• Published 13th Jun 2022
  • 923 Views, 12 Comments

EQG Series Finale (new) - Part 1/2 - EverythingGuy

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Flash had just picked up Base from his after school club and they were now making their way back to their new house. Over the last couple months, Flash’s new daily life had become a routine of avoiding the Rainbooms like the plague whenever he was at school, and if he had any class periods with any of them, especially Twilight, he would ignore them altogether. It didn’t affect his grades or his band at all, but it was starting to get irritating. And he wasn’t the only one who thought that.

As they pulled into the driveway, Base finally broke the silence “Cous, if you’re really gonna avoid that girl all the time, you need to find a better way to do it.”

All Flash could say back was “Tell me something I don’t know.”

It was currently the Friday after Thanksgiving break, which meant that in a couple more weeks, winter break would be upon them again. While Flash was certainly looking forward to spending his first Christmas in his new house with Comet right next door, he was even more looking forward to not having to constantly dodge a certain group of girls. And in the process, he had started to consider Comet’s offer of transferring, but was still hesitant about it.

Just then his phone dinged. “Living room, 5:00. Movie.” said Comet’s text. Flash instantly smiled.

At 5:00, Flash came into the living room of the twins’ house to see Comet sitting on the couch with the remote in his right hand and two bowl of chips in the middle of the couch. Flash took a seat next to him, and they started watching. The movie was about giant crocodiles and snakes fighting and rampaging. Comet was a fan of giant animal horror movies, and this was one of several very poorly made TV films by an independent movie company. By the time the movie had reached the halfway point, the boys were laughing at just how bad the acting and CGI was and they were also yelling at the screen multiple times. But that was what made it fun.

It was at this point that Comet paused the film. “Hey bud, you want an early Christmas present?” When Flash nodded, he dug his hand into his pocket and pulled out a folded up a piece of paper. He handed it to him, and Flash took it into his own hands and unfolded it to see that it wasn’t just paper, but a transfer form for him. He gave Comet an uncertain look.

“Dude, don’t think I haven’t noticed what’s been going on lately. You can’t stay at that school as long as she’s there. My principal’s already signed it.”

“Don't you think it would look kind of weird for me to change schools in the middle of junior year? Especially after going to the same one since middle school?”

“Better than changing in senior year.”

“True. But what about my band?”

“Can’t you meet up and perform with them for events even if you’re not going to CHS?”

“Probably. But they might not like the guy in charge not going to the same school as them.” Flash gave a hesitant sigh. “I’ll …. think about it.”

“Hey.” Comet faced him again. “How about after graduation you and I ditch this city and make a name for ourselves somewhere else?”

Flash grinned. “That sounds great.” They unpaused the movie.


On the last day of school before winter break, Flash sat down in Principal Celestia’s office, with his backpack on the floor beside him and the form on front of her desk in front of him. He had made up his mind that morning and had asked to see her at the end of the day just after the final bell rang.

“Are you absolutely sure that this is what you want?” asked the principal after signing the form and putting down her pen.

“I’m positive.” He replied without hesitation.

“Is there any way at all I can convince you to change your mind?”

“Sorry, Principal Celestia. There isn’t.” Flash said firmly. He took the pen and signed the form himself, completing it. “Trust me, this is for the better.” He gave the pen back, took the form, folded it up, put it in his pocket, grabbed his backpack, and got up to leave.

“I’d just hate for you to be a student I failed.”

Flash opened the door and turned back to his now former principal. “It’s okay. You didn’t fail me. I just got caught up in a storm of crazy events that messed me up.” And with that he walked out closing the door behind him.

As he walked out the front door where Base was waiting, Flash caught sight of a familiar purple bespectacled girl and her friends walking away from the school. He and his cousin didn’t go to the school parking lot, since his car wasn’t there. They and the twins had decided that morning to walk home from their respective schools to enjoy the beginning of winter break. The twins’ parents had driven them, while Heat had driven the cousins.

Flash and Base made their way off of the school grounds and headed toward their street (in the opposite direction of the Rainbooms), where they eventually met up with the twins who were coming from their school, Hayton Central.

“Did you sign it?” asked Moondancer. Flash nodded.

“So how do you feel?” Comet asked.

Flash was silent for a moment and then said “Like I’ve got one less big problem to worry about.”

“So no more acting weird now?” asked Base.

“Hopefully” Flash responded.

And the four continued walking home towards their winter vacation, and Flash walked away from the problems he had left behind.