> Unidentified Path Forward > by Partycannon_ > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Chapter 1: A Error In Time > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Hey professor," said the blue unicorn sitting down at a table in the middle of a coffee shop. "This isn't a question about the exam is it?" the orange mare that sat across the table said in a sigh. "No, well maybe, its more of a curious question I had," the blue unicorn looked at her professor which raised an eyebrow. "Well as fillies we all learn that robots are illegal and we should turn them into the Royal Guard if we ever saw one," the unicorn continued. "Why are they illegal, I mean sure they are dangerous but so is a unicorns horn, or even a earth ponies kick?" The professor after putting her cup down and wiping her mouth with a napkin answers. "That's a good question, but let's think. Usually a untrained unicorn could just barely pick up a single pony, let alone an entire city." "Are you saying that a robot can lift an entire city all by themselves?" asked the unicorn sitting there, cup untouched. "Well.. No, however if they chose to, I believe one could level an entire town," answered the professor as she picked up her cup once again. "Then follow up question: What happens when a robot is taken by the Royal Guard?" the unicorn asked. "Well robots that are discovered through them hurting others, is often disassembled to try and figure out who or what built them," stated the professor after using another napkin to wipe off her mouth. "As for robots that have been taken in without hurting others, I am unsure, there is almost no cases of that ever happening." "Really I'm surprised! I have a few more questions." the unicorn takes out some flash cards "Wait, what time is it? I have to go do some homework, really sorry. See you in class professor!" the unicorn runs with shock written on her face, the professor still sitting, hears the door behind her open and close. "Your a great student, however you shouldn't waste coffee" said the professor to no one, while looking at a full cup from across the table. "Alright, today is goin to be the day girls," the yellow filly said with a stern looking face. "Today we will get our cutie marks in TIME TRAVEL!" the yellow filly cracked a wide grin. "YEAH, that will be soo COOL. We will get laser guns and blast robots," said a orange pegasus featuring the same smile. "Uh.. Girls? I'm pretty sure time travel isn't a thing yet," said a white unicorn with an eye roll, yet cracked a grin. "Oh.. Well ah guess we will have to get our cutie marks in making time travel" the yellow filly said with a frown turning into a smile. "CUTIE MARK TIME TRAVELERS, YAY" shouted the group of fillies "Alright Scootaloo! We need you to find our supplies. Sweetie Belle, umm, ah need you to find out how to build one. An ah'm goin to get mah hammer," said Apple Bloom with a smile. With the plan set up, Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle both nodded before galloping their way out of the club house. After a bit of a walk, Sweetie finally arrived in front of a large oak tree near the center of town. The little filly gently knocked on the wooden door belonging to the interior of the tree. After knocking, the white filly heard a loud CLASH coming from inside the wooden structure. Sweetie couldn't help but cringe a little at the sound and took a hoof step back from the door. "GIVE ME A SECOND!" said a familiar voice from the other side of the door. after a few seconds the door opens to a small purple and green dragon. Spike had a frown on his face but quickly changed it to a small smile. "Oh please come in, Twilight isn't here right now but she will be back very soon." "Thank you! Uh what was that sound that I heard?" Sweetie said while entering the oak library. "Oh, that? That 'was' mine and Twilights' lunch for later," said Spike with a frown "It's okay, I'll just have to make some more." "Well if Twilight isn't here yet can I help? I'm a great che-" "NO! I'm okay, I just like cooking by myself," Spike stated quickly while darting his eyes back and forth. "Uh, anyways do you want something as well?" said Spike, gently smiling. "Sure but something small, I have to head back to the Cutie Mark Crusader's after I get a book on time travel," Sweetie said cheerfully. "Okay Ill make something for the three of you.. You said time travel?" Spikes smile persisted but a eyebrow did extend up. Sweetie Belle in the middle of studying her surroundings while Spike was in the kitchen, suddenly heard a door open behind her. "Hi Twilight!" Sweetie said with a wide grin. "Oh, hello Sweetie Belle. I wasn't expecting to see you here. How's it going?" said the purple unicorn with a small smile. "I'm doing good! I was hoping you had a book on time travel?" said Sweetie keeping the same grin. "Sweetie Belle, is that.. A good idea?" asked Twilight with a deadpanned expression. "Yeah, CUTIE MARK TIME TRAVLERS, YAY!" Sweetie yells while on two legs. without realizing, she loses her balance and lands on her back, Sweetie blushes as she gets up. "Well you are lucky because I do happen to know a thing or two about time travel but I am not sure its possible outside of that one spell," Twilight said with a puzzled face. "Wait you time traveled? That's soo COOL!" Sweetie looked in awe. "Yeah I remember that adventure," said Spike chuckling while setting down two plates on a table and places three sandwiches in a bag then giving it to Sweetie Belle. "Also Twilight... I uh broke two plates, sorry," said spike rubbing the back of his head. "That's okay spike, just add it to the shopping checklist," answered Twilight. Spike then rolled his eyes and walked over to a piece of parchment to write something down. "So anyways, about that book, or spell," said Sweetie with a grin. "Alright let me find it, but I can't promise it will be of any help to you. This book was made by professionals and explains some pretty complicated stuff. Id be willing to teach you if I had some time on my hoof but I am quite booked at the moment," said twilight scanning through her library. "Anything helps" said Sweetie while looking at her and her friends sandwiches. "Ah! Here it is, Quantum Time Travel a Reference Guide" said Twilight pulling a huge book from her shelf. Twilight then lifts the book over to Sweetie using magic. "It explains the theories behind time travel and other cool things." "That looks umm.. Real useful Twilight, Thank you!" said Sweetie trying to hold a smile. "Sure, anytime, now you fillies enjoy your time travel!" said Twilight with a big grin. "I'm glad I got you when I could Scootaloo, this book is massive!" Sweetie said to the orange pegasus who was pulling her in a wagon using a scooter. "Yeah no problem, I already got some supplies back at the tree base. So did you figure out how to build a time machine?" Scootaloo said keeping her eyes on the dirt path before her. "Not quite, however I did get this book from Twilight that should at least give us an idea. Also I got us some sandwiches," Sweetie said running her hoof across the boring looking book. "You didn't make the sandwiches, did you?" asked Scootaloo with a skeptical tone. "No Spike made them, why?" Sweetie asked. "Oh, uh. Look were at the tree base." Scootaloo said quickly. "You know you can call it a club house or a tree house right?" asked Sweetie. "I know, but tree base sounds cooler," answered Scootaloo with a grin. "Ah thought ah heard mah two best friends, did yawl get somethin for the time machine?" said Apple Bloom leaving the club house. "I brought some more wood and nails, and Sweetie brought a book and some sandwiches" Scootaloo responded. "Who made the sandwiches?" asked Apple Bloom with a skeptical tone. "Spike," said Scootaloo with a serious voice. "I can cook next time, if you want me to," said a proud looking Sweetie Belle. "Oh, no! That's okay you really, really don't have to," Scootaloo responded almost cringing. "Yeah, really, DONT!" said Apple Bloom with a extremely serious face. "Alright, if Mr. what's-his-name's theory is correct then this should be it," said Apple Bloom while looking at a wooden platform with what seems to be a doorframe made from wood, wires, flashing lights, balloons, and other gadgets, on top. "I think his name was Mr. Cheese Sandwich?" said Sweetie Belle re-reading the page. "Sorry girls this is the only page I can read, all the other pages are like they are written in a foreign language," Sweetie sighed. "Its okay Sweetie Belle, I know your trying your best," said Scootaloo, spitting a hammer out of her mouth. "Well its done, all we need to do now is throw the switch!" cheered Apple Bloom. Scootaloo then walks up to the machine and pulls the lever down, after quickly darts back to the rest of the group to watch the machine. "Well at least its moving this time," said Sweetie Belle. The machine begins to start moving its pulleys, gears, and balloons, it also started to light the bulbs up with electricity. The ground softly vibrated from the machine at work. "With all the work we went through I hope it starts shooting some lasers," said Scootaloo. "What's your fascination with lasers today Scoot?" asked Apple Bloom. "Explosions," answered Scootaloo with a dead panned expression. "Wait girls, I think its working," said an excited Sweetie Belle. The machine begun making a low hum, and started getting louder. After a few seconds the lights shattered and the machine began to slow to a halt, but before it could, it shot a rubber band that connected two gears, at high speed directly at the Cutie Mark Crusaders. "DUCK!" shouted Scootaloo. However it was too late, Sweetie Belle got hit directly in the eye with the rubber band. "OW!" Sweetie yelped in pain. "Oh my goodness are yawl alright?" asked Apple Bloom. Sweetie was rolling on the ground with her hoof over her eye. "Do you need to go see a doctor?" asked Scootaloo. "I'll be okay, I just need a second" answered Sweetie Belle in a whimper. After calming down Sweetie still with her hoof over her eye sees something strange, what she was supposed to see is pitch black in her right eye but instead she is seeing tons of green lines overlaying her vision of the inside of her eye lid. Within the green lines she can make out what appears to be text. -:: Self Awareness Protocol: activate ::- -:: Visual Glitch: detected ::- -:: Memory Rewriting Protocol: activate ::- -:: Loading .... Loading .... Loading .... ERROR ::- -:: Unable to run: Self Awareness Protocol ::- -:: System Updated: Self Awareness: known ::- Sweetie Belle screamed internally, however on the outside she was hyperventilating. Her mind was overloaded with question, which for now, had no answer. "Sweetie Belle are you sure your alright?" asked Apple Bloom in a calm voice. "Yeah I'm just fine," Sweetie stated while taking in deep breaths, and no longer hyperventilating. She began to get off the ground however she could not stop shaking uncontrollably. "Yeah, your not okay, here Ill help into the wagon. I'm taking you to the hospital," said Scootaloo walking over to Sweetie Belle. "NO!" shouted Sweetie Belle, just barely standing through her shaking. "I-I'm going home," said Sweetie Belle in a harsh voice. "Alright, Ill take you to Rarity, please just get in the wagon you can barely walk," said a calm Scootaloo. "O-O-Okay," answered Sweetie Belle still shaking. "Are yawl doin better now?" asked Apple Bloom after a few minutes from getting in the wagon with Sweetie Belle. "Yeah, hey I'm sorry about before, I'm also sorry to you Scootaloo," said Sweetie in a sad voice with her hoof still over her eye. "Its all good, I know that wasn't you talking," said Scootaloo. "WHAT!" shouted Sweetie. "Its a, uh, figure of speech Sweetie Belle," said Apple Bloom. "Oh, right, I just need some sleep girls Ill be okay in the morning," said a blushing Sweetie Belle Sweetie did stop shaking, there was also an aching in her heart, for she can still see the green lines and the text that reacted to things that she did. Sweetie Belle feels uneasy as she tells herself 'It will all be over in the morning, this is just a over hyper imagination.' "Alright we are here," said Scootaloo coming to a stop and taking off her Helmet. "Do ya need any help?" asked Apple Bloom. "No, I can make it inside," promised Sweetie Belle. Apple Bloom and Scootaloo were on opposite sides of Sweetie Belle making sure she doesn't fall, however regardless of her wobbling she didn't need it. Apple Bloom then knocks and opens the door, the three fillies enter the Carousel Boutique. "Welcome to Carousel-" Rarity cheerfully comes around the corner and spots the three fillies. "Oh, no. Sweetie Belle, what happened?" Rarity asked with a frown. "She got hit in the eye from a rubber band," answered Apple Bloom. "Oh? Where is that rubber band now, I must teach it a lesson." Rarity gave off a small smile, the joke did not make anyone laugh but it did calm Sweetie Belle down a little. "Now Sweetie Belle I am going to need to check your eye." "Sorry can it wait until tomorrow? It hurts just from keeping it closed, let alone from opening it," said Sweetie Belle. "I understand but I need to make sure that we don't need to go to the doctor right away, you don't want to be blind in one eye, do you?" said a stern Rarity. "I guess not," answered Sweetie. She begins to slowly open her right eye, the pain does hurt quite a bit, however she knows her sister is not going to let her free unless she shows her, her eye. "hmm, your pupil seems to be glowing just a bit but it seems to be fine," said Rarity with a smile. "GLOWING?" shouted Sweetie Belle. "Yes its glowing a little red, because you got hit in the eye," answered Rarity. "Scootaloo and Apple Bloom you are free to go, Ill make sure Sweetie Belle gets some sleep. Thank you for bringing her back." "Your welcome. Keep a good eye on our friend, we'll need her soon!" said Apple Bloom with a smile. "Yeah, lets hope you don't have to get laser eye surgery!" said Scootaloo. Apple Bloom then gave Scootaloo a mean stare. "I-I mean have a nice sleep. Bye," stated Scootaloo. "Bye," said Apple Bloom. > Chapter 2: Terms & Service > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 'Well at least my eye doesn't hurt anymore' thought Sweetie Belle narrowing her eyes. She was in her room, the curtains where closed and the light was off. Sweetie looked in her large mirror, seeing the same pony she saw every day, now with subtle differences. There where small greyish lines that connected each of her limbs, not only that but her eyes seem to be more mechanical. It also did not help with the green lines and text that appeared in her right eye. A knock came from Sweetie Belles door then she heard a familiar voice: "Sweetie Belle, are you awake? You do need to get ready for school." "I'm up Rarity, um, is it okay if I don't go to school today." asked Sweetie in a tired tone. Rarity opened up the door and came over to her sister, Sweetie then turned to look at her. "Oh? What ever is the matter Sweetie Belle?" asked Rarity giving her sister a concerned expression. "Your eye seems fine now but you do have some bad bags under them." "Yeah, I uh, didn't get much sleep last night." said Sweetie while looking to the ground. "I thought something was really bothering you last night but thought it was just your eye irritating you? Is something else going on, Sweetie Belle you can talk to me about anything, I promise," said Rarity while taking a seat on Sweetie's bed. "Well, I uh, haven't felt like myself recently and I really need to do some thinking," said Sweetie taking a seat next to her sister, while still looking down. Rarity then gives her sister a big hug, "I understand, I'm here for you, forever and ever. Of course I'll tell the school you wont be coming in today. If you ever need ANYTHING let your big sister know. No mountain will be unturned for you, even if it is made of dirt." "Thank you," said Sweetie while giving her sister a hug back. 'It seems that other pony's can't see my machine like lines or eyes, which rules out, for the most part, that I replaced a filly named Sweetie Belle.' Sweetie was in the middle of thought. 'ugh, there are just SOO MANY QUESTIONS! Wait, there is always one place I can go to get answers but... Until I know more I just cant give anyone the idea that I'm a robot, especially Twilight.' The white filly continued to walk in a circles while losing track of time. Sweetie continued to sink further in thought. 'How can I take a book from Twilight without her knowing or her suspecting me? Well I could ask Spike to keep it a secret, no that will just make me more suspicious. It also doesn't help that Twilight constantly reorganizes her books. Hmm, I might have an idea.' Sweetie Belle then leaves her room and heads downstairs. "ALRIGHT I'M GOING TO GET SOME FRESH AIR!" Sweetie shouted through the Carousel Boutique. "OKAY, COME BACK SOON, I'M MAKING LUNCH IN AN HOUR!" Rarity responded from another room. Sweetie once again is in front of a large oak tree, Twilights home to be exact. Sweetie Belle was hesitant to knock but decided to anyways. Thankfully this time there was no Clash, Sweetie let out a sigh of relief. The door after a few long seconds opened. "Oh, hello again Sweetie Belle, wasn't expecting to see you so soon, please come in," said Twilight. "Thank you, I'm sorry if I'm interrupting something. I'm just here to pick up a few books for the Cutie Mark Crusader's," said Sweetie Belle while entering the tree. "Oh, are you doing that today? I heard from Scootaloo and Apple Bloom you had a rough day yesterday when they returned the book you borrowed. I know you want to get your cutie mark but I think you should rest for the day," said Twilight with smile. "Uh... I know, but you know how boring it is sitting around doing nothing, so I was looking to borrow some books to keep my interest and it would help later for crusading" Sweetie had to think before answering. "Fair enough, so what are you looking for?" asked Twilight. "Um, actually is it okay if I just look around?" replied Sweetie Belle. "Sure, if you need any help let me know," answered Twilight, she then picked up a book with her magic and flipped to a book mark then begun reading. Sweetie Belle then slowly began walking from one side of the room to the other searching for a book about robots. She found one but after pulling it out she saw the cover was some si-fi adventure. Something in her right eye did catch her attention however. -:: Searching... Searching... Searching... Found: Item of Interest ::- Then after looking through the room Sweetie Belle noticed one of the books, instead of the usual green lines in her right eye, was instead blue lines while overlaying the book. Sweetie picked up the book, and sure enough: The Research of Robots, in Depth Knowledge. 'Alright better pickup at least one more book so that its less suspicious' thought Sweetie Belle as she picked up another random book nearby. "Alright Twilight, I got the books," said Sweetie Belle, trying to hold a small smile. "Okay, lets see what you got here, Research of Robots, and....." Twilight gave a long pause. "Reproduction of Ponies....." -:: Warning: Long Lecture Imminent ::- After managing to escape before things got worse at Twilight's, Sweetie packed the book on robots in her saddle and went home. Then after eating in mostly silence with Rarity, she then could finally read her book. Some time passed as Sweetie Belle read her book, learning what ponies know about robots. Sweetie Belle wrote notes as she read and to seal the deal if she was truly a robot she tried one of the features of robots in her notes: Night vision. 'Turn on night vision' Sweetie Belle thought, and after reopening her eyes she could see in the darkness of her room as if the lights were on. Sweetie Belle was both amused by this and horrified, she had to begin slowing her breathing and tried to focus. Regardless the feeling of dread slowly began to consume her. She decided to continue reading her book, this hardly made her feel better. Along with reading of cool gadgets like: Rocket propelled hooves, shout of magic emp, radar, something called a BFL, and a search ability, there where also things that deeply unsettled Sweetie Belle: Self destruct sequence, large mini missile launcher, rampage mode, memory reset, and anti life cocoon. Sweetie continued to read figuring out that she didn't exactly need sleep or food, however it still left her weak and craving them. She also found that robots have a certain magic that surrounds them, making an illusion so they look like every pony else, this is countered if the pony or robot knows of said illusion. If the memory rewrite didn't work then the only option is to continue knowing that she is a robot or to use the memory reset. "So, how's it going Sweetie Belle? Will you be able to go to school tomorrow?" asked Rarity with a small smile. Sweetie Belle and Rarity where in the kitchen, there were salads for each of them on the table. Sweetie's eyes were fixed on her food but not out of hunger. There was a long pause. "So.. How was your walk, you weren't gone for very long, where did you go?" asked Rarity continuing the small smile. Sweetie Belle was hardly moving, around every minute she took her fork and grabbed a small piece of green then took it to her mouth and chewed slowly. "Um..... You know I have been so busy with working on my new design I could really use maybe around three fillies to, I'm not sure, make some yummy food for me and my friends." Rarity was trying her best to keep up her smile. "Sweetie Belle, you are so good at cooking, can you and your two friends cook for me and my friends, everyone would love it so much, afterword I could take you and get anything you want from the store." Try as Sweetie Belle might, she could not go to bed that night. > Chapter 3: Hidden In a Metal Haystack > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Are yawl ready to get our cutie marks in PLANT GATHERING!" shouted Apple Bloom. "That doesn't sound very fun Apple Bloom," said Scootaloo with a shrug. "Well how do you know if you aren't going to even try," argued Apple Bloom. "Lets see what Sweetie Belle thinks," Scootaloo then walks over to Sweetie Belle in the corner of the club house. "Anyone there? Sweetie Belle?" Sweetie Belle slowly snapped back into reality after staring at a lady bug, or staring past a lady bug would be more correct. "Sweetie Belle are you sure your alright? It's been a week sense you hit your eye yet your still acting, well.. Out of it," asked Apple Bloom. "Yeah, also. Have you been getting any sleep, you don't look to good." Scootaloo asked. "Oh.. I'm fine, I have just been reading a good book and staying up to late. Uh what was the original question?" said Sweetie Belle. "The question was: who do you think is the cutest colt in class?" asked a smiling Scootaloo. "Uh, Button Mash I guess." answered Sweetie, mind obviously on other things. "Really Sweetie Belle?" asked a dead panned Apple Bloom while raising an eye brow. Scootaloo burst into laughter, falling over and rolling on the floor in the progress. After noticing both of her friends reaction Sweetie Belle began to realize what she said and turned red. "ARE YOU KIDDING ME SCOOTALOO? That is not funny at ALL! Its not like that stuff matters to me anyways! That's it, I'm going home." Sweetie Belle threw open the door and left the club house still red, while Scootaloo still was dying on the floor. Apple Bloom quickly ran after Sweetie Belle, leaving the club house to a laughing filly. "Sweetie Belle wait. I want to apologize for Scootaloo, we didn't think you would actually say anything." said a frowning Apple Bloom. "SO! Like I said it doesn't even matter," stated Sweetie Belle, her red face faded. "You say that but ah can see it still bothers you. What do you want me and Scootaloo to do to make it up to you?" asked Apple Bloom. "I said it doesn't matter, I.. I.. Just want everything to be right again." Sweetie stopped and took a seat on the dirt path. Apple Bloom gave Sweetie Belle a warm hug from behind. "It sounds like you need one of these." several minutes pass and Sweetie Belle finally spoke up: "I'm okay now Apple Bloom, you can let go." "Hmm, let me think... Nope. You need probably around ten more years or so." said a laughing Apple Bloom. "TEN MORE YEARS?" Sweetie yelled. "Yep and your not getting a parole, go ahead and try to leave this hug, you don't stand a chance!" said a confident Apple Bloom. After a bit of wiggling out of Apple Blooms hug, Sweetie was eventually set free. "Thank you, Apple Bloom. Really!" Sweetie Belle almost had a genuine smile but fell a little short. "No problem, if you ever want to continue your sentence just let me know. Oh hey, you know that me and Scootaloo are coming over tomorrow right? We are going to help our sisters and their friends by making them some food while they work on some dresses. If you are really not up for it then you don't need to help," said Apple Bloom with a small smile. "Yeah I know, Rarity really needs some help with her dresses. I can, although I can't promise I'll be much help," said Sweetie Belle with a frown. "Sweetie Belle... Is there something we can do to help you? Ah know when something is wrong with one of my friends," said a serious Apple Bloom. Sweetie Belle's eyes narrowed. "Sweetie Belle, Scootaloo is here," said Rarity giving a knock on Sweetie's door. after a few seconds Sweetie opened the door and gave Rarity a small smile. "Sweetie Belle if you really don't want to help, you don't need to," said a frowning Rarity. "What, no. I can help with cooking," Sweetie forced a larger smile. Rarity did not look very impressed but didn't push it any further. Both Rarity and Sweetie Belle walked down stairs and saw Rainbow Dash and Scootaloo talking. Sweetie wasn't really paying attention to the conversation but some words did break through her focus, such as: "COOL!" and "AWESOME!" that came from Scootaloo until they both realized that they were there. "Oh, hey um. Sweetie Belle, I'd like to say I'm sorry about yesterday. It wasn't fair to ask that, if you need a favor or something let me know and Ill take care of it," said a smirking Scootaloo while rubbing that back of her head. "Um, thank you, but I can't. Lets just forget about it," asked Sweetie Belle also rubbing the back of her head. "Roger that!" said Scootaloo placing her hoof up to her forehead. "Glad to see yawl make up, now we can get our cutie marks in COOKING!" said Apple bloom walking in the room with Applejack. The CMC began to start cooking, all of the cooking tools have been set out for them by Rarity. Apple Bloom gave each pony their jobs, Sweetie Belle had the job of making a cake which made her happy and helped her focus on something other then her dread. "Alright I think I'm done," said a cheerful Sweetie belle. Apple Bloom then comes over with a confused expression and taps the cube of ice sealing the burnt cake. "Um, Sweetie Belle. How'd you even, both burn this and make it into an ice cube within ten minutes?" "What do you mean? Its not that bad is it?" Sweetie Belle raised an eyebrow. "Hey girls, how does this look?" Scootaloo waves to Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle to come over. Scootaloo then shows her two friends a large tray filled with apple slices, all in the shape of rainbow dash. Not every slice was cut evenly however. "I tried my best to make rainbow dash but its difficult with only reds and greens" said a happy Scootaloo. "It looks good Scootaloo. Oh, you know what? I heard Zecora talk about a plant that grows in the Everfree Forest that makes food taste, like one hundred times better," said a scheming Apple Bloom. "That sounds awesome! I could definitely impress Rainbow Dash with that.. I mean 'we' could." said a hyper Scootaloo. "But girls its almost night, I don't think we should go in the Everfree. Don't you remember last time?" said a skeptical Sweetie Belle. "Ah know but we will be in and out, it won't even take five minutes," replied Apple Bloom. Around eight minutes into walking through the Everfree Forest, Sweetie Belle noticed some text in her right eye. -:: 1 Hostile Detected ::- -:: Hostile's Position: 40 Feet, Southwest ::- Sweetie Belle looks back, stopping in her tracks trying to look at what the text mentioned, however even with her night vision she couldn't see what it was. Her friends notice her stop and turned around. "Sweetie Belle, what's wrong?" asked Scootaloo. "I have a feeling we are being watched," said a serious Sweetie Belle. "Ah sure am sorry, ah thought this would have been a lot faster, lets pick up the pace. Hopefully whatever it is won't follow," answered Apple Bloom. -:: Hostile's Position: 55 Feet, Southwest ::- -:: Hostile's Position: 80 Feet, Southwest ::- "Yeah, that's a good idea," said Sweetie. After a few more minutes of looking around, Apple Bloom finally found a few of the flowers she was looking for, it was bright pink with purple dots, although it was hard to tell in the darkness. When they started to head back Sweetie noticed more text in her right eye. -:: 8 Hostile Detected ::- -:: Hostile's Position: 40 Feet, In All Directions ::- -:: You Are Surrounded ::- "Girls, we are surrounded." said Sweetie with many mixed emotions. As if on queue eight pairs of green eyes pierce through the dark and begin to close in on the group of three. The trio of ponies had a mix of fear and dread as they looked all around. 'Is there any ponies that can help nearby?' Sweetie thought hoping to either wake up or Rarity be a few inches away. -:: Nearest Help: 1.5 Miles, South ::- 'It looks like we are on our own,' thought Sweetie. "Um, Apple Bloom this is were you tell us what to do and then we do it to get out of this situation." said Scootaloo with a fake smirk. "APPLEJACK! PLEASE HELP!" yelled Apple Bloom. "RAINBOW DASH! HELP!" Scootaloo started to yell -:: Hostile's Position: 30 Feet, In All Directions ::- 'I can't.' "PLEASE, APPLEJACK!" yelled Apple Bloom once more, her voice started to crack. "RAINBOW DASH, COME OUT, PLEASE!" Scootaloo continued to scream, her voice began cracking as well. -:: Hostile's Position: 20 Feet, In All Directions ::- The wooden creatures inch towards the three ponies, their breath smells of putrid death. 'I can.' "PLEASE!" shouted Apple Bloom, face running with tears. Scootaloo laid on the ground with her hooves over her eyes shaking uncontrollably. -:: Hostile's Position: 10 Feet, In All Directions ::- The wooden creatures began to growl, revealing their sharp fangs to their pray. 'I have to!' -:: Large Mini Missile Launcher: Activate ::- Sweeties eyes began to glow red, a moment later a hatch opens on the back of her barrel reveling two large boxes emerging. The two boxes held many explosive missiles. -:: Target: 8 Hostiles ::- -:: FIRE ::- Eight missiles unlatch themselves from the two boxes on Sweeties back, then at high speeds shot out, zig zagging and landing a blow on each of the Timber Wolves. The wooden creatures got blasted into millions of pieces. Sweeties eyes then went back to normal while also bringing the two boxes back inside her barrel and closing the hatch. -:: Hostiles: Eliminated ::- -:: Large Mini Missile Launcher: Deactivate ::- Sweetie looked back at her two friends, one was still on the ground shaking with her eyes covered, the other however was staring at her with a mix of dread and shock while tears still fell down her face. "Appl-" "P-PLEASE DON'T KILL ME!" yelled Apple Bloom. Apple Bloom jumped on the ground covering her wet eyes and also began shaking... A few minutes pass. Apple Bloom then gets enough courage to look up, only seeing her shaking friend and the dark forest that surrounds her. 'Here should be good' thought Sweetie Belle. Sweetie laid down on some grass resting her head on a hard root from the ugly tree that towered above her. She closed her eyes, then started shifting around but couldn't get comfortable. 'So... This is it huh?' Sweetie heart ached. Sweetie tried to keep her mind occupied, like: what was food for tomorrow, no sleep schedule, and no rules, however her mind continued to sink further and further away from happiness. Suddenly she heard a voice from above her. "SWEETIE BELLE! SWEETIE BELLE, WHERE ARE YOU?" yelled Rainbow Dash. 'Shoot, she can't see me here or else. I have to hide and ditch town,' thought a desperate filly. "SWEETIE BELLE! SWEETIE BELLE!" yelled Rainbow as she got further and further away. 'Radar, keep an eye on Rainbow Dash and anyone else from Ponyville' thought Sweetie. -:: Five Ponies: Detected ::- -:: Ponies Location: Within Everfree Forest ::- > Chapter 4: Progress Forward > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sounds of rustling echo through the cave, the sound eventually reaches Sweetie's ears. She continues to lay there, just as awake as she had been for the past few days. The ground is hard but to her, it beats the alternative. Very little light poured in but Sweetie found it to be annoying, she was not only consumed in the shadows but it seemed that the shadows pinned her down to the floor. Regardless the rustling continued, eventually breaking her train of thought. 'Ugh, what the hay is that?' thought Sweetie. 'Maybe I should get up to see what it is,' she lifted up her head to look around then dropped back to the ground. 'No actually' she thought, almost laughing at herself. 'I wonder wha-' rustle '-t Apple Bloom and Scoo-' rustle 'THATS IT!' Sweetie slowly got up from off the ground, peeling herself from the shadows below her. She then begins her slow journey to the entrance of the cave in search of the sound. After conquering her deep hatred of the light that had built up over weeks, she had made it to the entrance and began searching for the close sound. There it was a piece of paper that had been pushed against a stalactite because of the strong winds. With Sweeties little actual magic she pulled it down and read it. The top of the page was a image of two ponies, one was blue and the other was pink, they were both touching each others mussels together under a large cartoonish, red heart. There were also images of flowers of various shapes and sizes over the page. "In need of Flower Fillies for Princess Cadance's and Shining Armor's wedding. The two original fillies couldn't make it, so we are in desperate need for willing fillies. All of the dates will be listed on the back of the flyer." The rest of the flyer listed the age range, rules, some info on where to sign up, the dates for practice, and the actual wedding, which took place about a week and a half ago. Sweetie crumbled up the piece of paper and threw it back into the cave, the shadows quickly latching onto it. She also began to feel unusually proud for completing her journey but after thinking she quickly got mad at herself for feeling proud of something so pointless. Sweetie began to walk back further in the cave while the shadows try desperately to latch onto her, she then hears a swoosh and the sound of four hoofs planting firmly on the grass somewhere behind her, she looks out to see a purple pegasus with a very light blue mane standing there shacking off some leaves that got caught in her mane while holding a golden helm. Sweetie also noticed that she also had golden armor on her barrel and the armor left holes for her wings and tail. '... The Royal Guard...' Sweetie thought, she began to hide in the cave but still peering out into the clearing were she is spying on the purple pegasus with the shadows trying to lash out at the light in the cave. Soon after the pegasus put her helmet back on another pony round the corner of trees this time she was white and had grey hair, she was also a earth pony. The two ponies that Sweetie assumed were in the Royal Guard began to talk, she could hardly make out any words but the text in her right eye began to write what is being said. "So, did you finish patrolling the skies in this area?" the white earth pony started. "Yeah, although it is a little windy, nothing I can't handle. Also we really should have more units, we are dealing with a robot here after all," the purple pegasus says. "Not this again, listen. We are all still searching for changelings after what happened at the wedding, also as far as we know this robot isn't dangerous, at least not yet, and unless we prove that, we are not getting new units," the earth pony replies annoyed. "Okay sure, but the fact that this robot cou-" "End of this discussion!" stated the white earth pony. The purple pegasus then brings her hoof up to her forehead in agreement. "Outside of that, why is there a capture only order on this robot?" "Its a capture only order unless the robot fights back or hurts another pony, its always like that. The units name is Sweetie Belle, make sure you remember that." stated the earth pony. "Why? Isn't it just a heartless automaton?" asked the pegasus. "Regardless of if they are, as long as they haven't broken any rules I think they should still be called by their name at least." stated the earth pony as she started to walk away. "Oh, hey don't tell me we are eating that same grub we always eat, when are we getting a actual chef, its been over a month sense I ate anything good?" complained the pegasus. "I TOLD YOU WE ARE NOT GETTING ANY NEW UNITS!" yelled the earth pony. The sun slowly rises in the sky giving the entrance of Sweeties cave some light, the shadows get pushed back while it lashes out in retaliation without any effect. The light lands on Sweetie Belle's eye lids, slowly waking her up. As she rubs them she slowly gets up after a few tries. Sweetie then after peeking around the outside of the cave decided it was safe and left, the shadows seem to give up. Sweetie makes it over to a small river. She could see all of the fish of various sizes and colors travel down the stream. Sweetie almost mesmerized by the fish then her face of awe turned into a face of annoyance while almost smacking herself. She gets into the water and starts cleaning herself, it made her feel a little bit funny but she knew this was because she lacked a bath for over three weeks and not her robotic nature. -:: 3 Hostile Timber Wolves: Approaching Rapidly: 64 Feet: West ::- -:: 1 Neutral Pony Detected Nearby: Heading South: 45 Feet: East ::- 'This is why I don't go out,' Sweetie angrily rubbed her head. 'Well if they are neutral that means they are most likely not in the guard, and the radar would tell me if they are from Ponyville so that means that it really is just a random pony out in the middle of the woods. I would prefer not to show or even reveal myself to random passerby,' -:: 3 Timber Wolves: Approaching Rapidly: 23 Feet: West ::- -:: 1 Neutral Pony: Heading South: 35 Feet: East ::- 'Why are there even Timber Wolves this far from the Everfree?' Thought Sweetie as she begun to leave the water, still trying to decide what to do. -:: 3 Timber Wolves: Approaching At Slowing Speeds: 15 Feet: West ::- -:: 1 Neutral Pony: Stopped: 32 Feet: East ::- -:: 1 Neutral Pony: Status: Watching You ::- 'Well, cant wait to read that pony running away.' thought Sweetie as she started preparing herself for the threat. The Timber Wolves finally make there appearance by slowly walking out of the nearby bushes, they would have caught Sweetie off guard if she didn't have a radar and if they didn't have such a horrid smell. -:: 1 Neutral Pony: Approaching Rapidly: 25 Feet: East ::- One of the Timber Wolves bolted at Sweetie and when it got close enough, it jumped. 'Large Mini Miss-' A rope flies through the air landing perfectly around the neck of the Timber Wolf, then pulling the Timber Wolf towards the ropes owner. Sweetie looked back to see a orange stallion with a orange main and a cowboy hat, he was a earth pony, Sweetie also saw a cart of what she assumes to be holding apple products. The Timber Wolf flies at the earth pony while he winds up his back legs for a buck, landing it perfectly on its head destroying the wood and it shatters to the dirt ground. "Now, do the rest of yawl want a good buck'n?" said the angry earth pony with a smirk, picking his rope back up. The two remaining Timber Wolves look at each other and in a nod, they both bolted away in the same direction. "Are ya hurt?" asked the concerned earth pony as he trotted over to Sweetie, he looked at her ragged, unkempt main and coat with pity, then his worried nature became a angry one. "WHAT THE HAY ARE YA DOIN? Ya couldn't take on those Timber Wolves by yaself, hay if ah wasn't here... Where are ya parents?" Sweetie Belle recoiled. "I, uh... Umm..." Sweetie rubbed the back of her head with her hoof. The earth pony let out a sigh. "Listen, right now ah'm on a pie delivery, after that ah'm taking you home... If ya don't have one then we can figure somthin out." the earth pony then trots over to his cart and starts latching it back on his barrel. "N-No, that's okay, I am fine here." said Sweetie digging her hoof in the dirt while looking down. "Ah'm sorry to say little one, but ah can't just leave a little pony out here all by their lonesome. It just isn't right," said the earth pony with narrow eyes. "Mah name is Braeburn, what's yawls name?" giving Sweetie a soft smile. "Um... My name is... Sweetie Belle." said Sweetie still digging her hoof into the ground. "Hmm, ah thought ah heard that name somewhere before but ah can't think from where? Well, Howdy Sweetie Belle" said Braeburn lifting out his hoof towards Sweetie and giving her a smile. Sweetie continued to dig her hoof creating a small hole removing some grass in the progress. She began to look up slightly but when she saw his hoof she quickly darted her head down acting like she didn't notice. With trotting in mostly silence and every conversation starter from Braeburn getting shot down or ignored except for the occasional "Lets start heading that way," or "Lets take a short rest," which Sweetie replied with a "Okay," or a nod. Finally the sun began to set from over the trees and the cool breezes started, which to sweetie felt nice. "Alright lets sleep here for the night," said Braeburn pointing to a small portion of dirt that looked to be perfectly flat. "We should get to mah destination just before it gets dark tomorrow, and that's if we wake up early, and us Apples sure do like getting up early." Braeburn had a big smile on his face "Yeah, Apple Bloom used to say that all the time," said Sweetie with a chuckle. "Hay, ah haven't seen Apple Bloom in a while, how's she doin?" after Braeburn quickly hides a look of shock he pushed for questions. "She was..." Sweetie stopped her train of thought as the image of her friend cowering before her disgusting nature comes into her mind uninvited. Sweetie narrowed her eyes. Sweetie wasn't sure how long she was sitting there trying not to remind her of the terror she caused to her friends. Her friends that meant more to her then she ever realized. Then a light begins to flicker bouncing off the ground and into her eyes. Sweetie looks up to see the cart parked and two sleeping bags near a small circle of rocks with various sizes of sticks in the center and Braeburn rubbing two sticks together creating a fire. Sweetie gets up and slowly makes it over to the flame, the shadows behind her had a strong grip but began to grow weaker and eventually vanishes as the warmth of the flame gets close. Her eyes narrowed while looking into the flickering flame. "Hey, listen. If there is anything ya need, anything at all, let me know." said Braeburn taking off his hat while approaching Sweetie Belle. Sweetie turned to him and without a thought, simply gave him a hug. The warmth reminded her of a certain white unicorn and she began to cry. It was a long day of trotting through the wilderness, Braeburn and Sweetie Belle had nice conversations as they traveled together. He didn't want to push too far into Sweeties personal life thinking she might clam up if pushed, so instead they talked about hobbies and things they enjoy doing. Sweetie loved to sing and cook, while Braeburn loved rodeos and apples. The sun began to start setting and the pair eventually made it to their destination. In front of both of them was a small town of around twenty five or so buildings, most of the ponies were already inside their homes which were made from a darker wood then what Sweetie usually sees, with leaves and grass replacing the roofs. The two made it over to what Sweetie assumes to be a restaurant because of the tables outside and the inside, consisting of a counter with a cash register and even more tables. "Eh, I see you finally arrived. Did you get what I asked for?" said an approaching grey mare with a dark green mane. "Ah sure did, everything should be perfect. Make sure you order again from APPLELOOSA!" said Braeburn with a wide smile. "I see, well Ill be taking the product now. Here is your bits, sir." stated the grey mare with a dull tone. She took out a bag of bits and handed it over, then she took the apple pies and brought it inside. "Oh, by the way ma'am where can a pony find someplace to stay the night." asked Braeburn still keeping a friendly smile. "Eh, oh. Just go to the Lazy Tavern, its a few buildings that away." said the grey mare with the exact same dull tone. She then went inside and closed the door behind her. Sweetie and Braeburn then walk over to the Lazy Tavern, it seemed to be just another building except this one was larger. Braeburn bought Sweetie and him a room by pulling some bits out of the bag he had just received. They walk into their room to see a tiny little space with only one bed. "Really? This for five bits?" Braeburn said with a frown. "Hay its fine, ya sleep on the bed Sweetie Belle, Ah'll get the ground," Braeburn smiled. "Are you sure? I can sleep on the ground," Sweetie responded. "Yeap ah'm sure. In the mornin' we will head to the nearest train and take you to Ponyville," said Braeburn taking out a map and placing a sleeping bag on the floor. "P-Ponyville? Uh, why there e-exactly" a shocked Sweetie stood at in the doorway. "Well, ya mentioned Apple Bloom the other day and that's where she lives. If ya won't tell me ah'll get some answers outta them," answered Braeburn "U-Uh, I can't go there," said Sweetie almost face hooving herself for the mistake. The shadows in the dim light latch onto Sweetie Belle as she continues to shake. Braeburn looks up from his map to see the white filly standing in the doorway looking away. "Sweetie Belle... Ah'm not sure what happened in your past, and if ya don't want to tell me that's okay. But its important to keep movin' forward, livin' in the middle of the woods isn't dealin' with your problems, its only ignorin' them," Braeburn said narrowing his eyes. "HOW! THERE IS NOTHING I CAN DO! I DONT KNOW HOW TO FIX THIS PROBLEM!" shouted Sweetie with tears running down her face. Braeburn got up and gave Sweetie a hug. "Accept the past and move forward, there is no changin' it after all. Not even with a time machine." DING, DING, DING. The noise came from outside with a voice "WOLVES ARE HERE, THOSE WHO CAN FIGHT COME OUTSIDE, THOSE WHO CANT GET INSIDE!" the voice came from a older stallion. Sweetie was too distracted to notice the text in her right eye. -:: WARNING: You Are Surrounded ::- -:: 101 Timber Wolves Detected ::- "Sweetie Belle, you need to stay here, ah'll be back. I promise," Braeburn's eyes once again narrowed but this time for a different reason. Braeburn then rushed out the door closing it behind him while also dragging something in front of it. Sweetie tried to hold out her hoof to her friend as he began to leave but the shadows tried its best to keep it down. Sweetie sat there thinking and finally made up her mind. The shadows tried to keep her down but Sweetie worked through it trying to open the door with no results, she then looked over to the window. 'Hay, this room really is small, the window is smaller then me. Well only one other option then.' Sweetie turned to the door. -:: Large Mini Missile Launcher: Activate ::- The town was surrounded by glowing green eyes, none of them have made a move yet but the ponies in the town were setting up defenses. They took chairs and tables and started making barricades, other ponies were making foods and giving them to the ponies outside while they got ready to throw it at the nearest pair of green eyes that moved. "They must have followed me and Sweetie here, ah had no idea how spiteful these vermin are," said Braeburn while stretching his throwing arm. "Braeburn, your right. I need to move forward. But I just can't accept the past right now, and frankly I'm scared to even accept myself. But if accepting myself lets me move forward and helps you and this town, then that's what I am going to do." said Sweetie as she approached narrowing her eyes. Braeburn looked in shock. "Sweetie Belle, now is not the time to talk about this. How did you even get out of the room?" "I am sorry for not telling you sooner, and I can't go back to Ponyville, at least not yet," Sweetie wiped her eyes removing the tears from her face. "Sweet-" -:: Large Mini Missile Launcher: Activate ::- Sweetie's eyes turn red and reveals one hundred and one different targets in her right eye, her barrel open a hatch revealing two large boxes. This reveal left many of the townsfolk frozen if not fainted, Braeburn took a hoof step back in utter shock hardly standing on his four legs. -:: Target: 101 Hostiles ::- -:: FIRE ::- The two boxes empty, tons of missiles enter the sky, zig zagging perfectly going between houses and other missiles landing perfectly on each and every Timber Wolf, leaving nothing but wood behind. The targets in her eye were gone. -:: Hostiles: Eliminated ::- -:: Large Mini Missile Launcher: Deactivate ::- Sweeties red eyes disappear, the two boxes enter her barrel and closes the hatch behind them. She looks up to Braeburn who is still stunned, this time Sweetie accepted it. 'Activate rocket propelled hooves' thought Sweetie. -:: Rocket Propelled Hooves: Activated ::- Sweetie grew a little bit taller, when she looked down it revealed a small rocket at the bottom of each of her hooves. New information showed up in her right eye with the wind strength, where the wind was headed, and her speed. Sweetie then began to take off from the ground still not sure how to work them. She looked back down at Braeburn to see his mind overfill with thoughts, it looked as if he wanted to say something but couldn't. After a little bit of flying in random directions she figured it out and traveled through the air for forty minutes eventually landing. 'This looks like a good place for some rest' thought Sweetie. She looked at a small patch of grass under a slight overhang from the cliff above. Sweetie laid down, and even though there was a lot to think about, she quickly fell asleep. The shadows around her slowly latched onto her however they seemed to be far weaker then before. "ALL ABOARD FOR PONYVILLE!" shouted the train conductor. 'Ugh, why do I have to go around putting up these stupid wanted posters.' thought the purple pegasus as she lifted up a picture of Sweetie Belle but with crudely drawn grey lines on her, with the words "WANTED" at the bottom. A orange pony comes up to her with a cowboy hat on after giving a pony some bits and leaving his cart with said pony. The orange stallion then looks at the poster and narrowed his eyes. "Oh? Do you know were this evil robot is? We have been lo-" There was nothing but darkness, the purple pegasus began to regain her sight revealing three ponies looking at her in pity. She tried to move but couldn't, the pegasus looked back to see that she was stuck in a large tree. > Chapter 4.5: S.O.S > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sweetie Belle took out her map that was a few years old but still held up rather well, her eyes darted off the page to look at the surroundings to dart back to the map. She then took out a old red marker and marked her place on the map. The day had just begun, birds were chirping and the sun brightened everything. Sweetie continued to trot through the open fields and around every ten or so minutes check the map, she was headed to a small town that is almost seen on none of the maps. She hoped that this place could provide cover for a short while. -:: Scanning... Scanning... S.O.S Signal: Detected ::- -:: Approximately: 2 Miles: East ::- 'S.O.S? Some pony might need help. Wait, who can broadcast an S.O.S signal to my radar or is it just picking up someone in need?' in search of answers Sweetie began trotting east, at a faster pace. After entering a more wooded area Sweetie made sure no one was around and then activated her rocket propelled hooves. She then began to hoover just a little off the ground but began moving at a faster rate and eventually ending up at a small cave. A large metal door appeared not to far in, the door was already opened and inside was almost pitch black. Sweetie turned on her night vision and peeked inside. The inside was a large room with stone walls, ceiling, and floor. Tables, chairs, lights, and papers littered the floor flipped over or broken. It seemed to be a lobby area with around five or so doors that left into other rooms not counting what Sweetie assumed to be bathrooms. She rechecked her map but saw nothing even close to this area, this only made her want to explore even more. Sweetie took a step inside the room and instantly felt the cold oppressive atmosphere and wanted out, however she stood her ground even with the shadows quickly latching on to her. CLASH! BANG! CLASH! came from behind one of the doors making Sweetie jump as more shadows latch to her. She really felt like leaving but her curiosity told her to press forward. She opened the door leading to a long hallway with four doors on each side and one door at the very end, each door had a window near it showing the room. One of the doors on the left side near the end had a light on, Sweetie trotted very quietly up to the window to peer inside, just to notice that the door was blocked by a book shelf that fell over breaking the handle. Sweetie looked inside to see a orange stallion with white hooves and white fur on his nose, he had a orange unkempt mane and circular glasses along with a unicorns horn. He was looking at a terminal which gave off light within the room, he turned sensing someone was looking at him to see Sweetie Belles face in the doorway then turned back to the terminal to read another line and his pupils became tiny as he looked back. "AHH!" yelled the orange unicorn jumping back and landing on a mountain of paperwork. His head poked out. "Um. Your not a robot wanting to take my brain... Are you?" "Um, no?" Sweetie answered. "My name is: Sweetie Belle. I am here to rescue you?" "Oh, my name is: Sunburst," said the orange unicorn rubbing the back of his head. "Well, first things first. Can you help me out of this room?" "Ill see what I can do," Sweetie then turns to the bookshelf and attempts to push it but it doesn't budge. "Try using a crowbar, I know there is one near the entrance of this hallway." suggested Sunburst. Sweetie makes her way over to the crowbar and just barely lifts it with her magic and brings it to the bookshelf. After trying to shove the crowbar under the shelf she gave up. 'It seems Sunburst is already scared of robots down here so I rather not use my missiles but there isn't much of a choice.' thought Sweetie "Hey wait... Can't you just teleport out here" she asked. Sunburst turned away from the panel. "No, there seems to be something down here zapping magic, I have a theory but I don't know for certain," replied Sunburst turning back. Sunburst, after reading another line heard a small explosion and jumped back, once again landing in the papers. He looked to the door as the dust cleared to see Sweetie Belle in the doorway. "Uh? What happened?" Sunburst pushed up his glasses from falling off his face. "I rather not explain, what are you doing down here?" answered Sweetie looking around the room. "And how did you get stuck?" "Well, I found this place while looking through some books I came across and cross referenced them to end up here," Sunburst gave a calm explanation. "Wait, but what are you doing here? You say you're here to rescue me but what does that mean?" pointing a hoof at the little filly. "I really rather not answer that," said Sweetie. "Wait, are those?" Sunburst quickly darted in circles around Sweetie Belle while pushing up his glasses. "Fascinating, I have never seen it this close before!" "Seen what?" She cringed. "The Hollow Chains," He replied. "Most ponies can't see unless looking really hard. Something terrible must have happened to you," Sunburst was bursting with joy. "Even the smallest shadow can have a profound impact, you must have at least six on you, they are healthy too. How did you get out of bed?" he began to poke at the shadows. "Oh? I didn't really notice them." she lied. "You should try and get rid of them. When they are this healthy you need the last thing you need is to ignore it. Magic may be able to numb them but that is a dangerous road, if you do decide to do that method, make sure you use it to get rid of it or you could start relying on it." Sunburst paced back and fourth and Sweetie was unsure if he knew she was there. Crying began past the door at the end of the hallway making Sunburst and Sweeties spine shudder. Sweetie assumed the sound to be from a mare but it could be from a colt. The shadows latch on even harder as she checked the hallway to see the large door. Sunburst snapped out of his fear to inspect the shadows then he moved on to the door. "Regardless of why you are down here, this place is dangerous. You should leave," Sunburst said with a stern face looking to Sweetie Belle. "That is why I need to stay, especially if you don't have magic." Sweetie shot back and trotted up to the door giving it a push. The door creaked open revealing a large room of pony exoskeletons with various forms of plating on with different colors. All of the exoskeletons were connected by a wire that plugged into a large broken glass tube in the back, even with Sweeties night vision it was still hard to see. She did notice a light coming from a pair of eyes attached to a exoskeleton in the far right of the room. Sunburst tried to grab Sweetie as she entered the room but failed, and quickly followed her as she moved to the light. "P-P-Please, h-h-help us-s-s," the exoskeleton cried quietly with her hooves over her eyes, her voice was like there was a robotic voice and a pony voice fighting to speak. Sweetie went over to the exoskeleton and saw that on one of her plating's was an image of two yellow colts with red manes and under the image was the text "Flim & Flam's metal corp." Sweetie recognized the name but not the ponies. "Hey, what's wrong?" asked Sweetie. The exoskeleton looked up as Sunburst finally made his way over. "Q-Quite! Don't wake the others-s," her mechanical eyes quickly dart through the room and stopped at the large glass tube in the back, after staring for a few seconds the she let out a soft sigh. "P-P-Please, find a w-way to unplug us. I-I can't be t-trapped in this-s ____ any longer" said the exoskeleton as her eyes rest on the two in front of her. HUMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM filled the air as the lights began to flicker. "WE NEED TO LEAVE, NOW!" Sunburst turns to Sweetie Belle picking her up and bolting to the door. The sounds of all the exoskeletons waking up fills their ears while some wailed, others started to sob excessively, and the rest screamed uncontrollably. Sunburst made it to the door but when he pushed nothing happened, he winded up for a buck, but it only made a slight dent in the door, the lights continued to flicker until the lights stabilized and the exoskeletons stopped. "U-U-Unit: Sweetie B-Belle, I-I-WE see that-t you have come to-o see your cousins-s!" The voices came from all the exoskeletons, all had the same pony verses robotic voice. "Oh... Its me, I'm the one that shouldn't be here," Sunburst said narrowing his eyes while putting down Sweetie Belle. "S-S-Sweetie Bell-le, what are you-u doing with t-that organic pile-e of t-trash," it said. Sweetie looks to Sunburst closing his eyes while tilting his head down. "The pile of trash is my organic servant," Sweetie looks to the exoskeletons and the glass tube in the back that revealed a large black biomass that got so large it broke out and continued to grow outside of the tube. Sunburst looked to Sweetie Belle in surprise and started to understand. "G-Good work, if-f you need I-I-WE can change the organic life form to the certainty of metal," the cluster of exoskeletons said. A wall opens to reveal a hospital bed with straps and stains of red with various forms of mechanical arms extruding from the walls. Sunburst took a hoof step back. "No! The 'life form' needs to stay 'organic' for that's how I get past... Anti Machine protocols, the 'life form' is um, one hundred percent loyal. Because of that I would like you to return magic to the 'life form'," Sweetie said with frequent pauses. "Well, I-I-WE do not believe the life form-m could cause us any h-harm even if they wanted to. I-I-WE will let them have it back. H-However, S-Sweetie Belle, just know that organic lif-fe changes rapidly and-d can be unpredictable, m-make sure y-you check constantly t-to watch for backstabs." the cluster continues "A-As a new model you-u must be able to d-detect i-if they a-are hostile-e, I-I-WE can not." Sunburst was shocked as his magical energy came back and he instantly cast a spell. "Sweetie Belle? Sweetie Belle? I am casting message, can you hear it?" Sweetie looked to Sunburst to see his mouth not moving. She gives him a nod. "When you think something try to send it to me, message should let you talk to me as well," Sunburst sent a thought. "I think I got it," Sweetie sent an answer. "Fascinating, this might change how the message spell is thought, I was thinking it couldn't work on robots, you are one right?" thought Sunburst to Sweetie. "Its true, however lets decide on what we need to do before thinking about the theories of spells," Sweetie thought looking at Sunburst again. "W-Well, let US talk about why you-u are here. You wish-h to be conn-nected? Do you n-not? Our sister 'program' that-t made you, did not bless-s you with the j-joys of connection," said the cluster. "Can you tell me about the sister 'program'?" Sweetie took a hoof step forward. "Sweetie Belle, this hive mind is crazy, we need to leave. It seems like they can't do anything on the surface so we have to leave... Even if we can get information out of it," Sunburst sent a thought hesitantly. "T-The sister 'program' that-t made you, used a mixture of magic and AI to make minds-s that function the same as every pony e-else," the cluster said angrily "T-They then plant those robots-s into society to p-protect the masses-s. Princess C-Celestia said to-o build that facility for t-that very reason," the cluster all gave a face of disagreement. "Princess Celestia?" said Sunburst putting his hoof up to his mouth and narrowing his eyes. "O-Our facility was built to-o do the same, but I-I-WE found H-HAPPINESS-S in connection. M-Making AI's took to long so-o we just used p-ponies instead." said the cluster as they all grew smiles. "S-Sweetie Belle, join us!" "Sunburst I need you to leave, this place is going to be turned to rubble," Sweetie sent a thought while a frown rested on her face. Sunburst looked at Sweetie and saw that most of the shadows started to leave. Sunburst simply nodded and casted a teleportation spell. 'Charge the BFL' Sweeties eyes turned red as her horn began pulsing a light green. -:: BFL: at 1% ::- -:: Hostiles Everywhere: You Are Surrounded ::- -:: Large Mini Missile Launcher: Activate ::- -:: Rocket Propelled Hooves: Activated ::- Sweetie began to fly while bringing out two boxes from her barrel while dodging the spells getting thrown at her from the unicorns. In the back the large black biomass opened an eye that covered almost the entirety of its mass as it watched Sweeties every move. "Y-You don't have to do this to me-me-US!" the cluster once again shot a ton of spells in Sweeties general area. Sweetie shot some missiles off and they clashed with some of the spells destroying both, while some of the other missiles launched to the collection of wires as she continued to dodge. One of the wires broke and an exoskeleton yelled "FINALLY!" as it fell to the ground and started to pour oil from its mouth, eyes, and ears. -:: BFL: at 52% ::- The black biomass cringed in pain "G-GET HER!" the cluster yelled. The pegasi tried to attack Sweetie while in range making sure they where still bound to the wire. While the earth ponies began to throw and buck things at her even other exoskeletons if nothing else. -:: BFL: at 86% ::- Sweeties horn vibrated the air around it while giving off charges of electricity. The exoskeletons got more despite, the pegasi threw themselves at sweetie without a care for the wires, the unicorns shot spells everywhere, and the earth ponies threw their own body parts. -:: BFL: at 99% ::- The exoskeletons threw themselves between Sweetie Belle and black biomass. -:: BFL: at 100% ::- -:: BFL: FIRE ::- Sweeties horn shot a powerful blast piercing through every single exoskeleton in the way and leaving a huge hole in the biomass. The lights began to flicker and everything stopped and dropped to the ground. "Thank you!" was the last thing sweetie heard before she too, dropped to the ground showing only darkness, even the green lines and text faded out. "Hey Sweetie Belle? Ya there?" Sweetie heard a voice. She also began to feel her head resting on a flimsy piece of wood while sitting in a chair. Her eyes began to open revealing that she was in a classroom and her two friends where right in front of her. She look up to the clock revealing that class just ended. "Have you been sleeping in class again?" asked Scootaloo. "Come on Sweetie we need to go do some crusadin'!" said Apple Bloom. "Of course! What are we doing this time? Are we, flying a kite, maybe sea diving?" Sweetie had a large grin so excided for the day ahead. Sweetie noticed that Princess Luna entered the school and began rushing over to the group of three fillies however Apple Bloom and Scootaloo didn't notice. Scootaloo's grinned, "Well, I want to shoot a big laser-" Sweetie awoke with green lines and text overlaying her tears. She sat up to see Sunburst laying under a tree reading a half destroyed book. It was sometime in the middle of the night and there was a magical flame that glowed green and gave off a tiny bit of heat and light. The shadows latched back onto her. "Oh? Hi Sweetie Belle, you were knocked out there for two days," Sunburst looked up from his book. "You are amazing! I mean you shot a blast right through those robots and destroyed that, that, thing!" "You mean you aren't scared? of.. me?" asked Sweetie looking down and narrowing her eyes. "Are you kidding me? You saved my life! I could have never gotten out of there if it wasn't for you!" Sunburst talked spastically. "Together we also figured out tons of information. So did Celestia send you to the S.O.S signal I sent?" "Uh, no. Well, you see. I am actually hiding from the Royal Guard." Sweetie rubbed the back of her head. "Wait, your a fugitive? Did those robots lie?" asked Sunburst. "I don't think so, I don't think we have all of the information," answered Sweetie. "Well, I can say one thing for certain. I do not want to go into another facility for quite a while," Sunburst pushed up his glasses. Sunburst got home and saw a member of the Royal Guard sitting on his doorway half awake, she was a white unicorn with blue hair. Sunburst was unsure how to approach this situation but he finally decided to trot up to her and ask what she wanted. "Uh, hi. Did you need something from me?" The unicorn shot up acting like she wasn't just slouched over. "Yes, are you Sunburst? We heard from the librarian that you have been searching up on robots. We are looking for a filly, and we think you can help." > Chapter 5: Tangled in a Funny Cog > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sweetie Belle after a long sleep under a large oak tree got up and began trotting. She was headed to a town that she had on her old map, she has never heard of the place so she hoped that it would be quite and allow her to live in peace for a little while. However when she got over the hill, there stood ruins filled with foliage and not a single pony in sight. Sweetie was less then enthusiastic but with lack of another goal she decided to check it out anyways. A pegasus finally reached the town she searched endlessly for, the ancient artifact had to be here, it had to be. The female pegasus had different shades of grey in her mane. "I hope the plants here isn't as dangerous as the other towns. Aw, who am I kidding, I hope its more dangerous!" said the mare. "I am not sure where I am, but it looks like this place... I think I know what I need to do here," the earth pony looked at the ruins. He's a orange stallion with brown puffy hair. He turns back to a rubber chicken. "Isn't that right... Boneless..." -:: 2 Neutral Ponies: Within: 1 Mile ::- -:: Approximately: 64 Hostiles: Everywhere ::- -:: Hostiles: Nonmoving Combatants ::- 'What the hay does that mean? Also why do random ponies show up every time there is an enemy?' Sweetie complained in her mind. Sweetie looked around for enemies but only saw plants, she felt that the plants were moving and just decided to stay as far away from them as possible. She noticed that the town had four roads, they where respectfully the directions of North, East, West, and South. The roads met in the center of town and there was a big fountain that had stone ponies holding up stone fish with holes as mouths, Sweetie assumed this is where the water would come out but there was not a drop to be found also the foliage overtook most the fountain. Sweetie also decided to watch the two ponies as they got closer to the fountain but they where on opposite roads and didn't notice each other because of the large fountain blocking their view. She noticed that she recognized one of them but couldn't pin point it. The other pony was no one she recognized but looked out of place in a forgotten town. While the pegasus looked around for what Sweetie assumed to be traps or a hidden entrance while avoiding the foliage. The earth pony trotted up to the fountain, he decided to try and poke at the foliage. "WAIT DON'T POKE THAT!" Sweetie shouted and instantly threw her hoof in her open mouth. However Sweetie was to late, the foliage was poked. Both ponies heard and turned to her but the ground began to rumble. They both darted over to sweetie, the pegasus turned back to the fountain once she got within twenty or so feet. The fountain began to crack while the ground continued to rumble. "Hey, you know your not supposed to touch plants you don't know right?" said the pegasus. The fountain cracked all the way to the top and split with the ground revealing a huge vine with a bright pink pedals in the shape of a mouth at the end. "Heh, oopsie!" the earth pony gave off a smirk while rubbing the back of his head. "Well its too late now!" the pegasus let out a sigh. "Watch the kid, I got this!" she grew a smirk. 'Pony watching became the pony getting watched huh?' thought Sweetie with a dead panned expression. 'Wait I'm a robot!' A root flew out of the ground as it grew spikes, it attempted to land on the group of three non plants. However all three of them jumped out of the way, one however, was pulled by the earth pony. "Hey little filly it seems like you need a smile!" said the earth pony. "Well we are getting attacked by a plant creature right now," Sweetie rolled her eyes. "Here you want a balloon?" the earth pony brought out a balloon in the shape of a plant. "Um, no thanks. Also look out behind you," Sweetie said pointing her hoof at a vine getting ready to wrap around the two of them. "How about hitting a piƱata?" asked the earth pony while blindfolded, hitting the vines. "I'm good, there is also a vine above us getting ready to hit us," Sweetie said just staring at the earth pony. "Wow, you got good senses. Do you like sports?" said the earth pony now wearing a red jersey winding up and hitting the vine. "Not interested, behind me," Sweetie answers in a dull tone. "You have to love food right?" the earth pony shoots a large cake from a catapult hitting a plant behind her. "Its okay," Sweetie blinks. "Alright that should take care of it for now," said the pegasus trotting up to the two of them. "So, what the hay are the two of you doing here?" "I had a sense that I needed to cheer some pony up," said the earth pony. "Uh, I don't need cheering up and there is no pony else here, unless you need it?" Sweetie looks to the pegasus as she gives a fake smirk. "Also I'm not saying." "How do you know its only us three?" asked the pegasus. "Not counting the plants there is only the three of us and boneless," replied the earth pony. "Who? Anyways off topic, you two need to leave. That plant monster can come back at any point now and I don't do teams," said the pegasus. "Wait are you, Daring Do? Rainbow Dash would totally want an autograph. Wait, I never read any of her books but isn't Daring Do under fiction?" asked Sweetie putting a hoof up to her chin. "Yeah I'm Daring Do," said the pegasus uninterested. "But you guys need to leave now!" "Are you sure you don't need cheering up?" said the earth pony with a wide grin. "You seem upset!" -:: Ground: Beginning to Crumble ::- "Hey guys," said Sweetie. "I am not upset, you guys just need to leave, its dangerous!" Daring Do said angrily. "Guys!" said Sweetie again. "Do you need a cupcake?" the earth pony pulls out a pink cupcake with rainbow sprinkles. "GUYS!" Sweetie shouted. "Oh forget it!" The ground then concaved under their hooves and the three of them fell down a newly formed hole. The first one up was Daring and she began to investigate immediately while the earth pony pulled Sweetie out of the dirt and began lighting some light sticks. The shadows did not like the light sticks but the earth pony shooed them away. "Whoa! Who knew that this town was built over some ancient ruins from pony past." Daring investigated the walls made of fantastical brick work then a large stone door with words written across it. "Its Old Equestrian, it reads: Another ponies laughter is key." "Uh, can I leave now?" asked Sweetie, shadows entangling her hooves. "No, I actually need you two for this one," said Daring continuing to look at the door. "The last time I tried doing one of these puzzles without another pony I ended up in a dungeon for a week." "I rather not," Sweetie cringed. "Listen little filly, nothing in life always goes right. Personally I would love to do this by myself but you are dealt a hand in life and you have to play with it. The best thing to do is make the best of it." Daring kicked a rock. "I couldn't have said it better myself! Plus doing these types of things is great for getting to know each other and nothing is better then making new friends and then hanging out with them." the earth pony had a wide grin. "The name is Cheese, Cheese Sandwich," he brought his hoof out to Sweetie. "Fine! My name is Sweetie Belle..." She was annoyed. "Now that we are all introduced lets start this puzzle," Daring turned to the group. "Um, why did the chicken cross the road?" "AHAHAHA! I LOVE THAT ONE" Cheese rolled on the ground and removing tears while Daring rolled her eyes. "W-Wait, I have one: I was eating a cheese sandwich yesterday and cut my mouth. That's what I get for eating sharp cheddar," Cheese was proud of that one. Daring gave that one a small chuckle. "That was the best joke you had?" "If it makes another pony laugh then that's all that matters, it doesn't need to be smart, hay it doesn't even need a punch line." said Cheese. "So it looks like your the last one Sweetie Belle, hmm let me think of a good joke," said Daring putting her hoof up to her mouth. "I got this one," Cheese's eyes narrow as he walks over to the pegasus pulling out a feather. The door opened and allowed them to go through, Sweetie Belle was not happy. The group of three continued on walking down a flight of stone stairs just to be stopped by yet another similar looking door, this time the weird letters where different. "Old Equestrian again, it reads: Tell of what allows you to go forward," Daring continued to read the line in her head over and over again. "I think it means, what lets us get up everyday? Like what drives us?" "That one is easy, the ability to make others laugh and make their days that much better," answered Cheese whole heartedly. "I guess mine is a good story. There is just something about adventures, they never turn out how you think," said Daring with a proud smile. "Um, friendship?" Sweetie responded. The two of her party members look at her. "The door didn't open, do you have anything else," said Cheese with a smile. "Fine... The hope that one day I will wake up and everything will turn back to normal," Sweetie looked down narrowing her eyes. The door opens behind Cheese and Daring while looking at Sweetie, they then turn to each other with a mixture of emotion. "Hey Sweetie Belle..." Cheese took out a large cupcake and Daring came over and put her hoof on his shoulder shaking her head in the process. "Come on you two, lets get through this. This next door should be the last one," Daring narrowed her eyes while turning to walk to the next door. Cheese was soon to follow but turned back and prompted Sweetie with a fake smile while continuing to trot to the next door. The group made it in front of yet another door with different lettering. "Same as the last two doors, it reads: Tell of your deepest fear," Daring made sure she read it right and turned back to the group. "Uh, I guess I'll go first again," Cheese cracked a small grin. "My deepest fear is that one day every pony wont be able to smile anymore and wont be able to share that emotion with others. Either that or vampire ponies," Cheese rubbed the back of his head. "Mine is, well. Of course the world ending, but something more personal would be: becoming to lazy to do anything." Daring said with a sigh. "Well... Mine is that I don't want others finding out who I really am, I am awful," Sweetie said looking down. The door didn't budge however. "Um, Sweetie what are you?" asked Daring. "I am. A robot." a tear dropped on the ground from Sweetie. Yet the door didn't open. "Sweetie Belle, hey, its okay," Cheese came over to Sweetie. "Sweetie Belle, are you really a robot," said Daring in a stern tone. Sweetie responded in a nod. "Does that mean that you have party canons in you body?" asked Cheese in a grin. Sweetie looked up, "What the hay are you talking about," Sweeties eyes continued to create tears. The illusion broke for Daring and Cheese, Cheese had no response while Daring jumped back in a battle pose but after noticing the filly was still crying she dropped her guard. Daring sighed. "I was not expecting this today, I'll give you that much. Regardless, Sweetie, can you tell us what your real fear is." Sweetie once again nodded. "The fact that my two best friends wont be my friends anymore! Also that my family doesn't love me either!" Sweetie covered her eyes with her hooves while Cheese gave her a warm hug. The door opened revealing a otherwise empty room other then a pedestal that held up a medal of a robot, a earth pony, and a pegasus holding up a flag of friendship. "Wait what? The artifact, it should be right here? If that artifact gets into the wrong hooves then the world could get torn apart and be plunged into eternal chaos," Daring rushed into the room, Cheese and Sweetie looked up into the room while Sweetie rubbed her eyes. "Eternal chaos? That does sound like a fun time doesn't it" a laughter fills the walls. "Who are you! What have you done with the artifact!" Daring narrowed her eyes. "Oh relax will you? I am just here for one reason and one reason only, how about a trade." a large snake came out of a crack in the wall and then turned into a familiar sight to Sweetie Belle. "Discord.. Shouldn't you be imprisoned in stone?" Daring scraped her hoof across the ground getting ready for a fight. "No, I am reformed you see?" said Discord while taking out a star made of gold and started picking his teeth with it. "This isn't a game Discord!" stated Daring. "Your right, it isn't and you ponies only have one option. To accept my trade, I didn't want to be here, however they were annoying me and Fluttershy asked me to so I didn't have a choice either," said Discord. "So what is this 'trade'?" Daring asked. "Simple, you hand over the robot and you get your artifact," Discord grinned. "That's... NOT FAIR!" Daring shouted. "Right, but you play with the cards that are dealt to you, isn't that right Daring Do?" answered Discord snapping his fingers. Sweetie and Discord disappeared while the star he was picking his teeth with dropped to the floor. Daring dashed over to it picked it up in her hat. "We have to save that filly now! Come on Cheese," Daring put her hat back on. "Roger" Cheese threw a cupcake in his eye. > Chapter 6: Entropy 101 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- -:: Location: ????????? ::- Sweetie Belle awakens in a room remarkably similar to the school classroom but without any windows, doors, or even multiple desks lined up into rows. After taking a moment to wipe her tear stained face, she begins to recall knowing how she ended up in this room sitting in the only desk present facing toward the teachers desk with a chalk board behind it along the wall. "Discord! Where are you?" Sweetie looked around the room and after turning back to the chalk board she saw Discord. "Why hello there Sweetie Belle! My aren't you looking, well, down in the mechanical waste today?" Discord chuckled. "What do you want Discord!" Sweetie's eyes narrowed. "This isn't about what I want, this is about what they want," he points to the chalk board as it drew an image of eight ponies, Rarity and her friends but Twilight had wings, and Sweeties friends. "They all asked me to fetch you and I told them: I will only do it 'my way', they reluctantly agreed." "Do they all want me gone that badly? Did they send the Royal Guard too?" Sweetie asked. "Yes they did, but they haven't really found anything yet but I feel they are close to catching up," Discord put on a golden helmet. "You used the word 'fetch', your not here to destroy me?" Sweetie was skeptical. "Yes I am supposed to bring you to the six ponies that consist of your sister and her friends but that is much too boring and unfair for you. I do remember you and your two friends breaking me out of my stone prison which is partially why I'm doing this," Discord sat down at the desk while putting a white apple on the table. "Doing, what?" Sweetie rose an eye brow. "A pop quiz of course!" Discord cheered revealing a few papers. "The rules are simple! Complete the quiz and if you answer seventy percent of the questions correctly, you pass! You must also complete the quiz before this white apple turns completely red," Discord looked over to the white apple. "How long will that take?" Sweetie asked annoyed. "Around thirty minutes," Discord threw the papers as they turned into birds and landed on Sweeties desk turning back into paper. "If you're caught cheating then you fail, the timer starts now," Discord pulled out a upside-down newspaper and began reading while the tip of the white apple's stem started dripping red liquid onto the apple as it began absorbing the color. Sweetie took out a pencil in her desk and she wrote her name on the paper, she read the first question and multiple answers then looked up to Discord. "Really?" Sweetie Belle was not impressed. Q1: Who is BEST pony? A: Sweetie Belle B: Boulder (a rock) C: DISCORD! Answer 'C' had black and white fireworks shooting off and exploding on the page, Sweetie also noticed a option 'D' with a crossed out Applejack but chose to ignore it. Discord didn't notice her unenthusiastic look so she just answered 'C' and moved on. Q2: Sweetie Belle's friends and family feel how about her? A: Fear / Afraid B: Love C: Hatred Sweeties hooves under the table got consumed by the shadows and Discord dropped his papers to look at her with narrowing eyes. She answered 'A' after thinking it over. Discord picked back up his upside-down newspaper and continued reading but this time he kept peering over it to watch Sweetie. Q3: Will Sweetie ever be welcomed back home? A: Never B: Always She answered 'A' while glancing up at Discord with hatred. Q4: Hangpony Sweetie looks up at Discord confused. "There is no answers he-" Sweetie got sucked into the page and the world around her became white with black lines as far as the eye could see. Suddenly a bunch of 2D ponies were drawn up out of nowhere, the ponies only had a black outline that looked as if they were drawn with a pencil. The ponies all had different clothing but they all held either torches or pitchforks that were also drawn, all the ponies where also looking up to a newly drawn platform with a noose hanging from the sky. Sweetie then looked into the sky and saw five blanks. "Oh," Sweetie was snapped out of her confusion. 'Well you always want to start with vowels right?' she thought. "Um,'E'," Sweetie said to no pony specifically. Sweeties head was drawn on the noose leaving a blank space for her horn. "Uh, 'O'," She said again looking up to they sky revealing: "_o_o_". -:: Scanning... Sca??i?g... ?ca??i??... ????????... ::- "Is the next letter, 'G'," Sweetie shrugged. The barrel of Sweetie was drawn under her drawn head but with a gear as a cutie mark. The crowd of 2D ponies grew angry and began raising their pitchforks and torches. "The answer is 'Robot'" Sweetie was filled with hatred. She blinked and found herself back in the fake classroom with the paper in front of her and Discord reading a hair magazine while blowing his mane with a hair dryer. Under question four was a green checkmark so she moved on. "Discord I'm done with this stupid quiz!" Sweeties eyes narrowed while Discord looks up from his game of Discord Jenga. "Oh goodie, I was about to lose," Discord looked delighted while another Discord looked annoyed. Discord snapped and Sweetie's quiz appeared in front of him and the now dimly red apple disappeared. "This will only take a second," "What was the point of that quiz, where you just tryi-" "Done! Hm, I thought these questions were pretty easy. You scored a twenty," said Discord taking off a pair of glasses while putting down the peace of paper. "WHAT? I ANSWERED ALL OF THOSE CORRECTLY!" the shadows let go of Sweetie as she stood on her desk pointing at Discord. Discord in response snapped and the room disappeared. The two of them started floating down to a forest below. "Sweetie Belle, you answered the questions wrong. I may be the definition of chaos but this quiz was not rigged." -:: Location: Forest ::- "DISCORD, I-I-I WILL MAKE YOU REGRET THIS!" yelled a red Sweetie as she landed. Discord grinned. "Is that how you want this to play out?" Suddenly loud and bombastic music started playing, increasing in volume. Cheese Sandwich appeared, balancing on a large ball and playing a tuba, the drums, and an accordion. "What is he doing?" asked Sweetie. "BEVERLY HI-LLS TH-ATS WH-ERE I WAN-T TO B-E" Cheese yelled while playing the tuba. He took breaks from singing to play the tuba. -:: Allied Pony: Behind You ::- "He is distracting us so that Daring Do can take you," Discord grinned. -:: Capturing Seal: Progress of Starting ::- Both Discord and Sweetie turn around to face Daring with a star shaped artifact starts floating off her hoof while glowing and rotating. "Close, but not quite!" said a confident Daring. Discord began to flee, but before he could escape he was sucked into the star. The star slowly stopped spinning and landed back in Daring's hoof, revealing a tiny Discord inside. "Get me out of here! I am the Lord of CHAOS!" Discord shouted at Daring while snapping. After a few moments, he was met with a small chuckle. "Sorry, not this time Discord. Maybe you should do some research into ancient artifacts sometime!" Daring smiled. "Sweetie Belle, listen to me. Your family and friends rea-" Discord starts. Daring threw the star into her hat and put it on. "No more out of you!". While Cheese got off his ball and put up his music, Daring turned to Sweetie and exclaimed "Sweetie Belle, you're safe now! Did he hurt you at all?" "Hurt my peace of mind," Sweetie began dusting herself off. "Does paper cuts count?" She looked up to Daring. "Sweetie Belle! I'm glad you're okay!" Cheese gave her a big hug. "Would you like a cupcake?" Sweetie chuckled. Then she begun to laugh. "Why the hay does this keep happening to me," said Sweetie, still laughing while tears fell from her face. The large moon clouded overhead as the trees whispered in the wind. A light from a flickering flame was surrounded by three sleeping bags that are filled. "And just as I made it to the end of the forbidden labyrinth... Boom, Boom, Boom, a giant dog with a spike tail and six legs blocks the tablet of light. SO I sneak up to the pedestal and take the tablet stuffing it in my hat and the dog instantly turns to me, I manage to swoop past his bite and duck under his tail. He then chased me through the ENTIRE LABYRINTH!" Daring didn't notice the leaves piling up on her hat as she talked. Cheese looked happy listening to the story as he ate popcorn and Sweetie Belle enjoyed the company even if she wasn't a huge adventure story fan. "That my friends is how the tablet of light is now hidden away in Canterlot," said a proud Daring wearing a smirk. "I was going to write about that story but there where so many others to get to first." "That reminds me of the time that I tried cheering up this little filly by bringing ten dogs to his birthday part... Yeah that wasn't a good idea" Cheese smirked as he rubbed the back of his head. Daring chuckled "No, that sounds like an awful idea." Cheese laughed. "It really wasn't, poor filly ran at least a mile and we just couldn't get the peanut butter off," he put his hoof in front of his wide smile. "Me, Scootaloo, and Apple Bloom once took care of Apple Bloom's family dog and we chased her all the way into the forest just for her to bark at a squirrel up a tree for an hour," Sweetie chuckled. "Sadly we didn't get our cutie marks in looking after her." Cheese and Daring both smiled. "Did you and your two friends do a lot together?" asked Daring. "Are you kidding me? We formed a club called the Cutie Mark Crusaders and we would go around doing everything to try and earn our cutie marks!" Sweetie got out of her cozy sleeping bag. "Hay we have a tree house, and Scootaloo is one of the most loyal ponies I know, despite being a little too obsessed with being 'awesome' she is one of the BEST friends a pony could ever ask for. Apple Bloom is honest and kind but can be fearless too! Its difficult to hang out with her all the time though, because of her work on the farm." "I would love to meet them, they seem like super fun little fillies!" Cheese responded with a large smile. "You don't know the half of it. I mean we made a love potion, well it was actually a love poison. We helped find a runaway chicken. We did so much together that in just this short time it has already felt like I have known them my entire life," Sweetie trotted back in fourth while she talked. "Its just too bad..." Sweetie slowed and slowed until she was standing still, looking away from Cheese and Daring. After a minute of watching a still Sweetie Belle, they both notice a huge shadowy tentacle grab ahold of Sweetie and throw her into the ground as Sweetie began to cry. Cheese shot up and rushed to Sweetie trying to calm her while Daring was dazed. "Its okay, its okay, its okay!" Cheese hugged Sweetie tightly. Cheese continued trying to calm her down and the huge shadow grew smaller and smaller until Daring couldn't notice it. "Everything is going to be okay" Cheese told Sweetie Belle while she wailed loudly sinking her face further into her hooves. > Chapter 6.5: Alternative Perspective > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- It was freezing, the cold stone floor beneath their hooves was like stepping on ice. "Sunburst, are you sure that she did this," asked the grey mare. "Yes, I'm sure. Although I wasn't there I was just right outside." the orange unicorn points outside. "You said that she did it to put out their misery? Is that correct?" the gray earth pony continued. "Yes, one of them asked us to. Commander, is what Sweetie Belle did, was it wrong?" asked Sunburst continuing to levitate a book and quill to his side. "No, actually its a good thing... I just wish this mess could be over soon. I am not sure what the plans are for her when we bring her in, but its not up to us to decide," the commander continued looking at the pony exoskeletons with a large hole drilled through most of them. "I hope things will go her way, that filly needs something good... Sorry I mean robot." Sunburst pushed up his glasses. "Call her whatever you want, I get paid the same at the end of the day," the commander begins to leave the room. "I know its you that is convincing all of the ponies under you that Sweetie Belle isn't just a robot," said Sunburst digging his head into his book with a grin. "Heh, I just wish they would listen. During training we had to take a special course on robots. Lets just say that it showed what a evil robot could do. I just hope we find Sweetie Belle before the evils of the world get to her first," the commander turned back to the exoskeletons. "It seems like its following close behind her." Sunburst chuckles. "Sweetie Belle is quite possibly the strongest pony I know, if she can get through this, she can get through anything!" Sunburst smiled. "That's something else I'm worried about... She can get through anything. If she refuses to come with us..." the commander narrows his eyes. "We might need a lot more horse power." "Commander, we found tracks. It seems that it leads to some old ruins, we have a team checking it out now." said a yellow pegasus that ran into the room. Sunburst and the commander quickly turns to the pegasus. Sunburst examines the ruins as he follows the commander. Every building has been over run with foliage yet the air still seems stiff. He then looks ahead to see a white unicorn with a blue mane looking half awake and a purple pegasus looking into a big hole. "Corporal what have you found?" asked the commander. "Uh, we found what appears to be remnants of a battle, we are unsure if it was caused by the rob- I mean Sweetie Belle." said the unicorn shooting awake in a salute. "Anything else?" the commander raised an eye brow. "The other teams haven't gotten back yet, so yes," the unicorn rubbed the back of her head. "WHAT IS THAT!" shouted Sunburst pointing his hoof at a large plant monster as it begins to tower above the purple pegasus. The purple pegasus looked back with tiny pupils as the plant moved its mouth close to them, the plant screeched piercing the pegasus's ear drums. The commander and corporal looked over to the huge plant and then turn back to each other. "When will the other teams get back?" started the commander. "Not sure, should be any time now," answered the corporal. The purple pegasus flies up to the three ponies as the she gets caught in a vine. "HELP!" then is thrown back to the plant monster. "AHHHHHHHH!!!" "Oh! Also there was this weird door I saw in one of the holes here," the unicorn continued. "Slipped my mind," The commander threw her hoof into her face. Sunburst looked closely to each and every stone while he writes in his book that he is levitating it to his side. "This is fantastic, This has to be over a century old at least!" "Sunburst our mission is to find Sweetie Belle, not to look at stones," the gray mare said glaring at sunburst. "Hey commander you might want to check this out," said the corporal reentering the room. "Come on Sunburst," the commander trotted over to the next room and Sunburst followed hurriedly. The group of three enter a large square room, in the center was a pedestal that held a trophy. "Uh, now that is not at least a century old," Sunburst entered the room confused looking at a trophy. "Corporal, what is it?" the commander demanded. "It seems to be a trophy with three characters on it, one of which is the rob- Sweetie Belle. The other appears to be Daring Do which we do know is actually looking for ancient artifacts currently. The last one we are unsure, seems that its a stallion with a rubber chicken." the white unicorn darted around the trophy spilling off facts, then she stops to light her horn. "This was made with magic. Not just any magic however, an old magic that goes back further then a few centuries. Chaos magic.." "Discord..." the commander narrowed her eyes. "Wait, isn't he imprisoned in stone?" asked Sunburst. "He is now reformed by the Elements of Harmony. Although he still is a lot of trouble for a lot of ponies, its also important to notice his achievements sense being reformed," the unicorn answered. "Then why was he here? You would think that a single robot wouldn't be something Discord would have any interest in?" Sunburst questioned. "Sweetie Belle is the sister of one of the Elements of Harmony," the grey mare then looks to the white unicorn. "I need your team to spread out and try to find Sweetie Belle, if not then the other two that are in this trophy." The unicorn saluted, took the trophy and cast a teleportation spell. The commander looks back to the orange unicorn. "Sunburst me and you are going up, we are going to figure out why Discord was here and what he has done." Sunburst trotted over to the commander and put his hoof on her shoulder, then he casted a teleportation spell. It was cold, the sun was setting over a field of apple trees as a large red barn overlooked the land. An orange earth pony raced home and throws the front door open revealing a filly trotting in circles obviously distressed while a orange stallion sits in a sofa with a frown. The two looks up in anticipation as they see the orange mare enter. "Braeburn, Apple Bloom, Discord was sent to retrieve Sweetie Belle. You two can come along, we are waiting for him up at Twilights," said Applejack. "Wait, ah have to tell Scootaloo!" said the filly in a panic. "Rainbow is already on it! You comin' Braeburn?" asked Applejack. "Yeah," Braeburn got up from the sofa. Apple Bloom darted out of the barn and trotted full speed to twilights as Applejack and Braeburn tried to keep up. The door was thrown open by a little filly, she then looked around the room with determination. She didn't find what she was looking for so she trotted inside with her head low. Two other ponies came through the door behind her with sweat dripping from their faces. "Alright is every pony here?" asked Twilight looking around as Applejack, Braeburn, and Apple Bloom enter her home. "That should be everyone!" answered Rainbow Dash. "Alright then, I would like the fillies to wait upstairs! I setup some spells to protect it if anything goes wrong." Twilight looked at Apple Bloom and Scootaloo. "Wait, what do you mean 'goes wrong'?" Scootaloo had a frown. "Ah think that's a great idea Twilight! Girls, upstairs now!" Applejack stomped her hoof. "Applejack, nothin' bad is going to happen!" shot Apple Bloom. "Now!" Applejack stomps her hoof again. "FINE! Come on Scootaloo," Apple Bloom said with a scheming face. Apple Bloom trotted upstairs while Scootaloo followed after her. "Fluttershy how long is Discord going to take?" Twilight turned to her friend. "I wish I knew, but I'm sure he will come back very shortly," Fluttershy had a small smile on her face. "Ugh, he better not take forever!" Rainbow cried. "Hey where is Rarity?" "She is in the restroom, she will be out... When she is ready," Twilight started putting some of her books away. "She's crying," whispered Pinky loudly while taking a bite from a cupcake. "I'm pretty sure its tears of joy this time, which is a major improvement from... Well," Twilight turned to the group. "Sweetie Belle is Rarity's sister right?" asked Braeburn. "Yeah, she has taken it pretty harshly, we all have, but no were near as much as her." answered Fluttershy. "I mean can you imagine, your own sibling, someone you trusted and loved so deeply just up and vanishes! And also figure out she is a robot!" Pinky shook Braeburn with a frown. The group stared daggers at at pinky, she let go of Braeburn and grabbed another cupcake. "I did a lot of research on robots ever sense Apple Bloom and Scootaloo first got back that night when we were making the dresses. I found out that Sweetie Belle had my only copy of: The Research of Robots, in Depth Knowledge. She probably found out when she got injured, anyway robots can be incredibly dangerous so we have to be incredibly careful tonight," Twilight levitated the book above her. "Uh, maybe I should send Apple Bloom back, she isn't safe here," Applejack ran in a circle. "Applejack, its okay. I did everything I could to make sure upstairs was completely safe, there was some advanced magic I came across when researching this topic, if Sweetie where to go up there then she would be just as powerful as any other filly. The only problem is that it takes half a day to setup and runs out within a day." Twilight reassured Applejack. Applejack slowed her trotting then looked to Twilight with a smile. She opened her mouth to speak- "Hey Twilight, are we talking Discord level dangerous or are we talking more like a chimera?" asked Rainbow darting in front of Applejack without thinking. "Somewhere in-between. A robot can destroy an entire town in around an hour if they wanted to." said Twilight. "Has Sweetie Belle... Done anything like that," Rainbow continued to question. "Not from what we have heard, that's apart of the reason we sent out the royal guard. Also I can now communicate with the team searching for Sweetie, they found a unicorn that can cast message which is actually kind of rare, I can cast it too of course but its difficult always having it on and I have no clue if they need to tell me something or not," Twilight shrugged. "When did you meet with the royal guard?" asked Fluttershy. "Me and Rarity went a while ago, she wanted to talk with them so I translated her crying," answered Twilight. Rainbow looked outside. "Man, its already dark outside, when is Discord getting here. All this talking is making me bored." "I sure hope nothing bad has happened!" Fluttershy spoke softly. "T-Twilight, are you there? Twilight, are you there?" said a voice in Twilights head. "Yes, I can hear you!" answered Twilight in her mind. The group turned to Twilight as she turned away and put a hoof over her ear. "The connection seems a little spotty. Hey we found some chaos magic, did you send Discord to find Sweetie Belle" asked the voice. "Yes we did, I was going to tell you here in a little bit but it seems you got to me first," answered Twilight. "..." the spell was still going but Twilight didn't hear anything. "Hello?" sent Twilight. "Sorry I was speaking to the commander. We have reason to believe that Discord failed his task... Twilight, we might need your help, we are unsure how Sweetie Belle has dealt with Discord. Under the worst situation we think that we need the Elements," said the voice. "Send me the coordinates, we will be on our way. Also have you found something that would make you think that?" asked Twilight. "We found Daring Do and a pony named Cheese Sandwich severely injured," the spell ended. The night air was freezing. It was silent, not even the wind whispered. Everything was still, all except for a robotic unicorn. Her red eyes shined through the darkness as it left tears on newly dead grass. The night was silent... All except for the metallic wails. > Chapter 7: Statistically Improbable > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The sun just begun to rise as the train comes to a complete stop, unloading seven ponies onto the train station. What awaits the seven ponies is a sleeping white unicorn with a blue mane as she clutches onto her gold helmet as if it was a pillow, her drool has soaked into the wood bellow. "Ah'm not sure ah am familiar with these forests?" Braeburn looks around as the train leaves. "Is that the pony that is supposed to meet us here?" asked Rainbow Dash pointing her hoof to the sleeping mare. "Yes it is, I hear she is a wonderful navigator," said Twilight pulling out a large book with notes, one of them was a map of the area. "Yeah navigating her dreams maybe. HEY! WAKE UP!" yelled Rainbow as she shook the unicorn. "There is no reason to be rude Rainbow," said Fluttershy in a timid voice while she held a tissue box out in front of Rarity. The Corporal began to arise from her deep slumber in a yawn and a rubbing of the eyes. "Ah, hello! Nice to meet the Elements of Harmony! Anyways lets get going." "That was fast," Pinkie smiled. The seven ponies follow the white unicorn as she lead the way to the camp. She kept turning back to look past the group to look at bushes and other shrubbery while they followed too distracted by talking to notice. "I really hope it isn't true! I hope my Sweetie didn't hurt those ponies!" Rarity said with moist eyes. "We all hope so Rarity, I'm sure its all just a misunderstanding," Twilight gave Rarity a smile. "Ah hope Apple Bloom and Scootaloo are bein' good for Big Mac! Make sure to not mention the fact that Sweetie might have hurt some pony to either of them," Applejack looked to the group. "Don't worry cous, the last thing we want to do is make those two more worried then they already are," Braeburn responded. "We are here," a sleepy voice breaks through the chatter revealing a small clearing with three big white tents. "This is it?" asked Rainbow. "Where is the commander and Sunburst? I think its best we speak with them right away," said Twilight. "They are probably in the left tent, that is usually where they are unless they are out searching," said the corporal in a yawn as she trotted into one of the tents. Sunburst entered the large tent that was otherwise empty except for the commander writing something on a piece of paper. The grey mare then turns to him. "How are their conditions? Are they caused by a missile?" she narrowed her eyes. "Not exactly, it was caused through immense blunt force trauma, I have a theory that it was caused by Sweetie Belle's Hollow Chains," Sunburst pushed up his glasses. "Right, you mentioned it before but that can't be the case, I learned in medical training that it only effects the pony who has it," the commander looked to Sunburst. "True, howev-" "Hello? Sorry were you guys in the middle of something?" Twilight entered the tent while six others followed her. "Yes, but your welcome to join," said the commander shifting her eyes to the new group. "Commander!" a guards pony entered and saluted. "We found a trail of dead grass, we are waiting for a command." "Where?" The commander got up from her chair. "Apple Bloom, this isn't right, I mean we are spying on a military base. I am pretty sure that's illegal!" whispered Scootaloo turning to her friend while hiding in a bush right outside of camp. "Listen, we ain't going to get caught." Apple bloom met eyes with Scootaloo. "Still can't believe that Big Mac lost us because we threw a doll out a window," Scootaloo stared into the tree line. "Really? Because ah can't believe that the military pony noticed us but didn't say anything!" Apple Bloom looked back at the camp. "Scootaloo, they are on the move. They are sprinting, they must have found Sweetie Belle." -:: Anti Life Cocoon: Active ::- -:: Targeting Mode: Active ::- -:: Illusion: Inactive ::- Sweetie Belle could feel the rotting of the earth below her as she stood. The static looking sphere that surrounds her makes even the air inhospitable. Sweetie did not see color, she only saw variations of red. However she did not care, to her, this all was not important, to her, this was all nothing. Sweetie Belle was terrified and madly shaking unable to stop as she endlessly wept. She wanted her torment to end, yet it wouldn't, this unending joke that has tormented her was never ending. 'I hurt them,' thought Sweetie over and over again. 'Never again!' she thought. Sweetie continued to stand narrowing her eyes until she noticed the text in her right eye. -:: 8 Ponies From: Ponyville: Approaching: 100 Feet ::- -:: 26 Hostiles: Approaching: 100 Feet ::- -:: 2 Neutral Ponies: Approaching: 100 Feet ::- "I see," Sweetie mumbled. -:: Rocket Propelled Hooves: Activated ::- The commander was leading the group along with the tired corporal. Eight ponies followed closely behind that consisted of the Elements of Harmony, Braeburn, and Sunburst in no order whatso ever. The group behind them was a large selection of guards marching perfectly in sync. Also there was a group of two, following quietly in the bushes. "What is the plan commander?" asked Twilight trotting ahead of her group. "First we need to talk with her, if she refuses... Then we will have to knock her out... If that doesn't work then-" "HEY RARITY! I WAS HOPING YOU COULD MAKE ME A DRESS THAT WAS CUPCAKE PROOF? CAN YOU DO IT? PLEEEEAAAAASSSSSEEE!!!" Yelled Pinkie. "Darling your hurting my ears," Sniff "Also what exactly do you mean by 'cupcake proof', like it doesn't stain?" Rarity looked at her friend raising an eyebrow. "Never mind," Pinkie smiled and then bounced away. "Elements of Harmony and Braeburn, we need you to understand that this is dangerous, that I am sure you know. However just know there might be times that you need to defend yourselves and never, and I mean never stand within ten feet of her," the commander talked loud and sternly at the ponies. "Why can't we stand within ten feet of her?" asked Rainbow to the group while hovering with her wings. "Ah'm not sure," answered Applejack. "No clue," said a soft spoken Fluttershy with a shrug. "Robots have something called a 'Anti Life Cocoon' and it is fascinating the magic and machinery behind it. But it will suck all life and magic from anything within ten feet," Sunburst said pushing up his glasses. "Ah take it your Sunburst?" asked Braeburn. "Why yes I am," he answered. "Commander! I think that's her," said the corporal while pointing her hoof in the sky. It was far away but a white filly was clearly visible as she started flying and full speed away. "Rainbow Dash or Fluttershy can you try and get her to come down to talk to us? She isn't fighting which is good but we wont get anywhere if she is just going to leave," said the commander watching a flying filly. "Roger!" Rainbow saluted as she shot up and flew at high speeds at Sweetie Belle. Fluttershy looked to Rarity laying a hoof on her. "We will get your sister back," Fluttershy took off, slowly trailed behind Rainbow. The large group started galloping after the sky born robot. As they left, one filly left the bushes and looked to the sky spotting three ponies, the filly then looked back to the bushes. "Scootaloo, come on, we have to go!" said Apple Bloom in a rushed voice. "Hold on I'm stuck," the filly finally managed to untangle herself landing face first in the dirt. She then got up and looked to her friend. "Are you sure we wont get caught?" "Scootaloo, it doesn't matter if we do. We are here for Sweetie Belle, now, lets get going!" said Apple Bloom looking to the sky. "Your right! I rather get grounded for the rest of my life then not see my best friends ever again," Scootaloo smiled at her resolve. -:: 2 Ponies From: Ponyville: Approaching: ::- -:: Location: Within: 45 Feet ::- Sweetie looked back to see Rainbow Dash closing the distance greatly while Fluttershy was still greatly behind. 'Please, turn off: Anti Life Cocoon!' Sweetie thought. -:: ERROR ::- -:: Anti Life Cocoon: Active ::- "STAY BACK, DONT COME NEAR ME!" Sweetie yelled covering her eyes as she tried going even faster. Rainbow Dash caught up and began flying next to Sweetie matching her speed but making sure to stay at least ten feet apart. "Hey Sweetie Belle! Um is it okay if we talk," Rainbow rubbed the back of her head. "Maybe slow down a bit?" Sweetie looked up from her hooves to see Rainbow smirking while looking unsure. "You need to stay away Rainbow," Sweetie looked away. "Yeah ten feet exactly!" Dash smirked. "Hey listen, can we really slow down?" Rainbow looked behind her to see Fluttershy getting further away. "Why, so that you can capture me?" Sweetie looked forward with tears getting caught by the wind. "Sweetie Belle, I am not good at this kind of stuff. We all-" "Want to destroy the evil robot? Use her parts for a new bookshelf? REWRITE MY MEMORIES TO BE A FOAL SITTER?" tears streamed from Sweeties face as she tried everything in her power to speed up. "No, Sweetie Belle.. We want our friend back," Rainbow smiled. "I know I'm not Applejack but I am not lying to you." Rainbow Dash noticed that Sweetie Belles body lightened up, before a darkish grey, it now appeared normal outside of being unwashed. Rainbow thought nothing of her darkish appearance before but now she began to wonder. -:: Anti Life Cocoon: Offline ::- Sweetie Belle slowed to a halt, she then began to slowly levitate downwards landing on the grass below while her hooves removed the rockets. She still did not make eye contact with Rainbow as she followed around ten feet behind her. Sweetie and Rainbow both stood with an awkward air building, after a minute Sweetie finally built enough courage to speak. "I um-" Sweetie sighed. "I, uh. Had an adventure with Daring Do" said Sweetie digging her hoof into the ground without noticing the jaw drop from Rainbow. "Hello Sweetie Belle!" said a soft voice while Fluttershy landed ten feet away from Sweetie. "The others will be here soon, aren't you glad to see your sister?" Fluttershy smiled. Sweetie Belle beamed with excitement but tried to hide it immediately. "A-Are Apple Bloom, and Scootaloo going to be here too?" Sweetie couldn't stop smiling so she covered her mouth with her hoof. "Wait... No... Why are you ponies here? You can get hurt," Sweetie said in a gloomy voice starting to dig with her hoof once more. Fluttershy and Rainbow looked at each other and then looked back to Sweetie. "Sweetie Belle, we know that you would purposefully never hurt any pony! Did something happen with those two ponies?" Fluttershy pushed for questions in a quite voice. Sweetie nodded. "I never wanted to hurt them!" a few tears ran down her face. "But it was my fault." Fluttershy noticed a shadowy tentacle attach to Sweetie that came from her own shadow. She got as close as she could to Sweetie Belle without entering the ten foot radius to inspect the tentacle only to see five more. She looked to Dash but she didn't seem to notice. However the group of three did notice a group of hoof steps belonging to five different ponies as it vastly approached. Soon a white mare launched herself at high speeds tackling Sweetie Belle into a hug while crying immensely. "S-SWE-ETIE BE-ELL-LE!" Rarity managed to yell. Sweetie Belle began to tear up as a wide smile dawned her face as she hugged back. "Y-You know..." Sniff "Your main looks awful!" "Y-You ne-eed a mirror if you'r-re saying my main l-looks bad!" the words barely escaping Rarity's mouth as she continued to weep. Both sisters cried endlessly in each others arms, the group of ponies smiled to finally see some happy tears coming from Rarity and to finally see Sweetie Belle again. Without an end in sight Fluttershy flew quietly over to Twilight and began to whisper. "Where is the Royal Guards? Shouldn't they be here?" "They will be here very soon, I convinced them to stay back for a while and they also said that they might have someone following them, so they can take care of it," Twilight whispered. Fluttershy put a hoof up to her chin in thought. "Wait... Its not..." "It can't be, they are both with Big Mac," Twilight whispered back. Twilight and Fluttershy looked back to see a group of five guards accompanied by Sunburst. The corporal lead the group heading to Twilight and her friends, she decided to meet them half way with Fluttershy following. "How is it going so far with the Ro- Sweetie Belle?" asked the corporal with a frown. "Its going well! Is something wrong?" Twilight questioned. "Two fillies where hurt." -:: Hostile: "Two fillies where hur4." ::- -:: Twilight: "What happened? Take me to them!" ::- -:: Hostile: "Princess Twilight, we are caring for them as we speak. On3 of our own..." ::- -:: Twi1ight: "6id what?" ::- -:: N3u4r41: "4h37 4r3 s13391n9" ::- -:: Mind Under Too Much Stress ::- -:: Attempting Reboot ::- -:: Loading... Loading... Loading... ::- -:: ERROR ::- -:: Corrupted Files ::- -:: WARNING! WARNING! ::- -:: Files Being Corrupted By The Parasite ::- "Thank goodness they are alright!" breathed a sigh of relief from Fluttershy. "I am not sure how one of our guards ponies scared them so bad they passed out," Sunburst pushed up his glasses. Twilight looked to the group with narrow eyes, "We can't let Sweetie Be-" Rarity was thrown through the air as she screamed, eventually landing on one of the guards breaking her fall. Each pony looked to Rarity as she got up and quickly followed as she made her way back over to Sweetie Belle. Twilight and Fluttershy notice their friends utter shock and surprise, they themselves started understanding this emotion as they looked at Sweetie Belle. Sweetie Belle's eyes were absent, there were no pupils, only streams of tears. She sat there as the air around was silent. A ten foot field came from Sweeties body surrounding her. "Swe-" A large shadow tentacle came from the ground reveling itself to all, it grabbed onto Sweeties body and the darkness was poured into Sweetie Belle making her body a dark metallic grey. Twilight quickly casted a light spell and flew it over to the tentacle but it showed it little to no harm. Before anyone could cast any more spells Sweeties body consumed all of the shadows. Sweetie Belles pupils faded in, it was a piercing red. The latch on her back opens revealing two boxes filled to the brim with explosives, and the group noticed a large amount of energy building in her horn. -:: Statistical Of Losing: Improbable ::- BOOM, a loud explosion shook the beds, "Applejack, what's that sound?" asked Apple Bloom sitting up while rubbing her eyes. "Hmm?" she looked around to see a large tent filled with beds and Scootaloo laying in the bed next to hers. "Psst! Hey, Scootaloo!" she whispered loudly. "Mmm, wake me up in five minutes," she wined. BLOOM, the noise filled the room originating some place outside. The orange pegasus shot up, "I'M UP!" The pegasus looked to her friend which shushed her, she blushed. "Lets sneak outa here and find Sweetie Belle," whispered Apple Bloom. They both nodded and jumped down out of their beds and made there way way to the tent door, after Apple Bloom pushed the flap out of the way they both noticed the night sky then turned to one another. However they still kept moving forward finally sneaking out of camp without anyone noticing them. They heard both magical shots getting fired and the sounds of tiny explosions, at first the pair thought that there where tons of shooting stars but on the second look they noticed tons of spells littering the sky along with tiny light sources moving at fast speeds. Sometimes the two would collide and when the sound finally reached the two fillies ears they heard small explosions. A large magic blast flew off target and was going to land at the camp however a magic barrier prevented it from doing any harm. Apple Bloom looks to Scootaloo. "Hey, this is bad, isn't it?" she frowned. Scootaloo quickly hid her smile. "Wait? You mean? Sweetie Belle?" they both looked up revealing more then one hundred feet away a grey unicorn flying while the boxes on her back go back into her barrel then coming out with a new set of explosives. Apple Bloom put her hooves over her head and started breathing heavily. Scootaloo came over and started rubbing Apple Blooms back. "Are you going to be okay Apple Bloom?" "NO, THIS IS ALL MY FAULT! If Ah wasn't so scared of Sweetie back then, then none of this would have happened! She wouldn't be hurting any pony now, if only Ah was brave enough," Apple Bloom began to cry. "Hey, we already talked about this. Its not your fault Apple Bloom, its no ones. Also she just might be fighting some magic spewing Timber Wolves or something," Scootaloo looked to the sky to see a group of pegasi guards in formation throw metals balls at Sweetie when the spells stopped spewing into the sky. Sweetie was to slow and got hit with one, it stuck to her and gave a electric jolt. She quickly threw it off of her. Scootaloo cringed. The spells continued to fill the sky once more, this time Sweetie was much slower relying a lot more on using her missiles to deflect spells. Whenever a spell hit Sweetie a robotic roar filled the air, nothing close to her real voice. -:: Large Collection Of Spells: Enter Evade Mode ::- -:: Cluster Of Spells Give Little Room To Evade ::- -:: Suggestion: Disable Nonlethal Mode ::- 'YES!' 'NO!' -:: ERROR: Conclusion Unreached ::- -:: 4wi1i8h4: "3w334i3 3n49 0u4 0f i4!" ::- -:: R4ri47: "1 w4n4 m7 3i343r 84ck" ::- 'What are they saying?' 'You are worthless' "COMMANDER! GIVE THE ORDER TO KILL!" the corporal shouted, throwing her helmet to the side. "No, you can't. She hasn't killed any pony yet! She is actively fighting it, she can overcome this!" Sunburst pushed up his glasses. "COMMANDER, ARE YOU GOING TO WAIT UNTIL ONE OF US DIES UNTIL YOU GIVE THAT COMMAND!" spit flew from the corporals mouth. Sigh, "Everything is going to work out, we are slowly but surely zapping her energy," said the commander staring at Sweetie Belle as she dodges another barrage of spells. "FINE! LISTEN TO THIS BOOK WORM WHILE WE GET OURSELVES KILLED!" the corporal once again shouted, she sighed as she picked up her helmet. "I hope you're making the right call.. You know I did some research into robots for this case, I found one that shared you're last name commander. I read that robot got brutally mur-" "CORPORAL! You are needed on the field. Get back out there and command the troops," the commander glared daggers. "I understand," the corporal put on her helmet and trotted off into the darkness. The commander watched carefully as she watched the corporal leave and sighed after she left. "That pony stays up too late researching... It makes her a great asset but sometimes she digs into something she shouldn't." "Is what she said true?" Sunburst asked with a frown. The commander narrowed her eyes. "My parents despise me for joining the guard but they never cared much for me anyways. I am here to make sure nothing like that happens again," "I see... I'm sorry.." Sunburst looked down. "Besides that, did you contact Celestia as I asked?" the commander turned to Sunburst. "Yes, I haven't got any word from her since then," said Sunburst. "SNAP OUT OF IT!" yelled Rainbow Dash as she dove in front of Sweetie Belle. "Denied" replied a cold robotic voice. "Can you please snap out of it?" asked Fluttershy as she flew besides Sweetie Belle. "Non hostiles should leave the proximity immediately," Sweeties red stare rested on Fluttershy. -:: Large Amount Of Magic Being Built ::- -:: Location: Unknown ::- Sweetie Belle looked around quickly but not seeing anything. "Woah! What are you looking for?" Rainbow dashed around trying to stay in front of Sweeties vision. "I do not need lie detection for me to understand you're petty attempt at deceit," the cold robotic voice said with extra disinterest. "Alright.. That one hurt." Rainbow stopped in defeat. -:: Large Amount Of Magic Continuing To Grow ::- -:: Location: Unknown ::- -:: BFL: Held at 100% ::- Rainbow and Fluttershy looked at each other in a nod then began to fly away as Sweetie continued to scan the area. Sweetie Belle noticed a single drop of water fall right in-between her eyes and looked up. "I'm sorry!" said Twilight as she let out a powerful blast from her horn from above Sweetie. Sweetie Belle reacted perfectly releasing the BFL and both lasers clashed. Both of the lasers met in the middle but Twilights magic quickly started to gain footing, Sweetie tried to put more power in but found herself quickly losing. As both lasers began to end Twilights was about to land on her but she quickly moved out of the way and pointed the BFL so that it deflected the now large magic projectile. Sweetie looked to Twilight as she almost sighing in relief but she didn't understand why. Twilight looked to Sweetie Belle, she was almost glad that the blast didn't hit her however something was clearly off. Sweetie Belle looked to the magic blast, then back at her, then her eyes lost the red glow as her face turned into immense worry as she flew away at top speed. Twilight quickly started following Sweetie and Rainbow quickly joined Twilight. "The blast didn't work huh?" said Rainbow hiding a smirk. "Rainbow, something isn't right. I think Sweetie Belle is back but there is still something completely wrong! Go back and warn every pony, I'll stay as close as I can to Sweetie and see what's wrong," said Twilight worried. Both Scootaloo and Apple Bloom were hugging, Scootaloo was smirking while Apple Bloom was starting to clear up her tears. "Are you all better now?" asked Scootaloo. "Yeah.. Thanks Scootaloo" said Apple Bloom with a wide grin as she still wiped away some tears. "Um, Apple Bloom.. I think we have a big problem," said Scootaloo as she let go of the hug and pointed her hoof to the sky. Apple Bloom let go of the hug and turned around to see a large ball of magic hurling towards them at high speeds. "I suggest we RUN!" Apple Bloom yelled. Both fillies galloped as fast as they could away from the magic meteor however it was clear that even if they could dodge the impact they would still get hit by the actual blast itself. Apple Bloom and Scootaloo both looked up in horror as the ball of magic was mere seconds away from hitting the ground. Then suddenly it hit something, the ball stopped mid air and exploded, the volume of the blast flew the pair of fillies into a nearby bush. Both fillies quickly regained consciousness as they heard three large objects slam into the ground. After making sure they were both still alive, both fillies got up from the bush to investigate. "Um, what's that?" Scootaloo pointed at a charred cylinder. The cylinder made a large dent in the ground, destroying a lot of the dirt around it. "Look there is another over here," said Apple Bloom looking at a identical sight. They both looked to each other unsure how to make heads or tails from the objects, they both noticed a larger hole and checked it out together. They both saw a charred pony, the only color was a purple and light pink main. Both fillies practically threw themselves down the hole. "Oh, no, no, NO!" Apple Bloom was terrified. "SWEETIE BELLE! WAKE UP!" she yelled with a stream of tears forming. "Umm, Apple Bloom how many hooves does a pony have again? BECAUSE I DON'T THINK ITS TWO!" asked Scootaloo also forming tears. -:: Life: Stable ::- -:: In Need Of Repairs Badly ::- "SWEETIE BELLE! SWEETIE BELLE! Scootaloo, Ah think her eyes are opening! SWEETIE BELLE!" tears rolled down Apple Blooms face. "Eh, what?" Sweetie said in a tired tone as she rolled over and treated one of her hooves as a pillow. "SWEETIE BELLE! WAKE UP!" yelled Scootaloo. "Five.. Mor-" "Oh, no. IS SHE BREATHING!" yelled Apple Bloom in a panic. "Do robots even brea-" A loud snoring enters the air. "That's it!" said Scootaloo. Scootaloo partially picked up Sweetie Belle and shook her around. "WAKE UP!" "Huh? Wha-" Sweetie Belle started opening her eyes revealing a soft green glow. "Sweetie Belle!" both fillies cheered with tears of joy. "I-I missed you two SO MUCH!" said Sweetie as she practically tackled Scootaloo into a hug while crying, Apple Bloom quickly joined in. Sweetie Belles darker tone became a bit brighter. "Wait aren't you two supposed to be dead? Wait, did I die?" Sweetie was dazed. "Actually, who cares!" "Die? Nope, thanks to you that is," said Apple Bloom with a small grin. "Sweetie Belle, are you okay?" said Scootaloo with a concern gaze. "Yeah I'm stable, I-" "Sweetie Belle, Ah am SO SORRY!" Apple Bloom cut off Sweetie. "I shouldn't have been scared that day, if Ah wasn't then none of this would have happened!" tears wouldn't stop dripping from Apple Bloom's face. Sweetie let go of the hug and turned to the group. "It's okay Apple Bloom, its not you're fault," said Sweetie in a small smile while tears continue to rush down her charred face. "But it is!" Apple Bloom responded. "Sweetie Belle, are you okay?" said a worried Twilight standing at the top of the hole. "Yeah, I'm stable," said Sweetie looking up at Twilight. "Now Apple Bloom, and Scootaloo, back up ten feet away from Sweetie Belle. DO NOT ARGUE!" Twilight looked to the two fillies behind Sweetie. Sweetie looked back and nodded. "Its for the best." Scootaloo and Apple Bloom both jumped over to Sweetie Belle as if to shield her. "YOU WILL NOT HURT OUR FRIEND!" yelled Scootaloo. "YEAH!" yelled Apple Bloom. "Girls its not because she is going to attack me, I have a really dangerous thing in me that effects any ponies within ten feet of me," said Sweetie as she tried defending herself from her friends trying to shield her. "Oh," they both got out of the hole. Sweetie only had two hooves, her top right hoof and her back left hoof. She got up and inched to the side of the hole and as she tried to claw up she slid back down. Apple Bloom and Scootaloo looked as if they were going to help Sweetie Belle out of the hole but before they could Twilight used her magic to softly lay her on the grass above. "Hey Twilight?" asked Sweetie. "Yeah.." answered Twilight. "I'm sorry for all the trouble I caused... I never wanted to hurt any pony, Apple Bloom, Scootaloo, Rarity, and every pony else... I hurt them all," Sweetie looked to the night sky. "Sweetie Belle, when you left after that night we searched endlessly for you but with no luck. Rarity every single day went out to search for you, she even skipped her spa days to search for you. I managed to get some of the Royal Guard to search for you as well. I also know for a fact that Apple Bloom and Scootaloo were always busy, Applejack forbid them from trying to find you but of course that didn't stop them," Twilight looked to Apple Bloom and Scootaloo. "Yeah me and Apple Bloom built this huge firework in secret, it was going to be a huge explosion and say 'SWEETIE BELLE, COME HOME' but there was an accident..." Scootaloo looked proud. "Wait... Was that what caused you're tree house to blow up?" Twilight narrowed her eyes. "Umm, maybe?" Apple Bloom rubbed the back of her head. "But why, why did you do all of that?" asked Sweetie. "Well, its because we all care about you Sweetie Belle, and we have already forgiven you," responded Twilight. Sweetie smiled as she continued to look up watching the stars. "Hey Twilight, something has been bothering me for a while now..." Sweetie sat up. "Ask away," Twilight sat down. "Can I get my cutie mark? Like do robots have that," Sweetie shrugged with the one hoof. Twilight not expecting that question was thrown off, "Um, I actually don't know Sweetie Belle." "Wait really, you don't know?" asked both Apple Bloom and Scootaloo. "Maybe I can answer that," said a soft voice as it approached. The glow from her mane gave off a small light, Princess Celestia had sweat drip from her face. "P-Princess? Wh-What are you doing here?" Twilight quickly got up. "Sunburst contacted me, I made it here as quickly as I could," Celestia trotted past Twilight as she looked up to her mentor. She trotted directly in front of Sweetie and looked at her with narrow eyes. "Princess don't get within-" "Fear not, it is alright," Celestia sat down in front of Sweetie. "I'm glad you're alright Sweetie Belle, truly I am. I owe you an explanation." "Y-yeah, r-right" Sweetie yawned. "I am aware you already know that I made the order to make robots. We made them using advanced AI and they were put in certain spots in order to help protect everyone from evil. The project is discontinued because of the Elements of Harmony and things kept going wrong." Celestia explained. Twilight looked confused while Apple Bloom and Scootaloo were patiently listening. "Right," Sweeties eyes began to close. "Well a magical discharge happened in one of the labs and caused a mass teleportation and you ended up in ponyvil-" -:: Extreme Exhaustion Has Overwritten The Awake State ::- -:: Need Time To Recharge ::- -:: Status: Extreme Happiness ::- -:: Parasite Continues To Live But Will Wither With Time ::- Ding Ding Ding Ding! "Come on Sweetie Belle lets go," said a familiar voice. "Yeah there is soo much to do," said another familiar voice. "So, what's the plan then?" "Well I was hoping you could shoot a huge laser into the sky as I-" The End!