> Cozy Mark Crusadin' > by 5u0myn0n4 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Chapter 1 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- In the land of Equestria, every creature was eagerly awaiting for the fast approaching stepping down of Princess Celestia and Princess Luna, and the promotion of Princess Twilight Sparkle to full time leader. But none of that princess stuff will be the subject of this story. Because while all of that was going on, in the background, a group of sinister creatures were planning a scheme to overthrow Equestria's leadership, and turn the land on its head. And in this story, Equestria's biggest threat would be challenged by three of Equestria's littlest heroes. Having recently retrieved the Bewitching Bell from the top of Mt. Everhoof, the evil trio of Queen Chrysalis, Lord Tirek, and Cozy Glow, all lusted over the possibilities this powerful object would lend to them. The amount of power inside of this object was said to be unfathomable. The full power of Grogar. The Grogar who once ruled Equestria with an iron hoof a long time ago. All of his power was soon to be theirs. However, unlocking the bell's magical abilities would take some critical thinking, as it appeared from the outset just to be a piece of dead weight. Even rattling the bell produced no ringing or cackling. Tirek and Chrysalis would ponder for hours, trying different magic words, or using various magical spells, in the hopes something would awaken the bell's inner power. Cozy Glow, though lacking in possessing nightmare-ish world ending abilities herself(her thing was more being cute and influential on others), she was plenty energetic and full of many ideas. However, her ideas were rarely taken seriously, and often not even heard by her two contemporaries. They kept Grogar's bell a secret from Grogar himself, but insisted on hogging it all to themselves, and wouldn't let Cozy Glow take a look at it. "Hmm, how are we going to unlock the bell's power?" Tirek wondered. "Perhaps if we-" Cozy started, but was interrupted. "Oh, be quiet." Tirek said. "I have my own idea." Tirek opened his mouth wide and attempted to absorb the magic allegedly inside the bell. But no matter how hard he concentrated, no stream of magic, or anything came from the bell. "It didn't work." Cozy said, in a deadpan tone. "You did say you could only take magic from living creatures, so frankly I'm not sure what kind of result you expected." Chrysalis said in a condescending way. "I did say I could only absorb magic from living creatures." Tirek explained. "But if the magic of this bell is of creature origin, then maybe there is a way I could absorb it." Tirek opened his mouth and tried again, but still nothing. "It was a neat hypothesis, but clearly a negative result." Cozy said. "We've clearly hit the limit of your abilities. Now allow a real magic expert to give a crack at it." Chrysalis said. Chrysalis took the bell from Tirek without asking, and tried to unlock its magic herself. Chrysalis tried a variety of spells on the bell, but it remained inert and didn't respond to anything she did. *Ugh* "No matter what spell I try, or what magic words I recite, this bell refuses to bite." Chrysalis said. Cozy Glow nudged her way through and gave the two an overly exaggerated sad look. "What are you looking at with those big eyes?" Tirek asked. "Aren't you guys going to give me a turn to activate that bwell?" Cozy asked in a sob tone. "Pfft." The two villains scoffed at the filly, and brushed off the idea that she could provide any help here. "I helped you guys retrieve that bell in the first place! Surely I can offer some advice that might help unlock its secrets." Cozy argued. But the other two chose to ignore her. They asserted that she's a child and not a magic user and would be of no help to them in figuring this out. But since she was the one who helped them get it, she felt that she had plenty of insight to contribute. Hmm. Have you two already forgotten who got you that bell in the first place? If I'm just disposable, I'll have no issue double crossing you guys too. she thought in her head. Cozy snarled, but knew her place for the time being. She wouldn't take this sitting down though. She would soon come up with her own idea. Later that night, as the evil doers slept away, dreaming of revenge on their enemies, Cozy Glow awoke, and began her own plan. She took the bell from its hiding place, and took it for herself. She exited Grogar's lair in order to get some time to work on this thing alone. "Alright. We'll just pull an all-nighter, figure out how to unleash the bell's powers, and then double cross all of them! Not just Grogar, but Tirek and Chrysalis too! It's what they get for doubting me!" She examined the markings on the bell under the moon's light. She thought that the carvings on the bell might lead to a clue. She picked up on some olde ponish at Twilight's school, but there wasn't anything she recognized. "Well, I'm stumped." Cozy admitted. "This plan made more sense in my head." As intrepid as Cozy was, she couldn't help but be spooked by the mysterious sounds that went bump in the night. "What was that?" she wondered. It was hard to tell one's surroundings in the wilderness at night. Cozy was beginning to rethink her plan. "This wasn't the best idea. I should probably head back to the lair soon." Cozy thought aloud. But before she did that, Cozy wanted to try one more thing. It was then when she remembered something she learned from one of the lessons at school. "They say if you put your ears to a conch shell, you can hear the ocean. But that isn't quite the truth. What you actually hear when you put your ear to a conch shell is the ambient sound around you amplified thanks to some clever physics because blah blah blah......." the echoing of Twilight's voice faded away in Cozy's mind. "Hmm. Perhaps the clues to unlocking the bell's power is hidden within." she wondered. Cozy thought to put her ear to the inner part of the bell and listen. It was worth a shot. Fortunately it was quiet. So she should've been able to easily hear any hidden messages inside. Cozy listened deeply, and focused. It was quiet. But then suddenly she was spooked by a loud noise. "AH!!!" She jumped up in fear and hit her head against a solid object. The impact caused her to faint immediately. The following morning: It was a calm morning in the woods. And three little fillies had arrived bright and early to begin their exciting weekend adventure. The Cutie Mark Crusaders had grown fond of camping and exploring nature in their many travels with their older sisters. But now they felt they were grown enough that they could manage a camping trip by themselves. At least, that's how Scootaloo convinced them it'd be okay to camp alone. The Crusaders set up camp. Fortunately, their previous camping experience with their sisters was paying off, so they figured this shouldn't be too challenging. What Sweetie Belle and Apple Bloom were more concerned about, was just how eager Scootaloo was to be away from Ponyville, and had no desire to invite their sisters on this trip. "Thanks girls for joining me on this camping trip." Scootaloo said. "No problem, Scootaloo." Sweetie Belle said. "Ah'm ready for some Cutie Mark Crusaders week of campin'." Apple Bloom said. "Just us three, taking a vacation from our long successful and fulfilling career of Crusading." Scootaloo said. Sweetie Belle set up the main tent. She had plenty of experience setting up tents from assisting Rarity. She also went ahead and built a firepit, as they anticipated spending at least one night out sleeping. Fortunately there was a natural pit with solid edges, that made for an ideal place to build a firepit. Apple Bloom was practically attune with nature, and Scootaloo... was relieved to have some time away from her home life. Meanwhile, Cozy Glow was in the same woods, dealing with her own troubles. She had awoken slowly. She didn't even realize she'd fallen asleep. She was groggy, and her mane was messy. She had a rough night. She got up slow, as she tried to see through her blurry vision. "Oh... m,m,m, geez... What a horrible night..." she said in a drowsy tone. Her eyes quickly widened, and she sprang awake when she realized something was missing. "What? Oh, no no no no no! NO!!!!!!!" she exclaimed. She realized that the bell was gone. "Oh no. No no no no no! This is the worst possible thing that could've happened." she panicked. She frantically flapped her little wings, and flew hastily zipped around the scene searching for the bell. "Where is it?! WHERE IS IT?!!!" She exclaimed. "AAHHHHH!!!" Meanwhile, the Cutie Mark Crusaders had just finished setting up their camp. Being as small as they are, they only had enough strength between the three of them to carry one tent's worth of supplies, and only a little bit of food. Though they planned on living off the land. They had enough experience as filly scouts to know what berries were safe to eat. "I think we have enough berries." Sweetie Belle said. Scootaloo agreed, but made up an excuse to look for more. "Looks a little empty to me." she said. "I'll just look for some more myself." Her two friends gave each other a look of confusion. "No need to fret about it. You already did most of the work. I'll just help finish collecting for you guys." Scootaloo said. Scootaloo went into the foliage for more berries, as well as other supplies she thought they might need, including more branches for the firepit. At the same time, Cozy was frantically searching for where the bell could've ended up. Scootaloo moved aside a bush, and spotted something unexpected. She rubbed her eyes, but no longer saw anything unusual. Strange. For a moment she thought she saw another pony. Somepony familiar. However, there was nothing now, so she shrugged, and went the other way. But unbeknownst to Scootaloo, Cozy Glow was hiding behind a tree trunk, foaming at the mouth after having encountered a member of her least favorite trio of good-doers in Equestria. Scootaloo returned to the main campsite, looking visibly concerned, and her friends immediately noticed. "You alright there, Scootaloo?" Apple Bloom asked. "You look like you've seen a ghost." Sweetie Belle said. Scootaloo couldn't keep secrets from her friends, so she immediately brought it to their attention. "Say girls, remember Cozy Glow?" she asked. "Is now really the time to bring her up?" Sweetie Belle asked. "What's Cozy got to do with anythin' goin' on right now?" Apple Bloom asked. "She was put away into Tartarus after she tried to banish the magic, right? And there's no way she could've... escaped *gulp* right?" Scootaloo asked. "Of course not." Apple Bloom replied. "But Lord Tirek did escape from Tartarus once already." Scootaloo said. "That was a long time before Cozy or the School of Friendship. However he escaped, I'm sure they couldn't just do it again the same way." Apple Bloom said. "Besides, if somepony as notorious as her did escape, don't you think somepony would've noticed by now? And alerted Princess Twilight?" Sweetie Belle said. "Suppose you two are right. There's nothing to be worried about." Scootaloo said, uneasy. Whilst their conversation was going, Cozy Glow lurked in the brush, and was ready to make her strike. "Ugh. Stupid Mark Crusaders. I've got a lot on my plate right now, and those three meddling in my plans, and giving my presence away is the LAST thing I needed." she said. "No worries. I'll just get rid of you three so I can keep searching for my bell in peace." In the time the CMC were chatting, Cozy was hard at work with her plan to get rid of them. She had tied an elastic vine around one branch, stretched it, and tied it to another. She pulled back on the vine as much as she could. She had essentially built a giant makeshift slingshot adjacent to their camp, and hidden in the bushes. It took a lot of breath out of her, using her wings and legs to pull it tight. It was her intent to put the vine around a large boulder, so that it would be flung at the Cutie Mark Crusaders camp site. "Soon as I get this stretchy vine around this rock, I'll make sure you three-" But before Cozy could get the vine wrapped around the boulder, suddenly, one of the branches came out from the ground and the vine pulled it towards Cozy Glow. "Uh oh." Cozy barely had time to react before it- *SMACK* ... "Y'all hear somethin'?" > Chapter 2 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Cozy Glow slowly opened her eyes. She was dazed, and just regaining consciousness. As her vision became clearer, her surroundings revealed themselves to her. She was inside of some kind of tent, and bound to a board on the ground. *Ugh* "What the!? Get me out of this thing! Or I'll-" She looked to her side, and she briefly saw the Cutie Mark Crusaders peeking inside and watching her. They realized they were spotted, and swiftly fled. *Grr* "So they're the ones behind this." she said to herself. It'd been ages since Cozy had seen the Cutie Mark Crusaders, but unlike before, the CMC knew what Cozy was about, and wouldn't be fooled as easily by her tricks. "Oh, Cutie Mark Crusaders!" Cozy cried out. "Come inside. Long time no see." she said, in the same exaggerated tone she used when they first met. The CMC entered the tent, appearing very short on patience. "There's no sense in tryin' to trick us, Cozy Glow. We know what yer about." Apple Bloom said. "Is that so?" Cozy said, changing to a more serious tone. But the CMC could easily see past her ruse, and they weren't in the mood for games. They were taking matters seriously, and were on careful watch as to not be duped again. "What wer ya thinkin' Cozy Glow? Tryin' to dispel all the magic like that?!" Apple Bloom asked. "Lying to Twilight and the others like that, just for your own selfish gain." Sweetie Belle added. "You lied and deceived everyone! You built up trust with everypony in that school, and you abused it. It's going to take a lot before you earn our trust back." Scootaloo said. Cozy's jaw dropped at how unwelcoming the Crusaders were. "Oh, come on, Crusaders. You act like nopony's ever done anything unsavory that was later forgiven." she said. "If ya want forgiveness, then you'll haf'ta earn it." Apple Bloom said. "Well, how am I supposed to prove myself tied down like this?" Cozy asked. The CMC looked at each other. She sort of had a point. But she was cunning, and her trust couldn't be taken at face value. "First, answer us this. How did you get out of Tartarus? And what are you doing here?" Apple Bloom asked. A tricky question to start things off. That one took some thinking from Cozy to come up with a sneaky response. "I'm here because... um, well... I'm here on some important matters." Cozy answered. "Such as..." Sweetie Belle asked. "A um... someone I know, they asked me to do them an important favor, and I'd hate to disappoint them." Cozy said, in a whimsy tone. The CMC had a hunch she was being deceitful, But she was being vague, which made it hard to tell. "Won't you please untie me Crusaders? I'd hate to let them down..." Cozy put on a sappy face and made her eyes twinkle. The CMC looked at each other with unamused faces. "What if she's lying?" Apple Bloom asked. "She's definitely lying." Sweetie Belle added. "For sure." Scootaloo added. "Cut me a break..." Cozy said to herself. "Well if you aren't going to offer me anything, then why are you talking to me?!" "She has a point. What exactly is our plan?" Sweetie Belle asked. "Yeah, let's discuss this, over a routine huddle outside." Apple Bloom said The CMC left the tent to discuss things so Cozy couldn't hear. "Scootaloo, we already gave Cozy Glow our CMC treatment when we thought she was flunking Twilight's school." Apple Bloom said. "For all the good that did..." "Well, she wasn't being honest back then. We didn't know what we were up against. But now we have a better idea." Scootaloo said. "We just have to go deeper inside and figure out what she's about, and then we might be able to help her for real." Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle looked at each other, unsure. "Sounds doable, I suppose." Sweetie Belle said. "Okay. She gets one chance. The CMC went back into the tent to speak with Cozy. "Cozy Glow, wer willin' to offer ya a chance, as long as you..." Apple Bloom started, but she stopped speaking when she saw... The CMC entered the tent, and saw an empty bed with the rope in an unorderly pile. And a giant hole in the tent. "And... she's gone." Sweetie Belle said. "There goes her one chance. Gone before it even started." The CMC peaked their heads through the hole in the tent, and saw Cozy Glow zipping off, and fleeing the area. "COZY GLOW!" Apple Bloom exclaimed. The CMC ran after her, but she was too quick to chase, so they watched her flee. "She's getting away!" Sweetie Belle exclaimed. "Not on my watch!" Scootaloo exclaimed. Scootaloo dawned her purple helmet, and hopped aboard her scooter. With he pitter patter of her wings, she revved up like an engine, and she was off zooming after that no good pegasus filly Cozy Glow. Cozy was flying through the forest, simply trying to get as far away from the CMC as possible, when she looked behind her and saw Scootaloo on her scooter. She was almost as fast if not faster than Cozy. Before she knew it, they were in hot pursuit. "What the?!" Cozy exclaimed. "How are you-" "Cozy, come back!" Scootaloo exclaimed. "Why should I?!" Cozy yelled back. The chase continued, but quickly, the gap between the two was closing. Cozy flew through tight spaces and close branches, and tight bushes to try to lose Scootaloo. But Scootaloo was skilled, and kept in pursuit. Scootaloo leapt up over a branch, and landed back on her scooter, and kept on the speed. Cozy was amazed at Scootaloo's dexterity and skill. Scootaloo chased Cozy Glow. After Scootaloo cleared the brush, she saw Cozy Glow floating a few meters from an edge of the cliff. Scootaloo came to a screeching halt, and skid across the ground, and very nearly fell over the edge. "Can't reach me from here? Can you? No you can't!" Cozy Glow teased Scootaloo. "Sucks being so disadvantage, isn't it?!" Scootaloo glared at Cozy Glow, and slowly turned around and walked away. "That's right, turn around, go home, ya poor wittle filly! You're done! You're way over your head, you'll never be a-" "AAH!!" "WOAH!!!" Scootaloo ran forward and lept off the cliff and latched onto Cozy Glow. "Get off of me!" The extra weight of Scootaloo brought Cozy downward. Cozy kicked and fidgeted to get rid of Scootaloo. And finally, she was successful, and Scootaloo lost her grip. "AAHHH!!" Scootaloo plummeted. Scootaloo's life froze, as she fell. Somehow, I always know this is how I'd go... she thought in her head. Right before she hit the ground, she miraculously didn't. "Huh?" She looked up, and saw Cozy Glow holding onto her forelimbs. "Wow. Thanks Cozy Gl-" *plunk* Cozy Glow let go of Scootaloo and she plopped onto the ground from a very short distance. *Ow* *groan* "Dumb filly. Why would you do something so stupid like that? Sheesh." Cozy Glow left Scootaloo in the dirt and started for the other direction. "Hey, what gives?" Scootaloo asked. "Don't think I saved you because I care for your safety. It's just, I don't need the guilt of your death on my conscience. I've got too much going on as it is." Cozy explained. "I find that hard to believe. How do I know you haven't killed a pony already?" Scootaloo asked. "Golly, you make me out to be a stone cold killer." Cozy said, in a sarcastic tone. "Am I really so bad?" Scootaloo lunged forward, but Cozy flew up and hovered above Scootaloo. "I'm impressed with your horizontal prowess, but it seems you're still vertically challenged." Cozy teased. Scootaloo simply looked up with a pouty face. "Aww, I think I've wasted enough time here. I've got other plans that don't involve you fools." "Of course you got plans. You've always got some kind of world ending scheme on your mind. That's all you do!! You never give up, do you? Why of all creatures obsessed with power and world domination is it you anyway? A stupid little pegasus filly! What could you possibly gain, by lying to your close friends like that?!" Scootaloo asked in tears. "You don't know what I've been through! If you knew, you'd understand my actions." Cozy said. "You think you have things so rough?! I don't even know where to begin?! You don't know how lucky you are! You don't have overbearing yet simultaneously invisible parents, ready to rip you away from all the friends who care about you!" Scootaloo exclaimed. "You don't have to go about every day living with the burden of being born cursed to never being able to live up to your potential!" "Your ramblings have exceeded my attention span. Please use fewer words." Cozy said. "You can fly! You don't know how fortunate you are!" Scootaloo exclaimed. Cozy paused. Did this lowly pegasus call Cozy fortunate? "You seriously think that you have it harder than me?! Not even close!" Cozy exclaimed. "I had that School of Friendship under my hooves, until you and your six student friends took that away from me!" Cozy shouted in Scootaloo's face. Scootaloo got angry and shouted back. "What I have, and what you had at the school, that's not the same!" she said. "Oh, definitely not. I'm not some pushover wimp with self-esteem issues who just hangs with more fortunate ponies in order to feel better about themselves!" Cozy ranted. "You better watch what you say!" Scootaloo said. "It isn't like that!" "Oh, so that Rainbow Dash didn't take you under her wing because she pitied you? Did she take you under her wing when you did something spectacularly amazing? Or when you spectacularly failed?" "If you say one more thing! I'll... I'll..." "You'll what? Drown me in your tears? I'd like to see that actually." Cozy patted Scootaloo's head and smirked. "I at least I have friends who care about me? Who even likes you? No one! That's who!" Scootaloo said. "Ouch. Hitting it where it hurts." Cozy said, half sarcastically. Scootaloo's words hit Cozy where it hurt. She thought deep, and realized she had a point, and she didn't like it. *groan* "Okay, so manipulating a school of easily tricked ponies isn't the same as what you have. But I don't even have that anymore. I don't have followers. I don't have family or everlasting friends to fall back on..." Cozy said, looking down. Friendship is a disease. echoed in Cozy's head. "At least you have all those... all those friends of yours. Running away from your parents, who came all this way to make sure you were safe. You don't know how fortunate you are having them, your crusader friends, Rainbow Dash and her mane 6 friends. You have them as your friends who'll listen to you, and don't question your authority. For all the flack I gave you, at least your friends care that you're safe." "I don't have anyone who takes me seriously..." Cozy said. Cozy shed a single tear. "Is that so... Cozy Glow?" Scootaloo asked. Scootaloo thought, and she thought she knew the reason why Cozy Glow was unhappy. "I think I might see your problem. You treat friendship like a numbers game. Or a power contest, but it isn't like that at all. Making friends isn't about having followers or subjects, it's about having friends who care about you. Who worry for you when you run away, or think about harming yourself. Friends who don't think any less of you, no matter how much less of a pegasus you think you are..." Scootaloo started to break down too. "You have some pretty low self-esteem, Scoat." Cozy said, deadpan. "What you make up for, your wings might not be able to lift your body, but you found a way to highlight your strengths regardless, and you were wonders on that scooter." "Thanks, Cozy. I-" Scootaloo paused. Did Cozy just compliment her? "So... what's your next plan, Cozy? Now that everypony knows of your lying manipulative nature, who's going to be your friend now?" Cozy thought of the legion of doom, and their time climbing Mt. Everhoof. The trio only succeeded when they worked together. Cozy recalled how much better it felt helping each other. But then came the snarling Changeling Queen, who recognized what was happening and rejected the notion of friendship before it could consume the trio. Cozy recalled the guilty disappointment deep inside because of that. She had never felt that feeling before. It felt good. So to shoot it down, felt like a wasted opportunity. Now here came Scootaloo questioning who Cozy Glow wanted for friends? If she answered truthfully, it'd give away the entire surprise plan. Scootaloo recognized the inner turmoil of Cozy's mind, and decided to speak. "Say, Cozy. If you promise not to run away again, I promise we'll hear you out." Scootaloo said. "Why?" Cozy asked. "I trapped you in a closet and only pretended to be your friends to get Twilight's attention. You guys don't owe me anything." "Well, it's not about that. Helping creatures in need is at the core of what we, the Cutie Mark Crusaders do best." Scootaloo said. "You're still willing to help? After seeing the real me? Even after all those horrible things I said to you just now." Cozy asked. "My friends don't think any less of the real me, and I promise not to think any less of you." Scootaloo said. Cozy Glow wondered. She didn't realize Scootaloo had so much baggage she carried. Maybe she would understand her situation after all. But before she could make up her mind, they heard two distant voices call out. "Scootaloo!" two distant voices exclaimed. Cozy turned her head and saw them. "It's you two!" Cozy exclaimed. *gasp* "Scoot's got 'er cornered!" Apple Bloom shouted. "No she doesn't!" Cozy cried. "Now's our chance!" Sweetie Belle exclaimed. Cozy tried to fly away, but Sweetie Belle used her magic to halt her wings. "What the?" she cried. Sweetie Belle used her magic to press Cozy Glow against a tree, and Apple Bloom tied her to the tree. Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle did a hoof bump. "Cutie Mark Crusaders save the world!" they exclaimed together. "You fiend! You tricked me!" Cozy Glow exclaimed. Scootaloo put on her serious face and spoke against her two crusaders. "Untie her." Scootaloo demanded. Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle looked at each other, confused. "What?" they asked simultaneously. "But why?" Sweetie Belle asked. "Because." Scootaloo walks up to Cozy and starts untying her. "This is no way to treat a friend!" Scootaloo said. "Friend?" Cozy asked under her breath. Scootaloo had finished untying Cozy. And remarkably, Cozy remained in place. She turned her head, and tried not to make direct eye contact with anyone. Scootaloo and Cozy didn't reply. So Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle reluctantly helped Scootaloo untie Cozy Glow. And miraculously, Cozy Glow stayed put, and didn't flee the scene. > Chapter 3 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- After having cleared things up about the rough housing from earlier, the CMC sat with Cozy Glow around the unlit fire pit as they enjoyed a nice little chat in the forest. They made careful small talk. It was a unique situation. Cozy wasn't running away or fighting back any more, yet here she was. The real her. On their level, having a reasonable conversation. "So, Cozy Glow, what have you been up to lately?" Sweetie Belle asked in a casual, non-interrogating fashion. Wait, does it even matter what I tell them? They'll probably think I'm lying. I seriously doubt they can tell the difference between what's true and what isn't. Heh heh heh. They'll be fun to mess with. "I uh, I just happen to be in the area, but unfortunately, I lost something really important. And if I don't get it back, then I'll be in deep deep trouble..." Cozy said, looking down. The CMC looked at each other, dubious. "Is that so?" Scootaloo asked. Cozy simply nodded. "What'd ya lose?" Apple Bloom asked. "It's a um... an old heirloom. It's really important not just to me, but uh... for someone I know." Cozy explained. The CMC were touched by her sob story, but also curious. "Crusaders, huddle!" Apple Bloom said. The CMC joined in a huddle to speak in secret. Though not so secret because Cozy could hear their every word. "Why the huddle?" Sweetie Belle asked. "She's doing that voice she does when she's lyin' to somepony." Apple Bloom said. "Are you saying you still don't trust her?" Scootaloo asked. "I'm sayin', there's probably more to this heirloom than she's leadin' on about." Apple Bloom said. "What if it's something dangerous?" "It's fine to be skeptical, but don't you think she deserves some benefit of the doubt?" Sweetie Belle said. "What are the odds her heirloom is some kind of doomsday weapon?" The CMC looked at Cozy Glow, sitting. She noticed them staring at her, and in response gave them a big adorable grin to prove her "innocence". The CMC looked back at each other and all just nodded to each other. "What if she's lying?" Apple Bloom asked. "What if she isn't?" Scootaloo asked. "If we help her, maybe she'll be grateful, and who knows, it could be an important first step to getting to know her better." Scootaloo said. "Um, Crusaders?" Cozy asked, interrupting their huddle. The CMC looked at Cozy and her troubled look. Then they looked at each other, unsure. Of course showing creatures in need compassion was their calling. But this was Cozy Glow after all. But after some careful thinking, they made a decision. "Let's at least give her a chance." Scootaloo said. "I suppose it's the least we owe her." Sweetie Belle said. The three disbanded their circle and approached Cozy. "So, Cozy Glow, it's our duty to help, so that's what we're going to do. So we'll help you look for your heirloom." Scootaloo said. "Help... *gulp* me look?" Cozy asked. Cozy's mind winced at the idea. In fact, she was starting to regret cluing them in on what she was up to. She'd rather just be rid of them, but now they wouldn't leave her alone, and she was too hungry to sprint away again. "Thanks, I appreciate the gesture, but I wouldn't want to inconvenience you guys. I'm sure I can find it on my own." Cozy said. "But Cozy, we insist." Apple Bloom said persuasively. "As Cutie Mark Crusaders, it's our duty to help ponies in need. And it sounds like you have an issue that needs fixin'" Apple Bloom said. Cozy groaned, but quickly thought of a way to use them to her advantage. I'm better off WITHOUT these meddlesome Crusaders in my mane. But three extra set of eyes could make the search go faster. And besides, when I have the bell, and frame them for stealing it, they may just make excellent hostages to lure in Twilight Sparkle and her friends. Oooh. I love a good evil scheme. "Cozy Glow?" Scootaloo asked, waving her hoof in front of Cozy Glow. "Cozy Glow? You awake? Or did'ja fall asleep?" Apple Bloom asked. "Oh, right. Sorry, guess I'm grateful for your help. Anyway, we better get a move on. They've definitely already noticed it's gone, so the soon we get it back to them, the better." Cozy said. "Since I know what it looks like, I'll lead the way. You three keep your eyes peeled, but also, keep your distance. I'm still a bit skeptical that you aren't going to rat me out or something." Cozy flapped her wings, and gently flew forward at a reasonable pace. The CMC followed her, and kept their eyes on the lookout for her so-called heirloom. "So now you want to help?" Scootaloo whispered to Apple Bloom. "Sure. Helpin' Cozy might make her change 'er mind about friendship. Besides, I think we ought'a see what this heirloom is all'a bout." Apple Bloom whispered back, and winked. The search began. The CMC assisted Cozy Glow in her search for Grogar's Bell, which she had lost the previous night in the woods. In spite of accepting their help, Cozy Glow still remained quite secretive. She refused to give the Crusaders any details on what they were looking for exactly. "How are we supposed to help you look, when we don't even know what wer searchin' fer?" Apple Bloom asked. *ugh* "Look, the important thing is that I know what it looks like. Just keep your big creepy eyes out for something that looks weird and out of place. Besides you three, of course." "She's one to talk about creepy eyes." Apple Bloom whispered. Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle gave Cozy a mean glare, but Scootaloo merely looked dubious. After hours of searching, none of the four fillies found any sign of the Bewitching Bell anywhere. Apple Bloom left no stone unturned. Sweetie Belle moved brush aside with her magic. And Scootaloo zipped and looked around frantically with her scooter. But no dice. "Nothin' that looks like an heirloom here either." Apple Bloom said. "Is this heirloom worthy?" Sweetie Belle asked, holding a smoothed polished rock. Cozy Glow let out an exhaustive sigh. "Forget it." she said. "Forget the search! Forget my backup plan! Just forget everything!!" Cozy Glow's wings stopped flapping, and she just let herself plop onto the dirt, face down. The CMC were concerned. Cozy looked so defeated, they actually felt bad for her. But deep down they didn't know what she meant when she said backup plan. "Don't sweat it, Cozy. It's just an heirloom." Scootaloo said. "Yeah, but it meant a lot to them. Now they're gonna kill me because it's gone..." Cozy said, voice muffled by the dirt. The CMC looked at each other, with a look of concern. Cozy may have been a liar and a deceiver, but she looked genuinely dismayed at the failure of their task. They couldn't imagine what Cozy could gain by faking a story like this. Whatever she wanted, it mattered to her. "Well, we can't find the heirloom. Now what do ya suppose we do?" Apple Bloom asked. "Seems to me like Cozy Glow has a... friendship problem?" Sweetie Belle asked. Cozy Glow overheard the CMC small talk, and yelled over them. "What you're supposed to do is leave me alone! Stay out of my business, and leave me to solve my own quote unquote, friendship problems!" she exclaimed, before putting her head against the ground again. "Even so, solvin' friendship problems' is the job of our big sisters. It's our jobs to help ponies find meaning in their Cutie Marks. She seems to have decided on her path, so I don't know how much more we can help her." Apple Bloom said. "Plus, how do you help somepony, that doesn't want to be helped?" Sweetie Belle asked. Scootaloo looked at Cozy Glow, and felt sad for her. Seeing her defeated, and rejecting all help, somehow gave her flashbacks to the time she didn't want to participate in the flag carrying tryouts. She hid away crying in her own house. She made up her mind, and didn't want anypony intervening. But Rainbow Dash and her Crusader friends wanted to help anyway. "By helping them anyway, and showing them why they need help." Scootaloo said. Scootaloo walked up to Cozy Glow. "You know Cozy, objects are just... objects." Scootaloo said. "Yeah? Well, this was a really important object..." she said, muffled. "What's that? I can't hear you?" Scoots teased. Cozy lifted her head and spoke. "It was an item that meant a lot to, not just my cohorts, but me as well..." she explained. "Is that so? Tell me about it, Cozy." Scootaloo said. *sigh* "The thing is, ever since we reached our goal, and retrieved that bell, they've been treating me differently. They look to me for advice now. That bell is the entire reason for that, so without it, I'm nothing..." All three members of the CMC were touched by Cozy's sob story. "You know, things don't have to be gloom and doom." Sweetie Belle said, joining in. "For your guys, maybe. But I'm afraid of all the explaining it's going to take to excuse me for my mistake. I'm not used to being held accountable for my actions. I don't know what I'm going to do..." Cozy wept. She seemed... fearful at the idea of confronting whoever these friends were. At least Scootaloo thought so. She put a lot of weight into this one task, and really cared about pleasing whoever these friends of her were. It reminded Scootaloo of her parents in a way, how she was always afraid of disappointing them, and how it felt like she was never able to please them. "If you have to prove yourself to these so called friends, maybe they aren't your friends after all?" Scootaloo asked. "Still. I'd rather not take the chance. I would greatly prefer not to disappoint them..." Cozy said, weeping in the dirt. "Or on the flipside, maybe they care more for you than you realize, and they won't mind that you made one little mistake." Scootaloo said. "Knowing them, I somehow doubt that..." Cozy shot down that idea as well. "Sounds to me like you're afraid. Don't worry, I know what it's like being worried of what someone older and in charge of you is going to do to you. But it doesn't have to be that way. I'm sure it's not too late to ask for forgiveness from them. And hey, if that doesn't work out, there's always Twilight and her friends. If you come back and apologize earnestly, I'm confident she'll forgive you. And who knows, maybe you'll make better friends who don't hold unrealistic expectations from you, and like you for who you are." Scootaloo said. Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle looked at the two pegasi. Cozy teared up. Partly from sadness, but suddenly, a wave of anger started to boil and come out. "Can't you guys just leave me to fade away here?" she asked. "Well, you got to make your choice. Either go back and face your friends, or come stay with us. Either way, we're not just gonna let you get lost in these woods alone." Scootaloo said. "...You really aren't just gonna leave me alone and forget about me?" Cozy asked. "We wouldn't dream of it." Sweetie Belle said. "We can't just leave ya to yerself." Apple Bloom added. Cozy Glow sat up, and wiped the tears from her face. Cozy Glow smiled reluctantly. This didn't seem about apprehension anymore, it seemed they definitely wanted to help her issue. Not something she experienced often. The CMC and Cozy Glow sat around a lit fire pit. The sun was still high, but the fire made for a nice mood. The group were generous enough to bring Cozy Glow some food. It seemed like she hadn't eaten in days. Cozy still looked upset that today's expedition turned up empty. As petty as it seemed, this heirloom was the key to whatever friendship Cozy Glow was capable of feeling, so finding it was paramount. There was no rush to end the camping trip, so Scootaloo thought of a way they could continue to help. "So sure we couldn't find your heirloom today, but we'll help you look tomorrow." Scootaloo said. "We will?" Sweetie Belle asked. "Don't you have somewhere to be?" Cozy Glow asked. "Why are you so keen on not going back home?" Scootaloo turned away, but then took a deep breath and faced Cozy. "The thing is I-I received a letter from my parents, saying they were concerned for me, especially after the return of King Sombra, and the recent magic incident." Scootaloo said, glaring at Cozy Glow. "Oh, right. Heh. I see the fruits of my labor sent shockwaves across Equestria." Cozy said, gleefully. Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle glared at Cozy. "I mean uh... *ahem* That doesn't seem so bad. At least they care about your safety and-" "-and thus, they were planning on selling the house, and moving me away from Ponyville! They said so in this letter and everything!" Scootaloo shouted. Scootaloo pulled a letter from of her mane, and handed it to Cozy Glow. Cozy skimmed through it, and indeed, it seemed like the Cutie Mark Crusaders would soon be separated. "They aren't here yet, but they will be soon, and I do not intend on greeting them." Scootaloo said. Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle looked at each other. Scootaloo never outright told them this camping trip was a ploy to avoid meeting with Scootaloo's parents. They didn't even know they were coming. So why tell Cozy Glow? "Scootaloo, is that why we're here?" Sweetie Belle asked. "Listen, you don't have to-" Apple Bloom started, but Cozy ruined the mood by shouting out. "This is dumb!" Cozy exclaimed. "I know, right? They didn't even-" Scootaloo started, but Cozy interrupted. "You don't even know what they're going to say if you tell them you're not interested." Cozy said. "Yeah? Well, they never had my best interests in mind before, and I find it hard to believe they're going to start now!" Scootaloo exclaimed. It probably isn't doom and gloom. I mean, what? She's afraid of moving away? Not exactly an impossible obstacle to overcome. Cozy said, rolling her eyes under her eyelids. Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle patted Scootaloo and sat next to her. Cozy looked at Scootaloo again, and what was most striking was how fearful she seemed. Being driven to leave behind a bad home life, and seek something better, was a feeling and experience Cozy Glow herself was plenty familiar with. "You know what, Scootaloo? I think I know exactly what you're going through, and I feel for you." Cozy said. *sniff* "That's impossible? How could you feel compassion for anypony? After what you did?" Scootaloo asked, weeping. "I don't know about compassion, per se, but I do know a thing or two about getting my own way." Cozy said. "Ya got that right." Apple Bloom said, rolling her eyes. "Why do you think I was attending Twilight's school without a chaperone? Heh, what kind of parents would allow that?" Cozy asked rhetorically. "Okay? So what's your point?" Sweetie Belle asked. "Let's just say, after we find my heirloom, I have a very special surprise I'd be willing to offer you ponies, should any of you be willing to accept." Cozy said, swinging her legs gleefully. "A Cozy Glow surprise special, ya say?" Apple Bloom asked, skeptically. "Right... I'm gonna put out the fire now." Sweetie Belle said, getting up from her place. Those two are pretty immovable, but that Scootaloo is very vulnerable, and quite impressionable. She's been holding herself back. I can give her everything she wants, and all I have to do is convince her that I can help solve all of her troubles. Cozy thought. "Um, Cozy?" Scootaloo asked. "Yer zonin' out again. What are you thinking about this time?" Apple Bloom asked. "Um... it's just.. You're very persistent, Cutie Mark Crusaders. I've admitted failure in my quest. You have every opportunity to defeat me, and you don't. You want to... you wanna help. So the least I can do is offer a little something in exchange for your help." Cozy's voice trailed off as she stared into the fire pit. Something about that fire caught her attention. Almost like she could Sweetie Belle poured a pale of water onto the fire to put it out. The pit quickly cooled, and she used her magic to lift out the thing holding the ashes. "What are you staring at Co-" Sweetie Belle backed away nervously while Cozy glared at her. "Is that 'er heirloom?" Apple Bloom asked. Cozy Glow nodded instinctively. "And we were using it as a fire pit this whole time..." Sweetie Belle bemoaned. > Chapter 4 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sweetie Belle noticed Cozy Glow was staring at her, and hid the object she was holding behind her. Cozy rushed over, and pushed Sweetie Belle aside, and took the dusty object from her. Sure enough. It was Grogar's bell. "Yep! This is it it! It's my heirloom!" Cozy exclaimed. "You MORONS! Only dimwits would use a broken bell as a fire pit!" Using Cozy's item as a firepit wasn't their brightest move, but that was no excuse for Cozy's rudeness. "Um, your welcome?" Sweetie Belle asked. "At last! I'm saved! Hahahaha!" Cozy laughed maniacally. "That's uh, that's great!" Scootaloo said, clearing her throat and wiping her tears. The CMC scratched their heads. "Excuse me, but what kind of heirloom is that?" Sweetie Belle asked. "It's a um... it's a bell. Doesn't ring anymore. Seemingly.” Cozy said, tapping the bell with her hoof. “But that's okay. It's just an antique." "Well, that sure is a relief." Scootaloo said. "I'm glad things are finally starting to work out for you, Cozy." "Huh? Oh, right. Sure." Cozy said, half paying attention to them. "Now if you excuse me, Cutie Mark Crusaders, I have to go. Like I said, this thing's really important, so it's imperative I return it to my associates." Cozy Glow was in a haste to leave, but her friends were eager to tag along. "That's perfectly fine. Why don't you take us to see them?" Scootaloo suggested. Cozy Glow thought again about her hostage idea. Was it worth the hassle? She didn't think it was at this point. The idea of recruiting them seemed more appealing, but now didn't seem like the right time. She might not be able to help it, and the CMCs might get hurt if they got too deep into Grogar's lair. "Um... I don't think you'd make great friends with them." Cozy said. "Pssh. We've made friends with just about every creature in Equestria. I'm sure we can-" Sweetie Belle said. "Look, I asked for a favor, you guys helped me. It's done. Why won't you let me just go?" Cozy asked, growing in aggravation. "Now hold on a moment. You seem a little too eager to leave so soon." Apple Bloom said. "Seems a little... suspicious." Sweetie Belle added. "And what happened to the surprise you had lined up for us?" Scootaloo asked. "I have to do this! I get you're fillies who've never dabbled in grown up matters. So I can't say I'm surprised you don't understand." Cozy said. "Your surprise will come later. I'll come back for you fillies, but I have to deal with my personal matters alone." "It's not any of that. We want to help." Scootaloo said. "Right, girls?" Scootaloo looked at her friends, she was about to speak, but Apple Bloom spoke up first. "I don't know how to say this without gettin' on yer nerves, but, I'm startin' to think that antique ain't inert." Apple Bloom said. "What? No it isn't." Cozy said. "I thought you guys trusted me now. What about all the trust we've built up together? Don't you Crusaders trust me?" Cozy asked. "To be honest, Cozy, you haven't really given us a reason to trust ya yet!" Apple Bloom said. "All you've done is ask for our help, and be vague." "I see. All that kindness you showed me. All the generosity you expressed. The laughter we shared. I guess it was all a lie! None of it really mattered. Just another trick, more fake signs of affection! So much for loyalty, but I appreciate the honesty." Cozy said. "At least she remembers what we taught her in the clubhouse..." Sweetie Belle said. "So you're really going to do this? After all we've been through?" Sweetie Belle asked. Cozy was about to ditch the Crusaders, but they just wouldn't stop yapping. While they still didn't know what the bell did, Scootaloo remembered a little tidbit she'd learned, but didn't remember where she heard it from. Basically, if you want to get somepony to tell you the truth, you pretend to already know the truth, and they'll simply roll with it. So Scootaloo assumed that that bell was no good. "So you're just gonna go, and use that bell to take over Equestria? Even after all we've been through?" Scootaloo asked. "After WHAT? I know deep down you don't actually care about my well being. You just want to reform me so that there's one less villain to worry about. You don't want what's truly best for me, and I'll tell you how I know that! I didn't see you fillies pleading and begging for them not to put me in Tartarus. In fact, I don't recall seeing ANY pony pleading for me!" Cozy exclaimed. "You talk about forgiveness, but if they wanted to forgive me, they sure would've, but they didn't, because they didn't want me. And you three have the audacity to try to reform me just so you can please your higher ups?! GET OUT!!!" Scootaloo knew she had to say just the right thing as to not lose Cozy Glow. She realized that they both connected when they talked about her own parents, so she just had to dig deeper, but unfortunately, she was quickly outspoken. "So yer gonna sit here and pretend like yer the victim? Like we wronged you?! Yer the one who started it! We were friends at the very beginnin! You chose to throw that all away! Now yer the one who's guilt trippin' us for not bein' friends?!" All this bickering only served to make Cozy more angry, the opposite of what Scootaloo wanted. "You're the ones who turned against me when my true intentions came to light! It didn't have to be that way. I didn't betray you to begin with! I only locked you away when it became clear you were just gonna try to stop my plan!" Cozy exclaimed. "Bein' friends ain't about letting friends get away with hurting our other friends!!" Apple Bloom shoved Cozy Glow with her hooves. "Yeah, well-" Cozy started. "STOP!!!!" Scootaloo exclaimed. "She started it. She's the one who can't help but bein' evil." Apple Bloom said. "Gee! If you've written me off as purely evil, then why'd you bother helping!?" Cozy exclaimed. "Because..." Sweetie Belle scratched her head. "Exactly! Your logic is flawed! You don't even know what ponies are about! You don't even understand your own nonsensical rules!" Cozy ranted. "Because we believed that you can change!!" Scootaloo exclaimed. Cozy paused and thought for a moment. "We believed you could change for the better. Rise above this desire for power, and discover something... maybe... realize that... maybe somepony would like you, if you gave friends a chance." Scootaloo preached. Cozy paused and thought hard. While Sweetie Belle and Apple Bloom showed little sign of caring, both before, and now, Scootaloo was very different. Cozy was touched, and she already had an idea on how to use this to her advantage. "You're right, Scoot, I can change. With this bell, I'm going to change all right. It's going to change me into something magnificent." Cozy said. "I'm taking this bell to the only two creatures close to becoming my friends! And we're going to use this bell to end all of pony kind! And you can't stop me!!" "So I guess that's our doomsday device hypothesis confirmed." Sweetie Belle said. "Unfortunately for yer plans, whatever that thing does, we can't risk the safety of Equestria. You have to give it back to us." Apple Bloom said. "Oh, just go home! You three fillies are WAY out of your league! Since when do you guys save Equestria? What's the biggest villain you've ever defeated? Trouble Shoes? Now get ready to face the ultimate power!!" The CMC all gasped and took a step back. None of them knew the extent of that bell's power, or what it could do, and they were scared to find out. Cozy Glow held the bewitching bell at the Cutie Mark Crusaders. ""Let's see how you ponies like friendship being weaponized against you! Now behold! The ultimate power!" she exclaimed. "And now, prepare to face my powerful wrath!!" The three CMCs backed away in fear. These CMC are scared of my inanimate object, dummies. Cozy thought. I'll just scare them off, and be on my way. Then suddenly, the bell started glowing a faded green glow. It's actually activating? Amazing. Perfect timing too. Cozy said in her head. "Tremble in fear of the bell's great power! See, now you shall-HEY!" suddenly, the bell flung forward away from Cozy's grasp. The glow was not that of the bell, but of the Belle(bad joke). Sweetie Belle grabbed the Bewitching Bell with her magic, and reeled it in. "Give that back!" Cozy exclaimed. "You'll have to take it from us!" Apple Bloom exclaimed. Cozy ran after them, but the three crusaders split and ran in different directions to try to throw off Cozy. Sweetie Belle kept the bell high with her magic as Cozy Glow chased her. "Apple Bloom, look out!" she yelled. Sweetie Belle passed the bell over to Apple Bloom who caught it. Cozy diverted her attention to Bloom. The CMC tossed the bell around and tried to keep it from Cozy Glow. "It's mine!!!" Cozy exclaimed. "We tried being nice! But the safety of Equestria comes first!" Sweetie Belle said. Apple Bloom passed the bell to Scootaloo. She was just short of catching the bell, but she picked it up and held it close. Cozy Glow slowly approached Scootaloo. "Scootaloo, friend. Won't you please give me my heirloom back?" Cozy asked in a heavily wimpy tone. "I-I..." "Please? My friends will be so mad if I don't give it back to them." Cozy said. "You wouldn't want that for me? You know what it's like to let ponies down." Scootaloo paused, and wasn't sure what the best decision was in this moment. "It'd mean a lot if you-" *OOF* "I got her!" Apple Bloom exclaimed. "What the?! AH!" Cozy cried. Suddenly, Apple Bloom tackled Cozy Glow, and pinned her down. Sweetie Belle rushed over to her side. "Good job distracting her, Scootaloo." Sweetie Belle said. "Now let's see what we can do with this." she said, swiping the bell from Scootaloo. "Wait, I didn't-" Scootaloo was outspoken by all the commotion surrounding her. From Apple Bloom holding down Cozy Glow while she screamed and struggled, to Sweetie Belle who... was taking drastic measures to this whole situation. "Get off me!!" Cozy exclaimed. "Scootaloo, come help! ... Scootaloo?" Apple Bloom asked for Scootaloo to help pin down Cozy, but she just stood still in place. But it was fine, Apple Bloom was strong enough to hold Cozy down herself. Scootaloo looked the other way and observed what Sweetie Belle was doing. Sweetie Belle placed the bell onto the ground next to a quarry. She then used her magic to grip a large boulder that loomed overhead on a higher ledge. "Normally, we prefer not to act first and ask questions later." she said. "What are ya talking about? I think she's answered enough questions for us to figure out her intentions." Apple Bloom said. "You got a point there." Sweetie Belle said. Sweetie Belle put a tighter magic grip on that boulder, and started pulling it. "Go ahead and drop it, fools! Nothing can break the bell!" Cozy said. "Oh yeah?! Well, this is a really heavy boulder." Sweetie Belle said. "Let's put that claim to the test." Apple Bloom said. "Sweetie Belle, proceed." Cozy didn't know for certain the bell was unbreakable, and she did not want to take that chance. Her eyes dilated as she watched Sweetie Belle nudge that huge boulder closer and closer to the edge. "NO! STOP!!!! DON'T!!!!! AHHHH!!!" Cozy exclaimed. "Sorry, Cozy Glow. But this is for your own good!" Apple Bloom said. "NOO!!!! DON'T DO IT!! PLEASE!! AHHHH!!!!" Cozy kicked and cried and screamed. While this drama was all happening, the bell was acting quite strange. It started glowing, unbeknownst to any of them. Scootaloo couldn't help but do anything but just stand around very passively during all of this. Inside, she felt very divided. She could feel Cozy's pain hit her in the chest. Hearing Cozy's crying, it seemed different now. She seemed very distressed. It was very stressful to listen too. Like pulling a tooth out from a child's mouth. The large boulder made it to the edge, and Sweetie Belle nudged it that last little bit over the edge, and dropped the rock. "NO!!!!" Cozy cried. "WAIT!! STOP!!!" Scootaloo exclaimed. "What the?!" Apple Bloom exclaimed. "AHH!!" Sweetie Belle shouted. Everypony shut their eyes and looked away. . . . Everypony opened their eyes. The large rock was still gripped by Sweetie Belle's magic, and hovering just over the bell. Everypony watched and was confused. "Uh, Sweetie Belle, you can drop the boulder now." Apple Bloom said. "I don't know what's going on. I can't let go of it. My magic's stuck! And it's just floating!" she explained. "You can do it. Plant yer feet into the ground!" Apple Bloom shouted. "Okay, WOAH!" Sweetie Belle kicked her legs forward, but fell forward herself, and tumbled head over tail. She was floating just above the ground. And each time Sweetie Belle pulled on her magic and tried to make it stop, she'd shake the bell, and for the first time, the bell started to glow and ring. "Your friends sure collected some unusual heirlooms, Cozy Glow!" Sweetie Belle said. Soon it wasn't just Sweetie Belle floating, objects in the nearby vicinity also floated up, as if gravity nearby had been turned off. Apple Bloom, Scootaloo, and Cozy floated too, thus Cozy was free from Apple Bloom's grip. "You got your wish, Scootaloo! Now to claim mine!" Cozy kicked Apple Bloom and launched herself towards the bell. But as to not let Cozy succeed, the fillies followed after her. "Aft'a her!" Apple Bloom exclaimed. Cozy's wings pushed her towards the bell and she grabbed ahold of it. "I gotcha!" she exclaimed. But the three crusaders were hot on her trail. Although Scootaloo's wings couldn't provide her with enough lift, they were just enough to propel her through a zero g environment. The 3 CMCs latched onto the bell as well and crowded around Cozy. "Get off of me!!" Cozy exclaimed. "We can't let you do this!" Sweetie Belle exclaimed. "You have to shut it down!" Apple Bloom said. "Please! For your own sake!" Scootaloo added. "What happened to friends first!?" Cozy asked. "Why won't you just let me be!!?" "The safety of Equestria comes before any one creature!" Sweetie Belle exclaimed. "Equestria, schmetria!" Cozy exclaimed. "What has Equestria ever done for me!?" "It's not about what Equestria can do for you, it's what you can do for-" Her speech was cut off, when suddenly, the bell started to glow brighter. It glowed so bright, it was hard for any of them to look at. As it glowed more powerfully, the fillies felt its energy flowing through them. Their eyes and veins started to glow. "I can feel it! I can feel the power!" Cozy exclaimed. "I feel it too!" Sweetie Belle said. "Somepony help us!" Apple Bloom cried out. The bell glowed so bright, it blinded the four fillies, and was too hot for them to hold onto for much longer. Then, suddenly, as it rang louder, and energy pulsated more, it suddenly expelled a powerful wave of magic, and knocked back all four of the fillies. "AHH!!" "AAHH!" "AH!" "AHH!" The immense shockwave force forced all four of them away with great force. After the shockwave passed, the anti gravity effect dissipated, and all the objects fell back to earth. . . . When Cozy Glow had awoken, she was everything she ever hoped the bell could have made her. Her wings were heavier, and she felt an immense feeling of control of the energy that flowed through her. She tapped her forehead, and indeed, she was complete. She had transformed into an alicorn. "YOU FOOLS! I was right. Friendship is Power! Now, thanks to Grogar's Bell, I have power. I have all the power in Equestria!" Cozy Glow laughed. "I think you mean, we have the power." Apple Bloom said. "What the?!" she exclaimed, shocked. When the smoke cleared, Cozy witnessed something spectacular. She was not the only alicorn filly in town. "OH COME ON!" Cozy exclaimed in irritation. In front of her stood three powerful alicorns. Bloomicorn, Scootacorn, and Sweetie-corn. > Chapter 5 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Cutie Mark Crusaders all looked at themselves, and they were amazed at what had just happened to each of them. They were now three powerful alicorn fillies. Each of them possessed the power to cast powerful magic spells, and fly in the air. Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle sprouted wings, and Scootaloo, the flightless pegasus now had large majestic wings. Apple Bloom was stunned to have grown wings, and a horn! Sweetie Belle was surprised by her new wings to compliment her horn. And Scootaloo was enamored by her wings. She could give or take the horn, but her wings had grown in size. She gave them a single thrust, and suddenly, a gust of air pushed her upward. While the CMC were confounded with excitement at their transformation, Cozy Glow was fuming with rage. This is not how this was supposed to go. "This is NOT how this was supposed to go!" Cozy exclaimed. You give me that magic back, lousy crusaders!" she demanded. "Or what?" Apple Bloom asked. "I'm supposed to be superior to you! You're supposed to bow to me! Not be on my level! What are you even gonna do with all that power anyway? Give the rest of that magic to a real strategist, or I'll take it from you!" Cozy Glow charged her horn with powerful magic. But before Cozy could follow through with her words, the three alicorn Crusaders put a magic bind onto Cozy Glow. "WHAT!? Hey, what are you doing?!" she exclaimed. "Follow my lead, Crusaders. Use your magic like this." Sweetie Belle, being the one experienced with magic, led the Crusaders' alicorn magic. Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle, and Scootaloo stood side by side, opposed Cozy Glow, and gripped her with their magic. "Turns out making friends does make you more powerful." Apple Bloom said. "The three of us are more powerful than the one of you." "Hmph." Cozy Glow pouted. The Cutie Mark Crusaders had tied Cozy Glow to a tree with a magical essence. The spell conjured by the three of them was too strong for the one of her to break through. They left Cozy Glow in place while they complimented each other. "Not bad, Crusaders." Apple Bloom said. "Likewise." Sweetie Belle added. The CMC all gave a group hoofbump, but in doing so, it sent a powerful magic shockwave emanating from the epicenter. It reaffirmed that the three of them held powerful magic. "You know what this means, girls!?" Scootaloo asked, excited. "Cutie Mark Crusaders save the world?" Apple Bloom asked, smiling. "Cutie Mark Crusaders extend their influence farther out than ever?" Sweetie Belle asked. "Cutie Mark Crusaders uh... look at me fly!" Scootaloo flapped her huge wings, and they carried her through the air. She was at last capable of flight. "Yeah! Woohoo! This is awesome!" Scootaloo zipped around flying. "We'll I'll be." Apple Bloom said. "Scootaloo, you're..." Sweetie Belle said, but was out of breath from the amazing sight. "You're flying." Cozy said under her breath. "It's like my wildest dreams come true!" Scootaloo exclaimed. She flew circles high in the air. Her friends watched her, and were happy that she could finally live her unfulfilled dream. Even Cozy Glow looked, and couldn't help but feel... she could tell flying probably felt very cathartic for Scootaloo. Scootaloo flew, and ultimately came to a perfect landing on the ground in front of her friends. "You were fantastic, Scootaloo." Apple Bloom said. "Learned from the best. Guess watching Rainbow Dash do it was enough for me to pick it up." "She was okay I guess..." Cozy said, under her breath. "Well alright then. I'm ready for round 2." Scootaloo said. Scootaloo went airborne again and zipped around some more. She just couldn't get enough of her new ability. Her friends smiled and looked up at Scootaloo as she flew around. Whilst Scootaloo was enjoying having wings and flying by herself for the first time in her life, Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle discussed what to do next. And then there was Cozy Glow. Cozy snarled at those goody goody four hooves. Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle were wondering how to use this power for good, but Scootaloo was just happy to be a better her. A her who could finally fly. It was clear to her where the three of them stood, so she knew where her priorities were. "We'll let Scootaloo have her fun, but let's not get sidetracked. What do we do now that we're all alicorns, and we have Cozy Glow tied to that tree?" Sweetie Belle asked. Sweetie Belle pointed at Cozy as a visual aide. Cozy noticed, and spat at the two of them. With her limbs bound, there wasn't much else she could do. Although, Cozy noticed the CMC foolishly left her horn unrestrained. She didn't do anything yet, she was curious what direction this conversation would be heading. "I say we turn Cozy Glow into Twilight Sparkle immediately." Apple Bloom said. "Not only would we be doing good by locking her away again, that'd make us heroes of Equestria! Plus, our sisters will be dazzled by our amazing powers!" Sweetie Belle was less enthusiastic about that idea. "Sounds neat in principle but, and sure, we simply can't let Cozy get away. Although, as exciting as this is, this magic is frankly beyond our understanding. How do you think our sisters would react to seeing us this way?" Sweetie Belle asked. "Proud!" Apple Bloom replied. "Extra proud!" Scootaloo added. "Extra underwhelmed." Cozy commented. "Even with my experience with magic, this is more power than any of us are used to dealing with on a day to day basis. It's dangerous. As exciting as this is, and as much as it pains me to suggest this, but..." Sweetie Belle looked at how happy Scootaloo was while she flew around. She bit her lips and struggled to say the words. "I say we relinquish all of our magic into that bell immediately before any pony gets hurt." Sweetie Belle said. "What's there to worry about?" Apple Bloom asked, nonchalantly. "Yeah? What's so hard to figure out about larger wings?" Scootaloo asked, striking a pose expanding her wings outward proudly. "Twilight's an alicorn, and she hasn't ever hurt anypony by mistake. Even in her early days. Can't be that hard. And besides, you said it yourself, you're plenty well versed with magic as is, Sweetie Belle. I figure with our knowledge combined, we're in a good position of power." Apple Bloom said. "I'm sorry, but part of me thinks, maybe that isn't the safest thing we can do. It's all fun and games until somepony loses an eye to a magic blast. Or worse. And Twilight, she... she was bestowed magic by Princess Celestia, this bell and its... mysterious nature, who knows what kind of magic this is exactly. I advise that we put the magic back into the bell. Somehow..." Sweetie Belle said. "Sure, sure. Retain natural order and whatnot. A worthy concern to be sure." Scootaloo said. Sweetie Belle smiled, thankfully she seemed on her side. Except not fully. Because Scootaloo's next sentence was- "But first, I'm gonna fly laps around Rainbow Dash! She's going to be so proud to see me!" Scootaloo swooned. "And that's just the beginning! I can't wait to see the look on my parents face when they see I'm the one in charge!" But it didn't take long for the CMC to disagree with each other and start arguing. "No, that's not what I meant-" Sweetie Belle tried to say, but was outspoken by Apple Bloom. "You can have your fun. So let's fly Cozy Glow on over to Canterlot." Apple Bloom said. "We'll impress our sisters, and Princess Twilight, then we have our own fun." "Why do you care so much about impressing Applejack anyway?" Sweetie Belle asked. "It's not that, it's just... *sigh* You know, I'm sick of Applejack treating me like a foal still. I've matured a lot, and she knows that, and I want her to start treating me like such. This will prove to our big sisters that we're capable of handling ourselves in dangerous situations. They're always saving Equestria from big bad meanies, and this is our big opportunity!" Apple Bloom said. Sweetie Belle shook her head and grew in aggravation in response to what she had just heard. "Apple Bloom, think rationally! Don't let your petty desire to impress your sister be our downfall. This magic is dangerous! We need to give it up now!" Sweetie Belle said. "Why? So that we can go back to being nothing special whatsoever?!" Scootaloo exclaimed in Sweetie Belle's face. Sweetie Belle pushed forward and spoke louder. "That's not what I meant, Scootaloo, and you know it!" Sweetie Belle yelled back. "I say, NO!" Apple Bloom exclaimed. "You don't have a choice! Cease this now, or Equestria will be at great risk!!" Sweetie Belle shouted. "Hey, this is a once in a lifetime opportunity. Why not think about our wants for a change?" Apple Bloom said. "This isn't about us! This is about what's best for EVERYPONY! I thought that's why we were trying to stop Cozy Glow, but it's clear you're just doing it for the glory!!" Sweetie Belle shouted at Apple Bloom. "Yeah, well. Who says you get to decide what's righteous?!" Apple Bloom fired back. "Why do we have to listen to you!? I started this trio and named it in the first place!" "How about you two start listening to MY ideas for a change!!!" Scootaloo shouted loudest. "Yeah well-" "How about-" The Cutie Mark Crusaders all yelled at each other loudly, and shouted back and forth arguing. As the Cutie Mark Crusaders argued, their alicorn horns lit up brightly and charged powerful magic. "Hehehehehe. HAHAHAHAHA!" Cozy Glow laughed, and kicked her legs in excitement. The obtrusive laughing of Cozy distracted the CMC, and brought them back down to earth. "Is she laughing at us? Or with us?" Apple Bloom asked. "Oh, don't mind me. Go back to being about to blast each other!" Cozy said, still laughing. "Watching you three fight each other would make my day!" "Definitely laughing at us." Sweetie Belle said, disappointed. "You know, I told Cozy Glow she didn't need the bell because she didn't need to prove anything to be liked by her friends. And deep down, I think the same definitely goes for us..." Scootaloo said. "You three talk about how wonderful "truth friendship" is, but now that you have all this power, you've defaulted to arguing for power just like me. See what the desire for power does? Understand now where I was coming from when I said Friendship was Power? Feels good, huh? But as you three have shown, it's almost like friends become a nuisance at this point." "Nuisance?" Scootaloo asked. "Ahh, I've had my fun. Now go back to destroying each other please." Cozy said. The three CMCs looked at each other, and came to a crushing realization. "You know, being an alicorn isn't all it's cut up to be, is it?" Apple Bloom asked. "With great power, just comes a great big headache..." Sweetie Belle said. "She's right, about us being wrong. We really did turn into her when we were obsessed with power." Scootaloo said. The CMC all looked down. Cozy was a little disappointed there was no fighting, but she was successful in getting under their nerves, which was plenty satisfying. "So... what do you suppose we do now, girls?" Sweetie Belle asked. Apple Bloom and Scootaloo looked at each other. "We let go of our powers." Apple Bloom replied. The CMC all nodded in agreement. "Now what about her?" Sweetie Belle asked. The CMC all looked at Cozy Glow. "I know you made up your minds about being noble. But you don't have to be so extreme as to give up all your magic just to be righteous. You just need some... direction." Cozy said. "Eh, what do you mean?" Apple Bloom asked. "Tell you what, forget your friends, and I'll forget my associates. The four of us, we're the most powerful team in Equestria. We have whatever we want, all to ourselves. Nopony has to get hurt. What do you say? Are we a team? No more judgment or expectations, just pure friendship, between four very close friends." Cozy gave a great big grin to seal the deal, but Scootaloo had a different proposition. "I have a different proposition. After we all relinquish our magic, we give you back this bell, and let you go free." Scootaloo said. "What?!" Sweetie Belle, Apple Bloom, and Cozy Glow all exclaimed together. "I mean, you don't want my friendship?" Cozy asked, in a whimpering tone. "I didn't say that. I said let you go free. You're welcome to choose us, or choose your other friends." Scootaloo said. "Choose... what I want?" Cozy asked. Scootaloo nodded. Cozy paused. She seemed to run out of snide remarks and rude comments. She was strangely quiet. "Cozy?" Apple Bloom asked. "Hmph. Fine, Crusaders." Cozy said. The four alicorns stood, each facing one side of the four sided bell. They all gave each other affirmative looks. They knew what to do next. "We all put our hooves together, and we use our powers to reactivate the bell, and relinquish all of our magic into the bell." Sweetie Belle said. They each all nodded at each other, and began the ritual. The four alicorn fillies put their hooves onto the bell. The bell glowed brightly, as did their horns. The spell that would return their magic to the bell was underway. "The four of us shall return to normal." Sweetie Belle said. "Yep." Apple Bloom added. "Back to our regular lives. Back to being unextraordinary fillies who have no say in any matter whatsoever." Cozy Glow said. "Shh, quiet, don't interrupt the spell." Sweetie Belle said. Cozy's words were heard, and gave Scootaloo second thoughts. Is this really what she wanted? Was she okay with what she had agreed on? "Sheesh, you guys can comment, but when I point out how much lamer we're about to become, suddenly you stop m-" Cozy said. "Just let the spell finish, so we can go back to normal!" Sweetie Belle said. "So you three can return to normal." Scootaloo said. "What did you say, Scootaloo?" Apple Bloom asked. "You three are welcome to return yourselves to normal. You'll be just fine. But after reconsidering, I'm not ready to go back." Scootaloo said. "WHAT?!" Sweetie Belle and Apple Bloom exclaimed. Cozy Glow giggled internally. "You three will be fine, but I need this!" Scootaloo said. "No you don't. You're fine just how you are!" Sweetie Belle said. "So you're saying I'm fine as a flightless pegasus!? That horrible parents who don't care about my feelings are fine!? My life was absolutely miserable! And the magic in this bell is the key to fixing everything wrong with my life!! I am not going back to regular flightless Scootaloo! And I'm not moving away!!" Scootaloo pulled herself away from the spell. She allowed the spell to complete on the rest of them. "Stop it, Scootaloo!" Apple Bloom exclaimed. The three felt a magical surge through them, and suddenly- *ZAP* After a magical flash, Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle, and Cozy Glow were on the ground, and back to their normal selves again. But Scootaloo remained an alicorn. Scootaloo swiped the bell away from them. "Scootaloo, wait!!" Sweetie Belle exclaimed. But she didn't listen. With a face full of tears, and many mixed feelings, Scootaloo flew away with the bell. She had stolen Grogar's bell, and left them all behind. Everypony was shocked at what they just witnessed. "W-what just happened?" Sweetie Belle asked. Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle looked at each other, and could see each other's confusion, and concern. Cozy Glow on the other hand was... "Wow! Your friend just pulled a grade-A backstabbing against you two! Ha!" Cozy laughed. "I didn't think she had it in her. I knew she could if she wanted, but to actually follow through with that. Wow!" But Sweetie Belle and Apple Bloom were too gloomy to stand up against Cozy. They let her mock them. If they weren't going to talk back, it wasn't any fun teasing them, so Cozy stopped. "You three just gonna give up? Like that? You ain't gonna chase after her and talk sense into her?" ... "Oh well, more for me." Cozy said. Cozy concentrated, and suddenly... *poof* Cozy's wings became larger again, and her horn reappeared. "Ah shucks, Cozy?!" Apple Bloom exclaimed. "You kept your magic!?" Sweetie Belle asked. "And you two are surprised?" Cozy asked. "Nah." Apple Bloom said. "Not really, now that we think about it." Sweetie Belle said. Cozy hovered in the air with her arms crossed. "Exactly. As if I was going to let you three dictate what I do. Now if you'll excuse me, time for the next part of my plan." she said. Cozy readied herself, and was about to fly after Scootaloo, but the two shouted at her, and she halted. "Don't you dare go after 'er. She's been through enough already, just leave our friend be!" Apple Bloom said. "Your friend?! You think she's still your friend after that?! Pah! You heard what she said! She said every part of her life was miserable, and that includes you two!" Cozy said. Sweetie Belle and Apple Bloom looked at each other, and then at Cozy. "No... she didn't mean..." Apple Bloom said, choked up. "She would never..." "She's just going through a lot. That's all..." Sweetie Belle said, trailing off. "And there she goes. Off to find something she's always wanted. Something that you two were never able to give her." Cozy said. "Anyway. She offered to let me be free, and normally I'd return the favor, but she just stole my bell, and I still need that back so..." "Don't ya dare hurt 'er!" Apple Bloom said. "That depends on how much she resists." Cozy said, with a sinister grin. "Cozy, wait!" The two reached for Cozy, but she was already on her way. Cozy Glow flew off and headed in the direction Scootaloo flew. > Chapter 6 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The alicorn filly Cozy Glow was on the trail of, and searched for the alicorn filly, Scootaloo. Cozy Glow followed the general direction that Scootaloo flew off away towards, in hopes of finding where she may have gone. The direction was pointed towards Ponyville, but not quite, as if she wasn't ready just yet. But regardless, finding her wasn't too difficult. Cozy Glow spotted Scootaloo standing alone in the woods. Though Cozy was soaring high in the air, she could tell Scootaloo was quite disheveled. But she felt that was no reason to avoid Scootaloo, in fact, this may have been the perfect time. Cozy Glow flew to the ground, and landed behind alicorn Scootaloo. "There you are. Scootaloo. Just the alicorn I was looking for." Cozy said, but Scootaloo seemed to ignore her. "Not talking? That's fine. I just wanted to say, wow! That was some weapons grade betrayal you did back there! I knew there was some backbone in that body this whole time. Still really surprised me how you said that-" Scootaloo turned around, and revealed her distressed face. "Stay away, you!" Scootaloo exclaimed. "Hey now. I'm not your enemy, Scootaloo." Cozy said. "I don't want to fight you." "And I don't want anything to do with you. Just leave me alone." Scootaloo said. "And normally I'd respect that. But you still have something that belongs to me. So technically, you invited me here by stealing my bell." Cozy said. "Hmph." Scootaloo realized Cozy was technically right, and didn't argue back. She merely pouted and held the bewitching bell closer to her. "So it looks like this bell is the key to happiness for both of us. But there is only one bell, and two of us." Cozy said. "I'm not letting you take it from me." Scootaloo replied, with a strong passion in her tone. "It doesn't have to be one way or the other. What say we work together? And use its power to make both of our lives better." Cozy suggested. Scootaloo paused, and thought about what Cozy had just said. "Like you, I know what it's like to want to change aspects of your life that aren't so ideal. Why do you think I wanted power? That's why I think the two of us have the most to gain from that bell's power. That's why I want us to join forces. I want to help you." "You want us to work together?" Scootaloo asked. Cozy nodded affirmatively. "Gee... that's pretty hard to believe, hearing that come from you." Scootaloo said. "Hmm... imagine if I held onto this bell, and went about measures the way you do. Forcefully." Scootaloo thought aloud. Cozy Glow watched Scootaloo get lost in her thoughts. Presumably she was thinking about the ways they could use their powers together. She noticed Scootaloo giggling at something. Cozy enjoyed seeing Scootaloo giggle at what she presumed was her taking out her revenge onto her enemies. But her mood shifted to sadness. Cozy tried to cheer Scootaloo up. "Don't look down, Scootaloo. Think of all the fun we can have! The possibilities! The revenge! You can take revenge on your parents for good! Show Rainbow Dash yourself at your absolute best. Don't be weighed down by moral obligations." "Those do sound quite enticing. I mean, what you just listed, it's all I really could ask for. And all I have to do to achieve it, is to let go of my morals?" Scootaloo said. "Let go of your conscience, and then it won't hurt when you betray ponies." Cozy said. "Let go of conscience. Hmm..." Scootaloo thought hard. "Betray ponies you say..." Cozy thought she saw a lightbulb go off in Scootaloo's head, but it was tough to say for what reason, or what idea. "Maybe you are onto something." Scootaloo said. "Maybe there is a way I can get my way." Cozy nodded to affirm what Scoot had said. "So do we have a deal?" she asked. Scootaloo stared at Cozy with a serious look, and Cozy took a step back. "You alright, Scootaloo?" Cozy asked. "You know, Cozy Glow, you're pretty smart." Scootaloo said, with a snarky, confident tone. "You think so?" Cozy asked. "I mean, not everypony is capable of the incredible things you've pulled off." Scootaloo said. Cozy Glow was, actually quite flattered by Scootaloo's compliments. "Thank you. Thank you. I appreciate it when my talents are recognized." Cozy said. "You're a master crafter, leader, and moreover, a brilliant actor." Scootaloo said. "You got that right... huh. Nopony's ever called me an actor before, but I suppose it fits." Cozy said. "Indeed. You really had me convinced. I really thought that you wanted to be my friend. That you would actually compromise, work together, and consider what I want." Scootaloo said, chuckling. "What are you saying?" Cozy asked, confused. "But since we've seen the real you, it's clear that that couldn't possibly be the case. So, you kind of gave yourself away from the start." Scootaloo said in a snarky tone. Cozy Glow's expression turned to that of bewilderment. She could sort of follow what Scootaloo was hinting at, but she was surprised to hear it. But then her intentions became clearer, when she saw Scootaloo hold the bell closer to her. Both it, and her horn started to glow. "Now, Scootaloo. There's still time to talk this through. I... I understand, it's hard to take me seriously when I ask for your trust, but for the very first time in my life, I ask you to listen, and you'll hear the real me." Cozy said. "I hear the real you loud and clear." Scootaloo said, though Cozy noticed, her horn was starting to glow, along with the bell. "If you're about to do something bold, I advice you to stop, and just listen." Cozy pleaded. "No! I'm tired of being outspoken! You listen! To this!" Scootaloo exclaimed. Scootaloo turned around quickly, and held the bell and aimed it at Cozy Glow. She used her horn to activate the bell, and it glowed even brighter, and gave off its ring. The bell fired its magical beam, and latched onto Cozy Glow, and sapped her of her powerful magic. Scootaloo had used the bell to drain the magic from Cozy Glow. Cozy's magic was sapped by the bell's powerful magic grip. Her horn had dissipated, and her wings returned to normal. Cozy Glow fell to the ground, and was shocked by what Scootaloo just did to her. "You were really convincing. It really sounded like you wanted to be my friend, but I know for certain that you would never want to be anyone's actual friend. That's what gave it away." Scootaloo said. "Convincing?" Cozy asked, confused. "The whole 'real me' thing was also a really obvious hint that you were just gonna deceive me." Scootaloo added. Cozy Glow found it hard to reply. She felt choked up, and turned away from Scootaloo. "What's the matter? All I did was the thing you did to us. Doesn't feel so good the other way around, does it?!" Scootaloo exclaimed. "No it doesn't. I mean, you-I" Cozy closed her eyes and wept on the ground. "Why should I feel bad for you?! You were just going to double cross me eventually! I just did it first!" Scootaloo shouted. "I wasn't... I honestly had no intention..." Cozy Glow said softly. Scootaloo paused. Now things were getting awkward. "Surely though. Our friendship didn't matter to you before, and it couldn't have possibly mattered now. Not after we... not after..." Scootaloo paused. Cozy had no trouble double crossing the CMCs earlier, but this didn't feel good. "So, all those nice gestures you showed earlier? How we opened up to each other earlier? I listened to your woes. You stood up for me against your actual friends. You're just gonna... forget about that?" Cozy asked. Scootaloo bit her lip, and became more stressed out. "...Scootaloo? Friend?" Cozy asked. That word. "Friend". It echoed through Scootaloo's head. Her extrasensory alicorn powers allowed her to sense the emotions coming from Cozy's voice. She sounded sad. Not phony sad like the little sad filly who "failed" Twilight's exam. This time, she sounded closer to being truly sad. Much to her surprise. "No... no... You-you could never do friendship! You said it yourself! You see friendship as just power! Surely you weren't seeking... anything meaningful from your proposed alliance... SURELY!" Scootaloo was kidding herself. "I told you. I wanted to work together." Cozy said. Scootaloo breathed faster and faster as her stress escalated. "So it's true. You wanted to be my friend! And I took it for granted, because I didn't believe you! And now I hurt you! Somepony who actually cared about me!! Now here I go hurting one of the few ponies who truly cared for me." Scootaloo wept. Scootaloo's horn glowed bright as she stressed out. "Sweetie Belle was right! Why does life have to be so IRONIC!?" Scootaloo's horn glowed bright. So bright, Cozy had to shield her eyes. "Whatever you do, don't-AAHH!!" Cozy screamed. *BZZT* There was a bright flash that knocked Cozy Glow backwards, and onto the ground. Scootaloo paused, but ultimately took the bell, and fled the scene. She ran away from Cozy Glow, leaving her alone, powerless, and sad. > Chapter 7 - Part 1 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sweetie Belle and Apple Bloom searched the area for Scootaloo. They were worried sick for her. Not only was the bell itself dangerous, and she could do unspoken damage unintentionally, but who knows who else might be looking for such an object... So it was paramount to find her as soon as possible. "Scootaloo!" Sweetie Belle shouted. "Where are you?" "Scoot-Scootaloo!" Apple Bloom shouted. They peered their eyes around the landscape, but didn't see any obvious signs that any powerful angsty alicorn fillies had stormed by recently. "We promise we're not mad! We just want to talk to you!" Sweetie Belle said, echoing into the forest. They didn't have much luck in their search. It seemed Scootaloo was already long gone. "Well, shoot, now what?" Sweetie Belle said, kicking her hooves in the dirt. "Ah dunno. Go home, and wait to hear ponies cry for help at the sight of two ragin' alicorn fillies?" Apple Bloom suggested. "If she don't want our help, I'm sure Twilight an her friends will show up and take care of 'em." Sweetie Belle thought in her head, and pictured Scootaloo and Cozy Glow teaming up as an antagonists against the mane 6. Sure it was Twilight's job to protect Equestria, but she feared the heartbreak Scootaloo could cause to her other close friends if they saw her causing havoc. "We can't let it get to that point. Come on, she can't be too far away." Sweetie Belle said. They picked up the pace in their search, when suddenly, they got a little more than they bargained for when they bumped into a different filly instead. Actually, more like they stepped on her, and it moaned when Sweetie Belle stepped on them. "What the?" Sweetie Belle said, when she felt her hooves step onto something. The two looked down and saw the defeated pegasus filly. "Cozy Glow?" they asked. Cozy Glow looked up, and groaned. "What happened ta you?" Apple Bloom asked. *Ugh* "Your friend is CRAZY! I thought I was insane, but she is a whole other level!" Cozy shouted. "She steals my magic, and she runs off!" "Scootaloo did this to you?" Sweetie Belle asked, observing Cozy's injuries. "You guys didn't team up?" "Well serves ya right fer deceivin' us. You got too close, and Scootaloo did what she had ta." Apple Bloom said. Cozy Glow sat up, and dusted herself off, before clearing her throat in preparation for the yelling that was about to ensue. "She betrayed me! She stole my magic, even after I offered to be her friend!" Cozy exclaimed. "Wait, did you say, you offered to be her friend?" Apple Bloom asked. "Yeah, friend! As in friendship! Heard of it?! You Crusaders say you're about friendship, but if that's the case, why didn't Scootaloo accept my friendship offer?!" she wept. "Betrayal? Scootaloo wouldn't... I mean, she already did, but she wouldn't again. But, she wouldn't hurt you, or anyone else...?" Sweetie Belled wondered. "If she still has that heirloom, it's probably corruptin' 'er mind." Apple Bloom said. "It's turned her uncouth." "Yeah. Corruption. You sure about that? No uncorrupt mind wouldn't be foolish enough to not fall for my "fakey" sweet talk. What she did wasn't uncouth. I think she's perfectly... couth." "...What?" Sweetie Belle scratched her head. "Yer not makin' a ton of sense." Apple Bloom said. "There were a few too many double negatives in that sentence for me to get." Sweetie Belle added. *ugh* "I know you two want to find your noble friend inside, or somehow twist what she did to me into some kind of act of righteousness. Go ahead and live that fantasy." Cozy said. "If you want to believe I'm the real villain, and I need to be stopped at all costs, then sure, Scootaloo didn't do anything wrong. But if you want to hear my point of view for once, and listen to the truth, and accept the reality that Scootaloo doesn't want any more friends, you guys included, then consider that possibility for a change." Sweetie Belle and Apple Bloom looked at each other, bewildered. "It's sweet that you say you wanted be Scootaloo's friend but..." Apple Bloom started. "How can we be sure of what you would have wanted from a mutual friendship?" Sweetie Belle added. "I guess you can't be sure. *heh* Can't take anything I say at face value. The only way to see my true colors is to observe them first hoof. But do any of you feel like taking that risk?" Cozy grinned. Sweetie Belle and Apple Bloom took a few steps back. Cozy seemed to be talking crazy. Even crazier than usual. She was talking so crazy, she was almost making some sort of twisted sense. "If might isn't right, then Scootaloo is about to do a whole lotta wrong very soon. Unless somepony stops her. You want that pony to be you guys? Or the group of ponies who put a filly in Tartarus for processing too much power?" Cozy said. "You guys wanna believe your friend is good, and she's simply corrupted by power, but I think you'll find your friend is acting closer to her element than you realize." "We'll be the judges of that." Apple Bloom said. "And... Twilight wouldn't do that to 'er." "Well, thanks for the inquiry..." Sweetie Belle said, awkwardly. "Twilight was myyy friend. Scootaloo was your friend. I got sent to Tartarus for my little mistakes. If Scootaloo goes too far with her alicorn powers, what's stopping them from-" *pfft* "Come on Sweetie Belle. Don't listen to another word she says. And not another word to her." Apple Bloom said, interrupting Cozy's ramblings. Sweetie Belle gave Cozy one last dubious look, and then started off in the other direction with Apple Bloom. "If you want to get obliterated by your friend, she's probably already in Ponyville taking her fury out on her parents!" Cozy shouted as they walked away. Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle simply kept walking, and pretended to not hear Cozy Glow. "So-, so you're just gonna leave me here!? An injured filly in need of help!? Scratch that, let me rephrase that in Crusader language. You aren't going to bestow your friendship upon me, now that I'm defeated and vulnerable!?" Cozy asked. They continued walking, they didn't turn around or stop in their tracks to acknowledge Cozy's rambling. Scootaloo couldn't have been far. Sweetie Belle and Apple Bloom went in the direction she fled earlier. Cozy watched them walk away, and finally leave her alone for a change. Her injuries were actually very mild. She was fully capable of supporting her own weight, and walking. Seeing them walk away made her realize, they were off her tail, and she was free to make her own choice. And she'd already made up her mind as to what her next move was going to be. After a bit more searching, they were getting warmer on Scootaloo's trail. "I have a feeling she ought to be..." The two looked just over some brush, and saw the familiar orange pegasus. "There ya are!" Apple Bloom said. "Scootaloo!" Sweetie Belle shouted. Sweetie Belle and Apple Bloom found Scootaloo. She wasn't raiding Ponyville, or taking out her revenge on anypony. She was just sitting. Her legs were hanging over a ledge, as she was overlooking a ledge. She was still holding the bewitching bell by her side, and she was still an alicorn. "Scootaloo?" Apple Bloom asked. > Chapter 7 - Part 2 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sweetie Belle and Apple Bloom caught up with their friend, Scootaloo, who seemed hesitant to do anything with her alicorn powers. "You okay, Scootaloo?" Sweetie Belle asked. Scootaloo turned around and saw her friends. "So, you two came looking for me?" Scootaloo asked. "Of course, your our friend, and we wer worried sick for ya." Apple Bloom said. Scootaloo didn't appear happy, or sad. She seemed pretty firm. "So... are you actually gonna use that bell to achieve your big goals, or whatever?" Sweetie Belle asked. Scootaloo's eyes watered up. *sigh* "Nah, I don't think so..." Scootaloo said. "So... what are yer gonna do?" Apple Bloom asked. Scootaloo cleared her throat, and turned around to face her friends. "So, I've done some thinking, and... You know, having this item, seeing what it can do, experiencing true power, has made me realize a few things." Scootaloo started. Sweetie Belle and Apple Bloom looked at each other, with confusion. "Such as?" Sweetie Belle asked. "If this is all it takes to create an alicorn... it's as easy as getting a hold of this thing... If anypony can become an alicorn with just a pinch of extra magic, then... what exactly is so special about Twilight? Or Celestia? Or alicorns in general for that matter?" "It's like this object is a hack that has exposed the true nature of magic, and broken it wide open. And that's when I realized, magic is kind of like an energy that flows through every creature. The only thing that makes unicorns special is that their horns allow them to channel it and use the energy externally. Even so, unicorns aren't special because they can expel magic, and pegasi aren't special because some of them can fly. Everypony is special, and what makes them special is what's on the inside." Sweetie Bloom and Apple Belle looked at each other, their mouths open. "That's some pretty deep insight, Scootaloo." Apple Bloom said. "Maybe whoever wielded that bell stole alicorn magic, and that's what you're in possession of now?" Sweetie Belle speculated. Meanwhile, bustling in the tree brush above, Cozy Glow peeked through and spied on the crusaders, and listened to Scootaloo's melodramatic speech. But as for the Crusaders themselves, it was time get probe deeper. "Did you really mean what ya said earlier, Scootaloo?" Apple Bloom asked. "About yer life bein' miserable?" "Right. I did say that, didn't I..." Scootaloo said. "Even with us? Was being our friend not fulfilling?" Sweetie Belle asked. Scootaloo closed her eyes, and became more choked up. "No, I didn't mean it like that at all. The thing is, having you two as my friends... doesn't change the circumstances in my life that aren't so desirable. But in spite of all of, it's the friends who do care that make my life worthwhile. Being a team with you has been the opportunity of a lifetime, and I wouldn't trade it for anything else." Scootaloo said, while crying. "And when Rainbow Dash took me under her wing, it's like I finally found that supportive pony who truly cared, somepony to take me under their wing. And for the first time in my life, somepony who believed I could be more than I ever thought I could be myself." Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle teared up. And even Cozy Glow had to force herself to not get all mushy. "I'm so sorry about what I said earlier. I didn't mean to undervalue our friendship!" Scootaloo exclaimed. "It's okay, your friendship will always be so important to us too!" Sweetie Belle said. The three Crusaders all came in for a big group hug. "You're always our friend!" Apple Bloom said. That word echoed in Cozy's head. She remembered when she said Scootaloo was her friend, and they hugged earlier. It felt nice. It wasn't a feeling she had really felt before. And it was gone. All because she didn't trust her. Was that necessarily her fault? She tried to be nice to Scootaloo, but she couldn't look past her pre conceived notion of Cozy's nature. So perhaps she deserved this. It didn't seem like any of them were interested in having Cozy around to see any more of her. So here she was, hugging her real friends, for real, but couldn't bring herself to work with Cozy. "So, are you ready to head back to Ponyville?" Sweetie Belle asked. *sniff* "Yes. I mean, almost. First I gotta make things right." Scootaloo held the bewitching bell up, and pointed the open end at herself. *gasp* "What are you?" Apple Bloom exclaimed. "Scootaloo, wait!" Sweetie Belle exclaimed. *ring* Scootaloo used her magic, and activated the bell one last time. This time, turning herself back to normal. Scootaloo was once again a pegasus, and her wing size returned to their usual size. "Alright, I'm ready. Let's go home." Scootaloo started trotting, and Apple Bloom followed. Sweetie Belle however stood. She was "You okay, Scootaloo?" Sweetie Belle asked. "Yeah, I'm fine. Really." Scootaloo replied. "You're not even just a little bit disappointed?" Apple Bloom asked. Scootaloo turned her head and looked at her little wings. She gave them a little flap, and they pitter pattered, without generating much lift at all. But for once, she didn't seem to mind. "Nah, I like me. Just the way I am." Scootaloo said, smiling. The trio hugged once again, and were almost ready to return home, but there were just a few more things left to take care of. "But you know, there's something that's been eating me up more than that..." Scootaloo said. Scootaloo looked around, but as far as she could tell, it was just them three. "Gee, I don't know where Cozy Glow went, but I suppose we ought to hang onto her heirloom in case she still needs it!" she said loudly, almost as if to catch attention. She waited a moment longer, but no response it seemed. "What are we waiting for?" Sweetie Belle asked. "...Nothing I suppose. C'mon girls. Let's get back to Ponyville, and... I don't know, lock this thing in a trunk or something." Scootaloo said. Cozy Glow watched the three walk off with the bell once again. She spat at them, but she lost her focus and began to lose her balance on the branch. And then she fell from the three and into a bush. The three stopped when they heard a rustle in the bush, the sound dissipated, and the rustling stopped, so they continued walking. Cozy Glow was tempted to jump out, but she was too anxious, and couldn't quite muster the strength to do so. She instead chose to stay hidden, and watch them head off towards Ponyville. She wasn't done with the CMCs outright, because she had some unfinished business with Scootaloo. > Chapter 8 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Back in Ponyville, Scootaloo mustered the strength to have a sit down discussion with her parents. But she wasn't alone. Beside her, she had her fellow Crusaders, Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle, but she had also requested the presence of their older sisters, Applejack, Rarity, Rainbow Dash, along with the rest of the mane 6, including Twilight Sparkle, Fluttershy, and Pinkie Pie. Normally the mane 6 would only have to team up in extreme situations, but this was definitely worthy of the six of them gathering, so they agreed. They all sat opposite from Scooaloo's parents. Scoots still seemed anxious. "So, Scootaloo, what exactly did you need all of us for?" Twilight asked. "Right. So, *ahem* thank you, mane 6, for accompanying me on this fine day." Scootaloo said. "You don't have to be so formal, squirt. We're your pals." Rainbow Dash said. "Heh. Right." Scootaloo laughed. "Anyway, onto the subject at hoof." Scootaloo said. "My parents came to see me here in Ponyville, and they've decided that they'd like me to move with them away from Ponyville." "So that's where the conflict comes in." Sweetie Belle started. "Scootaloo doesn't want to go, especially not right now." Apple Bloom said. "But our friend here feels outspoken, so we were hoping you guys could help us speak for her." Sweetie Belle said. "I know they're my parents and they have ultimate say on what I do, but as my close friends I was hoping you guys could try to explain to them why I should stay here. Since I'm just a kid, I was hoping you guys could try to reason with them better than I could. Because I believe that there isn't any issue that can't be overcome with a healthy chat." Scootaloo said. Scootaloo's parents made eye contact with the mane 6. Fluttershy's teeth chattered and she was anxious. The rest of the mane 6 weren't as visibly anxious, but something her parents put them off. "So, Mane Allgood and Snap Shutter? I'm Princess Twilight Sparkle. And these are my friends Rainbow Dash, Applejack, Rarity, Pinkie Pie, and Fluttershy. You may have heard of some of our accomplishments, so you may be surprised to know that Scootaloo and her Crusader friends are close friends of ours." Her parents didn't reply. They merely scorned, and just gave off uncomfortable vibes. "So, let's cut to the chase. What's this business about Scootaloo moving away from Ponyville? HUH?!" Rainbow Dash asked. "Rainbow Dash. She said she wanted y'all to be mature." Apple Bloom said. "Otherwise we would've just argued ourselves..." Sweetie Belle added. "And I'm glad they brought it to our attention. We'd hate for one of our best friends to leave, without having a say." Twilight said. "I don't know where any of you got that idea from." Mane said. "Anyway, the house is already sold, so where is Scootaloo going to live besides with us?" "Impressive. How do you list and sell a house in just a few days?" Twilight asked. "And what's this about not caring about her feelings?" Rainbow Dash asked. "Easy, Rainbow Dash." Rarity said. "You guys got it all got the wrong idea." Mane said. "We've done everything that any responsible parent would do for their child." Snap said. "So let me get this straight, you've been away in some far away land for years, and haven't seen your daughter in many years. She's been alone all this time, and only recently she'd had her Aunts who have moved in to Ponyville?" Twilight asked. "So uh... why come now? Err rather, what brings you to Ponyville?" Applejack asked. "We've grown weary as of late. There's been lots of scary stuff happening around these parts. And King Sombra's return was when we realized that Scootaloo isn't safe here. At least not without us." Snap said. "And we've got this aching feeling that the worst is yet to come." Mane added. "I assure you, if there's anyone who can protect Scootaloo, it's us." Twilight said. "Perhaps. You guys do seem to solve a lot of problems." Snap said. "But you also seem to attract all these shady characters." Mane added. "What?!" Pinkie Pie exclaimed. "How do we know there ain't nobody on their way now to exact some kind of revenge right now?" Snap asked. Meanwhile, just outside Scootaloo's house, was a little filly approaching slowly, talking to herself. "Hey, Scootaloo. Sorry for not talking to you earlier but... no, don't say that. Hiya, Scoots. Too casual?" Cozy Glow said to herself. She rehearsed what she thought she should say to Scootaloo. When she got closer to the house, she heard what sounded like adults chattering. "Scootaloo?" Inside the house once again, the mane 6 huddled in a circle and whispered to each other. "They're coming off as very defensive. It's almost like they're hiding something." Twilight said. "Well let's knock down their defenses." Rainbow Dash said. "But do it diligently. These are Scootaloo's parents after all." Rarity said. "Okay." Twilight said. The six disbanded and sat back on the couch together. "You know, you're some interesting characters." Twilight started. "I've learned a lot about you since you came, and since this session started." "Start with the flattery." Rarity whispered. "I mean, it must take some intrepid bravery to partake in the job you two do." Twilight said. "Get on with it." Rainbow Dash whispered. "But if I'm being blunt, nothing I've seen or heard of you is at all indicative of responsible parents." Twilight said. Mane and Snap gasped, and the CMC all gasped as well. "Therefore, as the Princess of Friendship I-" Twilight started. "You what, you're gonna veto and repossess our child!?" Snap asked. "I mean, that's within my right, should I see a good reason to." Twilight said. "What reason? We've cared for her a plenty." Mane said. "If you opened your eyes for a moment you would see that she's been hurt by-" Twilight started. "Bad parenting? What are you basing that on? She's had food, and a roof for shelter. She's healthy, and that's plenty all that a filly needs to grow strong and healthy." Snap Shutter said. "So no, you don't have a good reason, Princess. It wouldn't exactly put good faith into the future ruler of Equestria if word broke that you were wrongfully repossessing children." Mane Allgood said. "But, but-" Twilight tried to say something, but the words were eluding her. Scootaloo was growing extremely anxious. This was not going well for any of the involved parties. "You're wrong!" yelled some voice standing at the entryway. "Huh?" Everypony started at the entryway, and there stood Cozy Glow. "If you think a filly just needs food and shelter to survive, then you got another thing coming!" Cozy exclaimed. "Cozy Glow?!" everypony shouted. The mane 6 looked at Cozy Glow and saw her. "Oh... I didn't realize you guys were here too. Heh. Hi...?" Cozy took one step back when she noticed the mane 6. Cozy looked at the mane 6, who gasped. Cozy's eyes dilated when the mane 6 noticed her. She hadn't realized they were in the building. "Um... surprise?" Cozy said. "What's everypony gaspin' about?" Snap asked. "What is she doing outside of Tartarus?" Rainbow Dash asked. *gasp* "Tartarus? Is she one of Sombra's henchponies?" Mane asked. "Indeed, what are ya doing out here?" Applejack asked. "I... needed some fresh air?" Cozy replied. "Plus the door was open?" "Guys, please, go easy on her. She's um... she doesn't-" Scootaloo said, but she was quickly outspoken. "Well it's a good thing we caught you here before you got into any more trouble." Rarity said. "Is there any big magic circle we should be aware of?" Rainbow Dash asked. "Guys! Stop!" Scootaloo shouted, to get everyone's attention. "I believe Cozy Glow had something she wanted to say to my parents. So if my friends and family could be so kind as to listen to what my friend has to say." "Friend?" Cozy asked under her breath. "So please, let her speak. Now, was there something you wanted to say, Cozy?" Scootaloo asked. "Oh, right. Where was I? Oh right." Cozy's train of thought was back on the rails... and was speeding down the tracks. "Scootaloo's got a good thing going here. And it's no thanks to your bare minimum treatment!" Cozy exclaimed. *gasp* "She's been just fine! Thank you very much, doll face!" Mane Allgood said. "Maybe we shouldn't let Cozy..." Twilight started. "How do you know she's doing just fine? Do you actually read her letters? Word on the street is that you DON'T! How do you know she isn't secretly plotting something big?! Since you never seem to ask how she's doing!" Cozy said. "You're completely off base, surely." Snap said. "I think it's you who's off base! You got it all wrong! And, don't call me Shirly." Cozy said. "Okay, Cozy. I think you've said enough-" Sweetie Belle said, but she too was outspoken. "Being a parent is about being there for them when they need your support the most! It's about owning up and taking responsibility for their actions." Cozy said. "You've been far away from Scootaloo for a long time. Poor filly's an only child, so that's quite severe isolation. Being alone leaves a lot of time to herself. So what's stopping her from coming up with a big plan and creating a draining spell to erase all of the magic in Equestria?! Or using alicorn magic to slay her enemies? And if Scootaloo got into a heap of trouble, who, if not you, is going to step up to the plate and be there for her?" Mane Allgood and Snap Shutter stuttered, and struggled to get a word out over Cozy. "And that's why she's extremely lucky to have her fellow Cutie Mark Crusader teammates, as well as the Mane 6 here to keep her in check, since you have no interest in doing that yourselves." Cozy said. Everypony stared at Cozy Glow, and their jaws dropped. "So what do you have to say for yourselves?" Cozy asked. Cozy got close, and glared at the parents. "Alright, Cozy, I think you've proved your point-" Twilight said. There was a moment of awkward, and painful silence. And then suddenly, Scoot's parents start crying. "Is she, right, Scootaloo?" Snap asked. "About us being lousy parents?" Mane added. The mane 6 looked at Cozy with discontent. "Well, there ya go, Cozy." Applejack said. "Satisfied?" Rarity asked. "What?!" Cozy exclaimed. "Hang on, before you jump to any conclusions, she-" Scootaloo said. "No, she's right." Snap Shutter said. "Little curly top has a point." Mane said. "No, I mean, well,-" Scootaloo started. "If you just allow us a moment to talk without her overzealousness, allow us to clarify." Twilight said. "No need. She's right though. Not everypony is fit to be a parent." Mane said. "When we conceived of having our own kid, we just thought, how hard could it be?" Snap said. "We'd been wrangling wild animals for years, and from those years of experience, we'd written down and discovered the best ways to observe, and care for just about any creature." Mane said. "We figured raising a child would be leagues easier. Just find out what she needs, and provide it." Snap said. "But if you're telling us that raising a child involves a whole lot more than that." Mane said. "That it involves a whole lot more factors than we ever could have imagined, then maybe we are in over our heads..." Snap started to tear up. *gasp* Scootaloo teared up some more. The mane 6 glared at Cozy Glow, with discontent. "No, you guys aren't so bad." Twilight said. "I mean, she does have a ceiling, and roof, like you said. That's a start." Rainbow Dash said. "And for what it's worth, Scootaloo didn't turn into an evil manipulative two-faced filly with ambitions to drain all the magic in Equestria or anything." Pinkie Pie said. "No thanks to us. Weren't you listening? It ain't due in any part to us, it's thanks to you guys." Snap said. "We've been blind to what truly matters." "We never considered that uh... we just figured that as her parents, anything we decided would be what's best for her by default." Mane said. "But she's matured so much. She's been away from us for so long, started her own life here, and she's still growing." Snap said. "To take all that away, would be akin to taking a baby mouse away from its nest during its formative years. So when she says she doesn't want to move, because she doesn't want to leave behind her friends. And she needs her friends. "So does that mean?" Twilight asked. "So no, we can't in good faith take Scootaloo with us." Snap said. "We had it all planned out, we had a cage sized for her and everything for the trip, but we'll just be returning home, once our visit is done." "I think this is the right call..." Rainbow Dash whispered to Twilight. "I mean, sure, but I hate that we had to make them cry like that." Twilight said. *knock knock* Suddenly, there was somepony knocking on the front door. The door opened slowly, and outside were two older mares. They were Scootaloo's aunts, Aunt Holiday, who was Snap Shutter's older sister, along with her mate, Aunt Lofty. "We heard some commotion, and we wanted to make sure everyone was okay." Aunt Holiday said. The two aunts gasped to see Scootaloo's parents crying. "Brother, are you okay?" Aunt Holiday asked. "It's Scootaloo. We're just sad cause we haven't been there for Scootaloo as much as she needs us." Snap wept. The two Aunts comforted Scootaloo's parents as they cried. "We'll talk to them. Why don't you guys step out of the building? We need a little family time." Aunt Lofty said. "She's right. Come on everypony, let's give them some space." Twilight said. "You're coming too, Cozy." Rainbow Dash said. "We've got a lot to discuss." Rarity said. "But I? Ugh! Come on! What did I do?!" Cozy complained. "Let's just say you got some serious explaining to do." Twilight said. The mane 6 and cmc and Cozy stepped out of the building. Initially, Scootaloo stayed, but she was also asked to exit. "Sorry, Scoots, but I think we need adult family time." Aunt Lofty said. "But, please. I-" Scootaloo started. "We need to talk about some um... grown up stuff. Very boring." Aunt Holiday added. "Oh... alright..." Scootaloo said. Scootaloo was last to exit the house. She saw that the mane 6 were surrounding Cozy Glow, and they were all yelling back and forth about something. But what exactly they were talking about didn't matter. The mane 6 seemed more interested in tackling Cozy Glow, and Scootaloo's parents were inside with her Aunts. "Are you okay, Scootaloo?" Apple Bloom asked. "No, I'm not..." she replied. "So... how can we help?" Sweetie Belle asked. Scootaloo stared at Cozy Glow surrounded by the mane 6, and back at her house. "I know what we're going to do." Scootaloo put on her helmet, and rode her scooter into the forest area, and behind her scooter, she had a tether attached to a big trunk, with the bewitching bell inside. Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle followed her to the Crusader Clubhouse. > Chapter 9 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle followed Scootaloo to the clubhouse. Scootaloo rode on her scooter, and slowly dragged behind her a trunk, containing Grogar's bewitching bell. "So we're just going to hide again?" Sweetie Belle asked. "Not for too long this time. The clubhouse is the first place our friends would try to look for us. If they're concerned, they'll come." Scootaloo said. "Why not talk to them now? Why'd you leave before they reached any resolution?" Apple Bloom asked. "Why'd I leave? Why'd they leave me?!" Scootaloo exclaimed. "I thought this time was going to be different, but I was wrong. Twilight and her friends have their hooves full with confronting one of their enemies, and my aunts and parents are having adult conversations without me again!" "Scootaloo. It's not as bad as you're making it out." Sweetie Belle said. "Protecting Equestria is important. Our sisters have big responsibilities now, but they still make time for us." "And ah'm sure yer family didn't mean to push you away. Your Aunt Holiday just needed to speak with her brother. Ah get it. It's family." "Mmm hmm. I'm not saying either of you are wrong, but I'm just tired of being everypony's tertiary priority..." Scootaloo said. Scootaloo may have been misreading her friends and family, but there was one pony who was tough to get nay kind of read on. "So then, what about Cozy?" Sweetie Belle asked. "What was she thinkin' rearing her head at yer place? Arugin' with your parents? Like who does she think she is?" Apple Bloom asked. "Yeah, Cozy acted really strange back there. I'll admit." Scootaloo said. "Did she actually mean to stand up for you? Against common reasoning?" Sweetie Belle wondered. "Or was that just a diversion so she could get back the bell?" Apple Bloom said. It hit Scootaloo when she realized that there was still the chance that Cozy likely only had her own interests in mind. It wasn't something she could rule out at the time. "Well I'm not taking any chances." Scootaloo opened the trunk, revealing Grogar's bewitching bell inside. "If she just wants this back from me, well, here it is, but she has to come get it from me." Sweetie Belle and Apple Bloom's eyes widened, and the two exchanged a worried look. "You're not going to use that thing again, are you?" Sweetie Belle asked. "No, of course not. I learned my lesson before. Thing is, this is just to ensure that Cozy Glow has a little extra incentive to come looking for me." Scootaloo said. "Oookay. But, be careful, Scootaloo. Remember, that thing is super powerful! And somepony could get hurt." Sweetie Belle said. "Plus, we don't know who else might be looking for it." Apple Bloom added. "You think she went this way?" They heard distant chatter. The CMC turned their heads to try to see where the noise was coming from. "Someone like... them?" Apple Bloom asked. The CMC saw two big shadows in the distance, and they were moving closer. "Hide!" Sweetie Belle said. The three hid in some bushes, and surveyed the area to see who was making the ruckus. It didn't take long to see who. "Think they're looking for the bell?" Apple Bloom asked. "I think so." Scootaloo said, gulping. Meanwhile, the mane 6 surrounded Cozy Glow, and they had many questions for her. Cozy gulped, but she was confident she could weasel her way out if she played it right. "So, what brings you here, Cozy Glow?" Twilight asked. "I uh... I came here to help my dear friend Scootaloo." Cozy said, smiling with a big grin. "A likely story." Rainbow Dash said. "You, helping ponies. Pah." "Sure you don't have any other ulterior motive?" Applejack asked. "Any secret 'destroy all magic' schemes?" "Oh golly, no sire. No more magic destroying schemes here. I wouldn't attempt such a thing again." "Well that's assuring." Rarity said. "Assuming she's tellin' the truth." Applejack added. "Now girls, if we don't give her the benefit of the doubt, how can we ever expect to earn each other's trust?" Fluttershy asked. "Trust? She broke out of Tartarus. I say we just put her back." Rainbow Dash said. "You want the truth? Let's just say I do have some ulterior motive." Cozy said. *gasp* "I mean um... you may call it "ulterior motive", but I call it, unfinished business!" Cozy said. "I mean uh... of course I meant friendship! Err... gosh this is so confusing!" Cozy exclaimed Gosh, no one takes me serious. she thought in her head. "Get on with it, Cozy!" the mane 6 all exclaimed together. "Why are you here!?" Twilight asked. "Since you all are dying to know what I'm up to." Cozy pulled out, and held a purple foal sized helmet. "I came to give Scootaloo her helmet back, okay!" Cozy exclaimed. "Erm... what?" Applejack asked. "Not what I was expecting." Rainbow Dash added. "I borrowed it from Scootaloo and lent it to Bon Bon so that her cactus wouldn't poke her while she carried it home. I felt kinda bad that I took Scootaloo's helmet without asking, so I asked Bon Bon if she was done with the helmet, to which she said yes." Cozy explained in quick succession "That was rather... sweet of you." Fluttershy said. "A little too sweet, perhaps." Rainbow Dash said. "So, Bon Bon gave the helmet back to me, and thus I came so that I could trade- I mean give the helmet back, in exchange for..." Cozy's voice trailed off as she almost got a little carried away. "In exchange for what?" Twilight asked, raising an eyebrow. "In exchange for.... ffffriendship?" Cozy said, sounding unsure. "Hmm. That's definitely her old helmet." Rainbow Dash said. "And it sounds like a relatively sound explanation." Fluttershy added, though sounding less confident. "But something about 'er demeanor still reeks of double meaning..." Applejack said. Cozy started to sweat, as the mane 6's trust in her dwindled. The mane 6 all looked at Twilight, as she pondered, and thought about Cozy's actions. Twilight stepped forward, and approached Cozy closer. She glared at Cozy before speaking. "Don't think we've forgotten why we're so skeptical of everything you say, Cozy Glow. You want to know something? You're one of the most disappointing, and frustrating cases I've come across." Twilight said. "You aced nearly every test in my School of Friendship. The only time you didn't is when you failed on purpose. You know the ropes of friendship. You know how to do favors for others. And yet you choose to use that knowledge for nefarious purposes. I showed you every reason to want to make friends, and that still wasn't enough for you. You just had to go ahead and abuse our trust. That's why we had to put you in Tartarus. It's impossible to gauge when it is you're truthful or not." Twilight ranted. "You gave me assignments and tests, and I memorized the answers." Cozy said. "I mean, it seemed like all you needed to pass a test was good memorization, but that's not indicative of good learning. I thought the point was to learn by doing! And I did! I made my own decisions on how to make friends myself!" "That's all well and good, but depleting the magic and trapping my friends in Tartarus is not the point of friendship!" Twilight argued. "Well maybe magic is more trouble than it's worth!!" Cozy exclaimed. "Yeah!? Well, you're just, I- UGH!" Twilight was getting visibly frustrated. "Well gee, now that you spell it out that way, it sounds like I hurt your feelings." Cozy said. "And already you've broken out of Tartarus, and now you're after the Cutie Mark Crusaders. What do you want with them exactly?!" Twilight asked. The front door of Scootaloo's house swung open, and her parents and aunts stepped out. "We hope we're not interrupting anything important." Mane Allgood said, interrupting their tense conversation. "But we've reached an ultimatum." Snap Shutter said. "Scootaloo, we decided that we..." Everypony looked around, but Scootaloo was not here. "Where is Scootaloo?" Aunt Holiday asked. "We thought she was outside with you guys." Rainbow Dash said. "Nope. If she isn't out here, then..." Aunt Lofty started. "And has anyone seen my old treasure trunk?" Snap said. "Somepony spilled the contents, and took the box. How peculiar." Cozy thought hard. Why did a treasure trunk sound familiar? She delved into her head, and then it hit her. I'll keep this bell here safe in a trunk or something. Scootaloo's voice echoed. Cozy had figured it out. Scootaloo took the bewitching bell with her! She took the bell with her again! Are you kidding me?! she thought. Cozy bit her lips, and kept her thoughts to herself while the mane 6 chattered. "If she's with her friends, she's probably at the clubhouse!" Rainbow Dash said. "Well, we better hurry. We don't want them to wander off and get-" Twilight started, but suddenly they heard a loud sound. *BOOM* A loud explosion was heard from the woods. In the direction of the Crusader Clubhouse. "What was that?" Rainbow Dash asked. *gasp* Everypony looked and saw fire erupt from the forest. "SCOOTALOO!" "APPLE BLOOM!" "SWEETIE BELLE!" Cries of all three fillies's names were exclaimed simultaneously. Earlier: The Crusaders hid in the bushes from the two villainous creatures. They were only vaguely familiar with them, but they were notorious to the rest of Equestria. "We must tread with caution. That town of ponies is nearby. We mustn't create a scene that could alert them to our presence." said Lord Tirek. "Well that's no excuse for how slow you're going. Quit stalling, and help me find that double crossing pegasus so that I can exact my revenge on that double crosser!" Queen Chrysalis said. "She double crossed us, before we doubled crossed Grogar!" Tirek said. The CMC hid in fear, but were also morbidly curious. "Those must be Cozy's associates." Apple Bloom said. "I'd hate to have to work with them." Sweetie Belle added. Scootaloo stared at the bell. They were definitely after the object they held very close. "If they find us with that bell, we're dead meat." Apple Bloom said. "What do we do?" "Let's just ditch this thing and make a run for it." Sweetie Belle said. Scootaloo thought, and thought deep. Inside the bell's inner resonating chamber, is where its inner power, and frequency resonated. The inside of Scootaloo's mind was much the same in a way. And inside her mind, she came up with an idea... of sorts. "I have an idea that can get us out of this mess." Scootaloo said. Scootaloo whispered her plan to Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle. The fillies couldn't believe their ears as to what Scootaloo had suggested. "That's insane!" Sweetie Belle said. "We're not splittin' up like that!" Apple Bloom added. "Please, you guys, just have faith in me this one time." Scootaloo said. "Just stick to the plan, and I assure us we're all going to be okay." Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle exchanged worried looks. But ultimately, they agreed. "Okay, Scootaloo. But please be careful." Apple Bloom said. "Please be okay." Sweetie Belle said. "You mean everything to us, and we'd hate for anything to happen to you." The CMC all nodded, and hoof bumped, and they sprung into action. "Hey, you two!" one of them yelled. The villains turned and saw Sweetie Belle and Apple Bloom. "Is this what you're after?" Sweetie Belle asked. She held the trunk up with her magic. "You want your magical bell of ultimate evil magic?! Well come and get it!!" Apple Bloom exclaimed. "What?! How did they get their hooves on Grogar's bell?!" Tirek asked. "That matters not. We must reclaim it before it falls into the hooves of Twilight or her friends!" Chrysalis exclaimed. Tirek and Chrysalis growled, and started in their direction. "And... that's our cue to run." Sweetie Belle said. Sweetie Belle dropped the trunk, and ran with Apple Bloom. Tirek claimed the trunk, and opened it, but inside it was empty! "A diversion!" Chrysalis exclaimed. "A diversion for what?" Tirek asked. “Yoo-hoo!” cried a voice. It was Scootaloo, inside the Crusader Clubhouse. "Hey, Tirek!" Scootaloo exclaimed. "It is LORD Tirek!" he exclaimed, turning his head. "Wait, this wasn't the plan!" Sweetie Belle exclaimed. "I think she was diverting us!" "Scootaloo! What are you doing!" Apple Bloom yelled. "You guys want the bell? Well here it is!" Scootaloo exclaimed. Scootaloo had successfully captured the attention of Tirek and Chrysalis, and they went after her. "SCOOTALOO!!” they both exclaimed. > Chapter 10 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The mane 6 and Cozy Glow had made it to the epicenter of the incident. And they were all stunned at what they saw. The Cutie Mark Crusader Clubhouse was destroyed, and what remained was a pile of flames and debris. *gasp* "Oh no..." Twilight said. "What happened!?" Rainbow Dash exclaimed. "Your little precious little fillies had their noses in our business." said a mysterious voice. They all looked up, and saw three cocoons hanging in the trees. And above them, was the Changeling Queen crawling about. "But now that you have so much at stake, you wouldn't dare back down now, would you?" Chrysalis taunted. "Not a chance! Come on, girls! We have to save the Cutie Mark Crusaders!" Twilight exclaimed. The mane 6 jumped into action, and Chrysalis jumped down from the tree and approached the mane 6. Cozy took a second look at the surroundings, something seemed off. And her hunch was correct. Upon further examination, it seemed only two of Chrysalis' had something opaque inside. The last shown more light through, and appeared to be empty. So if Chrysalis only held two Crusaders captive, where was the last one? Cozy turned her head, and saw Tirek approaching the fiery ruins of the Crusader Clubhouse. She took a closer look at the debris, and she saw Scootaloo's unconscious body laying there, with the bewitching bell next to her. With the mane 6 distracted by Chrysalis, Tirek was about to take the bell from her, when suddenly, Cozy flew in front of him. "There you are." Tirek said. "It's ripe time that you decided to rear your back stabbing face in front of us." Tirek took a step, but Cozy flew up in front of Scootaloo, and ordered him to stop. "No! Don't take another step, Tirek! That's an order!" she exclaimed. "Pfft. Still trying to go along with this whole 'you're our leader' thing?" Tirek asked. "What's gotten into you lately? Let's grab the bell, and defeat Twilight Sparkle and her friends at once!" The mane 6 continued to battle Chrysalis, and Cozy stood protecting Scootaloo. Cozy was at a difficult crossroads as to what to do next. "Well, that's all fine and dandy. Crushing enemies is the whole reason we went looking for that bell in the first place." Cozy said. "Alright, I'll put away all the antics and rejoin you guys. But first, I want you to apologize, and help this pegasus." "Help? Why in Equestria would we- oh. I see what's going on." Tirek said. "You what?" Cozy asked. "I've seen this enough times to know what's going on. You've befriended the little whelp it seems, and you're upset that she's hurt, and you'll do anything to help her." Tirek said in a mocking tone. "I've seen this before, so let's make things easier and cut to the chase. If you're no longer interested in getting revenge on our enemies, consider yourself out as one of our members." Tirek said. Tirek's words pierced Cozy all the way through to her core. Cozy turned her head, and held back her heavy emotions. "Now with that over with, move aside and allow me to claim that bell." Tirek said. Cozy held onto the bell tightly with her eyes closed. As Tirek approached closer, she snapped and came up with an idea. "WAIT!" Cozy exclaimed. Tirek paused. He was curious, but short on patience. "I mean, fine! You don't have to be a brute. Just cause I want to help one pegasus, doesn't mean I'm still not interested in getting revenge on our enemies. So I'll let you have the bell" Cozy said. "Under, a few conditions. I'll give you the bell, and tell you how to activate it, AND how to defeat Twilight Sparkle, only if you agree to help this pony." "Is this supposed to be an enticing offer?" Tirek asked. "Think about it, Tirek. What good are you without me? Do you want to take your chances alone? Or would you rather have the three of us all get revenge? As a team, just as Grogar intended." Tirek turned around, and saw Chrysalis putting Twilight and her friends into cocoons. They were very nearly out of commission. The two villains were just fine as they were, it seemed. "I think I'll be fine taking my chances. It appears we've got the situation under control ourselves." Tirek said. "Besides, for as smart and cunning as you are, you're far too slippery to be totally reliable. How do I know you aren't planning something behind our backs?" *gasp* Cozy gasped. Tirek reached in and swiped the bell from Cozy Glow, and left the two pegasi in the burning fire scape. Tirek left Cozy and Scootaloo alone, as he joined Chrysalis in finishing off the mane 6. Cozy was left to weep for Scootaloo, and reflect, thinking of the pain she bestowed upon Scootaloo. All because she got mixed up in Cozy's matters, where Scootaloo had no place. But it wasn't Scootaloo's fault, she was just following somepony whom she wanted to be friends with. Tirek had presented the bewitching bell to Chrysalis, as a token of their victory. "It seems we didn't even need that bell's magic to defeat Twilight and her friends." Chrysalis said. "Well, even so, a little extra magic wouldn't hurt." Tirek said. "Indeed. Once I figure out how to unlock its magic, I will truly be unstoppable." Chrysalis said. "Once you? I thought we were both going to utilize its magic." Tirek said. "You? Hmm. You know, the more I've thought about it, I've come to realize something. You can just open your mouth and absorb all the magic you want. Why would you want some old goat's magic when you can just take any magic you want already?" Rather than use the bell productively, Chrysalis and Tirek were in a heated, I mean, passionate argument. They couldn't come to agreement as to how to split the power. Not that they knew how to activate the bell anyway. "Well, if you'd rather I absorb the essence of other creatures-" Tirek said. "If you try to steal my essence ONE MORE TIME I'LL-" Chrysalis started, but was soon interrupted by their undoing. "NOW!" Twilight exclaimed. "What the?!" the two villains turned their heads and saw. Six cocoons started to glow, and suddenly exploded. And inside were all the mane 6, glowing and floating. "NO! Those cocoons were supposed to suppress your friendship magic!" Chrysalis exclaimed. "You can't put a barrier in the way of Friendship!" Twilight's voice loudly echoed. Twilight and her friends started to glow brighter and their eyes turned white, as their friendship powers activated. *grrr* "No fair! Why is that a thing you six can just do?!" Chrysalis whined. Cozy Glow barely paid mind to what was going on. In the background, Tirek and Chrysalis get blasted by Rainbow blast from the mane 6. Tirek and Chrysalis fell to the ground, defeated. *ugh* "You're right. They do cheat..." Tirek said. "They get annoyingly lucky every time..." Chrysalis said. The two villains were too defeated to get up. The mane 6 rejoiced at their latest victory. "Thank goodness for Rainbow ex machina." Fluttershy said giggling. "Now to help the Cutie Mark Crusaders." Twilight said. Twilight, Rainbow Dash, and Fluttershy flew up, and each pulled down the cocoons, and placed them down slowly. The mane 6 freed Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle, and the two Crusaders hugged their older siblings. But there was one more Crusader. "We're so glad you came!" Sweetie Belle said, hugging Rarity. "I'm totally fine bein' a damsel, big sister! Ah don't know how you girls save the world every time!" Apple Bloom said. "Ah shucks, Apple Bloom. Yer braver than you give yerself credit for." Applejack said. "Hey, where's..." Rainbow Dash started. Fluttershy turned Dash's head, and she saw Cozy Glow hunched over in the Clubhouse debris, overlooking Scootaloo. Though Cozy was often difficult to read, it was clear to everyone that emotions were heavy for everyone, especially Cozy. Normally Cozy Glow took pleasure in getting the upper hoof on other ponies, and showed no remorse for disposing of anyone. But things had changed. Scootaloo brought out a side of Cozy that she hadn't really gotten in touch with before, and this was how she repaid her. By leaving her scorched, and out of breath. For one of the first times in her life, she felt remorse for what she had done to somepony else. The mane 6 were hesitant to say or do anything. They could feel the weight of the situation, and weren't sure how to approach it. But their hesitation would be their downfall in this instance, as two ponies would act quicker. Scootaloo's parents suddenly stepped onto the scene, and picked up Scootaloo. "Oh, you poor little thing." Snap said. The two parents gave the mane 6 a glare, and pretty much ignored Cozy. "This is why we were in such a hurry to move her out of here! To get her far away from this crazy town!" Mane Allgood said to the mane 6. "We were right about you six. You attract all kinds of weird and powerful creatures after your magic!" Snap said. "No! It's not like that. We didn't mean for this to happen! I'm sorry, please let us help-" Twilight started. "Wait!" Apple Bloom exclaimed. "You don't understand! We-" Sweetie Belled started, but Scootaloo's parents ignored them too. Her parents took Scootaloo away, and didn't say another word to anyone. They didn't even bother saying anything to Cozy, or even acknowledging her. Cozy Glow hung her head, and covered her eyes to hide her emotions. The mane 6, and two Crusaders looked at Cozy Glow. "Cozy..." Twilight started. "Are you okay, Cozy Glow?" Fluttershy asked. Cozy looked at the mane 6, who staunchly opposed her. Then she looked at her partners in crime, who cast her away from their group, and were defeated themselves. Then finally, she looked as Scootaloo's parents carried their child away. "Well. I tried friendship. And I... I really cozied it up!" Cozy exclaimed. "All I'm good at is manipulating. I guess friendship just isn't in my nature." She was too heavy in tears to say any additional words. Cozy Glow flew away and fled the scene. "Cozy wait I-... I just wanted to talk." Twilight said. "Should we follow her?" Rainbow Dash asked. "We shouldn't let her go unchecked. She is out of Tartarus sooner than intended after all." Rarity said. "I think she's being too hard on herself. This wasn't her fault after all." Twilight said. Rainbow Dash cocked her head in the direction of all the damage. "Okay, maybe it was. But I don't think she wanted to bring harm to Scootaloo. She wanted to help, but her execution could use some work." Twilight said. "She did seem, but how can be sure that's how she really feels, and she isn't just faking it?" Pinkie Pie asked. "Isn't that her thing? She's a master act?" "At what point can we ever take anything she says at face value?" Fluttershy asked. "Now might be as good a time as any..." Sweetie Belle said. "She has much to learn." Fluttershy said. "Just like all of us." Twilight said. Everypony stood in sorrow, but let's not forget the two big villains were still here. "...anypony mind filling us in?" Tirek asked. "What's so special about this pegasus?" Chrysalis asked. Twilight didn't reply, she just put a magic bind on them to keep them in place. The mane 6 and two Crusaders all let out a heavy sigh. They may have won the battle against disharmony, but they failed two little pegasus fillies. "Wer sorry, guys." Apple Bloom apologized. "This is our faults. We shouldn't have let Scootaloo wander off again." "No, this is our fault for not paying more attention to her, and letting our obsession over Cozy Glow get in our own way." Twilight said. "Honestly, they should take some responsibility too. They think Scootaloo acted reckless? Well she wouldn't have had to act reckless to get away from them if they weren't so... overbearing." Rainbow Dash said. "Well pointin' hooves ain't gonna solve anythin." Appleajack said. "True. But how are we going to amend things now?" Sweetie Belle asked. "I'm not sure." Twilight answered. "There's just so much to take in." "You got that right. It's not just Scootaloo, it's Cozy Glow, and Chrysalis, and Tirek?" Applejack said. "That is strange, isn't it? What has been going on lately? With Cozy Glow and Tirek out of Tartarus. And Tirek teaming up with Queen Chrysalis? Mere weeks after King Sombra's return?" Twilight thought aloud. "Ah hate to say it, but maybe Scootaloo's parents had a point. This town is crazy!" Apple Bloom said. "There sure are a lot of creatures who want revenge on you guys." Sweetie Belle added. "And all at once?" Fluttershy asked. "And all in the name of this thing? What even is this bell thing?" Twilight wondered. "I believe that belongs to me." said a deep voice. *gasp* "It's Grogar!" Twilight exclaimed. "It's some kind of big blue goat!" Pinkie Pie shouted. "Are we supposed to know who this Grofar is?" Rainbow Dash asked. "Grogar! The Father of monsters. The original ruler. Arch nemesis to Gusty the Great! Creator of all that is evil and... and..." "You're forgetting something." Grogar said. "He's a... he... uh-" Twilight panicked, which made Grogar chuckle? "Huh?" everypony collectively said. "Oh, Twilight. Even staring down the face of evil, you still break out into full freak out aria! Ha ha!" Grogar said. "...What?!"Twilight grew frustrated, but also extremely confused. "The only creature who gets that much pleasure from you freaking out is-" Fluttershy started. "Discord?!" Sweetie Belle asked. *Grogar revealed his true identity, and turned into Discord* "Wah. Dramatic revelation." Discord said, in a dramatic tone. "Wait, so we weren't going to try to get revenge on our enemies?" Chrysalis asked. "Hmm? Oh, we were still gonna do that. Except you were always meant to lose." Discord said. "Well that hardly seemed fair." Tirek said. "It's not like we wanted to team up. And it's not like you gave us much a choice. Threatening our lives if we didn't follow through with 'Grogar's' orders." "Wait, you gathered all these villains together?" Applejack asked. "And you were going to make them attack us?!" Pinkie Pie asked. "Well, yes." Discord answered. *gasp* The mane 6 all gasped. "But as far as any of you, or them were aware. But in actuality, nopony would've been in any real danger. I would've used my magic to protect you guys, and make sure nopony got hurt." Discord "Well somepony did get hurt. So I think you ought to own up for this." Twilight said. *sigh* "You're right, Twilight. Things definitely got out of hands, and, well, this is about the last thing I excepted to happen." Discord said. "Now her parents are definitely going to send her away." Rainbow Dash said. *sigh* "They just don't get her. Ah just wish there was a way we could show them how much Scootaloo's friends mean to her." Apple Bloom said. "And how she means to us." Sweetie Belle added. Discord thought if there was a way he could amend all the damage that had been done, and he came up with an idea. "I have an idea." Discord said. Everypony gave him a skeptical glare. "Don't worry, this one doesn't involve any villainous creatures this time. Actually, just one." he said. > Chapter 11 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Scootaloo was resting at Ponyville hospital while she recovered from her injures from earlier. Her parents brought her there, with the intent to complete the move from Ponyville once she was fully recovered. As for her injuries, fortunately they were very mild, and nothing that would leave any long lasting effects. Even so, she had temporarily lost her vision, and was wearing a blindfold to rest her eyes while they healed. Days in the hospital room were long, and boring. Fortunately the mane 6 were allowed to visit Scootaloo at any time, and brought her some things to help keep her mind occupied. Rainbow Dash had suggested that Scootaloo read the Daring Do book series. While Scootaloo was open to the idea, not being able to see made that impossible for now. But not to fret, Twilight had an idea. She brought a phonograph with Daring Do audiobooks on vinyl! Except each book took up many vinyls, and didn't hold too much audio, so the nurse had to turn the records over, and change them out every hour or so. Sometimes she wouldn't come and Scootaloo would be left in silence for longer than the actual audio books duration was. It was fine, because she enjoyed the quiet, and frankly, wasn't getting hooked on that first book. As she listened to Daring Do and the Quest for the Sapphic Stone, she was less than impressed by the quality of the writing. "I don't know what Rainbow Dash gets out of these books. It's just a cheesy action series with long drawn out action. It's so unrealistic." Scootaloo thought to herself. "There's too much dialogue and not enough descriptions. I don't even know where Do is, and what her objective is." But whilst Scootaloo was lost in her thoughts, she was about to be treated by another visitor. Cozy Glow snuck into the room. She was just on a mission to "give Scootaloo her helmet back", but she had more on mind than just that. She wanted to simply place the helmet next to her bed, and trot off without being noticed. She tiptoed carefully, when suddenly Cozy Glow was started when the audio book got stuck, and started to skip, and repeat the phrase " " "Oh great, the record's stuck again. Nurse, can you lift the needle again?" Scootaloo asked Cozy, not realizing who was actually in the room with her. Cozy gulped, but in an effort to be discreet, went along with her request. Although she had no idea how to operate a phonograph. "Just lift the needle so it stops skipping. Or go ahead and play the next side anyway? Man, so many records for one book. Seems very inefficient. They really ought to invent a more efficient means to store audio..." Scootaloo said. Cozy decided to go with the flow and go along with Scootaloo's request. There were so many records piled up though, it was hard to tell which one came next. Cozy Glow lifted the needle, but didn't place it in the same spot, and ended up placing it at the end of the book, where it read a major spoiler for the book. "Oh, so that's how it ends? Hmm... oh well. Saves me the trouble of having to listen to the whole thing." Scootaloo said. "Thanks for changing the records anyway. Oh, and thanks for the visit, Cozy Glow." Scootaloo said. Cozy gasped. She had no clue how Scootaloo could've known it was her if she couldn't see anything. She thought she was being sneaky enough. "You knew it was me?" Cozy asked. "Yep. My senses feel like they've been heighted now that I can't see. Everything sounds louder, and more distinct. It's a weird feeling. Like everyone's hoofsteps has a distinct signature. And let me tell you, nopony taps their hooves whilst sneaking around like you, Cozy." Scootaloo said. Cozy blushed. What exactly did her "distinct signature" sound like? But she shook her head, and moved on with business. "Anyway, don't get too excited, or read this as something it isn't. I'm just here to give you back your helmet. Originally I was going to give it back to you so I could trade it for the bewitching bell, but Twilight took the bell away, so I don't have it any more, so it's not a trade item anymore, it's just me wrapping up unfinished business. Sorry I couldn't have gotten it to you earlier when you needed it, but oh well." Cozy Glow plopped Scootaloo's helmet onto her hospital bed. This made Scootaloo smile. "Oh, Cozy Glow. You're so peculiar. There isn't any other filly in Equestria like you." Scootaloo said. "You came to see me, even though on paper I don't have anything material to offer you, but you don't see things that way any more." "Paper? What paper? These papers I left in your helmet? Pfft. These are just... I asked Mayor Mare for these forms, because I thought your parents and the mane 6 should take a look at it." Cozy said, anxiously. "Gee. You sure are a busy filly." Scootaloo giggled. "You know, you're more happy to see me than I thought you'd be." Cozy said. "I figured you'd hate me, especially after what I did." Cozy said. Scootaloo turned her head away from Cozy Glow "I don't blame you for what happened on that day. I was being reckless. I shouldn't have just wandered off with the bell alone like that. Sure, those two were looking for you, but I heard from an anonymous source, that you stood up for me against that big centaur Lord Tirek." Scootaloo said. "Still. I'm sorry that you got hurt because of me. Seeing you injured on the outside, hurts me on the inside. Is this what friendship is about? Caring for the well being of other creatures?" Cozy asked. "Yeah, something like that I suppose." Scootaloo replied. "I never thought about putting it into words. For me, friendship is just something you do, and feel just in everyday experience. But I guess where you're from, friendship might be a more foreign concept." "Oh, but I'm no good as a friend. I'm sorry for ruining things with you and your parents. " Cozy said. "Are you kidding me? I'm shocked, but you know what, I'm glad you stood up for me like that." Scootaloo said. "It's amazing the things you can say to someone else's parents, that you can't say to your own parents." "You got that right. Heh heh..." Cozy giggled nervously. The fillies continued to talk, and laugh, and joe together for quite a bit of time. "I feel bad about what happened to you. So I guess that means I can care about other ponies. Like, for real. Or maybe I'm fooling myself. Because if Twilight and the others don't take me serious, then how can I-" "Shh..." Scootaloo hushed Cozy Glow. Scootaloo sat up and hugged Cozy. She was surprised by Scootaloo's sudden action. Didn't know what to make of it, but she liked how it felt. "You know what you need, Cozy? I think you just need more friends. Actual friends. Friends who look out for each other, and whom you love being with." Scootaloo said. "Golly... err I mean, huh. Real friends?" Cozy asked. Scootaloo nodded. "Huh. So then, will you be my friend, Scootaloo?" Cozy asked. "Only if you promise to be my friend in exchange." Scootaloo said, rubbing her hoof, and blushing. Cozy smiled, hugged Scootaloo back. "How's having real friends feel? Pretty different than having followers and being an Empress, huh?" Scootaloo asked. "It is. And you know... I like this feeling. Controlling other ponies felt good, but there's something about this that feels better, that I'm having trouble putting to words. It's kind of like how I felt when Tirek, and Chrysalis, and I climbed Mt. Everhoof. It felt nice just working with them. This is still such a new experience for me. But I like it, and I don't want to lose it..." Cozy said. For as much as the two fillies were enjoying each other's company, time was of the essence "Well, it's been good. I'm glad I got to see you one more time, before you healed and got sent away..." Cozy said. Scootaloo hung her head, but lifted it up when she remembered something. "I'm sorry I ruined things with your parents. Thanks to me, they're probably going to send you away to live with them forever." Cozy said. "Actually, I don't think that'll be the case." Scootaloo said. "Why's that?" Cozy asked. "You're right, Cozy Glow. Friendship is powerful." Scootaloo said. "By what metric are we talking about now?" Cozy asked. "Well, I'll show you. If you stick around, you'll see." "Hmm. Tempting, but I... I shouldn't. I gotta go. I can't let the others see me after all." Cozy said. "Well, okay. I get it, you're a busy filly. If you don't want to be seen at all, then make sure you aren't seen by any of my other friends outside." Scootaloo said. "Other friends?" Cozy asked. "Have a look." Scootaloo said. Cozy Glow looked outside the window, and saw a huge crowd of ponies, and creatures outside. "Wow, you sure do have a lot of friends." Cozy Glow said. "And all I have is just you." "Well, it's a start. Gotta start from somewhere. A long time ago, Sweetie Belle was my only friend. But then we stood up for Apple Bloom against Diamond Tiara, and then Apple Bloom was our friend. And I guess we've just met a lot of creatures in our many years of Crusading together. It's something that takes years, but it's an experience I wouldn't trade for anything." "Even, um..." Cozy said, rustling her wings audibly for Scootaloo to hear. "Oh, right. Honestly, Cozy, if flying meant that I didn't have a fraction of the friends I have now... well, even though I won't ever be able to fly on my own, I still like the trajectory of where my life ended up." Scootaloo said. "No magic bell or old goat's magic, or alicorn wings, could make life better." Cozy's eyes watered as she listened to Scootaloo's speech. "I-I-I *sniff* I have to go. But, I'll be back. Uh... assuming you're still here." Cozy said, in a slump. "Don't worry, I guarantee you I'm not leaving Ponyville. Not once my parents see how many friends I have." Scootaloo assured. "Okay. I trust your word. Oh, and if your parents still aren't reasonable, you can always pull the ol switch-a-roo with these papers I brought you." Cozy said, grinning. Cozy heard the door knob start to open. "Gotta go!" she exclaimed. Cozy gave one last hug to Scootaloo, and kissed her cheek, much to Scootaloo's surprise. Cozy than swiftly, yet clumsily fumbled her way out the window. The door swung open, and in came the mane 6, Scootaloo's parents, and her two aunts. "We're back!" Pinkie Pie said, cheery. "So, what'd you think of the awesome adventurer, Daring Do?" Rainbow Dash asked. "Huh? Oh, the book was alright I guess." Scootaloo said, covering up her disinterest in the series. Scootaloo also seemed extra anxious. "You alright, squirt? You seem flustered." Rainbow Dash asked. "Me? I'm fine, heh heh..." Scootaloo said, nervously. "What's all this?" Twilight asked, referring to the mess on Scootaloo's hospital bed. "Just some more gifts. I've had so many generous guests come through. Look, my helmet. In case things get a little shaky again, heh." Scootaloo said. Twilight picked up all the paper with her magic and read it. She quickly realized what it was, and hid it from Scootaloo's parents. "What'chu got there?" Rainbow Dash whispered. Twilight quietly showed Rainbow Dash, and Dash quietly gasped. "Who brought these here?" Dash whispered. Twilight shrugged silently. "Well, should we...?" Dash whispered. While they whispered to each other, Scootaloo's parents went up to their daughter and spoke to her. "Oh, you poor thing." Snap Shutter said. "I told you. It's barely even first degree burns. I'll be healed soon, and the doctors will soon be able to remove the bandage over my eye." Scootaloo said. "Don't worry, Scootaloo. As soon as the doctors give you the clear, we'll be right on our way out of this place." Mane Allgood said. "I told you, I don't wanna leave Ponyville "But, Scootaloo. Look at yourself. This happened because of how dangerous this place is." Mane Allgood said. "Dangerous? Hmm. You know, you guys have pretty thrilling jobs." Twilight said. "You of all ponies should understand what it's like to be daring, and live life to its fullest." Twilight said. "Hmm. She does have a point." Snap said. "Yeah but, that's besides the point. Our daughter's safety is our top concern!" "Her safety, sure. That's admirable." Rarity said. "But I think Scootaloo needs just a bit more than just that." Fluttershy said. "Like what?" Mane asked. "Why don't you look outside?" Apple Bloom said, standing by the window. "I think there's a few ponies outside who'd like to see Scootaloo before she goes away." Sweetie Belle added. Mane and Snap looked out the window, and saw quite a spectacular sight. Outside the hospital, there was a huge crowd of creatures gathered. Their friend Gabby the Griffon, Chip Cutter, Rumble, and everyone from Cutie Mark Day Camp, everyone from their school. Terramar, and the entire student 6, and many more friends they'd made throughout their many years of crusading for cutie marks. Everyone came together, they even made a banner celebrating the CMC, and they all wished Scootaloo a speedy recovery. Seeing so many creatures care for Scootaloo is what ultimately made her parents realize what everypony's been trying to tell them all this time. "You know all those critters?" Snap asked. Scootaloo nodded, affirmatively. "Your daughter's got a lot of friends, brother." Aunt Holiday said. "Who all care for your little dumpling very dearly." Aunt Lofty added. Snap felt a tug on his leg. "Ah know you've made up yer mind. But please, Scootaloo's grown so much since she's been here in Ponyville." Apple Bloom said. "And she's still so young. She's got a lot more growth and potential still ahead of her." Sweetie Belle added. "And if you take Scootaloo from Ponyville, you'll be stifling that entire growth process." Twilight said. "So please. Sign these um... *ahem* hospital forms." Rainbow Dash said. "Are we really going through with this? Like, right now?" Twilight whispered. Snap looked through the paper, and gasped. "Honey, take a closer look at this." Snap said. Mane took a look at the form as well. "Hmm..." Twilight and Rainbow Dash started to sweat like crazy. "Y'all okay?" Applejack asked. "It's not warm in here. Why are you guys so sweaty?" Rarity asked. "Ooooh. I get it. It's because you two-" Pinkie Pie started. Snap and Mane whispered to each other as they read the "hospital forms" that Cozy Glow had brought from Mayor Mare's office. "The audacity of you!" Mane exclaimed. "What? What did we do?" Rarity asked. "What's going on? Can somepony explain? I can't see what any papers say." Scootaloo said. "I see what it is you're trying to pull. And you know what...?" Snap started. Mane and Snap looked at each other. "We don't know! We don't have psychic spouse telepathy! Just say it!" Pinkie exclaimed. "Well, there's still a ton we gots to do back home, and if y'all really wanna keep an eye on Scootaloo so badly then..." Snap said. "Then tough luck." Mane said. "Then who are we to take her away from her friends?" Snap at the same time his wife spoke. "Wait, huh?" Mane asked. "If all those folks down there love Scootaloo a lot, then it wouldn't be fair to force Scootaloo away from this." Snap said. "So does that mean?" Twilight asked. Snap nodded affirmatively. Everypony's mouth was open. "Ohmigosh..." Rainbow Dash said. "What? Just say it!" Scootaloo shouted. "You're staying!" Rainbow Dash exclaimed. *gasp* "Thank you! Thank you! YES!" Scootaloo was overcome with excitement, and gave Rainbow Dash a big hug. How she knew where Rainbow Dash was with her blindfold, well, she could just sense her. Rainbow Dash hugged Scootaloo back, and embraced her little sister. "While this weird slight of hoof with the papers was a little... sneaky. I can see what you tried to do for our daughter. And you know, I'm flattered you care so much for her." Snap said. "So while maybe not in 100% paper, we'll be looking after you for the time being, little buddy." Rainbow Dash said, rubbing Scootaloo's mane. "Awesome! I mean, who cares if it's in ink. The fact that I'm staying with you guys, and all of my friends! Woohoo!" Scootaloo exclaimed. The rest of the mane 6 all came in and gave Scootaloo a big group hug. "Just hearing your guy's voices, and feeling your embrace. It makes it all worth it." Scootaloo said. Scootaloo's parents wept too, but for different reasons. They were both happy for their daughter. Snap put his hoof to his wife's shoulder, and silently assured her that this is what was best for their kid. "Come on squirt. There's a whole crowd of creatures outside who want to see you!" Rainbow Dash said. "Um... is Cozy Glow out there?" Scootaloo asked. "Hmm. Sure are a lot of ponies but-" Applejack started. "I don't see her, darling." Rarity concluded. "I guess I shouldn't be too surprised. She's not somepony who follows the current." Scootaloo said. "We'll worry about her later. Now come on. Let's get some fresh air, sis." Rainbow Dash said. "Okay!" Scootaloo said, excitedly. They rolled Scootaloo on a wheel chair outside, where she was greeted by all of her friends. I just wonder what happened to you, Cozy Glow. You are the pony who helped me build the confidence to make this happen. Scootaloo thought in her head. Meanwhile at Ponyville train station, Cozy Glow stood waiting for the next train. She had her saddlebags by her side, and she held a map of all the train routes, to make sure she was on the right track. While looking at the route, Cozy overhead some kind of large crowd cheering in the distant. She could've sworn they were saying 'Scootaloo'. Cozy smiled, realizing that Scootaloo was probably getting one heck of a warm welcoming for her extended stay in Ponyville. "Glad you have so many friends, kid." Cozy said to herself. "I promise I'll be back. After all, I owe ya. There's just something I got to take care of first." Finally, the train arrived. The doors opened, and passengers began boarding. Cozy was nervous. But then she remembered what Scootaloo had taught her about friendship. If Cozy could change the mind of Scootaloo's parents, then this would surely be a breeze. She took a deep breath, and got on the train. The doors closed, and the train departed. And so, Cozy Glow was heading for her home, on the Califoalnia west coast of Equestria, to see her parents. The End.