• Published 4th Apr 2022
  • 813 Views, 62 Comments

The Empressess, A Continuation of a Continuation - Stalin with Da Spoon

So the original creators of the inspirational stories gave up, so I have taken up the mantle. Anyways, picture sunset waking up to learn her friends rule the world as demons. Credit to CrossRedStone for original and TwinAttorney864 for continuation.

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The Meeting

Location: UNKNOWN.

A tense atmosphere filled the room, as six tall women stood at round circular table, each one of them shrouded in darkness as they sat at their seats, only their eyes illuminated in the darkness, looking at what appeared to be a holo map of russia, or at least, what it looked in current day, as the holo table displayed the country in absolute chaos, with fighting on all fronts as the resistance managed to somehow easily resist the forces of the empire, with one of the women growling in frustration, her orange eyes flaring up as she spoke in an almost enraged tone.

"How can this even be possible? We have superior technology, firepower, and yet they still hold out!"

Another voice sighed, as a pair of ice blue eyes replied in a more calm tone.

"It is simple my friend, these 'russians' are much more resistant than we believed, and plus, we are fighting on their home territory, they are much more experienced in handling the terrain and weather. They are thanking one 'General winter' for their success in repelling us, which I assume is a metaphor for the element of snow and ice being in the russians favor..."

As they stated the facts, the orange pair of eyes seemed to dim a bit, as a new pair of pure golden eyes flaired open.

"And are yah sure it ain't just cuse our generals are incompetent?" The voice spoke in an un-expected southern accent. As she said this, a pair of dark pink eyes then shot open, filled with a bit of excitement.

"Ooooooooor maybe its because these russians are being boosted by some sort of macguffin they found! Like maybe a sort of magic book or something?" All the other eyes in the room turned towards the one speaking with confusion in their eyes. Then, a turquoise pair of eyes spoke up with a more stern and less 'excited' tone.

"I suspect that they appear to have found a new leader to follow... One that easily matches the tactical intelligence of our generals with ease... I am not sure who yet, but I suspect they are the same person who thwarted our plot to infiltrate changelings into their base. They even used the beacon we deployed against us, attacking our own frontline base and taking it over, effectively crippling our forces! Whoever they are, we must not underestimate them like we did Starlight Glimmers forces. Speaking of which, where is she now?

The cold blue eyes of the empress known as rarity or, by her title 'Eternal Beauty', spoke up to reply to her friend.

"Well, I believe that our changelings did manage to at least wound her, but I fear all that did was cause them to let this new commander take over... So technically, we just fueled the fire the resistance had been burning out of...." The other women in the room sighed at this news, realizing they had just caused this war to likely drag on by several more months. It was true, they had superior technology and manpower, yet they just kept getting beat back... Suddenly, the orange pair of eyes, belonging to 'Spectrum Beam' Or Rainbow Dash, were filled with anger.

"Aggggh! Can't we just go there ourselves and blow them to bits!?!" The other women in the room sighed at Specturm's outburst, but were not suprised, as it was normal for her to do so. A new voice spoke up, as the empress of kindness herself, ' Fluttershy, attempted calm her friend down.

"Its okay, Rainbow, soon we will have crushed all remnants of this resistance... Hopefully by the time sunset has fully healed." Upon mention of their still recovering friend, everyone had different reactions, Pinkie had one of joy and excitement, Applejack, Rarity, and Rainbow all appearing pleased, but Midnight reacted with a bit of annoyance.

"If only that foolish servant had not spilled that coffee on her, she would already be healed..." Fluttershy could not help but feel sorry, as she opened her mouth to apologize, before Midnight stopped her. "It is not your fault, and I know it was not even his fault. But it had to be done... I trust his body has already been removed from the roof?" She said turning to applejack, who simply nodded. "Good... That brings us to our next issue... Project Reunification..." Everyone in the room gasped, as rarity spoke up.

"What you speak of is madness! She is not yet ready!" As everyone else made noises of dis-agreement, midnight raised her hand, signifying that she was not finished.

"I know that, and that is why tomorrow we will expose our true forms under the guise that we have simply... Oh, I dunno, we will figure something out, I am sure." Everyone else nodded in agreement, seeing the plan could potentially work.

"Its best we do it now, as sunset is no doubt growing suspicious... In fact, she heard the servant refer to me as an empress... She is going to learn sooner or later..."

"Ah I hope this goes well, twi, cause if not, she may never forgive us..." As the room went quiet, everybody thought about the cowgirl empresses words. What if sunset reacted the wrong way? What if she saw them as monsters? What if they lost her forever...

"It doesn't matter, we have to do it. Its for her own good." Everyone nodded towards rainbow, as she spoke in a defiant tone. As they said this, they all vanished from the room, as they made preparations for tomorrow.

Location: The Resistance Central Headquarters, Siberian mountains.

The room was well lit, as the walls of soundproof concrete surround them, as at the center of the room, stood 6 men, surrounding a red holographic table, slightly flickering and glitching as it displayed a map of Russia, highlighting both their forces in red and the enemies forces in purple, including projections of locations of both allied and enemy bases, as a man wearing a lab coat spoke up.

"In my professional opinion, we are doing quite well all things considered. Our recent encirclement of the enemy troops defending Khabarovsk allowed us much needed breathing room." Everyone else surrounding the table nodded as another man in a black military uniform spoke up.

"Yes, but it could be better, the enemy fuel depot to the south needs to be captured soon or else our enemies will be fueled up enough to launch a second offensive, and by then, general winter will have faltered in his snowy assault..." As the generals mumbled and argued to each other, a figure at the far end of the table, raised his gloved hand, smacking it down onto the table, making a distinct metal sound, as they spoke through the gas mask on their face.

"Gentlemen, we are in a time of desperation... And desperate times, call for desperate measures... As you all know, subject Sunset Shimmer has awoken from her 4 year coma, and already, her so called 'friends' make plans to turn her into yet another monster... And at the same time, the equestrians from another dimension plan to use her to help establish a connection to their Equestria and leave us to die..."

"We shall not allow this. We must get to her first... As such, tomorrow, we will prepare to expose her to the true nature of the world, and then, once the time is right, extract her before our enemies can. Am I clear?" The figure said, raising his head to reveal two blood red glowing lights behind the mask, unmoving, and clearly full of vengeance. The other generals nodded, as the commander waved them away with his hand. As he stared at the table, he thought to himself. "Hold onto your socks, mighty empresses... You say it would be stupid to directly attack or infiltrate your capital... Well... I guess I'm pretty fucking stupid then." He said with a chuckle.