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After passing through the portal, I noticed that it was growing darker.
I noticed a text from Rainbow as I made my way home after checking my phone, which had been worthless in Equestria because there were no cell towers there.

'Hello Sunny, I know you're probably busy right now, but Pinkie and I feel like we should apologise to the Dazzlings, and we want you to be present in case one of the others shows up or someone loses their cool.'

I always considered forcing them to meet and see if they could become friends. Originally, I decided against it, but now that Pinkie was on our side, it might be beneficial for both of them. I pondered before responding to the message.

'Considering that the dazzlings were willing to pardon you for negotiating with the others because you voted to leave and for being submissive, Pinkie, I believe that's a great idea, Rainbow.' Given how similar she and Sonata are, it's probably the same. Just let me know when you're ready to accomplish this, and I'll be there.

I was two thirds of the way home when I heard a loud noise, so I knew I had completed typing and there was a good chance Rainbow would not respond for a time !CRASH! I know I should exercise caution, but if someone gets harmed down this alleyway, they're going to need assistance.

A few bin lids were strewn around as I cautiously made my way into the alley. But before I could go any farther, I observed that someone had emerged from behind the stack of bins, facing away from me.

I was sick to my stomach because I could tell who it was right away based on their stature and colour scheme. As I opened my mouth to say something, they abruptly took off sprinting.

They might be able to escape outside of the school, but they would find it difficult to do so because they didn't even look at me, so if I called them to my office, they wouldn't think anything of it. I stopped thinking about it so I could refocus on getting home and trying to find Anon-a-miss. By the time I recovered from my shock and confusion at the event, they had already left.

Making a list of potential suspects and a separate one for non-Anon-a-miss individuals was the first step. Asking the principals for assistance in monitoring student behaviour on school computers in case students use them was the second. By now, the third step involved forging allies everywhere.

I entered my apartment door, quickly changed, laid down on my bed and fell asleep peacefully. I knew there was still more I could have done on the list, but I was too exhausted to care.

The following day, I started getting ready and cleaning up. After that, I sat down at my desk and checked my phone to see that Rainbow had responded. Fortunately, I was not needed until later in the day at school, so I could work on the list I had made.

' You would naturally believe it would be an excellent idea. I mean, I invented it,' and when I saw that she was finally behaving like herself, I couldn't help but laugh.

Now that anyone I've injured may be behind it, the list of suspects could be as long as Tartarus, so let's start with the folks who aren't 100% Anon-a-miss.

Pinkie and Rainbow I can confirm that none of them are, as neither would do this and Rainbow in particular given her family. Lyra and Bonbon are also off limits because they tried to dissuade people that it wasn't me when I passed by them the other day talking to some others. Derpys is too kind and happy to do something like this, and based on what I saw yesterday, one of the CMC aren't Anon-a-miss, and if one of them isn't, neither would the others; at least it's not likely, but you can't rule out the other two. Flash is almost entirely unlikely to be him because he was okay with me ending our relationship because he wanted it too. Wallflower isn't either; she may have hated me but she couldn't do most of this plus she can't lie that well. Trixie isn't because she's too unstable emotionally right now.

It's a start, and based just on what I already know, so that at least rules out some of the nine pupils who can't be Anon-a-miss. Alright, time to create the suspect list. I can immediately think of three people who could do this if they so want.

'Applejack, Rarity, and Fluttershy, while the likelihood that they are not Anon is high, I can't completely rule them out. Snips and Snails, with assistance, could accomplish this but they are too stupid to do it alone; they might have someone working with them. Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon are unlikely to do this since they have started to appear nicer, but they might still be. Then there's one person who could be Anon, but what would terrify me, given that my theory was refuted back home with Emerald Never existing here, means there's a chance that I could be behind this even though there isn't any magic naturally present. However, she might be worse.

Author's Note:

Surprise chapter and we are finally getting to even more Au divergents along with hutting Anon-a-miss starting to be targeted

Have fun with deciphering all of this Pete and Threse
