• Published 26th Jul 2022
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Equestria Ninja Girls: Samurai Showdown - Danyram1308

The Rainbooms and Ninjas enter a new dimension to stop Kraang Subprime who has made an alliance with otherworldly monsters who seek to destroy the humans of their dimension.

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"Centuries ago in Japan, Nighlok monsters invaded our world, but samurai warriors defeated them with power symbols, passed down from parent to child. Today the evil Nighlok have risen once again and plan to flood the earth. Luckily, a new generation of heroes stand in their way. They are the Power Rangers Samurai."

The night was peaceful, or so it was thought. Downtown buildings, especially laboratories and museums, were closed at this time of night. The doors of a laboratory opened, but what emerged from the premises were not watchmen, but a pair of rather familiar looking robots with some brains in their chests. The two Kraangdroids stood outside where two other Kraangdroids appeared.

"Kraang demands what is known as a status report." Kraangdroid 1 asked the new arrivals.

"Kraang has found nothing useful in this city." Kraangdroid 3 replied.

"And Kraang hasn't found anyone to help us?" Kraangdroid 2 asked.

"Negative." Kraangdroid 4 said. "Kraang suggests initiating the operation known as retreat."

"Request granted." The other Kraangdroids said together.

They were about to leave, but suddenly they heard an explosion.

"What is that?" Kraangdroid 1 asked.

"Kraang doesn't know." Kraangdroid 2 said.

"Kraang, begin the operation known as recon."

The four droids headed to where the explosion was heard, only to be met by brown monsters, samurai-like breastplate, yellow pants and their faces looked like sea anemones, the monsters were armed with Dao swords, facing a guy dressed in red, the upper part of the suit was red with some black ribbons with white reliefs that simulate a gi or Japanese tunic, had a golden belt, black pants, white gloves and red boots, his helmet was red and on the front of it had the kanji of fire (火). The subject was armed with a katana sword.

"Alright Moogers, your move." the guy in red said.

These Moogers attacked the subject, but the scarlet warrior defended himself with his sword, his fighting skill was relentless, he fought in the style of the ancient samurai warriors. The Moogers fell before his sword, most of them showed no resistance, with slashes of his sword he defeated his enemies, only one Mooger was left standing, but he decided to flee passing through a fissure in the ground.

"I guess you better run away." said the warrior. He was about to leave when he heard a robotic sound, he turned around only to see the head of a Kraangdroid who immediately hid, the warrior followed only to find three other droids.

"What are you?" The warrior asked.

"Kraang is what is known as Kraang." a Kraangdroid said. "Kraang demands that you identify yourself."

"I am the Red Samurai Ranger, leader 19." The warrior introduced himself. "What do you want?"

"That's classified." another Kraangdroid said before everyone fired their blasters.

The Red Ranger immediately moved from there, pulled out a folding cell phone and started typing a symbol.

"Symbol Power." The Red Ranger said out loud before finishing the kanji.

The symbol 反 protected the ranger from the Kraang's shots.

When he saw an opportunity, the ranger attacked the Kraang, in one move with his sword he slashed the droids' robotic bodies.

The Kraang immediately jumped out of their already destroyed robotic bodies and set off in retreat.

"Huh, Gross." The ranger said when he saw the true Kraang forms.

The Panorama City subway station was nothing different from the other cities, trains came and went, people got on and off the trains, it was a routine known well enough.

However tonight was a different case, a train pulled into the station, but when the doors opened, the interior was completely empty. Apparently no one was boarding the train, as the doors were about to close, a foot stepped in, forcing the doors open again, out of the train stepped someone who appeared to be wearing Shredder's armor, only this armor had something different about it, it had a metallic gray color, the blades on the shoulder pads were not smaller, the chest and body part was similar to that of the Utrom Shredder, also known as Ch'rell, but the boots, gauntlets and Kuro Kabuto were quite similar to that of The Shredder. This individual had a handful of Kraangdroids that were also coming off the train.

"So, this is Panorama City?" This Shredder said. "There's nothing different about it than what I know." Shredder's chest opened revealing Kraang Subprime. "Let's see if there's anything to get revenge on my enemies."

The four Kraang appeared crawling before Subprime.

"Well?" asked Subprime. "What did you find?"

The Kraang only grunted as they did not rely on their robotic bodies to communicate.

"I don't understand what you're saying!" Subprime yelled.

The Kraang continued to growl, which infuriated Subprime.

"Do I have to do everything myself?" He said as he took the brains and placed them into new robotic bodies. "Now, speak up speak up now."

"Kraang found some monsters known as Moogers."

"What of it?"

"Kraang also found the secret passage of the Moogers."

This last caught Subprime's attention. "Ok, take me to that place." He finally said.

The four Kraang led Subprime and the other droids to where the Red Ranger and Moogers fight had been, they all stopped as the four droids right on the spot the Mooger fled through the rift.

"Why are we stopping?" Subprime asked.

"This is the point." Kraangdroid 4 said.

"I don't see anything."

"Look down."

Kraang Subprime looked at the ground, but saw nothing but concrete, he took a step forward and saw that the crack in the ground took on a red color.

"Oh, that's how it works." He said in surprise, then turned to look at his Kraangdroids. "Wait here and don't let anyone get close."

"Affirmative." The Kraangdroids said in unison as Kraang Subprime crossed the rift.

Once across the fissure, Kraang Subprime entered a completely strange world, the sky was red and the atmosphere could kill any human, the ground was covered with gravel.

"What is this place?" he wondered.

Kraang Subprime walked through the territory, after a few minutes the encounter looked like a river, a river of red water.
He immediately scanned the water, and the data he got shocked him, the properties of this world's water seemed to be what he needed for his revenge.

"That's it, this water is what I need to get revenge on those turtles and those Rainbooms." He said to himself.

"Who are you and how did you manage to get into the Netherworld?" A voice was heard behind Subprime. The traitor
Utrom turned around to a blue-gray monster, he was wearing a gold-colored shachihoko headdress, white eyes, white hair, crocodile skull shoulder pads, green tunic, wine-colored pants and golden boots.

"Who am I, who am I?" Kraang Subprime asked in a way that sounded insulted.

"Yes, that's just what I asked." The monster said.

"Don't tell me you haven't heard of me, Kraang Subprime? The biggest Kraang spawn in all of Dimension X!"

"You talk as if everyone already knows who you are."

Subprime sighed, "Seriously, what does a Kraang have to do to get a little recognition wherever he goes? Never mind. Now that you know who I am, I'll explain why I'm on this Netherworld, my master, Kraang Prime, sent me to find a way to defeat our enemies, and it looks like this water is the key to that." He laughed. "Now tell me, who are you!"

"I am Serrator, The King Nighlok." The monster introduced himself.

"Well, your highness, if you don't mind, I'll go get some of your water." Subprime turned back in the direction of the river, but was stopped by Serrator.

"You think you can just come to my Netherworld, take the water from the Sanzu River and leave?" The Nighlok asked.

"Yes." Subprime said.

"I have a different opinion."

"If that's the way you want things to be, then..." Subprime snapped his fingers and immediately portals appeared from which Kraangdriods armed with blasters emerged.

"Somehow, I expected you to do that." Serrator said.

Immediately Moogers emerged from the ground, others emerged from the Sanzu River, they were armed with swords, bow and arrows.

Subprime and his troops were being outnumbered, so he called off his attack.

"I thought so." Serrator said when he saw the Kraangdriods lower their weapons. "Now go."

"Wait!!! How about we make a deal?" Subprime tried to negotiate.

"What kind of deal?"

"If you help me by giving me some of your water to defeat my enemies, I can help you defeat yours."

"Someone once offered me to eliminate my enemies in exchange for help, and it didn't work out."

"With me you won't have that problem, I have resources that can help you destroy your enemies."
Serrator thought about Subprime's offer, maybe this could be a unique opportunity to get back his plan he worked on for a long time.

"Let's do this, help me cause enough human suffering so we can make the river rise to such a degree that it manages to seep into the world of our enemies."

"That sounds better than what I proposed."

"Then we have a deal?"

"We certainly do."

On the outskirts of the city, next to the mountains there was a house in a place in the middle of the forest.

The red ranger crossed the gate that gave the entrance to the grounds of the house, the house was large, on the outside it looked like a normal house with a fire pit near the entrance for barbecues, a large patio where you could also train outdoors.

The red ranger transformed into a young man with brown hair, Caucasian skin, wearing a red t-shirt, black pants, black leather jacket and matching shoes.

When he entered the house, which was very similar to the traditional Japanese houses, with a rather millimalist concept, mostly spartan, the young man went straight to the living room, where he found a not so old man with black hair sitting, wearing a traditional Japanese outfit consisting of an orange robe and black hakama, holding a wooden stick in his hand for support.

"I see you took longer than usual this time." Said the man. "Did the Moogers give you more of a fight this time?"

"It wasn't just the Moogers, I ran into some robots that were being piloted by some brains with mouths and eyes and squid tentacles." The young man replied.

"Robots controlled by brains with faces?" The man asked.

"Exactly as I described."

"Do you think it's a threat from another dimension?"

"Most likely."

"Jayden, I suggest you call the team, and fight this together." The man said.

"I think it's too early for that, Ji." The young man replied. "I don't know exactly what those things were, or if they'll be back, or if they encountered the Nighloks."

"That's precisely why I think you'd better call the others, it's too risky for you to handle this alone." Ji said.

Jayden thought about his mentor's words, a part of him wanted to call his friends to find out what was going on before this escalated, but at the same time if it wasn't something really alarming there was no point in bringing his friends in for something he could handle.

"Maybe you're right, if this one is bigger than it looks then I'll need the whole team. But for now, I'll keep things like this, I don't want to alert the others for nothing." Jayden finally said before retreating to his room.

Ji just stared at Jayden as he left, only to wait until he was no longer present and he could pull out a flip phone like the one Jayden carried to battles, he dialed a number and waited for him to answer the call.

"Hello?" Ji asked. "Yes, it's me, I think we're in trouble."

Meanwhile in Equestria, Fluttershy was walking home with Angel Bunny on her back.

"Ok Angel, when we get to the house, I'll make you your favorite salad, then we'll go with Pinkie where we'll enjoy Sweet Apple Acres cider with the others. Sounds like a good plan, doesn't it?" The shy yellow pegasus asked her rabbit.
Angel shook her head in appreciation.

As they were about to cross the bridge over the creek, Fluttershy felt a strange burning sensation in her hoof which caused her to jump from the pain, Bunny had to hold on tight to her to keep from falling.

"Ayy!" She gave a yelp as only Fluttershy knew how.

She examined her paw, which was still sore from the burn, then checked the path to see what had caused the injury, and found a puddle of red.

"What is that?" She wondered, and saw that the puddle came from a small pool of a substance the same color as the puddle. Angel got off Fluttershy and grabbed a branch, dipped it into the puddle and immediately the branch burst into flames.

"Oh my Faust!!!" The pegasus gasped.

Angel gave a shout to , only for the latter to notice a larger pit not far from the one she first found.

"Where did this substance come from?" Fluttershy wondered.

Author's Note:

Well, here begins a new installment of Equestria Ninja Girls from yours truly, who thanks Wildcard25 for giving me the opportunity to do this fic. In my perspective, I would place this story after I Love Being a Rainboom.
If you have any suggestions about characters, villains or events that could be in this fic, I'll take them into account.