• Published 15th Sep 2012
  • 904 Views, 9 Comments

To Save Equestria - KalaAWild

Silvershot, a pony with extreme amnesia, discovers that his memories can help save all of Equestria.

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Extra 2, Part 2: The Labyrinth of Norr

Extra 2, Part 2: The Labyrinth of Norr

After accidentally activating the trap, the Labyrinth of Norr collapsed behind Silvershot and Digger. The death sentence started when Silvershot stepped on a pressure plate in one of the hallways. The ceiling crumbled after the fatal move, and the two friends ran for the hills.

Silvershot and Digger took a right turn and came up to labyrinth hallway that was not collapsing. Silvershot looked back and saw the rest of the labyrinth close off in a pile of rubble. He sighed and punched his friend in the shoulder.

"I still hate you for getting me into this mess," Silvershot said angrily to Digger.

"We are almost there," Digger reassured him. "I’ve got the map memorized in my head."

He was right. Digger's amazing hearing allowed him to mentally map the labyrinth in his head. The vibrations of the collapsing section of the maze bounced off the walls, and he could imagine the layout of the entire winding jungle of stone. He took a couple of seconds to run the labyrinth through his head and directed Silvershot to the center of it. Silvershot hoped that he was not leading him into a dead end. They had reached too many dead ends before to get lost any further.

Silvershot used the blade of his throwing star and marked turns with arrows. The reminder helped him have some ease in his mind. If his guide was wrong and was leading him in circles, Silvershot could prove they were lost with the arrows. Almost like a bad omen, the two reached one of the arrows marking the path. Digger glanced at the arrow and turned in the opposite direction. Silvershot crossed out the arrow and pointed another one in the other direction. He joined him and thought quietly of what he was going to do when he got out. He could not be late for the party he was hosting for Fortress, especially since Pinkie Pie knew about it. After another few short turns, Digger lead himself and Silvershot to the same two arrows.

"This doesn't make sense!" Digger screamed. "I made sure that we did not go in any circles!"

"Maybe there's a reason behind us going into circles," Silvershot muttered as if he was leading on something. He was getting the gist of an idea. "What if the labyrinth was moving?"

"Excuse me? Moving? Rocks do not move on their own."

"That is true; but what if the labyrinth was working on gears, like a train. Maybe if we sit still, the walls will move us towards an exit."

He sat his rump on the ground, and Digger had no choice but to join him. Silvershot spun his throwing star on his hoof with its tip and watched it reflect the light of the torches. The torches reminded him of the campfires where he would spend time with his father, Silver Lancet. They would go camping all the time in Venturia Reign. Those were peaceful times for Silvershot, but now they were long gone. He would never get to have that experience again, since Silver Lancet was in jail.

As the throwing star moved on his hoof, something stirred and made a noise behind his back. He dropped his throwing star and looked behind him; everything was still and quiet. He picked up his throwing star again and spun it. Once again, the same thing happened, but he saw nothing.

"Digger, did you hear that?" Silvershot whispered to Digger.

"Yeah, I've noticed sounds," Digger responded, but not in a secretive tone. "It happens whenever you pick up your throwing star."

"What could it mean?"

"Well, try spinning your throwing star again and I'll try to see where the noise is coming from."

Silvershot did as he was told, and he spun the throwing star in his hoof. The sound happened again and Digger looked behind Silvershot's back. The wall at a dead end had moved and exposed an opening. He told Silvershot not to move and went to the opening. At the opening, Digger found a wooden lever to a mechanism and pushed on it. He heard a clanking noise and deduced that the wooden lever was a locking mechanism to keep the opening open. Silvershot stopped what he was doing and went to his friend. Digger inspected the torches and found something fishy about them.

"The torches contain iron," he said to Silvershot. He opened one of the torches and tasted its powdery contents. "Yuck! Yup, iron. Pure iron has a strong magnetic pull so I guess it was attracted to your throwing star and it pulled this here chain to open the door."

A chain ran from the torch and Silvershot accepted Digger's observation. To avoid any magnetic trouble for future traps, he made his throwing star zip out of existence and entered the new labyrinth opening.

The new path Digger discovered was not lit with light, so Silvershot used his unicorn powers to light the way. He was glad he is an alicorn.

As he and Digger walked down the new pathway, it ended in a big room. The room had a tiled floor with an enormous and glimmering blue diamond sitting on top of an untilled area. Digger was hypnotized by the sheer size of the diamond and got closer to it. The diamond was bigger than him! Silvershot could feel that something was wrong, and he extended his hoof in front of Digger.

He knelt down and touched one of the tiles on the ground. The tiles fell into a dark black abyss as it slid through the floor.
"Just as I thought," Silvershot said Digger. "It is a jigsaw floor. These tiles are put together so evenly that one more piece out of place would cause the entire floor to collapse."

"Well, can't you use your unicorn powers to lift that diamond over there?" Digger asked him.

"Do you realize what we are standing on?"

Digger glanced at his hooves. Underneath them were some tiles. He stiffened up in order to not make the tiles beneath them fall. Silvershot was not afraid because he had figured out why he and Digger had not fallen into the hole below.

"The diamond is off-setting our weight. We can move freely on some areas but if we move the diamond suddenly, we would fall in. If we move fast, we would fall in. If I tried to fly, you would fall in"

"How do we know which areas we can step on?"

Silvershot was still trying to figure that part out when he asked it. He retraced his steps and realized the tiles had letters; they were letters of the Venturian language. The areas that a pony can step on had to be a certain sequence of tiles.
"How about we try spelling out a word with these tiles? I'll try 'Venturia' since these letters are Venturian."

With a quick and hesitant step, Silvershot stepped on the tile with a V. The tile fell and the floor shook soon after. He freaked out because he might have sentenced Digger to an early grave, but the floor stopped shaking after a few seconds.

"Well, that didn't work," Digger badgered. "What now, genius?"

"Calm down, you didn't fall in," Silvershot badgered back. "Maybe it's Celestia's name. She did used to live in Venturia Reign nearly two thousand years ago."

Silvershot stepped on the tile with S, since Celestia's name starts with an S in Venturian. The tile did not fall, and he sighed in relief. He stepped on the next tile O, then L, and then E. Silvershot looked at the diamond, and he could finally touch it.

There was a problem that he came upon. The diamond was bigger than him, and he would have to carry it on his back. Not only that but he would have to step on tiles slowly so that floor was not destroyed. Digger was more than twenty hooves away. He thought about a plan, and came up with one. He took out his throwing star and struck the diamond with it. A chunk the size of a baseball came off with one blow. He bit onto the chunk, and threw it to Digger. He received the diamond chunk from Silvershot and put it in his saddle.

"The weight won't get off balanced if we transfer a little at a time," Silvershot said to Digger.

Little by little and piece by piece, the duo found a way to move a diamond bigger than themselves. Digger's saddle was full with roughly about twenty diamond chunks. Silvershot had to take the remaining with him. He levitated forty diamond chunks into the air using magic and made his way to Digger.

As the two laughed and gave each other hoof bumps when they united, the floor began to shake and tiles from a far distance fell into the never ending hole below.

"I'm not over there to upset the balance. Run, Digger!"

The two galloped as fast as they could. The extra weight weighed them down, but they managed. The falling floor followed behind them and inches closer to them. Without a choice, Silvershot used his magic to carry Digger and thrust him forward. He landed on solid ground and spilled some diamonds onto the floor. Silvershot met up with him just in time before he fell into the abyss. He was on the tips of his hooves when he barely made it.

Digger looked at the diamonds they had managed to snag from the death trap of a treasure room. The smoothness of the diamonds and the crystal blue clearness made him grin. He bit onto the diamond and licked its surface.

"You like to lick things, don't you?" Silvershot grinned.

"Yeah I do- hey wait!" Digger replied, but then raises his voice. "Don't say it!"

"That's what she said!"

Digger punched Silvershot in the leg. "These diamonds are pure chromium azul diamonds. They are worth a million bits a chunk, regardless of size!"

"We can't bring all of it to the outside world."

"Why not?"

"Money leads to greed. We are bringing billions of bits outside which could cause mass chaos to the world."

"Couldn't we bring one?"

"I am hiding these diamonds after we get out. For now, I'll carry all of them."

Silvershot swiped the diamonds from Digger and carried the diamonds for the rest of the duration of the stay in the labyrinth. Digger was disappointed at him because of his selfish decision. All he did was smack his own hoof into his face. Silvershot laughed a little at his ridiculousness and walked down a corridor in the labyrinth.

They experienced more traps on the way that ranged from walls exposing blades of death, to death falls into pools of acid. The Venturian ancients made sure that thieves did not leave the labyrinth so easily. Silvershot and Digger dodged every possible obstacle until they come upon the worst obstacle yet. They had finally found the exit to the labyrinth, but they soon discovered another problem. In between them and the exit was a small basilisk dragon. The basilisk dragon is a dangerous reptile; one look at you and it would turn you to stone. The dragon slept comfortably on the ground as it was chained to a peg. Digger pulled Silvershot away from the dragon and into a safe place to talk.

"Are you kidding me?" Digger exaggerated to Silvershot. "We have to go up against a basilisk dragon!"

"What is so bad about it?" Silvershot asked. "It's so small."

"It has more sensitive ears than me, it can turn you to stone, and it does not like to be awoken from its hundred year sleep."
Flapping his wings was not going to help him at all since the noise might wake the dragon. As Silvershot moved with the large cluster of diamonds, the diamonds tended to rattle in the air as he transported them. Silvershot came up with a brilliant idea; it was the same idea as the last one.

"Digger, try sneaking around the dragon and get to the exit. While you are over there, I will buck you each diamond individually. After that's done, I'll get to you and we can go home," Silvershot explained.

"I got it. Try not to mess up," Digger said to him.

Digger snuck around the dragon as quickly and silently as he could. Several times during his stealthy maneuver, his hoof would clatter onto the ground, and the basilisk would snort in his sleep. He was extra careful to make the journey of a hundred hooves to the exit. Eventually, he got to it and waved to Silvershot on the other side of the room. Silvershot waved back and threw a diamond chunk into the air. He remembered working at Sweet Apple Acres for Applejack and bucking apples that would fly over fifty hooves.

With perfect timing, he bucked the diamond chunks into the air and to Digger at the exit. The diamond soared through the air and did not make a noise. Digger caught it with his mouth, and the two continued to make the diamond move over the basilisk dragon. After bucking about sixty diamonds to him, Silvershot carried one last diamond in his mouth. He moved into the room and avoided the basilisk dragon at all costs. One false move could get him frozen in stone. He was almost at the exit, almost confident that nothing could go wrong.

Something did go wrong, when he least expected. A sweat drop from kicking so many diamonds formed on the side of his temple and ran down his head. He tried to stop sweating, but he was warm from the kicking. A sweat drop fell from his head and it touched the floor. Its sound echoed through the room, and Silvershot took in a cliché gulp.

The basilisk dragon's ears twitched as the sound dissipated. Silvershot galloped for his dear life out of the labyrinth. The basilisk dragon roared an adorable scream, and it casts its spell at Silvershot. The ceilings, walls, and floors changed into a shade of grey; it was almost as if somepony was painting everything.

Silvershot jumped for the exit as the petrification spell got within a hair of touching him. He landed face first into the dirt of the outside world, and Digger shut the exit door behind him.

"One day, Digger," Silvershot said exhaustedly. "I am going to kill you for nearly getting me killed."

"At least you did not die," Digger said in a cheery mood. "And we got the chromium azul diamonds!"

"No, I have them," Silvershot used his magic to take all the diamonds to his side. "Go home, Digger."

Digger, with a pouting face, drooped his head down and headed to Ponyville. Silvershot felt sort of bad that he did not get anything from the adventure. He whistled to him and tossed him a chunk of the chromium azul diamonds.

"Don't spend it all at once, you hear me?" Silvershot winked.

"Not a problem, King Silvershot!"

King Silvershot? That sounded like a cool title to him. Digger vanished into the bushes and away from Silvershot. There was only one place that he could hide the diamonds. He teleported the diamonds to a secret spot where no pony could find it.
He kept one diamond for himself and began to head back home. Without Silvershot noticing, the labyrinth disappeared from existence. The door exit to the labyrinth evaporated in a cloud of dust. His ears twitched when the labyrinth was gone, but he thought it was just something in the bushes.

It was night time outside in Ponyville. With the moon hovering over the town and stars lighting up the sky like miniature candles, he headed back home. Twilight Sparkle's house, which was next door to his, had all of its lights off.

"I guess Twilight already went to the party," Silvershot said in his mind.

Silvershot could see his house after looking around Ponyville one more time. The lights in his house were on, and he could hear the conversations of squealing mares inside. He looked through the window and saw Fortress inside, having fun with all her friends. She was showered in gifts from ponies all over Ponyville.

Silvershot opened the door slowly and tried to go upstairs to rest. Before he could take a step, Applejack and Pinkie Pie, grabbed onto his tail.

"Where have ya'll been?" Applejack questioned Silvershot. "Fortress and everypony else has been worries about you."

"I had to run a few errands," Silvershot lied to the most honest pony in Equestria. Truthfully, he went on a treasure hunt with Digger that almost got them killed.

"At least you are here now! Yay!" Pinkie Pie yelped. "I brought cupcakes, soda, juice, candy, a cake, chocolate, music, decorations, and more candy for the party!"

"That is a lot. Fortress does not need that much stuff." Silvershot raised an eyebrow.

"That stuff is for everypony else, silly. Now go get cleaned up! You are filthy!"

Pinkie Pie was right. Silvershot's hair was scuffled, he had dirt all over his coat, and he had scratches on his shins. He went upstairs and drowned himself in water. He scrubbed his mane and coat clean and covered up the scratches on his body with Band-Aids. He went back downstairs and said ‘hi’ to everypony. Lyra Heartstrings gave Fortress a lyre and promised to teach her how to play a stringed instrument, Roseluck gave a bouquet of roses to Fortress, and Twilight gave Silvershot a book called ‘A Stallion's Guide to Parenting.’

"Thanks for the book," Silvershot embarrassingly said with a smile.

"You'll need it," Twilight winked at him.

Silvershot put the book in his room and he went to Fortress. She enjoyed the baby shower with all her mare friends there. He asked her how the get together was, and she went into full detail of what happened the past few hours; she played games with Pinkie Pie, she and her unborn were blessed by Princess Celestia with good fortune, and every mare in Ponyville gave her gifts like baby carriages and food formulas.

"I am happy you had a great time tonight," Silvershot said to Fortress.

"I should be happy you went on an adventure today and left all the mares here alone," Fortress said back. "What did you do while you were gone?"

"I brought back a little gift." Silvershot showed her a chunk of the chromium azul diamond he found in the Labyrinth of Norr.
Fortress looked at the diamond and held it in her hooves. She watched the diamond glimmer in the light. Before she could have another look at the diamond, she coughed rather radically and dropped it.

"Are you okay?" Silvershot lay a hoof on her back and rubbed it.

"I am fine; it's just a little cough."


A/N: Thanks for all my loyal readers out there. I really appreciate all your time in reading all these chapters. Don't forget to favorite this story if you can and favorite its sequel, To Save Equestria! Thank you again!

Comments ( 9 )

I liked it! I dunno about the dislikes, but I think it's really good! Keep it up!

1509695 I'll tell you why: Because it has an Alicorn on the cover.

You have an alicorn gary stue as your main character. I'll just leave it at that.

1521628 There's nothing wrong with an alicorn :fluttercry:

You don't see what's wrong with just pulling a random alicorn out of your ass that saves Equestria?

I understand where you're coming from but you should try to be more constructive with your criticism. :applejackunsure:

Oh hey, I had the same idea for the title "To save Equestria" in a fanfic I wanted to write since I first became a Brony.
It's been a year now and I'm still trying to write it. :twilightblush:


That sounds good Neo Miles. You should try to finish it so I could critique it. Maybe I'll like it. Don't use my title though in your story. Think of something else 'cause you know I already have the title. Thanks for reading my story again :derpytongue2:


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