• Published 5th Jun 2022
  • 1,670 Views, 36 Comments

The Human and His Lopunny - Burningbloom78

During a crisis involving the Pokémon of Time and Pokémon of Space, a human and his partner for life is caught in the crossfire of two destructive strikes that warped their reality, opening a portal that casts them to a place of mystery.

  • ...

Joey Over Yonder

Author's Note:

Fun facts: the reason why Nian is Joey's main Pokémon is that I never used a Lopunny before during a playthrough in Pokémon Platinum or Shining Pearl up until quite some time ago. I liked using the Pokémon so I decided that she should be Joey's main partner.

Her name was originally going to be Ninian, which is a reference to Ninian, the dancer from Fire Emblem: The Blazing Blade.

Nils shares Ninian's brother's name.

Yuna's name is a reference to Yuna from Final Fantasy X.

Jenny's name was going to be Lena's. The only reason I switched them was that it was too on the nose with Nurse Joy.

By the way, Nils knows the following: Brave Bird, Close Combat, Hurricane, and Giga Impact.

The memory is the distant voices and fading echoes of a past in mourning.

He's just a little boy in a sea of voices trying to keep his own. Little by little, like snow, gradually burying the earth with its freezing flakes, the voices around him muffled and died; voices of those he once knew were going away and leaving him behind.

He heard the voices of his people fading into the snow. Those he didn't know too well went first, then voices he was familiar with were muted and then gone. The faint voice of his first friend he could not save, who was hurting and cold, vanished beneath the snow; her voice died.

His dutiful father's voice perished. His gentle mother fell after, her voice drowning before being silent. Then his sister, his avid twin who had so much to give, fell against the snow. He held her, desperate to keep just one voice among his, but it was too late. Even from all his pleading and begging to Arceus to let him keep her, his cries were not heard. His sister lay limp in his arms, stiff and lifeless, her voice as silent as the others.

Distraught, the boy yells and screams as hard as he could, trying desperately to will back all that he's lost, but there was nothing but the wailing of his echo fading into the frozen trees. He was alone, completely alone. He lost everything. He had to trek the hoarfrost wasteland of snow alone, accompanied by the looming shadow of death over his head.

His voice was nothing but an echo amongst the howling icy wind. One grueling step after the other, the boy began his solemn journey in dreadful silence.

He is the last echo.

It was a wonderful sunny afternoon. Joey was outside his home making curry in the big pot for his Pokémon pals: Nian was lying on the ground next to him bathing in the sunlight. Yuna was playing with Lena with Jenny and Nils looking after her. Mechan was still perched atop the house and Narros was watching Joey affectionately.

"Ahh," Nian let out, stretching and popping her bones. "Joey, when's lunch going to be ready?" Joey didn't respond. Furrowing her brows and opening one eye, Nian says, "Joey? Is lunch almost ready?" Still, he didn't answer.

Curious rather than annoyed, Nian reluctantly sits up and looks at her partner. Joey looked to be concentrating. Narrowing her eyes, Nian looks at Narros and saw that the Absol had a worried look on his face.

Something's wrong, she thought.

She looks back at Joey and nudges his leg gently. No response. Huffing, she kicks him, sending a sharp jolt of pain that forced Joey out of his daze.

Groaning and rubbing the back of his leg, Joey says, "Nian, what's the big deal? What did we say about kicking me?"

Nian merely shook her head. "I've been talking to you, but you haven't responded to a single thing," she explained, crossing her arms over her chest. "You looked out of it. Were you daydreaming?"

Joey's eyes dulled and his usual smile was absent. "In a way," Joey confessed, his voice a whisper. "I was thinking about... I don't want to talk about it right now."

Nian placed her hand on Joey's waist. "We can talk about it tonight if you want. I was just worried. You looked... sad."

Joey shook his head and smiled. "I'm perfectly fine, sweetie," he said, stroking her head.

"Are you sure?" she asked, unconvinced of Joey's assurances.

"I told you, I'm fine," he stressed. "We all get lost in our minds now and again. Look. Lunch is nearly ready. Why don't you corral the rest of the Pokémon?"

Nian sighed. She knew something was bothering Joey; it was plain to see, but she would not force her human if he didn't want to speak about it at the moment. All she hoped is that it isn't anything serious.

"What about Narros?" she said. There was no hostility in her tone and that made Joey quite surprised.

Never before has Nian attempted or even considered attempting to include Narros in anything ever since he joined their family. But now, for some reason that Joey couldn't find, his rabbit thinking about Narros' inclusion or expressing even the slightest tinge of concern for the Absol. That was quite curious.

Joey was at a loss for words. "What, uh... what do you mean?"

Nian scowled, making Joey flinch. "I meant is Narros going to eat with us?"

There was something definitely going on here that Joey couldn't put his finger on. He must've missed something important. "Narros might be uncomfortable with the rest of the Pokémon," he said ruefully. "The stares could make him feel unwelcome."

"Then I'll eat with him," Nian declared.

"But why?" Joey asked, genuinely confused. "You've never done anything like this before. I'm not opposed to this, but did I miss something?"

Nian shook her head. "Nothing that should be of concern," she replied. "Only I will eat with him, the rest of the Pokémon should carry on as if everything is normal. Now, get the plates ready and fill them with curry; I'm starving over here."

Shortly after their talk, Joey and his Pokémon family were chowing down on some good old-fashioned curry. It was quite a surprise for the rest of the Pokémon to see Nian eating with Narros. They chalked it up to Narros doing something he shouldn't have or Nian just threatening him as usual. Even so, it's still a wild thing to witness.

Joey gathered the staring Pokémon and told them to quit gawking and start eating and they obeyed. I do wonder why she's over there; I had to have missed something, he thought.

Nian was sitting on the ground taking in a spoonful of her curry while Narros looked hesitant to eat. It's only been two days since he confessed his undying love for Joey to Nian in a bid to escape her deadly clutches. Since then, Nian has backed off, albeit slightly, so the Absol could spend more time with Joey without her looming over him.

Still, it surprised and even frightened Narros that Nian was sitting mere inches away from him, acting as if there was never any bad blood between them. It didn't help that the rabbit didn't look deterred or angry; she was calmly and quietly eating her food like everything was normal. Seriously, where's the fire?

Did he do something wrong? Had he said something he wasn't fully aware of, blurting it out like a Chatot singing with a band of dancers from Unova until the Milktanks came home? The more Narros questioned, the more he became anxious.

"Eat," Nian ordered briskly, her voice was icy and left no room for argument. It was enough to send shivers down Narros' spine. "Tell me if the food tastes good."

Not wanting to anger Nian, Narros obeyed his leader, putting his tongue into the bowl of curry and lapping at it for a few seconds before reeling back. Nice, hot, and slightly spicy.

"It's delicious," Narros murmured, blushing. Joey's wonderful cooking made him feel warm and tingly inside like he could taste the love. "So..." he paused for a moment, shuffling his paws. "Am I in trouble?"

Nian stopped eating. It was so abrupt that it made Narros flinch. "No," she told him, but that didn't get rid of his unease. "What did you see earlier?"

Narros was confused, but he knew Nian didn't want to delay whatever she wanted to talk about with uncertainty butting in. "Joey daydreaming?" he answered, trying to quell his apprehension.

Nian nodded, signaling a wave of relief over Narros but he made sure to not show it. "That's right," she said quietly. "There was something else you noticed, wasn't it?"

"There was," he said. "Joey looked... distant and sad. It made me feel sad. Did he tell you what's wrong?"

Nian looked up from her plate of curry, her red eyes gleaming ominously in the sunlight. "What makes you think something is bothering him?"

Narros tried his best to not shrik away from Nian's powerful gaze. "I don't think it was purely a daydream," Narros said, his tone airing his concern. "I think he was remembering something that made him sad. It's weird... there's not a whole lot of, well... anything that makes Joey sad. He's usually how he seems all the time, so to see him, even for a little bit looking like that, tells me that something is on his mind."

Nian's eyes narrowed. "Your perception is quite accurate, Narros," she uttered. Complimenting him made Narros feel a little relaxed. "For the time being, I think it would be best if Joey got out today."

"But Joey goes to see Indola every morning," Narros said, trying to not make it come off as an argument in an attempt to not incur Nian's wrath. "Doesn't he look around?" He went back to lapping up some more curry from his bowl.

Nian shook her head. "Joey goes to the Ponyville Clinic and then he comes back here. He doesn't take time for sightseeing. Also, I was told yesterday that Indola is being admitted from the clinic today, so he didn't visit this morning."

Narros raised his head, sweeping his tongue around his mouth to wipe away any traces of curry off his muzzle. "Then what should we do?"

Nian heaved a hefty sigh and looked at the dull clouds moving listlessly above her. "I won't make Joey leave the house if he doesn't want to. Perhaps we'll get a few visitors today to help keep his mind off of whatever is bothering him."

Narros stayed silent for a moment before he agreed. "That's fine. As long as he's happy."

"Good," she said, going back to her food. "Finish your lunch."

As all the Pokémon were finishing up, a loud holler came from beyond the fence that leads to Joey's house. "Howdy, y'all!"

It was Applejack hauling a cart full of apple-flavored foods accompanied by Karla and her sister Indola, who had bandages covering the left side of her face. The injured mare was leaning on Karla for support; it seemed that physical exertion was tiring the poor mare out.

Quickly, Joey bounded over to greet them. "Indola," Joey exclaimed happily, "you're awake and moving about! How do you feel? How's your face?"

Indola groaned, saying, "Better. And my face feels fine."

"She'll be able to take the bandages off only to apply new ones until the scorch mark is completely gone," Karla said.

Joey smiled. "That's good, that's good. What're y'all doing here?"

Applejack stepped in. "My cousins wanted to come to visit ya," she answered mirthfully. "I was about to sell some good old-fashioned Apple Family delights when I saw them stumbling about in the center of Ponyville. Well, it was jus' Indola doing most of the stumblin'."

Joey scratched his head in faint confusion. "They're relatives?"

Applejack nodded. "The Apple Family has relatives all over Equestria, so much that I can't even keep track of them all. I haven't seen Karla and Indola in years!"

Karla chuckled and ruffled the back of her mane lightly. "Well, we've been stationed in Canterlot almost all our lives; we practically live in the castle, and we never had much reason to come to our hometown until I decided to move Indola here."

Joey bobbed his head up and down, understanding. "When are you both going back to Canterlot?"

"Not until Indola is fully healed from her injury," Karla answered. "We have a house in Ponyville next to the path leading toward Sweet Apple Acres."

"That's the farm Applejack told me about," Joey said.

The orange mare nodded merrily. "Since you're up and all, you feeling up to visiting? I'd love to introduce you to my family. You promised you would, ya know."

"Hmm," Joey contemplated. "I don't know about today..."

Perfect timing, as if Arceus Himself willed this to happen, Nian thought.

Nian hops to his side. "You should go," she encouraged, giving Joey a little shove toward Applejack. "It would do you some good to sightsee a little."

Joey raised his brow. "You think so?" he asked his rabbit, still uncertain.

Nian puffed out her chest and stood tall. "Think so? Hah! I know so! Just go and have a little bit of fun. I can take charge around here."

Joey rubbed the back of his head. "Well... I could go," he suggested. "Wh-who's going to come with me?"

"Take Nils," she said quickly. "That bird brain cracks as many jokes as a Snorlax eats, and that's way too much for me to handle right now."

Joey chuckled. "Alright, you win," he conceded. "Nils, time to go!"

Without hesitation, Nils darted to Joey's side, his outstanding figure dwarfed the three ponies in front of him. He looked so menacing that the mares started to back away slightly.

"Sweet Celestia," Indola breathed in awe. "That's a large bird."

"You think he's going to eat us?" Karla asked Applejack.

"Don't know," she whispered back to her cousin. "He looks mighty hungry."

"Don't worry," Joey assured the mares. "He just ate. And he doesn't eat ponies, to my knowledge."

Nils gave the apprehensive mares a deep chortle that rippled through their coats. "Haven't tried ponies before. You think they're tasty?" Nils asked in a teasing tone, further emphasized by licking his beak with his tongue.

Joey nudged Nils' chest with his elbow. "Reel it back, bird brain," he said, chuckling before turning his gaze back to Applejack. "I'll go with you to the farm and Nils will join, if that's okay."

Applejack smiled warily. "Of course," she said. "Also, this is long overdue but y'all want some apple-made food cooked by yours truly?"

Joey nodded. "Sure." He turns to his Chansey. "Lena, we got gifts!"

Before the three mares knew it, a pink egg-shaped Pokémon dashed to the cart. Applejack had to reel in her amazement; Lena moved faster than Rainbow Dash with a ticket to see the Wonderbolts.

"Y'all can take as much as ya need," the farm pony said.

Joey shook his head as Lena carefully took a few stacks of apple-flavored pies and dishes off the cart and into the house. "Thanks, but I don't want to take too much off your hooves. You going to sell these?"

Applejack nodded. "Gonna go and set up shop in the middle of Ponyville; rush hour hits pretty hard and all those mouths from hardworking pony folk will be darting around like chickens with their heads chopped off tryin' to find a place that'll fill their bellies with some good grub."

"My sis and I can ferry the storm of hungry patrons for ya, cus', just say the word!" Karla said abruptly, gaining everypony's attention. She chuckled sheepishly. "Sorry, sorry. Being around Applejack is causing my country roots to show. But I'm serious. You can take Joey to the farm while Indola and I watch your stand. Sound good?"

Applejack studied her cousins for a long while before bobbing her head. "Fair deal, if y'all can handle it. It's fixin' to be rush hour."

Karla blew a short raspberry. "Indola and I are part of the royal guards; we're the Mage Sisters. We'll have those hungry ponies caterwauling for more good ole fashioned, down-to-earth Apple Family grub!"

"Alright, alright," Applejack said, unhitching herself from the cart as Karla hooked herself up to it. "Y'all settle down now and be honest to the customers."

Karla gave a mock salute. "You got it, boss!" She turns to her sister who was swaying a little. "Hmm... Indola, you should head to the house. I don't want you to overexert yourself."

Indola has been staying quiet ever since Joey greeted her. She had been slowly falling asleep. "The walk back will take too long, just take me with you," she said with a yawn.

"She could stay here," Joey suggested. Lena reappeared from the house and stood by Joey. "Lena can look after her. Her species revolves around helping and healing others. Lena will take good care of your sister, isn't that right?"

Lena's eyes gleamed with pride as the biggest smile the ponies had ever seen is strewn across her face. "I will look after Indola with my very life until Karla comes by to pick her up," she announced ardently. "You can count on me, Joey!"

"Uhh..." Indola wasn't quite sure what was happening. "What is she saying?"

Joey nicked his head with a finger. "That's right, none of you know what my Pokémon are saying. I got to remember that. Lena is saying she'll look after you until Karla comes back."

"My, that's quite kind of her to do that," Karla said. "Would it be okay if Indola stayed for most of the day? She really needs to rest."

"No problem," Joey said. He taps Lena and whispers something into her ears that makes the Chansey stand at attention. "Doctor Lena will see you now."

Indola was confused. "Docto- WOAH!"

Before she knew it, Indola was swept off her hooves into the loving arms of Joey's Chansey. Her grasp was tight but comfortable and Indola, much to her chagrin of being treated like a sick foal, began drifting off to sleep. She didn't even have the strength to protest. There was something about being in Lena's hold that made the mare quite drowsy. Perhaps Indola was simply more tired than she thought. She had just woken up from a small coma, so she wasn't at full strength.

The mare didn't resist and let her muscles and mind rest, falling into sleep in mere seconds. Quietly, Lena took Indola inside Joey's house to rest.

"Wow," Karla breathed. "I've never seen Indola act so... relaxed. I don't know what Lena did, but I sure do appreciate it."

Joey chuckled. "Think nothing of it. You can trust Lena. I trust her with my very life."

Karla smiled and bowed graciously. "Well, I best be off. Ponies to feed, food to sell. Once I'm done, I'll head back over to your place, Joey. Sound good?"

"Yeah," he responded. "I'll see you later."

With that, Karla was off. It didn't take long for Joey, Nils, and Applejack to head off themselves. Joey hadn't seen Applejack since his official Welcome-to-Ponyville Party. The road to Sweet Apple Acres was mostly quiet, occasionally Joey would say something, and Applejack would respond, but they enjoyed each other's company.

For Nils, he welcomed the serenity of the town, taking in the new sights and smells. He even waved to passing ponies, who all, respectfully, shrank away from him due to the avian's daunting size. It was normal for most people, and ponies apparently, to steer clear of the giant bird's path since most thought for a Staraptor of that size certainly partook in the devouring of humans and ponies.

To be fair, and honest, it wouldn't be the first time Nils wondered how they would taste. But he was a bird of morality, and he would never try his claws to prey upon them. He didn't want to be admonished by Joey or punished by Nian. That was more than enough for Nils to be on his best behavior. Though still... the thought was pleasant.

When they reached the gates that held the apple farm, Joey was met by a headbutt from a little filly with a bright red bow on the top of her mane. Perplexed and somewhat amused, Joey continued to watch the filly bang her head against his legs. It didn't even hurt.

"Apple Bloom!" Applejack's tone was harsh and commanding, instantly gaining the attention of the rambunctious filly. "What do ya think y'all doing?"

The little filly smiled. "Trying to get my cutie mark in headbuttin'," she answered gleefully, unaware of Applejack's shout. It seemed that the filly has gotten herself into many situations that landed her in this very position.

Joey chuckled, happy to see the fire in the youth's eyes. I wonder who she is. Maybe a part-time worker on the farm? She's really cute, and she has a fire brimming inside her.

Applejack turned to Joey with a worried and sorry look on her face. "Mighty sorry, Joey," she said, dipping her head in forgiveness. "My little sister is trying another one of her crazy ideas to gain her cutie mark. She didn't hurt ya none, did she?"

Joey shook his head, further patting the spots Apple Bloom rammed. "I'm alright, but this is your sister?"

The farm pony nodded, grabbing her little sister in a tight hug to which the youth cry out her protest. "This is Apple Bloom, an Apple Family pony through and through." She turned her gaze to her little sister and scowled some. "Listen here, missy: apologize to him right this minute!"

Struggling under her older sister's hug, Apple Bloom says, "Alright, alright, I'm sorry! Can you let go now?"

No longer wanting to hold her squirming sister in place, Applejack lets her go. "This here's a guest and I want you to treat him like one. He's Joey, the human I told you about."

"And who's that?" Apple Bloom said, pointing her hoof at Nils.

Joey stepped in. "This is Nils, a companion, and family member. He may look imposing, but the bird's a good bunch."

Apple Bloom gaped at Nils' height for a second before turning to Joey. "You think I could headbutt you again? I still don't have my cutie mark."

Before Applejack could protest, Joey cut in. "I got a better idea. How about a cutie mark in bird riding?"

Apple Bloom's eyes lit up. "Yes, yes, yes!" Her shouts echoed throughout the entire farm; Joey, Nils, and Applejack had to brace their ears from the filly's squealing.

Once Apple Bloom settled down, Applejack glared steadily at the human with a skeptical look. "Joey..." Applejack's tone was firm and serious.

"Nils will take it slow; he's quite good with kids," Joey assured the farm pony, giving her a smile that seemed to ease her anxiousness slightly. He turned to Nils. "You don't mind?"

Nils shook his head and lowered a wing to the ground for Apple Bloom to climb. "I'll take the pony around the farm's sky, show her how an avian like myself flies."

"See?" Joey said to Applejack. "Nils is more than happy to give your sister a ride. While that's happening, you can show me around."

Applejack was quiet, studying Nils feverishly. Eventually, she sighed resigning to Joey's suggestion. "Alright, fine," she said finally. "Y'all take it easy. Understand?!"

Nils nodded as Apple Bloom laid at the back of his neck, holding onto the bird tightly. If Nils felt the tightening grip, he didn't say anything. Perhaps the young filly was slightly afraid; possibly regretting her decision, although her childlike wonder overwhelmed her fears.

With confirmation to take off by a flick of Joey's hand, Nils spreads his powerful wings far and wide, the sun behind them casting a looming, cold shadow over Applejack and Joey. With a single leap that almost blew away Applejack with a strong force, Nils took to the sky, flying high above the farm with Apple Bloom squealing in both terror and amazement.

For a few seconds, Applejack was breathless. Birds always had a sense of grace and elegance, but Nils had that and then some. Whenever Nils flaps his robust wings, Applejack could see the air being sliced and rent effortlessly, as if he wasn't even trying.

"Shall we?" Joey asked, drawing Applejack's attention as he walked the path to enter Sweet Apple Acres. "You know, when I was young, I had a farm."

Applejack's brow raised with interest as she trailed next to the human. "Really now? What y'all grew?"

Joey's look became distant and longing as a small smile slowly grew. "All sorts of vegetables: potatoes, carrots, tomatoes, stuff like that. We even grew fruit."

Applejack chuckled, bumping Joey's leg with her flank. "You know where you are right now?"

Joey mirrored the farm pony's amusement. "We grew apples. The land was quite fertile on that mountain, almost like it was blessed."

"What about meat?" Applejack said steadily.

Joey showed the farm mare his canines. "Humans can eat meat as well. Sure, we don't have to, but I like having the best of both worlds. I assume ponies don't eat meat?"

Applejack thought for a moment and shrugged. "Most don't, little do. It's quite rare to come across a pony who likes meat, even more so if that pony admits to it."

Joey rubbed his chin. "Is it taboo?"

Applejack shook her head. "Ponies don't need it, it's more of a preference. You won't come across a meat eater for miles. That type of folk is in smaller villages or backwater towns 'round the more obscure parts of Equestria, even beyond the borders."

"What would happen if ponies around here knew I eat meat?"

Applejack shrugged again. "Y'all might get some odd stares, and you are something none of us has seen before in Equestria. As long as those teeth don't sink into the hides of ponies, you'll be right as rain anywhere."

As they talked, Applejack led Joey to the vast apple trees as far and wide as the eye could see. He was amazed; never before had he seen so many apples. As he gawked, Joey spotted a stallion bucking the apple trees. He was big, lean, and muscular, as bright as an apple could be with a short orange mane.

As they got closer to the stallion, Joey could see that the stallion's cutie mark is a green apple.

"Howdy, Big Mac! We got a guest!" Applejack's shout drew the stallion from his work as he turned to greet her and the guest. "This here's Joey, the human who saved me and my friends."

Joey watched as the stallion marched up to him, eying him up and down like an inspector searching ruthlessly for cracks that weren't what they seemed. Eventually, Big Mac's hard gaze softened as he dipped his head to Joey.

Joey knew this was a sign of thanks as he experienced this gesture many times on his travels.

"Big Mac thanks ya for what you've done," Applejack said after a few seconds had passed. "My brother doesn't talk much; he speaks only when it's something he needs to say."

"Brother?" Joey stared to and from the two ponies but couldn't see a connection other than their cutie marks. It was odd to him; these ponies, their colors, are very different.

"Applejack! Why didn't ya say we got a visitor?!"

A voice, old and well-worn and wise, was carried through the air. It wasn't necessarily pleasant, but it didn't seem to grate the ears of whoever was listening. Joey turned to see an old, green-coated mare straggling out of a door that led into a house that has seen through many repairs. Joey watched on as the old mare dragged herself close to him, studying the human with wizened eyes. Her eyes gleamed faintly in the sunlight before she took a step back and gave Joey a nice smile.

At one point or another, Joey noticed Big Mac had somehow managed to slip away. He saw the bright red stallion out on the field of apple trees, going back to his work in silence.

"Sorry Granny," Applejack said, rubbing the back of her mane. "Things kinda just went right. This is Joey. He's the human I told you about."

"I know, I know," the old mare said with a bit of flare. "My ears and my memory work just fine! I am Granny Smith, but you can call me Granny. Everypony else does."

Joey bowed slightly. "It's nice to meet you, Granny."

"What brings you here, young 'un?" she asked. "Did Applejack fancy ya? That filly is always wondering when you gonna be over here."

Applejack's face went red. "Granny! It's not like that! I just wanted to show him around the farm."

The old mare snickered slyly. "I remember when I brought my stallion here. I showed him all around the farm. I showed him out back and gave him a good view of my outhouse!"

Joey was confused. "Uh... outhouse?"

"Granny, don't tell him that, it's nasty!" Applejack's face went beet red. "Why don't you head back in the house and cook up something good for Joey?"

Granny Smith waved her off and turned away, slowly heading toward the house. "That's a good idea!"

Joey could hear the spunky old mare grumbling many things under her breath, but he chalked it up to just be nothing but muttering nonsense.

"Sorry," Applejack muttered solemnly. "Granny has a knack for saying just about anything that's on her mind, no matter who's around."

Joey chuckled. "It's alright," he told her. "It's nice to see such a... lively mare. Anyway, tell me about the apple trees."

Applejack passed Joey and signaled with a hoof a beckoning motion to follow. "I'll show ya!"

Joey walked with Applejack toward the massive range of apple trees where Big Mac was setting some apples in wooden buckets placed around the tree. Joey noticed that there were a lot of wooden buckets, in groups of four, surrounding the many trees.

"It's Applebuck Season," Applejack announced heartily, trotting up to her brother and helping him put the fallen apples into the buckets.

"Applebuck Season?" Joey asked, confused as he trailed up behind the farm mare. "I'll admit that I don't rightfully know what that means."

"It's the season when the apples from our many orchards are ready to be harvested," she told him with pride. "Big Mac and I buck the trees, that means kicking the trunks, to make the apples fall by the force of our hind legs shaking the trees. It's a big job, and it's not for one pony to do alone; trust me, I learned that with the help of my friend.

"When we're done, we collect the apples by using these buckets. Afterward, we sell them. But that's not all we grow here: this big apple orchard also contains corn, grapes, and carrots."

Joey nodded along with Applejack's explanation. "You guys sell anything particularly rare?"

Applejack grinned, setting another apple into a bucket. "You got it," she replied. "Sweet Apple Acres is well-known for our Zap Apple Jam!"

Joey raised a brow. "Never heard of it. It sounds interesting though."

Applejack shook her head as her brother went to another tree. "Usually, I would be shocked to know ya didn't, but you aren't from around here," she said. "Zap Apples grow when signs are appearing around the farm. Granny planted them here a long time ago when she was around my age. They are magical apples that cannot be forcibly removed from the trees and will fall when they are good and ripe. If you try to remove them with force, you'll get hit with a not-so-pleasant shock.

"Granny is the mare who knows when the Zap Apples are comin'. They are so important that everypony on the farm has to be on the lookout to make sure we don't miss any. After they're harvested, we mush them up to make the jam."

Joey was intrigued. A lot happens around this farm more than he thought. The human had to remind himself that magic and such are truly a thing and that ponies have integrated that into their lives.

Zap Apple Jam sounds pretty good, even though I just ate, Joey thought to himself. Maybe one day I could not only help with the harvesting of the Zap Apples but also get a little taste of it.

"Why don't I help you with your applebucking?" he asked.

Joey's suggestion made Applejack squint her eyes at him with a thoughtful expression across her face. "Sure," she said after a few seconds of silence. "Although, I don't know how you'll knock those apples loose with those legs of yours. No offense, but they ain't looking as strong as ours."

Before Joey could answer, Nils comes swooping down next to him, landing gently on the ground.

Joey could see Applejack's uneasiness at Nils' hulking frame as plain as day. Big Mac was a slightly different story: the stallion held a firm stance accompanied by a steady gaze; he was wary of Nils as most should, but it would've been difficult for anyone to notice if he looked this way all the time.

Joey looked at the avian and saw his piercing red gaze meeting Big Mac's. He seemed to be appraising the stallion, scanning his body and gauging his strength. Before Nils met Joey, the avian was a powerful warrior that had no home; he flew anywhere he wanted, challenging Pokémon and Pokémon Trainers whenever he had an opportunity.

Nils was a ferocious combatant, almost as ferocious as Nian, who holds the pristine title of being the very first Pokémon to defeat him in a battle. Since then, Nils never challenged Nian again, not out of fear, but out of respect and admiration.

Joey thought Nils must have been serious to consider issuing a battle against Big Mac. The stallion looked strong if the rippling of his well-toned muscles was any indication, but Joey knew Nils would win. The avian fought Nian for Arceus's sake, and though he lost, he gave Nian a good fight.

It was praiseworthy, at least, to see a glimmer of challenge in the stallion's eyes.

Suddenly, almost in response, Nils let out a deep, boisterous laugh that unnerved Applejack and made Big Mac stiffen, although only Joey and Nils noticed. The near-mocking laugh reverberated throughout the farm.

Huh, Joey wondered thoughtfully. That's odd. Nils isn't going to challenge Big Mac. He's showing some remarkably strong restraint.

Seconds after, Apple Bloom is seen sliding off Nils' back, making an ungraceful landing. She looked as if a hurricane had blown through her mane. Then, she wobbled away. How she was able to remain upright was anyone's guess.

"Nils," Joey began, "how was the flight?"

Nils puffed out his chest and smoothed his magnificent crest with a powerful wing, saying, "The little tyke enjoyed every second, as I knew she would."

"Just as long as you remain gentle," Joey warned, "then I won't have a problem with it."

Nils saluted Joey, a mix of playfulness and respect in the gesture.

"I was just about to offer my help to Applejack and Big Mac in knocking down apples from these trees," Joey said. "Would you like to help?"

"Of course," Nils cooed happily.

"Good deal," Joey responded. He turns to Applejack and her brother. "Alright, lead away!"

Joey and Nils began knocking apples off the trees and into the buckets with the farm ponies. It was nice for Joey to flex his muscles since he helped Princess Celestia a few weeks ago. He hasn't heard from the princess in quite some time but chalked it up to being that she's simply busy.

As the evening rolled around, Joey and Nils are treated to some ice-cold lemonade made by Applejack. Thankful, the two friends, along with Big Mac, took a rest enjoying the reward of a day's hard work. Shortly after, Granny Smith comes out with a freshly baked apple pie and told everyone to dig in.

While everyone was happily indulging themselves, Joey noticed Applejack looking a bit restless. Her ears were pricked, and she scanned the entire farm with those green eyes over and over, as if trying to spot something out of place.

He saw the worry in her eyes. What is she worried about? Is there something out there? It wouldn't hurt to ask.

"Hey, Applejack," Joey called, gaining the farm pony's attention. "Something up?"

The orange mare sighed and nodded. "Apple Bloom," she answered quietly. "She hasn't been around since we nearly finished applebuckin'. She...might've gone to see Zecora, but she should've told me if she had."

"Zecora?" Joey mumbled. "Who's that?"

"Remember why Twilight, Fluttershy, and I were in the Everfree Forest?"

Joey nodded, the memory faint in his mind. "You three were going to visit a friend who lives in there."

"That's right," she said. "Her name's Zecora, and she's a bit peculiar but she means well. Apple Bloom often visits her to learn how to brew potions and whatnot, but she never leaves without telling me." Applejack groans. "Ain't no telling what goes in that noggin of hers. And it's getting dark... Nasty things roam when the sun falls."

After listening, Joey stands up beside Applejack. "Let's go get her," he declared. "I don't feel comfortable having her inside that forest at all."

Applejack nodded. "Usually, there's a certain path made by Zecora herself we take to avoid any monsters, but Apple Bloom might not have taken it. If she didn't say anything, she must've been in a rush. Let's go."

"Got it," Joey says. He looks over to Nils smoothing his hat-like crest with a wing. "Nils, we're going!"

Instantly, Nils stood next to Joey. The abrupt movement caught the attention of Big Mac and Granny Smith. "What's wrong?"

"Apple Bloom is in the Everfree Forest and she might be in trouble," he told the bird briskly. "It's dangerous in there, especially at night. We are going to go get her."

"Big Mac, Granny, y'all stay here in case she comes back!" Applejack began to bound toward the Everfree Forest. "Joey," she called, "get your rear in gear; let's go!"

Without another word, Joey and Nils rushed after Applejack.

In the Everfree again. Joey never liked the forest, it always seemed to be...watching him, making him feel alert and aware. At night was worse. Every time an eye searched only darkness stared back. He was thankful that the faint beams of the evening sun broke through the thick forest canopy and illuminate the opaque forest floor.

He wanted to be in a clearing, only then will he be able to see more than five feet in front of him. He looked to his right and saw Nils' hulking figure beside him. In the vast darkness, the avian looked like a demon, his red eyes gleaming.

He's getting excited, Joey thought warily. I might have to wrangle him if Apple Bloom is being attacked by a creature to prevent him from killing it.

As the trio runs through the forest calling out to Apple Bloom, they hear the shrill scream of a little filly pleading for help.

Apple Bloom, Joey thought hastily. Listen closely...

By the sound of the terror in her voice, the filly was tired and probably disoriented in her panic.

She's been running for a while judging by her screaming. She's being chased... but by what is unknown. Don't worry, Apple Bloom. We'll save you!

Faster, the trio broke their way into a small clearing in the Everfree Forest. They skid to a stop when they see Apple Bloom galloping as hard as her hooves could go on the mossy earth. They saw her trip and land face-first into the ground, tumbling and skidding to a deafening halt.

Before Joey could say anything, he saw Applejack bolt like lightning toward her injured sister. She holds the crying filly close to her chest, trying to calm her down.

"What happened?!" Applejack demanded, trying to keep her voice calm. She looked at her sister over and over. "Are you hurt?!"

Catching her breath, Apple Bloom says, "N-no, I'm okay, honest! When I was heading off to see Zecora, I was attacked by something I couldn't see! I don't know what it was because it was too dark! Am I in trouble?"

Applejack let out a long, winded sigh as she held her sister close. "No, but you should after you didn't tell me where you were going," she admonished, causing Apple Bloom to flinch at her words. "However," she began, "you won't be punished. I hope you understand to never go to Zecora without telling me OR go when it's getting dark."

Joey couldn't hear anything else from the sisters, they were speaking too low for him to hear. What was she running away from? Joey wondered, narrowing his eyes.

As he watched on alongside Nils, he sees a large, dark, red-eyed mass with four black hairy outstretched legs slowly skittering out of the shadows. Squinting, Joey saw its fangs dripping with some sort of liquid substance.

He heard Apple Bloom scream. Applejack turns to see the large creature. She was frozen in place; her legs wouldn't move, locking her in place. It was a creature she had never seen before looking at her and her sister with hungry eyes. It lurched like a blood-crazed beast, its many steps stomping the forest floor as it gradually got closer and closer to the horrified sisters.

It's some sort of arachnid, and a big one too. Those fangs look like they might do some damage if that creature bit us...

Without hesitation, the giant beast lunged at Applejack and Apple Bloom, both of which are terrified. Acting quickly, Joey rushes over to them to intercept the beast, jumping into the air and swatting the creature across its face with a powerful kick that sends it reeling backward, letting out a screech in pain.

Applejack watched in awe of Joey's strength. It was nearly identical to Nian's kick. Nils flew beside Joey, awaiting his orders.

Joey turns to her. "Applejack!" His sharp command brought the farm mare out of her daze. "Grab Apple Bloom and hightail it back to the farm!"

"What about you?" she asked, trying to hold her breath steady. "That thing is dangerous!"

Joey gave her a small smile. "Nils and I will be fine, don't you worry," he assured the mare with his soothing voice. "We'll see you and your sister at the farm. Can you find your way back?"

Applejack nodded. "We can," she answered. She picked up Apple Bloom and put the filly on her back. "Thanks, Joey."

With that, Applejack rushed off into a slew of dark trees, disappearing within their shadows. Alone with Nils, Joey faces the large arachnid with a look of excitement.

"Now Nils," Joey began tersely, "go easy on the ole beast; we aren't going to kill it. Understand?"

Nils let out a low chortle. "Against this thing? I'd rather not turn it into a Ghost-type and have it haunt me with that ear-bleeding screech. Let's send it home crying like a Sobble!"

"That's the spirit," Joey said with a laugh. "Nils, use Hurricane!"

A brisk chill suddenly filled the clearing and a foreboding mist emerged from the edges of the tall trees. The once-still air roused up quickly howling like a symphony of Houndoom into the night sky. Joey's clothes swished and flapped around and against him as he stood his ground to prevent the strong winds from lifting him off his feet.

Nils' red eyes glowed with an azure gleam as dark grey clouds formed just above the clearing. He had a wicked glare strewn across his face; he was enjoying himself, conjuring such a dangerous gale. This was the first time he has been able to do anything remotely related to fighting.

By now the wind was roaring fiercely like a Pyroar and Joey witnessed an enormous spiral of wind churning menacingly. The vicious creature bared its fangs threateningly as it attempted to charge forward to sink them into Nils' flesh, but it never got the chance. Hurricane was complete, barring the creature's assault as it screeched in agitation.

With a single, strong beat of Nils' wings, Hurricane shot forward, rending and sundering the earth beneath it as it trapped the creature within it. The abhorrent arachnid squealed horribly as it felt itself being swept off its feet and into the air, bouncing and rebounding back and forth inside the tumultuous gale.

Joey watched on as the creature spun madly in the air, tossed and thrown around like a pitiful twig. At long last, Hurricane settled down and dissipated, and the arachnid fell to the rent earth with a large crash. Its legs wiggled and jerked in the air, trying to roll itself off its back.

When it had succeeded, Joey noticed the dark creature struggling to remain still and focused; it had become confused, desperate to steady its dancing footing like a tipsy Spinda using Teeter Dance.

Without another second to waste, Joey calls out to his avian and commands, "Nils, throw me!"

He leaped toward Nils' as the bird rears back and grips Joey's arm in his massive talons, spinning and flinging him like a human missile. The monster had attempted to defend itself from the attack but it couldn't through its vexing confusion.

Joey mashed his bracers together as a blue glow wrapped around him barely before he collides with the four-legged monstrosity with a powerful impact. The horrid beast let out a blood-curdling screech as the force from Joey and Nils' team attack propelled it back, crashing through a slew of tall dark trees.

Joey lifted himself from the ground and listened carefully in the direction where the arachnid crashed. Seconds passed and Joey didn't hear a single rustle. Worried, he thought he might've killed the creature by accident, but as he strained his ear to pick up any sound, a meek whimper was heard, and the scurrying of legs retreating.

Joey visibly relaxed, letting out a small sigh of relief as Nils flew next to him.

"See?" the avian said with a yawn. "We give that pitiful excuse of a Spinarak something to skitter on home about. I had hoped to stretch my wings a little bit more since that fight was so short but we can't always have a good thing. Are you ready to head back and see Apple Bloom get scalded? Not the painful kind, the reproachful kind."

Joey chuckled. "I'm sure this is punishment enough for Apple Bloom; it'll keep her from trotting off without notice. Let's go."

When Joey and Nils reached Sweet Apple Acres they saw Apple Bloom entering the house tiredly with Granny Smith trailing after her. It was getting pretty late, the sun had begun to set. It had occurred to Joey that he had been out since noon.

I need to get back home right after I talk with Applejack.

Reaching the house, Joey saw Applejack galloping toward and knocking down on the ground, standing over him with a worried expression.

"Thank Celestia you're back!" Applejack gave Joey a strong hug that nearly squeezed all the air out of his lungs. "Are you okay? Are you hurt? I was going to come to look for you. I was so worried!"

Wow, she's really worried.

"Applejack, I'm fine," he said softly, rubbing her mane. "How's Apple Bloom?"

Applejack slowly eased herself off of Joey with an embarrassed look across her face. "She's fine," she told quietly, dipping her hat to Joey. "Thanks for your help."

Before Joey could respond Big Mac came up to him with a soft gaze. It was clear that he was happy Apple Bloom was alive and well.

"Thanks," he said deeply, dipping his head in appreciation. With no other words, Big Mac retired into the house.

Applejack made her way toward the door. She turns and says, "Thanks again. I won't forget this, Joey. You heading home?"

"Yeah," he said with a happy nod. "This is the first time I've been away from my new home since I arrived here. I had a nice time helping you and your family out with Applebuck Season."

Applejack rubbed the back of her leg. "Well... would you like to come back and visit sometime soon?" she asked hopefully. "I mean...having you around is nice."

Joey smiled at the bashful mare. "Sure, I would like that." He rose from the ground and stretched. "See you later and tell Apple Bloom I said bye."

Applejack waved after Joey. "I'll do just that, don't you worry!"

With that, Joey and Nils headed back home.

Approaching the house, Joey is immediately greeted by Nian who bounds toward him and hugged him to which Joey returned to comforting gesture.

"Welcome back," she said happily, holding onto Joey's arm.

"I'm glad to be back," he responded gaily.

"Hey," Nils called out to Nian, feigning hurt. "What about me? Don't I get a cute hug, Miss Iron Legs? For what happened with those farm folk, I think I deserve some recompense!"

Nian rolled her eyes and sneered at Nils. "I could knock you over the head with my legs," she jeered. "And what's this about the farm?"

"There was some trouble with a filly named Apple Bloom venturing into the Everfree Forest and getting attacked by a monster," Joey began to explain. "Applejack, Nils, and I went into the forest to go and find her and ended up fighting that monster."

Concern flashed in Nian's eyes. "Are you okay?"

"Oh, come on," Nils said in mock frustration, putting a wing over his head in distress. "What am I? Chopped Basculin? Could you at least worry over me too?"

Joey chuckled and smoothed Nian's head with his hands. "I'm fine. Everyone is. Everything okay here? Is Indola well?"

Nian nodded at Joey, choosing to ignore Nils' fake tears. "Karla came over a little while ago to pick her up and go home. And...while you were away, you got a letter."

Joey raised his brow in confusion. "A letter? Who delivered it, where is it, and who's it from?"

"It was delivered by some pony in golden armor, it's in the living room, and it might be from Princess Celestia judging by the sun insignia," Nian deftly responded. "I don't like it. You should take a look at it soon. For now, you can relax."

"Fair deal," Joey said, groaning as he stretched his limbs. "Nils, you can go now. Thanks for your help."

"At least SOMEONE appreciates, not like a certain rabbit, not naming any names, my assistance, and loyalty," he huffed, striding over to his trees and flying up to nestle himself comfortably.

"Ugh, what turned him into a wannabe drama queen?"

Joey laughed at Nils' antics. "That's just Nils for you. Anyway, I think I know why you insisted on me going to the farm."

Nian's loppy ears moved slightly. "Oh, do you?" she asked innocently. "Just to let you know that Narros was in on it. Do you feel better?"

"Of course," Joey said. "I'm sorry to have worried you. It's hard for me to shove those memories away. They just... hit me hard when I'm not expecting them."

"You don't have to shove them away," Nian whispered. "You don't want to forget your family. I don't want you to. Just... We are your family now: Nils, Mechan, Lena, Yuna, Jenny, and Narros. We need you, Joey. You are the most important person to all of us, and it hurts to see you sad."

Joey breathed in deeply and exhaled a tired sigh. "I was... remembering their deaths. Every single one. All of their voices were fading echoes, being muffled by the blizzard. I try to not think of that memory, but it slipped by. I'm sorry to have worried you."

"Narros too," Nian pointed out. "He was the only other one to see that something was troubling you."

Joey studied Nian for a moment. He knew something had to have happened recently to bring about such a sharp change between Nian and Narros, who before acted like a Seviper towards a Zangoose; hostile against one another, tensions naturally running high.

"Nian," Joey began slowly, "what happened between you and Narros?"

Nian remained silent for a few heartbeats. "Let's just say we came to an... understanding. Don't worry, nothing bad happened. The whole 'Seviper and Zangoose' theme we had going is hopefully taking a permanent break."

"Well... okay," Joey said. "I'm glad you two have sorted out your differences. Why don't you head inside? I need to talk to Narros."

Nian hesitated for a split second before attempting to calm herself down. She had given Narros more chances to be around Joey since his confession two days ago, but still... if she is honest, the fact of Joey being alone with Narros bothered her. She has to trust Narros, and that is something she had to get used to.

"Sure," she said, trying not to sound utterly bothered by it. "I'll see you inside."

With that, she bounded into the house leaving Joey alone. The human walked around to the back of the house to see Narros staring at the night sky, his tail swishing and cutting the blades of grass.

He's worried, Joey thought to himself.

He walked up to Narros and softly called his name. With his focus suddenly broken, Narros jerked his head to see Joey sitting right next to him. Instantly his heart began to beat twice as fast.

"Joey," Narros squeaked quietly. Once again, he clears his throat. "H-how was the farm? Did you have a nice time?"

"Yeah, I did," he responded, edging himself closer to Narros. "I wanted to see you before I retired for the night. Are you well?"

Narros felt his coat being brushed by Joey's hand and shuddered. "I'm okay," he said meekly, boldly resting his head on Joey's lap. "Are you okay?"

Joey pulled Narros' body closer to him. "Yeah," he nodded. "Yeah, I'm fine now. Thank you. And I'm sorry to have worried you."

Narros' tail wagged. "Don't be," he said. "As long as you're alright and happy, I am too."