandred." Raph said.

"Same reason you refused to call them." Applejack also said. "Why are you telling us this Jayden?"

"I spent my whole life keeping a secret that I got to the point that my whole life was a secret, maybe I want to do something different now." Jayden said.

"You shouldn't feel bad about what happened." Raph put a hand on his shoulder.

"We know you didn't have a choice." AJ agreed. "You were trying to protect the only family you had left."

"I bet the rangers understood that too."

"Thanks guys, it's good to hear that from you." Jayden said.

"And we appreciate you having the confidence to tell us that." AJ said.

The conversation was interrupted when the fissure sensor activated.

"Nighlok attack, let's go." Jayden said.

At a Panorama City high school, all the students were in their classrooms taking classes.

"You're all gonna fail!" Negatron's voice was heard and several students went flying through the walls and windows of the school.

"Ha, there's no one who can stop me!" He boasted.

As he was leaving the scene, Negatron felt something coming towards him, however all he saw was a cupcake on the ground.

"Ha, I guess luck is on my side." Negatron picked up the cupcake with the intention of eating it, but as he was about to do so the cupcake exploded in his face. When he came out of his daze, he found himself surrounded by rangers, ninjas and Rainbooms.

"Samurai Rangers, and the famous New York ninjas and the Rainbooms; you're getting in the way of my plans." Negatron said.

"You again?" Emily said. "I thought we had you defeated."

"You don't know anything about what's going on these past few days."

"We just know that insulting people isn't cool." Casey said before lashing out."

"Casey, wait." Emily warned.

Negatron ran to get in Casey's face. "I have something for you Casey Jones, you were a bed wetter until you were twelve."

"What?" Casey was surprised that the Nighlok knew something so embarrassing about him. But it was short lived when the field hockey player was sent flying due to the Nighlok's powers, Casey ended up crashing into the nearest wall.

"Casey!!!" Everyone ran to check on the field hockey player.

"What was that?" He asked even while dazed.

"That's what we were trying to warn you about." Jayden told him.

"And you Twilight, you're a boring nerd, no wonder you had no friends at your other school." Negatron said to her.

Twilight's eyes widened, and she ended up being sent crashing onto the roof of a building.

"Twilight!!!" Leo shouted. The turtle leader tried to attack the Nighlok, but Negatron evaded his cuts.
"Sensei's little pet." The monster spat and Leo was ejected to keep Twilight company.

"Hey, stop your insults." Sunset said as she threw her kunais at the Nighlok, but she missed her shots.

"Why should I? I thought you knew a lot about insults, didn't you Meanset?"

Sunset's eyes snapped open and she was sent flying along with her friends.

"Hey, don't call her that." Mikey declared.

"Why would you say that? After all you called her that first." Negatron said.

Mikey tried to attack but the Nighlok parried his attack.

"You're a fool if you think humans will ever accept mutants, do you really think they would be friends with a monster like you? You're pathetic."

Mikey, just like his friends ended up being chased away hundreds of feet.

"I don't understand how he does that." Pinkie Pie questioned. "All he does is say horrible things about people."

"Is this too complicated for your little brain, Pinkie Pie?" Negatron said pointing to Pinkie's forehead, causing the girl in pink to fall to the ground. "I wouldn't be surprised coming from someone with serious problems." The Nighlok's words caused Pinkie to end up sinking several feet underground.

"Stop it already at once, I won't let it all spill over into pitiful insults." Rarity said as she tried to attack, but missed.

"Why not? I thought you represented pitiful Rarity, with your pitiful interest in fashion."

The Rainbooms' fashionista gasped at Negatro's words and ended up falling victim to the Nighlok's words, which sent her through three walls.

The Nighlok was about to follow with the others, but was intercepted by exploding Batarangs, Negatron turned to see the Gotham Knights on the other side.

"What?" He was surprised.

"You guys." Applejack said.

"But how?" Rainbow asked.

"We're here for him." Dick said pointing at Negatron. "Where's Batman?"

"What does Batman have to do with this?" Raph asked.

"Wait, Batman is real?" Mike asked.

"Batman is fine, for now." The Nighlok assured. "But rest assured, you guys will run into him soon."

"Are you saying Batman was kidnapped?" Keno asked.

"This guy came to our world wreaked havoc on it, used his strange powers to attack us and capture Batman." Robin said.

"Even Batman was affected by the Nighlok's powers?" April asked.

"Even Batman was affected." Batgirl stated.

"It doesn't matter, you're all going down." Negatron said. "I know something about you Batgirl, you say you wouldn't do anything to steal Donnie from April, but well you had fantasies about Batman when you were dating Nightwing, what guarantees that you aren't doing the same thing with the turtle?"

"What?" Barbara was surprised at the Nighlok's words, and she ended up ejected into the nearest wall, crashing hard.

"Something tells me April did have reason not to trust you!" Negatron shouted.

"Hey, enough of your insults." Donnie said trying to attack the monster, but the Nighlok dodged his blows.

"And you're the womanizer of the four turtles, I mean, it didn't take you long to trade April for the first redhead that came your way, I wonder how long it'll take you to replace her with Rarity."

Donnie was dumbfounded at those words, though that didn't last long as he flew off to crash into the nearest building.

"I guess I deserved that." Donnie groaned.

"How can we stop it?" Fluttershy asked.

"You guys told us that you've faced him before." Karai said. "How did you defeat him?"

"Actually, it was Emily who defeated him." Jayden admitted.

"Really?" Raph asked.

"Yeah, I think I can do it again. You guys cover for me." Emily said. "Hey big mouth, remember me?"

"If it isn't the Yellow Ranger." The Nighlok said.

"Your insults end here." Emily stated before attacking.

"If my words weren't true they wouldn't hurt you. I have something for you here, klutz." Negatron said, however, Emily was unaffected. "Useless." That last cost her three slashes to the body. "Crybaby." It didn't work either.

Dick and Tim along with the remaining ninjas were surprised at how Negatron's insults didn't work on Emily.

"How come she's not affected?" Robin asked.

"We'll explain later. Now we have to cover for Emily." Mike said, but as they were all about to join the fight, they were surprised by some energy shots.

"What was that?" Applejack asked.

"That would be me." Madimot said as he made his entrance.

"And who are you?" Robin asked.

"Another Nighlok?" Shini asked.

"I'm not just any Nighlok, I'm Madimot, and I'm the baddest of the bad of the bad of the Netherworld , I'm bad, very bad, baddest." The new Nighlok boasted.

"Oh please, I've met the real baddest baddies and they don't sell as much smoke as you do." Robin said.

"We'll see which one of us is the one selling smoke." Madimot said before cracking his whip, a smoke bomb exploded on the battlefield, when the smoke cleared, Batman reveals himself to everyone.

"Batman, you're alive." Dick said.

However, Batman did not respond, there seemed to be no emotion on his face, but what was most striking was that his eyes were purple.

"Wait, since when are his eyes purple?" Rainbow asked.

"Something's not right with him." Dick said.

"It's like he's under a trance." April surmised.

"It's because he's in a transe." Kevin said.

"What?!" Dick and Robin asked.

"That's right, Bats is under my control, now he is a mindless slave." Madimot said. "Batman, attack." The Nighlok ordered and cracked his whip.

Batman charged at the heroes, Nightwing tried to restrain him along with Robin, but Bruce put up a resistance.

"Come on Batman, fight this." Dick tried to reason.

"It's useless to reason with him, he's my slave now and he's to obey." Madimot said.

Batman managed to break free from the Gotham knights grip, he managed to kick Robin and take his baton from him and hit Nightwing with the end of it.

"We need to find a way to contain him." Batgirl said.

"But how? It'll be hard with him attacking us." Fluttershy asked.

"There to take him down, maybe our best chance would be if he's still." Raph suggested.

"Maybe Raph is right, we won't be able to help Batman if he attacks us." Batgirl pointed out.

"Or maybe we will." Jayden added.

"What do you have in mind?" Starlight asked.

"I think I can try something, but I need to be close to Batman to do it." The samurai leader said.

"Well, we need to distract him so the Red Ranger can do his thing." Barbara ordered.

The heroes surrounded Batman and Bruce didn't take long to attack them, Jayden positioned himself so he could find a point where he could attack, he prepared himself by inserting a white disc into his Sword tour, when he saw his chance he started to advance, but was intercepted by a series of shots. Jayden turned to see some Kraangdriods with blasters.

"This can't be happening." He said as he dodged the Kraang shots.

"Oh no, there goes our plan." Starlight said as she tried to dodge a blow from Batman, but the Dark Knight knocked her down.

Returning to Emily and Negatron, the yellow ranger had the advantage, the Nighlok had to escape, fortunately for him some kraangs intervened to get in the blonde's way. Negatron was able to escape to continue with his nonsense, and he had his sights on a certain girl with purple hair and aquamarine highlights who was getting up.

"But if it isn't the socialist pony who hates cutie marks, who like Batman's speedster friend, you doomed the world in a time heist for something that happened to her in her childhood, though yours is the poorer motive."

Starlight felt a charge building in her body that sent her flying.

"It must be stopped now." Rainbow said. "Keno, you take the right and I'll take the left."

"Okay." The watchman said.

"Taking orders from women, Keno?" Negatron stepped forward and stood in front of Keno. "I think Indigo is calling the shots in your relationship."

"Hey, that's not..." Keno couldn't finish as he was ejected from the combat zone.

"Time to shut up." The rainbow-haired girl tried to attack with her spear but the Nighlok caught her weapon.

"And you, Loyalty, a strong feeling of support or loyalty!" Negatron said, looking at the athlete. "You have the courage and audacity to blame others for what were supposed to be your responsibilities? Typical of you, Rainbow Crash! Acting so high and mighty like you were so much better than everyone, but in reality you were being an insensitive jerk who blames others when something goes wrong, and even abandoning them when they think they failed you when in reality it's you who failed! What a loyal friend you are!"

Rainbow Dash felt as if someone slapped her in the face that sent her crashing into the nearest wall.

April was taking care of Madimot, she was trying to attack with her tanto blade, but he was protecting himself with his shield.

"Your sword is nothing, my shield is the pure truth." Madimot used his whip to catch April's foot and throw her against the ground. Madimot took the opportunity to fire a blue lightning bolt straight at the redhead, there was no way for her to get out of it, she took cover waiting for the bolt to hit her, however it never came. It was there that she realized that someone else took the hit, and that someone was Batgirl.

"Batgirl!" April knelt down next to her.

"April, I'm sorry...it was the only way." Barbara said before she pushed April aside and her eyes changed to a purple color.

"Oh no." April groaned.

"Oh yes." Madimot said. "Yet another puppet to my collection, Batgirl, finish off Miss O'Neil." he cracked his whip and Barbara charged at April.

April blocked Batgirl's blows until she used her powers to levitate Barbara, the masked redhead wanted to attack the kunoichi but it was useless from her current position. However, April didn't notice Negatron approaching her.

"Toxic redhead, you don't want Donnie to be with you but you don't want him to be with someone else either, how unhappy does he have to be for you to be happy?" He said and April ended up crashing into the nearest wall, causing her to lose her concentration and Batgirl was released.

Barbara saw April's tanto Blade fall to the side, so she picked it up and set out to finish April off with the weapon. The kunoichi had not yet recovered from the blow so she was not yet aware of what was coming at her.

With the handle reversed, Batgirl held the blade to annihilate April, but when she wanted to stab her, Donnie intervened with his Bo staff to prevent Barbara from hurting April.

With a quick move, Donnie used his Bo to push Batgirl back.

"Get away from her." He told Batgirl.

"Donnie wait, she's not aware of what she's doing." April tried to warn him, but Donnie had already started to attack.

The purple turtle wanted to lunge with his Bo but Barbara was quicker and placed a harness on his chest, then she hooked the turtle with her legs and then pulled out her grappling hook and with that she climbed with Donnie to a great height, the harness she placed on Donnie triggered a pair of wires that buried themselves in the ground, Barbara released Donnie so that the force of the wires pulled him straight to the ground, plus Batgirl prepared to deliver the coup de grace with a double kick to the turtle's back making the impact of Donnie's fall more painful.

"That'll leave a mark." Donnie groaned.

Returning to Batman, Raphael and Applejack were taking care of him, unlike the others, they were attacking instead of being on the defensive, at least it served him to take less punishment from Bruce. Using the handle of his sais, Raph connected a couple of punches, but the third one Batman caught him, however the red turtle managed to kick him free, Applejack gave him a flying kick that sent him backwards, Nightwing and Robin advanced to attack but Bruce grabbed Tim by the neck and threw him against Raph and AJ, then disarmed Dick with a kick, then threw a smoke bomb in his face, then took Dick's electro sticks and used them to electrocute Nightwing, then Batman threw a batarang in his face and finished him off with a kick that sent him flying.

Applejack got up to continue fighting, but Negatron got in the way.

"So the element of Honesty, eh?" The Nighlok sneered. "As far as I know, a few Christmases ago, you said Sunset was like family to you, that was before you abandoned her thinking she was a cyber stalker, even though Sunset was telling the truth, but ironically, it turned out that Anon-a-Miss was actually a member of your own family, and what did you do, you easily forgave her! That doesn't sound like what an honest person would do does it?"

AJ felt a charge of negative energy building up in her body, and it was that energy that sent her crashing into the nearest wall.

"I've had enough of you, freak." Raph said as she charged at him.

"This should be fun." Negatron thought believing he would be easy prey. "Factus Hot Head!"

However, his powers had no effect on Raph, the red turtle attacked the monster with his sais.

"Maybe I didn't say it too hard, but it's hard when you're hit by salad tongs." That didn't work either and Raph kept attacking.

The ninjas were regrouping and were surprised to see that Raph wasn't being affected by Negatron's powers.

"How come he doesn't hurt Raph?" Pinkie asked.

"Normally Raph is more likely to react to insults, but I'm surprised he doesn't make it easy on the Nighlok." Rainbow added.

"Then we'll figure it out later, gotta help the others." Leo ordered as they all went back to fight the moogers and the Kraang.

Negatron went flying after a kick from Raph. "I think I've got it. Everyone thinks you're an embarrassment to the family." That cost him a few body slashes from Raph's sais.

"Now Emily." He said.


"Earth Slicer!" The yellow ranger swung her weapon towards the monster.

"These two are crazy." Negatron said after falling to the ground. "Madimot, stand down."

"You take the fun out of everything, Puppets Bats, we're leaving." Madimot ordered.

Batman and Bargirl threw smoke bombs to cover their exit.

"No, they got away!" Robin complained.

"And now they have Batgirl." Pinkie Pie said.

"What do we do now?" Rainbow asked.

"We have to think of a new strategy." Nightwing said.

"How did they get to us?" Twilight asked.

"It wasn't hard." Robin said as he pulled out the fissure sensor he found.

"Who are you guys?" Jayden asked.

"Call me Nightwing, and this is Robin." Dick introduced himself.

"I guess we won't know each other very well until we see each other's faces." Kevin said.

"We have our reasons." Dick justified himself, and Tim just rolled his eyes.

"I'm Tim Drake, and this is Dick Grayson." Robin introduced himself.

"But what are you doing?"

"If we're going to be working together, you better know who we are." Tim said. "Besides, the Turtles and the Rainbooms trust them."

"Is that true?"

"Unlike Batman, the Red Ranger didn't wait until the end to tell us his secret." Applejack pointed out.

"What secret?" Leo asked.

"I'll tell you later." Jayden said. "Let's go back to the house so we can recover."

Author's Note:

Here it is guys, one more chapter before the end of the year, this time I wanted to make the chapter in two parts since I saw that this one was longer than the previous one, I hope you enjoyed it and wait for the next part.

  • The part where Harley sets up a trap for Batgirl and Huntress at an amusement park was based on when the turtles fight Shredder's henchmen at the Coney Island amusement park in the penultimate episode of season four.
  • The words Negatron uses with the Riddler were based on the words Batman uses in the final fight against the Riddler in the animated movie Batman: Hush.