• Published 21st Dec 2021
  • 1,190 Views, 25 Comments

The Love of a Family - Asterid

Rainbow Dash finds out something about her surrogate sister and wants to help her in any way she can. Because that's what family does isn't it?

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Interlude: Making Decisions

Chapter 15 – Interlude: Making Decisions

Day 4 ATA, 10 Days Until SSC

Applejack was up with the sun, a long list of chores ahead of her before her meeting with Twilight and the other girls at the end of the day. She still hadn’t finalized her decision yet, despite a lengthy discussion with Big Mac, Granny and her new sister-in-law Sugar Belle about the future of Sweet Apple Acres.

Big Mac was his usual stoic self, stating that while he agreed with her that the family tradition of working the orchard on their own was important, more hands in the fields would make life easier for the whole family. Sugar Belle’s opinion that the notoriety would increase the demand for their products was definitely a plus. But it was Granny that made the most convincing argument when she brought up the fact that being a ‘Lady of the Court’ would put her in a better position to get closer to her feller.

Would Flash even still have feelings for me, Applejack thought, a slight blush on her face as she bucked the next tree on her harvesting list, Its been nearly ten years since he left to become some hot shot guard pony. He might not even remember me.

The hours passed in silent contemplation as tree after tree was divested of its fruit. With each kick of her powerful hind legs, Applejack continued to flip flop on the two important decisions in her life. Pursue Flash when he arrived and open her heart to him. Avoid the stallion and keep her feelings locked away. Become a Noble Mare and accept all of the good and bad that came with it. Turn Twilight down and maintain the status quo.

Before long, AJ found herself in front of Brambleton, the persnickety old Empire Apple tree that Granny Smith swore had been planted by Applejack’s great grandfather when the Apple Clan had first settled in Ponyville. Granny regularly came out to the old tree at least once a week to talk to the gnarled old brute, connecting her ancient Earth Pony magic into her daddy’s tree. Running a hoof over the trenches and valleys of the rough bark, AJ could feel the ancient trees connection to her family and the valley they farmed. Spinning gracefully, she kicked out, knocking the large, ruby colored fruit to the ground below. Looking up, Applejack frowned as she saw one last fruit hanging from the highest bough of the old tree.

“Now you listen here, Brambleton,” She said, bucking the tree again, “You can’t always be so stubborn. *thunk* You can’t keep holding back. *thunk* Ponies want what you got.”.

As her hooves collided with the tree trunk one last time, the large fruit broke from the branch and fell at terminal velocity, hitting Applejack in the head and knocking her to the ground. As she got to her feet, AJ saw a bright, hazey outline of a pony standing in front of her. Rubbing her hooves over her eyes, she heard a voice she didn’t think she would ever hear again.

“Whatcha laying in the dirt for, girl?” The sweet voice called, a soft southern drawl to it, “Not letting Old Brambleton git the better of ya, right?”

“Mama….” AJ said, her voice thick with emotion, “How….”

“I told ya lotsa times, girl, don’t go askin questions you’d rather not have answered.” Pear Butter said with a laugh, “Suffice it to say, I’m just here to tell ya’ll something you already know. Everythin you was just spoutin at that finicky old tree, you need to take to heart yerself.”

“Whatcha mean, Mama?” Applejack asked, pawing at the ground.

“You need to stop being so gosh darn stubborn, you need to let other people in, and you need to help people by giving them what only you can give.” Pear Butter replied, “Take the leap, help yer friends, and lasso your self that cute orange Pegasus. Who knows, he just might like it.”

“Mama!” AJ shrieked, her face turning several shades of red.

“Just think about it, sugarcube,” Pear Butter said, her form starting to fade, “Takin care of the farm is good an all, but don’t not live yer life…..”

Applejack blinked her eyes and found herself still face down in the dirt, the fruit induced hallucination fading like a dream. Tears in her eyes, she picked up the offending fruit and tossed it in the air a few times before tossing it into one of the bushels.

“Ya been gone 5 years now,” She sniffed, “And yer still taking me to school.”

Dragging the heavy bushels of apples back to the cart, Applejack trudged back to the barn before walking back into the large farmhouse. Walking into her room, she made sure both of her siblings were not within peeking distance before locking the door and pulling a small key out of the music box she kept next to her bed. Unlocking the wardrobe in her room, Applejack pulled out a fancy-ish dress made of soft, blue fabric and an old makeup case with the letters PB carved into the top. Pulling on the dress, AJ looked in the mirror before lightly applying some of her mother’s makeup to her face. Placing the makeup case lovingly back in the wardrobe, Applejack leaned out the doorway again, looking up and down the hallway for her siblings. Seeing no one around, she snuck down the hallway and crept to Granny’s door. Knocking gently, the old green mare opened the door and gasped seeing her granddaughter all gussied up.

“Well, don’t you look as pretty as a spring field,” Granny said, tears in her eyes, “Been a long while since I see’d this dress. Tell me young’n, what brought this on?”

“I…I figured that if I’m gonna be a lady of the court, I should dress the part,” AJ replied, “Was hoping you could help me with my hair.”

“Sure thing, dumplin. Come one in and sit a spell.” Granny replied, motioning her into the room.

An hour later, Applejack emerged, her long blond hair primped and preened and braided into a tight rope, secured at the end with a pin in the shape of a Red Delicious apple. Giving Granny a big hug, AJ made her way out of the house to meet her friends in the conference room.

The walk to the Palace of Friendship was short, but Applejack felt like every pony she passed was staring at her. Sitting outside the castle with a large spell book was Sweetie Belle, but it was easy to see that the filly’s eyes weren’t focused on what she was studying. Her gaze was fixed on the orange Pegasus filly who was currently exercising her wings under the shade of a large tree where Rainbow Dash was lazing, counting off with each repetition.

“Sweetie Belle,” Applejack whispered, leaning in close to the young Unicorn, “You’re drooling.”

“Yeah….” She replied dreamily, reaching out to turn the page and missing the book my several feet.

“What are you studying?” Applejack asked, laughing a little at the younger mare’s antics.

“Uh…just…book…wah?” Sweetie said, staring at Scootaloo’s flank as she bent over stretching.

“Hey, Bluebird,” Applejack called, signaling to Dash, “Tha others hear yet?”

“All except you and Shy,” Rainbow answered before leaping out of the tree and turning to Scootaloo, “Alright, squirt, cooldown time. The girls and I have our big meeting with Sparkles, so you can grab some bits and hit the town tonight if you want. Just remember, be back no later than 10, ok little missy?”

“You got it Mama Dash,” Scootaloo replied, mopping some of the sweat from her face with a towel, “Hey Sweetie, after I got take a shower, wanna hit Sugar Cube Corner with me?”

“Sh…sh…sh…shower…” Sweetie Belle squeeked as steam literally poured out of her ears, “Sure thing Scoots…”

Applejack laughed to herself watching the orange filly rushed to her marefriend’s side as Sweetie Belle collapsed on her back, her eyes glazed over and swirling. Pushing gently on the palace gates, Aj walked through them, Rainbow Dash next to her.

“Not gonna worry bout those two?” Applejack asked, motioning to the two teenagers.

“Nah,” Dash replied, leading AJ towards the same conference room they had used last time, “I mean, I don’t need to go all hover mom when they are by themselves. I mean, you trust Bloom with her special some-dragon, right?”

“That’s different,” She replied, “Spike’s afraid of setting one pointy clawed toe out of line or else Big Mac would make him into a wallet.”

“You have a point,” Dash laughed, “But, I trust my girl. They are both good kids.”

Both mares continued down the hallway with grins on their faces. Before long, they entered the conference room to find their friends all there minus Fluttershy. As they took their respective seats, the hurried sound of hooves on crystal floors echoed through the room.

“Oh…sorry to interrupt…,” Fluttershy said, panting as she made her way to her seat, “I tried to get here earlier…but Zephyr showed up out of the blue and I didn’t want to be rude.”

“It’s ok, Fluttershy,” Twilight said, “We were just sitting down to get started. So, I, Princess Twilight Sparkle, Duchess of Ponyville, do hereby formally request that my fellow Elements of Harmony join my court as my advisors. Are you prepared to give your answers?”

As one the table replied with an echoing “Yes.”

“Very well,” Twilight said, conjuring a small clipboard and quill with her magic, “Rarity, we’ll start with you.”

“I, Rarity Belle, of the Canterlot House of Belle, will serve as requested.” Rarity replied.

“Very good,” Twilight said, marking a check on her list, “Pinkie?”

“I, Pinkamena Diane Pie, of the most Ancient and Honored House of Pancakes, will serve as requested.” Pinkie said in a rare moment of seriousness.

“Ok….” Twilight said, checking the box next to Pinkie’s name, “Fluttershy, you’re up.”

“I, Fluttershy Stormgale, of the Cloudsdale house of Stormgale, will serve as requested…if that’s alright.” She replied, tapping her forehooves together.

“That’s just fine Shy,” Twilight said with a smile, “Last up, AJ.”

“Ah, Applejack Apple, of the Ponyville branch of the Apple Clan, will serve as requested.” AJ replied.

“Good,” Twilight said, “I’ll be sending out information to you all after the Summer Sun Celebration”

“Yay…” Fluttershy said, her voice barely above a whisper.

“One more thing,” Rainbow said, turning to face Twilight, “Twilight Sparkle, Princess of Equestria and Duchess of Ponyville. I, Rainbow Dash Aurora, of the Cloudsdale house of Aurora, request your hoof in marriage, following the completion of the task set for me by Princess Luna.”

“Rainbow…”Twilight squeaked, “Mhmm, following the completion of the task set for you by Princess Luna, it will make me the happiest mare in Equestria to become your wife.”

“Oh. MY. CELESTIA!” Pinkie and Rarity said at the same time.

“There’s so much we need to do,“ Pinkie shouted.

“I have so many ideas, so many designs,” Rarity shrieked.

“There’s not enough time!” They cried in unison again.

“You realize its only the engagement right,” Dash deadpanned, “It’s not like we are gonna have the wedding in three weeks.”

“Yes, but there’s the engagement party,” Pinkie said, scribbling on a notepad she had pulled out of her mane.

“And you’re going to both need dresses for that,” Rarity answered, pulling a sketch pad and colored pencils from her saddle bags.

“Not to mention the ceremony,” Pinkie chimed in.

“And your dresses,” Rarity agreed.

“And your reception,” Pinked finished, “There’s just so much we need to do.”

“If anyone can plan the celebrations for our engagement and wedding,” Twilight said, wrapping a wing around Rainbow Dash, “It’s the two of you.”

Author's Note:

Authors Note: Sorry for the long break between chapters everyone. The writer's block is real. Hope you all enjoy a little segway between Training Days.