• Member Since 29th Oct, 2014
  • offline last seen 3 hours ago


Stories don't end. We just stop telling them.


Comments ( 28 )

Talk about dropping CHAPTERS in a day... nice

Well, a story is done whenever the story is done. I wanted to publish this as a single piece instead of drip-feeding it.

I wanted to thank you. While it might have been unnecessary to worry about it as much as I did, I'm very glad that the first comment I received was a nice one. So, from the bottom of my heart: Thank you.

So far I finished the first chapter and It looks amazing, Good job mate.

(Also, "Tuna" ship? Lmao)

Thank you. :twilightsmile:

:rainbowlaugh: How is it that so few seem to know that abbreviation? I used 'TwiLuna' for the longest time myself, but at some point, Silfoe started using Tuna and I cannot, in good conscience, ever use anything else again. :rainbowlaugh: It's too funny.

Well im up to chapter 10, im a tad bit confused as to what's going on but that's mainly due to the MC... and I'll wait till I read the rest before I ask for clarification. I'm liking the story so far because it's got, in my opinion a good flow.

I call it the HMS "LunarSparkle"!

Never heard that one before. The more you know. :twilightsheepish:

Mate, without reading this story, I can't judge its quality, but I can tell that dropping it chapter-by-chapter would have done some good to your readership. Just imagine how many times would you have appeared in the "Recently updated" section.
I get it this was your choice, I'm just not sure how much you care about the number of eyeballs that would potentially gaze upon your work.

I know. I don't intend to become popular. I'm not in it for the big numbers. It's out there, it's tagged accordingly, and someone might stumble upon it. Someone might read it, and be able to draw something from it. Something good, I hope.
But I don't plan on 'building a readership' or anything. I don't deal well with attention.

Just discovered this story, and it looks great already! Am excited to read! :pinkiehappy:

Silfoe started using Tuna and I cannot, in good conscience, ever use anything else again. It's too funny.

I can agree with you there; I think I'll start using it as well! :rainbowlaugh::heart:


Just discovered this story, and it looks great already! Am excited to read! :pinkiehappy:

Thank you kindly. I hope you will find something of value in there.

I can agree with you there; I think I'll start using it as well! :rainbowlaugh::heart:

Yeees, spread the Tuna! :rainbowlaugh:

Gosh, this was an awesome read! I loved it! Will certainly keep an eye out for any other of your works! :trollestia::heart:

Have a good day/night! :twilightsmile:

Thank you for your kind words, I appreciate that.

That was an enjoyable read, but ultimately left me disappointed.

I know it's a cynical take, but I couldn't shake the feeling of the premise being designed to lead to this quote:

Do you even realize how laughable that sounds? There’s this nobody from who-knows-where who’s dating three of the four princesses.

The first chapter: amnesiac, first person stallion OC, name matching the author's, makes references to hands, immediately runs into, then kisses Twilight Sparkle, and doesn't get sent to the moon. I thought I'd stepped in to just another minimum effort "Brony in Equestria forms Mane 6 harem" fic. Was very glad to find out I was mostly wrong.

I enjoyed the dreamwalking and all it's mechanics and mystery, and I enjoyed a lot of the character interactions, but I expected more from the 'cycles' than a couple debilitating flashbacks. Overall things just went so smoothly, and all according to plan. What little conflict Dreamwalker ran into was quickly resolved, especially Celestia's dream farmer. I predicted some hero's sacrifice, a chance to fire the Chekhov's Gun with Twilight's "Don't!" as the Elements end up responsible for starting each cycle anew. Instead everything just goes off without a hitch. Did Celestia even notice?

Still, don't let my complaints weigh you down, this was still a good fic, just not quite what I had hoped it would be.


That was an enjoyable read, but ultimately left me disappointed.

I'm sorry to hear that, yet I am glad that you took the time to comment instead of just downvoting and leaving.

I know it's a cynical take, but I couldn't shake the feeling of the premise being designed to lead to this quote:

Do you even realize how laughable that sounds? There’s this nobody from who-knows-where who’s dating three of the four princesses.

The improbability of this somehow working is, and continues to be, one of his major issues. It adds to the pile of insecurities. It's less of a 'designed premise' and more of a nagging voice. But I do understand how that perspective might have come to be.

The first chapter: amnesiac, first person stallion OC, name matching the author's, makes references to hands, immediately runs into, then kisses Twilight Sparkle, and doesn't get sent to the moon. I thought I'd stepped in to just another minimum effort "Brony in Equestria forms Mane 6 harem" fic. Was very glad to find out I was mostly wrong.

To be honest, only after I had started writing this did I become aware of just how many of these stories are out there. Now, don't get me wrong, I wasn't thinking that I was inventing the wheel or anything. And as you noted yourself - for which I am quite happy - this was not the goal at all. But I do see the similarities and worry about them.
As for Twilight's behavior: I assume you're exaggerating to make a point (otherwise we're already dealing with two very different Twilights), but even if I'm correct in that assumption, I don't think she would react by going on the offense. Ever. Just doesn't seem like her style, to me. I would expect her to be surprised, shocked, defensive. Maybe teleport away, maybe put up a shield, maybe ask for explanation in a somewhat accusatory tone. Which is more or less what I tried to go for.

I enjoyed the dreamwalking and all it's mechanics and mystery, and I enjoyed a lot of the character interactions, but I expected more from the 'cycles' than a couple debilitating flashbacks. Overall things just went so smoothly, and all according to plan.

Again, glad to hear that.
As for the cycles... maybe it's fair to say that they have been 'designed to frustrate'. I like to think that remembering bits and pieces of previous lifes can never not be frustrating. But I get that it might appear as a 'underdeveloped' or underused tool.
I can't really argue - and certainly don't want to - the 'everything went smoothly'-point. It did. It unnerves him as well, but it did. Most of his struggles stem from internal sources and could be considered 'homemade'.

What little conflict Dreamwalker ran into was quickly resolved, especially Celestia's dream farmer. I predicted some hero's sacrifice, a chance to fire the Chekhov's Gun with Twilight's "Don't!" as the Elements end up responsible for starting each cycle anew. Instead everything just goes off without a hitch. Did Celestia even notice?

I agree that the climax 'falls flat on its face', and again, I suppose that's by design. As I said initially, I am sorry to have disappointed you. Maybe going with something like that would have been more in line with 'the usual/the expected' resolution. But he is no hero material. As for the farmer... that might be a point I expand on in the future (and the sequel). I know that this isn't exactly helping you much. Sorry.
As for the smooth execution, well... I thought it was a decent plan. Maybe that's not as satisfying to a reader.

Still, don't let my complaints weigh you down, this was still a good fic, just not quite what I had hoped it would be.

I won't. You've been very nice about your criticism, which helps a lot in that regard, and despite my incessant apologizing for disappointing you, I'm still glad you gave it a shot. Maybe something will stick with you, maybe you got something out of it. (Other than frustration, that is.)

I hope you have a good day.

Im enjoying this one, it's pretty interesting

Glad to hear that. I hope you will continue to do so throughout. :twilightsmile:

Good chapter, I was also thinking that he could only sleep while dream walking. Looks like that's not going to be a problem?

It's an issue of acclimation. Certain abilities and options are technically there, but unavailable due to one of two reasons - either he's not aware of them, or he lacks experience to use/access them. Both are issues that will iron themselves out eventually, given time. Much to his dismay, he didn't exactly get a 'this is how you tick, and this is how your stuff works'-manual. It would've been so much easier with that.
I'm glad you continue to enjoy the story. :twilightsmile:

Awesome chapter, though the feels are real.. ;p

I'm glad you like it. I'm inclined to believe that every writer (or artists in general) pours a little bit of himself into every word he uses. It's nice to know that some of that makes it across.

This has been a awesome story, though I feel it ended all to seen. But there are sequels so I will go to them

Thank you kindly. Well... stories don't end. We just stop telling them. I'm glad you enjoyed it, and I hope you find something positive in the sequels whenever you get to them.

I’m confused which sequel do I read next. And do any continue from this point. Really confused why it just stopped randomly. Btw love the story. Really fresh perspective and story telling style.


I’m confused which sequel do I read next. And do any continue from this point. Really confused why it just stopped randomly. Btw love the story. Really fresh perspective and story telling style.

Thank you kindly. :twilightsmile:
As for the sequels, there is none that continues exactly after this point. The anthology picks different points in time in each chapter, but I wrote a blog not too long ago to help along if you want a chronological order. Said blog also shows the position of every sequel in the timeline. And if you don't like anthologies, the stand-alone's are in chronological order, meaning First Adventure first, The Descent last. I hope that helps. If not, let me know and I'll try to clarify.


This was interesting and enjoyable. Reminiscent of time loops, but with a unique twist.

It ends abruptly and I'm mildly miffed that I will never get to see Cadence reacting to the relationship hypercube of his existence.

The rest don't really feel like I'd enjoy reading. I never liked stories that play out of sequence, just a personal preference.


This was interesting and enjoyable. Reminiscent of time loops, but with a unique twist.

Thank you! :twilightsmile:

It ends abruptly and I'm mildly miffed that I will never get to see Cadence reacting to the relationship hypercube of his existence.
The rest don't really feel like I'd enjoy reading. I never liked stories that play out of sequence, just a personal preference.

Well, that's fair - both sentiments. The anthology does have a linked blog post that sorts things by chronological order, but I understand that that's a bit unwieldy. The other stories are in sequence again, but several chapters of the anthology are before or after each one.

Actually, I wouldn't mind input on that, if you're up for that. I'm currently finishing up what looks to be the last 'big' story in this line. There's going to be a 'final' (not chronologically speaking) chapter for the anthology and then everything will be somewhat wrapped up. I considered reuploading the anthology in chronological order, now that things move towards an 'ending'. (Though I will still need to do my research on that. I'm currently not even sure if uploading the same story twice is legal.)
Basically, the only reason I initially uploaded out of order was 'I want to write whatever whenever', which I did. Sorting things now might become viable.
TL;DR: Would it be more approachable if the anthology-chapters were in chronological order?

Either way, thank you again for taking the time to read and comment!

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