• Published 13th Jun 2022
  • 937 Views, 12 Comments

EQG Series Finale (new) - Part 1/2 - EverythingGuy

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It was a week after Valentines Day. Flash had spent said day with his group of friends from both Hayton and CHS, and had finished the day with a special dinner with his aunt uncle and cousin and the twins and their parents, after which the two families had given V-Day calls to his father and brother, and the twins’ older sister Morning Roast who was away at college. He was now in the mall on the CHS side of the city with Comet and Cheese. His birthday was coming in a month and they were looking for the best place to get decorations to prepare. They were also discussing the whole “magic in their dimension” situation.

“So we actually all went to the other dimension when the yacht sank fully.” Flash said. He was telling them about the spring break ocean incident. “Through a sinking pool of sand, no less”.

“Did you see … her?” Comet asked hesitantly.

Flash looked at the floor. “Yeah. In her castle. But I didn’t talk to her, or even look at her twice. I just walked right back through that mirror.” Comet and Cheese both put a hand on his shoulder.

“That’s probably part of this reason this Twilight got with her boyfriend.” Flash said, being careful not to say Timber’s name “When she first came to CHS during the Friendship games, me and everyone else just thought she was the other Twilight. So those first few weeks after she transferred, I could see her, but not actually SEE her. I was just remembering.” He sighed “Not that I really blame her.” The other boys frowned in sympathy for their friend and gave him a gentle hug, which he returned.

“You know what this whole situation sounds like?” Cheese commented as they broke the hug. “It sounds like … like the plot to a really really bad spinoff of a really great cartoon that was only meant to be a one time thing but spiraled out of control and was never even finished.”

Flash and Comet looked at each other, then back at Cheese. “That’s quite an interesting way to describe it.” replied Flash.

“Yeah, it really is!”

The three boys looked up and saw Pinkie Pie and Fluttershy standing nearby. They quickly turned to leave, only for Pinkie to suddenly appear in front of them. “Hey, Flash! Haven’t seen you in school a while! Who are they? Are they your friends? Hi new friends, I’m Pinkie Pie do you wa-“

“Hey, back up witch!” Comet snapped loudly causing the pink girl to immediately stop talking and jump backwards in fright.

“Comet!” Flash held him back “We talked about this!” Comet just continued to scowl. “Sorry about him.” Flash said to the two girls. “He has protective BFF instincts.”

“And he’s a bit on edge about you and your friends wielding interdimensional forces.” Cheese commented. “Which I must admit, I’m a little uneasy about myself.”

“Hey, don’t worry boys! We’ve got everything under control!” said Pinkie, smiling so wide, her teeth were next to her ears. The boys looked at each other. They weren’t even slightly convinced.

“Where have you been?” Fluttershy managed to ask Flash, having been more scared by Comet’s shout. “We haven’t seen you around in a while.”

“I transferred to their school.”

Pinkie started to gain one of her horrified “missed party” looks “Why didn’t you tell me?! I didn’t get to-“

“No party, please. My family and I are still in town anyway.” Flash quickly cut in. That made Pinkie look better.

“What are you guys doing here anyway?” Fluttershy asked.

“Looking for birthday decorations.”

Pinkie’s face brightened even further.

“No.” Comet interjected before Pinkie could speak again. “I don’t want either of you or the rest of your group coming anywhere near our houses.“

“But, but-” she stammered.

“No, Pinkie. Trust me, you don’t want to make him even angrier.” Flash affirmed.

“Besides,” added Cheese, “I’ve already got most of it covered. It was Comet’s idea, of course.”

“You plan parties too?” Pinkie asked excitedly. Cheese nodded.

“Cheese Sandwich.” He offered her a handshake.

“Pinkie Pie!” She eagerly accepted.

Comet pulled him back by his shoulder in annoyance.

“Dude, no.”


Comet just gave him a deadpan look. “You know what.”

Cheese sighed “Fine.”

Flash looked at the pink girl again. “Look, Pinkie. If you absolutely must have your party sense satisfied somehow, you can get me a present and leave it somewhere I can pick it up, but you can’t come to my house. Is that enough?”

“Are you sure?”

“Yes. Please respect that.”

Pinkie looked dejected but agreed to Flash’s request. “Okay.”

“Thank you.”

The boys made their leave to resume their search for a good decoration place. “We’ve really gotta be more careful from now on.” Flash muttered to his friends.


Some days later, the Rainbooms were at their usual meetup place, Sugarcube Corner. Twilight had a lot on her mind. Yesterday she had confided in her brother’s once again girlfriend about not feeling attracted to Timber anymore, and Cadence had given her some helpful break up advice. And now she felt the need to tell her friends about what she was going to do.

Twilight spoke, getting their attention “Girls? There’s something I have to tell you. Can you not tell anyone else?” They nodded.

At that moment, the door opened and in walked none other than Moondancer. She noticed the Rainbooms and made her way around them to the front counter rather nervously.

“I’m here to pick up an order for the Skies.” She said.

“Oh yes, of course.” said Mrs Cake. She walked off towards the back and came back with a cake in a box. “Here you go, dear.”

“Thank you.” replied Moondancer, who turned to leave. Sunset, having seen her, got up and held the door open. “Thanks.” Moondancer said quickly, hurrying away before Sunset could say anything else. She got back to her mother’s car and they left.

Sunset stared for a moment, then shrugged and sat back down. “So Twilight, what were you going to tell us?” She asked her best friend, turning the other girls’ attention back to her.

“Oh right.” Twilight’s face turned serious, she took a deep breath and dropped it “I’m going to break up with Timber Spruce.”


The next day, Moondancer and her friends were at the park where she was lecturing them about various scientific topics while putting her own unique view on the matters. She wanted to become a professor in the future, and the girls were an excellent practice audience even if they barely understood most of what she was talking about.

Right now, she was talking about time only seeming to be moving to people, since they only go one day at a time. If time all happened at once, your life would be, as she described it “like a city around you.” “Time and Relative Dimension in Space.” She finished. “It means life.”

Lemon Hearts, Twinkleshine, and Minuette clapped. “You get better with each one!” Just then, Moondancer glanced off to the side and noticed a familiar group of colors watching them. “Let’s move this somewhere else.” She said hastily, her friends quickly agreeing upon noticing who else was there. They started to walk away, but it was too late.

“Hello!” Squealed the party planner who just appeared in front of them. “I’m Pinkie Pie! Do you want to be friends? Are you new in town? Do you need a welcome to town party? Do you want to be best friends forever and ever?!

“What?” Moondancer managed to say after 10 seconds of Pinkie smiling at them like crazy.

Twilight walked up and tapped her on the shoulder. Moondancer sighed hesitantly and turned to face her. “Can we help the bunch of you?”

“Yes. I’m so sorry, we didn’t mean to intrude but I couldn’t help overhear you talking. What you were saying about time was so fascinating.”

Moondancer was flattered “Thanks.”

“Are you a scientist too?!” Twilight exclaimed, getting excited. Moondancer just nodded, making her clap her hands in happiness.

Sunset coughed to get her attention. “Remember us? We’re the girls from the cafe yesterday.”

“Yes.” Moondancer said reluctantly.

“I don’t recall seeing any of you before.” Rarity spoke up. “Do you go to Crystal Prep?”

Twinkleshine, Lemon Hearts, and Minuette screamed and dove to the ground, frightening the others. Moondancer just briefly trembled in terror and disgust.

“Just hearing the name of that place makes my skin crawl.” Lemon Hearts shuddered.

“I’m so sorry, dears.”

“Don’t be. That living nightmare of a school is enough to give anyone the shudders.”

“No argument there.” said Applejack.

And to answer your question, we’re from Hayton Central.”

“Hayton? That school on the other side of town?” asked Rainbow.

“That’s the one.”

“Do you” Sunset briefly paused “remember seeing me at the mall? I saw you with someone I know and another guy.”

Moondancer just nodded. “If you must know, that was my twin brother Comet Tail. And be glad you’re talking to me right now instead of him.”

“Your brother called us w-w-witches.” Fluttershy sniffed. All the other girls frowned in anger, the Hayton girls a bit less so.

“Sorry about that.” Minuette chirped “Comet has protective instincts for the ones he cares about.”

Twilight gained a very awkward look “So I take it you know about-“ the foursome just nodded.

Sunset looked annoyed “So that’s why he transferred. I should have known.”

That made the foursome angry. “Well if you’re just going to insult them now, then please go away.” Twinkleshine said firmly. They turned to leave.

“No, no.” Sunset hurried in front of them “Sorry. That-that came out wrong.”

“For your information,” said Moondancer getting close to her face “Comet and Flash aren’t idiots. And he transferred for her sake, not his own.”

“Me?” asked Twilight, who Moondancer had gestured to.

“Yes, so you wouldn’t have to see him. You know, because of … it”.

Twilight didn’t know why, but that actually made her a little sad.

From there, the conversations continued amongst all the girls and became much more open and welcome. Eventually, some new friendships were made and text contacts were exchanged. They decided however that it would be best to keep this to themselves for now.