• Published 15th Feb 2022
  • 1,143 Views, 136 Comments

Seeing the Light - Animalman57

After spending her whole life trapped in a tower, a young pegasus princess seeks the help of a draconequus rogue in order to see the world. But the two of them find themselves falling for each other while the princess' mother tracks them down.

  • ...

For Love

In reality, Discord wasn't confronting the king and queen, at least not yet. He was currently pacing the bridge that lead to the castle as he tried to think what in Equestria he was going to say to them. Not only was he normally terrible at apologizing for his actions (usually, he never wanted to apologize anyway), but he was about to talk to his crush's parents! Who were royalty on top of that!

"How am I supposed to do this?" He said quietly to himself. "'Hey, your majesties, you know that daughter of yours? Well, she's out back. She's wearing her crown and she doesn't quite accept the truth, but she's piecing it together. I also took her crown, but I'm sorry and hope the return of your daughter will clear that up. Oh, and I'm in love with her as well. You cool with that?'" He paused as he thought about how that would go. Then he slapped himself.

"Ugh, why can't things be simple?! If I didn't love her, this might not be so hard!" He sighed as he sat on the bride, turning it plaid by accident. He didn't bother changing it back. As much as he tried to deny it, that secret princess had stolen his heart and wasn't giving it back. As they stared into each other's eyes on the boat, he then knew that he wasn't just misinterpreting friendship. No, he loved her, and she seemed to love him too, if their almost kiss just a few minutes ago was anything to go by.

If she wasn't a princess, maybe it wouldn't have to be so hard to be with her, but she was, even if she hadn't fully accepted it yet. He normally detested royalty, and nearly everywhere in Equestria was aware of his reputation. The Pegasus Kingdom was no different, if those stares he got from the locals from the festival were anything to go by. But he could take stares. He was used to them. But if he dated her, he'd be a prince, and would they accept the rogue Lord of Chaos as their prince? Would the king and queen even allow her to be with a lowly commoner? Some parts of Equestria were changing their views on that. The Crystal Empire being one such example. It's no secret that Shining Armor was not a prince nor proper royalty before marrying Princess Cadence. But not all kingdoms were so lax, and he didn't know if the Pegasus Kingdom was more strict than the Crystal Empire in terms of marrying their royalty.

He growled in frustration. "Someone just put me out of my misery!"

"That can be arranged." said a deep voice behind him. Discord recognized the voice and rolled his eyes.

"Caballeron. What an unexpected pleasure. And by pleasure, I mean not at all a pleasure." Discord didn't even turn around to face him. He had his own problems that didn't involve some low life thief. Despite this fact, Caballeron kept talking.

"Oh, poor little draconequus. In love with a princess you can't be with. But not only can I help you, I'll get my revenge on you as well."

Discord chuckled bitterly. "Oh, yeah? How do you plan on that? You're just an earth pony. No disrespect. I don't hate earth ponies any more than other ponies, but if I can give an alicorn a run for her bits, what could you do?" He could practically hear the stallion's smirk in response.

"Do you think cockatrice powder would stop you?" Discord's eyes widened and he turned around just as Caballeron blew the powder towards him.

Meanwhile, Posey was having a dilemma of her own. She paced around on the boat trying to figure out the enigma that was her draconequus she was sweet on. Easier said than done.

"I mean, ponies normally try to kiss the other when they like each other, right? That's what my books have said, or least implied. But then he turned away and it sounded like he was making an excuse and he's been gone a while. But, he's told me so much at this point, if he didn't like me, he'd tell me out right he didn't feel something, right? Maybe he's not sure yet. Or maybe he just wants to be proper since I may or may not be a princess. Or maybe...oh, I don't know." She sighed. It was all too confusing.

She heard footsteps coming towards her. "Oh, Discord. I was starting to think you ran off and left me." She said as she turned, but as the fog cleared, it revealed that, instead of Discord, it was a brown stallion she's never seen before. And he frighten her, what with his sinister grin, and his slow walk towards her.

"He did." He said simply.

"What?" she said in disbelief. "No, that's not true. He wouldn't. He's my friend and friends don't ditch each other." This stallion didn't need to know she was in love with Discord.

He laughed in response. "You are really naive, aren't you? He knew you felt something for him. Celestia knows why, but feeling nothing for you and wanting to break your heart, he flew off, but not before telling me I could have the crown. And the lost princess." She gasped as he rushed forward. She jumped from the boat and ran off. But he was faster and slammed into her, flinging her into the castle wall. She screamed as she felt her left wing break upon impact. She landed hard on the ground. She tried to stand, but yelped and collapsed when she felt a massive pain in her leg. She covered her face with her hooves and whimpered, wishing Discord would swoop in and save her.

Just then, she heard a horn light and the stallion yell, "we had a deal" before he yelled as she heard a blast.

"Posey!" said a very familiar voice. She peeked from her hooves and saw her mother standing above her.

"Mother?" she asked hesitantly, as if she wasn't really standing there.

"Yes dear." Chrysalis said, now using her sweet tone again. She picked her up and hugged Posey. Posey took a minute to try and find her footing with her hurt leg.

"I was so worried about you, darling. So I followed you. And I saw him attack you. Let's go, let's go before he come to." She let go of the hug and noted Posey's broken wing. "Posey, sweetheart, did that scumbag break your wing? Doesn't matter. You're safe now, my dear."

At the term of endearment normally used by her handsome draconequus, Posey's eyes widened and she tried to move past Chrysalis. "Discord! Discord!" she screamed.

Chrysalis raised her brow. "Discord?" She then put on a false look of sadness and sympathy. "Oh, my darling child. I'm afraid he left. He's probably halfway across Equestria by now." Posey was now crying, making her eyeshadow run down her face.

"No, no! I don't believe you! He wouldn't leave me. I know he wouldn't! I love him!! Do you hear me?! I love him, and he wouldn't leave me!!" She screamed. Chrysalis could feel her love for the draconequus and his for hers, but she still couldn't believe it, even after she screamed into Chrysalis' face. But Discord was incapacitated, if Caballeron used the proper amount of powder, that is, and she needed to take 'Posey' home. She put her hoof under the chin of her 'daughter' and looked at her tear soaked face.

"Oh, my darling, now you know what I what I went through when your father left. It feels like your whole world is falling apart, isn't it? I never wanted you to feel that pain. Never deal with love, it only sets you up for heartbreak. Now let's go home, throw away that tacky crown you're wearing, maybe sing a little, and forgot all about that Discord, princess."

At the nickname 'princess' Chrysalis had used on occasion, Posey's heart stopped. Now, all her conflicts about her true identity was flooding back.

"I'm the lost princess." She mumbled.

"What was that, darling? Please don't mumble." Chrysalis said.

"I am the Princess of Kindness, Fluttershy, aren't I?" She said as she lifted her eyes. Chrysalis' eyes widened.

"Did I mumble that time, 'mother'?" Fluttershy said threateningly. Chrysalis dropped her chin and backed up as Fluttershy's face hardened into a glare. "Or should I even call you that?"

Chrysalis started laughing nervously as she tried to reason with Fluttershy, "Posey, d-do you even hear yourself? Why would you ask such a r-ridiculous question?" Fluttershy's eyes narrowed even further.

"You stole me, didn't you?" She said menacingly. Chrysalis was honestly too scared at Fluttershy being so assertive.

"I don't believe it. What could you possibly have gained from stealing me from my family?! I was just a baby! What could you have possibly gained from doing something so heinous?! And don't you dare say 'you did it to protect me'! We both know that's not true. So why did you?" She was tired of all the lies. She needed answers. And she needed them, now! Chrysalis stayed quiet, too frighten to even move. More tears rolled down Fluttershy's face.

"Tell me!!" She screamed. Her breathing became heavy as she stared down her lying 'mother'. Chrysalis stayed silent.

"Fine, don't give me answers. I'm going back to my real parents. I may be an adult, but they'll take me back. I know they will. Goodbye forever, mother. I never want to see you again." Fluttershy turned from her and started down the path, limping slightly due to her leg injury.

She couldn't get far before in a blaze of green fire, the disguised ex-queen teleported in front of Fluttershy. Her bravery left her as she stared into the older mare's eyes, glaring and glowing bright green.

"You want me to be the bad guy?" Her horn lit up as her glare intensified. "Fine. Now I'm the bad guy." Her whole body soon lit up and transformed in a glory of green fire. Fluttershy's eyes widened as her lying mother turned from a normal looking older unicorn mare into a charcoal black alicorn looking creature with holes in her legs, insect looking wings, long blue hair that looked like a cobweb, frightening fangs, a green chitin armored back and a crooked horn. The only thing that matched her pony form was her green eyes, but even they looked more ferocious than a normal pony's, and not just because of her glare.

Fluttershy stepped back on her good leg as she stared in horror. Chrysalis smirked.

"What's the matter, dear? Don't recognize your own mother?"

"W-what are you?" Fluttershy asked. Chrysalis blew some of her cobweb looking mane out of her face.

"Oh, that doesn't matter. What does is you are coming with me." Fluttershy took more steps back.

"I-I'm not going anywhere with you."

Chrysalis' smirk grew. "How cute. You make it sound like you have a choice in the matter." Fluttershy's eyes widen in fear as Chrysalis' shadow engulfed her body.

Twilight was still trying to think of what to do about the princess, tracing the water with her hoof before she heard a scream. She looked around before seeing Fluttershy being taken by a black looking object.

"Fluttershy!" She screamed before opening her wings and launching into the air. Once she flew there, she glared at her kidnapper, recognizing her from the stories she's heard from Celestia.

"Chrysalis." She hissed. Chrysalis looked at her and smirked.

"Hello, your majesty." She said with the same amount of venom and malice as when she saw her in the woods.

"What are you doing here? You were banished eons ago." Twilight questioned. Chrysalis smirk grew.

"Oh, Twilight. The one thing you should know about us changelings is that we can hide right underneath your noses and you'd never know. Isn't that right, Fluttershy?" She said to her captive, even though she couldn't speak as she had a cloth gag in her mouth.

"Twilight! Help!" Fluttershy's voice was muffed by the gag. Twilight narrowed her eyes at Chrysalis.

"Whatever you want with Fluttershy, you won't get away with this." Chrysalis simply smirked and blasted Twilight with her horn. Fluttershy screamed against her gag as she watched her friend plummet. Chrysalis laughed evilly before flying off.

Just before she hit the water, Twilight's wings opened up and gliding against the water. She landed on the shore and turned to see Chrysalis' disappearing form. She panted as she stared at them. Angel rushed forward to Twilight, obviously distraught about his owner being kidnapped. Twilight turned when she saw something and picked up Fluttershy's crown and the bluebell. They were both surprisingly intact. They likely fell off when Chrysalis grabbed her instead of her forcible removing them.

"I gotta find Discord." She said before running off. Angel followed her.

"Discord! Discord! Where are you, you big idiot?"

"Over here!" She heard him call out. She ran towards the source of his voice. She turned a corner before heading towards the now plaid bridge. She made it midway before skidding to a stop.

"Discord, what happened?" Discord's lower half was turned to stone as he tried to support himself with his front limbs. Discord turned his head and actually sighed in relief at the sight of Twilight.

"Sparkle, I'm glad to see you." He said honestly.

"What happened to you?" Twilight asked. Discord sighed as his ears flopped against his head.

"I just went for a walk to clear my head when Caballeron ambushed me and attacked me with cockatrice powder."

"Sweet Celestia." Twilight whispered in horror. "But why is only your lower half encased in stone?" Discord actually smirked beside himself.

"He didn't have enough to turn me completely to stone and he left me for dead once he saw me being encased, clearly thinking he had enough."

"Well, can you snap yourself out?" Twilight asked.

Discord rolled his eyes. "You think I didn't try that? This spell seems to block my magical abilities." Twilight started hyperventilating.

"This is bad this is bad this is bad. First, Chrysalis kidnaps Fluttershy and now you're trapped in stone and oh, this is terrible!"

Discord lifted his head up with wide eyes. "Chrysalis? She has Fluttershy?" Twilight nodded as tears entered her eyes. Discord growled as he reveals his carnassials.

"Twilight, break me out." He said menacingly.

"What?!" Twilight yelled incredulously. "Discord, we don't know what will happen if I break your stone half. I could destroy your entire lower half!"

"Well, I'll just grew my lower half back with my magic." He said casually, as if it wasn't a big deal he'd only have an upper half.

"Y-you're insane!" Twilight screamed.

Discord groaned and rolled his eyes. "Oh, come on, Twi. You've been so eager to blast me for years! Why is now any different?"

"Because I like you, you idiot!" Twilight screamed. Discord's eyes widened.

"You're my friend, and I don't want to hurt you or see you hurt." Twilight said.

"Twilight, thank you. No really, thank you. You're my friend too, which is why I'm asking you, as a friend, to break me out." He said. Twilight still looked unsure.

"Twilight, I need to get to Fluttershy. Please, I love her, Twilight." Twilight looked at Discord's face as he said this. Though she knew he had feelings for her, he was such a stubborn draconequus that she thought he wouldn't say it. And she knew he was right. They had to save her, and she had to bust him out in order to help her. Discord's magic is stronger than Chrysalis'.

I hope so, anyway. she thought to herself.

Twilight took a deep breath and lit her horn as she was ready to blast him out. She lowered her head and blasted his stone covered body. He groaned in pain before feeling his body being freed. He signed in relief and fell onto the floor. He turned his neck and saw Twilight rubbing her head from preforming such a strong spell. She shook her head and looked at him, smiling at his freed body. And he was in one piece to boot! He got on four legs before standing on his hind legs. He stumbled briefly before righting himself.

"Can you teleport us to where she is?" Discord snapped his paw, but it didn't do anything. He snapped it again. Nothing changed. He smiled sheepishly.

"Looks like my magic is still nullified for now. But I know where they'll likely be." Twilight raised an eyebrow.

"Okay, where?" Discord leaned down and whispered into her ear. She lit her horn and teleported them, while Angel hopped on her back. If someone told Twilight earlier this week that she'd be helping Discord, she probably would've laughed. But, now she was helping him. For Equestria. For her friend.

For love.

Author's Note:

While I was taking a shower, I thought, "You know what, f*ck that break I was gonna take. Let's power through. Only a few chapters left. I can do it." So, here we are, fresh outta the shower comes a new chapter for all you lovely folks who have stuck with me through our Tangled inspired adventure.

I was originally gonna combine this chapter and the next for the final confrontation, but I decided to not make that chapter too long, so next chapter is the final battle against Chrysalis. Will love be able to prevail?

From here on out, expect no more mention of Posey. As Fluttershy fully embraces her true identity, the name Posey is gonna die along with the rest of her old life. About time, too. I was gonna go insane if I kept calling her Posey for any longer, I swear. Chrysalis is gonna be in her regular form from here on out as well. It'll be nice to see her in her proper buggyness instead of her old frail disguise from the past chapters.

Also, some nice character building between Twilight and Discord. As Taterforlife would say, "even in a romance story, gotta keep the friendship element strong due to the show it’s based on." After all, the show is 'Friendship is Magic', not 'Romance is Magic', even if in the show, it is magic as well. Whatever, you know what I mean, right?