• Published 16th Feb 2022
  • 1,152 Views, 6 Comments

When Worlds Collide Alternate Scene - VioletRose13

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“Aw, poor guy.” Raph said as he and his pet alien turtle, Chompy, sat in front of the television; the main character of the cartoon they were watching had just lost the woman he loved most.

Donnie and April were sitting right behind him on the couch, but they didn’t seem to be paying any attention to him or the show they were watching. They were laughing and playfully throwing popcorn at each other.

“Aren’t you guys even watching?” Raph asked, turning to face them. “Didn’t you see Ryan lost the love of his life?”

“Ha! Gotcha back!” April laughed, tossing a handful of popcorn back at Donnie. He laughed.

“Eh, whatever. You two are sickening Chompy. I’m outta here.” Raph walked away in a huff with his little friend in tow.

“You say something, Raph?” Donnie asked with a popcorn bucket on his head.

In the dojo, Leo and Karai were sparing just as Raph walked in.

“Whoa, Karai, take it easy! That’s why it’s called training.” Leo joked as they had their swords drawn.

“Just because I like you doesn’t mean I’m gonna go easy on you, Leo.” Karai joked back; she gave him a smirk as he smiled back at her.

“Oh, yuck! Come on, Chompy. Let’s get something to eat.” Raph said in disgust.

He stormed out of the dojo and into the kitchen to grab a snack, only to find Master Splinter teaching Principal Celestia how to make some kind of sushi. There was a bamboo rolling mat with seaweed paper, sushi rice, and avocado slices in front of each of them. There was even a big bag of cheese puffs in between them; they each took out a small handful of puffs and laid a few of them along the avocado slices.

“And then you use the bamboo mat to roll out your sushi roll.” Splinter instructed as he carefully rolled out his own roll. “Make sure you go slow and steady. Roll, squeeze, tighten, and roll again until you have a long complete roll like this.” He finished rolling and he set his bamboo mat off to the side. “You try it.”

“Okay, here goes.” Celestia said as she attempted to do the same thing. She tried her best, but she was struggling to get all of the ingredients to stay together. “Hmm, am I doing this right? I feel like I’m messing up.”

“Here, let me help.” Splinter chuckled, making his way behind her and placing his hands over hers. They rolled it out together as Celestia smiled at him.


“Any time.”

He gently nuzzled her cheek and they shared a laugh; they hardly even noticed Raph and Chompy staring at them.

“Ugh, not you too Master Splinter!” Raph groaned in embarrassment before stomping out of the kitchen with his free hand covering his eyes.

“I’m sorry, Raphael, what did you say? Raphael?” Splinter asked as he looked around, but he was already gone.

“I wonder what that was all about.” Celestia said.

“Yo, Mikey. You wanna play some—” Raph asked as he entered Mikey’s room, only to see him giggling and video chatting with Renet.

“Thanks for the sweet future tech, Renet.” He said excitedly. “Now we can chat through time and space! Does this mean we’re in a long-distance relationship?” He grinned.

Raph groaned again and headed to his own room. He picked up his T-phone, dialed a number, and put the phone to his ear. No answer.

“Ugh, right. Casey is teaching Shinigami how to play hockey.” He groaned. “Let’s see who else there is.” He dialed another number and patiently waited.

“Hello?” A familiar voice asked.

“Hey, Rainbow Dash.” He said, happy to hear his friend’s voice.

“Oh hey, Raph. What’s up?” Rainbow Dash answered.

“Nothing much. Just a bit bored. Hey, do you and the Rainbooms wanna come over? We can have a jam session.”

“Oh sorry, Raph. That sounds awesome, but I can’t. Sunset Shimmer and I are heading to the movies with these guys, Soarin and Comet Tail. They’re pretty cool.”

“Seriously? Well what about the other Rainbooms? Or the Crusaders?”

“They’re all kinda busy right now. Twilight and Flash went to the park with Timber Spruce and Juniper Montage, Fluttershy is helping Applejack and Big Mac with some farm work, Rarity is at the spa, the CMC are having a sleepover, and Pinkie Pie’s hosting a party in another part of town with DJ Pon-3.”

“Oh, okay…” He sounded very disappointed and Rainbow Dash could tell.

“Sorry, dude. Maybe we could jam together some other time.”

“You promise?”

“Promise. Oh, I gotta go. We just found our seats and the movie’s starting soon. Bye.”

She hung up. After a few seconds, Raph threw his T-phone onto his bed in frustration and started to vigorously play his drum set, only for him to be out of breath in a minute or two of playing.

“Forget it, Chompy.” He panted, leaning on one of the drums in exasperation. “Who needs love? Not this guy. I’m a lone wolf, a rebel, a loner, I’m fine all by my—”

He was interrupted by a bright red light flashing in a further corner of his room; it was coming from the helmet he wore during the missions in space he had with his brothers, April, and Casey. Reluctantly, he walked over to the shelf, put it on, and was surprised to receive a message from someone he knew very well.

“Holy spaceapples! Mona!” He exclaimed with a big smile; Chompy happily chirped in another corner of the room.

“Hello, Raphael.” A holographic image of Mona Lisa of the Salamandrians said; she looked just as happy to see him as he was to see her. “It’s so good to see you. We need your help. We are travelling to Earth.”

“Earth?! You’re coming here?! When?!”

“We’re touching down soon, Raphael. I’ll send you the coordinates.”

The image cut out; Raph grinned excitedly, not even bothering to remove the helmet.

“You sit tight, Mona! Help is on the way!” He happily declared before accidentally smacking into the door of his room and falling to the floor. “Smooth move, Raph. Smooth.”

Comments ( 6 )

Cool work. Little upset is that so small, but one-shots stories always like this. I hope see next work about TMNT/MLP:EQG

Thanks. I'm glad you like it

Great work, short but it was great and boy talked about love in the air. Great work, and I hope we see your next work of the Tmnt/MLP:EG

Thank you. I'm glad you enjoyed it ^^

Oh my gosh! Is this for real?! This is AMAZING! 🤩

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