• Published 26th Jul 2022
  • 2,764 Views, 106 Comments

Equestria Ninja Girls: Samurai Showdown - Danyram1308

The Rainbooms and Ninjas enter a new dimension to stop Kraang Subprime who has made an alliance with otherworldly monsters who seek to destroy the humans of their dimension.

  • ...

Back and Forth

Later at the Shiba house, the ninjas watched the samurai practice their Symbols Power. Raph, Sunset, Karai and Blade watched Jayden write the fire kanji, when he finished, they watched as the rice paper burst into flames.

"Awesome." Sunset said.

"That's amazing." Blade added.

Meanwhile Leo, Twilight, Rainbow Dash and Shinigami watched Kevin practice his symbol, when he finished the Kanji , water shot out of the paper and splashed Leo and Sci-Twi.

"Oh, sorry guys." Kevin apologized.

"Never mind, it's all right." Twilight said as she dried her glasses.

Meanwhile with Donnie, April, Applejack and Casey watched as Emily wrote the Kanji , they watched as the symbol turned into a rock and landed on Donnie's foot.

"Ouch!!!" The purple turtle grabbed his foot from the pain.

"Sorry Donnie." Emily apologized.

"It's okay." He said.

Finally, Rarity, Starlight, Fluttershy and Keno watched Mia practice the symbol , as Mia finished the Kanji a gust of wind blew at them.

"Awesome." Starlight said.

"Great job, darling." Rarity congratulated.

"That's it?" Rainbow Dash asked. "You guys have been making symbols like it's such a hard thing to do."

"Every stroke has to be precise, and in the right order." Kevin said.

"Oh come on, I could do it faster than you guys."

"Are you saying you can do better than us?"

"Better and faster than you guys." Rainbow said confidently.

"Rainbow, stop it." Sunset said.

"No, let her, if she says she can let her prove it." Kevin said as he offered a paintbrush to Rainbow.

The multicolored haired girl took the brush and tried to replicate the symbol Kevin made, however when she finished the symbol didn't work.

"Oh come on, why isn't it working?" She complained.

"First of all, the order of the strokes is wrong, and secondly, most of the strokes are wrong." Kevin informed her. "So, you still think it's too easy to do Symbols Power?"

The multi-colored haired girl merely grunted.

"Is she always like this?" Kevin asked.

"What can I say, she brags about being the coolest of them all and that she can do anything, until she comes up with this kind of stuff." AJ replied.

"I guess doing Symbols Power is too cool for her." Kevin said

"Ooh burn, Dash." Raph chuckled.

"Where's Mikey and Pinkie?" Sunset asked.

"They're with Mike, they went to see the city." Emily said.

"Wait, Mikey went to meet the city?" Raph asked.

"Don't worry, he took his camouflage module." Donnie assured.

"I hope they don't get in trouble."

Meanwhile in the city, Mike, Michelangelo and Pinkie Pie were exploring the nooks and crannies of Panorama City.

"Dude, this place is awesome, I wonder if the pizza will taste as good?" Mikey asked.

"Well there is a pizza place nearby." Mike told him.

"Perfect, maybe we can stop by and get a couple of pizzas for the others." Pinkie said.

"Sounds like a good plan." Mikey added.

Suddenly the three of them heard some people screaming, they turned around and saw a crowd running.

"Why are these people running?" Pinkie asked.

"I think something is scaring them, maybe it's a Nighlok." Mike said.

"Like him?" Mikey pointed to a monster coming towards them.

"Yeah, exactly." Mike confirmed.

Immediately the rushed to stop the Nighlok.

"Samuraizer, Go Go Samurai." Mike said as he pulled out his samuraizer. Pinkie Pie on the other hand used her geode to transform.

"What do we have here?" The Nighlok wondered. "A ranger, a Rainboom and a human? I guess I'll settle for you guys, for now."

"We're here to stop you, Nighlok." Mike said before attacking. The monster blocked Mike's attacks with his arms, then took the opportunity to kick the Green Ranger aside,
Mikey and Pinkie attacked with their weapons but the Nighlok fired his left arm cannon causing the two to retreat, Mikey fell into a fountain and his camouflage device malfunctioned revealing his true form.

"Oh no." He groaned.

"So that squid tentacled brain wasn't kidding about you being a turtle." The Nighlok said.

"We have to do something fast." Mike said.

"I have a plan, just follow me." Pinkie Pie said before running towards the Nighlok, Mike and Mikey followed her.

Pinkie grabbed the monster by the arm and wouldn't let go.

"Now what?" Mike asked.

"Just do the same." Pinkie said bluntly.

Mike and Michelangelo grabbed the Nighlok.

"Mikey, smoke." Pinkie said and Mikey threw a smoke bomb.

The four of them disappeared out of the city and ended up appearing in the forest.

"That was your plan? To escape the city only to end up in the woods with this monster?" Mike asked.

"Well, so no one could see Mikey in his true form." Pinkie said.

"Too bad no one will witness your destruction." The Nighlok said before attacking.

The three heroes scattered before the Nighlok's shots could reach them.

"Take this." Pinkie said as she threw some sprinkle shakers at the Nighlok.

"With pleasure." The Nighlok's right shoulder revealed an opening that absorbed the pink girl's attack. "Now I give it back to you." Then the mouth of the face that was on the left shoulder opened returning the sprinkles Pinkie had thrown, striking the three heroes.

Mike, Mikey and Pinkie Pie landed dryly against the earth.

"Huh, now that's a new move." Mike groaned.

"Now that I didn't see coming." Mikey added.

"How could that be possible?" Pinkie asked.

"I'm surprised too, a Nighlok returning enemy attacks, now that's new." Mike said.

"Say goodbye you three." The Nighlok readied his cannon but was unable to fire as he was repelled by the zords.

The boys turned to see the other Rangers and the ninjas that had just arrived.

"Guys, you're here." Pinkie said.

"Mikey, why aren't you wearing your camouflage?" Donnie asked.

"I was wearing it but that Nighlok threw me into a fountain and broke it." Mikey explained. "You said you upgraded it, D."

"I did, but I think I overlooked making it waterproof." Donnie scratched his head sheepishly.

"Really?" Raph asked as he deactivated his camouflage device.

"Can we discuss this later? We have something more important now." Mike said pointing to the Nighlok.

"He's right, we need to focus on defeating this monster." Leo said.

"Careful, this guy is full of tricks." Mikey warned.

"I doubt he's ready for this." Casey said before throwing some exploding pucks. "Goongala!!!"

"Casey NO!!!" Mike, Mikey and Pinkie tried to stop him but it was too late.

"This will be fun, Two Fold Return!!!" The Nighlok proceeded to absorb Casey's discs with the hole in his right shoulder, and immediately redirected them at the ninjas and samurai spitting them out of the head on his left shoulder.

"What?!" The field hockey player was shocked.

"EVERYBODY MOVE!!!" Mike warned and everyone scattered before the pucks exploded.

"What was that?" Casey asked.

"That's what we tried to warn you about, a second ago he did the same thing when I threw my sprinkles at him." Pinkie explained.

"If that Nighlok could return his attacks, I doubt our spin sword attacks could do anything to him." Kevin said.

"So how do we beat it?" Fluttershy asked.

"There's only one way." Raph said before activating his medallion. "By attacking."

The turtles did the same as well as the Rainbooms all charge at the Nighlok. Leo tries to attack with his swords but the monster dodges him and knocks him out of the way, Raph manages to connect two hits but the third is blocked by the Nighlok and the latter counterattacks with a kick, Karai switches to snake mode but the monster grabs her by the tail and throws her against Casey, Keno, April and Shini. Then he shoots at the heroes but Blade blocks those shots, he gets close enough to attack but the Nighlok evades him and shoots again, this time hitting them, he does the same with the Rainbooms but Rarity prepares a diamond shield to protect her and her friends, Twilight and Sunset try to attack but the villain evades them and shoots them both from behind. Donnie and Mikey try to attack but Mikey gets kicked by the monster and grabs Donnie's staff and throws it at the Rainbooms with turtle and all.

The nighlok shoots but the rangers intervene and they take the punishment.

"He's very strong." Emily said.

"There must be a way to defeat him." Jayden said.

"Got it." Mikey yelled.

"Do you have an idea how to beat him?" Mia asked.

"No, I was actually thinking of the perfect name for the nighlok, and I think I have it - Counterattack." Mikey said leaving everyone perplexed, especially the samurai.

"Are you serious?" Kevin said.

"We're being annihilated by a nighlok and all you can think to do is name him?" Leo asked.

"Counterattack? Isn't that the name of a video game?" Mike asked.

"You're right, let's just call it Backlash." Mikey said and Raph smacked him in the back of the head.

"When we screw up with you then you have your reasons to tell us about things and brag but when you screw up or don't contribute anything then no one can tell you anything?" He said.

"Guys, now is not the time." Sunset said.

"We have to think of something to beat the nighlok." Karai said.

"Got it." Pinkie said.

"Please let it be something good." Raph said.

"And it is, I hope so, how about you guys combine your magic with the rangers, with the combined power of the Symbols Power we can defeat him." She suggested.

"We could try." Jayden said.

"Alright, Donnie and Mikey go with Emily and Mike, Raph you go with Jayden, and I'll stay with Kevin and Mia." Leo said and they all took position.

Mike started tracing the kanji while Emily traced the symbol , when they threw the symbols Donnie boosted Emily's kanji while Mikey boosted Mike's kanji.

"I see you guys like to learn the hard way." Backlash said thinking he would absorb the attack as usual but this time it didn't work, roots came out of the ground and caught him and a huge rock crushed him.

"It worked, Pinkie's plan worked!!!" Mike said as he high-fived Mikey.

"Oh, yeah! High three!" Donnie said as he celebrated with Emily.

However the huge rock exploded and Backlash broke free of the roots keeping him trapped.

"I think it's our turn." Leonardo said as he, Mia and Kevin took positions. Mia wrote the kanji and Kevin the symbol , Leo used his magic to increase the power of the kanji to perform the attack successfully, when the two rangers finished, they threw the symbols, sending a huge wave that swept over the Nighlok and a tornado ended sending him flying.

"Awesome, it worked." Mia said.

"Oh yes." Kevin said as he high-fived Leo.

The Nighlok landed dryly against the ground. "Is that all they can do?" Backlash asked.

"We still have one more move left." Raph said. Jayden typed the symbol and Raph used the power of his medallion to give the attack more power. Like the other combo attacks, Backlash couldn't absorb this one and ended up engulfed in flames.

"Ahhhh, this can't be happening!" He yelled.

"Now guys!" Leo said and Keno stepped forward attacked the Nighlok with his Sticks, April threw her tessen to give the monster a series of slashes, Blade attacked the Nighlok with his sword lit with magic, the flames engulfing Backlash went out. Starlight connected a kick to the Nighlok's chest, Karai used her snake hands to deliver a series of bites to the monster and Shinigami swung the Hypno ball of her kusarigama only to kick it to connect a blow to the Nighlok, and Casey threw some field hockey pucks in Backlash's direction.

"It's our turn." Leo said, as he, his brothers and the Rainbooms were surrounded by a magical aura and began to float, the rangers watching from the ground before they all set up their attack.

"Sword Spin, Quintuple Slash." The rangers said as they activated their power disks and swung their swords towards the enemy.

"Booyakasha!" the turtles and Rainbooms shouted as a stream of magic shot towards the Nighlok, the combined attack from both teams was all that was needed to finish it off.

"NO!" Backlash shouted before being destroyed.

"Oh yeah, the Nighlok went down, we're awesome." Rainbow celebrated.

"Rainbow Dash, it's not over yet." Kevin pointed out.

"Now I'm really going to destroy them all." Backlash said as he gracefully returned to his second form.

"I guess you guys will take it from here." Raph said.

"Of course. Let's go Rangers." Jayden said as he and the rangers took out the FoldingZords.

Once the rangers were in their booths they prepared to synchronize.

"I'll finish them all off." Backlash said as he started firing at the rangers, but the megazord raised the shield and shielded himself from the shots, then the megazord raised the sword and started slashing straight at the monster, and finished with a slash to the left arm only to destroy the canon.

"This is our chance." Jayden said and the rangers readied their Mega Blades.

"Samurai Strike." They all said as they did a diagonal slash and finished off the Nighlok.

"Samurai Rangers, victory is ours." Jayden announced.

"I'm serious, these Nighloks will be no problem for us." Rainbow said as they all returned to the Shiba house.

"I wouldn't be celebrating so soon, just because we've beaten two Nighloks so far doesn't mean we've won the war." Kevin said.

"Kevin is right, you shouldn't underestimate Master Xandred's power if he is indeed back." Ji said. "Besides, this nighlok was more complicated than the last one."

"But we were able to coordinate and managed to defeat it, and it's not because of overconfidence, it's simply because we're awesome." The rainbow-haired girl boasted.

"Yeah, we thought so too, that was before our first encounter against Shredder." Leo said.

"And he ended up sweeping the floor with our shells." Mikey said.

"And I doubt being just 'awesome' would help you in a battle against Xandred." Kevin added.

"So we'd really appreciate it if you'd take your ego down two notches and start using your head more." Applejack said as well, Rainbow just frowned.

"Guys, I've been thinking about something." Twilight said changing the subject.

"What's wrong Twi?" Leonardo asked.

"Considering we had to combine Symbols Power with magic to beat Backlash, I think we might need something more concrete and stable to beat the Nighloks." She thought.

"What do you mean?" Jayden asked.

"I think that if the girls and I could create an artifact, a disk perhaps, that combines Symbols Power and Equestrian Magic, we might have even greater power to defeat Subprime and the Nighloks." Twilight suggested.

"Are you saying we should create a Harmony disk?" Sunset asked.

"That's the idea."

"While your idea sounds good, there is a problem." Kevin said.

"What would that be?" Twilight asked.

"Neither you nor your friends have Symbols Power training like we do." He replied.

"But you guys could train us so we can do it." Sunset said.

"But it's not that simple. As the mentor had said, the symbols require a significant expenditure of energy from the user. Do you know how much it drains us every time we use it?" Kevin reminded them.

"That's true, trying to transfer some symbols can be very exhaustive , it could even kill you, it's very risky." Jayden thought.

"We know the risk is great." Applejack said.

"But we are talking about saving our worlds from the Nighloks." Rarity said.

"Maybe the disc is what we need to defeat them in case they get stronger." Starlight added.

Jayden didn't say anything, he just stood there thinking for a while, then he looked at his friends and saw that they were nodding.

"Maybe they're right." Emily said.

"If they can and are determined to do it then..." Mike said.

Jayden turned to look at his mentor, who was nodding as well.

"Okay, you girls will have Symbols Power training." Jayden finally said and the girls celebrated.

"What about you guys?" Mike asked the other group.

"I think the Rainbooms will need it more since they're the ones with magic." Karai replied.

"What about you guys?" Mia asked the turtles.

"Although I feel the girls need it more, I think we could train with them to strengthen our offense and defense." Leo said.

"I think I can also do the same." Blade said.

"Me too." Starlight said.

"Sounds good to me, we'll start early tomorrow, for now take the rest of the day to have fun, whatever you do." Ji said before walking out of the room, everyone celebrated for the mentor's announcement.

"This is unacceptable, your Nighloks have failed to destroy the rangers and the ninjas and the Rainbooms, and all you do is stand around preparing who knows what." Kraang Subprime grumbled as Serrator was working on something.

"Patience my ally." Serrator said. "This ritual must be performed properly."

"What are you supposed to be doing?"

"Working on a spell to bring back a fallen Nighlok."

"You're going to bring back one of those Nighloks you sent for our enemies to destroy again?"

"I plan to bring a different Nighlok, one that was a thorn in the side of the rangers in every way." Serrator said before completing his spell. "Come back to life, Negatron."

Some sort of smoke appeared and began to materialize, forming the Nighlok that Serrator had brought back.

"Am I alive? But how?" Negatron wondered.

"That's because of me." Serrator said.

"Wait a second, you're the famous Nighlok King." Negatron said.

"Of course, I am Serrator, and since I brought you back to life you now owe me obedience." The Nighlok King declared and Negatron knelt down.

"This is the nighlok that will put an end to those pesky ninjas? I bet they would beat him with no problem." Subprime said.

"I bet you'd beat them." If anyone could see Negatron's back they would see three large eyes that were glowing red. "No wait, you can't, those pesky Ninjas and Rainbooms have beaten you countless times, you've been humiliated by them so many times that you have to seek help on other worlds, boy are you desperate to win."

Subprime was enraged by the Nighlok's words, but before he could attack he felt some sort of negative energy being generated in his suit, causing him to fly off and end up crashing into a pile of rocks.

"Looks like I hit the nail on the head on that one." Negatron burst out laughing.

"Negatron, we don't attack our allies." Serrator said.

"What did you do to me?" Subprime said as he tried to reactivate his Cyber Shredder suit.

"Negatron has a unique ability, he can subject his victims to insults that hurt them so deeply that verbal abuse becomes physical assault, creative don't you think?" Serrator explained.

"I can finally get revenge on those rangers, especially the yellow ranger." Negatron said.

"Not yet." Subprime said.

"And why not?" Serrator said.

"I want him to go to the dimensions where the ninjas reside and create chaos there."

"That sounds great, it would harm the humans and the rangers won't be there to get in my way." Negatron said.

"It would certainly raise the level of the Sanzu River." Serrato said. "Good, then we'll do that."

" Take this, it will help you travel between dimensions." Subprime handed Negatron a portable portal generator. The Nighlok activated it and a portal opened.

"This should be fun." Negatron said.

Author's Note:

A/N: Well, here is the new chapter of the fic after 2 months of waiting, the truth is that it took me quite a long time because this beginning of the semester at school has been a bit heavy and I've been advancing little by little with the chapter, but I finally made it.
As you saw at the end of the chapter the next villain that our heores will face was introduced, however we won't get to this part yet because I want to focus on the ninjas and samurais getting to know each other a little more before continuing.
Another point that we see in the chapter is the idea of the Disc of Harmony, this idea has been in my mind for a while, and although I still need to deduce what elements are Sunset and Starlight, I understand that the user BozzerKazooers deduced that Sunset represented redemption and courage, that could work but also within the famdom there is the idea that Sunset is the empathy due to her powers, and Starlight is the forgiveness or vice versa, honestly I don't know if in any fic within this saga of fics the elements of Sunset and Starlight were already deduced, but if you know or if you have your own deduction please let me know in the comments.
Without more to say, see you in the next one.

  • Backlash is actually Madakodama, a villain who appears in the crossover Goseiger vs. Shinkenger.
  • The way Backlash is very similar to the Sentai.