• Published 5th Jun 2022
  • 1,661 Views, 36 Comments

The Human and His Lopunny - Burningbloom78

During a crisis involving the Pokémon of Time and Pokémon of Space, a human and his partner for life is caught in the crossfire of two destructive strikes that warped their reality, opening a portal that casts them to a place of mystery.

  • ...

A Coat as White as Snow

Author's Note:

Alright, I think that does it for all of Joey's Pokémon having some measure of spotlight, and I hope this got all of you to know how they are. Joey and his family will start interacting more with the ponies of Equestria in later chapters.

Narros know the following: Night Slash, Swords Dance, Hyper Beam, and Detect.

Of the sayings from the one he loves.

It's not your fault, you were just trying to help. That's all you wanted, wasn't it? To make sure people and Pokémon are safe. But the stigma can't be rid of; they'll only blame you. They always will, and I'm so, so sorry.

If you need to yell, then yell. If you want to scream out your pain, then scream. If you need to shout out your frustrations, then shout. No more bottling it up.

If you need to hit something, hit it over and over until it is destroyed. Unburden your anger and let it flow freely until it is gone forever. If you want to bite something, bite it with all your strength. Rip, tear, and shred as much as you need to.

You don't want to be alone, but you are afraid. That's okay. Just lift one paw after the other; go at your own pace, and don't feel ashamed. Don't shy away, I'm here. You will always know where I am.

If you need to cry, then cry in my arms. If the world becomes too loud to bear, I'll turn it down. I'll give you happiness and a home. I will never abandon you.

No matter how many times you push me away, I'll always come back. You are deserving of love, and I will give you all I can.

"Joey," Narros nearly cried aloud. He opens his ruby-red eyes briskly, veering them around Joey's home in a daze. He took in a deep breath and exhaled slowly. "It was a dream," he muttered, trying to fight the redness threatening to flood his cheeks. "Another dream about him..."

Nightfall loomed overhead. The stars above Narros sparkled and shined beautifully without a single cloud in the encroaching dark blue gloam.

Stars? So early? he thought listlessly, stifling a large yawn threatening to escape his mouth. Night has barely arrived. This world is quite odd.

He darted his eyes around to see Joey stargazing with a telescope, happily gazing at the twinkling stars. Joey had acquired a telescope from Twilight Sparkle who visited the human again a week after Bath Day. She brought him the telescope so they could stargaze together every other night.

Narros grumbled, "That purple nuisance has been hanging around Joey too much..." He fought back the urge to curl his lip into a snarl and bare his sharp teeth. "She's so noisy, and that yellow pony has been cuddling him like a stuffed Teddiursa toy." That should be me! I should be his cute, fluffy cuddle toy!

Narros' ears pricked and his tail began to lash behind him, thumping and scraping the ground in vexation. He didn't like Twilight or Fluttershy getting too close to Joey; instead thinking that it should be him.

He's cuddled with Joey before; he knows exactly what positions Joey loved to lay in. He would have curled his body around Joey to get him nice and comfy, then the human would put his head on top of Narros' stomach. Narros would give him heart-warming nuzzles under his chin, granted if they weren't being watched, the occasional small, playful licks on his cheeks, and have him listen to him purr like a Glameow in his ears, which often got the human to lull into a delicate slumber.

That's what should happen, not with those ponies, Narros thought haughtily, huffing in annoyance. I should be used like that! If not, then... what else am I supposed to be?

Seeing Joey sleep soundly under his protection was heaven to Narros. He'd look so serene and cute. He imagined Joey holding him like a pillow, never wanting to let go... always needing him. To be in Joey's powerful hold, feeling his magical fingers caress him over and over, and feeling his face rubbing against him. That's the dream.

Narros shivered in anticipation before he blushed. "I have to stop thinking like that," he chided, trying to cast the delightful thoughts away. He felt his tail thumping the ground behind him. "Stupid tail... Aren't you supposed to be on my side?!"

Narros continued to watch Joey intently. His annoyed gaze softened to a look of longing seeing Joey excitedly explore the stars. It was pretty late; not another Pokémon was awake aside from Mechan, but that loud robot never sleeps, and Narros could always feel it staring at him no matter where he was. That was annoying also.

Perhaps Narros should join Joey. Nian isn't awake to threaten him with death, so there shouldn't be any interruptions. He could cuddle up to Joey; offer his body up as warm bedding for the human to rest. It was getting nippy outside with the wind blowing and Joey didn't have a sweater or long-sleeved shirt to combat the cold.

Perhaps, he thought hopefully. This could be my chance. He will need me. I want to be needed.

Narros started to get up and walk over to his beloved human, but he hesitated. Maybe he doesn't. He seems okay. I would only get in his way. Narros' face grimaced and he shook his head. No, I want to be needed, he decided. He could get sick! Just go over there and stop wagging your tail like a lovestruck pup! Control yourself!

Narros took in a large breath of air. "Okay," he muttered, putting one paw after the other. "This is the perfect opportunity to only spend time with Joey and to make me useful."

Narros cautiously bounded over to Joey, who was busying himself with the telescope. He was so close he could smell his human's strong, comforting scent fill his nostrils; his soothing fragrance scented of chamomile and lavender. Just being around Joey made him calm and relaxed, like he didn't have to be constantly on his guard.

I want more...

With a great surge of confidence, Narros gently nudged Joey's warm leg with his nose, gaining the human's attention. As Narros saw Joey's mysterious white eyes looking down at him, little by little did he feel all his confidence ebb away, receding like a wave from the shore. Instinctively, Narros tucked his tail between his legs, and his ears flattened across his head.

Joey's big, beautiful, bright smile overwhelmed him, further obliterating his confidence. No, Narros thought desperately to himself. You can be lost in those big, beautiful eyes later, but you need to stay on track; Joey is waiting! Say something for Arceus's sake!

Narros jolted; his heart rate increased, and his cheeks began to feel warm. "H-hi, Joey," he stammered sheepishly, his voice squeaking much higher than he had thought. If anything, it sounded kind of girly. Narros cleared his throat and tried again. "Nice night for stargazing?"

Joey chuckled as he nodded. "The stars have never been so clear in this world," he said, stricken with awe. He caressed his Pokémon's cheeks lovingly. "Are you here to join me? I would like that if you were."

Narros nearly became lost in Joey's delicate touch, leaning into his hands. This is where Narros should be, receiving Joey's love and being by his side, not those petulant ponies hovering over him like a swarm of misbegotten Beedrills!

"I... I noticed you weren't wearing anything warm; it's getting a little cold," Narros pointed out quietly. Be clearer, act more sure! "I-I don't want you to catch a cold, so... I would like to offer myself, t-to keep you warm, that is." Smooth move, you bumbling pup.

"You're right," Joey said, feeling the crispy wind flow around his skin. His eyes sparkled with moonlight. "Sometimes I wish I had a wonderful batch of fur like yours, Narros. Alright, I'll do as you ask."

Joey adjusted his telescope, lowering the stand close to the ground as he sat on the mossy earth. Narros followed suit, curling around his beloved human, making sure he made Joey quite comfortable. His tail thumped, causing Joey to giggle, which made Narros blush and scowl at his niggling appendage.

He doesn't dislike his tail, but he'd rather have it covered in his fur so he could wrap Joey around it, offering it as a blanket of pure, soft warmth. Narros could see it now: Joey snuggled his cheek against his tail, smelling his sweet scent as he dug his nose deeper into the sea of flurry whiteness, hearing HIS human utter happy noises.

Stop thinking like that! Narros chastised, but he couldn't get the images out of his head. Why are you always thinking about yourself and him?! It's... it's not normal. It's wrong, but... it feels so right.

Narros scraped bashfully at the ground, trying to force any words out, but his mouth remained clamped; he was nervous and excited. Narros is hardly ever given the sublime opportunity to service Joey since Nian would bar his way in the certainty that he was up to no good.

That was another thing that annoyed and made Narros fearful of Nian: her overprotective nature when it came to Joey. It doesn't help that she's justified in treating Narros like an outcast or excluding him from Joey because of his past misdeeds.

He couldn't hate her for that, he knew that. However, he could hate that the rabbit rarely gives him any chances to make up for what he had tried multiple times to do; her belligerent tendencies and overprotectiveness gave little leeway into properly owning up to his transgressions to the point he has to take any opportunity he can get when she's not around, which makes things even worse if she somehow catches him with Joey; instilling the notion he's trying to murder him at the perfect time.

Narros thought about the potential repercussions and shuddered. He never liked fighting; he would actively avoid it unless he had no other choice. With Nian, however, the rabbit gave very few options, and Narros often, and rather begrudgingly, has to stand up to her in a bid to defend himself. But he knew that if he and Nian fought for real, she'd kill him, if accidentally, in a fit of unrestrained rage.

The only reason she hasn't done it already is that Joey prevented her from committing the deed, even though Narros knew he deserved it. As he became clouded with dark thoughts, Joey rested his head against Narros' stomach, bringing him out of his daze.

Calm down, calm down, he thought anxiously, feeling his heart throbbing as he tried hard not to sweat. Joey's rubbing up against me! It feels so good... Stop that! Ignore it! You are supposed to help him, not give in to the pleasure, Pidove-for-brains!

As he panicked, Joey used his hand to stroke Narros' front paw, instantly calming him and taking Narros out of his thoughts. "Relax," Joey whispered, "and enjoy gazing at the stars. How are you liking our new home?"

He speaks as if we are... Well, I do love thinking about that very much. Me and him, together.

"I like it," Narros murmured close to Joey's ear, nuzzling his human lovingly. "Although..." Narros paused, a grimace etching across his face.

"What?" Joey asked worryingly. "Is there something wrong?"

It's cute of you to act all worried; it makes me all... warm inside, Narros thought longingly.

"No," he answered. "There's nothing wrong with anything involving you. It's Nian... You know how she is." A Sharpedo would turn tail and run if it angered the beast within that rabbit...

Joey sighed and brought his face closer to Narros. The Absol felt his fur bristle with nervousness and his cheeks began to heat up. Joey was getting very close; too close in fact, as Narros could only see those clear, beautiful white eyes.

Oh no, oh no, oh no! Is he going to... No, he wouldn't. Would he? I mean, I'd let him do anyth- Stop that! Oh, why am I cursed to feel this way?!

"I'm sorry," Narros heard Joey say. There was a hint of regret and sadness, making Narros silence his thoughts. "I know it hasn't been easy since you joined me, and I have tried many times to get Nian to at least talk to you."

"N-no, it's not YOUR fault. Why would it? I mean, you aren't threatening to take my life, so you shouldn't feel bad or anything," Narros sputtered, trying desperately to make Joey feel better. He hated seeing his human look glum.

"I understand why she acts the way she is toward you, and so is the rest of the Pokémon for that matter, but I don't like it. If I could just get through to her, I know the rest of our family will follow.

"You are a good Pokémon, Narros, and a good companion. I'll keep trying; I don't want you to feel... ostracized in this family, and quite frankly, this has gone on longer than it should've. But Nian can be... challenging, and she doesn't easily bury a grudge. I want you to feel loved."

A look of deep longing came from Narros as a pang of sorrow hit his chest. Joey was right. Narros is lonely, he's been that way all his life, and even when he joined Joey's family, he would be lying if he said he still feels a little bit lonesome. Perhaps in time, he'll be accepted, as Nian told him, but that hope was many days ahead of him, almost too many. At least, for now, Narros has gotten the most important person by his side: Joey. He'll always be there like he promised. A surge of emotions rose within Narros' heart as he began to feel warm again.

"Joey," he began sheepishly, "do you love me?" A sharp prick, like a jab from a Sandslash's quills, landed deeply in the Absol's heart.

"More than you can even imagine," Joey said verily, his response sending a massive jolt of emotion through the Absol's coat. "I love you, every part of you, always. Never again will you be alone; I won't allow it. You are never going to feel that pain ever again." After a few seconds, Joey asked a question. "Do you love me?"

I love you more than anything else. If only you knew how much. Narros responded with a deep nuzzle against Joey's cheek, followed up by a comforting lick.

Joey laughed and snuggled comfortably against Narros. He pets him before closing his eyes. "Don't worry," he said in between yawns, "I'll make sure you're forever welcomed." With a few heartbeats of silence, Joey drifted into slumber.

He looks so peaceful...so vulnerable when he sleeps. Narros felt a sudden urge, an urge all too familiar. Maybe... I could give him some more... of my love. He's safe and secure with me, at least until I wake him to head off to bed. I want this.

Narros calmed his rising nerves and lowered his head to kiss Joey on his cheek. It was quick but it felt like it lasted a lifetime. He wished it could last forever, but for a short time, it can feel that way.

While Narros watched Joey sleep, he felt a daunting presence emanating behind him. It was cold and overwhelming, like casting a freezing shadow across his body. He's felt this one too many times in the past, but this was worse. The intent to kill was incredibly strong. Frozen with terror, Narros turned his head slowly to see Nian standing eerily in the doorway to the house, her eyes seemed to glow a malevolent red. Narros could feel her gleaming gaze burn into his chest. The rabbit had an unreadable expression across her face, but the way she looked at him said it all: Nian was not happy.

Oh no, what do I do?! Narros panicked. He felt his heart race as Nian encroached closer with each silent step. I can't run; Joey's head is lying on me. I'm nowhere near strong enough to fight her. Joey is compromised, and helpless in his sleep. Maybe I can talk my way out of it, but if I say the wrong thing, Nian will smash my head in. What do I do?!

Before Narros knew it, Nian stood over him with a malicious gaze so strong he thought his heart stopped. Eventually, he coughed and started inhaling air; he had forgotten to breathe.

Narros willed himself to speak. "Nian," he said slowly, masking his worries and fears, "if you do anything to me..."

"Joey is a heavy sleeper, he won't wake up until morning," she interjected coldly, instantly shutting Narros down. "I've been watching closely. That no-care attitude is nothing but a farce, isn't it?" Narros opened his mouth to retort, but Nian's glare shut him up. "Don't lie to me. If you do, I'll break your neck right here and now. And you're long overdue. Do you understand?"

Narros nodded nervously, casting his fearful gaze to the ground. He knew she was serious. He knew Nian didn't just make threats. If he lies, or if Nian perceives it as lying, he dies. He'll be a corpse by morning. Narros clawed at the ground, shaking with apprehension at his potential murderer looming over him.

Mustering up the courage, Narros looked up and saw Nian leering down at him with her arms crossed, waiting. She's giving me the chance to explain myself. I can't delay this, Nian isn't particularly known for her patience. What should I say? I can't lie. I mustn't lie. She'll know. She saw everything. I can't wiggle my way out of this.

Narros gulped and steadied his breathing. "Joey was stargazing," he began, "and I noticed that it was getting a little cold, and I didn't want him to get sick, so I offered to warm him, and he agreed. We were just talking until he fell asleep, honest! I... I wanted to be useful, and I care deeply for Joey. Nian, please, you have to believe me. I wouldn't do anything to harm Joey!"

"Not anymore, so you claim," she growled, piercing him with a killer glare. "How much do you care about him?"

Wasn't that explanation enough? I guess I have no choice...

"I..." Narros paused, glancing at Joey's sleeping face. He turns back to Nian and continues. "I love him... a lot."

Nian raised her brow. "I love him too."

Narros shook his head. "No, I meant love him," he stressed. "In a romantic way..."

"Why?" she asked.

The Meowth's outta the bag now, he thought sadly. "Joey never gave up on me, even when I did," he said. "I was bitter and angry at the world for rejecting me when I was only trying to help. Being hated day and night no matter where I went was so... draining. I felt as if I had nowhere to go. I became depressed.

"I was lonely and afraid. I just wanted to help, that's all I wanted! But I wasn't wanted. I wasn't needed. Nobody needed me. Nobody cared about me. Everybody hated me. For the longest time, I felt as if I didn't deserve anything, that I was just destined to be alone because I'm an Absol, and that it's just how it is.

"When Joey found me, he wouldn't leave me alone. I tried to force him away, but he kept coming back over and over again until I got sick of it. I snapped and tried... to kill him, but I failed time and time again.

"I told him everything. I thought if I did, he'd finally leave me alone. My pain and suffering, my loneliness. I told him no one cared about me, and that he didn't either. I thought he was mocking me. I felt that, for some odd reason, it was some kind of sick punishment for being what I am. But..."

"But what?" Nian pressed.

Narros faces Joey again and gave a warm smile. "Before I woke up, I had a dream. It was when I told him everything. Everything I had bottled up flowed out, and I started crying. I have never felt so much despair and sadness. Joey held me close and whispered promises in my ears. He wanted me to let everything go: all my pain and suffering, my anger and hatred. He told me to let it all go, so I did. He said he'll always be there for me, that I'll always know where he is.

"Joey said that I am deserving of love and that he'll give me all he can. Joey made me feel special. He made me feel wanted... needed; loved. I knew at that point I couldn't survive without him. That I loved him. I needed him more than anything else because he was the only one to make me feel that I had a place in the world.

"I remember he asked me to join his family. After everything I'd done to him, he still wanted me. He wanted me to be by his side. He wanted to give me a home. Without hesitation, I said yes."

Narros noticed that water dripping onto Joey's face, but it wasn't raining. It took a moment for him to realize that he was crying sleek tears of joy and sorrow over his wonderful human.

"You know he'll never feel that way with you," she uttered. "Even with me. I don't think he'll ever see us in that way."

That was the cruel truth. A truth almost every member of Joey's family knew. A love that could never be met.

"I know," Narros croaked, choking back sobs. "Joey doesn't see any of us in the way we do to him. I see him as a mate I'll never have, he sees me as nothing but family. I want to believe that isn't true. That there's a chance. But I'm a fool."

"We all are," Nian confessed. "We can be as close to Joey as humans and Pokémon can be. That's all we need."

Narros nodded. "I'll have to accept that eventually, but I want to keep feeling this way a little while longer." After a few moments of silence, Narros spoke again. "Are you taking him inside?"

Nian stared at Narros for a long while before shaking her head. "Wake him up soon," she sighed. "Give him a good nudge and tell him to go to bed."

Narros was surprised. "You are leaving him with me? Does that mean you-"

"No," she said, cutting him off. "I will never forgive you for what you tried to do. However, I understand you better, and I know I can leave Joey in your care without worrying. This is just a step toward your redemption. Don't you forget that."

Narros' excitement nearly died, but at least he can snuggle with Joey for a while longer. For Nian to grant him that speaks volumes to him.

Narros dipped his head. "Thank you."

Nian turned to the door. She looks over her shoulder, her red eyes boring into Narros. "Love him as much as you want," she told him, her voice as soothing as Joey's scent. "Never stop. Maybe one day Joey will see us as something more. One day..."

With that, Nian entered the house, leaving Narros to look after Joey. The Absol has got to give the rabbit props for holding back that rage. He even gained respect for her too.

Narros sets his head on Joey and listened to him sleep. "I will protect you, Joey. I'll be by your side. Always."