• Published 21st Dec 2021
  • 1,208 Views, 25 Comments

The Love of a Family - Asterid

Rainbow Dash finds out something about her surrogate sister and wants to help her in any way she can. Because that's what family does isn't it?

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Hope for the Future

Chapter 3 – Hope for the Future

Rainbow cuddled closer to her secret plushy she had hidden under her mattress, her bed more comfortable than she ever remembered. Slowly surfacing from her nap, she began to hear people talking around her.

“….explained somethings….afraid of what will happen….” Said a familiar, masculine voice.

“….best friend….protective of his little sister….” Said a second, more angelic female voice.

Sitting up and wiping the sleep from her eyes, Dash held her plushy tight to her barrel as she looked at her surroundings. Realizing she was not lying in her own bed in her spacious cloud house, Dash let out an uncharacteristically feminine squeak alerting the other occupants of the room to her wakefulness.

“Mom?” Said a quiet, sleepy voice muffled under her wings.

Lifting her wing gently, Dash realized very quickly that she wasn’t cuddling her Princess Twilight plushy. Instead, she was holding the warm body of her biggest fan. Hearing Scootaloo call her mom while dreaming lit a spark within Dash she never felt before. Gently laying the still sleeping filly back on the bed, Rainbow gently climbed off the bed trying not to disturb her.

Walking over to the desk situated against the far wall, Dash took in the scene in front of her. Twilight sat in front of the desk, a large book opened in front of her, held in the grip of the purple aura of her magic. Seated next to her was the familiar form of Spike, his head hung low and a worried expression upon his face. Coughing into her hoof, Dash smiled sheepishly as she drew their attention.

“Thanks for saving Scoots and I like that Twi,” She said, running a hoof through her chromatic mane, “I don’t know why were so exhausted like that though.”

“Oh, that’s actually very interesting,” Twilight replied, going into full-lecture mode, “See when the storms brew up out of the Everfree like that, the clash of differing magics causes the rain to take on all kinds of bizarre and interesting side effects. Since you were soaked, the rain sapped all of your strength and left you exhausted. I did a quick check on both of you while you were napping and saw that there wouldn’t be any adverse effects, so I decided to just let you sleep it off.”

“Yeah, real interesting Twi,” Dash replied, not really following the explanation other than the fact she would be ok, “What were you and Spike discussing before I woke up?”

“I asked Applebloom about what I would need to do to be able to court her,” Spike replied, wringing his claws, “She told me I have to ask Big Mac’s permission since he’s her closest male relative. He’s my best friend. He’s gonna kill me.”

“Spike, your getting worked up over nothing,” Twilight replied, nuzzling her son, “Just remember, you have to be respectful, use both of your full names, and state your intentions. He won’t kill you for having an interest in his sister.”

“Isn’t that like against the Guy Code or something?” Rainbow asked, sitting on her flank next to the small family.

“Exactly, that’s what I’m trying to tell you mom,” Spike said, his nervousness ratcheting up another notch, “Bro Code says you cannot date your best friend’s sibling.”

“So, tell me then,” Twilight asked, shotting a sly grin at Rainbow, knowing exactly what her son’s answer would be, “What’s more important to you, sticking to the Bro Code or courting Applebloom?”

“How could you even ask,” Spike shouted, leaping to his feet, “The only thing more important than how I feel about Bloom is my family.”

“Then why are you so worried, Big Guy?” Dash asked, giving Spike a noogie, “You got this, man.”

“Thanks, Dash,” Spike said, squirming out of her hold and rushing for the door, “I’m gonna go practice what I’m gonna say.”

Turning away from the desk, Twilight looked over at her best friend and saw her in a new light. She wasn’t just the ‘cool stunt pony’ she showed to everyone, she was also a caring mare who was there to support her younger friends. Thinking about this new development, Twilight’s decision crystalized in her mind.

“Um, Dash, there’s something I need to talk to you about.” Twilight said, a light blush on her face, “It’s kind of important.”

“Like, princess stuff important?” Rainbow asked, “Sure. Lets head to the library so we don’t wake up Scoots. She’s still a little out of it.”

Standing up, the two mares walked side by side in a companionable silence as they entered the spacious library now housed within the walls of the Castle of Friendship. Sitting down in a small reading nook in the corner, Twilight summoned a pot of tea with her magic and poured for the two of them. Carefully placing two sugar cubes into her own cup before offering them to Rainbow Dash who declined.

“So, Dash, Princess Celestia sent me a few books that I needed to familiarize myself with as I’m now in charge of Running Ponyville,” Twilight began, taking a sip of her tea, “I’ve got to learn all of the laws for all of the different pony types and set up my court. And I kinda need help from my friends.”

“So that’s how you were able to help Spike to court AJ’s sister,” Dash asked, relishing the bitter taste of the unsweetened tea, “What do you need from me though, I’m already in charge of Ponyville weather, I’m fairly certain that’s not a part of your royal court or whatever.”

“It’s not,” Twilight said, a shy smile on her face as her blush got worse, “See I want AJ to be in charge of food and farming, Pinkie is gonna plan all my parties and everything, Fluttershy is going to take care of the local animals and forests, and Rarity is going to take care of business stuff and taxes. I was hoping you would help me in a different way.”

“What way, Twi?” Rainbow asked, seeing the blush on her friend’s face, “I’ll do anything to help you, you are my best friend after all. I am the most awesome pony in Ponyville after all, there’s nothing I can’t do.”

“Well, you see,” Twilight stammered, “There is a court position that I want to give you, but I can only do that if you….”

“If I what Twilight,” Rainbow asked, her mouth going dry, “What do I need to do?”

Reaching her hoof over the table, Twilight gently touched hooves with the Cyan furred mare in front of her. Looking deep into her beautiful pink eyes, Twilight took a deep breath and summoned her courage.

“Its not really something you need to do, its something you need to feel. For me.” Twilight said, silently begging in her own mind for the answer she wanted to hear, “I want to court you.”

Rainbow was shocked. Her secret crush has made the first step and said she was interested. As a blush stained her normally blue fur a bright purple, Dash stood up and sat next to Twilight gently wrapping her hoof around the lavender alicorn’s barrel.

“So, um, Twi, I need to ask,” Rainbow stammered, “Have you…. I mean did you read a book called the Code of the Air?”

“I have,” She replied, “So, I am familiar with Pegasus courting practices.”

“Then, you know that I need to plan our first date since you made your interest known.” Dash stated, enjoying the warmth coming from Twilight.

“I’m...looking forward to it,” Twilight stuttered, nuzzling the cute mare beside her.

“So am I,” Rainbow said with a cocky grin, “Since you read the Code, hopefully you can help me find a loophole to help Scoots.”

“Why do you need a loophole?” Twilight asked.

“Scoots told me some stuff at the park today,” Dash sighed, “And it’s gonna make it next to impossible for me to teach her to fly unless I can find a work around.”

“From what I read; you just need her parent’s permission correct?” Twilight asked.

“Normally, yes, there wouldn’t be an issue,” Dash replied, grasping her teacup with her wing, “But, Scoots has been living in the Ponyville Orphanage her entire life and it’s run by Earth Ponies. They can’t make any decisions for her based on the code.”

Placing her hoof on her chin, Twilight thought hard on the problem brought to her by her friend…marefriend…possible consort…Celestia, relationships are complicated. The code said that the Pegasus parent or guardian of a filly or colt could voluntarily allow another Pegasus to act as their flight instructor. That wouldn’t be an issue if one of the caretakers was a Pegasus or if Scootaloo was adopted by a Pegasus.

There’s a thought, Twilight pondered, but that’s a huge step that would affect Scootaloo, Rainbow, even the possible relationship with me.

“I know that look, Twi,” Dash said with a grin, “You’ve got an idea.”

“I have an idea alright,” Twilight answered, “But, it’s a big decision to make. One you would need to discuss with Scootaloo and think real hard on yourself and consider how it might impact both of your lives and if its in both of your best interests and –“

Leaning down, Rainbow silenced Twilight with a fierce, passionate kiss. As the lavender mare leaned into her embrace, a goofy grin spread across her face as her eyes slid shut. Finally coming up for air, Dash rested her forehead against Twilight’s and tried to calm down her own rapidly pounding heart.

“Sorry to stop what was turning into probably a truly epic level freak out,” Dash said with a smile, “But maybe, you can tell me your idea before deciding the worlds ending first?”

Giggling to herself, Twilight leaned her head on Dash’s shoulder and welcomed the new feelings welling up inside her.

“Ok, well, the easy answer would be for you to adopt Scootaloo yourself,” Twilight whispered, her anxiety melted away, “Then, you’d be her mom and there wouldn’t be an issue about you teaching her to fly.”

Dash’s mouth dropped open as her mind ground to a halt. Suddenly, Twilights freak out didn’t seem so epic in comparison. She wasn’t wrong, this was not a decision to be made lightly.

Could Dash be the Mom Scootaloo needed? Most definitely, I’m the most awesome pony ever.

Would Scootaloo want Dash to adopt her? I would need to talk to the squirt about it, but I was fairly certain Scootaloo would be over the moon.

Did Dash want to juggle a relationship with the most perfect princess ever and being a single mother? If things worked out with Twilight and we became special someponies, I won’t be a single mom for very long.

“Will you come talk to Scootaloo with me?” Dash asked shyly, nuzzling Twilight, “It might help having an experienced mom with me.”

“I’d love to,” Twilight responded, leaning into Dash’s embrace.


Scootaloo woke with a start, relishing the feeling of the soft, luxurious bed she found herself in. Rolling to her feet, she found herself alone in the darkened bedroom of the newest member of Equestrian Royalty.

It’s been a long time since I had that dream about Dash adopting me, she thought, walking slowly towards the door, I wonder where she went. I hope she has had a chance to talk to Twilight about finding a way for her to train me.

Opening the door, Scootaloo looked around and found only an empty hallway. Looking across the hall, she could just barely make out a soft glow coming from a cracked open door. Walking over, Scootaloo knocked gently and waited to be invited in.

“Come in, its open.” Called a familiar male voice.

Walking into the room, Scootaloo saw Spike standing in front of a floor length mirror, a tailored suit jacket around his broad shoulders.

“Hi, Spike,” She said, a smile on her face, “What’s with the fancy getup?”

“Oh, hey, Scoots,” He replied, turning to face her, “I’m just practicing what I need to say to Big Mac tomorrow.”

“Are you asking him out or something?” She joked, sitting on her flank.

“No, you goob,” He answered with a snort, “I have to follow Earth pony traditions and ask his permission since –“

“Since you’ve been secretly dating Applebloom and wanna become special someponies?” Scootaloo teased.

“Exactly!” Spike exclaimed, “Can I practice on you? I need to make sure I don’t get tripped up actually saying it to Mac.”

“Of course,” Scoot replied, “That’s what friends are for.”

Taking a deep breath, Spike straightened his jacket and stood up tall.

“Macintosh Apple, my name is Spikereous Sparkle-“ He started.

“Wait, what?!” Scootaloo shouted with a laugh, “Your name is Spikereous? For real? I thought I had it bad with a name like Scootaloo.”

“Ha ha, laugh it up,” Spike replied, “Can I finish this time?”

“Sure, sure,” She replied, twirling her hoof, “Go ahead...Spikereous.”

Sticking his tongue out at the orange filly, Spike took another deep breath and started again.

“Macintosh Apple, my name is Spikereous Sparkle.” He said proudly, “Only son of Princess Twilight Sparkle, Hero of the Crystal Empire. I come to you today to humbly ask for your permission in courting your younger sister Applebloom.”

“Ehnope!” Scootaloo said, doing her best Big Mac impression, “No fancy purple dragon, even if he is a hero and my best friend, is good enough for my little sugar cube. Now vamoose before I plant you in the ground and see what grows.”

“You’re not funny,” Spike deadpanned, “Not at all.”

“Ok, I’m sorry,” Scoot said, “That was a little much. You’ve got nothing to worry about though. Big Mac won’t have any reason to deny your request. You’re a really amazing guy and Bloom is lucky to have you.”

“So what about you Scoots,” Spike asked, a blush spreading across his face, “Is there anypony you’re interested in?”

“Who me!” Scoot stammered, sweat beading on her brow, “I’m too cool for that mushy stuff, I mean its not like I wanna cuddle with a marshmallowy white unicorn with a purple mane-“

“Wait, what?!” Spike shouted, grabbing Scootaloo’s shoulders, shaking her forcefully, “Please tell me you don’t have a crush on Rarity! She’s way too old for you!”

“It’s…not…Rarity…” Scootaloo said between shakes, “I...like…the other…marshmallow…”

“Other marshmallow?” Spike questioned, letting the filly go as she crashed to the ground with swirls in her eyes, “You mean Sweetie Belle?”

“What other adorable white unicorns are there in town?” Scootaloo snarked as she staggered to her feet, “Not that I could ever tell her. She’ll think I’m weird and never want to be my friend again and then I’ll be all alone and I’ll be depressed and-“

Slapping his claw over Scootaloo’s muzzle, Spike couldn’t help but shake his head.

If I didn’t know better, I’d swear I was dealing with one of Twi’s freak outs, He thought.

“Now, I’m going to move my claw and you have to promise not to continue freaking out, ok?” He said calmly, getting a nod from the orange filly.

Removing his claw from the filly’s muzzle, Spike saw some movement form the corner of his eye. Turning to his door, he saw his mom smiling as Rainbow Dash leaned against the door jam.

“So, adorable marshmallow ponies are what makes you smile, ay Squirt?” Dash joked, walking over Scootaloo and ruffling her main, “She’s cute and all, but I’m more into lavender eggheads myself.”

“Wait, you’re getting all mushy over Princess Twilight!” Scootaloo said, a horrified look on her face, “But, your Rainbow Dash. You don’t do mushy stuff, its so uncool.”

“Listen squirt,” Dash said, placing a hoof gently on the filly’s shoulder, “Caring about a special somepony doesn’t make you uncool or anything. In fact, love and affection are two of the coolest things under Celestia’s sun. Now, come on. Let’s let Spike practice his speech for Big Mac while you, me and Twilight go have a talk in her room.”

Pushing the orange filly gently out the door using her wings, Dash followed Twilight across the hall and sat next to her at Twilights desk. Moving a stool across from them, Dash gently lifted Scootaloo up and sat her down.

“So…. what do you wanna talk to me about?” Scootaloo asked, a little worry creeping into her voice.

“Well, Dash and I may have found a way to help you with your flying situation.” Twilight said, “And since your twelve summers-“

“Thirteen actually.” Scootaloo said with pride, before looking a little sheepish for interrupting the princess.

“Even better,” Twilight continued, “Since your thirteen summers old, we thought it would be your decision if you wanted to go through with this.”

“And what exactly is this?” Scootaloo asked.

“I want to teach you to fly,” Dash began, “And the best way Twilight and I thought we could accomplish that without you getting shipped off with some other family is If I adopt you.”

“You want to what!?” Scootaloo shouted, tackling the larger mare and pushing her onto her back, “Like I would be permanently your family until the end of forever?”

“Well, yeah,” Dash said nonchalantly, “I could still be your sister or if you want I could be your mom-“

“Oh My Celestia!” Scootaloo shrieked, wrapping her tiny forelegs around Dash’s neck, “Rainbow Dash, THE Rainbow Dash, wants to be my MOM! SQUEEEEE!”

“I’m guessing that’s a yes then?” Dash asked, hugging the little filly, “Alright, tomorrow we will talk to the caretakers and get the ball rolling on making us the best little family in Equestria.”