• Published 25th Mar 2022
  • 1,205 Views, 105 Comments

A Boy and his Watch - TheAlienBrony22

A tale of how a not-so ordinary kid with some unique abilities loses his memory, and lives in the magical pastel colored pony land, known only as Equestria.

Comments ( 12 )

Will Ben ever get Alicorn DNA? If he can get the other three, I don't see why not Alicorn. Same goes for Griffins, Kirins, Draconequus, Changeling Monarch(s), since Changeling Drone DNA probably won't be accepted similar to the DNAliens from Alien Force, Minotaurs, Yaks, Buffalo, Hippogriffs, Centaur(s), Whatever the heck the Storm King and his troops are, residents of Kludge Town, Umbrum, Bat Ponies, etc. All of those are viable specimens.

I cannot confirm or deny the question pertaining to Alicorn DNA, as in my story, Alicorns are complicated. They are different enough from the three pony tribes, as well as different from other ponies, but there's something about Alicorns that, at this current time, the Omnitrix can't replicate, even with how it has integrated and augmented itself and the DNA Samples housed within with magic.

As for everything else... against my better judgement and contradicting what I initially said about no spoilers, I'll try my best to answer for the rest of these, as follows.

Changelings & Changeling Monarchs: For the sake of simplicity, let's say yes, but Ben's changeling form would be... well, I can't spoil it. The reformed changelings would also cause an Upchuck situation, due to different variations of their genetic code. Assume that Ben's version of the changeling would be more like a drone, and would have to undergo a special type of metamorphosis to become a Changeling Monarch. One thing to know about changeling drones, they aren't possessed ponies, like how the DNAliens are the result of someone becoming a DNAlien when a Xenocite latches itself to them, subjugating them to the Highbreed's control.

Griffins: Yes, read the chapter 'Griffin the Blast-Off' and you'll see Ben transform into his griffin form, obtained accidentally through Gilda.

Kirins: They seem more like a silent, and more emotion-driven convergent species of Unicorns, but are genetically more diverse in their powerset and how they function, so I'd say yes, the Kirins are Omnitrix obtainable, and would most likely be a separate transformation, a parallel to Ben's unicorn form, Warlock Trot.

Draconequus: A bit chaotic, but if Ben Prime could gain access to Alien X, then the Draconequus is an obvious yes. Ironic how the Draconequus has a more clear-cut and straight forward answer than Alicorns, isn't it?

Minotaurs, Yaks and Buffalo: Yes, but it's a bit complicated, more than I'd like to care to admit.

Centaur: Yes, moving on.

Storm King and his troops: Let's say for the sake of convenience, they are the same species. I would say yes.

Kludge Town residents: Uh... Maybe? Capper would definitely be a contender, but that's something to worry about for the future.

Umbrum: I never even heard of these things till now. Just looked them up, and wow, I'm gonna say yes, and keep them in the back of my head for now, for later.

Bat Ponies: They always seemed vampire-like, didn't they? They seem to be a convergent species of pegasi with more bat-like traits, and we don't know a lot about their abilities (or at least, I don't), so I'm gonna assume yes and it'd be more like what the Kirin form is to Warlock Trot, a separate transformation that's also a parallel.

And just because I want to get it out of the way, since I'll tackle this in the future anyhow, I do have one more thing to confirm, deny, or leave ambiguously debatable.

Zebras: They have something in-common with Kirins and Bat Ponies, that something being that they're a convergent species to Earth Ponies (not going off of comics or other information that talks about them). It can be argued that they are Omnitrix obtainable, but I'd say that yes, they are, end of story.

Does that help, or is there anything else that you want confirmation, denying, or left ambiguously debatable from yours truly?

This was a good question, I'll state that now, I love these kinds of questions, makes me think.

While this does answer most of my questions, I do have to wonder why not Centaur? Though I'm pretty sure I know the answer to that one. Then again, isn't that the Omnitrix's intended purpose? While Ben may not ever use the transformation, it seems to me that the Centaur race, along with the Draconequus race, are on the verge of extinction. The Omnitrix would catalog the DNA and if given an opportunity where Tirek is long gone and can't force his ideals on the new generation of Centaurs, then they could be brought back. Same with the Draconequus race.

As for the Changelings, I can see your point but it just seems weird to me that if he gets Drone DNA first, it'd eventually evolve into Monarch DNA, kinda like Swampfire in Omniverse. While I get Swampfire, going from Drone to Monarch is a bit of a leap and the only reason Thorax became a Monarch is from magical means but those means happened when Thorax became a reformed Changeling. And while yes the Omnitrix in your story has adapted to magic, I still feel like it wouldn't evolve Normal Drone DNA into Normal Monarch DNA. That just isn't how the Hive works from what I can tell. Also, if Ben did get Monarch DNA, would a situation similar to Alien Force Big Chill happen? Actually, you could possibly make a chapter about that. But instead of Big Chill, it's Ben's Monarch form.

As for the Bat Ponies, I mean the natural one, like the ones in Luna's guard. I know they have a specific name, but I can't for the life of me remember what they are. Not the Vampony like Fluttershy became. I think it was Sanquinarians or something like that?

Sorry if it seems like I'm rambling. Things like this just get me curious and excited to explore the possibilities yet also the limits and what would be realistic.

And to add onto the list of possible transformations in the future.
Breezies: a stand-in for Nano Mech?
Captain Calaeno and her crew: Pirate Bird themed transformation?
Sirens: Echo-Echo stand-in?
Steven Magnet, Sea Serpent: An aquatic transformation, perhaps for larger underwater enemies that Ripjaws can't handle?

And last subject, promise. Could King Sombra be saved via the repair function? While in the show he is a unicorn that delved too deep into dark magics, in the comics he is a hybrid of Umbrum and Unicorn DNA. But seeing as how this could be a major plot point, I don't expect you to answer this one.

I mean, I do intend to introduce Big Chill at some point. I just introduced Swampfire after Chromastone, so it's only fair that the other eight AF forms are gonna show up... well, all except one, but the other ones can still show up, but that's for another day.

I suppose you're right, in terms of the Omnitrix's intended purpose, and yeah, maybe Ben wouldn't use the form, not as much as his other transformations (since mentions of a magic draining centaur after Tirek's defeat would probably bring all of Equestria on Ben's doorstep), but still relatively used every now and then.

On the topic of the changelings, I think it would make a lot of sense for Ben's changeling form to undergo such a change into a monarch of his own, but believe it or not, I personally feel it would only happen because of his connection to his Element. Maybe due to his Changeling form being so dependent on draining ponies and other creatures of their love, Ben's transformation is a special case, a much-rarer mutation in the DNA of changelings that makes Ben the prime example of both when he changes into a monarch.

If a changeling refuses to reform, they stay the same badass black bug pony monsters they always were. If they let love into their hearts and give that love, instead of hoarding it for themselves, they mutate into the multi-colored reformed variant.

Hypothetically, the changeling form could be altered in some way during that process of sudden emotional mutation. Keeping a portion of itself untouched, unreformed, much like the changelings that follow Chrysalis, but reaping the genetic benefits of being both unreformed and reformed at the same time, like Thorax and Pharynx.

It's by uniting the best parts of both variants, accepting the flaws that come with it, that Ben's changeling form is more-so a mutation of a mutation.

If Ben did get DNA from a changeling monarch, the Omnitrix would just recognize that Ben's human age would scale to that of what a changeling drone would be, and have Ben be a drone first. It's not the fairest thing, but at least he'll be the prime example of what a changeling drone is supposed to be, even if he looks a bit different from the rest.

Though he wouldn't follow any orders because he's not part of their hive, despite the genetic sample from the donor. So, as much as I would've liked to tackle that with the changelings, I'm afraid that's a no for the changeling/big chill episode... for now. :pinkiecrazy:

No, I figured that. I meant it as a possibility way down the line, if it ever came to it. I myself always found it weird Ben essentially became a Dad when he was 16 years old. Also, I added a bit to my last comment.

Sombra being a hybrid wouldn't cause the Omnitrix to try and repair him.

Look at the plumbers kids. Alan, Manny, Helen, Pierce, they have alien DNA, they're half human and the Omnitrix didn't try fixing them. If anything, it'd recognize the Umbrum DNA within Sombra and sample it, giving Ben access to the Umbrum transformation. Sombra himself does have a plot point, but that's not until muuuuuuuuuch later.

Sanquinarians, that actually has a nice ring to it. But either way, my original point still stands, and I usually call the ones in Luna's guard Bat ponies, anyway. The answer is still Yes, and it'd be a separate transformation, a parallel to the pegasus.

Breezies could be their own separate form, since the idea of a breezie burying itself into the skin of a pony and controlling them with a hive mind just creeps me out way too much, since that's what the nanochips did in Alien Swarm.

The Sirens seem like they'd be a more hypnotic version of Echo Echo, since they can bend people to their will with just their voice and can attack with a powerful sound, too, so yes, Sirens are also Omnitrix compatible.

Captain Celano, along with the rest of her feathery crew would also be Omnitrix compatible. I'd picture a more pirate-themed swashbuckling version of Kickin Hawk, but more-so based on a parrot, and less like a chicken hawk.

I feel like Ahuizotl falls into the same category as Ah Puch from Ben 10. Yes, he is Omnitrix compatible, but what can the Omnitrix really do for a god-like being?

Sea Serpents are an obvious yes, that goes without saying.

Is there anything I'm missing?

Until next chapter, no. But it has been fun discussing this with you! Like I said, things like this always gets me curious and I for one like to explore the possibilities. And while would listen some of the species that we see in the Everfree, I don't think the Omnitrix would accept them. Then again however, it does have Vulpimancer DNA, and some of the creatures of the Everfree have shown to be on par or even more intelligent than Wildmutt (See Manticore from S1E2) or even normal Vulpimancers like the ones in the episode from the OG series with Max's old partner, Bill I think? Though I don't think other readers would agree with me, about the Everfree transformations that is.

Even if they don't agree, it's always fun to think about the possibilities.

besides, I'm sure some of those everfree beasts will return in one way or another.

After all... Every Predator has its prey.

Also, it really was fun to talk about this with you, too! It's always good to see what people think and give their perspective, because it can expand the horizon of what you initially thought was possible by either very little, or by a very large margin.

And don't worry, the next chapter will be out soon, and it'll be relatively much tamer than the current one.

I kinda do and kinda don't hope so. Be honest, how much inspiration did you take from this MLP Infection AU trend over on that app, tick tack or something for this chapter?

Not a single bit of this was inspired by the MLP Infection AU trend. For example, Twilight wasn't responsible for this, let alone aware of anything happening to her friends until after all was said and done.

It was actually something I made up, loosely based off of old school horror movie threats like invasion of the body snatchers, George Romero's Night of the Living Dead, as well as taking inspiration from the cordyceps infection from The Last of Us.

I almost wanted to base it off of Swamp Fever, something that actually existed in MLP, but I decided at the last minute to not do that, it was a creative sacrifice.

I meant more as in the color and description used in the story, along with the mutations to the ponies, not the origin.

Oh, that? The color wasn't really based on anything in particular. I was mainly winging the description of it, as well as the color palette itself, and how it affects ponies in a variety of ways.

I wanted it to be as unnatural as physically possible, and giving it such specific descriptions just made sense, as it's been something I've experienced myself once or twice in my life as a kid. The mutations of the ponies weren't really based on anything.

Though, if I had to compare this to the MLP Infection AU trend, I'd say that the ponies who stared at Ben when he went to check on his friends, they were just now undergoing the beginning process of Stage one, while Applejack and Pinkie were the only ones at the end of stage two, preparing to go into the final stage, while Rarity was in the midst of stage one and mutating, and Dash was in the midst of Stage two, and mutating.

if Ben hadn't intervened when he did, his friends would've been too far gone for the Omnitrix to fix. Well, two of them would've, there was still the issue of not having Earth Pony DNA.

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