• Published 26th Jul 2022
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Equestria Ninja Girls: Samurai Showdown - Danyram1308

The Rainbooms and Ninjas enter a new dimension to stop Kraang Subprime who has made an alliance with otherworldly monsters who seek to destroy the humans of their dimension.

  • ...

The Team Reunites

"This is strange, I've never seen anything like this before." commented Princess Twilight Sparkle as she looked at the Cutie Map. "This mysterious substance is appearing all over Poniville."

"Not only in Poniville, but also in Canterlot, Manehattan, among other cities." Starlight pointed out.

"We need to find a way to stop the further spread of this substance, and eradicate the pools of it." Blade Swipe said.

"But how?" Applejack asked.

"All we know is that this substance is dangerous." Rainbow Dash pointed out.

"I don't want to think what would happen if those wells ever grew." Fluttershy said.

"Like flooding all of Equestria and the surrounding area?" Pinkie Pie surmised.

"Or worse." Rarity gave another guess.

"Whatever it is, we have to do something and soon." Twilight said.
Suddenly in the room, a light appeared taking everyone by surprise, and said light turned into a portal that opened and out of which stepped a black-maned earth pony, wore a coat and tie, wore dark glasses and had the cutie mark of a bishop.

"Bishop, it's good to see you." Twilight greeted.

"Princess Twilight, we need to talk."

The full moon was illuminating the starry sky of New York, the sound of traffic was making itself felt in the city.

Four silhouettes were moving over the buildings, four individuals were running and jumping across the city with great speed to avoid being seen by anyone. Eventually the four subjects stopped on a fire escape, revealing the Ninja Turtles, protectors of New York.

"Do you really think that's a problem?" Raphael asked.

"I'm not sure, already with this being the sixth case so far this week, which raises red flags of possible threat." Leo replied.

"Also, the Environmental Protection and Biological Damage Department is unaware of this case." Donnie said as he jumped into an alley.

"What makes you think we will?" Mikey asked.

"We've already had encounters with rare substances, I think if I can study this liquid I can find a way to keep this thing from spreading." Donnie said.

"Alright team, let's get going." Leo ordered his brothers to keep moving forward.

The turtles continued their journey until they reached Central Park, where they met April and Casey.

"Guys, you're finally here." Casey said.

"How bad is it?" Leo asked.

"I think it's best if you guys see it and judge." April said as she led everyone to the sidewalk where a puddle of red substance lay.

"WOW, at first glance it doesn't look like a bad thing." Donnie said as he pulled out a jar to get a sample of the liquid, but upon contact with the substance, the jar melted.

"It can't be!!!" Donnie exclaimed.

"Holy Chalupa!!!" Mikey shouted.

"I guess this proves it's not any toxic waste." Casey said.

"I doubt it's a human creation." April added.

Donnie pulled out his space staff and decided to scan the substance.

"This is strange, I detect human essence in this liquid." Donnie said.

"Are you saying this thing is human based?" Raph asked.

"Not exactly, I find a large number of components in this liquid, it seems toxic yet organic." Donnie explained. "But as far as I'm concerned, this thing if it spreads throughout the city, or around the world, could destroy all life as we know it."

"So it's more serious than it sounds, we have to find a way to stop this substance." Leo said.

"The best way to do that is to go to the source." Raph added.

"But we don't know what the origin of it is." Mikey said.

"But we'll find out." Leo assured.

Meanwhile in Canterlot City, Rainbow Dash was riding her skateboard on her way to school. The multi-colored haired girl sped along as she did acrobatics during her ride, seeing some steps approaching, Rainbow did a flip turn in mid-air to go over the steps.

"Oh yeahhh, 20% cooler!" She shouted.

As the girl was engrossed in her acrobatics, she could barely even notice that there were fences in front of her marked with yellow tape reading 'Keep Out'. Rainbow Dash barely managed to get out of the way to avoid going through the restricted area but her skateboard wasn't as lucky, the skateboard went under the tape and landed on a red substance, melting in the process.

"Oh, come on." Rainbow said as she saw her skateboard being slowly destroyed.

She must have noticed that, the city went on alert when this substance made an appearance in the city, the mayor's office did not know the causes of this substance or the origin of this, the Environmental Protection Squad had no answer to this event, some had theories that the substance was a product of toxic waste derived from Canterlot's industrial activity, however there was no proof of this, even if there was, it was unlikely that someone would transport something so noxious into the city.

Near their position, Rainbow Dash saw another puddle of red substance restricted with yellow tape, but this one was leaking into a sewer.

"Wow, this is getting worse than it already was." The multi-colored haired girl said before turning to see where her skateboard was. "Looks like I'll have to move up my workout routine." She said as she used her geode to run full speed to school.

"Attention Canterlot High School students," Principal Celestia said through the intercom. "We remind you that by indications of the mayor's office the activities that require the use of the soccer field are suspended until further notice, likewise we remind you to stay away from the restricted areas due to the red liquid that has been appearing in the city, without further ado, have a good day of classes."

As the students of Canterlot High School were getting ready to go to their classes, Rainbow Dash managed to arrive at school just 3 minutes before the bell rang, the girl headed to her locker to take a couple of books from her locker for her class. When the multicolored haired girl got to her locker she found a note stuck on the door, Rainbow took the note and opened it, the note had a message that read:

"Meet me at the basketball court after school."

Rainbow Dash saw that at the bottom of the note was the stamp of a chess piece, a bishop to be exact.

"Oh, Rainbow Dash, you're here." A soft voice called out to Rainbow Dash, the multi-colored haired girl turned to see Fluttershy walking towards her.

"Oh, hi Fluttershy." Rainbow returned the greeting.

"Is something wrong?" Fluttershy asked.

"Just some guy who left a note saying to wait for him at the basketball court after school."

"Just like you?"

"What do you mean?" Rainbow Dash asked.

The pink-haired girl held up a note containing the same message and signature as Rainbow's.

"Wait, you also got the note just like me?"

"She's not the only one." The two girls turned to see Sunset Shimmer, Applejack, Pinkie Pie and Rarity arrive with notes in their hands.

"What person would ask us to go to the basketball court?" Rainbow Dash asked.

"Maybe not exactly a person." Twilight Sparkle said as she approached the other Rainbooms.

"How do you know?" Applejack asked.

"Isn't it obvious?" asked Twilight rhetorically. Who else would use a bishop as a personal seal?"

The Rainbooms thought for a moment before an individual came to mind.

"Of course, Bishop." Rainbow Dash said.

"But why would he want to see us in private?" Fluttershy asked.

"That's something we have to find out at the end of school." Twilight said pointing to the clock on the wall that was seconds away from striking 8 o'clock.

"Magnificent, the plan works." Kraang Subprime said.

"Let's not celebrate yet, we may have succeeded in getting the Sanzu River to manage to seep into that other two worlds, but there's still a long way to go before the plan has really worked." Serrator said.

"I don't see that being a problem, with our troops together the red ranger won't stop us."

"But it will be a matter of time before the other rangers arrive, and when that happens, our plans will be obstructed."

"I'm already prepared for that." Subprime pulled out a jar of mutagen. "Just give this to your Moogers and the rangers won't be a problem anymore."

"What is this?" Serrator asked as he took the jar of mutagen.

"It's just something to make your Moogers stronger." Explained the traitor Utrom.

Serrator didn't say anything, he just turned his back to Suprime as he opened the mutagen jar, he knew there was that Suprime was hiding something from him, but if he wanted to change things he had to play along.

"Rrrgh, how long have we been here?" Rainbow Dash asked in desperation as she and the other Rainbooms waited on the Canterlot High basketball court.

"It's only been 10 minutes." Twilight said.

"Relax Dashie, he should be here soon." Fluttershy assured.

As if that was a sign, a portal appeared in place, and Bishop emerged from the portal.

"Greetings Rainbooms." The Utrom said.

"Why did you call us, Bishop?" Rainbow Dash got straight to the point.

"I bet he knows about those pits of red goo that are popping up in town." Sunset Shimmer made a guess.

"Unfortunately, I have no information on that." Bishop replied.

"Then what's he meeting for?" Twilight asked.

"Kraang Subprime has escaped from his cell, I need your help."

Meanwhile at the Shiba house, Jayden was training in the courtyard. Suddenly, an alarm sounded in the house, immediately Jayden put down his training sword and ran to the coffee table in the living room. Jayden touched the center of the table and immediately a map with a red dot was projected, which meant that the Moogers were attacking that area of downtown Panorama City.

Jayden then left the house heading towards where the Moogers were attacking.

Meanwhile in the sewers, the turtles were hanging out with their friends.

Donnie was in the lab working on a new project, Leo, April, Karai, Shini and Mikey were watching Space Heroes; Raph was hitting the practice dummy, and Casey and Keno were playing Pinball.

"Oh yeah, Casey Jones scores again." The hockey player boasted.

"What's wrong with you Jones? You're beating me!" Keno complained.

"Don't worry, I've got plenty of time on my hands."

Everyone in the place stopped what they were doing when a portal materialized out of nowhere, and stepping out of it was Bishop who stepped forward to address them, "Greetings, Turtle Allies." He saluted.

"Bishop?" asked the ninja team.

"What brings you here?" asked Leo.

"Something tells me it's business." Keno said.

"I'm afraid it is business." Bishop replied. "And I require your help."

"So what's the situation?" asked Mikey.
Bishop pulled out a disk-shaped device, "Kraang Subprime has escaped from Utrom Prison." He displayed a hologram of the Utrom Traitor. "He has escaped with a Kraang legion from Dimension X."

"Oh man, this guy never die or what?" Mikey complained.

"Do you think he's involved with the case of the pools that have been popping up in the city?" Karai asked.

"It's a possibility, and just so you know, New York isn't the only place where these mysterious pools are popping up." Bishop reported. "Canterlot City and the Reign of Equestria are also being affected."

"Canterlot and Equestria too?" April asked. "That seems to make sense, this mystery substance couldn't have come to our cities randomly, it's obvious Subprime brought it here for revenge."

"That's exactly why I require your help." Bishop asked the ninjas.

"There is nothing to decide, we accept." Raph said.

"I'm glad I can count on your help." Bishop said as suddenly two other portals opened.

Out of one of the portals came the Rainbooms and out of the other came Blade and Starlight.

"The Rainbooms!" Mikey cheered. "And Starlight and Blade!"

The three groups ran toward their friends.

"Leo!" Twilight cheered, as she hugged her turtle, "Good to see you."

"Same here, Twilight." Leo admitted, as he felt very happy inside.

However the others took the opportunity to chorus the couple an "Uuuuhhhh."

Leo and Twilight on the other hand just rolled their eyes.

"Just already you guys put it down." Leo said as he knelt down and petted Spike.

"Mikey, Shini!" Pinkie hugged them both, "I missed you guys so much!"

"I missed you too, Pinkie." Mikey agreed.

"Nice to see you too." Shini added smiling.

"April, Donnie. It's wonderful to see you both." Rarity said, as she hugged them.

"It's great to see you too, Rarity." Donnie replied.

"Casey, Keno." Applejack said as she fist bumped Casey and Keno. "How's it going guys?"

"Hey, AJ." Casey asked playing it cool.

"We're having a good time, Jackie." Keno added.

"Hey, Raph." Sunset waved at the tough turtle.

"It's good to see you again." said Fluttershy.

"Same here girls." Raph returned the greeting.

Rainbow, Starlight and Blade went to Karai, "How are you Karai?" Rainbow asked, as the two high-fived.

"Never better Dash, how have you guys been?" Karai asked Starlight and Blade.

"Oh, you know. Same old same old." Starlight said.

"It's good to see you again." Blade replied. "I guess you already know why we're here."

"Let me guess, Bishop recruited you too?" Leo asked.

"Exactly, Bishop recently came to Equestria to ask for our help." Blade said.

"Princess Twilight also wanted to help, but her duties as princess and at Friendship School prevented her from doing so." Starlight said. "So we came in her place."

Leo turned to look at Council Emissary Utrom. "So Bishop, where is Suprime now?"

Bishop adjusted his sunglasses. "We're not sure, but we've already begun investigating in all known and unknown dimensions. We've picked up his trail at these coordinates, brace yourselves, I'm afraid Kraang Subprime has more in store for you all."

"We'll be ready." Leo assured.

Bishop opened a portal in the middle of the lair. "This portal will take you to the dimension where Suprime is located. Good luck to all of you."

The whole group grabbed some small tools and their weapons.

"Everyone ready?" Leo announced, everyone nodded. "Alright, this is going to be tough, and who knows what Kraang Suprime has in store for us this time, but we've been through a lot and we'll show him we've still got it. RIGHT!" Everyone nodded as Mikey and Pinkie Pie shouted a BOOYAKASHA.

"I hope we can find people who can help us in that world." said Fluttershy.

"And I would hope that they would be easier to deal with than Batman." Applejack commented.

"I echo your words, AJ." Raph added.

"Alright team, let's do this." Leo ordered everyone to cross the portal.

Once everyone passed through to the other side of the portal, the ninjas found themselves in an alleyway, the sunlight was dim, which meant night was near.

"Where do you think we are?" Keno asked the group.

"I don't know, but the good thing is that we're not far from the city." Rainbow Dash said.

Suddenly the group heard some shouting, and out of the alley they could see people running.

"Did you guys see that?" Sunset asked.

"Yeah, it's like they were running away from something." April said.

"Let's find out why, Let's go Ninjas." Leo ordered and they all ran out of the alley.

Jayden arrived at the point where the Nighloks were attacking, and what he found was something different from what he assumed. While in previous encounters he noticed the Moogers and the Kraang, but the Moogers looked normal, now it appeared that they had undergone a mutation.

The Moogers had pink skin of the same color as the Kraang that covered half of their bodies, they now had a second head protruding from their necks, these heads were deformed, full of green eyes, with two mouths of sharp teeth. Their left arms had thick pink tentacles, about three feet long.

Jayden was surprised to see this new look on the Moogers, never had anything like this ever crossed his mind.
"I have to stop them." He thought. He pulled out his folding cell phone and started typing the kanji . "Spin Sword." He yelled as a katana materialized.

Once armed, Jayden set out to fight the Kraang and the new Hybrid Moogers, he managed to dodge the Kraang's shots, and managed to slash at the droids down, but the Moogers were stronger than before, every time he hit them with the sword they got back up, in one attempt Jayden wanted to attack but a Mooger stopped his sword with its tentacles and kicked Jayden out, immediately the Kraang fired their blasters at him sending him flying.

Jayden landed flat on the ground, the Moogers were about to finish him off, but suddenly something attacked them. Jayden turned his eyes and saw two guys and two girls standing in front of him, those were none other than Kevin, Emily, Mia and Mike.

"Guys, you're here." Jayden said.

"I see you couldn't wait for us." Mike pointed out.

Jayden stood up and rejoined his team, they all gathered in a quick hug.

"It's good to see you guys again." Jayden told them.

"The feeling is mutual." Emily said.

"Guys, I think it's best if we resume the meeting later." Kevin pointed out.

"You're right." Mia said.

"What are those things?" Mike asked.

"Those robots call themselves Kraang, and apparently they've allied themselves with the Nighloks." Jayden reported.

"Robots controlled by brains with faces? That's something you don't see every day." Kevin commented.

"Whatever, they have to be stopped." Jayden said. "Samuraizers." He ordered and everyone pulled out their folding cell phones.

"Go Go Samurai." They all said in unison and started writing their Symbols Power. Jayden wrote the fire kanji () while Kevin wrote the water kanji (), Mike the forest kanji (), Mia the air kanji () and Emily wrote the earth kanji (). Once they finished writing the kanji, the Rangers morphed.

"Rangers Together, Samurai Forever." They said their slogan before fighting their enemies.

"Wow, they're tougher than I thought." Mike said as he attacked a handful of Kraangdroids and Hybrid Moogers.

"Are you talking about the new Moogers or the droids?" Kevin asked as he fought.

"I think he's talking about both groups." Emily said as she made a vertical slash up and down.

"You're right, these Moogers don't go down in one hit." Mia said.

"Keep fighting, don't give up." Jayden ordered and pulled from his belt clasp a red disc and inserted it into his Spin Sword. He activated the disc and said, "Spin Sword, Blazing Strike." A red flare appeared and scorched the Kraangdroids and Hybrid Moogers.

The other rangers followed Jayden's lead and pulled out discs of the color they represented.

"Spin Sword, Dragon Splash!" Kevin shouted and a wave washed over the monsters.

"Airway!" Mia activated a blizzard that sent the new Moogers flying.

"Spin Sword, Forest Vortex!" Mike made motions with his sword that alluded to his Symbol Power, the Kraangdroids fell to his attack.

"Seismic Swing!" Emily created an earthquake with her attack, destroying the Kraangdroids and Hybrid Moogers.

However, the forces of evil rose again.

"Are you kidding me?" Mike complained.

"Gotta keep pushing." Jayden said as he resumed combat.

The ninjas arrived at the place where the people were running away from, they were surprised to see Kraangdroids and monsters they didn't recognize.

"Look guys, Kraangdroids!" Mikey pointed out.

"Apparently Bishop was right, Kraang Subprime is in this dimension." Shini said.

"But what are those things?" Fluttershy pointed to the Hybrid Moogers.

"I don't know, but apparently the Kraang experimented on them." Karai said.

"Apparently Suprime used the mutagen that he killed all of New York with." April said.

"Is this what the humans looked like when they were mutated by the Kraang?" Twilight asked.

"Pretty much, only instead of two heads they had one." Casey admitted.

"But who are the ones standing up to the Kraang?" Keno asked.

"They look like Power Rangers." Shini surmised.

"Rangers? In this dimension?" Applejack asked.

"Looks like it." Shini replied.

"Hey, that guy, isn't that Jayden?" Sunset asked pointing at the Red Samurai Ranger.

"Jayden? Like Jayden Shiba? The Red Samurai Ranger who helped us beat Niox with the other Legendary Rangers?" Pinkie asked.

"Yeah, that same Jayden." Sunset confirmed.

"Yes, it seems to be Jayden." Rarity also confirmed what Sunset said.

"And it looks like he and his team are in trouble, they need to be helped." Leo ordered.

The Rangers were being surrounded by the Kraang and Hybrid Moogers.

"This is getting ugly." Mia said as she dodged a Mooger's attack.

"We have to keep fighting." Kevin said as he cut down a Kraangdroid.

A Kraangdroid was about to attack Jayden but was shot, Jayden looked out and saw Twilight Sparkle who was holding a blaster that she had shot the Kraang with.

"Good thing I packed these babies up." Twilight said.

"Impossible!!!" Jayden exclaimed.

"What's up Jayden?" Mike asked.

"Did that girl just save you?" Emily also asked.

"It wasn't just her." Jayden said as the other ninjas joined the fight.

"What is this, more Nighloks?" Kevin asked pointing at the Ninja Turtles.

"They're not Nighloks, they're mutant turtles." Jayden replied.

"What about the girls with colored skin?" Mia asked.

"They come with them, don't worry, they're all legit." Jayden assured.

The ninja and samurai teams stood up to the Kraang and Hybrid Moogers. Leo cut down some droids with his katanas while Jayden attacked some Moogers.

"It's good to see you again Leo." Jayden greeted the turtle leader as he fought.

"Same here Jayden." Leo reciprocated the greeting to the samurai leader.

Sunset stabbed her kunais into the second head of some Moogers, Starlight shot arrows at the Kraangdroids head, Blade swung his sword and swept through the monsters.

"Wow, they really are some good fighters." Mike said impressed.

Karai used her snake hands to dismember the Kraangdriods, then shifted into her mutant form to spit acid at the Moogers.

"Did that girl just turn into a snake?" Emily asked in shock.

Applejack used her Shuko Claws to rip the Moogers apart, Fluttershy fired darts with her Fukedake Blowgun at the Kraangdriods' and Moogers' heads.

"At least they don't show off like the time we met Scott." Kevin said remembering his first encounter with the Red RPM Ranger.

Rainbow Dash sped by and stabbed some Kraangdriods with her naginata.

"Oh yeahhh. Who's cool? I'm cool!" She boasted.

"Except for the girl with the rainbow hair." Kevin complained.

Rainbow Dash swung her spear to take out some Moogers, however she almost took Kevin out in the process, and Kevin had to duck.

"Hey, watch where you point that thing." He chided her.

"Oops, sorry." She apologized.

Rarity threw one of her Kamas Sickles at the Moogers, the weapon returned to her hands at the same moment, Twilight swung her Kamayari Spear to take out some Kraangdriods, then used her blasters to shoot at the Moogers. Pinkie Pie used the blade of her Bakuhatsugama to slash the Kraangdriods, Shini did the same to the Moogers. Raph nailed his sais to the droids and Donnie hit them with his Bo staff, April used her telekinesis to throw her tessen to cut off the droids' heads, Keno attacked with his staffs while Casey threw of his explosive discs.

"Goongala!!!" He shouted.

"Booyakasha!!!" Mickey yelled as he attacked with his nunchucks.

"What did the orange turtle say?" Kevin asked.

"I think he said Booyakasha." Mike said.

"Guys, ATTENTION!" Emily warned, she pulled out her Samuraizer and started writing the kanji . "Symbol Power. AVALANCHE!"

Huge boulders came out of Emily's kanji, which crushed the Kraangdriods and the remaining Hybrid Moogers, once the enemy troops were defeated, the two teams reunited.

"Guys, it's good to see you all." Jayden greeted the ninjas.

"Same here, Jayden." Leo said as he shook the samurai leader's hand.

"Do you guys know each other?" Mia asked.

"They're the ones who helped me and the other Legendary Rangers defeat that FearCat." Jayden said before introducing the ninjas. "He's Leonardo, and his siblings Donatello, Michelangelo, Raphael and Karai."

"She's their sister?" Mike asked incredulously.

"Adopted." Karai emphasized.

"Actually, the adopted ones are us." Mickey said before getting a smack on the back of the head from Raph.

"The others are April O'Neil, Casey Jones, Keno, Shinigami and Blade Swipe." Jayden went on to introduce them. "The others are The Rainbooms, Sunset Shimmer, Twilight Sparkle, Rainbow Dash, Applejack, Pinkie Pie, Fluttershy, Rarity and Starlight Glimmer." Jayden stopped as he heard a bark. "And Twilight's dog, Spike."

"So cute." Emily said as she reached over to pet Spike.

"Oh yeah." Spike said.

The rangers except for Jayden backed away.

"A talking dog!!!" Mike exclaimed.

"Is that the weirdest thing you've ever seen in your life?" Spike asked.

"I've seen a lot of weird things in my life, and a talking dog isn't one of them." Mike replied.

"And they're your samurai team?" Keno asked.

"Indeed, these are my friends Kevin, Mike, Mia and Emily." Jayden introduced his team.

"It's a pleasure to meet you all." Fluttershy greeted.

"The pleasure is ours." Mia waved back.

"I think we'll get to know each other better if we go somewhere more private." Kevin suggested.

"You're right." Jayden pulled out his Samuraizer and started writing the kanji . "Symbol Power. Teleportation." A mist covered the ninja and samurai, when the mist cleared, no one was there anymore.


"The rangers were aided by those who call themselves Turtles along with the girls who call themselves The Rainbooms, with the humans known as April O'Neil, Casey Jones, Karai, Keno and Shinigami; as well as the individuals known as Blade Swipe and Starlight Glimmer." A Kraangdriod replied.

"So my enemies already know of my plan?" Subprime said.

"What's going on?" Serrator asked.

"It seems my enemies followed me to this dimension. Apparently someone alerted them." A suspect came to Subprime's mind. "We have to take care of all of them."

"Don't worry, I already have someone to take care of them, Flamifer."

From the waters of the Sanzu River, a Nighlok emerged.

"What can I do for you, Serrator?" The Nighlok asked.

"Create chaos in the human world, and destroy the Power Rangers and their new friends." Serrator ordered.

"I will, and no good-for-nothing Ranger or human will be able to stop me." Flamifer said.

Author's Note:

Well, here you have the new chapter of the fic, after a long time it's already available in the page, it took some time, but I think it was worth it.
I have brought as first monster a Sentai villain that didn't appear in the American version, his name is Hachouchin, I plan to bring some Sentai villains that didn't appear in the Power Rangers version.