• Published 14th Mar 2022
  • 731 Views, 23 Comments

Unidentified Path Forward - Partycannon_

Sweetie Belle is a robot and she has to overcome the challenges ahead.

  • ...

Chapter 6: Entropy 101

-:: Location: ????????? ::-

Sweetie Belle awakens in a room remarkably similar to the school classroom but without any windows, doors, or even multiple desks lined up into rows. After taking a moment to wipe her tear stained face, she begins to recall knowing how she ended up in this room sitting in the only desk present facing toward the teachers desk with a chalk board behind it along the wall.

"Discord! Where are you?" Sweetie looked around the room and after turning back to the chalk board she saw Discord.

"Why hello there Sweetie Belle! My aren't you looking, well, down in the mechanical waste today?" Discord chuckled.

"What do you want Discord!" Sweetie's eyes narrowed.

"This isn't about what I want, this is about what they want," he points to the chalk board as it drew an image of eight ponies, Rarity and her friends but Twilight had wings, and Sweeties friends. "They all asked me to fetch you and I told them: I will only do it 'my way', they reluctantly agreed."

"Do they all want me gone that badly? Did they send the Royal Guard too?" Sweetie asked.

"Yes they did, but they haven't really found anything yet but I feel they are close to catching up," Discord put on a golden helmet.

"You used the word 'fetch', your not here to destroy me?" Sweetie was skeptical.

"Yes I am supposed to bring you to the six ponies that consist of your sister and her friends but that is much too boring and unfair for you. I do remember you and your two friends breaking me out of my stone prison which is partially why I'm doing this," Discord sat down at the desk while putting a white apple on the table.

"Doing, what?" Sweetie rose an eye brow.

"A pop quiz of course!" Discord cheered revealing a few papers. "The rules are simple! Complete the quiz and if you answer seventy percent of the questions correctly, you pass! You must also complete the quiz before this white apple turns completely red," Discord looked over to the white apple.

"How long will that take?" Sweetie asked annoyed.

"Around thirty minutes," Discord threw the papers as they turned into birds and landed on Sweeties desk turning back into paper. "If you're caught cheating then you fail, the timer starts now," Discord pulled out a upside-down newspaper and began reading while the tip of the white apple's stem started dripping red liquid onto the apple as it began absorbing the color.

Sweetie took out a pencil in her desk and she wrote her name on the paper, she read the first question and multiple answers then looked up to Discord. "Really?" Sweetie Belle was not impressed.

Q1: Who is BEST pony?
A: Sweetie Belle
B: Boulder (a rock)

Answer 'C' had black and white fireworks shooting off and exploding on the page, Sweetie also noticed a option 'D' with a crossed out Applejack but chose to ignore it. Discord didn't notice her unenthusiastic look so she just answered 'C' and moved on.

Q2: Sweetie Belle's friends and family feel how about her?
A: Fear / Afraid
B: Love
C: Hatred

Sweeties hooves under the table got consumed by the shadows and Discord dropped his papers to look at her with narrowing eyes. She answered 'A' after thinking it over. Discord picked back up his upside-down newspaper and continued reading but this time he kept peering over it to watch Sweetie.

Q3: Will Sweetie ever be welcomed back home?
A: Never
B: Always

She answered 'A' while glancing up at Discord with hatred.

Q4: Hangpony

Sweetie looks up at Discord confused. "There is no answers he-"

Sweetie got sucked into the page and the world around her became white with black lines as far as the eye could see. Suddenly a bunch of 2D ponies were drawn up out of nowhere, the ponies only had a black outline that looked as if they were drawn with a pencil. The ponies all had different clothing but they all held either torches or pitchforks that were also drawn, all the ponies where also looking up to a newly drawn platform with a noose hanging from the sky. Sweetie then looked into the sky and saw five blanks.

"Oh," Sweetie was snapped out of her confusion. 'Well you always want to start with vowels right?' she thought. "Um,'E'," Sweetie said to no pony specifically.

Sweeties head was drawn on the noose leaving a blank space for her horn.

"Uh, 'O'," She said again looking up to they sky revealing: "_o_o_".

-:: Scanning... Sca??i?g... ?ca??i??... ????????... ::-

"Is the next letter, 'G'," Sweetie shrugged.

The barrel of Sweetie was drawn under her drawn head but with a gear as a cutie mark. The crowd of 2D ponies grew angry and began raising their pitchforks and torches.

"The answer is 'Robot'" Sweetie was filled with hatred.

She blinked and found herself back in the fake classroom with the paper in front of her and Discord reading a hair magazine while blowing his mane with a hair dryer. Under question four was a green checkmark so she moved on.

"Discord I'm done with this stupid quiz!" Sweeties eyes narrowed while Discord looks up from his game of Discord Jenga.

"Oh goodie, I was about to lose," Discord looked delighted while another Discord looked annoyed. Discord snapped and Sweetie's quiz appeared in front of him and the now dimly red apple disappeared. "This will only take a second,"

"What was the point of that quiz, where you just tryi-"

"Done! Hm, I thought these questions were pretty easy. You scored a twenty," said Discord taking off a pair of glasses while putting down the peace of paper.

"WHAT? I ANSWERED ALL OF THOSE CORRECTLY!" the shadows let go of Sweetie as she stood on her desk pointing at Discord.

Discord in response snapped and the room disappeared. The two of them started floating down to a forest below. "Sweetie Belle, you answered the questions wrong. I may be the definition of chaos but this quiz was not rigged."

-:: Location: Forest ::-

"DISCORD, I-I-I WILL MAKE YOU REGRET THIS!" yelled a red Sweetie as she landed.

Discord grinned. "Is that how you want this to play out?"

Suddenly loud and bombastic music started playing, increasing in volume. Cheese Sandwich appeared, balancing on a large ball and playing a tuba, the drums, and an accordion.

"What is he doing?" asked Sweetie.

"BEVERLY HI-LLS TH-ATS WH-ERE I WAN-T TO B-E" Cheese yelled while playing the tuba. He took breaks from singing to play the tuba.

-:: Allied Pony: Behind You ::-

"He is distracting us so that Daring Do can take you," Discord grinned.

-:: Capturing Seal: Progress of Starting ::-

Both Discord and Sweetie turn around to face Daring with a star shaped artifact starts floating off her hoof while glowing and rotating. "Close, but not quite!" said a confident Daring. Discord began to flee, but before he could escape he was sucked into the star. The star slowly stopped spinning and landed back in Daring's hoof, revealing a tiny Discord inside.

"Get me out of here! I am the Lord of CHAOS!" Discord shouted at Daring while snapping. After a few moments, he was met with a small chuckle.

"Sorry, not this time Discord. Maybe you should do some research into ancient artifacts sometime!" Daring smiled.

"Sweetie Belle, listen to me. Your family and friends rea-" Discord starts.

Daring threw the star into her hat and put it on. "No more out of you!". While Cheese got off his ball and put up his music, Daring turned to Sweetie and exclaimed "Sweetie Belle, you're safe now! Did he hurt you at all?"

"Hurt my peace of mind," Sweetie began dusting herself off. "Does paper cuts count?" She looked up to Daring.

"Sweetie Belle! I'm glad you're okay!" Cheese gave her a big hug. "Would you like a cupcake?"

Sweetie chuckled. Then she begun to laugh. "Why the hay does this keep happening to me," said Sweetie, still laughing while tears fell from her face.

The large moon clouded overhead as the trees whispered in the wind. A light from a flickering flame was surrounded by three sleeping bags that are filled.

"And just as I made it to the end of the forbidden labyrinth... Boom, Boom, Boom, a giant dog with a spike tail and six legs blocks the tablet of light. SO I sneak up to the pedestal and take the tablet stuffing it in my hat and the dog instantly turns to me, I manage to swoop past his bite and duck under his tail. He then chased me through the ENTIRE LABYRINTH!" Daring didn't notice the leaves piling up on her hat as she talked.

Cheese looked happy listening to the story as he ate popcorn and Sweetie Belle enjoyed the company even if she wasn't a huge adventure story fan.

"That my friends is how the tablet of light is now hidden away in Canterlot," said a proud Daring wearing a smirk. "I was going to write about that story but there where so many others to get to first."

"That reminds me of the time that I tried cheering up this little filly by bringing ten dogs to his birthday part... Yeah that wasn't a good idea" Cheese smirked as he rubbed the back of his head.

Daring chuckled "No, that sounds like an awful idea."

Cheese laughed. "It really wasn't, poor filly ran at least a mile and we just couldn't get the peanut butter off," he put his hoof in front of his wide smile.

"Me, Scootaloo, and Apple Bloom once took care of Apple Bloom's family dog and we chased her all the way into the forest just for her to bark at a squirrel up a tree for an hour," Sweetie chuckled. "Sadly we didn't get our cutie marks in looking after her."

Cheese and Daring both smiled. "Did you and your two friends do a lot together?" asked Daring.

"Are you kidding me? We formed a club called the Cutie Mark Crusaders and we would go around doing everything to try and earn our cutie marks!" Sweetie got out of her cozy sleeping bag. "Hay we have a tree house, and Scootaloo is one of the most loyal ponies I know, despite being a little too obsessed with being 'awesome' she is one of the BEST friends a pony could ever ask for. Apple Bloom is honest and kind but can be fearless too! Its difficult to hang out with her all the time though, because of her work on the farm."

"I would love to meet them, they seem like super fun little fillies!" Cheese responded with a large smile.

"You don't know the half of it. I mean we made a love potion, well it was actually a love poison. We helped find a runaway chicken. We did so much together that in just this short time it has already felt like I have known them my entire life," Sweetie trotted back in fourth while she talked. "Its just too bad..."

Sweetie slowed and slowed until she was standing still, looking away from Cheese and Daring. After a minute of watching a still Sweetie Belle, they both notice a huge shadowy tentacle grab ahold of Sweetie and throw her into the ground as Sweetie began to cry. Cheese shot up and rushed to Sweetie trying to calm her while Daring was dazed.

"Its okay, its okay, its okay!" Cheese hugged Sweetie tightly.

Cheese continued trying to calm her down and the huge shadow grew smaller and smaller until Daring couldn't notice it.

"Everything is going to be okay" Cheese told Sweetie Belle while she wailed loudly sinking her face further into her hooves.

Author's Note:

Thank you for reaching the end of Chapter 6!

Huge shout outs to TheBrokenBrony for editing this chapter and Brony9216 for fact checking the story and some help editing as well!
Honestly these two deserve more love then I do, follow them, and leave a good comment.