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A talk between colleagues

After searching for Luna for twenty minutes, I realised that I would have to talk to her another time. I started to head towards the exit when I noticed light coming from underneath Celestia's office door, which confused me. The older kids said that she had stayed late even before I was born, but since it was almost five o'clock in the evening, she should have gone home by now. As I opened the door, I heard faint sobbing, so instead of acting like my usual self and barging in, I gently knocked

"Who is it?" From the other side of the door, Celestia asked me.

"It's me Sunny, can I come in?" When I asked, I didn't hear back for two minutes.

"Sure come in," She informed me When you have an alternate version of the person you have lived with your entire life, you can see the cracks in the mask. "So did you need anything?" she asked me in a voice that sounded slightly sore. I opened the door and saw her sitting in her chair with a neutral face on, at least that's what most people would think.

She nodded in agreement. "Yeah, could I sit down before I ask you?" I asked. As I sat down, I saw that some of the stuff she had on her desk had water spots on it.

"Ok so tell me what did you need I have loads of work to catch up on?" She asked me quietly.

It was evident that Tia wasn't expecting me to call her that or even that she had a phoney face on when I ordered, "Take the mask off Tia," since I enjoyed calling her Tia rather than Celestia.

Her brows narrowed and her voice became a little less composed as she said, "How do you know that name?"

I told her, "Your sister first off, and second, I meant it when I said take the mask off," just before the mask broke and her expression turned into that of a broken woman.

Her voice cracked a little as she asked, "Why do you insist on this?"

I answered, lying, "Because I want to listen to you and find out what's troubling you so much anyone with a psychology degree can tell you are hurting," after years of living with the other self. Ultimately, she broke

She said, nodding at me, "As you know, this Anon-a-miss account has been causing problems. I wanted to try and shut it down, but in the process, it revealed something it shouldn't have," tears welling up in her eyes. "Sorry I can't talk about it more, but you can see it on the accounts webpage," she said, turning around.

"No," I firmly stated, and she spun around.

"What do you mean by no," she demanded.

"In other words, I prefer to hear directly from you rather than a webpage," I said having already made up my mind.

"I already said to go and read it on the webpage, hell why do you even want to hear it from me anyway!" I was shocked when she yelled because I hadn't heard Celestia cuss or shout with such force before.

"God damn it you stubborn women because this will eat away at you till you talk to someone about it, which you most likely won't unless someone talks to you first!" I said, fully aware that my Celestia had attempted to ignore her mental health in favour of Equestria. Before she could gather her thoughts, Celestia simply looked at me and opened her mouth.

"That's something brave to say to your boss on the first day even if it's true" She acknowledged "alright ill tell you but promise me it will never leave the coffins of this office understood" I responded by nodding.

"Ok to clear things up this information relates to Luna and I when we were teenagers, at school I was the queen bee with Good grades and Looks,While Luna had good grades she was still going though puberty,so many people teased her one day she had enough and turned full goth,I didnt question why she did it or even if she was bullied,I was oblivious to what my sister was going though and as a result she ended up with a bad crowd who called themselves the Nightmares with Luna adopting a nickname between them called Nightmare moon" She stated while waiting for me to take all the details in.

"She did something really dumb one day, she had snuck some alcohol from our father's stash and drank all of it by herself, when I found her she was a mess, however as I grabbed her wrist her sleeve fell down to reveal multiple cuts down her arm and the rest of her body after further examination," she said, finally breaking down in a heap on her desk. To say I was shocked is an understatement, but I had more pressing matters to think about, walked around the desk and started giving her a hug.

"It's not completely your fault you know that right," I replied.

"How isn't it I ignored it all because of the attention I was receiving from the rest of the school?!" She nearly fell off her chair and cried in a chaotic manner.

Helping her up, I said, "I'm not saying it's not your fault; what I mean is Luna could have come to you at any time and the bullies should of known better. Remember, it's in the past as it should be, don't let this stop you now after so long." Then, as I was assisting her to stand, I realised that this was exactly what I had been doing since I was a queen bee; I paid attention to no one except for those who were helpful to me, which made me feel sick once more, but I forced myself to hold it in, as I said my goodbye to Celestia I started walking towards my apartment Now knowing that even if I ignored someone they could still be hurt more then ever.

Author's Note:

Yes another chapter done,dont be afraid to leave feedback as no ones perfect and there is to be aome mistakes I missed in the draft-accidentally unpublished this
