• Published 5th Apr 2022
  • 1,037 Views, 46 Comments

Cozy Mark Crusadin' - 5u0myn0n4

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Chapter 5

The Cutie Mark Crusaders all looked at themselves, and they were amazed at what had just happened to each of them.

They were now three powerful alicorn fillies. Each of them possessed the power to cast powerful magic spells, and fly in the air. Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle sprouted wings, and Scootaloo, the flightless pegasus now had large majestic wings.

Apple Bloom was stunned to have grown wings, and a horn! Sweetie Belle was surprised by her new wings to compliment her horn. And Scootaloo was enamored by her wings. She could give or take the horn, but her wings had grown in size. She gave them a single thrust, and suddenly, a gust of air pushed her upward.

While the CMC were confounded with excitement at their transformation, Cozy Glow was fuming with rage. This is not how this was supposed to go.

"This is NOT how this was supposed to go!" Cozy exclaimed. You give me that magic back, lousy crusaders!" she demanded.

"Or what?" Apple Bloom asked.

"I'm supposed to be superior to you! You're supposed to bow to me! Not be on my level! What are you even gonna do with all that power anyway? Give the rest of that magic to a real strategist, or I'll take it from you!" Cozy Glow charged her horn with powerful magic. But before Cozy could follow through with her words, the three alicorn Crusaders put a magic bind onto Cozy Glow.

"WHAT!? Hey, what are you doing?!" she exclaimed.

"Follow my lead, Crusaders. Use your magic like this." Sweetie Belle, being the one experienced with magic, led the Crusaders' alicorn magic.

Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle, and Scootaloo stood side by side, opposed Cozy Glow, and gripped her with their magic.

"Turns out making friends does make you more powerful." Apple Bloom said. "The three of us are more powerful than the one of you."

"Hmph." Cozy Glow pouted.

The Cutie Mark Crusaders had tied Cozy Glow to a tree with a magical essence. The spell conjured by the three of them was too strong for the one of her to break through. They left Cozy Glow in place while they complimented each other.

"Not bad, Crusaders." Apple Bloom said.

"Likewise." Sweetie Belle added.

The CMC all gave a group hoofbump, but in doing so, it sent a powerful magic shockwave emanating from the epicenter. It reaffirmed that the three of them held powerful magic.

"You know what this means, girls!?" Scootaloo asked, excited.

"Cutie Mark Crusaders save the world?" Apple Bloom asked, smiling.

"Cutie Mark Crusaders extend their influence farther out than ever?" Sweetie Belle asked.

"Cutie Mark Crusaders uh... look at me fly!"

Scootaloo flapped her huge wings, and they carried her through the air. She was at last capable of flight.

"Yeah! Woohoo! This is awesome!" Scootaloo zipped around flying.

"We'll I'll be." Apple Bloom said.

"Scootaloo, you're..." Sweetie Belle said, but was out of breath from the amazing sight.

"You're flying." Cozy said under her breath.

"It's like my wildest dreams come true!" Scootaloo exclaimed.

She flew circles high in the air. Her friends watched her, and were happy that she could finally live her unfulfilled dream. Even Cozy Glow looked, and couldn't help but feel... she could tell flying probably felt very cathartic for Scootaloo.

Scootaloo flew, and ultimately came to a perfect landing on the ground in front of her friends.

"You were fantastic, Scootaloo." Apple Bloom said.

"Learned from the best. Guess watching Rainbow Dash do it was enough for me to pick it up."

"She was okay I guess..." Cozy said, under her breath.

"Well alright then. I'm ready for round 2." Scootaloo said.

Scootaloo went airborne again and zipped around some more. She just couldn't get enough of her new ability.

Her friends smiled and looked up at Scootaloo as she flew around.

Whilst Scootaloo was enjoying having wings and flying by herself for the first time in her life, Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle discussed what to do next. And then there was Cozy Glow. Cozy snarled at those goody goody four hooves. Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle were wondering how to use this power for good, but Scootaloo was just happy to be a better her. A her who could finally fly. It was clear to her where the three of them stood, so she knew where her priorities were.

"We'll let Scootaloo have her fun, but let's not get sidetracked. What do we do now that we're all alicorns, and we have Cozy Glow tied to that tree?" Sweetie Belle asked.

Sweetie Belle pointed at Cozy as a visual aide. Cozy noticed, and spat at the two of them. With her limbs bound, there wasn't much else she could do. Although, Cozy noticed the CMC foolishly left her horn unrestrained. She didn't do anything yet, she was curious what direction this conversation would be heading.

"I say we turn Cozy Glow into Twilight Sparkle immediately." Apple Bloom said. "Not only would we be doing good by locking her away again, that'd make us heroes of Equestria! Plus, our sisters will be dazzled by our amazing powers!"

Sweetie Belle was less enthusiastic about that idea.

"Sounds neat in principle but, and sure, we simply can't let Cozy get away. Although, as exciting as this is, this magic is frankly beyond our understanding. How do you think our sisters would react to seeing us this way?" Sweetie Belle asked.

"Proud!" Apple Bloom replied.

"Extra proud!" Scootaloo added.

"Extra underwhelmed." Cozy commented.

"Even with my experience with magic, this is more power than any of us are used to dealing with on a day to day basis. It's dangerous. As exciting as this is, and as much as it pains me to suggest this, but..."

Sweetie Belle looked at how happy Scootaloo was while she flew around. She bit her lips and struggled to say the words.

"I say we relinquish all of our magic into that bell immediately before any pony gets hurt." Sweetie Belle said.

"What's there to worry about?" Apple Bloom asked, nonchalantly.

"Yeah? What's so hard to figure out about larger wings?" Scootaloo asked, striking a pose expanding her wings outward proudly.

"Twilight's an alicorn, and she hasn't ever hurt anypony by mistake. Even in her early days. Can't be that hard. And besides, you said it yourself, you're plenty well versed with magic as is, Sweetie Belle. I figure with our knowledge combined, we're in a good position of power." Apple Bloom said.

"I'm sorry, but part of me thinks, maybe that isn't the safest thing we can do. It's all fun and games until somepony loses an eye to a magic blast. Or worse. And Twilight, she... she was bestowed magic by Princess Celestia, this bell and its... mysterious nature, who knows what kind of magic this is exactly. I advise that we put the magic back into the bell. Somehow..." Sweetie Belle said.

"Sure, sure. Retain natural order and whatnot. A worthy concern to be sure." Scootaloo said.

Sweetie Belle smiled, thankfully she seemed on her side. Except not fully. Because Scootaloo's next sentence was-

"But first, I'm gonna fly laps around Rainbow Dash! She's going to be so proud to see me!" Scootaloo swooned. "And that's just the beginning! I can't wait to see the look on my parents face when they see I'm the one in charge!"

But it didn't take long for the CMC to disagree with each other and start arguing.

"No, that's not what I meant-" Sweetie Belle tried to say, but was outspoken by Apple Bloom.

"You can have your fun. So let's fly Cozy Glow on over to Canterlot." Apple Bloom said. "We'll impress our sisters, and Princess Twilight, then we have our own fun."

"Why do you care so much about impressing Applejack anyway?" Sweetie Belle asked.

"It's not that, it's just... *sigh* You know, I'm sick of Applejack treating me like a foal still. I've matured a lot, and she knows that, and I want her to start treating me like such. This will prove to our big sisters that we're capable of handling ourselves in dangerous situations. They're always saving Equestria from big bad meanies, and this is our big opportunity!" Apple Bloom said.

Sweetie Belle shook her head and grew in aggravation in response to what she had just heard.

"Apple Bloom, think rationally! Don't let your petty desire to impress your sister be our downfall. This magic is dangerous! We need to give it up now!" Sweetie Belle said.

"Why? So that we can go back to being nothing special whatsoever?!" Scootaloo exclaimed in Sweetie Belle's face.

Sweetie Belle pushed forward and spoke louder.

"That's not what I meant, Scootaloo, and you know it!" Sweetie Belle yelled back.

"I say, NO!" Apple Bloom exclaimed.

"You don't have a choice! Cease this now, or Equestria will be at great risk!!" Sweetie Belle shouted.

"Hey, this is a once in a lifetime opportunity. Why not think about our wants for a change?" Apple Bloom said.

"This isn't about us! This is about what's best for EVERYPONY! I thought that's why we were trying to stop Cozy Glow, but it's clear you're just doing it for the glory!!" Sweetie Belle shouted at Apple Bloom.

"Yeah, well. Who says you get to decide what's righteous?!" Apple Bloom fired back. "Why do we have to listen to you!? I started this trio and named it in the first place!"

"How about you two start listening to MY ideas for a change!!!" Scootaloo shouted loudest.

"Yeah well-"

"How about-"

The Cutie Mark Crusaders all yelled at each other loudly, and shouted back and forth arguing.

As the Cutie Mark Crusaders argued, their alicorn horns lit up brightly and charged powerful magic.

"Hehehehehe. HAHAHAHAHA!" Cozy Glow laughed, and kicked her legs in excitement.

The obtrusive laughing of Cozy distracted the CMC, and brought them back down to earth.

"Is she laughing at us? Or with us?" Apple Bloom asked.

"Oh, don't mind me. Go back to being about to blast each other!" Cozy said, still laughing. "Watching you three fight each other would make my day!"

"Definitely laughing at us." Sweetie Belle said, disappointed.

"You know, I told Cozy Glow she didn't need the bell because she didn't need to prove anything to be liked by her friends. And deep down, I think the same definitely goes for us..." Scootaloo said.

"You three talk about how wonderful "truth friendship" is, but now that you have all this power, you've defaulted to arguing for power just like me. See what the desire for power does? Understand now where I was coming from when I said Friendship was Power? Feels good, huh? But as you three have shown, it's almost like friends become a nuisance at this point."

"Nuisance?" Scootaloo asked.

"Ahh, I've had my fun. Now go back to destroying each other please." Cozy said.

The three CMCs looked at each other, and came to a crushing realization.

"You know, being an alicorn isn't all it's cut up to be, is it?" Apple Bloom asked.

"With great power, just comes a great big headache..." Sweetie Belle said.

"She's right, about us being wrong. We really did turn into her when we were obsessed with power." Scootaloo said.

The CMC all looked down. Cozy was a little disappointed there was no fighting, but she was successful in getting under their nerves, which was plenty satisfying.

"So... what do you suppose we do now, girls?" Sweetie Belle asked.

Apple Bloom and Scootaloo looked at each other.

"We let go of our powers." Apple Bloom replied.

The CMC all nodded in agreement.

"Now what about her?" Sweetie Belle asked.

The CMC all looked at Cozy Glow.

"I know you made up your minds about being noble. But you don't have to be so extreme as to give up all your magic just to be righteous. You just need some... direction." Cozy said.

"Eh, what do you mean?" Apple Bloom asked.

"Tell you what, forget your friends, and I'll forget my associates. The four of us, we're the most powerful team in Equestria. We have whatever we want, all to ourselves. Nopony has to get hurt. What do you say? Are we a team? No more judgment or expectations, just pure friendship, between four very close friends."

Cozy gave a great big grin to seal the deal, but Scootaloo had a different proposition.

"I have a different proposition. After we all relinquish our magic, we give you back this bell, and let you go free." Scootaloo said.

"What?!" Sweetie Belle, Apple Bloom, and Cozy Glow all exclaimed together.

"I mean, you don't want my friendship?" Cozy asked, in a whimpering tone.

"I didn't say that. I said let you go free. You're welcome to choose us, or choose your other friends." Scootaloo said.

"Choose... what I want?" Cozy asked.

Scootaloo nodded.

Cozy paused. She seemed to run out of snide remarks and rude comments. She was strangely quiet.

"Cozy?" Apple Bloom asked.

"Hmph. Fine, Crusaders." Cozy said.

The four alicorns stood, each facing one side of the four sided bell. They all gave each other affirmative looks. They knew what to do next.

"We all put our hooves together, and we use our powers to reactivate the bell, and relinquish all of our magic into the bell." Sweetie Belle said.

They each all nodded at each other, and began the ritual. The four alicorn fillies put their hooves onto the bell. The bell glowed brightly, as did their horns. The spell that would return their magic to the bell was underway.

"The four of us shall return to normal." Sweetie Belle said.

"Yep." Apple Bloom added.

"Back to our regular lives. Back to being unextraordinary fillies who have no say in any matter whatsoever." Cozy Glow said.

"Shh, quiet, don't interrupt the spell." Sweetie Belle said.

Cozy's words were heard, and gave Scootaloo second thoughts. Is this really what she wanted? Was she okay with what she had agreed on?

"Sheesh, you guys can comment, but when I point out how much lamer we're about to become, suddenly you stop m-" Cozy said.

"Just let the spell finish, so we can go back to normal!" Sweetie Belle said.

"So you three can return to normal." Scootaloo said.

"What did you say, Scootaloo?" Apple Bloom asked.

"You three are welcome to return yourselves to normal. You'll be just fine. But after reconsidering, I'm not ready to go back." Scootaloo said.

"WHAT?!" Sweetie Belle and Apple Bloom exclaimed.

Cozy Glow giggled internally.

"You three will be fine, but I need this!" Scootaloo said.

"No you don't. You're fine just how you are!" Sweetie Belle said.

"So you're saying I'm fine as a flightless pegasus!? That horrible parents who don't care about my feelings are fine!? My life was absolutely miserable! And the magic in this bell is the key to fixing everything wrong with my life!! I am not going back to regular flightless Scootaloo! And I'm not moving away!!"

Scootaloo pulled herself away from the spell. She allowed the spell to complete on the rest of them.

"Stop it, Scootaloo!" Apple Bloom exclaimed.

The three felt a magical surge through them, and suddenly-


After a magical flash, Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle, and Cozy Glow were on the ground, and back to their normal selves again. But Scootaloo remained an alicorn.

Scootaloo swiped the bell away from them.

"Scootaloo, wait!!" Sweetie Belle exclaimed.

But she didn't listen. With a face full of tears, and many mixed feelings, Scootaloo flew away with the bell. She had stolen Grogar's bell, and left them all behind.

Everypony was shocked at what they just witnessed.

"W-what just happened?" Sweetie Belle asked.

Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle looked at each other, and could see each other's confusion, and concern. Cozy Glow on the other hand was...

"Wow! Your friend just pulled a grade-A backstabbing against you two! Ha!" Cozy laughed. "I didn't think she had it in her. I knew she could if she wanted, but to actually follow through with that. Wow!"

But Sweetie Belle and Apple Bloom were too gloomy to stand up against Cozy. They let her mock them. If they weren't going to talk back, it wasn't any fun teasing them, so Cozy stopped.

"You three just gonna give up? Like that? You ain't gonna chase after her and talk sense into her?"


"Oh well, more for me." Cozy said.

Cozy concentrated, and suddenly...


Cozy's wings became larger again, and her horn reappeared.

"Ah shucks, Cozy?!" Apple Bloom exclaimed.

"You kept your magic!?" Sweetie Belle asked.

"And you two are surprised?" Cozy asked.

"Nah." Apple Bloom said.
"Not really, now that we think about it." Sweetie Belle said.

Cozy hovered in the air with her arms crossed.

"Exactly. As if I was going to let you three dictate what I do. Now if you'll excuse me, time for the next part of my plan." she said.

Cozy readied herself, and was about to fly after Scootaloo, but the two shouted at her, and she halted.

"Don't you dare go after 'er. She's been through enough already, just leave our friend be!" Apple Bloom said.

"Your friend?! You think she's still your friend after that?! Pah! You heard what she said! She said every part of her life was miserable, and that includes you two!" Cozy said.

Sweetie Belle and Apple Bloom looked at each other, and then at Cozy.

"No... she didn't mean..." Apple Bloom said, choked up. "She would never..."

"She's just going through a lot. That's all..." Sweetie Belle said, trailing off.

"And there she goes. Off to find something she's always wanted. Something that you two were never able to give her." Cozy said. "Anyway. She offered to let me be free, and normally I'd return the favor, but she just stole my bell, and I still need that back so..."

"Don't ya dare hurt 'er!" Apple Bloom said.

"That depends on how much she resists." Cozy said, with a sinister grin.

"Cozy, wait!" The two reached for Cozy, but she was already on her way.

Cozy Glow flew off and headed in the direction Scootaloo flew.