• Published 5th Jun 2022
  • 1,662 Views, 36 Comments

The Human and His Lopunny - Burningbloom78

During a crisis involving the Pokémon of Time and Pokémon of Space, a human and his partner for life is caught in the crossfire of two destructive strikes that warped their reality, opening a portal that casts them to a place of mystery.

  • ...

The Sound of Silence

Author's Note:

Alright, this chapter is a little different from the rest, it's shorter, but I hope you guys like it anyway. Since we know that one of the four of Jenny's primary moves do damage, I thought it would be nice to just tell you what she knows.

Jenny knows the following: Sweet Kiss, Sing, Perish Song, and Blizzard.

Of the past told in burning memories.

It was the toughest winter she had to endure; alone, anxious, and scared, buried deep in the freezing blankets of chilling stars. Once again, for a time she doesn't know, got up and kept going.

Her shimmering hair was unkempt and frozen dry, her once-glorious clothes, now shamed and lost their luster, are tattered and ripped from defending what little life she had left. Her skin was cracked and split and her eyes were dull and empty.

She had trekked the mountainside seeking refuge from the horrible winter storm, but no matter how hard she tried, she was neglected every step of the way. No one opened up to her or showed her kindness; rejecting her without a single thought. The horrid chill of wintery death was upon them all and none could bother to help one another, so she continued braving the howling wind by her lonesome.

Still, as if expecting something to change, she begged and pleaded to people and Pokémon for shelter, yet none would give her aid. They've all left her to struggle against death's encroaching grasp.

Desperate and forlorn, the broken Jynx continued forward aimlessly through the blackened gloam.

It was an eerie night, bringing about a tumultuous blizzard stronger than the last that ravaged the mountain mercilessly, pelting the weakened Jynx with hailstones until she let the elements blow her over, once again being buried within the endless sea of snow. She lay still amongst the thrilling, unforgiving wind, gazing up into the gray gloam that covered the sky in frightful darkness.

Her mind takes her back to the start: she was going on one of her nightly strolls until she was ambushed by a group of ravenous Pokémon who nearly tore her to shreds. She was lucky that her Perish Song was enough for her to flee but not without sustaining a near-mortal injury.

It was a mistake to roam about, and now this is her punishment: death. She should have been more careful. As she lay there dying from her wounds, the Jynx hears the crunching of footsteps approaching. The Jynx did not move; she was exhausted. Instead, against better judgment, she lay there, her body gradually being engulfed in a snowy burial, accepting her fate at either the hands of her killer or the winter storm.

That was it. Her life amounted to nothing in the end; taken by others too soon. If she could cry, she would in a heartbeat, but she had no more tears to shed.

The steps got louder until the Pokémon heard them from her side. A baleful shadow loomed over her frozen aching body. She heard an indistinct murmur; she strained her ears to hear a male's smooth timbre. She tried to look at her would-be killer, but her eyes were dull and colorless like the black sky above; bleary, unable to properly distinguish the creature.

She waited for the end to come; to let death sweep over her like an icy wind creeping across her skin, but instead, she felt something warm and soft gracing her chilly cheeks. Another murmur came from the blurry shadow. It sounded concerned, for her. The Jynx tried desperately to strain her waning eyesight until the image of the unknown creature slowly came into view: a human donned in winter gear with a mask that covered his face.

Was this an angel the Jynx saw? Not some death-dealing horror, but a benevolent hero? His soft ministrations calmed her, still murmuring something that was assurance or of an oath. The Jynx could not understand, but she knew that this human was in concern for her. Her nerves calmed and her body had relaxed. Perhaps she could finally rest without worry knowing she was in good hands. At long last, she fainted, letting the encroaching darkness take her.

When she awoke, the Jynx was resting in a small bed inside a warm cottage. She flexed her feeble muscles as they ached but not as much as before. Where was the constant sting of pain and agony, the harrowing numbness? Confused, she looked at her wounded arms, expecting to see splits and cracks, but they were meticulously wrapped in bandages. She couldn't remember what happened before she lost consciousness. One thing was for certain: she had survived, and she was in the hands of a human she did not know, not that she knew any before.

As she wondered in silence, the Jynx heard the sounds of a wooden door creaking open irritably, gaining her scrutiny and her annoyance. She attempted to defend herself with Blizzard, but she was too weak to conjure even a pitiable powder of snow. She could do nothing but wait in grueling anticipation.

The door opened fully to reveal a human with a caramel face and limpid white eyes entering the room with his Lopunny right beside him. The human carried a plastic bag full of Pokémon and regular human food. He approached the Jynx with a handsome smile and pulled up a chair next to her bed.

"You're awake. Can you understand me?" the human asked soothingly. His voice sent a wave of shivers across the injured Jynx's body before she nodded. "Good." The human dug into the plastic bag and presented a poffin. "Here. This is for you."

The Jynx stared at the mysterious poffin, skeptical. It did smell good at least, and it is being given by her savior. She realized that she could trust this human. And it would be rude to turn down such an offer; the Jynx couldn't remember when the last time she had eaten. Taking it as a gesture of goodwill, the Jynx attempted to take the poffin from the human, but her arms weren't responding to her command. Fear flooded the Jynx's face as she kept trying to move her arms, but nothing she did made them move.

"Oh..." the human's voice trailed off. "Three days and they still haven't been healed completely."

Three days. The Jynx was astonished; to be in such a pitiful state filled her heart with worry and shame; she felt embarrassed in the presence of her dutiful savior. Her savior must've looked at her as completely pathetic and worthless.

She heard him chuckle. "Oh well, it can't be helped," the human said merrily, leaning close to the Jynx. "I'll just have to feed you. Saaaaay 'ahh!'"

Being so close to the human's face made a rush of red flow around the Jynx's cheeks. She felt his warmth practically radiating off of him. Unable to turn away, she stared into those beautiful white pools; completely and utterly entranced by the human.

It couldn't hurt, right? He is offering to feed her. She didn't shy away as she felt her glossy red lips part as her mouth opened slightly, waiting patiently to be fed. She closed her eyes. Again, she blushed; her heart thumped and throbbed excitedly as she heeded the human's orders obediently. She must have thought how naughty she looked right now, all messy and dirty, helpless and weak, relying on someone else. She could feel her mouth water eagerly, waiting for the poffin to be laid onto her rousing tongue.

She felt the human lightly put the treat in her mouth and told her to chew slowly. She did what he said. The taste of the poffin was sweet, exploding in her mouth with a mountain of flavor, causing a moan to escape her quivering lips as she swallowed the tasty treat.

"Feel better?" the human asked hopefully, putting a hand on the Jynx.

She almost flinched, feeling the human's strong hand grip her delicate shoulder. To be honest, she began to like it. She could feel the hand's warmth. She nodded quickly.

"Good," he said, heaving a large sigh from his lips. "I was worried about you. I saw you lying in the snow and carried you to this cottage. Good thing I was out there." He lightly took her hand into his and rubbed it softly. "My name is Joeshur Riverside, but you can call me Joey for short. What's your name?"

He was such a gentleman: benevolent, handsome, and generous. She thought it wouldn't be a bad thing if she spoke to her savior. He saved her life and gave her food and shelter. It's the least she could do.

She told him her name.

"That's a very nice name," Joey said, making the Jynx blush. "Now," he began, "let us get you up and healthy, yeah?"

She tried her hardest to clench her hand around Joey's, and she had been successful. The warmth coated her hand. He was so warm...

Jenny woke up with a start, finding herself encased in a small crystal of ice in one of the corners of the room. She looked around to see Lena snoring lightly with Yuna cuddling up beside her, mumbling in her sleep while suckling on one of her digits. Jenny was surprised to see Yuna still sleeping, seeing that the sun has risen in the early morning. The sparring match from yesterday really had tuckered her little sister out.

As she watched over them in silence, Jenny looked outside the window. It's a beautiful morning, perfect for a short stroll. She covered her chest with a hand as she thought about Joey accompanying her. She ought to ask him. What's the worst he could say? That it's too early?

With the idea fresh in her mind, she made her icy dome disappear and went silently out the bedroom door. Into the hall, Jenny quietly trailed down the stairs and outside the front door, and onto the porch. She inhaled the fresh morning air and took in the sun's early rays that graced her tall body, feeling the light rush of wind pass through her as she waited for him eagerly.

She whisked her hand in a graceful motion, conjuring a torrent of snowy sparkles as her Nevermeltice appeared between her two fingers. She put the tip into her mouth and inhaled slowly, absorbing the cool vapor into her chest, indulging herself. Seconds later, she blew the vapor out in a chilly cloud of mist. Jenny loved her Nevermeltice, as it was a gift Joey almost risked his life for.

The human was in a cave up in the snowy mountains of her home, trying to figure out a way to heal the Jynx after she sustained near-death injuries. When he found the Nevermeltice, he brought it back to Jenny to inhale. To his surprise, the item did wonders for Jenny's health when she inhaled its chilling moisture. From that point forward, Jenny always had the Nevermeltice either in her hands or in a place she can summon it.

Having the Nevermeltice always soothed her worries and anxieties to the point of making them nearly non-existent. She needed it as much as she needed Joey by her side ever since that fateful day. As she waited for her human, Jenny began to daydream...

Jenny was outside with an intense blush on her face, her hands gripped by Joey's. It's been a few days since she was rescued from the icy grasp of death. After obtaining the Nevermeltice, Jenny's arms and hands have healed quite well, allowing the damaged Pokémon to possess some manner of control over them.

Knowing Jenny is making good progress, Joey decided to take the Jynx outside to get her back on her non-existent feet. Jenny has always hovered by the use of her psychic powers, but after nearly dying, her psychic powers haven't been useful at all; she could barely keep up the concentration of making her skim across the ground. So, the human thought it would be prudent to have Jenny use her powers little by little until it all came back to her.

Jenny was having a rough time. Her body ached as she tried to move forward, struggling and wobbling like a newborn Ducklet. She felt foolish and humiliated, shying away from Joey's beaming smile. She knew she shouldn't feel this way, especially around her savior who has done so much for her.

"Come on," he urged encouragingly, persuading Jenny to take a couple more hovering steps. "Take it slow... Don't rush, I'm not going anywhere, okay?"

Jenny loved hearing Joey's voice utter sweet somethings in her ears; she felt embarrassed, but in a good way, and wanted more of it. She wished it didn't stop...

Drawn from her memories, Jenny opened her eyes and saw Joey approaching the Jynx with a friendly wave and that handsome smile. It was time for her favorite thing with Joey: him bussing her hand with the care of a knight to his queen. She loved having his powerful hand in hers and letting his soft lips grace it with such care.

She couldn't wait any longer. Joey was already standing in front of Jenny, beaming at her with that handsome smile. She lifted her hand in front of his face and watched expectingly. She hopefully peered at Joey with those unwavering eyes as the human held her hand and kissed it.

There it was. The thrilling heat surged around Jenny's hand and flowed throughout her cold body. It was so warm and pleasing like she was covered in a blanket of embers igniting her soul in a burst of comfortable flame. She wanted more of it, thinking about urging Joey to pelt her with an endless firestorm of kisses. She wanted to embrace Joey and feel his burning everything, but she willed herself from enacting such passionate desires. She will dream about it tonight.

"Jenny, you're looking lovely this morning," Joey complimented happily.

Jenny gave the human a small smile. She pointed at him and then beyond the fence, drawing a question mark with her Nevermeltice in the air before it melted away.

Joey gave Jenny a giggle that made her heart light aflame. "I just came from the Ponyville Clinic; I visited Karla and Indola." He stretched and yawned. "Oh boy, I tell ya, getting up in the early hours of the morning is... quite challenging. But enough about that. You're up early."

Jenny nodded. She brought a finger and twirled it in her hair while ardently staring at Joey.

"Oh, you were going out?" he asked in mild surprise. "Alone?"

Jenny shook her head and gestured her Nevermeltice at Joey's chest before putting it back in her mouth and blowing out a chilling cloud around Joey. The cloud didn't bother Joey at all. He liked it.

"I'd be more than happy to go on a walk with you," Joey told the Jynx merrily, giving her that radiating handsome smile. "I know we normally do nightly strolls, but an early morning stroll might be good."

Jenny was never great at reliably expressing herself since she always had a stoic, unreadable face. The only times she would show anything else were extremely rare or whenever she was directly around Joey.

Joey gave Jenny his arm as the Jynx held it with her own. Like a gentleman, or a knight servicing his fragile queen, Joey led Jenny past the white fence and into the breezy field. He was so warm, practically blazing. She felt so happy and safe with just the two of them enjoying each other's company.

As they strolled to nowhere important, Jenny began to reminisce again and started blushing profusely.

It's been a whole eight days since Jenny regained consciousness in the warming care of Joey and his Lopunny friend. The Jynx has gained full control over her body to act fully independent from Joey, but, if the Jynx was honest, loved it when Joey took her everywhere; always being so close to him... feeling his blazing heat overwhelm her feeble body.

She huffed in disappointment, cutely puffing out her cheeks, wishing she was still damaged enough to have Joey looking after her twenty-four seven, but alas, all good things must sadly come to an end. Lamenting her situation, however selfish it was, Jenny heard the door open and saw Joey striding majestically into her room. Well, it was more of a saunter, but Jenny likes to imagine it being more... grand and dramatic.

Jenny greeted him by blowing a powdered kiss in his direction using her Nevermeltice.

He caught the kiss in his hand and tapped it on his chest. "Jenny," Joey sang in a deep tone, sending shivers down the Jynx's spine, "it's time for your clothes to come off so I can fix them up!"

Everything stopped for Jenny, like a billowing tide being suddenly frozen over, seized and unmoving. She was still weak and unable to defend herself. She wouldn't be able to stop Joey even if she tried. The thought of him disrobing her felt... heart throbbing and naughty. Jenny felt dirty just thinking about it... and she wouldn't have to think of it for long.

Being stripped naked by Joey was horrifying and... desirable; letting him see her gorgeous, fragile, perfect skin, especially now that her injuries have been healed. He'll be able to see everything; Jenny thought of Joey scanning her hungrily with his scalding eyes. That sheer blazing heat searing into her without being shielded by her clothes made Jenny shudder in anticipation.

She didn't object, not even once. She stood above him, her shadow looming over his body, and waited. She felt his hands remove her clothes slowly until everything was off, every article of clothing stripped bare, and she didn't even flinch. She had let Joey see her completely, and she loved every second of it.

Already, she had decided to become more than just Joey's beautiful patient. She wanted something far more. She wanted to be with him forever. Jenny just needed to know if Joey wanted it as well...

Jenny was happily strolling around the field with Joey right by her side, their arms interlocking like they were star-crossed lovers meant to be together. It was a nice thought, at least; Jenny adored thinking about those daydreams far too often... and it wasn't too healthy. Jenny didn't rightfully care.

Joey was as cute as ever; the human cheerfully strutted, his eyes closed, and he hummed happily. Jenny stared ardently at him, feeling his happiness blaze like the burning sun; she loved it! She never had an issue being cold since she is an Ice-type but having something warm and comforting shielding her was a whole lot more pleasant.

"Hey, Jenny," Joey called, gaining the Jynx's total attention. "How do you feel about being here? You haven't been very verbal since we came here. You like it?"

Jenny skimmed closer to Joey, brushing her shoulder against him lovingly. She took her Nevermeltice and drew him surrounded by a heart before it melted away.

The human chuckled lightly. "Yeah, you're just like Nian," he said. Jenny looked at Joey's pure white eyes, they looked distant. "It doesn't matter where we are as long as you're with me. I like that. I was worried if you were a tad bit unhappy, but it's nice to see I was mistaken."

Jenny drew a question mark, confused.

"Well... I don't know why I thought that Jenny," he muttered. "Maybe I'm concerned... maybe I'm a little unhappy, but I certainly don't feel it. It's an odd feeling..."

Jenny grabbed Joey and shoved him against her supple breasts without thinking, trying to comfort him. Unknowingly, she was suffocating him, but the muffled yells from Joey silenced his sudden distress. Gingerly, yet with the speed of light, Joey tapped Jenny for air, and she lets him go. The human nearly fell to the ground gasping for breath; Jenny had a deceptively iron grip. Recovering, Joey stands up straight and leans against Jenny which the Jynx adored.

"Give me a warning next time that happens again, please," he said tiredly. Jenny nodded obediently. "Good. I do appreciate it; you were just trying to cheer me up."

Jenny bumps Joey with her hip. He looks and sees another question mark formed from Jenny's Nevermeltice and a sullen expression across her face.

Joey sighed. "I'm perfectly fine, I promise you that," he assured Jenny, holding her arm a little tighter. "Although..." he paused for a long while. "I had this feeling ever since I came back from the Ponyville Clinic. I think I finally realized that we may very well be stuck here forever. It never truly occurred to me until today, even when I know it'll be fine living here, it's just that... I feel the whiplash of the situation that we're in.

"It hit me harder than I thought, and I do feel a little sad despite what I've said before, though what was said is truer than anything. I think I'm a little homesick."

Jenny stared at him for a good while, taking in his words carefully.

Joey looked away and rubbed the back of his gorgeous hair sheepishly. "Sorry," he said, sighing. "This was supposed to be a nice walk. I just wanted to let it out, and you are a good listener, Jenny. And once again, I'm sorry."

Jenny didn't mind it at all; she would listen to Joey all day and all night. She couldn't be tired of the human even if she wanted to. She found it important and an honor that Joey would talk to her about anything troubling, which was rare in itself since a lot of things don't bother him.

Joey always came to her when something was weighing on his mind. She remembers that Joey often had private talks about something bothering him and that he would ask Jenny for her two cents on the matter. Though he was much closer to Nian than any other Pokémon, which Jenny found envious, the brown rabbit wasn't always the right one to turn to when it came to more sensitive subjects.

"It's okay to miss home," Jenny whispered, her angelic voice was as quiet as a mouse and as fragile as a falling dew drop after a rainy day; it would put Princess Celestia to shame. "This is a beginning for all of us; think of it as a brand new adventure. I and the rest of your family are here for you." Jenny turned to the house, lightly pulling Joey with her. "You need to rest; you are tired. Let's head back."

"B-but we haven't been out here long enough like we usually are," Joey stammered.

Hearing that Joey insists they stay outside makes her happy, knowing that even with his problems he puts her first. Jenny would love nothing more than to stay outside and stroll to nowhere with Joey, but his well-being was far more important than her desires.

"We can walk aimlessly tonight, under the stars, " Jenny suggested.

Joey smiled. "Alright," he said, "we will do that. Lead the way!"

Jenny nodded. "Gladly, " she uttered under her lips.

With nothing more to say, Jenny and her human sauntered unhurriedly back to their new home.

"Sure," Joey said merrily, clasping his hands around Jenny's. "Of course, you can join my family. I was going to present the question to you today!"

Jenny felt her heart burn with love. He wanted her, with him, forever, as a part of his family. She can always feel his warmth and see that handsome smile every day for the rest of her entire life. She was wanted. Jenny held back the flood of tears in her eyes, failing spectacularly as they streamed down her face.

She wasn't going to be alone anymore, never again trek the world by her lonesome; she had found a home; close to a comforting fire.