• Published 29th Jan 2022
  • 802 Views, 5 Comments

The Heart of the Nightmare Queen - Marina Stars

As the skies darken in Equestria it's up to Discord to be the hero and defeat a queen of nightmarish terror. Written for Day Ten of Fluttercord Week. Promt:Swap

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The Skies Grow Ever Darker

It was dark and eerily quiet.

Vast halls echoed nothing but the silence of dreadful whispers. Flashes of lightning illuminated stretching hallways and empty rooms briefly before the world faded to black once more. A split second of light could reveal shadows of monsters and abjurations, the creatures of nightmares, nightmares that disappeared before the next flash, leaving one to wonder if they were ever there at all. Claps of thunder were muffled by walls thick and dark, an eternal storm brewing outside her window.

Sweet darkness was her comfort. Her home.

Hidden from the cold light of day, she found her sanctuary.

Outside the walls of her palace of shadows stood the once magnificent city of Cloudsdale, now crumbling to dust and vapors. Where pegasi had once flown freely through open skies among white clouds and beaming sunshine, now saw naught but gray, empty skies and chilling winds. How long had it been since this became her city of nightmares; before she, the Dark Queen, took over?

These days the Pegasi were a cautious race. Frightened by the mare who ruled the skies. The ponies hadn’t seen a safe and open sky in what felt like an eternity, but had only been mere years. Years where pleasant white clouds, clear summer days, and beautiful weather became a foal’s tale. Instead, they were trapped in the skies that had once brought them freedom. Anypony who had been in the city stayed in the city. Any who came unwittingly were forced to stay by the nightmares that plagued their new home.

There was a look to their eyes, and you could tell at a glance who had been there longest. Their eyes fogged over and gazes became distant as they forgot what it was like to live, to know anything but fear. Her subjects were faceless in the crowds, heads low, hoofbeats steady, voices gone, hoping they would never invoke the wrath of their Queen, for they feared the power she possessed and the armies she commanded.

Any pegasus who didn't occupy the great city kept clear of the skies, trading their gift of flight for their freedom, their happiness, their homes and families. None of them could be sure if they would ever fly again.

Too long.

Equestria had decided it had been too long since they had control over their skies.

Too long since they could control rain or shine.

Too long since the city of Cloudsdale had been lost to them and too long they let nightmares have their way.

Too long for them but not enough for her. She would not be losing her throne.

It was the way of her kingdom to block all light from the outside world, to take and never give back. It was a kingdom that did not take kindly to visitors, especially visitors who sought to take away what was rightfully hers… such as this one before her.

With a swift wave of her hoof all the torches that lined the walls of her grand throne room illuminated with dim light. Before her, with a smirk, stood a tall mismatched creature made of a variety of animals. He stood confidently, unbothered that she had discovered his presence so quickly. For a moment neither said a thing, only stood face to face as opponents. As the shadows around her whispered his secrets, her face twisted into a malicious smile.

When she spoke it was with a hauntingly beautiful voice, “You are Discord, then? The not-to-be hero of Equestria? The one they’ve sent to stop me?” She paused looking over him, her frightening red and teal ombre eyes hungered for every last detail, every quirk and potential weakness.

“You… are quite different than I expected,”

Indeed, she had heard of the draconequus, the last of his kind, beloved as a brother to the alicorn sisters Celestia and Luna, but seeing this creature face to face… oh, he was more magnificent than the darkness she ruled. She could almost taste his power, even with the great distance between them. That magic was chaotic and unpredictable, clear as thunder, and stronger than she had ever believed magic could be.

He didn't flinch under her gaze or seem affected in the slightest by her scrutiny, just stood calmly as an opposing force.

“And you... Belnotté, the Dark Queen,” he hummed thoughtfully, taking in every detail about her in turn. She too was unlike anything he imagined. He had been told of a queen of nightmarish terrors. Something beyond description. A monster that would burn itself into your memories for years to come. How else could she have wreaked so much fear in only a few years?

But this mare before him was none of that.

She radiated ethereal beauty. Her soft rose-red mane flowed like those of the alicorn sisters and deepened to a crimson like blood as it tumbled past her shoulders. Her coat was smooth and pristine, a soft yellow in color though dulled and shrouded by the unending darkness that surrounded her. The shadows clung to her, almost sentient in their power, yet her eyes glowed. Those dangerous eyes were the only true light in the room. Clad in an elegant ebony gown that flowed into the shadows around her, she was a sight to behold, deceptively beautiful. A perfect crown of silver spikes adorned her head, a mark of her status, should anyone doubt it. This creature was radiant, however corrupted she had been made.

“My dear, as it seems you know me and my purpose as I, yours. I see no point in wasting time,” He began, stepping towards her throne, a magnificent structure of sharp obsidian and crimson crystals, “Your kingdom has suffered for too long, and Equestria with it,”

“Not long enough,” She hissed, “Though it is my throne you wish to take, you will not have it. You alone are not enough to stop me,”

Discord smirked. He loved a good banter and looked forward to seeing how much this opponent could provide. If he was to end the conflict he would certainly try to have fun with it.

“You underestimate me then?” He said lowly as he ignited his paw with magic, ready to fight, “I suppose that is an extra advantage to me, as if I needed one,”

With a chuckle he fired the first blast of magic, not really trying to hit her. It was more of a... test.

Besides, he had his orders.

Belnotté easily dodged the harmless blast. Sure, it was more for show than anything, but her majesty didn't need to know that now did she?

“So be it then,” The mare smiled darkly, enticed to battle with him. She began by unfurling a pair of powerful bat-like wings of gold and crimson.

Belnotté charged the draconequus, delivering the first burst of powerful magic with the flourish of her wings, which he easily countered with one of his own. The two eagerly took flight-firing shot after shot of magical rays, each searching, waiting, looking for a weakness in the other’s defense, the perfect angle, anything to catch the other off-guard, to break their barriers, but the other seemed ready for each move, prepared with a swift and calculated counter attack. And for a moment, they were on equal grounds.

Predictable calculation could only last so long when in the presence of the spirit of chaos. A fact of life he knew she wasn't aware of, and that’s what he was counting on.

Thinking fast as she prepared her next arcane attack, Discord fired multiple shots in quick succession hoping even one would hit. She flitted left and right almost too easily, much to his dismay, effectively dodging his attacks. Most of them, at least. Belnotté wasn't fast enough to prevent the last of his volleys from clipping her wing. The hit threw her off balance nearly knocking her to the ground.

Even that split second of distraction as she corrected her flight allowed Discord to get too close for comfort. Without wasting his moment, he took advantage of the break in her defense and shift in her focus to cast another spell. It effectively blinded both with light: a brightness unlike anything known to that realm for at least a decade.

When the bright burst of magic faded, and their vision cleared they were no longer in her dark throne room, nor her castle but upon plush white clouds amid a vibrant blue sky. He hadn't realized just how much he missed that sky. So many ponies in Equestria felt the same.

“Where are we?” She growled, turning to face the Draconequus, her wings unfurling defensively.

“You tell me,” He said looking around him at the cloudsdale he’d known before this mess had begun, “this is your memory after all,”

She tensed, sending a sharp glare to the draconequus. If looks could kill… that would have done the trick. It was delightful! He loved to get into ponies heads and to do so literally, with Celestia’s permission no less, was always a treat.

She was angry- no not just angry: furious. The mare stood out greatly in the light skyline without shadows to guard her. Her very presence was lighter, softer without the harshness of her darkness. She knew it, and despised it.

“What did you do?”

Discord replied to her glares with his signature smirk, “Simple memory spell.” He waved nonchalantly, “What I want to know is how you, Belnotté, became the Dark Queen. I think this will explain things quite nicely, don't you?”

“There are no answers here for you,” She hissed sharply, “End this spell.”

“I don't think I will,” He replied cheekily, scanning the skyline till he found what he was looking for, “I am rather curious on how that little filly over there,” He motioned to a petite pegasus filly standing atop a cloud, head dipped down shyly, a rosy pink mane hiding her eyes, “Turned into the mare who stands here now,”

Her eyes had not left him. She refused to spare that day a glance. So he waited. He waited expectantly hand outstretched towards the filly till she would look. It was a stare-down for her, though he remained relaxed. Confusion flickered through her eyes. Perhaps confusion that he wasn't scared, or intimidated by her. Then fear that he would wait all day if he had to, just for this.

In a moment of weakness Belnotté allowed her gaze to flick towards the filly, just to satisfy Discord and move on with the fight. But the moment she saw the timid thing… she froze.

It felt as though the air had been forced out of her chest. She couldn't breathe. The filly was so small; a pure and innocent soul. This helpless little thing stood no chance in that world.

The mare felt herself drawn to that version of herself: the filly she hadn’t been for a long time. Stumbling forward to the edge of the cloud, she found she could do nothing but watch as dark shadowy tears formed in the corners of her eyes.

‘And that’s a Bingo,’ Discord mentaly pat himself on the back. If the sight of herself before her corruption could move her so, there had to be a great deal of her heart untouched by hatred. It was more than enough to save her.

For now, he watched in curiosity as the past unfolded itself.

A rainbow streaked across the sky, landing beside the young filly, revealing a short blue pegasus around the same age with a wild rainbow mane

“Hey Fluttershy!” The second called out, greeting her excitedly,

“Fluttershy,” Discord breathed softly, breaking the mare’s focus on her memories. Turning to him with a questioning gaze as he continued, “That’s your name? Fluttershy,”

Breathless and bewildered she found herself still at hearing him speak her name.


Not her name. “Not anymore.”

Though she spoke it so coldly, her eyes betrayed her, revealing her regret.

Without shadows guarding her, hardening her heart to the world, he found her a mare who wore her heart on her sleeve. She couldn't hide from him in darkness, not while she lived inside her head.

"Dash," The petite filly's eyes lifted and lit up at the sight of the other filly flitting around in front of her.
Somehow he knew the two had been close, hadn’t they?

"Did you hear-"

"Well, well, well, What have we here? If it isn't Rainbow Crash and Clutzershy,"

Discord could've sworn he saw the Dark Queen beside him flinch at the cruel and taunting voice, her gaze fixed on the young Fluttershy who hid behind Rainbow Dash-the filly who stood in defense of her friend. How far they must have drifted for this to have happened.

“This again?” Rainbow Dash rolled her eyes, "You jerks have been at this all year and I’m sick of it! Why don't you just back off?"

The colts snickered, one shoving Dash backwards nearly toppling Fluttershy as he egged her on, "Why should I? You couldn't do anything about it-even if you wanted to,"

"You'd better pray I don't have to prove you wrong,"

"Psh, as if," He scoffed, moving into her face, “You're all talk Crash. Why do you defend this pathetic little pansy anyways? She’s not good for anything,”

Beside him the nightmare queen sucked in sharply, still wounded by the words. Her mane, which had flowed gently up until this point, began picking up speed as her emotions rose, moving as if blown by growing winds.

“You want to say that again, punk?” She held up her hooves squaring off against the bully.

He had the audacity to laugh in her face. “I’m not allowed to punch fillies. None of you can take a hit.”

“The real question is: Can you?”


Before he could blink she lunged and spun, kicking him hard in the side and nearly sending him off the cloud. He yelped on impact, gasping for air as she knocked the wind right out of him with one precise blow.

“Jeez, I think you broke a rib!”

“And I wasn't even trying,” Rainbow Dash said smugly. “Talk to Fluttershy like that again and you won’t get off so easily! Let’s go,”

Dash, ever the loyal friend, led her to safety, away from the colt, shielding her as they moved.

When they landed, Dash sat her down looking her over.

"Are you okay," Dash asked, the worry in her voice clear. Tough as she was around others she fussed like a mother over her friend. A friend who sat quietly with her head tucked low.


"... I'm fine," She whispered, fighting to keep her voice from breaking.

"You were teased," Discord muttered as his heart sank. He knew this filly all too well. She was an outcast, just like he had been. Only, she’d been shunned by those who should have accepted her.

When he was small as she was here, he too was insulted for his appearance, his magic. If it weren't for Celestia and Luna he may have suffered the same fate as Fluttershy had. He could have become the villain. Though Fluttershy had a friend in Rainbow Dash, somehow that friend wasn't enough to save her from this.

He knew it hurt. He’d lived it. She’d lived it. And she had undoubtedly wanted to be saved from it.

"’Is that all?', ‘Oh, it’s just what colts do’, at least it's not worse', 'why don't you just avoid them?','' Each phrase she voiced was mocking, each growing more exaggerated than the last, her hard glare once again turned towards the lord of chaos, "I've heard it all. Go ahead and get it over with. You wouldn't be the first to say any of it!"

"That’s not what I-" He stopped as the sky and the memories in front of them warped.

Images of instance after instance, flashing by. Teasing. Bullying. Cruel words and harsh laughter. A filly hiding, cowering, hoping to shield herself from each cruel and crushing remark. Teachers ignoring her plight. Adults waved it off as her being too sensitive. Though the rainbow-haired filly stood up for her when she could, far too often the quiet filly was left to face the bully-and often bullies- alone. And all because she couldn't properly fly yet…. With each memory that presented itself she grew more hateful of those cruel ponies, her heart hurting at each word.

Then came the shadows that whispered to her the secrets of revenge, promises of belonging, a place where ponies would respect her, where she would never be hurt again.

The poor filly.

Discord's heart grew heavier with each passing moment, the beating becoming painful in his chest. Yes, he understood the pain she'd endured more than anypony, the helplessness, the agony. Just wishing for it all to end. The desire for revenge. He knew what lay down that path, the path she had fallen down, given into, and embraced as an escape. In her mind the darkness saved her.

Her hair whipped around her as if they stood in the midst of buffeting winds, a tornado of emotions swirling around them. Her eyes darkened with the sky around them unaware that she was in control of the dreamscape-subconsciously she was bringing all this forward.

"Are you satisfied yet?"

He shook his head as he observed every last detail, "Show me the day things changed. When you became… this,"

She stood taller facing off against him, meeting the crouching draconequus at eye level, "You come to take my throne, you infiltrate my mind and yet you dare push me farther!? You have your answer, but you dare ask more! Do you have a death wish?"


She growled, screaming into the tumultuous sky as it morphed again, one last memory forcing its way to the surface despite her mind’s struggle against it.

The sky calmed.

She didn't, and neither did the shadows that hissed at her sides, fighting to break through his spell. He didn't have much time.

Get out of my head or you will suffer greatly," She warned

Paying her no attention He turned away from her to see the scene before him; three ponies lined up crouched in anticipation, determination in their eyes, in front of them a little filly, Fluttershy, held a checkered flag

"A race," Discord whispered in recognition.

This was a story he did know.

“I said-” The ground around the Nightmare Queen turned dark, breaking the illusion of the cloud, shadows writhed at her hooves, a dangerous aura emitting from her, "get out."

He just needed a little longer.

The three pegasi-Rainbow Dash and two of the bullies-flapped their wings as the countdown to their race began. In a few words it became clear that Dash was racing in defense of her friend.

A friend she lost that same day...

He knew how it ended.

Just like that, the flag was waved and the foals took off speeding. There, almost imperceptible but clear as day to him-one of the bullies shoved Fluttershy, the weakest flier in that city, off the cloud, dooming her to a fatal fall from which she couldn’t save herself.

Discord lunged to the edge of the cloud in an attempt to change the filly’s fate, instinctively hoping to save her. But this was just a memory, there was nothing he could do to change that past. Their cloud blackened as the shrieking of the dark queen overpowered the terrified screams of the filly.

The sky crackled with red and black, darkness taking over. Every last shard of magic she possessed was being used to force him out, but he had to see.

Blinding darkness raced upon him, blocking everything from view, but not soon enough to stop him from seeing the filly be caught, enveloped in a cloud of black the unmistakable form of the Nightmare Forces surrounding her, whispering their dark promises stronger than ever before. He felt the lust for revenge spilling out of every wisp of smoke and shadow that threatened to overtake his vision.

She had been hurt.

She had been twisted.

Changed into something she didn't want to become.

Overpowered yet again.

He could feel it beneath the magic, a heart that wished to be set free. Why else would it have shown him that?

When that blinding darkness took over he finally saw everything clearly. This was not shadow magic that he was up against, but real and true Nightmare Forces that overpowered her and fed off her hatred. How had he missed that? He had faced them before. Stopped them from taking one mare who had been like a sister to him. His first fight with them had been what saved him from a villainous path.

They knew that, they knew him. They had failed to take Luna and had been left weak because of it. Instead they found this mare, growing more powerful with each day.

Despite it all he couldn’t help but feel he was to blame for her fall, for the fear and destruction The nightmares had created through her. Or perhaps what they wanted him to believe.

Discord and Celestia stood side by side on one of the many grand balconies of the Canterlot castle.

They spoke carefully as she raised the sun for the day, it’s warm beams hindered by the ever dark and gloomy sky.

“We don't know much about her, only that those who have seen her-even from afar off- have been left with nightmares for weeks. Not even Luna has much power against those nightmares.”

“You want me to fight an enemy we know nothing about?”

To some the task would be daunting, nearly impossible. But she knew he loved that sort of challenge. It gave him room to poke at the cracks and see what he could discover, pick apart every facet till he knew what made them tick. He’d be disappointed with her correction.

“One we know very little about,” At the least it would give him somewhere to start. “She is cruel, merciless. Anyone who’s escaped her realm could tell you that. Only a small handful of ponies have met her face to face and lived to see another day.”

“Really?” He raised a skeptic brow,

“I know, I couldn't believe them at first but their stories proved true soon enough,”

He hummed, his interest caught. “Where do you suppose she gets her power from?”

Celestia pondered. She didn't have a definitive answer to offer, but she tried. “Dark magic perhaps? An ancient relic lost to time? All we have are theories. No pony can get close enough to discover the true source. Even so, I doubt it’s something she’d share readily,”

“We do know she’s a pegasus,”

“Reeeally!?” He drawled sarcastically, “I thought some disgruntled earth pony climbed the mountains and learned cloudwalking for this particular escapade,”

Celestia laughed as he nudged her shoulder, her serious demeanor breaking as it often did when he was around. Sure it was a serious matter, but she’d learned it was better to let him ease the stress of a situation than fight his antics, it made things easier for both of them.

“She’s a pegasus with particular control over pegasi magic. It seems she’s trained in arts unlearned since the early days of Equestria.”

“She can channel magic in her wings,” He sighed. An ancient art that made pegasi as good for spellcasting as unicorns were-albeit with different effects as their magic focused on weather. Why had that art been lost? Well, ponies found easier ways to control the weather and change the seasons. Seems the Queen of Nightmares had found it again. “Is this a foe you’ve faced before, Celestia?”

The princess of the sun shook her head, “If she were, we’d know. But we have had no previous conflict with this Belnotté.”

He hummed thoughtfully as Celestia continued, “I need you to end the conflict, and quickly. Equestria can't continue to live in fear”

“You mean to have me destroy her, don't you?” He grimaced, “Tia, I am a creature of chaos and disharmony, not a creature destruction,”

“I know Discord-”

“This mare, this Queen of Darkness, couldn’t we trap her in tartarus or something?” He suggested, “I mean, what power does she possess to prevent her imprisonment?”

The tall alicorn sighed pointedly, “Discord, I am not asking for destruction. Something sinister has taken hold of this mare's heart, and it wont let go. From what Luna has seen, we believe that power can't be imprisoned by normal means. These are creatures of shadows. They are shapeless and without form. The steel bars of Tarturus won't cut it,”

“Wonderful,” That meant she had to have a better solution in mind, or she wanted him to come up with one. Well, he was a master of thinking outside of the box.

“The Elements of Harmony are the only conclusion I can come to,” She explained carefully.

“That’s it? That’s your solution?” Discord scoffed, “Old, broken artifacts, that can’t even be wielded properly! I had more hope for this when I thought it was just me.” He summoned an abacus haphazardly moving around the wooden beads, “Bringing in ‘backup’ should increase chances of success, not decrease them,”

He held up the wooden toy as proof of his point. Ineffective, to say the least.

“It’s the best I have,” She whispered, levitating the abacus out of his paw and claw and replacing it with a small wooden box, “I have hope that some small corner is untouched by darkness. If that is the case, if there is even a sliver of hope, I want you to cling to that. End the conflict by any means necessary but please try and save her. There may come a day when Equestria needs her,”

“What do you mean?” He inquired, hoping for an answer. It was only the slight flick of her eyes that led him to understanding. There, to his left stood five mares, ponies he’d gotten to know well as pupils to Celestia and Luna. Four of the mares bore a jewel worn proudly on their hearts: Rarity, Applejack, Pinkie Pie, and Rainbow Dash. The last mare’s jewel sat proudly atop her head in a golden crown: Twilight Sparkle.

If Celestia was thinking what he thought she was thinking… Sweet chaos help them, she had to be crazy.

“I have faith in you, brother,”

He took one last look into her hopeful eyes and nodded in determination, “I won’t fail you,”

I won't fail you. The promise echoed in his mind as he felt himself pushed back into reality. He gasped as he felt the darkness that had taken hold of him leave and move back towards their queen.

“I warned you,” She hissed, “I warned you to leave it be,”

Her eyes darkened, wisps of shadows spilling from them, her teeth turned razor sharp and pointed, two menacing fangs protruding from her lips.

“But you,” He shivered, hearing the nightmares speak with her. Her haunting voice turned frightening, and he knew he’d messed up, “You didn't listen.”

From her shadowy wings she threw sharp shards of ice that sliced through the air. Shaking out of his shock, he rolled out of the way, gasping at how close that had been.

In response, he hastily threw an attack back at her, just barely ducking out of the way of her second attack.

“Now you will pay,”

“It doesn't have to be like this,” He shouted, summoning a shield to protect himself from the force of her next blow.

“Interesting-” She ducked out of the way of his chaotic burst, “that you should say that,”

She slammed her hoof into the floor beneath them, sending several spikes to shoot up through the ground towards him. He flew up just in time to miss them,

“You’re powerful, Discord. There’s something in you. Something you didn't want us to see.”

Her army of Nightmares clawed at him as he fought to keep them away.

“We’re not so different you and I,”

He scoffed firing another beam of light at her, growling as it passed harmlessly through her new wings, “Only I’m not the villain in this story,”

“Not in your story. Just as I am not the villain in mine,” She spun out of the way of his attack, gathering the moisture in the air around her wings. In a deft flick more sharp shards of ice darted towards him and she smiled as a few cut through him, hitting their mark.

“Let me guess:” He hissed through the pain, “join me and we will triumph. Together we’ll make our place in Equestria, and no one will shun us again!’” He mocked her sarcastically, “Sorry to burst your bubble” He winced as his instinctual attempt to add magical effects was halted by a cut in his paw “but I have found my place in Equestria,”

“As the throne’s lackey. The princesses’ errand colt?” She mocked darkly, foregoing another blast as she flew closer to him.

“No. As their brother.” He was feeling drained as his attacks grew slower, all he could do was wait once more for a break in her defense, even as she approached, “As part of their family. I am welcomed in Equestria.” Without hesitation, he offered his paw to her with a meaningful look, “You could be too.”

“You are as mad as they say!” She laughed, slapping his paw away, “Do you think we have any interest in a place among ponies?”

“The Nightmare Forces that have consumed you don’t. But you, Fluttershy? You do.” He moved forward, “I could see that clear as day,”

“Lies.” She hissed, “You know nothing of me. If you won’t join me, you will perish,”

He gave a cheeky smirk, “You think you’ve got what it takes?”

Looking at the already wounded draconequus, “I know I do,”

With a hard shove, she sent him to the ground where Nightmares clawed and bit at him, fighting to keep him down.

Above them, the shadows coalesced around the Nightmare Queen, morphing her in evern more nightmarish ways. Her eyes turned completely black, voids that moved forever, her wings expanded till they were massive ebony spikes held together by whisps of shadows. A sharp ruby red horn formed on the crown of her head, fizzling dangerously with sparks of uncontained magic. She was no longer an ethereal beauty, or even a terrifying beauty, but rather the nightmare she was known to be. She released a howling battle cry, the nightmares joining in a screeching chorus.

The voids he once called eyes fixated on him in an unnerving display. Discord truly didn't know whether to be scared or impressed by the transformation but didn't have long to decide before she swept through the air, a ray of sparking red energy firing right towards him.

He fought to move, but found the nightmares hold too tight and the blast hit him right in the chest. He cried in pain, surprised by just how much it hurt. He was an immortal powerful being. Her attacks should have stung and nothing more. But this burning pain. It… it disconnected him from his magic. He could feel the shift in his power.

“Cheater!” He called, focusing all his energy into an orb of light that forced the nightmares away long enough he could move away from their hold.

She chuckled as he moved to join her in the sky, “It’s not cheating,” The Nightmare Queen bat her eyes with mock innocence, “Consider it leveling the playing field.”

His fingers twitched, weaving together fragments of power, drawing from the air around them. He hurled the blast at her, dissatisfied with the power it held.

By the time he was through she sent another blast his way, and so it proceeded as before, back and forth they fought striking at the other, Belnotté with everything she had, and Discord with everything he could muster.

But she had the upper hoof. He’d gotten his answers, but they’d come at the cost of his magic. It shouldn't have taken so much out of him. But this, he was realizing, wsnt his domain. It was hers. Unlike before, he was not as nimble or quick, he found his power doing less and less to aid him. He could not counter her attacks, not without sacrificing an opportunity to take a shot at her.

She landed another hit.

A shard of ice cut through his side, immense cold coming in contrast to the searing that remained in his bones from her first strike.

Try as he might to defend himself, through shields and counterspells, his magic wasn't enough. She found purchase for more and more attacks against him. Frozen knives and bursts of dark energy beat against him, battering him and ultimately sending him back to the ground.

Panting, he forced himself to stand, to try and keep fighting, something, anything, but she pelted him from above with another blast.

He slammed back into the ground, head spinning as he fought the unconsciousness that threatened him.

Moments later, The Dark Queen landed in front of him, her nightmarish form melting away. But the effects of her form still lingered.

Wounded and more afraid than he should have been, he tried to stand and reach her again.

“Fluttershy-” His body was overtaken by searing pain. What had she done to him?

He thought he could endure more than this, and yet she knew all the right ways to torment him, the Nightmares knew where he leaned and used it against him.

He gasped, panting on all fours, “It doesn't have to be like this.”

“I won't have it any other way,” She hissed, hooves clicking as she stepped forward menacingly.

“You could go home. Start again.”

“This is my home. This is my start.” She stomped her hoof insistently, “Stop playing the hero, Discord. It doesn't suit you.”

He chuckled weakly, “I can't stop now, Fluttershy-” He was interrupted only by another wave of pain as he tried to push himself up. No matter how he tried, he couldn't bring himself to stand. “Not until I’ve set things right.”

“Belnotté. Queen Belnotté.”

He would not back down. He could not. He had to finish what he’d begun.

When he looked up again, she was glaring down at him. The nightmares swirled around her before parting again, leaving a dark shadowed sword in her hooves.

“What is that?” He asked, watching her carefully.

“This?” She asked, stepping forward, allowing it to slice deftly through the air. “This is a blade forged of the Nightmares’ power… a weapon capable of killing an immortal, or so I’m told.” She whispered dangerously in his ear, “We are eager to see how effective it is,”

A shiver ran down his spine as he watched the sword with her. The dark blade glinted ominously before his eyes, whispering dark promises of destruction.

He was running out of time. If he didn't think of something fast, this very well could be the end of him.

“I’ll ask one last time.” She chuckled, “Join me. Take your rightful place in Equestria. We know your power, we know what you can do. A creature as magnificent as you should be ruling this land.” She moved to face him, the shadows wrapping themselves around him, tempting him to comply.

“Think of it, Discord. You could be king. Equestria could be your playground, the land could be yours for the twisting. The world at your feet.” He shivered at her smooth voice, nearly overcome by the shadows that pushed at his mind.

What would happen if he refused?

It surely would be the end of him.

And yet, he wondered what would happen if accepted? He’d desired that path before, what could stop him now? Surely not Celestia, not with the Nightmares’ power to beat her. Belnotté had already ruled this long, the sisters would have stopped her if they could.

No prison could hold them.

No magic could stop them.

Was he truly ready to die?

Or was this his chance to live?

His mind was heavy, too cloudy to think. Perhaps it was time he gave up the fight. Perhaps he should join her.

The Dark Queen Belnotté watched, content to see the shadows as they started to cocoon him, his eyes dulled and his labored breathing slowed. The darkness cradled him as it had once done for her.

The lord of chaos would do nicely in ensuring she reigned for years to come. Together with the nightmares they really would be unstoppable.

“That’s right, let it happen” She whispered, caressing his cheek to lull his mind away. “It’s as painless as a dream.”

He weakly closed his eyes, his breath shaking as he leaned to her touch.

“And when you wake, you’ll be mine.”

A thunderous boom and a blinding flash erupted throughout the room, accompanied by a stern voice.

“Belnotté! Stand down!”

The queen spun around, her spell on the draconequus breaking by the force of magic, “What-!”

Five mares stood surrounding her, a combination of earth ponies, unicorns, and a pegasus, each bearing a gem over their heart.

Equestria’s Elements of Harmony, the nightmares hissed warningly.

The unicorn who’d spoken, Twilight Sparkle, stood tall amidst her friends, each in opposition and defiance to her reign, each assuming they held power over her.

The nightmares around them writhed, calling for their queen to destroy the elements or flee.


The element of magic spoke with the same authority as when she entered, “You have hurt the ponies of this land for too long. We want our homes back. We want our skies back. Equestria is done suffering!”

The nightmares feared them. The elements could be their downfall… if only there were six of them.

As they hissed in her mind, pulling at her hooves, she sharply questioned their cowardice.

Only five mares stood before her, and Discord could never be harmony. So why the fear? Why back down when the world was hers for the taking. The motley crew couldnt possibly turn the tides against her.

So why the fear?

“Is that your plan? The incomplete magic of a couple of so-called artifacts?” Her bravado only faltered as the nightmares not just urged, but begged her to run.

“Who said they werent?” Twilight challenged, “As far as I’m concerned we have all we need right here,”

The nightmares fell silent. And then erupted into shrieks and screams. Urging her to save her throne. Leave with her power and dignity.

Desperate to never return to the filly she once was, she unfurled her wings, finally listening to the Nightmare Forces in her mind. Ready for takeoff, crouching defensively away from the mares-she froze just short. Everything stilled and she found herself stuck in place as she looked at the bearers, not just in a passing glance, but really looked at them and the rainbow-haired pegasus now in her throne room.

The day cloudsdale was lost to Queen Belnotté was devastating to all ponies, though pegasi more than others.

A young Rainbow Dash stood with a small band of her own, ready to flee. Ther saddlebags were filled with whatever they could carry without slowing them down. Just a few keepsakes, priceless memories. Small rations of food and a hoof full of bits. It was all they could take to start their new life.

Dash's parents moved quickly to help the parents of her lost friend and their son Zephyr Breeze. Six total.

Bigger groups were risky. The more you had to account for, the more likely you were to get noticed. But she wouldn't leave without trying to help Fluttershy’s family. It was all she could do for the filly she couldn't save.

“Time to go,” She announced quietly when they could not spare another moment, and they were as ready as they could be. “We move quickly, we move quietly, we don't look back, got it?”

They nodded, following her from the city. They kept their heads low, ducking out of sight as they moved to the edge of the mass of clouds and, once all there, they took off anxious to make it safely to the ground.

Not long into their flight the wind picked up, before long it howling and shrieking, buffeting violently around them. Dark shadows spilled from the clouds.

“Nonononono,” Dash gasped, shoving some of the slower fliers forward, “We’ve been spotted! Go! Get to the ground! Get to safety!”

As they fearfully followed her orders she knew they wouldn't be fast enough. The nightmares were gaining on them. It was clear not all of them would make it.

Determined to ensure the safety of the others, she boldly turned rushing into the cloud of shadows hoping to distract them long enough the others could get away.

As she hoped, they stopped, placing their attention on her. Terrifying masses of nightmarish figures swirled around her and Dash faced them boldly.

She just needed the others to get farther. She was the fastest of them, she could outfly anypony. That wasn't about to change.

The shadows parted and their queen, a mare of pure nightmarish terror, stepped forward-if she could even be considered a marein the first place. The mass of black smoke with tendrils whipping violently through the air narrowed it’s eyes- mere pits of burning red. It revealed teeth sharp as razors as she cackled at the foolish bravery of the filly. Her laugh felt like nails against glass. Moving faster than Dash expected, even when adorned with dark black metal armor, she came muzzle to muzzle with the filly

Alongside her the shadows roared, gnashing their razor fangs, preparing to pounce at the command of their queen.

"You've come to face me then?" She spoke darkly, "How noble of you to sacrifice yourself for the others,"

Darkness echoed in her voice and sent shivers through the young filly’s body.

“There’s nothing more you could do to hurt me!” She said with stupid bravery, “I’ve already lived through my nightmares!”

The mare chuckled darkly, her imposing form looming over the brightly colored pegasus.

"Is that so?"

Dash faced her, she couldn't give in to the spikes of fear the mare sent through her heart, she could only wait for the right moment to escape this. She could escape, and the queen would never see it coming.

Yes, she was confident. Until she found the world around her much more dark all of a sudden. She looked around and, regrettably, found herself surrounded in every direction by the shadows that had crept up on her.

Now encapsulated in a sphere of darkness, Rainbow Dash and Belnotté stood face to face, the queen's wicked grin inches from the filly’s own nose as she loomed over the small filly’s frame, her icy laughter cutting the air once more.

"I'm not afraid of you." Dash reaffirmed fighting back the fear that crept up on her with the shadows.

"You should be."

Around them the shadows swirled and spun, shrieking as they moved. All of Dash's fears presented themselves, one after another till her darkest came forth. The filly could hardly stand to look as memories of that day played themselves out, a dark and terrible reminder of her failure. She’d lived her worst fear. Must she live it again?

She could see amidst the swirling images Fluttershy falling, her screams, her terror. Dash flew to her, fast as she could, trying to catch her, save her, but she was not fast enough. She couldn’t reach her. Fluttershy fell forever, and Dash could do nothing to save her.

“No one could have survived that fall,” A younger version of herself choked out, sobbing into her mothers arms.

As burning tears filled her eyes and she resolved herself to live these images forever-they halted. The shadow around her screeched as the dark queen shoved the young pegasus out of her captivity. There seemed to be a battle raging internally, but Dash had no time to contemplate it. They were distracted, and she had her chance to catch up with the others.

Wiping away the tears she set all her anger and regret into flying away from there as fast as she could.

She didn't even turn to say goodbye to her childhood home.

Deep in her heart Belnotté wondered if she could bear to do the mare harm, after everything. But the shadows whispered more fiercely and in the end, she knew, the shadows always prevailed.


Her debt was repaid the day she let Dash and everypony with her escape cloudsdale. After it all, that is what she owed to her once friend. Rainbow Dash didn’t need to come back.

Belnotté let the filly go once, she couldn't destroy her after all she’d done in their childhood. But now? Rainbow Dash had come to destroy her. Rainbow Dash, and all these other mares.

They were her enemies now.

Players on opposite sides of a field.

Every one of them was a threat, even the ever loyal Rainbow Dash.

They would not take her power, nor her throne. The shadows would not allow it.

She’d been ready to flee, but her newfound anger compelled her to stay.

“I remember you,” The dark queen sneered, coming nose to nose with the cyan pegasus.

Dash flinched almost imperceptibly as Belnotté circled her, tendrils of smoke grasping at the mare held back only by their queen. “You got away from us once. How foolish of you to return.”

“I know the worst you can do to me.” Dash stood in opposition to her words, deep down she saw fear flick through her eyes, “I’ve lived with that nightmare every day of my life. But Equestria deserves better than a life of fear.”

Beneath the bold bravery, there was regret. Regret Belnotté could not give into.

“So you wish to be heroes?” Shadows crept up their hooves.
Thinking fast Twilight blasted the Nightmares away, stepping closer to the queen. “Do you?”

The queen had no time to wonder as a cold ring of metal clasped around her neck, a very weak looking Discord standing behind her. Without a second to waste he crouched as Twilight fired up her horn, arcs of sparkling multicolored magic moving from one gem to another till they met at the Nightmare Queen’s own necklace.

“What’s this?” She uttered, feeling the light start to chip away at the darkness surrounding her, pushing and forcing its way through the cracks.

All around her the harrowing cries of the Nightmares filled her every sense. She felt anguish overwhelm her before that anguish gave way to the distinct feeling of freedom as the elements finished their work in forcing the dark power away.

When the air finally calmed and everypony returned to the ground-er-cloud, their gazes turned to the center. There amidst shattered pieces of dark armor lay a mare, small and trembling, a contrast to the nightmarish pony who’d towered menacingly before them moments prior.

Twilight took a tentative step forward halting when the mare flinched away.

“I’m sorry,” The defeated mare choked out, “I know it means nothing, not after all I’ve done. But I’m sorry. I deserve every punishment you have in mind for me. I deserve no mercy.”

Twilight looked back at her friends who all shared pitying and knowing expressions, they couldn't do that to her, they knew. Whatever Discord had done, whatever the elements had done, her heart was good, and that’s what saved her.

Discord, beat Twilight to it. “No. The Nightmares have been stopped. You are free. We will not punish you in their stead.”

“Discord I-”

“You have been hurt by them as much as the rest of Equestria-in fact more.” He moved closer, lifting her chin so she could meet him eye to eye. Her soft teal eyes, though wide and glassed over with tears, were so much more beautiful than the sharp eyes of Belnotté

“I wasn't strong enough to resist them. I was weak and I gave in. I should have been stronger.”

“Bellnotte we-”

Discord saw her flinch at the name, lowering her eyes to the floor

“That’s not my name.” She slowly turned to the mares standing around them, sorrowfully watching the deciders of her fate.

Rainbow Dash knew those eyes, that voice, even that fear. She knew this mare.


Her childhood friend clenched her eyes in regret, nodding solemnly.

“Sweet celestia I thought you- you-” Her own eyes filled with tears and speaking became harder than trudging through mud, “You fell from so high we thought-”

Her voice broke and Fluttershy found herself wrapped in the mare’s hooves. She couldn't bring herself to return the embrace as she cried into the mare’s shoulder.

Needless to say, they returned to Canterlot where, despite Fluttershy's pleading, Celestia pardoned her from all punishment knowing the mare’s heart was good.

It should have been a relief, it should have been a good thing. The mare could live in Equestria, take on a new life, one completely disconnected from her past.

But she was so gloomy and hollow despite the sunshine that graced the land, the gift of flight that had been returned to pegai, and her own freedom.

She’d been saved from death. She had another chance. But she wouldn't let herself take it.

“... I’m worried about her,” Dash admitted one day, on a walk through the palace corridors with Discord. “Do you think you could talk to her?”

“I don't know what I could do…”

“You were in her head, weren't you?” She snapped before shaking her head, “Sorry, I just… she’d been so hard on herself over this. She won't listen to me, and I think she feels that I’m being too easy on her because we were friends, but you? She doesn't know you, she’s more likely to believe you.”

He stopped just short of protesting, realizing that she had a point. In all honesty it seemed more likely that Rainbow Dash would be the one to help her return to normal, if Rainbow couldn't help, what could he, a stranger, do for her? But Dash made a good point. Perhaps a stranger was what Fluttershy needed. Dash was also his friend, and he’d be remiss if he didn't attempt to help her. “ I’ll try”

Rainbow Dash smiled sadly, gratefully at the Draconequus. “I just want her to be herself again.”

Discord drifted through the castle gardens, careful not to disrupt the peace of the slowly dying evening, until he found the pony he was looking for.

“Evening, Fluttershy,” He warmly and gently greeted the mare who sat facing the golden-orange sunset.

She looked over her shoulder and though she didn't smile, her eyes were kind and welcoming, “Oh, hello,”

He glanced from her to the sunset, unsure of how to proceed, so he opted for a simple, “Mind if I join you?”

She hummed thoughtfully a moment before nodding and patting the grass beside her. Eagerly, he landed and settled in as he’d been invited to do.

Fluttershy returned her gaze to the skyline thoughtfully watching the sunset, but said nothing otherwise and Discord watched her. She was so focused and still, and while he saw clear admiration in her eyes, there was also sorrow.

So he turned to the sunset with his own thoughtful reflections. How could he even begin to speak with her? What could he possibly say that could help?

There were too many questions and not enough answers.

“It really is beautiful,”

Discord blinked in surprise, looking back at the mare who had yet to break gaze with the sky.

“The sunset?”

“All of it. The color and light, the open air and endless sky…” Her eyes glossed over with tears ready to be shed, “I can't believe I stole this from everypony for all those years,”

Her voice quivered, ending with a squeak. Though he didn't know what he was doing, he knew he needed to comfort her. So, he acted without thinking, spoke without hesitation.

“Stop beating yourself up over it,” He chastised gently, taking her face in his paw and claw, turning her to face him. “That wasn't you.” He reaffirmed, knowing she wouldn’t be convinced by that even as she spoke.

“But it was me, Discord.” Her eyes fighting him, “I wasn't in some deep sleep. I was aware of everything I was doing, I was still in control. I was awful.”

“Nightmares will do that to you,”

Sadly she moved his paw from her face, looking down at the palm, “How can you bear to tell me otherwise after what I did to you?”

It still hadn't healed. All the places where the icy knives had cut him, though fading, weren't gone. He’d had little trouble healing himself before, but the nightmares were relentless, they had worked out how to disable their greatest threat.

“That magic wasn't yours,” He sighed, “You were just a vessel, something they could control. And even if it was you. Even if all the hurt had been your doing, it has been made right. The past is gone now, we can't do anything about it now, other than look forward to tomorrow.”

“And if I don't feel like I have a tomorrow to look to?”

It made him raise a brow, “How do you mean?”

“Most of my life has been consumed by Nightmares, anger, terror. Now I’m free of them, and I’m grateful… but there’s still so much darkness in my life. I don't know where I’m going. I went from villain to 'hero' in a day. I’m living a lie, Discord. I’m not a hero. I’m the very thing they feared.

“I don't belong in Equestria.” She found herself leaning into his touch as he brushed away her tears. She didn't deserve such kindness, but she didn't want to refuse the warmth he offered either. It had been too long since she’d felt such warmth.

“You do belong, Fluttershy,” he insisted, “We all see it.

“How do we help you see it too?”

She shook her head, unable to bear her guilt. Gently, she pushed his hands away before turning from him.

“I don't belong.” She repeated curling in herself. It was the lie she'd been told growing up. It was the lie the nightmares had permeated. It was the lie she continued to convince herself of, “I’m a pegasus who can't fly, I’m not brave, or courageous. I don't know who I am or what my cutiemark means. I’m lost.” Her voice broke, forcing her to take a breath, “Lost… different... and alone.”

He was about to reply, when she added; “And don't say I’m not alone because I have Dash and the others, because one can be in a room of a hundred ponies and still feel alone. I’m alone even when I’m surrounded by them.”

That wasn't what he was about to say because, truthfully, she was right. Being among ponies was not the same as being connected with them. And if she felt like an imposter… he didn't blame her.

“You're right,” He resigned to say, recalling a time when he’d felt the same. "I know what you mean,"

Surprised, she looked back at him, brow raised, “You?”


“No way.” She scoffed, wholly unconvinced.

“What, you don't believe me?”

Her deadpan stare only made his smirk grow. It seemed he had a place to start.

“You're Discord," she protested softly, "You’re practically the princesses’ brother.”

“And?” He asked innocently

“And, Equestria loves you! Celestia trusts and respects you, you have a purpose and a path. How could you feel lost or alone when you have them?”

“True, very true my little ball of pony fluff," He said, patting her mane softly, “But it wasn't always that way.”

With a disbelieving huff, she turned from him.

“Look at me, Fluttershy," he gestured to his mismatched form, a little too enthusiastic, "I couldn't be more different from you ponies! And I entered Equestria in a time when the earth ponies, unicorns, and pegasi were still learning to trust each other. You can only imagine how they felt about me." Seeing her ears twitch, he continued, knowing he had her interest. So, he calmed his voice to something a little more earnest."I spent years hiding from those who feared and hated me. But it wasn't just how I looked, it was my power. It was so different from the magic they knew. Back then, they couldn't understand, so instead, they hated. I was lucky to have found Celestia and Luna when I did and I’m lucky to still have them. Even with the approval of Equestria’s beloved rulers, it took at least a hundred years for Equestria to trust me, longer to fully accept and welcome me."

This was it. Somehow, he knew his next words determined whether or not she'd accept his words, his help, and his encouragement.

“So yes, Fluttershy. I do know what it feels like to be different. And I know how lonely that can be.”

Regretfully, her shoulders sagged, trembling as she processed his words.

“How… How did you stay good through all that? How did you face the shame and ridicule through the years and not even consider… using your power against them?”

She'd wanted so badly for the bullies to suffer what she had, even when she was powerless. Gaining magic hadn't curbed that need. But he'd always had it, right? She couldn't imagine there was a time when he didn't have his magic to lean to.

After a minute or two of silence she realised he hadn't responded, and turned to look back at him. Now he was looking down in shame, picking at the longer pieces of grass in front of him.

At first she responded to his silence with confusion, till slowly but surely realization came to her.

“You did use your powers against them, didn't you?”

He had a feeling telling her the truth would aid in her own struggles, the problem was: how? It was a long buried piece of his history… but it was still his history nonetheless.

“Yes. A long time ago. Celestia, Luna, and I were close when we were young, but as we grew, so did our power and responsibilities in Equestria. As the three of us struggled to juggle the life that had been given us it became very clear how much the ponies loved and adored Celestia and despised me. I grew jealous of her and angry towards those who only saw me as a monster. The more she was loved, the more I loathed Canterlot and all the ponies within it.

“Most don't know it but I was powerful enough to tear their world apart and reassemble it to my will and imagination. It started as small nuisances to life: chocolate rain, roads made of soap, flying fish… whatever I could imagine. It was a way for me to feel in control. But soon It started to get out of hand. I started hurting ponies, whether I meant to or not…”

She found her chest tightening, fear creeping into her at the descriptions he offered. She'd felt his power before, and knew it was strong. But she hadn't expected power of that magnitude.

More confused than she'd been a minute ago, she tentatively asked, “What stopped you from becoming the villain?”



“Princess Luna. She was the one that truly saved me.” He took a deep breath preparing to continue the deep dive into his past. “Though, she’d say I saved her…”

“What happened?”

“I had been so wrapped up in my anger and misery… I didn't realise Luna was suffering very similarly. Her and Celestia were supposed to be like two sides of the same coin, the two rulers of the land. But as Celestia was princess of the sun, she was loved for the beautiful day she brought forth. As princess of the night… Luna felt easily forgotten as ponies slept peacefully through her beautiful night. She felt unappreciated and unacknowledged by the subjects they were meant to rule together. That jealousy allowed great darkness to enter her heart as she too grew to despise Celestia.

"Somewhere amidst my descent to madness the three of us got in a huge fight and… the things Luna said… It became clear she felt abandoned by both of us. I realised that I had failed her when she needed me most. It was almost too late then.”

“Too late? For what?”

Discord looked deeply into Fluttershy’s eyes, hoping the rest of the story did not destroy what they’d started. He wanted her to heal. He wanted to help her heal. But if she knew… would she shut him out too?

“As I said… she allowed a great darkness to enter her heart. When I confronted her alone is when they revealed themselves to me.”

He didn't know what possessed him to grab her hooves, perhaps it was to comfort her… or perhaps it was to help himself through this. He hadn't talked about in in almost a thousand years.

“Belnotté was not the first time I encountered the Nightmare Forces.” He sighed, watching her eyes widen, “They had a hold on Luna once too. I had been too involved in myself to see that she was fighting her own demons, but I knew then how much we needed each other, we had to stick together because we were all we had in the world. It was a long battle… but Celestia and I managed to tear the Nightmares away from her before they could change her.

“I thought I destroyed them, too. But I see now I was wrong, and for that, I’m sorry.”

“That’s why they hated you so much,” She realised, thinking back to their own battle, “Why they wanted me to destroy you.”

"I was blind to them at first. But the longer we fought, the more I knew. I can't help but feel that I failed you, long before I knew you."

Tense silence was fading till each pause was a little more comfortable than the last. The one was contemplative, like neither knew what to say next but didn't want the conversation to end quite yet.

“I think they talked a lot about her. They used to say I would be greater than their Nightmare Moon, that I would not fail them like she had. I never knew what they meant. At least, not until now.”

“I do believe she said that's what they tried to make her.” but it wasn't time to go down that road. “Point is… all three of us had felt at a loss, even Celestia. We realised we had to be there for eachother, that we had to stand by one another and never let life or misunderstanding come between us again. Luna showed me all that I could have lost if I’d been the villain. We saved each other.

“Sure, life wasn't always perfect, but we made it work. We looked out for each other and eventually found our place in the world. Ponies soon forgave me for what I’d done, and many forgot till those days were but a distant memory to the three of us.”

“Although Equestria never speaks of those days theres no denying that it did happen."

She didn't know what so say, but she knew what she felt. And that was ashamed. “I never knew… I’m sorry.”

“For what?”

“I shouldn't have assumed you always had it good,”

“You are forgiven, and it is forgotten,” He grinned, allowing her time to reflect on his words, returning his haze to the last lights of day, the sun was nearly gone, leaving only small beams of orange light left to warm the sky. He knew it would be gone soon, but he hoped, for the sake of the moment, Celestia would let the sunset last a little longer.

To his surprise, she wrapped her hooves around his neck, and he broke gaze with the sunset just to look down at her.

“Thank you,” She whispered, and he could have sworn he saw a grateful smile grace her lips. She had a nice smile. “I think I really needed to hear that story,”

What possessed him to do so, he didn't know, but when he wrapped his own arms around her, he pulled her in tighter than she might have expected, his wings curled around them, a sort of makeshift shelter for the mare

“I know things look bleak, but I promise the future is bright. You can make it through, and if you need a reformation buddy, I'll be there for you.”

She nodded into his neck grateful for his warmth and the safety she felt in his arms.

Like so many things in the world, she hadn't experienced it for far too long. This was nice, and being in his arms felt secure. It didn't heal her heart, not completely, it didn't undo years of darkness and solitude, nor all the pain... but she was grateful for it all the same.

Somehow and someday she'd heal. This… this was a good place to start.

Author's Note:

Fun Fact: I had this idea a couple years ago for the prompt: opposites, but didn't get it done in time. But, I was so excited when GeekCat suggested Swap as a prompt, this story now gets a life!

This was certainly a big project that I'm glad to have done, finally.

Side note: fight scenes are hard. But I hoped it turned out alright.

Comments ( 5 )

What's a Belnotté?

Belnotté is the name of the nightmare queen. Technically it came from 'Bella Notté' meaning beautiful night. But the former sounded a little more intimidating for a villain.

This is a rather interesting concept, and I think you executed it well! Everything seemed to make sense in this AU—Discord's own path to goodness indirectly leading to Fluttershy finding the Nightmare Forces didn't feel forced. The fight scene went fairly well, I think, and I think how conflicted and guilty Fluttershy feels after being saved. Her heart-to-heart with Discord was sweet, and it was good seeing them establish a friendship even with the roles of reformer and reformed reversed. :heart:

It's what holds the bell on the belropè.

I really enjoyed this reversal of roles! It's a super interesting idea, making Discord the reformer. Poor Fluttershy. She has a long way to go but she's got everything she needs. The part at the end when Discord wrapped his wings around her. My heart! I honestly want a sequel to this, a years later window, if you will, showing how far Fluttershy has come and a possible something more with our favorite draconequus hero. You know a story is good when you love it the way it is but would love to see more too. Great job!

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