• Published 28th Jan 2022
  • 619 Views, 1 Comments

Blooming Groves and Fields of Flowers - Marina Stars

Fluttershy and Discord live within a rather peaceful post-apocalyptic world. Though it's far from perfect. Written for Day Nine of Fluttercord Week. Prompt: Odd Combinations

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Flowers Bloom Until they Rot

It had started like you'd expect the end of the world would.

To this day ponies couldn't figure out the cause, be it a mutation in magic, an infectious… something, a curse? Either way, it started.

One dark day the graves opened up and, crawling and carving their ways out of their ‘final’ resting places, the undead began to roam the world.

Yep. Zombies.

They were infections as they were feral, a threat to ponykind.

In an apocalyptic series of events cities crumbled, battles were fought as ponies struggled to survive, holding out through grit and determination. Some days, not even that was enough.

Populations dwindled, ponies changed, the undead outnumbered the living, and nowhere whether big city, small town, or forest hideout seemed safe once discovered by the zomponies.

The future was hopeless and bleak, smoldering to ash in a short amount of time, till there was no hope for tomorrow.

Then… something strange happened.

A discovery was made.

An expedition had been taken by a small band of scientists hoping to find a cure to such an epidemic. They traveled and trekked, explored, hoping to soon discover a cure. On this expedition they had experts, guards and fighters for protection, and a healer to ensure their health should they suffer mortal wounds.

It was her who changed the course of history.

She, like the others, hoped for a better future for ponykind. She, with the rest, wanted to find a cure. What she didn't expect, however, was that they didn't need a cure but a solution.

Same thing right?


Far from it, as it turned out.

Discord had heard the stories perhaps a thousand times, the legends, of a brave mare who'd had the smarts and foresight, to save ponykind: a hero to be remembered through the ages.

And he’d met her.

He'd also heard her story, from her own mouth, which read quite differently than the boastful praises sung in her name.

"I was terrified" She'd say every time, "It wasn't foresight, just luck and a bit of compassion."

One unusually calm day, while on their expedition, the healer, a pegasus mare by the name of Fluttershy, had stumbled upon a patch of wildflowers. In love with the rare beauty of the flowers, she stayed and lingered a while. Since the beginning of the end of the world, there was no time for such simple pleasures as enjoying nature.

With all the hard-fought battles around Equestria, a patch of green like this was a sanctuary.

Despite every reason she had not to linger, every logic that bet against her, she stayed, having longed for peace like this. She would have stayed forever if she could, forget the world and all it’s troubles. Lie down among a bed of flowers forever.

That was the day it happened. The very moment and place, a field of wildflowers, where she came face to face with the undead.

At first, she was frightened by its appearance as it lumbered through the clearing. So, like any would do, she ran… but very quickly realized it wasn't giving pursuit. The creature wasn't hostile, it wasn't cruel. Instead, it rested among the flowers, enjoying their sweetness just as she had.

Curious, she stayed.

She waited. She watched.

That afternoon she watched one of the many creatures she’d feared enjoy the beauty of a soft spring day, docile and harmless as a lamb.

Moved, she approached with cautious hesitance in case the sight of her was a trigger towards it’s hostility-but it wasn't. The zombie regarded her quite indifferently. She grew braver and bolder the longer she stayed, daring to inch closer.

She didn't know how long she watched, but she was found by one of the expedition's guards as she did.

Assuming her to be frozen in terror he moved to protect her, but with a commanding hoof, she’d stoped him. She explained what she saw and they watched in wonder until the zombie wandered off back into the woods.

When all of Equestria was threatened by a ravaging horde, it was not only interesting, but almost surreal to find one so peaceful. Fluttershy wanted to know why and, after sharing her tale, so did the others.

For months they observed the docile ones, making and testing theories, noting when they were calm and when they were feral.

It was not where they had come from, nor their proximity to the living, as some initially thought. It wasn't dependent on how they died, or who they might have been in another life. Rather, the answer had been there all along. As it turned out, they loved flowers. They loved sweetness, calm, and beauty.

The zombies, despite their wandering nature, just wanted to be at peace.

They even began to see zombies deeper in the woods, thriving with moss, grasses, flowers, mushrooms, you name it growing from them. Those were the most reverent of all.

So, when they existed in such peace, why had they been so threatening to the world? How had they been so apocalyptic? Well, it was the smell of rot and decay that drove them wild. Uncleanliness and odor brought them in, turned them feral. The apocalypse had destroyed so much of the world’s infrastructure, bathing frequently was the last thing on anyone’s mind. Unfortunately, they perpetuated their own problem.

But, with this discovery, this breakthrough, the world began to change. News spread of the group’s work and as things were set right, blooming undead increased in commonality. To keep themselves safe, ponies put emphasis on cleanliness and hygiene. Gardeners and botanists began to use their skills to protect their little civilizations as they restarted, building from the rubble of all they’d lost.

In short, the world was reborn. A phoenix rising from the ashes.

A humble mare with a love of flowers had become legend.

Crazy, right?

Discord lived for the unexpected, and ponies living in peace with their new blooming undead was unexpected. Chaotic, even. Their entire existence was an oxymoron in his mind.

That’s why when he returned to Equestria after years of exile and found it in such a way he let it be, even stayed, and watched, and eventually sought out the mare who was chaotically unexpected and wonderfully harmonious all the same. That was years ago when he found her living in a small village in what seemed the middle of nowhere, caring for the zombies she’d befriended. She’d never left.

“I’ll never understand why you stay here,” He hummed, twirling grass between his fingers as she draped a flower crown on one zombie’s head.

“Well, why not?”

Discord looked around, his long neck bending at all sorts of odd angles, “Look at it, it’s the middle of nowhere. Why be here where you could be loved and adored elsewhere.”

“I am loved and adored,” She winked at him.

“I mean, by larger societies of ponies, not just me.”

She giggled lightly as she pulled more flowers from the saddlebag she carried with her, “And why would I do a thing like that? I don’t need the world’s constant love and adoration. Just knowing I helped the future of Equestria is enough for me.”

“See, that’s another thing I don’t understand: how you can be so humble. You saved everyone and yet you simply say you helped.”

“One, I had a team. We helped. And two, just because we made a discovery, doesn't mean the world was going to listen. We showed the way, it was their choice whether or not to follow and save themselves, and the remains of their world..”

“I can’t think of any other pony who sees it that way.” He huffed smugly as he crossed his arms.

“And that’s okay too,” Her hooves worked in a practiced manner, weaving together another chain of flowers. “I know my role, they can interpret it how they wish.”

He paused, thinking up his next retort, “But you don't ever get bored?”

Her gentle smirk told him he knew the answer, “When I’ve got someone like you to keep me company? Not a chance.”

With a chuckle and nothing more to say, he watched with admiration of her gentleness as she spoke calmly to the small group of undead resting around her. They could not speak, only grunted and groaned happily in response to her warmth towards them, thanking her for the flowers, for her time. Sometimes Discord even thought they were trying to compliment her.

And she worked so well with them, unafraid in the face of literal death.

It was strange to see a pony who radiated warmth, life, and light, beside one that was gray, nearly lifeless and dull in spirit. Though, he had to admit, the flowers that grew from some of them were a nice pop of color; they were nothing in comparison to Fluttershy’s golden buttercream coat and rosy mane which gave her the softness of springtime.

Some of the smaller, younger looking zombies frollicked in the fields after receiving their necklaces and crowns of flowers, while the elder ones basked in the afternoon sun, content to sit a while.

When Fluttershy wasn't absentmindedly talking to them, she’d speak with him sweetly and casually as she pleased.

And when the sun was close to setting, she beckoned the zombies to return to their forest homes as it was time she returned to hers.

She wove one last crown as they stumbled back into the woods to sleep among the flowers and moss.

“What a beautiful day,” She hummed contentedly, glancing back at Discord who still lay lazily in the grass, “Don’t you think?”

“Hm? Oh, yes, it was very relaxing.” He replied sitting up, “Though, we must think up something exciting to do tomorrow. Chaos never rests.”

“Then what do you call this?” She teased the clearly resting draconequus.

“Hanging out with my fair lady as she lives unexpectedly,” He retorted with a grin, sitting up from his lying position.

“So what I’m hearing is: Chaos never rests, unless he’s with his lady.” She draped her last crown of wildflowers over his horns, pressing a soft kiss to the tip of his nose.

With a blush he mumbled in agreement, “Unless he’s with his lady.”

He was just too adorable, the way his blush warmed his cheeks, his sheepish smile as he looked away in embarrassment, and the halo of wildflowers that had somehow fallen crooked already.

“You know, orange is a good color for you,” She nudged him in the shoulder, making him flush more. How, after all these years she could still get him so flustered was a mystery, one she delighted in though she would never admit it. It was more fun to smile and pretend she didn't know what he was talking about when he accused her of being such a tease.

He mumbled in response to her what sounded like a slightly gruntled thank you.

“Let’s go get some dinner,” She smiled, grabbing his paw and claw to lead him forward.

Getting over her teasing, he stood pulling her to his side and walking arm-in-arm with her back to her cozy cottage.

“You know? I have all sorts of splendid games from before the apocalypse shook the world. Perhaps I could teach you one?”

“I’d love nothing more,” She smiled leaning against him, “and I’ll make us some tea to drink while we play.”

“Is it dead people tea?”

“Well… when you really think about it, isn't all tea dead people tea?”

The next morning Discord was awoken by a very enthusiastic Fluttershy, who’s large teal eyes shone brightly even in the dim morning light.

“Discord!” She whispered, hardly containing the excitement she held within her as she poked his side. “Pssst, Discord.”

“What, my darling? What is it?”

“Listen?” She whispered, falling silent a moment for him to do so, “Do you hear it?”

He took a moment… and his ears picked up the faint pitter patter of rain against her roof. “The rain?” he asked groggily.

“Yes.” Though he was rubbing his eyes he could tell there was an overwhelming joy in her voice at such a simple thing as rain. “Light rain. It’s not a storm, it’s the perfect weather to visit the blooming grove.”

“What time is it?”

“Does it matter?”

He was about to say yes, it did, but knew truly that time was just a construct and who needed it anyways? Sure, he was a bit groggy from being woken up so suddenly, but he loved how she looked up at him with such innocent, childlike enthusiasm that he wouldn't dare be upset with her, nor refuse to go with her.

“Alright, my energetic little minx,” He conceded, “We’ll go visit the grove.”

After a quick breakfast, which she’d prepared before even waking him-how thoughtful of her-Discord threw on a raincoat, helping Fluttershy tie up her mane, before they stepped out into what would have been a gloomy drizly morning if not for the bright and lively pony at his side.

“Have I ever told you I adore your sense of wonder?” He asked as they walked, watching her all but skip along the muddy trail with nothing, not even a raincoat, to protect her from the rain.

This time, she blushed, sending a sweet smile his way, “Oh, every now and then.”

“Good, because I do.”

She flew up to his side, taking his paw in her hoof and gave him an appreciative peck on the cheek, “Thank you, Discord.”

Rather than return to the ground she stayed and floated by his side as they entered the nearby woods. It was a nice walk, and not far to go to get to their destination, and when they made it, they knew it, there was no mistake about that.

Tall trees decorated in soft pink petals shaded that area of the woods, surrounding a lovely little clearing in the forest’s flora.

And there, standing against the gray skies, dozens of zombies and blooming undead alike stood still. If one was unfamiliar with them, they might have mistaken them for statues. The undead regarded the rain with such wonder and reverence that every movement stilled as the world was blessed and refreshed.

Fluttershy watched with such adoration and eagerness that Discord felt as though he was seeing it all again for the first time.

It had been just like this,

She’d dragged him out into an early morning rain, back when their friendship was new and still growing like the flowers she planted. She’d shown him this simple unexpected beauty, taking it in with so much wonder… that was the day he fell in love with her.

This wasn't perfection, it wasn't normal, by any definition it was unexpected and a little chaotic. But the buttercream pegasus loved it dearly anyways. She’d shown him a piece of her world so magical to her, so wondrous to her. She trusted him with this piece of the world.

He couldn't resist. He loved her, and hadn't stopped loving her since that day.

He slithered up behind her, wrapping himself around her frame. Together they watched while the grove stood perfectly still, the rain pattering gently against the canopy behind them and misting the field in front of them..

Not all days were eutopia, unfortunately. Not for her, at least.

While he thrived off the unexpected direction of the world, there were days when the world was a little too real, a little too harsh, a little too imperfect.

Some days, it scared him. It scared him because of what it did to her.

Though the zombies inhabiting the land around them were peaceful, accidents happened, and they could, unfortunately, pose a threat to anyone who wasn't careful.

Fluttershy hadn't known, and she hadn't been careful, but something had driven a small group of zombies to go feral,-discord suspected something had died without being noticed as animals stayed clear of the zombies. Whatever it was, the zombies lashed out, relapsing and taking that out on the world around them.. Unfortunately that included an unsuspecting Fluttershy. She didn't say much, but he knew she had calmed them just in time, thankfully she wasn't hurt, and Discord was glad he'd found her when he did. She was alright, safe and sound.

But she was shaken.

Ambedo took her as she stared distantly out one of the windows of her living room. At what, he wasn't quite sure but he did know one thing: The silence was deafening.

The steady ticking of a clock as he contemplated whether or not to let her be all but drove him mad. What could he say? How could he comfort her? Should he just leave her to her thoughts? No, that didn't seem right. He wanted her to know she had his support.

“Fluttershy…” He started hesitantly, still unsure but hoping he’d find the words.

“Sometimes I forget how it was,” She shivered,surprising him with how empty her voice sounded, “How awful this word had become.”

She didn't break gaze with the dim sky, one made gloomy in his eyes by her mood. “Just think… if we’d known sooner. If someone had found the answers faster…”

He, even from his distant angle, saw tears well up in her eyes as they turned glassy from emotion that was fiery and numb at the same time.

“We could have been saved so much heartbreak,”

“You didn’t fail the world, if that’s what you’re getting at.” He cut in, “Sure, times were hard, but you made it through. That time is behind you.”

“No, it’s not.” Her voice quivered with the effort it took to stay calm, “I made it through, sure. But I knew so many who didn't. Sometimes I wonder if someone would have figured it out sooner if they hadn't been lost,” She shuddered at the thought, “Or how long it would have taken before another found the solution if I hadn’t.”

“It’s a lot of what ifs. But do they matter?”

He’d never struggled to understand her quite like this. He’d had his curiosities, sure, but a challenge like this? Surprisingly, it had not come up. Had this been on her mind all these years?

“Sometimes they do,” She mumbled, “They can matter alot. There are days I wonder how I survived. The animals I cared for painted me as a target so early on. I realized that long after I had to let them go. Can you imagine? Loving something that could have meant your death?”

He had not lived through it, he didn't know. He could only imagine, and he’d never cared about anything as much as Fluttershy. He hadn’t lost her yet, and he didn't have to let her go anytime soon. Truthfully, he didn't know. He couldn't answer, it was hard to say anything.

“I know I was one hero of many. But I almost hate it. Some days I’m proud of what I did, and others I loathe it.”

She was really starting to concern him. “You’ve never told me this before.”

“It… didn't come up. I was content to think I was safe all this time, but after today? I just can't get the thought out of my head. I can't get rid of all those memories. I can’t shake away the guilt,”

“What happened, love?” He pressed gently. He didn't want to force her to relive a dark part of her past if she didn't want to, but he wanted to understand if she’d let him.

She was silent long enough, he was prepared to let it rest, for her sake. Usually when curiosity bubbled up within him, he couldnt shake it. But he knew he would for her, until she was ready.

“Okay. You don’t have to tell me if you’re not ready-”

“They didn't make it.” She choked. He wanted to ask, it took so much to restrain himself till she spoke. This was no time to push her.

In time the words came, slowly, in a quaking voice, “My parents.My brother.” Her shoulders tensed, her head lowered till her mane curtained her face in shadow, “I survived, but they didn't make it. When I found out, I was so heartbroken I wanted to end it.” In the years he’d known her, he’d never know that, she’d never said a word of them and, as someone without a family of his own, he’d never thought to ask. His heart broke as he realized what she suffered secretly for so long. Why had he never asked?

“I wanted to give up on the fight. I hated what the world had become. I lived a constant battle of wanting to give up and wanting to live just for spite, to look at the world as it decayed around me and say I’d made it to the end of another day. I couldn't decide, until then, I kept going, and… I saved what was the rest of the world.

“And I’m so angry at myself for ever considering what I did. How many more would have died? Why did it have to be me?”

It was coming together now, a roughly paint picture of buried emotions: rage, guilt, heartache. He just wanted to ease it.

“Why not you?” He said cautiously, “Fate was looking out for you ponies. It doesn't matter what you thought about doing, what matters is what you did. That is a display of your strength and bravery. Living on and moving forward in a world that seems incomplete without those you love is brave. You are brave. You are strong. Even when you’re scared, even when you’re broken.”

He watched her mull over his words, contemplating them. If nothing else, he hoped she’d remember them. Perhaps eventually take them to heart.

“Still, the reminder today… was a little too real.”

“I… I understand.” Even just a little. He was trying to, and he’d keep trying to till he did. How had he never know this before?



“What can I do for you. How can I help. I’d make it disappear if I could, but I know that isn't the solution. What do you need?”

For the first time that afternoon, she broke gaze from the window and considered him for a moment. With a sad smile she opened her hooves to him. He earnestly slid up to her, wrapping her in his comforting embrace. He’d done it before, but this time felt different. He felt closer to her, he felt there was a mutual need for that right now. As she buried her muzzle into the soft fur of his neck, clinging to him for comfort, he curled tighter around her, offering a reassuring squeeze.

“Stay with me,” She whispered, “You’re my last happiness in the world. Without you, not even the brightest of flowers or the most beautiful of rains could make me smile again.”

Touched, he nodded into her mane. It might have been a daunting task if he didn't love her so. If his heart didn't entirely belong to her. If he didn't know she felt the same.

“I’ll stay, my love. Always. The end of the world couldn't keep me away from you,”

“I’m glad I met you when I did.”

Comments ( 1 )

This was a beautiful story, even with being set in a post-apocalyptic world—a great example of "Odd Combinations", in my opinion. I loved the gentle, tender interactions between Fluttershy and Discord, and how they've established a peace (if somewhat tentative) with the non-feral zomponies.

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