• Published 21st Dec 2021
  • 1,208 Views, 25 Comments

The Love of a Family - Asterid

Rainbow Dash finds out something about her surrogate sister and wants to help her in any way she can. Because that's what family does isn't it?

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Zero Hour

Chapter 17 – Zero Hour

Day 14 ATA, Date of Deadline

Rainbow Dash was practically glowing as she walked through the streets of Ponyville. The sun had risen not long ago and she needed to pick up one final item before she made the flight to Canterlot. Walking into the second largest store in town, Quills and Sofas, Dash walked up to the well-dressed Earth pony stallion who ran the store.

“Davenport, how’s everything going? Listen I need something special.” She said, leaning on the counter, “I need a ten-inch box, as fancy as you got, skies the limit. Think you can help me out?”

“Well, Miss Dash,” Davenport replied, leaning across the counter, “How high is the sky?”

“High enough to be worthy of Princess Luna,” Dash replied, setting a large bag of bits on the counter, “I’ve got a trinket that needs to be delivered to her and I want it to be as impressive as possible.”

“I think we can do business,” Davenport squeaked, bit signs in his eyes, “Let me go in the back and see what I can find.”

Trotting into the back storage, Dash waited at the counter while looking around the store. Originally only selling quills, inkwells and all things couchy, Davenport soon expanded his merchandise to include all things home and office related. Walking out of the back, Davenport held a large drawstring bag in his mouth before setting it on the counter.

“This should be just what you need.” He said, pushing the box across the counter.

Opening the bag, Dash pulled out an Olive wood box covered in lunar patterns and stars with gold hinges and a gold clasp. Opening the box, Dash found a soft felt lining colored a deep, midnight blue.

“It’s perfect,” She whispered, “How much?”

“500 bits,” He said, flashing her a million-watt smile, “Then again, have dinner with me and I’ll cut that in half.”

“You don’t get out much do you Davenport?” Dash asked, counting out 500 bits from her large money bag, “Otherwise, you would know better than to proposition the future consort of Princess Twilight Sparkle.”

As she placed her money bag and the Olive wood box into her saddle bag, Dash left Davenport standing gape mouthed at the counter, his eyes the size of saucers. Leaving the store, Dash quickly winged her way to Sugar Cube Corner, looking to drop in on her favorite pink mare. Knocking on the second story window that led to Pinkie Pie’s room, Dash waited patiently for Pinkie to answer. Hearing the curtains being drawn, Dash was surprised to find herself eye-to-eye with an orange Earth Pony stallion with a frizzy brown mane.

“Dash,” He said flatly, “You realize it is incredibly early, right?”

“I know Cheese,” Dash replied, “But, this is important. Like probably the most important thing ever! I’ve got a huge party that I need you and Pinkie to plan.”

“Party…” came a zombie like moan from within the room.

“Cheese, is she ok?” Dash whispered.

“Yeah, she’s just been in planning overdrive for the past few weeks,” Cheese said, reaching into his mane and pulling out an apple, “What’s so special about this party anyway?”

“I’ve passed the test Princess Luna gave me.” Dash said proudly, “After I make the trip to Canterlot, I’m planning on proposing to Twilight tonight. I’d like for you guys to arrange a small get together for us. I want to keep it small though, just Twilight and I, the kids, the rest of the girls, and the rest of the CMC. Assuming you will be Pinkie’s plus one?”

“You…want me to be at your party?” Cheese asked, “I mean, as a guest? Are we even friends? Or am I just one of those peripheral ponies that’s in the background and gets the occasional story centered on them.”

“Of course, we’re friends, Cheese,” Dash said, “Here, use this, plan something amazing. But make it small. Fifteen ponies at most, just in case the Princesses decide to join us.”

Pulling her money bag back out of her saddlebag, Dash placed it on the windowsill before shooting Cheese a salute and flying off. Making a short stop at the palace, Rainbow winged her way to Canterlot, pushing herself to just under Sonic Rainboom speed. Landing at the draw bridge leading to the castle, Dash drew herself up to her full height and saluted the guards.

“Rainbow Dash of the Elements of Harmony, respectfully requesting a meeting with Princesses Luna and Celestia,” she said proudly, ruffling her wings.

“Princess Luna told us you would be expected,” said a large, Thestral stallion, his fur the color of storm clouds, “Please continue to the throne room where their highnesses will meet with you.”

Nodding to the two guards, Dash walked through the palace making her way to the throne room. Passing through the Hall of Honors, Dash couldn’t help but smile at how many of the stained glass windows showed her and her friends succeeding against one villain or another. Presenting herself to the court crier, Dash sat on her flank and waited for her to be led inside.

“Presenting, Lady Rainbow Dash, Embodiment of the Element of Loyalty,” came the muffled cry from the other side of the door.

Shouldering the large doors open, Dash walked up the log aisle leading up to the stepped dais and kneeled before both Diarchs of Equestria.

“You may rise, Rainbow Dash,” Princess Luna said, “Am I to assume that you are here to deliver proof you have successfully completed the test we have put before you?”

“I have, Your Highness,” Dash said, removing the olive wood box from her saddle bag.

“Then, you may approach and present what you have made.” Luna said.

Climbing the steps, Dash held the box in front of her with the tips of her wings. Reaching the top of the dais, Dash bowed again and placed the box in front of the Princess of the Night. As Luna lit her horn, she wrapped the ornate box in the aura of her magic and flipped open the lid. As her magic made contact with the large, pearlescent sphere inside, the throne room was bathed in a bright silver light. Drawing the orb out of the box, a large smile founds its way to Luna’s face.

“Its incredible,” She whispered, “It is more beautiful than I could have ever imagined. You have exceeded our expectations more than you could ever know. You have our blessing to court our niece, Twilight Sparkle.”

“I thank you, Princess Luna,” Dash said, “May I ask, would you be able to recommend a good jeweler?”

“A jeweler?” Celestia asked, “You move fast Rainbow Dash.”

“Twilight and I have been friends for years now,” Dash replied, “We’re even co-parenting Spike and Scootaloo together. Frankly, it doesn’t make sense for us to not to be engaged.”

“Oh no, now you’ve done it.” Luna said as she paled, inching away from Celestia.

“Do what now?” Dash asked, tilting her head to the side.

Slowly, a high-pitched whine started to fill the air before Celestia’s hooves began clapping together.

“I’ve got grand foals!” Celestia shrieked, sunlight pouring out of her, “Oh my Faust, I am going to spoil her and Spike so much!”

“Wait, I thought Twilight was already Spike’s mom?” Dash said, shielding her eyes.

“Stupid laws made it so she couldn’t adopt him officially unless she was in a relationship.” Celestia said with a pout, folding her forehooves over her chest and turning down the glowing energy, “I couldn’t even have that changed because it would be favoritism.”

“Well, it’s all good now,” Dash said.

“Indeed, it is,” Luna said, “We would recommend you go visit Crystal Quartz in the merchant district, she will be able to assist you in selecting an appropriate gift for our niece.”

“I’ll do that now,” Dash said with a smile, “If your interested, I’m going to be hosting a little surprise party tonight where I’m going to propose. Your both welcome to come if you’d like.”

“EEEEEEE!” Celestia shouted, before rocketing through an open window, “I need to go to a toy store!”

“And there she goes…” Luna said, her head in her hooves, “I’ll make sure we are both there. What time should we arrive?”

“7ish?” Dash replied, throwing a quick bow to Luna, “I’ll have Spike send a message once I’m back home.”

“I apricate the invitation, Rainbow,” Luna said with a smile, “And really, your family now. So I think we can all be a little less formal with each other.”

“Sure thing, Aunt Luna,” Dash laughed, before leaping out the same window Celestia had left form.

Sometimes, I think I’m the only sane one in the family, Luna thought.

But, then you remember I’m still here, said a darker voice within her mind.