• Published 15th Feb 2022
  • 1,143 Views, 136 Comments

Seeing the Light - Animalman57

After spending her whole life trapped in a tower, a young pegasus princess seeks the help of a draconequus rogue in order to see the world. But the two of them find themselves falling for each other while the princess' mother tracks them down.

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King Gentle Heart and Queen Whisper Willow were listening to their son's latest escapades over breakfast (namely Rainbow kicking him in the stomach when he tried flirting with her last night), when they heard a knock on the double doors.

Gentle Heart called out, "Come in." and one of their guards, a pale blue pegasus stallion with a dark blue mane and green eyes, walked in, followed by Twilight.

Whisper nodded towards the stallion, "Thank you, Commander Soarin." He bowed and headed out. Twilight looked towards them with an eager look that didn't escape the royals.

"Did you find the crown, your highness?" Gentle Heart asked.

Twilight grew a grin. "Yes I did, but I found something even better. And she's waiting outside." The royals looked at each other in confusion before following her out.

Discord stood in front of the castle nervously, holding and wringing his tail in his hands. Once the sky cleared, Fluttershy wanted to finally meet her real parents as soon as possible and introduce them to her special somecreature. Still feeling a little weak from his stabbing, Twilight teleported them instead and was currently inside to get the king and queen. He didn't know how they'd react to him dating her.

He looked over to his marefriend. Her dress was dirty and ripped, her hair was messed up, she has numerous cuts and bruises, her leg and wing were in bandages that Twilight found in the tower and she was still the most gorgeous thing in the entire cosmos.

She was biting her now bare lip and looking even more nervous, though he was hardly surprised. She never knew her parents, and now was meeting them for the first time ever. She even has a little brother she never met as well! While neither of them thought they'd reject her, it was nerve wracking thinking how they'll react nonetheless.

She looked over at him and he smiled, extending his talon outward. She smiled back and put her hoof into his hand. He closed his hand and gave her hoof a supportive squeeze. It amazed Fluttershy just how gentle he could be even with those sharp claws.

The wide double doors opened and revealed Twilight as well as Fluttershy's real family. Whisper, Gentle Heart and Zephyr's eyes widened as they saw Fluttershy standing there, wearing her crown. Fluttershy let go of Discord's talon and limped over to them. Twilight moved off to the side, not wanting to get in the way of their reunion. The lost princess stopped just in front of her mother. She looked up towards her, smiling nervously. Whisper just stared in disbelief as her daughter started twiddling with her messy mane.

Finally, Fluttershy spoke. "Hi...mom." Whisper couldn't hold her tears in any longer as she cried and hugged her daughter in a vice-like grip, almost as if afraid she was just an illusion that would fade away as soon as she hugged her. Her tears soaked Fluttershy's already messy mane as she buried her muzzle into it. Fluttershy didn't care. She just was happy to see her mother.

Her father rushed over and hugged her as well.

"Hi, daddy." She cried into his chest.

"Oh, our sweet baby girl." He said with tears of joy in his eyes. "You're all grown up and so beautiful."

"Welcome home, sweetheart. We missed you so much." Willow said. Fluttershy's smile grew bigger.

"It's wonderful to finally see you."

"Sis?" Said Zephyr Breeze as he walked forward. Fluttershy was released from their hug as her little brother came forward. He had his father's green coat and his mother's magenta eyes, but also had a blonde mane and tail. He was taller than her and even their parents despite being younger, but Fluttershy just couldn't believe she had a brother. She hugged him.

"I've always wanted a brother." His eyes widen as his eyes watered before he hugged her back.

"And I've always wanted a big sister to annoy." Fluttershy giggled at her younger brother and hugged tighter.

The king and queen looked over to Twilight and mouthed "Thank you." She smiled in response. But their attention soon turned to the draconequus standing farther away. They walked forward and stood in front of him. Discord nervously bowed.

"Your majesties, I'm sorry for all the trouble I caused with that crown, but I hope the return of your daughter will be a sufficient apology."

Whisper smiled up at him. "We forgive you. And you may court her if you wish. We don't mind."

He lifted his head and raised his brow. "How did-"

"I could tell. My daughter is quite fond of you if that hand holding is any clue. Welcome to the family." She said before briefly hugging him and heading back with her husband to see their daughter and son. Discord's jaw hit the ground and Twilight smirked at his reaction.

Whisper and Gentle hugged both of their children, happy that their family has been restored. Fluttershy looked over and waved Discord over.

Discord looked hesitant, but was lifted into the air by Twilight's magic and brought him over.

Soon, he was part of the group hug. And part of the family.

A few years later, and the kingdom was better than ever.

The thugs at the bar, with Fluttershy's encouragement, finally got their redemption.

Fluttershy met King Thorax who sincerely apologized for her kidnapping by their ex-queen. Fluttershy accepted his apology and even hugged him, much to Thorax's surprise.

The children of the kingdom all adored the princess, and she often played with them. She met Rainbow Dash and accepted her as her personal guard and the two became close. Rainbow even helped teach her to fly once her wing mended.

She still wasn't the best at it and she preferred walking, but she at least could finally fly.

Angel stayed with her as her pet as her family adored her special talent, even giving her a garden full of animals and flowers she can tend.

She loved her family very much. It was so wonderful to feel loved. Zephyr did annoy her a bunch, but she loved him all the same. She stayed in close contact with Twilight, who got a lot of praise for saving the princess. Discord was not entirely surprised that Twilight got all the glory for finding her.

Speaking of Discord, his life couldn't be better. The king and queen actually liked him a lot, never once thinking he was unworthy or he shouldn't be with her. In fact, Whisper seemed to encourage their romance. He remembered last Hearth's Warming when she shoved him underneath the mistletoe with her daughter. Zephyr still seemed a little wary, but not hateful, so that's a plus and the kingdom seemed to slowly accept him as a prince.

He even got to make amends with Celestia and Luna. Despite the trouble he has caused them, they still remembered him as their friend/brother, which is why they were not willing to punish him despite his crimes. They welcomed him back with open arms.

And of course, he had his darling Fluttershy, who had just proposed to him last month.

"Discord?" Speaking of his fiancé, he turned his head to see her walking towards him. As a princess, she wore a slightly more extravagant outfit than the one at the festival. The dress was the same color as before, but she had light green slippers instead of red. Her mane was braided again, but full of tiny little flowers, with her bluebell taking pride and joy behind her ear.

The train for the dress was slightly longer and she had rounded sleeves, but they were smaller and more tasteful than Twilight's at the festival. She wore no makeup and she rarely wore her crown, not really liking to wear it unless she had to. She was more reserved than most princesses, but she was still gorgeous.

Discord himself wore the same as before, minus the bow tie and he had a black crown with red gems shaped like tornados, though like her, he didn't wear it often. She flew up and kissed his cheek.

"I've been looking all over for you. Dad wants to run over the wedding plans with you."

Discord smiled. "Oh, I completely forgot. I was busy with something."

Fluttershy raised her eyebrow. "Not messing with the guards, I hope." Discord summoned a halo above his horn and antler with his wings turning into angel wings.

"Who, me? Perish the thought. I'm being very well behaved." He finished by turning his eyes an innocent shade of blue and batting eyelashes he magically grew.

Fluttershy giggled while shaking her head. "Either way, we should get going."

"Of course, of course." He said, getting rid of his little innocent act before grabbing her hoof and hold her close. "Have I told you recently, you're the most beautiful creature in the world?"

Fluttershy rolled her eyes while her cheeks turned pink. "You have. This morning, in fact."

Discord grew a smirk. "Well then, how about I kiss you to prove it?" Fluttershy pretended to think about it before leaning forward, kissing him and he kissed back.

She was once shy little Posey, trapped in a tower with no way out as part of a plot to take over Equestria. But now, she was Fluttershy, Princess of Kindness, living with her true family and her asymmetrical, but handsome fiancé.

And all it took was her seeing the light.

Author's Note:

Aw, don't you just love happy endings? :yay:

Well, that's all. Hope you all enjoyed my Tangled Fluttercord story. I had fun writing it.

Couldn't resist a final cameo from Soarin as the commander of the guards.

One of the original endings was to have Fluttershy be pregnant during Fluttershy and Discord's little talk here at the end, hinting at my Next Gen Fluttercord OCs, but I decided to follow a little closer to the movie and just made them just happy finances instead.

From your friendly neighborhood Apprentice of Chaos, see ya later. :heart:

Comments ( 15 )

That was a great story, got anymore Fluttercord stories in mind?

Oh, I'm sure I got a few. I think I'll start writing more chapters in my Family of Chaos story first, just for something more fluffy and calm compared to the longer story one, though I might make a one shot Of Discord meeting Fluttershy's parents.

Oh that'll be something!

I loved it! :pinkiehappy: The story was great it had the main elements from the original tangled movie but was still diferent and unexpected and this ending was just the perfect conclusion to it.

Oh, I'll defenetly check that one as well. And Discord meeting her parents that defenetly sounds promising, I have my own ideas for my fanfic in that matter (though in I'm still waaaay far from getting to that), I still can't forgive the writters for not making Discord meet them in the actual series, or at least Zephyr

Thank you for the wonderful comment. I'm glad you enjoyed it very much.

Right? Discord should've met them. The parents themselves only really appeared in one episode where they had duologue, and I think they became fan favorites instantly, though I still don't know why they never gave them proper names, hence the names I used in this fic and probably in other ones I make.

I'm a bit of a biology nut, so I learned a lot about evolution and how animals are adapted to their environment. I also love educating people, so I love that you learned of the term from me.

Yes, thats I was refering to.

Ooh, only a few grammatical errors!

"Did you find the crown, your highness?" Gentle Heart said. - Gentle Heart asked.

even more nervous, though he hardly surprised. - though he was hardly surprised.

extending out his talon. - extending his talon or extending his talon outward.

vice like grip - vice-like grip; or vice grip.

illusion that fade away - illusion that would fade away.

but she has light green slippers instead of red. - but she had light green slippers.

with her bluebell taking proud and joy behind her ear. - taking pride and joy.


Awwww! Cute story! They literally saw the light - those lantern lights helped out immensely!

That was so cute, yay! I'm glad I checked this out immediately rather than later!

Rainbow even helped teach her to fly once her wing mended. - Yay!

Zephyr did annoy her a bunch, but she loved him all the same. She stayed in close contact with Twilight - After all these years, she's just happy to have a brother! Also, geez, stop irritating her, Zephyr, she just came from a life with a controlling witch, go easy on her.

Discord was not entirely surprised that Twilight got all the glory for finding her. - Ouch. Not even 25% for saving her life twice. Oof.

He remembered last Hearth's Warming when she shoved him underneath the mistletoe with her daughter. - Awwwwww!

Despite the trouble he has caused them, they still remembered him as their friend/brother, - yaaaaaaaaay!

Great fic, nice job!

I'll fix those.

And thank you for the massive support.

I love your names for Shy's parents, as well as Celestial Rainboom's ones.

"Gentle Heart and Whisper Willow," and "Nimbus and Petunia" are just so awesome and so cute! :heart:

Oh yeah, Mr. Apprentice of Chaos, that was cool to put Soarin at the end, cool!

You're welcome!

I love Celestial-Rainstorm's names for them too and I considered using their name for Mrs Shy as my name, but I decided to do something a little different.

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