• Published 5th Jun 2022
  • 1,670 Views, 36 Comments

The Human and His Lopunny - Burningbloom78

During a crisis involving the Pokémon of Time and Pokémon of Space, a human and his partner for life is caught in the crossfire of two destructive strikes that warped their reality, opening a portal that casts them to a place of mystery.

  • ...

Celestia's Plight

Of the past a tale of solemnity.

A four-legged creature was forced to commit crimes for a criminal organization to protect Pokémon in cages ever since it was little. It did horrible things, actions that can never be fixed, but it did it in the hope of saving those Pokémon.

One day, it reluctantly helped smuggle Pokémon into an abandoned warehouse. The ones with the burning 'R' etched across their uniforms began to abuse the Pokémon into submission. That day, it had enough and fought against the organization, but only to fall and fail close to death's door. The crest across its face, once proud, now cracked and rent, served as a shameful reminder of its failure.

When all seemed lost, a group of Pokémon Rangers stormed in, assisted by a non-member with a Lopunny. They defeated those criminals and shut down their entire operation, and then aided the tortured Pokémon. Meanwhile, the human and his Lopunny rushed over to the four-legged creature and nursed it back to health.

After a while, a connection was formed between the two and the human asked the creature if it would like to come with him. Smitten by this hero, the four-legged creature made it its mission to help and serve him in any way the human desired.

Morning has made its way bright and early. The rising sun's blissful light listlessly filters through the glass window, flooding its illustrious luminescence into the dark bedroom. The warmth of the sunlight gracefully touches the furry cheek of a Lopunny. She giggled in her sleep, shuffling on her comfy bed as her hand mindlessly searches for her partner, feeling the section where he should be, but alas, there wasn't that warming, soft, sensitive surface.

Disappointed, but not deterred, the Lopunny stretches her arm to continue searching for her comfy pillow but to no avail; She couldn't feel him anywhere on the bed. She couldn't feel Joey.

An irritated groan escaped her lips as her eyes slowly fluttered open. She sits up with a hand lazily gripping the covers over her chest and peered to the left, confirming her suspicions. Joey was not in bed. What is Nian to do without her human pillow? She always slept on Joey's torso ever since she was a Buneary. She loved hearing him breathe lightly in her ears, feeling his chest rise and lower with each muted breath; It was so soothing for her. Without him, the poor Lopunny couldn't go back to sleep.

Slightly vexed and groggy, Nian huffed and veered her head around the room, looking for any trace of Joey. His shoes were near the bedroom door, but his clothes are nowhere to be seen. Then her ears perked up and alerted the Pokémon towards the bathroom. Nian heard the water running. Nian wondered why Joey was up so early. As she continued to listen, the water shut off and she could hear him walking toward the door.

Joey stepped out of the bathroom and stretched, popping a few bones in the process. Nian saw him fully dressed and couldn't figure out why.

"Oh, Nian, you're awake," Joey said gaily, walking to the Lopunny and planting a tender kiss on her forehead. "Glad you took my advice on giving your daily regimen the backseat; The additional rest will do you wonders. So, how's my sweetheart today? I hope I didn't wake you, I tried to be quiet."

The Lopunny shook her head, feeling the spot Joey kissed her and smiled. Usually, when Nian and Joey were around other people and Pokémon, she didn't like pet names, especially when the rabbit presented herself as a feisty go-getter. Alone, however, is a different story. She loved it when Joey gave her a lot of affection.

"Good, I was worried. Come on and get out of bed, those lovely ears of yours need a good brush, or do you need me to carry you?"

Nian blushed. Joey was too nice for his own good.

He chuckled, saying, "I'll take that as a yes! Alright, here we go... hup-hup!"

Joey slid his hands under Nian's legs and behind as she squeaked in surprise, instantly picking her up as if she was a feather, revealing a dark blue robe tucked firmly around her body. Whenever Joey decided to sleep in a town with a hotel, Nian usually wore a night robe to bed. She loved how it felt against her silky fur.

Joey guided Nian to a mirror resting atop a desk next to the window. He pulled up a chair and sat her down, reached to the foot of the bed for his backpack, fished out her brush, and began to lightly stroke Nian's ears, which got a delightful murmur in response.

Joey always knew how to get Nian calm or relaxed, it has saved him from her wrath many times in the past. He loved doting on the rabbit and spoiling her on occasion, and Nian relished every second. To Nian, getting her ears brushed is her favorite activity with Joey; They were alone with no interruptions, happy and enjoying each other's company; She had Joey all to herself.

"Nian, your ears have been getting quite fluffy lately," Joey commented, making the brown rabbit blush. "You've been taking extra care of them. Is there a reason?"

"Lopunny," she let out happily with a defiant huff.

"Ah," Joey replied with a chuckle. "To be the best Lopunny around, right? Well, you are certainly paving that road!"

"Lop... Lopunny?" she questioned her partner.

"Where I'm going so early? Well... I, uh, I got a scroll from Twilight yesterday informing me that the princess of this nation wants an audience with me today."

Though Nian was thoroughly enjoying Joey's delicate strokes, her brows furrowed slightly in vexation. "Lopunny...? Loppy. Lopunny?"

"I don't really know exactly what she wants," he replied. "I was told that this princess has some kind of problem and that she wanted to know if I could help. And... you know me, always one to help, so I accepted the invitation. Twilight will be here shortly."

"Lopunny," Nian stated firmly, attempting to disrobe herself, but Joey stopped her. Confused, Nian turned from the mirror to look at Joey. "Lopunny?"

Joey sighed and rubbed the back of his head. "I know you want to come, but I... decided that it'd be better if you stayed here until I came b-"

Immediately, Nian slammed her fist on the desk with a fiery scowl causing Joey to recoil in surprise. He should have known Nian would react this way regardless of how he tried to word it. At least she's fully awake.

"Lopunny!" Nian slammed the desk again. The rabbit was absolutely livid. "Lop!"

"Look, I'm only going to be gone for an hour or two and I thought this would be a good opportunity for you to bond with the other Pokémon," he reasoned with the angry rabbit. "I'll be back before you know it, I promise."

Nian huffed, storming from the desk and shoving Joey away. She turned and glared at him. "Lopunny," she stomped the floor as it shook from her irritation. "Lop, Lopunny!"

"N-Nian," Joey stammered, "I, uh, I-I know you don't want to be downstairs with the others, but you can't keep separating yourself from them." Joey slowly approached the fuming rabbit and kneeled to meet with her eyes. "I'm not bringing anyone else, okay? I'm just going to see what's wrong and I'll come right back." He gently cupped Nian's cheeks with his hands. "Stay here and try to get along with everyone, especially with Narros. Can you do that for me?"

Nian lightly slapped Joey's hands away, but he grabs her again, this time by the arms. "Lopunny..."

Joey pulled the rabbit for a tender embrace. "I know... I don't like being away from-"

A soft knock on the door alerted Joey and Nian.

"Come in," Joey calls out. The door opens to reveal Yuna holding her paw against her chest. "Yuna?" Joey stands and walks over to the demure Lucario. "What's the matter?"

Yuna hesitates when she saw Nian upset, but then she says, "Lu... Lucario?"

"Don't worry, there's nothing wrong," Joey assured the wary Lucario. "Nian and I were just having a small disagreement. Did we wake you?"

Yuna shook her head quickly and shifted her white eyes toward the floor, twiddling her fingers. "Lucario... Lucario?"

Joey gave the sweet Lucario a faint smile. "I won't be gone long." He leans forward and whispered, "Do me a favor and stick by Nian until I return. She's going to need the company. Can you do it?"

Yuna looked over Joey's shoulder and saw Nian glowering at her. Shaking, she turns to Joey with an unsure murmur.

Joey sighed and rubbed the top of Yuna's head as her tail began to wag. "Come on... Where's that beautiful smile of yours?" Yuna's cheeks turn red as a cute grin formed on her face. "There it is. What do you say?"

Yuna meekly clenched her fist and tapped it across her chest. "Lucario!"

Joey gave a hearty laugh in response. "That's my wonderful Yuna!" Joey turns to face Nian who was more than a little miffed at the moment. "Nian, treat Yuna well. As the alpha of this group, I expect you to work with little Yuna and be friendly. Understood?"

With a dark grimace, Nian crossed her arms and grumbled something under her lips. Little Yuna is the baby of the group, constantly following Joey around like a Boltund to a moving stick, and Nian had to look after the baby as leader of the Pokémon team. When Yuna was a Riolu and hadn't perfected the skill to properly use her aura on account of her blindness, she often waddled away from the group with only Nian noticing and chasing after her. This caused the two to go on wacky adventures that typically ended with Nian getting extremely dirty, which is the most dreadful thing for a Lopunny since they loved to appear clean and groomed.

"Come on, Nian, work with me here," Joey pleaded, but the Lopunny wasn't having any of it. She just wasn't cooperating. An idea sprang into Joey's mind as he walked up to Nian and whispered something in her ear.

Confused, Yuna witnessed Nian's face going from anger to confusion, and then to complete and total shock. Nian's hands rose to her cheeks as a valley of red flooded her face. She shook lightly as Joey continued and bashfully turned her gaze to the ground in clear disbelief. Eventually, Nian agreed to Joey's wishes without a single complaint.

"L-L-Lopunny," Nian muttered, trying to wrap her head around what Joey stated. "Lop... Lopunny..." She saw Joey slowly bobbing his head up and down, then she elicited a squeak.

"I'll do that for you once I get back, no excuses," Joey said with a smug smile. "With no brush. And I'll be thorough."

Another squeak escaped Nian's quivering lips as she put her hands on Joey's mouth to get him to stop speaking about it aloud. Yuna was quite curious. What did Joey say to make Nian agree with him? Perhaps head pats and cuddling. Yuna loves to curl up and snuggle.

"Lucario?" Yuna let out.

Joey pulled Nian's small hands away. "Oh, you want to know what I said? Well, it's a special treat I give Nian where I tou-"

"Lopunny!" Nian doubled her efforts and pinned Joey to the floor and put her arm over his mouth before promptly turning to Yuna and saying, "Lopunny, Lop, Lop! Lopunny!"

Joey could only laugh at Nian's embarrassment, but when he saw his rabbit clenching her fist, Joey put his arms in the air to surrender. As much as it was a joy to see Nian drop character and get flustered, the teasing could only go so far before bones start breaking.

"Nian, could you please get off me?"

Nian looked at Joey with a glare, slowly removing herself from her partner. Taking a deep breath, Joey rose from the floor and dusted himself off quickly just before he heard the doorbell ring.

"Oh," Joey exclaimed, "Twilight's here." He looked over to Nian and kissed her on the forehead again. "Let's go meet her."

To say Twilight was a little uneasy isn't wrong. The moment she stepped past the fence, Mechan and Nils stared at her in silence. Having a large bird eying you down like a mouse wasn't exactly thrilling nor was the metallic creature perched on the roof. Though slightly apprehensive, Twilight had made her way to the door and rang the bell.

She tapped her hoof in wait, cautiously looking back at Nils staring her down from the trees. He didn't move an inch; he was like a statue, and that glaring stare sent chills down Twilight's body. Promptly taking her eyes off the large bird, Twilight gazed at a white creature with a curved horn basking in the sun's warm rays.

"These creatures are truly magnificent," Twilight said. "All of them are Joey's. I have got to ask him more about these... Pokémon."

While Twilight gushed internally at the prospect of learning more about Pokémon, her attention was dragged to the front door where she sees a human dressed in a black jacket with a dark blue shirt, blue jeans, a black cap, black fingerless gloves, and white shoes. His white eyes shined in the sunlight and his beaming smile was etched across his caramel face.

Though Twilight appreciated Joey's manners, his attire left her curious. "Joey, why are you wearing black? It's warm outside today. I don't want you to have a heat stroke. Also, good morning!"

Joey waved off Twilight's concerns. "Mornin' to ya, Twilight. I wear all of this because I get cold easily, but I thank you for showing concern... I appreciate it."

"No problem," she replied. "Our ride is here to take us to Canterlot Castle." Twilight gestures to a golden chariot manned by two pegasus stallions in gold armor. "Also, I was recently informed that Princess Celestia is currently in the royal garden, so we'll meet with her there. Are you ready to go?"

Before Joey could answer, Twilight saw a slightly annoyed rabbit in a night robe holding Joey's arm protectively and glaring at the Friendship Princess, but the purple pony noticed Nian's glare was a lot tamer and reserved.

"Good morning, Nian," Twilight greeted, hoping to get an answer. All interactions between her and the rabbit have unfortunately been quite negative, and Twilight would love nothing more than to start well again.

"Lopunny," Nian grumbled before getting in front of Joey. Nian didn't tower over Twilight, but she was a head taller than the alicorn. It was enough to make Twilight step away. "Lop... Lopunny. Lopunny."

Twilight couldn't understand Nian's speech, but judging from the tone, it was intimidating and expressed caution.

Joey placed a comforting hand on Nian's head. "Nian is saying to be careful with me, she gets worried when we're separated," he told the purple pony. "How long do you think I'll be gone? I aim to abate my rabbit's concerns."

"Well," Twilight started, "the ride to Canterlot will take ten minutes, and the meeting with Princess Celestia could last twenty minutes to an hour. You'll be back home just before noon." Twilight began to canter to the chariot. "The faster we get there, the faster you'll be back home, so let's get to it."

"Got it," Joey called out. "I'll be there in a second." He turns his attention to Nian and cupped her cheeks again. "I'll be fine," he assured his partner. "Hold the fort until I'm back. Love ya."

Nian held onto Joey's hands with her own. "Lopunny," she whispered. "Lopunny..."

"That's my feisty girl," Joey breathed. He and Nian shared a heartfelt nuzzle before he lets her go. "See you soon."

Joey jogged over to Twilight and got into the golden chariot. He waves from the seat as Nian returns the gesture before the two guards sprinted and flew off the ground. Nian watched as the chariot got further and further from view. Yuna comes to Nian's side and places a paw on her shoulder.

Groaning, she looks around outside and sees Nils roosting and... Narros sunbathing. Private time with Joey will have to wait.

True to Twilight's words, the duo had indeed arrived at the castle resting along the mountain, and as Joey has seldom seen castles as opulent and decorated, even the city below, which Twilight informed is Canterlot City, shared in the castle's lavishness.

Although Joey wanted to see more than just mere glimpses of the city, he had to stay on track. The golden chariot descends downward to the castle's main gates with a gentle landing and pulled up to an entrance leading into a lush garden. The vibrant colors caught Joey's eyes as he leaped from the chariot to examine the garden's verdant beauty.

Twilight was quite surprised by Joey's speed. Up until now, Joey hasn't shown any signs of physical activity on account of being buried in thick clothes, often walking and taking in the sights at a leisurely pace, but as she saw, the clothes have done nothing to slow him down.

Teleporting off the chariot and bidding farewell to the stallions who pulled the chariot, Twilight canters up to Joey and nudges his hand with her snout.

"What's up," he says.

Twilight gestures with her head toward the entrance of the garden. "Come on," she said, "Princess Celestia is waiting inside. We don't want to keep her and please be delicate with the flowers, they wilt easily from touch."

Joey quickly reeled his hand away from the flowers as a chuckle escaped his lips. He walks with Twilight deeper into the grove of the garden, and at the very end is a figure of an alicorn, white and golden. As Joey got closer, he felt an unseen presence pervading the area around him; it was calm and comforting like he could let go of all his fears and worries.

Her holy stature demanded respect and loyalty, her majestic rainbow mane and tail flowed slowly like seaweed, forever beautiful in endless motion, and her large, immaculate wings clung to her sides. The alicorn turns to meet her guest, revealing an exalted three-pronged crown, a large golden necklace, or a collar around her neck with a purple gemstone embedded in the center. Her purple eyes shined with mysterious luminance. Her cutie mark is the sun.

"Wow," Joey breathed, taking in Princess Celestia's sheer beauty. "She has ruler title written all over her. Wow."

Twilight giggled at Joey's astonishment. "It's not polite to stare, silly. Approach and listen to her problem. Meanwhile, I'll be staying right here."

"You mean you aren't going to be by my side?"

"I'm afraid not," Twilight replied before laying on the lush garden surface. "This is a meeting between you and her. I won't be going anywhere if that's what you are worried about."

"Alright, alright," Joey said. "Let's see what this princess of yours wants."

Slowly and carefully, Joey walks up to Princess Celestia and bows in respect and she reciprocates the gesture.

"Raise your head, I want to have a good look at your face," Princess Celestia told the human. He did what she desired and stared directly at Her Majesty's heaven-touched countenance. "Your eyes... are beautiful; white is precious and rare, I've only seen two other ponies who share those eyes. From Twilight's letter, your name is Joeshur Riverside, yes?" The human nodded, but he said to call him Joey if she wanted. "Good. My name is Princess Celestia, but you may call me Celestia."

Joey rubbed the back of his head. It wasn't often he met with royalty, and rarer still be the chance to hold a conversation, but from Celestia's affable and approachable disposition it was easy for Joey to get comfortable around her. It was like Princess Celestia, though exalted and demure, is more of the everyman.

"It's nice to meet you, Celestia," Joey said trying to not sound like an idiot, but that's half his personality. "I was told you had something bothering you. Well, I would like to help."

To know Joey was willing and able to help her even when he doesn't know her at all really touched Princess Celestia. There's a saying: the only way to trust someone is by trusting them, essentially putting your faith in them and seeing if they pull through. Right now, Joey trusts Celestia, and he is putting his faith in her to pull through.

Princess Celestia turned her gaze out to a horizon. Joey joined her and stared at the wonderful view.

"This world is a beautiful place," Celestia whispered. "It's filled with many wonders, both good and bad, and those in between. Every day I wake up to view this beauty, Joey, but you know what they say about beauty; there's always something ugly behind it. Something that offsets the charm... Of something that stalks just below the surface. There are good ponies and there are bad ponies, and scarcely would there be those in the liminal middle, before they choose a side.

"Some uphold the honor and sanctity of the world, believing peace and justice rule all with a kind yet firm hoof. Some act selfishly, coercing others into giving them what they want, a means to their end. There's always turmoil just festering below..." Celestia's horn glowed as an object appeared in Joey's view. It was a bottle filled with a mysterious purple liquid. "You want to know what is bothering me? This is what."

Joey studied the bottle that floated in front of him, but nothing came to mind. He's never seen something like that before.

"What you see here is a magical concoction created for illegal use. This purple taint, when drunk, heightens the magic of a pony for a short time, but it comes with a harmful drawback," Her Radiance explained. "It causes internal pain and severe nausea. I have sent guards all over Canterlot to ensure nothing leaves the city without being thoroughly examined.

"I contained the problem; most who're responsible have already met their comeuppance, and there are still a few that linger out on the streets of my fair city, and through rigorous investigation, the remaining criminals may be held at an old warehouse near one of the exits of the city.

"This is my plight. This is a covert operation led by only two of my royal guards. What I ask is that you assist me in this endeavor, scope out the warehouse, and identify the felons and the goods. Do not worry, you will be compensated for your involvement."

"Alright, I'll do it, but there is one thing I want to make clear," Joey said seriously. "I and my partners do not kill."

A smile appeared across Princess Celestia's face. "I wouldn't have it any other way."