• Published 13th Jun 2022
  • 937 Views, 12 Comments

EQG Series Finale (new) - Part 1/2 - EverythingGuy

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Late Night Talk

Flash and Comet stood on the top floor deck overlooking the backyard and the woods beyond. After finishing dinner, clearing the table, and brushing their teeth, the two had come up here to talk. Comet’s house had a door to the deck too, so the deck was basically a place where they could essentially move back and forth between the two houses. The sun had gone down, and stars filled the night sky above.

“So what’s up?” Comet asked, breaking the silence. “You seemed kinda nervous back there when Moony asked you about your personal life. Did something bad happen to you?”

Flash continued to stare out toward the woods “It’s a really weird long story. I don’t even know if you’d believe it.”

“Try me.”

Flash hesitated. He hadn’t ever talked about his love issue with anyone but Derpy and Micro. Sandalwood meant well, but wasn’t exactly the right person to talk to about that specific problem. But this was Comet. His oldest and most trusted companion. He sighed and turned to him. “Okay, have you heard of … strange things happening around the city lately?”

“You mean crazy stuff involving really weird energy? Moony’s been talking about it nonstop.”

That made sense. Moondancer was just as much of a scientist as Twilight, and she particularly liked to check out anything out of the ordinary. So she would definitely have reason to investigate the magic occurrences, and Comet would therefore have reason to hear about it.

“Well,” said Flash “all of that has something to do with it. I gotta warn you, this is gonna sound really crazy.”

“Dude, you’re my best friend. Whatever it is, I’ll listen. Even if it sounds nuts to me.”

“Okay. It all started four years ago. A girl named Sunset Shimmer showed up at school…”

Flash explained everything to Comet. Sunset’s initial takeover of CHS, how Twilight had appeared and taken her down, the incident with the Dazzlings, how the Human Twilight had then shown up during the Friendship Games, and that she didn’t like him. He didn’t mention who she was dating, since Comet had protective instincts for whose he cared about deeply, and he didn’t want him to do anything rash. When Flash was finished, Comet looked half furious and half flabbergasted

“So let get me straight.” said Comet after a few seconds of silence “There’s a portal to another dimension where everyone is a talking horse, there’s magic from that dimension leaking into this one, and one of those horses is in this dimension in the body of a teenage girl and in a band with six actual human girls and they’ve all got crazy powers from that magic? Oh, and you like one of those girls after falling for her double from the horse world, but she’s dating someone else?”

“Yeah, that’s about it.” Flash looked back out toward the woods. “I know, it sounds ridiculous.”

“Not gonna lie, it kinda does.” Comet replied “But I’ll take your word for it.”

Flash turned to him, surprised “You believe me?”

“It would explain all the crazy energy. And besides, I’ve known you long enough to know you wouldn’t normally try and convince someone that something like that actually happened.” Comet’s face became angrier and he punched his closed right hand into his open left one “Yeah man, I believe you. So where can I find them?”

Flash turned serious “Comet, no.”

“No one breaks my BFFFL’s heart and gets away with it!”

“No!” Flash’s raised voice made Comet pause. “Look I get it, your ‘protective BFFFL instincts’ are ringing. But beating up Sunset, Twilight, or her boyfriend isn’t going to solve anything. If you do that, you’ll be the bad guy.” Comet’s anger faded as he started to see the logic in Flash’s words.

“But Flash,” Comet spoke more gently now “don’t you want to do something?”

“Yeah. And I know exactly what. Trust me, the best thing to do is just leave it alone and let this whole thing fade into the past.”

“You know he’s right, Comet.” The boys turned to see Moondancer standing in the doorway of the twins’ house. “Revenge is never the answer. It only makes things worse.”

“How much did you hear?” asked Flash.

“Enough to know what’s going on. Not to be insensitive or to steer the conversation away from your love life issues, but is there really a portal to another dimension in front of Canterlot High?”


Moondancer’s face lit up with pure excitement. “Oh my gosh. Comet, do you know what this means?!” she said, shaking her twin by his shoulders somewhat vigorously, “If there’s another dimension with an alternate world, that means the multiverse is real!” She turned to Flash. “Flash, could you show it to me please?”

“Show you what?”

“The portal. I want to see it.”

“Whoah! Hold it, Moony!” exclaimed Comet “This isn’t the best time to get into hyped-up scientist mode. What if it’s dangerous? And besides, I think we've got a more sensitive issue to take care of here.”

“It’s okay, bud.” said Flash, “It’s not like the portal’s gonna suck us in if we get too close. And remember, it’s better to just leave that other issue alone and let it fade. That’s what I’m doing already. Besides, Twilight’s pretty happy with her boyfriend.”

Comet wanted to protest again, but didn’t want to upset either of them, so he gave a reluctant sigh and gave in. “Alright dude, look. Does it hurt to see you pining for a girl who’s with someone else? Of course. But you’re my best friend, and if you say leaving her alone is the better thing to do, that’s what I’ll do.”

“Thanks, man.” Flash turned to Moondancer “I’ll try and find a good time to show you the portal.”

“Well, I’m coming too.” Comet quickly spoke “I’d like to see this interdimensional door too.” He turned to his twin. “And also to make sure you don’t just dive right into it.”

“Comet!” Moondancer looked annoyed while Flash snickered. He had missed the dynamic between the twins. Moondancer rolled her eyes, knowing that Comet was right.

“You know Moondancer, I think you and Twilight would get along really well.”


“She’s a scientist too.” That instantly excited her even more.

“But should they?” Comet interjected.

“Comet, if she and I do become friends, I promise I’ll keep her away from you and Flash.”

Comet wasn’t fully satisfied with that answer, but agreed nonetheless.

After a little extra conversation and a goodnight, Flash went back to his (new) house and room and the twins went back to theirs. Just before going to sleep, Flash checked his phone.

There were two texts. A reply from his father “You’re welcome :)”

And a message from Comet. ”You know, if you really want to stay away from that girl and her gang, you could always change schools.”

Flash briefly pondered that and replied, “Maybe.”