• Published 5th Apr 2022
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Cozy Mark Crusadin' - 5u0myn0n4

  • ...

Chapter 3

After having cleared things up about the rough housing from earlier, the CMC sat with Cozy Glow around the unlit fire pit as they enjoyed a nice little chat in the forest. They made careful small talk. It was a unique situation. Cozy wasn't running away or fighting back any more, yet here she was. The real her. On their level, having a reasonable conversation.

"So, Cozy Glow, what have you been up to lately?" Sweetie Belle asked in a casual, non-interrogating fashion.

Wait, does it even matter what I tell them? They'll probably think I'm lying. I seriously doubt they can tell the difference between what's true and what isn't. Heh heh heh. They'll be fun to mess with.

"I uh, I just happen to be in the area, but unfortunately, I lost something really important. And if I don't get it back, then I'll be in deep deep trouble..." Cozy said, looking down.

The CMC looked at each other, dubious.

"Is that so?" Scootaloo asked.

Cozy simply nodded.

"What'd ya lose?" Apple Bloom asked.

"It's a um... an old heirloom. It's really important not just to me, but uh... for someone I know." Cozy explained.

The CMC were touched by her sob story, but also curious.

"Crusaders, huddle!" Apple Bloom said.

The CMC joined in a huddle to speak in secret. Though not so secret because Cozy could hear their every word.

"Why the huddle?" Sweetie Belle asked.

"She's doing that voice she does when she's lyin' to somepony." Apple Bloom said.

"Are you saying you still don't trust her?" Scootaloo asked.

"I'm sayin', there's probably more to this heirloom than she's leadin' on about." Apple Bloom said. "What if it's something dangerous?"

"It's fine to be skeptical, but don't you think she deserves some benefit of the doubt?" Sweetie Belle said. "What are the odds her heirloom is some kind of doomsday weapon?"

The CMC looked at Cozy Glow, sitting. She noticed them staring at her, and in response gave them a big adorable grin to prove her "innocence".

The CMC looked back at each other and all just nodded to each other.

"What if she's lying?" Apple Bloom asked.

"What if she isn't?" Scootaloo asked. "If we help her, maybe she'll be grateful, and who knows, it could be an important first step to getting to know her better." Scootaloo said.

"Um, Crusaders?" Cozy asked, interrupting their huddle.

The CMC looked at Cozy and her troubled look. Then they looked at each other, unsure. Of course showing creatures in need compassion was their calling. But this was Cozy Glow after all. But after some careful thinking, they made a decision.

"Let's at least give her a chance." Scootaloo said.

"I suppose it's the least we owe her." Sweetie Belle said.

The three disbanded their circle and approached Cozy.

"So, Cozy Glow, it's our duty to help, so that's what we're going to do. So we'll help you look for your heirloom." Scootaloo said.

"Help... *gulp* me look?" Cozy asked.

Cozy's mind winced at the idea. In fact, she was starting to regret cluing them in on what she was up to. She'd rather just be rid of them, but now they wouldn't leave her alone, and she was too hungry to sprint away again.

"Thanks, I appreciate the gesture, but I wouldn't want to inconvenience you guys. I'm sure I can find it on my own." Cozy said.

"But Cozy, we insist." Apple Bloom said persuasively. "As Cutie Mark Crusaders, it's our duty to help ponies in need. And it sounds like you have an issue that needs fixin'" Apple Bloom said.

Cozy groaned, but quickly thought of a way to use them to her advantage.

I'm better off WITHOUT these meddlesome Crusaders in my mane. But three extra set of eyes could make the search go faster. And besides, when I have the bell, and frame them for stealing it, they may just make excellent hostages to lure in Twilight Sparkle and her friends. Oooh. I love a good evil scheme.

"Cozy Glow?" Scootaloo asked, waving her hoof in front of Cozy Glow.

"Cozy Glow? You awake? Or did'ja fall asleep?" Apple Bloom asked.

"Oh, right. Sorry, guess I'm grateful for your help. Anyway, we better get a move on. They've definitely already noticed it's gone, so the soon we get it back to them, the better." Cozy said. "Since I know what it looks like, I'll lead the way. You three keep your eyes peeled, but also, keep your distance. I'm still a bit skeptical that you aren't going to rat me out or something."

Cozy flapped her wings, and gently flew forward at a reasonable pace. The CMC followed her, and kept their eyes on the lookout for her so-called heirloom.

"So now you want to help?" Scootaloo whispered to Apple Bloom.

"Sure. Helpin' Cozy might make her change 'er mind about friendship. Besides, I think we ought'a see what this heirloom is all'a bout." Apple Bloom whispered back, and winked.

The search began. The CMC assisted Cozy Glow in her search for Grogar's Bell, which she had lost the previous night in the woods.

In spite of accepting their help, Cozy Glow still remained quite secretive. She refused to give the Crusaders any details on what they were looking for exactly.

"How are we supposed to help you look, when we don't even know what wer searchin' fer?" Apple Bloom asked.

*ugh* "Look, the important thing is that I know what it looks like. Just keep your big creepy eyes out for something that looks weird and out of place. Besides you three, of course."

"She's one to talk about creepy eyes." Apple Bloom whispered.

Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle gave Cozy a mean glare, but Scootaloo merely looked dubious.

After hours of searching, none of the four fillies found any sign of the Bewitching Bell anywhere.

Apple Bloom left no stone unturned. Sweetie Belle moved brush aside with her magic. And Scootaloo zipped and looked around frantically with her scooter. But no dice.

"Nothin' that looks like an heirloom here either." Apple Bloom said.

"Is this heirloom worthy?" Sweetie Belle asked, holding a smoothed polished rock.

Cozy Glow let out an exhaustive sigh. "Forget it." she said. "Forget the search! Forget my backup plan! Just forget everything!!"

Cozy Glow's wings stopped flapping, and she just let herself plop onto the dirt, face down.

The CMC were concerned. Cozy looked so defeated, they actually felt bad for her. But deep down they didn't know what she meant when she said backup plan.

"Don't sweat it, Cozy. It's just an heirloom." Scootaloo said.

"Yeah, but it meant a lot to them. Now they're gonna kill me because it's gone..." Cozy said, voice muffled by the dirt.

The CMC looked at each other, with a look of concern. Cozy may have been a liar and a deceiver, but she looked genuinely dismayed at the failure of their task. They couldn't imagine what Cozy could gain by faking a story like this. Whatever she wanted, it mattered to her.

"Well, we can't find the heirloom. Now what do ya suppose we do?" Apple Bloom asked.

"Seems to me like Cozy Glow has a... friendship problem?" Sweetie Belle asked.

Cozy Glow overheard the CMC small talk, and yelled over them.

"What you're supposed to do is leave me alone! Stay out of my business, and leave me to solve my own quote unquote, friendship problems!" she exclaimed, before putting her head against the ground again.

"Even so, solvin' friendship problems' is the job of our big sisters. It's our jobs to help ponies find meaning in their Cutie Marks. She seems to have decided on her path, so I don't know how much more we can help her." Apple Bloom said.

"Plus, how do you help somepony, that doesn't want to be helped?" Sweetie Belle asked.

Scootaloo looked at Cozy Glow, and felt sad for her. Seeing her defeated, and rejecting all help, somehow gave her flashbacks to the time she didn't want to participate in the flag carrying tryouts. She hid away crying in her own house. She made up her mind, and didn't want anypony intervening. But Rainbow Dash and her Crusader friends wanted to help anyway.

"By helping them anyway, and showing them why they need help." Scootaloo said.

Scootaloo walked up to Cozy Glow.

"You know Cozy, objects are just... objects." Scootaloo said.

"Yeah? Well, this was a really important object..." she said, muffled.

"What's that? I can't hear you?" Scoots teased.

Cozy lifted her head and spoke.

"It was an item that meant a lot to, not just my cohorts, but me as well..." she explained.

"Is that so? Tell me about it, Cozy." Scootaloo said.

*sigh* "The thing is, ever since we reached our goal, and retrieved that bell, they've been treating me differently. They look to me for advice now. That bell is the entire reason for that, so without it, I'm nothing..."

All three members of the CMC were touched by Cozy's sob story.

"You know, things don't have to be gloom and doom." Sweetie Belle said, joining in.

"For your guys, maybe. But I'm afraid of all the explaining it's going to take to excuse me for my mistake. I'm not used to being held accountable for my actions. I don't know what I'm going to do..." Cozy wept.

She seemed... fearful at the idea of confronting whoever these friends were. At least Scootaloo thought so. She put a lot of weight into this one task, and really cared about pleasing whoever these friends of her were. It reminded Scootaloo of her parents in a way, how she was always afraid of disappointing them, and how it felt like she was never able to please them.

"If you have to prove yourself to these so called friends, maybe they aren't your friends after all?" Scootaloo asked.

"Still. I'd rather not take the chance. I would greatly prefer not to disappoint them..." Cozy said, weeping in the dirt.

"Or on the flipside, maybe they care more for you than you realize, and they won't mind that you made one little mistake." Scootaloo said.

"Knowing them, I somehow doubt that..." Cozy shot down that idea as well.

"Sounds to me like you're afraid. Don't worry, I know what it's like being worried of what someone older and in charge of you is going to do to you. But it doesn't have to be that way. I'm sure it's not too late to ask for forgiveness from them. And hey, if that doesn't work out, there's always Twilight and her friends. If you come back and apologize earnestly, I'm confident she'll forgive you. And who knows, maybe you'll make better friends who don't hold unrealistic expectations from you, and like you for who you are." Scootaloo said.

Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle looked at the two pegasi.

Cozy teared up. Partly from sadness, but suddenly, a wave of anger started to boil and come out.

"Can't you guys just leave me to fade away here?" she asked.

"Well, you got to make your choice. Either go back and face your friends, or come stay with us. Either way, we're not just gonna let you get lost in these woods alone." Scootaloo said.

"...You really aren't just gonna leave me alone and forget about me?" Cozy asked.

"We wouldn't dream of it." Sweetie Belle said.

"We can't just leave ya to yerself." Apple Bloom added.

Cozy Glow sat up, and wiped the tears from her face.

Cozy Glow smiled reluctantly. This didn't seem about apprehension anymore, it seemed they definitely wanted to help her issue. Not something she experienced often.

The CMC and Cozy Glow sat around a lit fire pit. The sun was still high, but the fire made for a nice mood. The group were generous enough to bring Cozy Glow some food. It seemed like she hadn't eaten in days.

Cozy still looked upset that today's expedition turned up empty. As petty as it seemed, this heirloom was the key to whatever friendship Cozy Glow was capable of feeling, so finding it was paramount. There was no rush to end the camping trip, so Scootaloo thought of a way they could continue to help.

"So sure we couldn't find your heirloom today, but we'll help you look tomorrow." Scootaloo said.

"We will?" Sweetie Belle asked.

"Don't you have somewhere to be?" Cozy Glow asked. "Why are you so keen on not going back home?"

Scootaloo turned away, but then took a deep breath and faced Cozy.

"The thing is I-I received a letter from my parents, saying they were concerned for me, especially after the return of King Sombra, and the recent magic incident." Scootaloo said, glaring at Cozy Glow.

"Oh, right. Heh. I see the fruits of my labor sent shockwaves across Equestria." Cozy said, gleefully.

Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle glared at Cozy.

"I mean uh... *ahem* That doesn't seem so bad. At least they care about your safety and-"

"-and thus, they were planning on selling the house, and moving me away from Ponyville! They said so in this letter and everything!" Scootaloo shouted.

Scootaloo pulled a letter from of her mane, and handed it to Cozy Glow. Cozy skimmed through it, and indeed, it seemed like the Cutie Mark Crusaders would soon be separated.

"They aren't here yet, but they will be soon, and I do not intend on greeting them." Scootaloo said.

Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle looked at each other. Scootaloo never outright told them this camping trip was a ploy to avoid meeting with Scootaloo's parents. They didn't even know they were coming. So why tell Cozy Glow?

"Scootaloo, is that why we're here?" Sweetie Belle asked.

"Listen, you don't have to-" Apple Bloom started, but Cozy ruined the mood by shouting out.

"This is dumb!" Cozy exclaimed.

"I know, right? They didn't even-" Scootaloo started, but Cozy interrupted.

"You don't even know what they're going to say if you tell them you're not interested." Cozy said.

"Yeah? Well, they never had my best interests in mind before, and I find it hard to believe they're going to start now!" Scootaloo exclaimed.

It probably isn't doom and gloom. I mean, what? She's afraid of moving away? Not exactly an impossible obstacle to overcome. Cozy said, rolling her eyes under her eyelids.

Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle patted Scootaloo and sat next to her. Cozy looked at Scootaloo again, and what was most striking was how fearful she seemed. Being driven to leave behind a bad home life, and seek something better, was a feeling and experience Cozy Glow herself was plenty familiar with.

"You know what, Scootaloo? I think I know exactly what you're going through, and I feel for you." Cozy said.

*sniff* "That's impossible? How could you feel compassion for anypony? After what you did?" Scootaloo asked, weeping.

"I don't know about compassion, per se, but I do know a thing or two about getting my own way." Cozy said.

"Ya got that right." Apple Bloom said, rolling her eyes.

"Why do you think I was attending Twilight's school without a chaperone? Heh, what kind of parents would allow that?" Cozy asked rhetorically.

"Okay? So what's your point?" Sweetie Belle asked.

"Let's just say, after we find my heirloom, I have a very special surprise I'd be willing to offer you ponies, should any of you be willing to accept." Cozy said, swinging her legs gleefully.

"A Cozy Glow surprise special, ya say?" Apple Bloom asked, skeptically.

"Right... I'm gonna put out the fire now." Sweetie Belle said, getting up from her place.

Those two are pretty immovable, but that Scootaloo is very vulnerable, and quite impressionable. She's been holding herself back. I can give her everything she wants, and all I have to do is convince her that I can help solve all of her troubles. Cozy thought.

"Um, Cozy?" Scootaloo asked.

"Yer zonin' out again. What are you thinking about this time?" Apple Bloom asked.

"Um... it's just.. You're very persistent, Cutie Mark Crusaders. I've admitted failure in my quest. You have every opportunity to defeat me, and you don't. You want to... you wanna help. So the least I can do is offer a little something in exchange for your help." Cozy's voice trailed off as she stared into the fire pit. Something about that fire caught her attention. Almost like she could

Sweetie Belle poured a pale of water onto the fire to put it out. The pit quickly cooled, and she used her magic to lift out the thing holding the ashes.

"What are you staring at Co-" Sweetie Belle backed away nervously while Cozy glared at her.

"Is that 'er heirloom?" Apple Bloom asked.

Cozy Glow nodded instinctively.

"And we were using it as a fire pit this whole time..." Sweetie Belle bemoaned.