• Published 14th Mar 2022
  • 730 Views, 23 Comments

Unidentified Path Forward - Partycannon_

Sweetie Belle is a robot and she has to overcome the challenges ahead.

  • ...

Chapter 1: A Error In Time

"Hey professor," said the blue unicorn sitting down at a table in the middle of a coffee shop.

"This isn't a question about the exam is it?" the orange mare that sat across the table said in a sigh.

"No, well maybe, its more of a curious question I had," the blue unicorn looked at her professor which raised an eyebrow.
"Well as fillies we all learn that robots are illegal and we should turn them into the Royal Guard if we ever saw one," the unicorn continued. "Why are they illegal, I mean sure they are dangerous but so is a unicorns horn, or even a earth ponies kick?"

The professor after putting her cup down and wiping her mouth with a napkin answers. "That's a good question, but let's think. Usually a untrained unicorn could just barely pick up a single pony, let alone an entire city."

"Are you saying that a robot can lift an entire city all by themselves?" asked the unicorn sitting there, cup untouched.

"Well.. No, however if they chose to, I believe one could level an entire town," answered the professor as she picked up her cup once again.

"Then follow up question: What happens when a robot is taken by the Royal Guard?" the unicorn asked.

"Well robots that are discovered through them hurting others, is often disassembled to try and figure out who or what built them," stated the professor after using another napkin to wipe off her mouth. "As for robots that have been taken in without hurting others, I am unsure, there is almost no cases of that ever happening."

"Really I'm surprised! I have a few more questions." the unicorn takes out some flash cards "Wait, what time is it? I have to go do some homework, really sorry. See you in class professor!" the unicorn runs with shock written on her face, the professor still sitting, hears the door behind her open and close.

"Your a great student, however you shouldn't waste coffee" said the professor to no one, while looking at a full cup from across the table.

"Alright, today is goin to be the day girls," the yellow filly said with a stern looking face. "Today we will get our cutie marks in TIME TRAVEL!" the yellow filly cracked a wide grin.

"YEAH, that will be soo COOL. We will get laser guns and blast robots," said a orange pegasus featuring the same smile.

"Uh.. Girls? I'm pretty sure time travel isn't a thing yet," said a white unicorn with an eye roll, yet cracked a grin.

"Oh.. Well ah guess we will have to get our cutie marks in making time travel" the yellow filly said with a frown turning into a smile.

"CUTIE MARK TIME TRAVELERS, YAY" shouted the group of fillies

"Alright Scootaloo! We need you to find our supplies. Sweetie Belle, umm, ah need you to find out how to build one. An ah'm goin to get mah hammer," said Apple Bloom with a smile. With the plan set up, Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle both nodded before galloping their way out of the club house.

After a bit of a walk, Sweetie finally arrived in front of a large oak tree near the center of town. The little filly gently knocked on the wooden door belonging to the interior of the tree. After knocking, the white filly heard a loud CLASH coming from inside the wooden structure. Sweetie couldn't help but cringe a little at the sound and took a hoof step back from the door.

"GIVE ME A SECOND!" said a familiar voice from the other side of the door. after a few seconds the door opens to a small purple and green dragon. Spike had a frown on his face but quickly changed it to a small smile. "Oh please come in, Twilight isn't here right now but she will be back very soon."

"Thank you! Uh what was that sound that I heard?" Sweetie said while entering the oak library.

"Oh, that? That 'was' mine and Twilights' lunch for later," said Spike with a frown "It's okay, I'll just have to make some more."

"Well if Twilight isn't here yet can I help? I'm a great che-"

"NO! I'm okay, I just like cooking by myself," Spike stated quickly while darting his eyes back and forth. "Uh, anyways do you want something as well?" said Spike, gently smiling.

"Sure but something small, I have to head back to the Cutie Mark Crusader's after I get a book on time travel," Sweetie said cheerfully.

"Okay Ill make something for the three of you.. You said time travel?" Spikes smile persisted but a eyebrow did extend up.

Sweetie Belle in the middle of studying her surroundings while Spike was in the kitchen, suddenly heard a door open behind her.

"Hi Twilight!" Sweetie said with a wide grin.

"Oh, hello Sweetie Belle. I wasn't expecting to see you here. How's it going?" said the purple unicorn with a small smile.

"I'm doing good! I was hoping you had a book on time travel?" said Sweetie keeping the same grin.

"Sweetie Belle, is that.. A good idea?" asked Twilight with a deadpanned expression.

"Yeah, CUTIE MARK TIME TRAVLERS, YAY!" Sweetie yells while on two legs. without realizing, she loses her balance and lands on her back, Sweetie blushes as she gets up.

"Well you are lucky because I do happen to know a thing or two about time travel but I am not sure its possible outside of that one spell," Twilight said with a puzzled face.

"Wait you time traveled? That's soo COOL!" Sweetie looked in awe.

"Yeah I remember that adventure," said Spike chuckling while setting down two plates on a table and places three sandwiches in a bag then giving it to Sweetie Belle. "Also Twilight... I uh broke two plates, sorry," said spike rubbing the back of his head.

"That's okay spike, just add it to the shopping checklist," answered Twilight.

Spike then rolled his eyes and walked over to a piece of parchment to write something down.

"So anyways, about that book, or spell," said Sweetie with a grin.

"Alright let me find it, but I can't promise it will be of any help to you. This book was made by professionals and explains some pretty complicated stuff. Id be willing to teach you if I had some time on my hoof but I am quite booked at the moment," said twilight scanning through her library.

"Anything helps" said Sweetie while looking at her and her friends sandwiches.

"Ah! Here it is, Quantum Time Travel a Reference Guide" said Twilight pulling a huge book from her shelf. Twilight then lifts the book over to Sweetie using magic. "It explains the theories behind time travel and other cool things."

"That looks umm.. Real useful Twilight, Thank you!" said Sweetie trying to hold a smile.

"Sure, anytime, now you fillies enjoy your time travel!" said Twilight with a big grin.

"I'm glad I got you when I could Scootaloo, this book is massive!" Sweetie said to the orange pegasus who was pulling her in a wagon using a scooter.

"Yeah no problem, I already got some supplies back at the tree base. So did you figure out how to build a time machine?" Scootaloo said keeping her eyes on the dirt path before her.

"Not quite, however I did get this book from Twilight that should at least give us an idea. Also I got us some sandwiches," Sweetie said running her hoof across the boring looking book.

"You didn't make the sandwiches, did you?" asked Scootaloo with a skeptical tone.

"No Spike made them, why?" Sweetie asked.

"Oh, uh. Look were at the tree base." Scootaloo said quickly.

"You know you can call it a club house or a tree house right?" asked Sweetie.

"I know, but tree base sounds cooler," answered Scootaloo with a grin.

"Ah thought ah heard mah two best friends, did yawl get somethin for the time machine?" said Apple Bloom leaving the club house.

"I brought some more wood and nails, and Sweetie brought a book and some sandwiches" Scootaloo responded.

"Who made the sandwiches?" asked Apple Bloom with a skeptical tone.

"Spike," said Scootaloo with a serious voice.

"I can cook next time, if you want me to," said a proud looking Sweetie Belle.

"Oh, no! That's okay you really, really don't have to," Scootaloo responded almost cringing.

"Yeah, really, DONT!" said Apple Bloom with a extremely serious face.

"Alright, if Mr. what's-his-name's theory is correct then this should be it," said Apple Bloom while looking at a wooden platform with what seems to be a doorframe made from wood, wires, flashing lights, balloons, and other gadgets, on top.

"I think his name was Mr. Cheese Sandwich?" said Sweetie Belle re-reading the page. "Sorry girls this is the only page I can read, all the other pages are like they are written in a foreign language," Sweetie sighed.

"Its okay Sweetie Belle, I know your trying your best," said Scootaloo, spitting a hammer out of her mouth.

"Well its done, all we need to do now is throw the switch!" cheered Apple Bloom.

Scootaloo then walks up to the machine and pulls the lever down, after quickly darts back to the rest of the group to watch the machine.

"Well at least its moving this time," said Sweetie Belle.

The machine begins to start moving its pulleys, gears, and balloons, it also started to light the bulbs up with electricity. The ground softly vibrated from the machine at work.

"With all the work we went through I hope it starts shooting some lasers," said Scootaloo.

"What's your fascination with lasers today Scoot?" asked Apple Bloom.

"Explosions," answered Scootaloo with a dead panned expression.

"Wait girls, I think its working," said an excited Sweetie Belle.

The machine begun making a low hum, and started getting louder. After a few seconds the lights shattered and the machine began to slow to a halt, but before it could, it shot a rubber band that connected two gears, at high speed directly at the Cutie Mark Crusaders.

"DUCK!" shouted Scootaloo. However it was too late, Sweetie Belle got hit directly in the eye with the rubber band.

"OW!" Sweetie yelped in pain.

"Oh my goodness are yawl alright?" asked Apple Bloom.

Sweetie was rolling on the ground with her hoof over her eye.

"Do you need to go see a doctor?" asked Scootaloo.

"I'll be okay, I just need a second" answered Sweetie Belle in a whimper.

After calming down Sweetie still with her hoof over her eye sees something strange, what she was supposed to see is pitch black in her right eye but instead she is seeing tons of green lines overlaying her vision of the inside of her eye lid. Within the green lines she can make out what appears to be text.

-:: Self Awareness Protocol: activate ::-
-:: Visual Glitch: detected ::-
-:: Memory Rewriting Protocol: activate ::-
-:: Loading .... Loading .... Loading .... ERROR ::-
-:: Unable to run: Self Awareness Protocol ::-

-:: System Updated: Self Awareness: known ::-

Sweetie Belle screamed internally, however on the outside she was hyperventilating. Her mind was overloaded with question, which for now, had no answer.

"Sweetie Belle are you sure your alright?" asked Apple Bloom in a calm voice.

"Yeah I'm just fine," Sweetie stated while taking in deep breaths, and no longer hyperventilating. She began to get off the ground however she could not stop shaking uncontrollably.

"Yeah, your not okay, here Ill help into the wagon. I'm taking you to the hospital," said Scootaloo walking over to Sweetie Belle.

"NO!" shouted Sweetie Belle, just barely standing through her shaking. "I-I'm going home," said Sweetie Belle in a harsh voice.

"Alright, Ill take you to Rarity, please just get in the wagon you can barely walk," said a calm Scootaloo.

"O-O-Okay," answered Sweetie Belle still shaking.

"Are yawl doin better now?" asked Apple Bloom after a few minutes from getting in the wagon with Sweetie Belle.

"Yeah, hey I'm sorry about before, I'm also sorry to you Scootaloo," said Sweetie in a sad voice with her hoof still over her eye.

"Its all good, I know that wasn't you talking," said Scootaloo.

"WHAT!" shouted Sweetie.

"Its a, uh, figure of speech Sweetie Belle," said Apple Bloom.

"Oh, right, I just need some sleep girls Ill be okay in the morning," said a blushing Sweetie Belle

Sweetie did stop shaking, there was also an aching in her heart, for she can still see the green lines and the text that reacted to things that she did. Sweetie Belle feels uneasy as she tells herself 'It will all be over in the morning, this is just a over hyper imagination.'

"Alright we are here," said Scootaloo coming to a stop and taking off her Helmet.

"Do ya need any help?" asked Apple Bloom.

"No, I can make it inside," promised Sweetie Belle.

Apple Bloom and Scootaloo were on opposite sides of Sweetie Belle making sure she doesn't fall, however regardless of her wobbling she didn't need it. Apple Bloom then knocks and opens the door, the three fillies enter the Carousel Boutique.

"Welcome to Carousel-" Rarity cheerfully comes around the corner and spots the three fillies. "Oh, no. Sweetie Belle, what happened?" Rarity asked with a frown.

"She got hit in the eye from a rubber band," answered Apple Bloom.

"Oh? Where is that rubber band now, I must teach it a lesson." Rarity gave off a small smile, the joke did not make anyone laugh but it did calm Sweetie Belle down a little. "Now Sweetie Belle I am going to need to check your eye."

"Sorry can it wait until tomorrow? It hurts just from keeping it closed, let alone from opening it," said Sweetie Belle.

"I understand but I need to make sure that we don't need to go to the doctor right away, you don't want to be blind in one eye, do you?" said a stern Rarity.

"I guess not," answered Sweetie.

She begins to slowly open her right eye, the pain does hurt quite a bit, however she knows her sister is not going to let her free unless she shows her, her eye.

"hmm, your pupil seems to be glowing just a bit but it seems to be fine," said Rarity with a smile.

"GLOWING?" shouted Sweetie Belle.

"Yes its glowing a little red, because you got hit in the eye," answered Rarity. "Scootaloo and Apple Bloom you are free to go, Ill make sure Sweetie Belle gets some sleep. Thank you for bringing her back."

"Your welcome. Keep a good eye on our friend, we'll need her soon!" said Apple Bloom with a smile.

"Yeah, lets hope you don't have to get laser eye surgery!" said Scootaloo.

Apple Bloom then gave Scootaloo a mean stare.

"I-I mean have a nice sleep. Bye," stated Scootaloo.

"Bye," said Apple Bloom.

Author's Note:

Wow, okay. Did not expect to hit over two thousand words. Thank you so much for reaching the end of chapter one! This is my first time writing for other people so lets hope my grammar is okay. Hopefully the comedy was okay as well, I really am not used to writing comedy, more improve stuff.

I'll get to the more adventure type stuff later, as of now its mostly just slice of life. Lets hope that I can properly write about some of the serious stuff that I'm planning, for a more impactful story. Also when I mean "adventure" its not really about searching ruins or slaying evil threats (although there might be a tiny bit of that).

Welp I hope you enjoyed it!