• Published 15th Feb 2022
  • 1,152 Views, 136 Comments

Seeing the Light - Animalman57

After spending her whole life trapped in a tower, a young pegasus princess seeks the help of a draconequus rogue in order to see the world. But the two of them find themselves falling for each other while the princess' mother tracks them down.

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Outside the Tower for the first time

How do I get myself roped into these situations? is something Discord would ponder on occasion. Though he had magic beyond even an alicorn's abilities, he occasionally found himself in a situation that he just couldn't think of a way out, even with his great power. He thought of himself as someone with good judgement on his actions. Sure, he liked taking risks, but since nothing the petty ponies could do could really hurt him, he was generally pretty safe no matter what he did. But now, he was being a guide for an admittedly pretty pegasus who was currently just standing at the door's base, all the while wasting his time!

"Come on, Posey," he said in an irritated voice, "you're the one who wanted to go so badly. And by my calculations, every second you waste standing there is another second we've could've been walking towards your precious lanterns, not to mention wasting my valuable time!" He stated, tapping his goat hoof impatiently while crossing his arms.

Posey knew she was wasting his time, but she couldn't help it. This was the first time in years she's ever left the tower and the first time she ever did it intentionally. She knew mother would be so upset with her, but she felt like she just had to. Besides, based on what she's seen from this Discord, he could probably teleport her back before mother even knew she was gone. What mother doesn't know won't kill her, right? Besides which, the world still seemed really intimidating. The one time she was out before was only for about an hour, if even that long. Barely a blip of time in her overall lifespan, hardly even noticeable compared to the years she's spent on marble flooring. She couldn't even remember the feeling of grass on her hooves. Would it be soft or hard? Would it be safe or hurt her? Would it make her itchy or make her feel like she's walking on clouds?

Angel hopped off her back and went outside to try and show her nothing was wrong.

"Angel..." she whispered before looking down at the grass. The grass blew gently in the light breeze. It looked rather inviting. Eventually, her want to see the world over powered her fear that her mother had placed on her all these years.

Taking a deep breath, she softly sang some words she remembered reading in a book about facing one's fears, "A hop, skip, and a jump!", closed her eyes and leaped in the air, landing onto the grass. She opened her eyes once she felt the grass and looked down at the grass as it made contact with her bare hooves. It...doesn't hurt. It kinda tickles, actually. A giant smile appears on her face as she starts giggling happily, dropping onto the ground and rolling around in the dirt.

Angel was smiling widely at his owner's enthusiasm, while Discord stared in bafflement. What was amazing about grass? It was about the most mundane thing he could think of along with the sky being blue or water being wet. Yet, the way she was rolling around, she was acting like it was the greatest thing in the whole cosmos! And I'm stuck with HER for two days?! He was getting very annoyed now!

Her roll came to stop as she landed on the bank of a pond. She sniffed the grass, it having a very pleasant smell that made her eyelids flutter. She sighed in bliss before looking at the pond. The water was clear enough that even from the bank, she could see numerous aquatic life going about their daily activities. Fish and frogs swimming, crustaceans walking on the soft sand floor, algae growing on rocks. All things she's only read about, but never seen. A shadow passed above her, and she looked up and saw a magnificent great blue heron soaring overhead. It landed in the water near her and took a moment to observe the curious pony before bending down for a drink. Posey took the opportunity to marvel at the bird's tall stature and fantastic plumage before she heard something else that caught her attention. In the meadow proper, there was lots of other glorious creatures.

Cute little bunnies were hopping together, adorable foxes were playing with each other, magnificent deer were grazing on the grass, even a powerful looking grizzly bear was enjoying itself, bathing in the sun's warmth. In the trees, squirrels ran around while birds of every color of the rainbow sat on the branches, singing their beautiful symphonies. Butterflies of equally varied colors fly without a care above the equally gorgeous flowers in the field. A badger seemed to be digging a burrow at the base of a tree and even a family of vicious looking pumas were at peace, the mother resting in the shade of another tree while her spotted cubs were feeding on her milk.

This is what my life has been missing! It's just so beautiful out here. I feel at peace here, much more than I ever did in the tower. At that thought, her mind began to spiral out of control.

"I can't believe I did this." She said softly to herself. "I can't believe I did this. I can't believe I did this!" She gasped in fear. "Mother will be so furious." She stopped her worrying as she kept thinking. "But, that's okay right? I mean, what she doesn't know won't kill her, right?" She stopped speaking as horror flashed across her face. "Oh my gosh, this will kill her! I am a horrible daughter, I'm going back." She stopped her self-worrying as she looked around. "I am never going back! WAHHOOOOO!" Posey screamed in joy as she ran around.

"She's a bit bipolar, isn't she?" Discord said to Angel, who rolled his eyes at the draconequus. Just because Posey trusted him doesn't mean he did. Discord stared at her as she started her self-worrying again and was now crying on the root of an old looking oak. He was at a bit of a loss on what to do, to be honest. He wasn't exactly use to trying and comfort someone crying. Heck, half the time he's the reason for them crying. He wanted to make her stop, but at the same time, he wanted a way out of this horrid deal. Just then, he had a wonderfully awful idea. He could scare her back home, find his satchel, and find that idiotic gang he was in and give them the stupid crown back and be back to his life of me, myself and I. And he knew the perfect place to scare her with.

He walked over as she continued to cry, leaning against the tree as he looked down at her.

"You know, I can't help but feel that you're a bit conflicted here." She look up at him, sniffing with her now reddened eyes. Discord tried to ignore the twist in his heart upon seeing her like this before he continued to ramble and put his plan into motion.

"Now, I'm only picking bits and pieces, but something about a controlling mother, you not wanting to disappoint her while wanting to see the world. I mean, worrying like this is not a healthy way to live, is it?" Posey shook her head.

"Of course not, but you know what might make you feel better? Some food. I bet you haven't eaten anything but those admittedly delicious muffins all day, huh?" Her stomach growled in response and she hid behind her mane in shame as a blush appeared across her muzzle.

"Well, it just so happens that I know the perfect place to go dine at and it isn't too far from here. Why don't we go down, have ourselves a proper meal, and we'll figure out this mess together, huh?"

Posey thought about it before replying. "Getting something to eat d-does sound g-good right now. O-okay, l-let's get g-going, then." Posey nodded slightly. Discord smirked in victory as he led her and Angel, who was suspicious of Discord's true motives to cheer her up, but ultimately forced along upon his owner's back.

Author's Note:

The adventure begins properly with our lovely couple to be. How will things go from here?