• Published 4th Apr 2022
  • 813 Views, 62 Comments

The Empressess, A Continuation of a Continuation - Stalin with Da Spoon

So the original creators of the inspirational stories gave up, so I have taken up the mantle. Anyways, picture sunset waking up to learn her friends rule the world as demons. Credit to CrossRedStone for original and TwinAttorney864 for continuation.

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The Big Reveal

Canterlot City Castle, Central Rooftop.

As Sunset slowly stepped out onto the roof of the building beside Fluttershy, she shielded her eyes from the bright sun, as it shined bright in the sky. After a few short seconds, her eyes had adjusted to the brightness, and she lowered her hand, to see the typical surroundings of a hospital roof, or as it was called, a viewing deck, with benches and some bushes placed around, and an amazing view of the entire city, as Sunset slowly walked over and looked over the railing at the city below. The sky was clear, cars and other vehicles slowly made their way through the traffic of the streets below, people could be seen walking to their jobs and homes, going about their day normally, happily waving and greeting as they walked past each other. Sunset always enjoyed the sight, while Fluttershy stepped up and viewed the world totally differently...

The sky was filled with dark grey smog of the several massive factories churning out war machines for the Empire, as troops marched in the streets, followed by armored cars and the occasional light tank on patrol. The only civilians seen were those heading off to work in the factories, as part of the recent imperial labor order to try and slow the war machine's grinding to a halt as more and more resources were wasted in the east.

The citizens, while not totally depressed and devoid of joy or happiness, were much more gloomy than from Sunset's perspective. Fluttershy was secretly happy Sunset didn't see the world like this, because even after becoming the cruel empress she is, it still saddens her to see her people all sad. It's the main reason why Pinkie said that as soon as the war was over, she'd throw the biggest parade in the world to cheer everyone up, an idea that Fluttershy supported.

Fluttershy of course, made sure to conceal her feelings, ensuring her friend did not grow suspicious, or suspect that something was amiss, even if it did make Fluttershy feel like a dirty liar. As Sunset took in a deep breath of air, she smiled, before coughing a bit.

"Ugh, the air feels thick today..." It was then Fluttershy realized the illusion magic wasn't strong enough to conceal the presence of the thick pollution and smoke in the air, causing Sunset to still inhale it, even if she didn't see it. Fluttershy silently cursed herself for not thinking of this possibility, but thankfully Sunset did not seem too suspicious. She made a quick mental note to remind her friends of this fact and attempt to try and find a way to conceal the air's thickness.

Hearing the distinct sound of the elevator, Fluttershy turned to see her friends, as well as the Princesses slowly emerging from the elevator, as she gave them a quick wave. Of course, everyone was wearing their disguises, and Sunset soon turned to face Twilight, smiling wildly with light tears in her eyes as she opened her arms to her friend, who happily embraced her. In a few moments, all of Sunset's friends, even Princess Twilight, were embracing her, all glad to see her up and walking again.

Princess Celestia and Luna just looked on, happy to see that not only Sunset had healed, but her friends still very much cared for her. As they finally broke the hug, Sunset quickly recognized princess Twilight Sparkle, as her face visibly brightened. "Oh hey, Twilight!"

Suddenly, Twilight felt a sudden rush of grief flow over her, remembering how it was basically her fault that Sunset was in this position, before Sunset decided to envelope her in a hug, slight tears in her eyes. "H-hey Sunset... Good to see you."

"Good to see you too, Twi. And before you say anything, don't blame yourself, it ain't your fault." Sunset said as she looked her friend in the face, while Twilight visibly brightened up at that statement.

As Sunset embraced Twilight, The Commander watched from a currently hijacked camera, and he couldn't help but speak out loud. "I gotta say, this is the most wholesome thing I have ever seen..."

Just then, the Commander's Assistant spoke up. "Indeed, Commander. Is beautiful, no?"

"Da, comrade, is beautiful. Even if her friends are tyrannical monstrous demons and in the case of the princesses, beings from another dimension, it is good to see their bond has not wavered. Of course, I still feel little sympathy for the empire, but eh, I am trained to feel no emotion, so no changing that..."

"You could say your... Cold as ice?" Cue a loud metallic thud as the Commander slapped his Assistant across the face with his metal fist.

"Your lucky I don't have you shot for your bad puns, Assistant."

"Apologies, Sir."

"Don't sweat it, Assistant. Now shut up and let's watch how this thing unfolds."

As Sunset and Princess Twilight hugged it out, Fluttershy turned to her friends and silently whispered to them.

"Do you think we should show her now?"

"Ah reckon it's for the best."

"Indeed, darling, better to tell her now rather than later."

"Honestly, I can't stand being in this human form, so the sooner we do this, the better."

"Hoooo boy, it's gonna be the big reveal!"

"Now remember, nice, slow, and steady..." The girls slowly nodded, as Twilight quickly turned to Princess Celestia and Luna, who gestured for them to go right on ahead, as they also believed this was for the best. As Princess Twilight finished her hug with Sunset, Sunset turned and smiled at her friends.

"So how ya guys been?"

"Well, we've been... it's quite complicated, but I believe it is best that we show you, Sunset. Now, no matter what, try and remain calm, getting too excited might cause adverse effects on your health." Sunset slowly nodded, a bit of suspicion visible on her face, as she, the princesses, and even the Commander watched in anticipation, as the six girls were enveloped in a large burst of white light, as everyone shielded their eyes, except the Commander and his Assistant, who were wearing movie glasses.

"Dang, it's bright."

As the light dissipated, the true forms of the six girls were on full display, as Sunset gawked at her friends new forms. The first thing she immediately noticed were each of her friends had massive pairs of wings extending from their back, with Twilight's being a dark purple shade, Rarity's a dark shade of amethyst, Pinkie's being pure hot pink, Rainbow's wing's being less refined looking, being a dark shade of blue, while Applejack's wings were a more darker orange. Fluttershy meanwhile, instead of having normal wings, possessed wings similar to that of a bat, colored in a dark shade of red similar to that of blood. Another thing Sunset noticed was that their skin were more darker shades, and their eyes seemed different in color, but the major thing she noticed, was that it was no longer Twilight Sparkle who was in front of her, but rather her infamous alter-ego, Midnight Sparkle.


"In the flesh... Well, it's a bit difficult to explain..."

"Oh yeah, I bet it is, I mean, I expected Midnight to take the proverbial wheel, but what the heck happened to the rest of you? Fluttershy looks like a dang vampire?" Cue Fluttershy having a guilty smile on her face, giving away here fangs. "Wait, your actually a vampire!?!"

"Surprise..." Cue Rarity having a lightly chuckle.

"Honestly darling, I thought you would enter a fit of panic, but instead your asking genuine questions." Cue Applejack giving Rarity a slight elbow bump.

"Of course she's asking questions, she must be scared out of her mind!"

"Well actually... I thunk you guys look pretty cool!" Cue everyone on that roof, including the Commander who had just spat out his coffee all over the screen, looking at Sunset with a look of pure confusion, before all simultaneously asking the same question.


The Assistant simply shrugged. "Talk about a plot twist."

Author's Note:

Hooooo boy, sorry for the long wait folks, had to take a short break to let my burn out simmer down. But I'm back baby!

Comments ( 32 )

I can't wait for sunset to find out what exactly they've been doing and be absolutelyfreaking horrified

Wait a minute wooden sunset be horrified that her friends look this way because they look like versions of a former demon self

So I’m guess they have to kill sunset now?

Well, the Commander isn't that dumb, because he knows how she will react when the full extent of her friend's... Actions, are revealed.
Yeah, but considering how they've been acting the same, she would likely just think they got some sort of power boost. However, you do raise a good point.

And don't forget sunset was a unicorn prodigy like Twilight and she has experienced magical corruption before just for look at them right now like when she would be able to tell that something is not right for friends I don't mean to be too nosy but I'm just saying😅

I'm still very happy 😁 that you're continuing the story though so go on

You are amazing

Is the "commander". . . Discord ?

Well, not exactly, but who's to say he isn't working with him?

Thank you for the update🙏🥰

Are you going to continue the story?

Oh good God I can't wait for this story to get an update

I love the concept, can I use the story for a multiverse I'm thinking of creating?

Sunset would only stay to fight against her friends and to change them back especially when she finds what they have been doing

Just checking in on the story and patiently waiting for an update

Wait just something I want to point out sunset knows how to lie and manipulate people even though she is reformed now those skills don't go away so wouldn't she be able to tell that her friends are hiding something from her

I sadly regret to inform you that until further notice, this story is sadly on hiatus.

Sorry to disappoint you.

Here I am again just checking on an update man I hope this story doesn't die again

I would continue as following:

While Midnight and the other Empresses think about what to tell Sunset, other people were working on another plan. Because the resistance fears that the Empressess would recreate Demon Sunset, which could finally turn the page in favor of the Empire.

The resistance had also another problem: Sunsets reaction had decreased the moral, because the hope that Sunset would join them in the near future was lost and another offensive by the Empire was only a question of time.

I think for this point I think it would be better to restart the whole story and start from scratch.

Ok good. Thought I lost my mind for a second.

Do you have a plan for a new version? If not, what do you think about this?

Start the new version at "Legend of Everfree" and Midnight Sparkle triumphing over Sci-Twi. A start at "Friendship Games" has the disadvantage, that Princess Twilight would show up, shortly after Midnight Sparkle would defeat Daydream Shimmer. If we start at "Legend of Everyfree", Midnight has more time to corrupt the Human 5. Sunset would probably start another fight, which she will loose. She becomes unconscious while the Evil Human 6 start to conquer the world.

I would do it differently, the only thing I can't recover is the second part that had the names of the corrupted versions. Plus I would do it after the "EG" special "Spring BreakDown", which in the "plot" would be one of his post-graduation trips. But upon returning through the portal of the island and the castle of friendship, there was no choice but to reveal the truth to the world, so they would have to be a bridge between the world and the world but while one day Sunset was leaving to make some reports / embassy issues is attacked by a human exterminator.

Her friends, seeing the state Sunset was in after the attack, the elements and the princesses of Equestria still wanted to be friends with humanity, but the human versions, seeing that they rejected friendship and magic. In addition to what they tried to do to their friend, they themselves would corrode and get various artifacts that would help them rule the world.

(I didn't want to do this story because I had hoped that part 3 would follow but it seems that no one will).

I'm sorry if my English is not very good, it's not my mother tongue.

Afaik, the name of Rainbow Dash was Spectrum Beam or something similar. I am sure it was something with "Spectrum". Rarity was "Eternal Beauty" and Pinky was Pinkamena. Unfortunately, I don't remember the name of Apple Jack.

One thing I would change in your story, is that the Human 6 kill the attacker, before he can kill Sunset, who is unconscious, but alive. Having used their magic for evil, brings them down a dark path.

I did plan to do that thing where they would kill the attacker.... Would you like to work on the new version?

Hm, have you already started the story?

I only have the basis of the prologue, I haven't done the dialogues yet.

Ok, I try to do a part:

During their problems on the ship, the Human 7 hadn't seen some other boats in the area. So when they returned to the human world, they were forced to tell the world about magic. This led to different reactions. A group of people saw the magic as work of Satan and wanted to have the magic out of the human world. The Human 7 quickly came into the crossfire. Especially Sunset. As a former unicorn some people want her to stay in Equestria, because the human world should belong to the humans.

One day it escalated: Parts of the people, who are against Equestria reached Sunset and the human 7. The situation got violent and someone pushed Sunset and she fell with the head against a table, becoming unconscious. Now Twilight being enraged used magic and killed the attacker. This allowed Midnight Sparkle to take over. After the Anti-Equestria-Group was dead, Twilight, now turned back, ran back to Sunset, to find out if she was alive. Fortunately she was. Midnight used this as excuse to let Twilight kill every person who was against Equestria. She managed to corrupt the other gems which made the other 5 evil as well.

Here some inspiration for your text. Tomorrow I will possibly continue.

Maybe we use the backstory as flashbacks. That's why I make a jump into the future:

One country after the other has accepted Midnights rule. As the Evil Human 6 basically ruled over the world, they also changed their names: Rainbow was called Spectrum and Rarity "Eternal Beauty", Pinkie simple "Pinkamena", as they didn't find a fitting name.

During a visit of Princess Twilight, the Evil 6 tried to get the magic from Twilights crown, which failed. The Equestrians closed the portal. Fighting against the Evil Human 6 wasn't an option, as Midnight had already the whole US-Military on her side.

Present day:

Rarity is having a massage, Twilight studying and Rainbow taking care of the weather. But Rarity's Beauty-Season will soon come to an end, cause Pinkie teleports in the room. The latter says, after seeing the annoyed look of Rarity: "I will give a party." Rarity Interrupts, asking: "Is that the only reason for your visit?" Pinkie answers: "No, she is awake." Rarity cancels her Season and tells Twilight.

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