• Published 13th Jun 2022
  • 923 Views, 12 Comments

EQG Series Finale (new) - Part 1/2 - EverythingGuy

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Somewhere on the edge of Canterlot City was an average suburban neighborhood that was just like any ordinary town. One of the houses in the town was a smaller than average two story house. Inside this house, in one of the bedrooms on the second floor, was a yellow skinned teenage boy with blue hair. Flash Sentry was laying on his bed staring at the ceiling. He was feeling very …. conflicted to say the least. Lately, his life had taken a turn for the weird.

Four years ago, a girl named Sunset Shimmer had shown up at his school and proclaimed herself the queen bee, making everyone fear her. She drove friends apart, terrorized anyone who dared to stand up to her, and had been his girlfriend for a short time but only to gain popularity. Of course Flash found that out and furiously broke up with her. Two years after Sunset arrived, a beautiful girl named Twilight Sparkle had shown up and took down Sunset in less than two days which ended in a fiasco of Sunset briefly turning into a demon. Flash had fallen for Twilight, not only for how pretty she was, but how much she cared about helping friends and people in general. But then, after he was lucky enough to get a dance with her (a VERY strange dance), she disappeared. For a while anyway. When three mysterious girls with mind controlling singing had shown up and turned everyone in the school against each other in a “Battle of the Bands” as they called it, Twilight reappeared to help her new friends the Rainbooms fight off their influence, and that was when Flash had learned that she and Sunset were ponies from another dimension. After the Dazzlings fled the school, Twilight left again. And then a few months later everything got even more confusing.

When it came time for the Friendship Games between CHS and Crystal Prep, Twilight Sparkle had shown up once more, but not the one Flash and everyone else knew. She was the Twilight Sparkle of this dimension, she had not had real friends before (she also had glasses), and she went through a transformation similar to Sunset. She also had no interest in Flash, her boyfriend that she met at Camp Everfree was enough proof of that. Ever since then, Flash had been as respectful as he could to this Twilight, Sunset, and their friends, although he did end up getting involved in their situations a few times, thanks partly to the magic disturbances that were now popping up all over the place.

It was thoughts of all these events that led Flash to where he was now. He was tired. Tired of magical chaos, tired of being in potential danger, tired of being caught in this, and most of all, tired of his love dilemma. Half of him wished he had never met either Twilights, and the the other half wished he simply had never fallen for the Pony Twilight so he wouldn’t have any problems interacting with the Human Twilight. Of course, he didn’t blame either Twilight, Sunset, or even Human Twilight’s boyfriend Timber Spruce for his situation. This was completely his own doing. But it was hard to not feel negatively about it sometimes.

Flash was interrupted by a knock on his bedroom door. “Flash! Mom says family talk!” came the voice of his cousin First Base.

“Coming!” Flash responded. He came out of his room, and the two went downstairs and into the dining room. They sat down at a table across from two grownups, a man with dark green skin and yellow hair and a woman with dark blue skin and white blue hair. They were Base’s parents, Heat Flame and Water Wave.

“Boys, we have an announcement to make.” said Heat. “This is probably going to feel very out of nowhere, but we’re moving to a bigger house.” Flash’s eyes widened.

“Moving?!” exclaimed Base. “At the beginning of the school year?!”

“Don’t worry, we’re still going to be in the city and close enough to the school” said Water. That visibly eased Base’s concern.

“When did this happen?” Flash asked. “And why?”

Heat and Water’s faces turned serious. “We’ve been planning this for a while.” Water explained. “This house is getting kind of small for us.” There was no argument there. “We did get slightly less squished together after Firestreak left, but you two need plenty more space.” Firestreak was Flash’s older brother who had gone off to college and joined a sports team. “And, we found a place that’s perfect for us.” Water concluded.

“We also have your father to thank for this, Flash.” added Heat.

Flash instantly knew what that meant. His father Metal Gleam, Water’s brother, worked for a big company on the other side of the country, which provided him with a near six digit income every year, and he sent part of his income to them. Metal had been working there ever since his wife Spring Blossom had died of a terminal illness. She was diagnosed with the condition one day, seemingly out of nowhere, and after sixteen months of fighting it and being treated, she eventually passed in the hospital with her husband and two sons by her side. After Spring was gone, Metal had been in a very hard place, where he now had to not only raise his boys alone, but also pay for their house at the same time. So the following year Metal had left his sons in Water and Heat’s care, while he moved to be closer to his new job. Flash was ten years old at the time, while Firestreak was fourteen, so they were affected a little by their sudden new lifestyle, but not too badly. Metal always made sure to come see them when he got a chance. So it didn't surprise Flash and Base very much that Metal had been part of this.

“So when exactly are we moving?” Flash asked his aunt and uncle.

“Just after Halloween” Heat answered. “Now, there’s one other thing else you need to know in advance.” He shared a glance with Water before facing the cousins again. “We’re going to have our new neighbors a bit … close. We’re going to be in a duplex.”

That was unexpected. “A double house? Come on, I don’t want to be living right next to strangers!” Base complained.

“I think you’ll be surprised, son.” said Heat. “And you’ll both be pleased with our neighbors. Especially you, Flash.”

That night, Flash lay in his bed staring at the ceiling again. He wondered what his new bigger home was going to be like. And he was certainly curious about what Heat and Water had said about him being especially pleased with their new neighbors. Did they know something? Whatever it was, he’d find out in a few months.