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Prologue: Rise of Empath

Sunset's P.O.V
It wasn't raining, there wasn't even a cold breeze. Instead a warm, gentle breeze teased the leaves on the trees as the temperature slipped into the low sixties with the sunset. I couldn't help myself and thought that rain was more fitting with how I felt. The janitor let me out of the locked computer room a couple minutes ago. It didn't matter though, Wallflower is long gone and with her that cursed rock. I have no way to find her and the sun already set.

On the third day. Making the altered memories permanent. Everyone is wrong, four isn't the unlucky number, three is. Sighing, I headed towards the bus stop. I barely sat down to wait for the bus when my phone buzzed. Pulling it out of my pocket, I glanced at the message.

Slow day Fam er clos erly c 2morrow

I allowed myself a small smile. With how bad my day has been, not needing to go to work is a blessing. The city bus eventually pulls up and I hopped on. Making my way to the clear back I sat down in an empty seat. The bus had started to move when I pulled out my non magic journal. Quickly I flipped it to an empty page that didn't have any sketches, songs, or dairy entrees on it. Pulling out a pen I wrote on the top of the page,

How to get everyone to see me

Tapping the pen against my bottom lip I thought hard. Just being myself won't work. Not while Wallflower is out to get me. She'll just use the mind stone to erase everyone's memory of me being nice. They'll only remember my temper if she keeps this up. Which she will. Uhgg, I can't even get a date 'cause the guys I'm into don't hang with "bad girls". Groaning, I looked outside the window to see that we are pulling up to my stop. Quickly, I put my stuff away and stood up.

After I got off the bus, I walked towards the small apartment I've been renting. Shoving the door open I slipped inside. Once in a gently closed the door.

"I'm home!" I called out to no one. The only other living being in the one bedroom apartment was a small lizard inside a tank.

Sighing I walked over to where Ray's tank sat on the table. "You still like me, right Ray?" I softly asked my pet. Reaching, I grabbed a jar off Lizard Feed that was sitting next to the tank. After checking that I did feed him before heading off to school this morning, I got up and walked into the kitchen to put it back in the cupboard I keep pet supplies in.

After that was done, I turned to the fridge. Opening it revealed a partial carton of orange juice, two apples, a bag of some sort of salad, a slice of Pinkie's Triple Chocolate Cake, and a half eaten Sub sandwich. Wishing for something to go my way, I grabbed the carton as I closed the fridge. I then carried it to my bedroom, chugging the juice along the way. Sitting the juice carton down on my desk, I sat down ready to do my homework when something caught my eye.

It was the comic I've been writing about my, well, my former friends as superheroes. I never had a chance to show them. They'll probably hate it since I'm a superhero too. I picked up the comic to throw away when I got a lightbulb moment. Sitting the comic down, I pulled out my journal again. Grabbing a pen, I hurriedly flipped the pages to the page I started. Once there, I quickly wrote;

How to get everyone to see me

Operation Phoenix

  1. Get Disguise
    Something cool, black maybe
  2. Don't let Wallflower Blush get to me
  4. Get cool alter name
  5. Show the World the real me
  6. Find way to get to crime scenes fast

I stopped writing the list and quickly scanned it. Deciding it will do for now, I turned my attention back to my homework. And promptly banged my head. WHO'S IDEA WAS IT TO MAKE THIS WORLD'S HISTORY A REQUIRIMENT!?! Especially now that I can't ask any of the girls for help. Mmm, maybe a head start on Operation Phoenix will clear my mind. I need material to make my suit, and groceries if I don't want to starve.

Mind made, I grabbed an old dark red hoodie, wallet, and apartment keys. History can wait!
Scootaloo's P.O.V

A man with dark purple hair, brown skin, and purple eyes wearing tan shorts, hiking boots and a white polo walked next to me as we headed to the car. Once there, he glanced at me.

"Alright Scoots. Hold the groceries while I open up the trunk, wontcha?" He asked.

I nodded, "Sure thing Dad!" With that said, Dad added his bags to mine then turned his attention to the car in front of us. Just then a gloved hand clapped over my mouth from behind me while another pressed a knife against my neck.

A scratchy voice I didn't recognized hissed in my ear, "Set the bags down and come with me now are else things will get ugly."

Scared, I did what he asked, and slowly sat the bags down. My captor then started to drag me away. He barely moved when Dad turned around. "Hey! That's my baby!"

The stranger pressed his knife harder against my neck, a pained whimper left me as it drew blood. "One wrong move and the chic dies." We then continued walking away, this time backwards so I see Dad's pain and fear. Tears roll down my cheeks as a horrifying thought came to mind. What if this is the last time I see my dad? See any of my family and friends!

Just then angry feminine voice spoke up, "Hey! Loser! Let her go! Give him back his daughter!" The kidnapper froze briefly before picking up the pace. Frantic, I tried to keep up so my legs didn't drag. Dad was now out of sight. He was still in the parking lot when something crashed into him full force.

My captor dropped me and spun around to face his assailant. She was wearing jeans, blown out sneakers, a dark red, almost black, hoodie and a red pendant that looks familiar. I couldn't see her face because of the lightning in the parking lot and her hood was pulled low over her face.

The woman spoke in the same angry voice as before. "I said let... her... GO!!! Do I need To SPELL it OUT for YOU!?!" I glanced at the criminal and back at the... is she some kind of cop?

The man growled, "Don't go anywhere brat. In fact this should insure you don't." He then reached out and grabbed me again. Roughly he yanked me towards him at the same time he pulled duc tape out of his pocket. He then quickly taped my wrists, followed by my mouth and feet, together. He then dropped me onto the asphalt.

"Listen lady, I don't got all night. The real loser is going to call security and I need to ge..."

Apparently the not listening woman lunged at the dude, punching him in the face. Swiftly, the man pulled out another knife and went to stab her. I'll refer the rescuer has Hoodie and Captor has Crook. Hoodie caught Crook's wrist though, before he can do any damage. She looked up and for a while I can see her eyes. Her GLOWING WHITE EYES.

"Here's a couple of tips. One, never ever get indebted to a crime boss and two, NEVER SELL INNOCENT GIRLS TO PAY OFF YOUR DEBTS!!! Do I make myself clear!?" Hoodie snapped angrily.

Crook gaped at her. "Wha... how.... Hey! That's private! How did you knew all that!?!" He pathetically swung a foot at her, only for Hoodie to block it, without letting go of his wrist. Maybe superhero fits her better...

Just then two mall security personnel came running around the corner. "Halt! I mean everyone Freeze!" The first officer shouted, at the same time that the second officer asked, "Is her eyes glowing?" I don't blame him, her eyes were still glowing.

Hoodie quickly disarmed Crook, handing the knife to the officers. she then spun on her heels and started to walk away, head low so no one can see her eyes.

Officer 1 called out to her, "'Xcuse me ma'am, but you need to get inside so we can get your side of the story."

Hoodie stopped, shrugged, and then called over her shoulder back turned to us. "Nothin' to talk about. Shadow Venture was planning to sell Scootaloo to a slave ring in order to pay his debt to Dark Style. I was walking past and decided to intervene. As you can tell, I won. Now excuse me, but I really need to get home to my baby." With that said she left.

All I could think of has the officers arrested Shadow Venture, freed me, and reunited me with Dad was.....

How did she know our names!!! More specific, MINE!!!!

Comments ( 5 )

Question is Wall Flower going to be in this story?

Sunset as a cool superhero?

I like it! Will Flanksy also be in this?

Ooh! She better be! I mean the whole premise of this is that she won and the aftermath of that. She'll probably be in the background for a while since that is her whole thing... she's a background character that no one pays attention to.


What do you mean by Chancy?

Maybe, it is mostly going to be Sunset trying to get people to remember her good side along the bad. But her alter ego does need an alter ego if she doesn't want Wallflower to find out......
Know what? I'll add Flanksy, it's given me a good idea to help Sunset.

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