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Favors and A talk

Following our conversation, ScootAloo asked if she could spend the day with Sorein and Spitfire.

"You’re Lucky it's the weekend now or I would say no but if they are fine with taking you out for a while, I don't see the harm in it just be careful," I grinned down at her as the sweetest smile I've ever seen appeared on her face.

"Thank you Mo- I mean Skies!" When ScootAloo gave me a tight hug, I merely gave her a quiet glance before she grabbed her jacket and hurried over to Sorien and Spitfire, and I waved to them as they went.

My phone started ringing before I had a chance to consider what I could accomplish that day.

"Miss Skies Speaking," I said while taking a call.

"Hello, Sunny!" A jubilant Sonata screams from across the room. I merely chuckled a little.

"Hello, Sonata It's nice to hear from you. I take it that both you and your sisters are doing well? I inquire if Hopeful has mostly healed.

Sonata says, "You can ask them yourself," just before I hear her give Aria the phone.

With a hint of pride in her voice, Aria responded, "Yo Sunny, since you asked me and Adagio are back up and walking with confidence now basically recovered."

I inquired, feeling as though there was more to their call than just that, as I heard the phone being passed over once more. "Hehe, Well that's good to hear, Is that what you three were calling about that you recovered now,"

"I wish it was Miss Skies, However, we have a favour maybe two actually to ask of you even, We understand how much you've already done for us and will understand if you can't," Adagio replied with an even tone.

"Adagio, it's okay. You can come with your sister.to me for anything, keep in mind that I did promise the three of you that I would do all in my power to assist, so what's the favour?" I inquired, assuming it was a minor matter.

Adagio stated, "Well, the first one is re-entry into Canterlot High," in a voice that seemed to have a hint of Feae.

"I can go to Luna and Celestia about it however it will be difficult with what's going on but I'll try what's the second one," I mentioned that even though it would be very challenging to get them back in, I could still Talk with Luna and Celestia.

"This is the second one." Adagio said softly, "Can we move in with you? We don't want to stay here anymore." I was astonished, to be honest, but I understood why they wanted to leave the Shelter. Nevertheless, I hardly had enough room for myself and Scootaloo let alone the dazzlings as well.

"I'll see what I can do when it happens, but I can't promise anything," I hesitantly answered.

"That's all I ask of you to try as you've already done so much for us, I'll let you go now, It was nice talking to you miss skies," Adagio stated .

"Of course, Adagio. You can also call me Skies or Sunny, remember," I grinned.

"Of course, Talk to you later miss ski—I mean Skies" before the line fell silent.

As soon as the phone ca;; went Flat, I texted Celestia to see if she was available to talk. While I waited for a response, I put on my shoes and jacket and heard a beep from my phone. It was Celestia with a location to meet so we could talk. I left my house and headed to the address.

After two hours

Turning the last curve that led to the location, I noticed a lengthy road that led up past a little tree line. As I passed the tree line, I saw what looked like a tiny mansion. To put it mildly, I was taken aback.

The Dazzlings and Anon-a-miss were the only things on my mind as I passed the mansion's gates. Although it seemed like their search was going well at first, we had hit a small obstacle when we realised that Anon-a-miss had discovered that the person using the school computer wasn't a former student and that anyone who could walk and spell words could also access them.

I pressed the dove-shaped doorbell as soon as I arrived at the door. After waiting for around thirty seconds, Celestia opened the door and ushered me into the living room.

"So, Sunny, what are you wanting to talk about? It's usually important," Celestia remarked, her face composed.

"Well,you see, I ran into a few former Canterlot High pupils... Celestia appeared astonished and worried as I replied, "They were living on the streets, barely able to move; they almost looked lifeless."

She added, appearing to be in a panic, "Oh my God, are they okay now? I never thought that any of my students would become homeless enough to be considered lifeless."

"Indeed we can both agree there, Good news was I brought them to the shelter in time, and from what I can tell they have made a full recovery, Now the reason I have come to you today is that they asked me to see if they could come back to school," I replied gently and quietly.

"well given about their current situation, I don't see that much issue with them coming back I will need their names, ages, and guardians, however," Calmly, she said to me

I murmured carefully, waiting for Celestia's response, "Well promise not to freak out but their names are..... Aria, Sonata, and Adagio otherwise known as the Dazzlings."

"I'm sorry I thought you just said the Dazzlings?" Celestia inquired, presumably mishearing me.

"Yes, I did say the Dazzlings," I responded, starting to perspire a little.

I recalled that we had informed Celestia and Luna that The Dazzling had no magic pendants and that they were now just regular humans. "Well, while I honestly do not see an issue with them returning, the rest of the school will think a lot differently," she remarked calmly.

"Now there is another issue as well, Tia," I replied, addressing her by her given name.

She used my middle name in return, "And what is that Aphasia?"

"they don't have a guardian or Any form of ID on them," I added.

After a minute I heard someone smash a cup of tea on the floor.

Author's Note:
