• Published 15th Sep 2012
  • 903 Views, 9 Comments

To Save Equestria - KalaAWild

Silvershot, a pony with extreme amnesia, discovers that his memories can help save all of Equestria.

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Chapter 4: Guns, Sulfur Explosions, and A Pony that can Light Fires

Chapter 4: Guns, Sulfur Explosions, and A Pony that can Light Fires

Silvershot was leading his band of heroes on a challenge that may lead to their death. If it meant saving their homes, or what was left of it for others, it was worth dying for. Taking careful looks at the Vanguard Knights that were clad in metal armor and a helmet of solitude, the team slipped past their security and to the jail cell.

The captive ponies were asleep behind the bars. The sulfur mine was freezing cold and Silvershot could see the ponies huddling up closer to each other for warmth, their bodies shivering in the sheer coldness of the underground mine. He wanted to wake up his fellow neighbors and friends; he even put his hoof through the bars in an attempt to wake them up. But he stopped himself from touching one. He had to free them first before alerting the guards.

Silvershot used his magic to take the jail keys from the sleeping Vanguard in the chair and opened the lock. He slid the door open and silently woke everypony up.

"Everypony, wake up. This here is a rescue mission," Applejack whispered in the ears of everypony.

Silvershot found Ember Burst huddled close to her brother and mother. He politely shook Ember Burst awake with the tips of his hooves. She woke up to see his face next to hers. Her eyes changed colors like a birthday candle; they changed from red to blue. Even though they change periodically, everypony that laid eye on her thought it was pretty. Ember Burst got up from the ground with her forelegs, but she didn’t have much strength left in her.

"Silvershot? Is that you?" Ember Burst muttered. "Did they capture you too?"

"They didn't capture me, I am here to rescue everypony here," Silvershot replied quietly. "You need to wake your mom and your brother now!"

Ember Burst woke her family up without a second to spare. While she accomplished her task, Silvershot woke up everypony else with the help of Applejack. Once all the ponies were awake, each of them, led by Fortress, were guided to the ventilation shaft. Digger helped direct ponies to the shaft too. When he took a hoofstep back to make some room for some ponies, he accidentally kicked over a small pipe. It started rolling toward the end of the catwalk; Digger tries catching it, but the pipe slipped from his hooves, and it fell twenty hooves down, before making a loud crash. Silvershot scowled at him, and he shrugged his shoulders. Digger mouthed “oops” to him.

"Sound the alarm! The prisoners are escaping!" a Vanguard Knight screamed into the air when he saw the group of escaping ponies.

Red lights blurred all over the mine. The purifier unicorns fled the production line and miners skedaddled away. Silvershot quickly hastened everypony's pace when he saw more Vanguard Knights crashing through several entrance doors. Everypony got into the shaft safely before the Vanguard Knights could round them up. Every Vanguard Knight was carrying a gun and headed to the ceiling catwalk.

"Ember Burst!" Silvershot stopped her from entering the shaft. He pointed to the sulfur pile with his hoof on the other side of the catwalk. "Can you light that entire sulfur pile up?"

"I am as sure as I can light this fire in my hoof," Ember Burst said with confidence. Ember Burst held her hoof up and created a flame on top of it.

He nodded at her and headed in the direction of the sulfur pile. Before he could take a second step to his destination, a hoof was placed on his shoulder. Fortress, Digger, and Applejack were still behind Silvershot and Ember Burst and not in the shaft.

"You are not going at this alone. We can help you," Fortress encouraged.

"The Venturians are my people. They need your help to get out!" Silvershot denied.

"They can find their own way out," Digger said with a smile. "I gave them directions to the hole anyways."

"We have to stick together on this partner," Applejack winked.

"Okay, fine, follow me then. And don't get shot by those guns." Silvershot waved to the sulfur pile.

The five galloped to the sulfur pile room on the other side of the catwalk. Parallel to the catwalk was another one, with Vanguard Knights lining up to shoot their enemies. Each one of them loaded their golden bullets into their gun chambers and fired. Silvershot and his friends were lucky and dodged nearly every one of them. One bullet singed Digger's tail. He was happy his whole tail didn't get shot off.

The group reached the sulfur room and closed the door behind them. The sulfur room had two doors and one window facing the parallel catwalk. The other door that the friends didn't enter through was being barged in. Applejack got to the door and held it with all her might. She was a strong pony and she could hold off over twenty strong stallions behind a door.

Silvershot knew that he and his friends were in a tight spot; he needed some time to develop a plan. Silvershot clicked his hooves together when the thought came to him. With the highest of hopes, he told everypony about it.

"Applejack, hold that door," Silvershot commanded.

"You got it, boss," Applejack grunted while holding back the door. The Vanguard Knights almost came through that time.

"Ember Burst, get started on that sulfur pile. We need that pile on fire in the next minute!"

"No problem," Ember Burst put her pre-lit fire hoof on the pile of sulfur. "I think I need two minutes."

"Got anything for me, Silvershot?" Fortress asked.

"Help Ember Burst, please," Silvershot said a little shyly, trying to be nice and not sound demanding. "The mine is cold and the fire could fizzle out."

Fortress kissed Silvershot. "Don't worry, I won't let that fire burn out."

Fortress got next to Ember Burst and laid near the fire to give it more heat.

"Digger, you have good hearing. I need you to spot for me which shooter is going to shoot."

"For what? What are you going to do?" Digger requested.

"I am going to block every gold bullet from reaching this room."

Silvershot went outside and stood in the open. Digger smashed the window of the sulfur room and looked at the catwalks. More Vanguard Knights had assembled there, and more guns were pointed at Silvershot. Silvershot took a deep breath and looked deep in his memories on how to fight.

Silvershot was only six months younger than the present day. Silver Lancet was also in the memory with him, except this time he looked older than old. Like, really old. In front of Silvershot was a straw dummy of a pony, made out of dry hay. Next to Silvershot was a whole table of weapons of different sizes, shapes, lethality and mobility.

"It has been traditional, Silvershot," Silver Lancet said to him, "that every male of the family be an expert at using a unique weapon. My great-grandfather was great at using a sword, my grandfather in the use of claws for hooves, and my father was skilled in using the bow. I am an expert of using lancets."

Silver Lancet used his magic to lift seven lancets off the table. The lancets each weighed something over twenty pounds, but magic made it look effortless. Silvershot was in awe as he was shown some fighting styles involving using seven lancets. Silver Lancet put the lancets down, took a deep breath, and put out his hooves to Silvershot.

"Now it is your turn to choose a weapon for our family's honor."

Silvershot put his hoof to his chin and looks at every single one of them. There were many weapons, like the ball and chain, and the metal hooves, but one weapon in particular catches his eye. Under the pile of metal weapons was a four edged star. He pushed the other weapons away and picked out the star. He lifted the star with his hooves and he could feel the heavy weight. Silvershot used his magic to magnetize the star to the bottom of his hoof.

He looked at the straw pony dummy and threw the throwing star at it. The throwing star would demagnetize when the star was thrown hard enough by Silvershot. The star soared through the air and hit the pony dummy in the chest.

"Very good, I see you chose your weapon wisely. Now, fight me, and see if you can get your cutie mark."

Silver Lancet picked up his seven lancets and pointed them all at Silvershot. Silvershot took back his massive throwing star and growled at his father. Silver Lancet applauded his courage and struck at him. Silvershot dodged the first two lancets Silver Lancet sent at him, but two more came. He blocked the two other lancets, but even more came from behind. He used the soles of his hooves to block them. That was six lancets, but where was the seventh? The sun's rays blocked his eyes when he looked up. Silver Lancet was falling from the sky and holding a lancet in his mouth.

Silvershot curled his body to dodge it when he saw his father above him. The lancets were sent in different directions across the yard. Silver Lancet was impressed, but his mood quickly changed when the lancets returned to him. Silvershot galloped to the trees and climbed them to the best of his abilities. The lancets followed behind him. He had no choice but to fight off the lancets in the trees. Silvershot jumped from branch to branch in the forest while still holding on to the magnetized throwing star in his hoof and avoiding strikes from the flying lancets.

He jumped in the air and took a chance at hitting the lancets. He threw the star at the lancets and each one of them were bounced away. The silver throwing star bounced off a tree and came back to Silvershot.

He jumped into the air and catches the throwing star. He did a front flip and landed with a perfect touchdown. The next second, he was holding the star to Silver Lancet's neck.

"I know what my special talent is," Silvershot huffed out at Silver Lancet. A light glowed on Silvershot's flank as he explained. "My special talent is being a ninja, and my tool of trade is this throwing star. Ninja, coming from the dragon origin of having quick reflexes and using throwing stars in their claws."

"Can your quick reflexes handle this?" Silver Lancet asked while looking off to the side.

The seven lancets from before that Silvershot had knocked away were pointed at Silvershot. The lancets surrounded him in every direction, and it felt impossible to dodge them all. Silvershot's eyes widened when he slipped out from the surprise attack. He turned his body and went for the final strike.

Silvershot's eyes shot open when the memory finished. He held his hoof out, and his throwing star appeared in it. It was by magic that his tool was summoned on its own. Silvershot threw the throwing star, and it hit a Vanguard Knight in the head. The star struck the helmet of the Vanguard Knight so hard, it makes an impression. The Knight was knocked out and fell off the catwalk. The throwing star came back to him after it bounced a couple of times around the mine.

"How much time do we have?" Silvershot asked.

He could hear the voices of his friends on the other side of the sulfur room wall. "Another minute and thirty seconds," Digger told Silvershot.

"This could take a while."

The Vanguard Knight ponies fired their guns at him. He blocked the bullets with his throwing star. Whenever Silvershot could, he would throw the throwing star. His timing was so perfect, it could not be beat. He would hit at least three ponies in the head and knock them out cold. Whenever he waited for his throwing star to come back, he would use his gold boots to block the bullets. Goldhoof was right, he did need the boots. The boots did not break from the bullets.

Within the next minute, all the Vanguard Knights were knocked unconscious. Silvershot caught his throwing star one last time before opening the door to the sulfur room pile. His ear flinched when he heard the echo of familiar footsteps. He did not want to look at what was behind him. He could have chosen to ignore the pony behind him, but his instincts commanded him to look. Silvershot turned around and was struck with fear.

Behind him was the worst enemy he had ever faced. He faced the enemy of death, witnessed death, and even faced the enemy of time whenever he would remember his memories, but nothing could compare. The pony standing only several hooves away was Silvershot's father, Silver Lancet.

"Why do you do this son? Why do you defy me?" Silver Lancet asked Silvershot. His tone of voice was eerie and mysterious.

"You have no right to take Equestria into your hooves!" Silvershot yelled at Silver Lancet. He growled at him.

"I have every right to do so! Celestia and Luna do nothing but screw around like kids and take Equestria into conflicts with other races like griffons and dragons. If I ruled Equestria, I wouldn't be pushed around by royals higher than me. I would be the one in charge."

"No, you are wrong!"

Silvershot screamed and charged at Silver Lancet. The seven lancets Silver Lancet owned floated around him in a rhythmic style. He launched one of the lancets at Silvershot, but he sidestepped away. More lancets were thrown at him, as it was Silver Lancet's defense against an attack. Silvershot either jumped out of the way, kicked the lancet away, or knocked it away with his throwing star. When Silvershot got close enough, he jumped into the air and threw his star.

The lancets came back to Silver Lancet immediately; they crossed each other, and it formed an impenetrable wall of steel that the throwing star could not get pass. The star grinded against the lancets and then bounced away. The throwing star did not bounce straight back to Silvershot, so he had to wait four seconds until it bounced back to him. Four seconds too long. He still had to fight off his father for another fifty-five seconds so the sulfur could catch on fire.

Four lancets come toward Silvershot while he waited for his star to return. Silvershot used Goldhoof's gold boots and grabbed every single one. Silver Lancet used his magic to command his lancets back, but Silvershot wouldn’t let go. His throwing star came back, after a couple more seconds of waiting. He threw it again, but it was blocked once more. When the lancet wall broke formation, he went in for a bucking kick. Silver Lancet used one of the other lancets as his blocking weapon.

"Do you think that destroying this sulfur mine is going to do any good?" Silver Lancet smiled at Silvershot evilly. His grey old eyes showed the reflection of the red alarm lights. "I made enough sulfur and black powder to fill Equestria with it!"

"No. At least it’s a start," Silvershot grunted while pushing against the lancet. "I just need about twenty more seconds anyways."

Silver Lancet looked at the sulfur room behind Silvershot. He saw Digger looking out the window, and then hiding when he saw Silver Lancet look at him. Silver Lancet tried to break Silvershot's kick, but Silvershot fought back. Silver Lancet used his other lancets and cut Silvershot's sides so he would drop the kick. Silvershot held his ground until he saw his throwing star heading back. He dropped the kick and went for another one before jumping away from him. He grabbed his throwing star and threw it away. Silver Lancet got hit in the face, and he fell to the ground.

Silvershot was huffing out tons of air from fighting nonstop for two minutes. Silvershot caught his throwing star, made it disappear and opened the door to the sulfur room. Digger congratulated Silvershot on defeating Silver Lancet.

Silvershot said, "It ain't over yet; both of us are just resting."

Ember Burst was successful lit the sulfur pile on fire. Applejack ran away from the other door and every other pony ran from the room. The five got to the catwalk and all of them ran for the shaft, except for Silvershot.

The mine began to crumble with the sulfur mine blowing up. Even with rubble getting in his way of vision, he looked for his father to see if he had been trapped. The red alert lights weren't helping Silvershot at all look for his father.

"It's not over my son," Silvershot's father echoed over the sound of the alarms. "You may have won the battle, but the war has just begun. See you in Canterlot."

The sulfur pile was engulfed in flames, and Silvershot took it as the time to gallop for his life. The sulfur exploded with the entire mine, and he galloped at his fastest speed. His wings lifted him off the ground, and he began to fly. Behind him, he could see a wave of fire going down the shaft. Silvershot flapped faster and faster until he saw the shaft opening Digger had made. Silvershot took a sharp turn up and ended up in the barn. A pillar of fire shot up from the shaft hole and burned his side. He landed on his unhurt side in the barn.

Digger Stonefinder, Fortress Evergreen, Applejack, and Ember Burst all waited for him at the shaft entrance with all the other Venturian ponies.

"See, I told you I would come out of there..." Silvershot said in a daze.

Fortress hugged Silvershot. "I knew you could do it."

Silvershot shook his head vigorously. "Wait, it ain't over yet."

"What do you mean?"

"My father, Silver Lancet, still has enough sulfur to attack Canterlot with his guns."

Silvershot got up from the ground, but his cut up and burnt side pained him. Silvershot was thrown down by his own weakened body. Fortress caught Silvershot as he fell back to the ground.

"Silvershot, you need a little R and R," Applejack said to him.

"I cannot stop fighting. I cannot stop as long as my father is still breathing. My father's want to rule Equestria has been growing since I was born. Even if my father became limbless, wingless, and hornless, he would still want to rule for Equestria with an iron hoof. I cannot stop until he does first!"

Silvershot mustered enough strength and determination to stand back up on his hooves.

"I love you, no matter what happens to me," Silvershot stared at Fortress intently. He got out of the barn, and everypony followed him. "Applejack, Ember Burst, I am trusting you to protect Fortress, Digger, and the other ponies while I am gone. We may never know if Vanguard Knights will attack us."

"Silvershot, take my goggles." Digger took off his goggles and gave them to him. Silvershot could see Digger's yellow eyes now. He'd never seen his eyes before.


He took a galloping start and flew to Canterlot. Silvershot looked back at his friends and waved goodbye. He saw his friends as well, waving him farewell. He put on the goggles and continued to fly. A fiery hope in his heart gave Silvershot courage. The final battle had arrived.