• Published 21st Dec 2021
  • 1,208 Views, 25 Comments

The Love of a Family - Asterid

Rainbow Dash finds out something about her surrogate sister and wants to help her in any way she can. Because that's what family does isn't it?

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Meeting of the Minds

Chapter 5 – A Meeting of the Minds

Walking quietly behind her two friends, Applejack couldn’t help but notice that Twilight and Rainbow Dash were acting differently. Secretive glances were shared between the two mares, glancing touches from fluttered wings, a teasing remark followed by blushes and giggles. If she didn’t know any better, Applejack could have sworn there was something more going on between them, but she cast that thought aside as quickly as it entered her mind.

Ah just can’t see Dash being all hush hush about being in a relationship, AJ thought with a flick of her tail, especially if she was involved with a princess of all people.

Shifting her attention away from her two friends walking in front of her, she couldn’t help but ruminate on what her Granny had said before they had left the farm. With little Applebloom paired up with Spike and her brother married to that sweet unicorn Sugar Bell, she knew Granny would be looking to see her little AJ matched up before Granny moved on to the Great Beyond.

If she was truthful with herself, there had only been one pony that had ever meant anything to her. Way back when she was a little filly, there had been a young colt she had known from school. He had been a scrawny little Pegasus, his fur a deep sunset orange, his windswept azure mane always looking like he had just stepped off a cloud. He had been a true gentlecolt, kind to everyone around him and standing up for little foals that were being picked on. After one memorable day where he stood up to a gang of kids all on his own, his cutie mark had appeared, a blue checkered shield with a yellow lightning bolt in front of it.

As tough as the farm pony was, whenever he turned those bright, baby blue eyes her way, she would feel squiggly inside and her face would heat up enough to bake one of Granny’s pies. She had never worked up the gumption to tell Flash Sentry how she felt, opting to just be friends with him. After graduation, AJ had taken over the reins at Sweet Apple Acres and Flash had moved to Canterlot to become a Royal Guard. After that they lost touch and drifted apart.

That was until Applejack had gone to the Crystal Empire to defend it against the return of King Sombra. She had seen him standing guard outside of Cadence’s throne room, his golden armor shining in the sunlight. Her stomach did more flips and twirls than Rainbow Dash on a caffeine rush. Hiding behind her hat, she avoided the handsome guard until the trip was over. On the train back, only Pinkie Pie noticed the tears running down the stubborn farm pony’s muzzle. Enveloping her in a tight hug, AJ poured her heart out to the cotton candy colored mare, confessing not just her attraction to the charming colt who had become a handsome stallion but her fear of putting her heart on the line. After hearing her much stronger friend cry her eyes out, Pinkie’s Pinkie Sense went into overdrive as the doozie of all doozies hit her. A manic smile plastered across her frizzy haired face, Pinkie assured AJ that everything would eventually work out between the farm pony and the unwitting guard.

Finally reaching the gates of the Palace of Friendship, the three mares entered a small meeting room dominated by a large triangular table with two chairs on each side. Each of the large chairs bore the cutie mark of one of the Elements of Harmony. Already seated around the table were Pinkie Pie, Rarity and Fluttershy.

“Heya, girls,” Applejack said with a smile, “How’s everyone doing today?”

“Oh..umm…today has been good…” Fluttershy replied softly, “Angel Bunny and his mate just had a fluffle of the most adorable little babies.”

“Oh Darling, that’s so sweet,” Rarity said with a smile, “I was just finishing up a small order for a special client in Manehattan before I sent Sweetie Belle off to join her little friends for the day.”

At the mention of Rarity’s little sister, Rainbow couldn’t help but giggle to herself thinking about how Scootaloo had described the little unicorn. Receiving a gentle wing swat from Twilight, Dash composed herself before meeting the gaze of her other friends.

“So,” Twilight began, “The reason I asked you all hear today is because there are a few things we will need to discuss that Princess Celestia has brought to my attention now that I am a member of the Peerage.”

“What is it? What is it?” Pinkie asked, bouncing in her chair, “Tell me, tell me. Huh, huh, huh.”

“What she has informed me is that as a Princess, I will need to establish my court here in Ponyville.” Twilight replied with a grin at her friend’s exuberance, “So, I have decided to ask the ponies I trust most to become my advisors.”

“Ooo, ooo, ooo,” Pinkie said, her bouncing getting so fast it looked like she was vibrating, “That’s US!”

“Darling, you’re asking that the five of us become your court advisors,” Rarity stated, shock evident in her voice, “I’m honored. I really am. But, I must ask, what positions would we have within your court?”

“I’ve put a lot of thought into that,” Twilight stated, pointing to each of her friends in turn, “Firstly, I would like Pinkie Pie to become my Entertainment advisor as well as taking on the role of being my social secretary. Frankly, in all of Equestria, there’s nopony more qualified.”

“Oh. MY CELESTIA!” Pinkie shrieked, sending spiderwebbing cracks across the tables crystalline surface, “I get to plan all your official royal parties and visits from visiting lords and your wedding to Dashie and your adoption of Scootaloo-“

“Wait, what!?” Rarity shouted, “Twilight is getting married to Dash. That’s the first I’m hearing of it. And what’s this about adopting Scootaloo as well.”

“Yeah, Pinkie,” Applejack said, questioning the pink mare, “I don’t even think Twilight and Rainbow are evening dating, let alone getting married.”

“We’ll circle back to that,” Twilight said, suppressing the blush that was fighting to dominate her face, “Next is Rarity because her going to be one of the most important. I’d like you to head up my finance team, work with the local merchants and make arrangements for taxes to be collected from all of our Ponyville residents.”

Fainting to the side and landing on a magically conjured feinting couch, Rarity laid herself out as a fan held in her magical aura waved in front of her face.

“Drama queen,” Rainbow laughed, “Who’s next Twilight?”

“Fluttershy, if it’s ok, I would like you to handle being my environmental advisor,” Twilight requested, “It really won’t be much different than what you already do other than advising me of any issues that come up concerning the local plants and animals.”

“Of course,” Fluttershy said, giving her trademark smile, her voice barely above a whisper, “Oh this is so wonderful. Yay.”

“Applejack, you will have another of the important positions,” Twilight said, “And I’m hoping your up for a real challenge. I’d like you to become my agricultural advisor and work with the local farmers to ensure that we are able to maintain trade with the other cities as well as feeding our citizens.”

“That’s a big ask there, Twi,” AJ stated, “I mean, I wanna help, but Sweet Apple Acres is a workin farm. I’m needed at home to help out with the harvest and planting seasons. This here request is gonna be a lot of responsibility.”

“I understand completely,” Twilight said, “That’s why I’m not asking for your answers right away. I want you each to take the next week and think about your decisions. If it helps, by accepting these positions, you will all be made Ladies of The Court as well as receiving a salary from the royal treasury.”

“Oh dear,” Rarity stated as she sat up, “I believe I may have drifted off there. Now Twilight, aren’t you forgetting someone. You haven’t given Dashie a position in the court yet.”

“Oh, yes, about that,” Twilight said with a smile, losing the battle against the blush, “I have asked Rainbow to take on a special position in the court.”

“Just one position,” Rainbow mumbled, “I think we can be more creative than that.”

“Oh, hush you,” Twilight said, giving the cyan Pegasus seated beside her another playful swat before clearing her throat, “I’ve asked Dashie to be my Royal Consort.”

“And I already told Sparkles I would be happy to,” Dash stated, a wide grin plastered across her face.

“See! I Knew It!” Pinkie yelled, standing on her back hooves and doing a happy dance. “TwiDash is best ship!”

“Pinkie, darling,” Rarity asked, stunned by the recent news, “Our friends are not a ship. What are you talking about?”

“Oh don’t worry about it,” Pinkie stated, pulling a pencil and pad from out of her mane, “I have plans to make.”

“Now, ah need to ask,” Applejack said, turning towards the new couple, “Are the both of ya going to be filing the paperwork to take care of little Scootaloo?”

“That is something that Twi and I will need to discuss together,” Rainbow replied, wrapping one of her blue wings around the princess sitting next to her, “We haven’t even really had our first date yet, so that’s a pretty big jump.”

“…umm…is there anything else we need to talk about,” Fluttershy asked, “I need to get back home and take care of the animals.”

“There is one other thing,” Twilight said, snuggling into Dash’s embrace, “We will be needing to set up a barracks in town to house the royal guards that will be serving here in the palace. I’ve already asked the other princesses if I can have a handful of their personal guards transferred here and they’ve agreed. Cadence is even sending one of my brother’s personal protégés to serve as Captain of the guard.”

“Cadence is sending him,” AJ said, fighting to not get her hopes up, “Did she say what his name was?”

“She hasn’t sent along that information yet,” Twilight replied, “What I need to ask you girls is where we should house them?”

“Well, I have a thought on that,” Rarity said, resting her chin on her hoof, “Not to be unfeeling, but what about building the barracks where the Golden Oaks Library was. It is fairly centrally located.”

“That actually would be a great idea,” Dash said, “What do you think Twilight?”

“That actually is a good idea,” Twilight answered, “I will need to get in contact with the builders corps to get things started. I’ll be seeing you all next week so we can discuss your decisions.”

As the rest of the girls filed out, Rainbow and Twilight hung back a little. Walking side by side to Twilight’s private quarters, Twilight opened the door for them, admiring Dash’s flank as she walked past.

I’m so out of my depth with this mare, Twilight thought, But she makes me feel so happy.

Crossing the large room, the two mares sat before the large fireplace as Twilight summoned two glasses and a small bottle of red wine.

“I’m assuming we need to have a talk about the beginning of our romance?” Twilight asked, pouring glasses for herself and Dash.

“Definitely,” Dash replied, grasping her glass with the tip of her wing, “I’d like to take you to The Wellspring for dinner tomorrow. The owner owes me a favor from way back.”

“That sounds lovely, Dashie,” Twilight said, a gentle smile on her muzzle, “I think we should also discuss the Scootaloo situation as well.”

“What do you think we should do, Twi?” Dash asked, taking a sip of her wine.

“We haven’t even had out first date yet,” Twilight began, “And knowing the girls, Pinkie is already planning a royal wedding and Rarity is designing our dresses.”

“That’s pretty on point,” Rainbow replied with a chuckle, “And Scoots practically pushing me down the aisle already.”

“Same with Spike,” Twilight giggled, “Since you are going to be my royal consort, it would make more sense for the two of us to adopt Scootaloo together. And for the two of you to move in here as well.”

“Moving a little fast aren’t we Sparkles?” Dash joked, reaching across the table to hold Twilight’s hoof, “In all seriousness, we’ve been friends for a long time. I couldn’t ask for a better partner than you.”

“Neither could I Dashie,” Twilight replied, lifting Dash’s hoof to her lips,” Neither could I.”